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Philippine Institute for Development Studies

Toward the Sustainable Development

of the Fisheries Sector: An Analysis
of the Philippine Fisheries Code and Agriculture
and Fisheries Modernization Act
Danilo C. Israel and Ruchel Marie Grace R. Roque

The PIDS Discussion Paper Series

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January 1999
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Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector: An
Analysis of the Philippine Fisheries Code and Agriculture and
Fisheries Modernization Act


Danilo C. Israel
Ruchel Marie Grace R. Roque*

I. Introduction

The fisheries sector hosts some of the worst environmental problems of the

Philippines. Because of this, it is a critical arena in the effort to attain a more

sustainable form of development in the country.

The search for solutions to the environmental problems in the fisheries sector

has been going on for years. Amidst the current economic crisis engulfing much of

Asia, however, this task may have been relegated to some degree as national attention

focuses on more pressing economic issues and resources are allocated to meeting

immediate needs.

Notwithstanding the state of the economy, the sustainable development of the

fisheries sector should remain a top priority. If the necessary measures to address this

end are postponed, the environmental situation in the sector will further deteriorate,

endangering not only the interests of its constituents but also the long-run prospects of

the economy to recover from the crisis and eventually grow.

Recently, an important law, the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 (R.A.

8550), was enacted to develop, manage and conserve the fisheries and aquatic

resources of the country (Congress of the Philippines 1998). Another law, the

Ph.D. in Natural Resource Economics/Research fellow and research assistant, respectively, of the
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, NEDA sa Makati Bldg., 106 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi
Village, Makati City.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 2 of 92

Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 (R.A. 8435) or AFMA, was

passed to revive, modernize and develop the agriculture and fisheries sectors

(Congress of the Philippines 1997). These two laws are significant to sustainable

development because they explicitly recognize the conservation, protection and

sustained management of resources as a major objective in the fisheries sector.

Initial hopes were high that the Fisheries Code and AFMA will finally provide

many of the answers to the sustainable development problems in the fisheries sector.

Of late, however, the budget cuts spun by the economic crisis dampened some of the

enthusiasm. It is feared that the reductions in government spending will lead to

significant underfunding of the environmentally-related provisions and programs

initiated by the two laws, which could eventually result to the underachievement of

their intended objectives.

II. Objectives and Organization

The task of this paper is to study the Fisheries Code in relation to the

objectives of sustainable development in fisheries. In particular, the paper will

analyze the important environmentally-related provisions in the law and propose

courses of actions which can already be undertaken to pursue them. In addition, the

paper will identify gaps and problems which have been overlooked by the law and

propose specific measures to address them. It is hoped that by doing so, the paper

will help contribute to the more effective implementation of the Fisheries Code and,

subsequently, the attainment of its sustainable development objectives.

Whenever appropriate, this paper will also look into the AFMA in relation to

the Fisheries Code and the objective of sustainable development in the fisheries
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 3 of 92

sector. Relevant provisions in the AFMA will be analyzed in light of their

significance in addressing environmental problems in fisheries.

The paper is organized as follows. The third section reviews the

performance and administration of the fisheries sector and discusses its various

development problems. The fourth section discusses the environmentally-related

provisions in the Fisheries Code, as well as AFMA, identifies important gaps and

concerns, and proposes possible courses of actions. The last section of the paper

provides the conclusions.

III. Review of The Philippine Fisheries Sector

Natural Resources

The Philippines has a total water area of about 220.84 million hectares of

which 99.62 percent is marine and only 0.38 percent is inland (Table 1). Of the total

territorial marine water area, 26.60 million hectares or 12 percent are coastal and

193.40 million or 88 percent hectares are oceanic. The country has a total shelf area

of about 18.46 hectares, a coral reef area of 27,000 square kilometers and a coastline

of 17,460 kilometers.

The inland water resources of the country are composed of 338,393 hectares

(40 percent) of swamplands, 253,854 hectares (30 percent) of fishponds, and 250,000

hectares (30 percent) of other inland resources. Of the swamplands, 106,328 hectares

(31 percent) are freshwater and 232,065 hectares (69 percent) are brackishwater. Of

the fishponds, 14,531 hectares (6 percent) are freshwater and 239,323 hectares (94

percent) are brackishwater. Lakes dominate the other inland resources comprising

200,000 hectares (80 percent) of the total while rivers and reservoirs comprised

31,000 hectares (12 percent) and 19,000 hectares (8 percent), respectively.

