The 30-15-10 List provides a summary of common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots used in English words and their meanings. It explains that prefixes usually indicate direction or location, suffixes often denote a person or state, and roots relate to basic meanings. The list then defines over 50 prefixes, suffixes, and roots with examples to illustrate how they combine to form new words.
The 30-15-10 List provides a summary of common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots used in English words and their meanings. It explains that prefixes usually indicate direction or location, suffixes often denote a person or state, and roots relate to basic meanings. The list then defines over 50 prefixes, suffixes, and roots with examples to illustrate how they combine to form new words.
Original Description:
The most commonly encountered roots, prefixes and suffixes
The 30-15-10 List provides a summary of common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots used in English words and their meanings. It explains that prefixes usually indicate direction or location, suffixes often denote a person or state, and roots relate to basic meanings. The list then defines over 50 prefixes, suffixes, and roots with examples to illustrate how they combine to form new words.
The 30-15-10 List provides a summary of common Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, and roots used in English words and their meanings. It explains that prefixes usually indicate direction or location, suffixes often denote a person or state, and roots relate to basic meanings. The list then defines over 50 prefixes, suffixes, and roots with examples to illustrate how they combine to form new words.
a, ab, abs away, from absent, abstinence ad, a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, at, as to, toward adhere, annex, accede, adapt bi, bis two bicycle, biped, bisect circum around circumference com,con together, with combination, connect de opposite, from, away detract, defer, demerit dis,dif,di apart, not disperse, different epi upon, on top of epicenter equi equal equality, equitable ex, e out, from, forth eject, exhale, exit hyper over, above hyperactive, hypersensitive hypo under, beneath hypodermic in in, into, not inject, endure, incorrect inter between, among intercede mal, male bad, ill malpractice, malevolent mis wrong mistake, misunderstand mono alone, single, one monotone, monopoly non not nonsense ob in front of, against obvious omni everywhere, all omnipresent preter past, beyond preternatural pro forward proceed, promote re again, back recall, recede retro backward, behind, back retroactive se apart secede sub under subway super greater, beyond supernatural, superstition trans across, beyond transcend, transcontinental un, uni one unilateral, unity un (pronounced uhn) not unhappy, unethical Root Meaning Example bas low basement cap, capt take, seize capture, capable cred believe credible dict speak predict, dictionary duc, duct lead induce, conduct fac, fact make, do artifact, facsimile graph write autograph, graphic log word, study of dialog, biology mort die, death mortal, mortician scrib, script write transcribe, subscription spec, spect see specimen, aspect tact touch contact, tactile ten hold tenacious, retentive therm heat thermostate, thermometer ver true verify Suffix Meaning Example -able, -ible able to (adj.) usable -er, -or one who does (n) competitor -fy to make (v) dignify -ism the practice of (n) rationalism, Catholicism -ist one who is occupied with feminist, environmentalist -less without, lacking (adj.) meaningless -logue, -log a particular kind of speaking or writing prologue, dialog -ness the quality of (n) aggressiveness -ship the art or skill of (n) sportsmanship -tude the state of (n) rectitude