Worksheet 2

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Worksheet 2

A. Answer the following questions

1. What is looping? How many types of looping constructs
are available in Visual Basic?

2. When do you use FOR ... NEXT loop? Give a small code.

3. When do you use DO ... Loop?


4. How many types of DO … Loop are available? Explain

with the help of a small code?

5. What is nested looping? Give a small code.


B. Answer the following questions

1. Give two differences between MDI and SDI form.

2. Give the steps for creating MDI form in Visual Basic.


©Cambridge University Press, 2014

3. What is parent and child form in MDI application? Give
two properties of the MDI application.

4. How many MDI forms can be created in a project? Why?


5. What is a Menu Bar? How can you create a menu in

Visual Basic?

C. Answer the following questions

1. Using which control of Visual Basic can you connect a
form with MS Access 2007? What all can you do using that

2. What are the three different ways of executing a Visual

Basic form?

3. Give the coding for adding, modifying and deleting a

record using ADO Data Object.

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4. Give the steps to include ADO Data Control in VB

5. Give the steps for associating each text box to the fields
of MS Access 2007 table.

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. The …………………… operator works like a conditional
2. An expression a+=5 is equivalent of ………………. .
3. If there are two operators with same precedences,
evaluation is done from ……………………. .
4. …………………… and …………………… are examples of
conditional contracts.
5. …………………… is an optional statement in switch
case construct.

E. Answer the following questions:

1. Explain in short the 8 primitive data types.

2. What are the rules for creating variables in java?


3. What are two different steps before we use a variable in


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4. Explain if construct with example.

5. Differentiate between while and do while with example.


F. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a computer virus? Why are they named as virus?

2. List the damages that can not be caused by viruses.


3. How does a virus spread? Explain in brief.


4. What are the symptoms of a computer virus?


5. How can you protect your computer from a virus?


©Cambridge University Press, 2014

G. Answer the following questions
1. What is troubleshooting? Name the different types of

2. Why is good maintenance important for a computer?


3. Suggest two types of hardware problems you often come


4. Write briefly the steps to troubleshoot your computer

before calling a technician.

5. Suggest two commonly faced problems related to the

Operating System problems that you might have faced.

©Cambridge University Press, 2014

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