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Human Resources

The fisheries sector has been a major source of employment and livelihood for

a large section of the population, especially those residing in the rural coastal areas.

As of 1996, it was estimated that the country has about a million fishermen and fish-

farmers (Table 2). Of these number, 68.19 percent were in municipal fisheries, 26.09

percent were in aquaculture and 5.72 percent were in commercial fisheries. In

addition, approximately 12 percent of the general population derive their livelihood

from fisheries-related activities (Trinidad et al. 1993). This large and diverse

constituency makes fisheries a politically important sector of the economy.

Production Performance

The overall fisheries sector has performed poorly in recent years (Tables 3 and

4). For the period 1987 to 1997, annual production growth rates were low,

particularly volume wise. Moreover, growth rates were generally higher in the earlier

years than in the latter years. Growth rates were positive but generally declining from

1991 to 1995, then turned negative thereafter. Value wise, the sector registered better

growth rates due to the high prices of fish products.

Of the three subsectors, municipal fisheries performed the worst. Production

in terms of volume fell since 1992 and meekly recovered only in 1997. The average

annual growth rate for the 1987 to1997 period was likewise negative. The subsector

was the most dominant producer in 1987 in both volume and value but was only

second to aquaculture by 1997. In value, municipal fisheries has the lowest growth

rates among the subsectors . In addition, it registered negative growth rates in 1993

and 1996.
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The commercial fisheries performed a little better than municipal fisheries but,

volume wise, its annual growth rates have been generally declining since 1990. Its

average annual growth rate for the 1987 to 1997 period was only a little higher than

that of municipal fisheries. In terms of value, however, the subsector has the highest

average annual growth rate which, in some years, reached the two digit mark.

Aquaculture performed the best among the subsectors, registering higher

annual growth rates and the highest average rate for the 1987 to 1997 period. From

being the lowest producer in 1987, it became the highest producer in 1996.

Aquaculture, however, showed negative growth rates in value since 1995, indicating

that it is not free of problems. Furthermore, it registered a negative growth rate in

volume in 1997.

The weak production performance of the fisheries sector is glaring when

compared to GNP and crop agriculture (Tables 5 and 6). In general, both GNP and

crop agriculture production grew faster than fisheries production during the 1987 to

1997 period. As a result, the share of fisheries production to GNP was getting

smaller. Furthermore, from 1995 to 1997, the ratio of fisheries production to crop

agriculture production went down. By 1997, fisheries production comprised only 3.2

percent of GNP, from a high of 5.61 percent in 1987. Likewise, fisheries production

was only 29.17 percent of crop agriculture output, from a high of 40.23 percent in


The poor performance of the fisheries sector extends into the area of

international trade. In the 1987 to 1997 period, imports of fishery products exceeded

exports, in volume, which resulted to trade deficits (Tables 7 and 8). Due to high

international prices for fish products, however, the value of exports exceeded that of

imports during the same period resulting in trade surpluses. It is important to note
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 6 of 92

also that in both volume and value terms, net exports registered negative growth rates

in some years.

A comparison of the growth performance of Philippine fisheries to those of

other member economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

shows that the country has been among the underperformers (Table 9). The average

annual growth rate of production for the period 1988 to 1995 of local fisheries was

only about 1.7 percent. In contrast, Indonesia and Malaysia averaged 4.41 percent

and 4.12 percent, respectively, which are more than twice the local average rate.

Even Thailand had a higher average growth rate of 2.36 percent, which was about

twice the local rate.

The poor production performance of the fisheries sector is critical since fish is

important to human health and nutrition, being the source of about 75 percent of the

national animal protein requirement. This factor, and the growing population, insure

that fish will continue to have high demand in the future. In recent years, the national

fish requirement has expanded more than supply causing growing deficits over time

(Table 10). Importation was intensified to meet the demand but, at best, this was

partially effective only as the per capita availability of fish remains way below the


Fisheries Administration

A summary of the history of the administration of the Philippine fisheries

sector is provided in Table 11. Formal administration dated back to the early part of

the 20th century. Currently, the commercial fisheries and aquaculture subsectors are

governed nationally through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)

which falls under the Department of Agriculture (DA). The management of

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 7 of 92

municipal fisheries has been traditionally assigned to the local government units

(LGUs) since the start of formal governance (Table 12). Even before the Fisheries

Code, several important fishery laws were already passed. It should be noted that

laws were already consolidated once before in 1975, through the Fisheries Decree or

P.D. No. 704.

