Mws Gen Aae Spe Introduction
Mws Gen Aae Spe Introduction
Mws Gen Aae Spe Introduction
Introduction to Numerical Methods
Mathematical models are an integral part in solving engineering problems. Many times,
these mathematical models are derived from engineering and science principles, while at
other times the models may be obtained from experimental data.
Mathematical models generally result in need of using mathematical procedures that
include but are not limited to
(A) differentiation,
(B) nonlinear equations,
(C) simultaneous linear equations,
(D) curve fitting by interpolation or regression,
(E) integration, and
(F) differential equations.
These mathematical procedures may be suitable to be solved exactly as you must have
experienced in the series of calculus courses you have taken, but in most cases, the
procedures need to be solved approximately using numerical methods. Let us see an
example of such a need from a real-life physical problem.
To make the fulcrum (Figure 1) of a bascule bridge, a long hollow steel shaft called
the trunnion is shrink fit into a steel hub. The resulting steel trunnion-hub assembly is then
shrink fit into the girder of the bridge.
01.01.2 Chapter 01.01
This is done by first immersing the trunnion in a cold medium such as a dry-
ice/alcohol mixture. After the trunnion reaches the steady state temperature of the cold
medium, the trunnion outer diameter contracts. The trunnion is taken out of the medium and
slid through the hole of the hub (Figure 2).
When the trunnion heats up, it expands and creates an interference fit with the hub.
In 1995, on one of the bridges in Florida, this assembly procedure did not work as designed.
Before the trunnion could be inserted fully into the hub, the trunnion got stuck. Luckily, the
trunnion was taken out before it got stuck permanently. Otherwise, a new trunnion and hub
would needed to be ordered at a cost of $50,000. Coupled with construction delays, the total
loss could have been more than a hundred thousand dollars.
Why did the trunnion get stuck? This was because the trunnion had not
contracted enough to slide through the hole. Can you find out why?
A hollow trunnion of outside diameter 12.363" is to be fitted in a hub of inner
diameter 12.358" . The trunnion was put in dry ice/alcohol mixture (temperature of the
fluid - dry ice/alcohol mixture is 108F ) to contract the trunnion so that it can be slid
through the hole of the hub. To slide the trunnion without sticking, a diametrical clearance of
at least 0.01" is required between the trunnion and the hub. Assuming the room
temperature is 80F , is immersing the trunnion in dry-ice/alcohol mixture a correct
To calculate the contraction in the diameter of the trunnion, the thermal expansion
coefficient at room temperature is used. In that case the reduction D in the outer diameter
of the trunnion is
D DT (1)
D = outer diameter of the trunnion,
coefficient of thermal expansion coefficient at room temperature, and
T change in temperature,
D= 12.363"
Introduction to Numerical Methods 01.01.3
-400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Tem perature ( oF)
The contraction in the diameter of the trunnion for which the thermal expansion coefficient
varies as a function of temperature is given by
01.01.4 Chapter 01.01
T fluid
D D dT
So one needs to curve fit the data to find the coefficient of thermal expansion as a function of
temperature. This is done by regression where we best fit a curve through the data given in
Table 1. In this case, we may fit a second order polynomial
a0 a1 T a2 T 2 (3)
a 6.1946 10 9
a 2 1.2278 10 11
to give the polynomial regression model (Figure 4) as
a0 a1T a2T 2
6.0150 10 6 6.1946 10 9 T 1.2278 10 11 T 2
Introduction to Numerical Methods 01.01.5
Knowing the values of a 0 , a1 and a 2 , we can then find the contraction in the trunnion
diameter as
T fluid
D D (a
0 a1T a2T 2 ) dT
2 2 3 3
(T fluid Troom ) (T fluid Troom )
D[a0 (T fluid Troom ) a1 a2 ]
2 3
which gives
6 9 ( 108) 2
(80) 2
6.0150 10 (108 80) 6.1946 10 2
D 12.363
12 (( 108) (80) )
3 3
1.2278 10 3
= 0.013689"
Figure 4 Second order polynomial regression model for coefficient of thermal expansion as
a function of temperature.
What do we find here? The contraction in the trunnion is not enough to meet the required
specification of 0.015" .
So here are some questions that you may want to ask yourself?
01.01.6 Chapter 01.01