The BFAR, which used to be a staff bureau, was transformed into a line

bureau with expanded duties and responsibilities through the Fisheries Code. A noted

feature of the organizational setup of the current bureau is the existence of regional

and provincial offices, which is in accordance with its role as a line agency (Figures 1

and 2). The regional and provincial agencies are bases for the research, extension,

monitoring and other activities of the bureau at the local levels.

Development Problems

The poor production performance of the fisheries sector has been attributed to

numerous and interrelated problems, summarized as follow (see Guerrero 1997,

PCAMRD 1996b, BAR 1991):

a) Resource depletion in coastal waters

The fish stocks of the country, particular in coastal waters, are already

seriously depleted due to effort overfishing and destructive fishing or the use of illegal

fishing gears and techniques. The overall impact of effort overfishing on overall

marine fishery stocks as well as on certain groups of species are empirically

documented in numerous research literature (e.g., Barut et al. 1997, Israel and Banzon

1996, Pauly et al. 1989, Silvestre et al. 1986). It has been shown that marine stocks,

particularly demersals and small pelagics, are already biologically and economically
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 8 of 92

overfished and that drastic reduction in fishing effort is needed to bring the rate of

harvesting back to more sustainable levels.

In contrast to effort overfishing, there is little available empirical research on

the use of illegal gears and techniques and their actual impact on marine fish stocks.

A major reason for this is the scarcity of reliable secondary data on illegal fishing

activities. The broadcast and print media, however, have documented from time to

time the extent and magnitude of the impact of destructive fishing on fish stocks and

ecosystems in particular problem marine areas, and found these to be serious.

b) Environmental damage in marine waters

The environment of a large portion of marine waters is already seriously

damaged, as manifested by the destruction of coral reefs and mangroves, and the

pollution of marine waters. Based on past surveys, only 30 percent of the total reefs

of the country remain in excellent or good condition while the rest are in fair and poor

condition (Gomez 1991). The major causes of the destruction of reefs are

sedimentation and siltation as a result of land-based development activities as well as

effort overfishing and destructive fishing (Gomez et al. 1994).

In the case of mangroves, it was pointed out that back in 1965, the total

mangrove areas of the country covered about 4,500 square kilometers (Barut et al.).

Ten years later, approximately 2,500 square kilometers were left. By 1981, the

number fell even further to 2,500 square kilometers. The main cause of destruction is

mangrove conversion to fishponds which accounts for an estimated 60 percent of total

destruction (Primavera 1991). Other causes are mangrove harvesting for firewood

and other uses, mangrove area conversion for residential, commercial, and general

development purposes, such as the construction of coastal roads, dikes and bridges.
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The pollution of marine waters is not yet evident at a national scale. However,

in some bays located close to population centers, it has become a major problem.

The most polluted body of marine water in the country is Manila Bay, which serves as

the final drainage of the numerous towns and cities of Metro Manila. In 1990, it was

estimated that at least 3,600 tons of refuse and 11 million gallons of industrial wastes

annually already flow into the bay (Leonardo 1990). The continuous inflow of large

volume of wastes over the years has made the bay unfit for swimming and related

recreational purposes. It also rendered fishery catches from the bay questionable for

human consumption, destroyed its valuable marine ecosystems, and harmed its overall

aesthetic value.

c) Environmental damage in inland waters

The environmental damage in inland waters takes the form of dried-up and

highly-polluted rivers and lakes. Although largely undocumented by scientific

research, it can be seen by ocular inspection that many rivers in some watersheds are

already either fully or partially waterless, especially in the summer months, because

of deforestation in the uplands. This environmental problem has resulted in

significant economic costs to the affected population, including decreased catch from

inland fishing activities and decreased availability of water for irrigation. In addition,

many of the rivers in the country which have flowing water all year round are polluted

by wastes coming from upstream industrial, agricultural and other human activities.

The pollution has not only damaged fish ecosystems and reduced catch but has

limited the viability of rivers for washing, swimming and other uses.

Like many rivers, some lakes in the country are also highly polluted. A

particular example is Laguna de Bay which has received significant attention in the

research literature. The lake has been the receiver of all sorts of wastes from
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 10 of 92

industries, households and agricultural activities from a major portion of Metro

Manila and back flows from the Pasig River (Orbeta and Indab 1994, Zaparalla 1994).

As a result, the lake is currently polluted by an overdose of wastes, including those

which are toxic and hazardous, which endanger the lives of residents in the

surrounding communities. The pollution also jeopardizes the inland municipal

fishery and aquaculture activities in the area by affecting output levels and rendering

the fitness of lake produced fish questionable for human consumption .

d) Poverty among municipal fishermen

The sad economic plight of municipal fishermen who practice mainly artisanal

fishing is well known. In 1994, it was estimated that at least 270,000 fishing

households along coastal villages are among the poorest of the poor, with per capita

incomes not even reaching one third of the poverty line (Saeger 1994). With the

current economic crisis, municipal fishermen are expected to get even poorer as

rising prices brought about by currency depreciation depress their effective incomes

even further. Worse, the number of poor municipal fishermen could swell as some of

the laid-off workers from the other sectors of the economy end up among their ranks

and exacerbate further the already intense competition for fishery resources.

e) Low productivity of aquaculture

The aquaculture subsector has been saddled with numerous problems which

hindered it from attaining higher productivity. These problems include scarcity of fry

in milkfish culture, high cost of production inputs and diseases in prawn culture, and

the red tide problem in mussel and oyster culture. In addition, it was reported that of

the 261,402 hectares of brackishwater ponds in the country, 160,208 hectares (61

percent) are not utilized at all (BFAR 1996a). It was cited further that despite the

achievements of brackishwater aquaculture research, the fishpond productivity per

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 11 of 92

unit in the country remain low (Saeger 1994). Compared to the average production of

4.0 tons per hectare per year of neighboring countries, the local average production of

brackishwater ponds is low at 1.26 tons per hectare per year.

f) Underutilization of offshore and exclusive economic zone (EEZ)

Although the country has vast EEZ water areas (see Table 1), these have not

been exploited to the fullest but remain largely underutilized by local fishermen. A

major cause of this is the limitation in local capital investment among commercial

fishermen, particularly in fishing equipment and technology (Thomas 1998). Many

boats in the current commercial fishing fleet fall within the small and medium

category and are not suitable for fishing in far flung areas.

Aside from the EEZ, commercial fishing is also weak in other deep sea areas,

such as in the Pacific side of the country. This low local presence encouraged

poaching by foreign fishermen, a concern which has not been satisfactorily addressed

due to the poor vessel facilities and equipment of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

The Pacific ocean is also within the typhoon belt which makes commercial fishermen

hesitant to fish in its deep waters. There have been reports that to some degree, off

shore and deep sea areas are already overfished, but by international poachers (e.g.,

Barut et al. 1997). The challenge facing the local fisheries sector then is how to

control poaching by foreigners and come up with the appropriate fishing equipment

and technology to allow it to exploit these areas.

g) High post-harvest losses

High post-harvest losses are an important problem in fisheries because of its

sheer magnitude. It was estimated that post-harvest losses amount to about 20 percent

to 40 percent of total output (BFAR 1996b). The identified causes are improper

handling and processing practices, and poor harvest facilities. For improper handling
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 12 of 92

alone, the economic costs are already tremendous. It was estimated that in 1993, at

least 15 percent of all fish landings was subjected to spoilage resulting to total

monetary losses of about P11.7 billion (Saeger 1994).

IV. The Philippine Fisheries Code, AFMA and Sustainable Development

The above listing of problems in the fisheries sector can actually be

summarized into three important and intertwined development concerns: poor

production, increasing resource depletion and environmental degradation and

worsening poverty. In short, the challenge faced by the sector today is not just to

raise output but to do it in a more sustainable and equitable way.

In this section, attention is focused on the Fisheries Code and AFMA and their

provisions which are relevant to the objective of sustainable development in the

fisheries sector. While the issue of equity is related to sustainable development, it is

not addressed here so that attention is focused directly on environmental related

issues and concerns. The section starts by presenting a background of the fisheries

Code and the AFMA. Then it looks into the relevant provisions in both laws,

identifying potential gaps and problems and then recommending actions to address

said gaps and problems.

Background of The Fisheries Code and AFMA

The Philippine Fisheries Code was passed by the Senate and the House of

Representatives on February 9, 1998 to consolidate previous laws in fisheries. The

process of legislating the code took about 11 years, from the beginning of the term of

President Corazon Aquino in 1987 until the end of the administration of President

Fidel Ramos in 1998 (Thomas 1998). As the most recent law in the sector, the
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 13 of 92

Fisheries Code repeals or modifies all past related laws, decrees, executive orders, and

rules and regulations which are inconsistent to it. It is now the binding law in the

fisheries sector for all the areas that it covers.

The AFMA, on the other hand, was passed by the Senate on December 15,

1997 and the House of Representatives the following day. The main purpose of the

law is to prescribe urgent measures for the modernization of the agriculture and

fisheries sectors for profitability and in preparation for the challenges of the current

international economic trend of globalization and liberalization. Like the Fisheries

Code, the AFMA also repeals or modifies all laws, decrees, executive orders, and

rules and regulations which are inconsistent to it.

As earlier mentioned, the Fisheries Code and AFMA are significant

milestones because they explicitly recognize sustainable development as an important

objective of Philippine society. Specifically, the Fisheries Code declared that the

sustainable development, management and conservation of fishery and aquatic

resources are both a policy and objective of the state (Congress of the Philippines

1998, pp 2-3). For its part, the AFMA pronounced that the state shall ensure the

development of the agriculture and fisheries sectors in accordance with the principle

of sustainable development (Congress of the Philippines 1997, p. 2). On the basis of

these general pronouncements, the two laws already contributed so much by putting

on equal footing sustainable development with the other objectives in fisheries. This

is an important departure from previous laws which generally emphasized only on

increased production as the overriding sectoral goal and placed secondary importance

to sustainable development and other concerns.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 14 of 92

Specific Provisions and Sustainable Development

An appropriate way to evaluate in detail the significance of the Fisheries

Code and AFMA to sustainable development in the fisheries sector is to analyze their

contributions to particular of environmental management. The areas to be considered

below are natural resource pricing, delineation of property rights, monitoring and

enforcement, use of command-and-control instruments and utilization of market-

based instruments. Specific provisions in the laws which tend to strengthen the legal

side of environmental management along these areas could significantly contribute to

improved management and, thus, are steps in the right direction.

Natural Resource Pricing

The correct pricing of fisheries resources by the national government is a

useful tool for attaining a more sustainable form of development in fisheries. This is

because correct resource pricing, largely done through the imposition of accurate fees

that reflect resource rents, or above normal profits, will force users to be more

efficient in their activities. The end result will be a leaner and more competitive

industry which produce higher outputs at lower effort levels, thereby reducing

overfishing without sacrificing production. In addition to the economic and

environmental gains of correct pricing, there are generated revenues from the

extraction of rents from users, funds which the national government badly need in this

time of crisis.

The commercial fisheries and aquaculture are the two subsectors where

resource rents are potentially high and where correct resource pricing should be

exercised. At present, however, the efforts of the national government to impose this

management tool is lame. The current license fee rates in the commercial fisheries
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are very low and were set many years ago (Tables 13 and 13a). For a 250 gross ton

motorized boat, for instance, the annual boat license is only P1,000 which was set

way back in 1983. In addition, the annual application fee is minimal at P400 or

P2,000 which was determined back in 1993. The cash bond and the annual license

fees for fishermen are likewise a pittance. All in all, the total cost to commercial

operators for getting government approval to fish in commercial waters, for all types

of boats, is negligible especially given the current prices.

In the aquaculture subsector, the situation is similar. The rental rates for using

government-owned fishponds are minimal and were set several years ago (Table 14).

The annual rental fee per hectare of fishponds is only P50 since 1979 while the annual

application fee is P1,000 since 1993. The cash bond is also low at P50 per hectare.

Again, the total cost to the user of leasing a government-owned fishpond per year is

minimal, given current prices.

In the municipal fisheries subsector, where many fishing activities are

artisanal, resource rents are expectedly low, if any. Therefore, extracting these from

the fishermen may not be desirable and fair action. Currently, although no actual data

can be presented here, the license fees imposed by LGUs on municipal fisheries are,

on the average, reasonably low. In the future, if municipal resources are better

managed and returns from municipal fishing increase, there may be a need to raise

license fees in the subsector, both as a means of controlling fishing effort and

generating much needed funds for the government.

It is encouraging to note that the Fisheries Code recognized the current

underpricing of the rights to exploit commercial and aquaculture resources. The law

alloted two important sections on the issue (Table 15). Section 6 stipulated that the

rentals for government-owned fishponds and licenses for commercial fishing boats
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 16 of 92

should reflect resource rents. In addition, Section 7 required that the number of

licenses and permits for the conduct of fishery activities be based on Maximum

Sustainable Yield (MSY) and that preference be given to users residing in the local

communities. In the case of the municipal fisheries, Section 6, however, simply

required that LGUs impose the appropriate license fees.

The abovementioned provisions of the Fisheries Code are novel in that they

explicitly embraced correct resource pricing as an important tool of fisheries

management. The job at hand now is for the BFAR to immediately implement correct

resource pricing in commercial fisheries and aquaculture. As an initial activity, the

agency should determine the estimated resource rents and MSY levels in the two

subsectors. The first phase of the Fisheries Sector Program (FSP) conducted studies

to evaluate these parameters and the results should be put to good use by the agency.

In addition, a substantial number of other studies are already done and these should be

used as references for the purpose (Israel and Banzon 1996, PIDS 1995, Schatz 1991,

Pauly et al. 1989, Silvestre et al. 1986).

Once the correct license fees in the commercial fisheries and rental rates in

aquaculture are estimated, the next step is for the BFAR to firmly implement these

rates with strong political will. A new Fisheries Administrative Order (FAO) may be

needed to achieve this task after consultations are done with the various actors in the

two subsectors and the general public.

Three things may have to be seriously considered in the application of new

rates. Following the advice of Schatz (1991), the new rates can be increased on a

staggered basis to soften opposition and allow adjustment by those who are affected.

Periodic reestimation and adjustment of the rates, probably every two years, should be

done to respond to the time factor and dynamism in the fisheries sector and economy.
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The new rates will have to be imposed as soon as possible not only to help effect

sustainable development goals but also to help the revenue generation efforts of the

government caught in crisis. Additional funds generated through correct resource

pricing will allow the government to operate more normally even in these tight times.

For fairness sake, it may be desirable to have funds generated through higher

fee rates in the fisheries sector reinjected back to its sources through the conduct of

sustainable development-related projects and programs in commercial fisheries and

aquaculture. The present system of budget management that requires revenues from

fees be forwarded to the national government, however, may make this type of

earmarking difficult. In the future, a way to allow earmarking must be seriously

studied by pertinent authorities as this may help soften the opposition to increased

fees among fisheries resource users.

Delineation of Property Rights

The proper delineation of property rights, specially in the municipal fisheries,

is important to sustainable development because when the long-term rights of

fishermen and other users to marine resources are well defined and secure, they will

tend to exploit them in a more sustainable manner. This will happen since fishermen

are assured that the ultimate benefits of their practices and activities will accrue to


Traditionally, the municipal fisheries has been an open access subsector.

Practically anyone can be a fisherman and fish as much as he wants with little

government interference. The result of this free-for-all regime is the overexploitation

of coastal fisheries which is not just ongoing in particular areas but even at the

national scale.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 18 of 92

The Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 recognized the problem of

overexploitation due to open access and started the process of legislating the proper

management of municipal fisheries resources. It mandated LGUs to safeguard and

conserve resources within their jurisdictions and devolved to them considerable

management powers to do so (Congress of the Philippines 1991, Tabunda and Galang

1992). The Fisheries Code went further by also providing nongovernment

organizations (NGOs) and other local organizations with powers to manage coastal

resources. In particular, Sections 20 and 22 of the Fisheries Code provided for the

granting to municipal folks, organizations and cooperatives of demarcated fishery

areas for fish capture, mariculture and fish farming (Table 15). Furthermore, Sections

17 and 21 mandated that resident fisherfolks, organizations and cooperatives have the

priority in the granting of fishery rights by the LGUs and in the exploitation of

demarcated fishery areas of their respective communities.

As a whole, the provisions in the Fisheries Code granting fishery rights to

local organizations have provided a general basis for a clearer delineation of property

rights in the municipal level and are then welcome. The ball is now in the hands of

the LGUs to appropriate these rights to fishermen and users in a socially equitable and

environmentally sustainable manner. In the distribution of rights, LGUs must put

utmost importance to the ability of organizations to sustainably manage municipal

fisheries resources. To do this, LGUs must require proposals from organizations

wanting to manage resources to include an environmental impact analysis which will

serve as an important basis in the granting of fishery rights. This requirement must

be implemented across all proposed projects with expected significant environmental

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 19 of 92

While the Fisheries Code has clear positive contributions to property rights

delineation, however, it also legislated a provision which is politically and socially

controversial. In Section 18, the law allowed for some small and medium scale

commercial fisheries operations in municipal waters within 10.1 to 15 kilometers

from the shoreline, provided some conditions are met. This provision run counter to

the LGC which provided that marine waters from the shoreline up to 15 kilometers

away are the sole domain of the municipal fishermen.

The granting of rights to commercial fishing in areas within 10.1 to 15

kilometers from the coastline has strong advocates from both sides. Those in favor

insist that it will allow the capture by commercial fishermen of fish in deeper waters

which otherwise cannot be caught by the limited gears and techniques of municipal

fishermen. Those who are against argue that it will merely exacerbate the

overexploitation of resources and the social injustice already prevailing in the

fisheries sector. They further insist that the area in contention serves as an important

component of the whole coastal fisheries ecosystem and its overexploitation will

surely damage and reduce municipal fisheries stocks.

Given the controversy created, the provision in the Fisheries Code granting

rights to commercial fisheries to fish in the farther portions of municipal waters

clearly deserves a second look. A study should be undertaken by BFAR to investigate

the scientific merits of the issue, particularly its impact on fish stocks and the

environment, among others. This study should provide a categorical answer and serve

as basis for amending the contested provision, if the need arises. It should be noted

that at present, the provision already sets a bad precedent in terms of legislative

inconsistency in that it reverses the position of the LGC which is itself also a recent

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 20 of 92

At the level of the LGUs, care must be exercised by local executives in the

granting of rights to commercial fishermen to fish in their waters. Where the granting

of rights disregards environmental considerations and is based mainly on political

factors, local organizations and residents must exercise their moral duty to strongly

oppose this by all legally acceptable means.

Monitoring and Enforcement

Effective monitoring and enforcement are necessary for laws to have bite.

This is more so in the fisheries sector where the covered area and constituency are

large and widely distributed. It has been said many times that the Fisheries Sector

has adequate laws but that failure lies mainly in monitoring and enforcement. The

main reason posited for this is that fisheries agencies and law enforcement authorities

such as the PCG do not have the financial and manpower resources to effectively

monitor and enforce the laws given such enormous coverage.

Monitoring and enforcement is an area also covered by the Fisheries Code.

The law mandated that monitoring and enforcement be a common responsibility of

the national government, LGUs and the citizenry (Table15). For monitoring, in

particular, Section 14 stipulated that the DA create a monitoring, control and

surveillance system in coordination with the LGUs, other government agencies and

the private sector to ensure fisheries management on a sustainable basis. Section 38

requires commercial vessels to gather catch data and other relevant information and

submit them to the DA. Furthermore, Section 67 mandated the strengthening of the

Fisheries Inspection and Quarantine Service for purposes of monitoring and

regulating the importation and exportation of fishery resources.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 21 of 92

For enforcement, on the other hand, Section 65 mandated the BFAR to

enforce all laws, formulate and enforce all rules and regulations governing the

conservation and management of fishery resources, except municipal waters.

Furthermore, Sections 16, 73 and 77 required the LGUs and the municipal, city, and

integrated fisheries and aquatic resources management councils (MFARMCs,

CFARMCs, ICFARMCs) to conduct and assist law enforcement in municipal waters.

In general, the Fisheries Code has provided many of the legal requirements for

an effective implementation of monitoring and enforcement. It can be noted, though,

that the problem of limited wherewithal to undertake monitoring and enforcement has

not been explicitly addressed by the law. Chapter VII, which stipulates the allotment

of public funds to specific concerns, did not include any provision for monitoring and

enforcement. It appears that The Code intends to address the problem of funds by

sharing the burden of monitoring and enforcement with the LGUs many of which

have financial problems of their own. Furthermore, involving the private sector in the

effort is a rather new approach that has yet to be tested. While its participation could

cut direct public costs, wholehearted private involvement requires incentives,

something that may impose indirect, but also real, costs to the government

Without additional financial commitment, the task of monitoring and

enforcement of the EEZ and other offshore areas, which fall outside of the reach of

the LGUs and private organizations, will remain a particularly difficult task for the

national law enforcement agencies. The government, therefore, should start to

aggressively look for other less financially demanding options to effectively guard its

offshore fisheries resources. A potentially attractive approach is to raise the issue of

fisheries monitoring and enforcement at the international level, such as in the

ASEAN, and see if a cooperative monitoring and enforcement system among

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 22 of 92

neighboring countries can be established. Given that other countries may have

monitoring and enforcement problems of their own, a common effort that will

distribute costs and raise effectiveness could be an attractive option for many of


Command and Control Instruments

The use of command and control instruments has been the prevalent approach

in the environmental management of not only the fisheries sector but the entire

country as well. Over the years, several FAOs have been executed to implement such

instruments. The Fisheries Code consolidated these by allotting entire chapters and

numerous sections on environmentally sensitive command and control instruments

(Table 15). Chapter IV, which included Sections 80 and 81, stipulated that fishery

reserves and sanctuary areas may be established by the government where

commercial fishing will not be allowed. Chapter VI, which covered Sections 86 to

107, imposed violations on different sorts of infractions, including the use of illegal

gears, exploitation of sensitive resources like corrals, illegal fishing in reserves,

sanctuaries and other prohibited areas, and even aquatic pollution. Individual sections

in other chapters also set rules on catch ceilings, closed seasons, foreign species,

endangered species. Two important sections set certain requirements related to the

operation of fisheries projects. Section 12 required the submission by the proponents

of all environmentally sensitive fisheries projects to the DENR of an environmental

impact statements (EIS). Section 13 required an environmental compliance

certificates (ECC) from the same agency before a fisheries project which may have

environmental impact can be undertaken.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 23 of 92

For its part, the AFMA also contained a particular command and control

provision which is advantageous to the fisheries environment. Section 12 of the law

stipulated the preservation, at all times, of important watersheds, a move which

should help lower the inflow of wastes from upland sources into coastal marine areas

and improve the viability of rivers, lakes and other inland water bodies.

As an integration of past laws, the large number of command and control

instruments in the Fisheries Code is expected. Sections 12 and 13 are another novelty

and should contribute a lot to improved fisheries management by way of allowing the

general application of the requirements of an EIS and ECC that were sparingly and

selectively applied only in the past. These important provisions should go a long way

towards helping attain the goal of a more sustainable form of development in the

sector. Along this line, the DENR must work closely with the BFAR in immediately

implementing Sections 12 and 13 among projects in the commercial fisheries and

aquaculture subsectors. While not explicitly stated, it is clear that the provisions also

cover the municipal fisheries and, hence, the DENR should likewise extend assistance

to the LGUs in the implementation of the EIS and ECC requirements.

It is observed that the monetary rates for penalties mentioned in Chapter VI of

the Fisheries Code for various infractions appear sufficient at present but these should

be periodically reviewed by the BFAR so rates can be adjusted to reflect changes over

time and other factors. Rates should be continuously adjusted to make them real

deterrents to potential violators.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 24 of 92

Market-Based Instruments

Other than command and control instruments, the goal of sustainable

development in the fisheries sector can be pursued through the use of market-based

instruments. The theoretical arguments supporting the use of market-based

instruments are abundant in the literature (e.g., Pearce and Turner 1991) .

Empirically, they have been found to work in particular countries, especially when

combined with command and control instruments.

It is another important novelty that the Fisheries Code recognized the

importance of market-based instruments as a tool in environmental management.

Section 48 of the law stipulated that the DA should formulate incentives and

disincentives, such as effluent fees, user fees, negotiable permits and other market-

based instruments to encourage compliance to environmental standards and promote

sustainable management practices in aquaculture. It is a wonder, however, why the

commercial fisheries subsector is not covered by this provision. This is one area

which may need reconsideration and amending.

The task at hand is for the BFAR to start working on the development of the

appropriate market based instruments for the aquaculture subsector. For the

environment, in general, several studies have already been done and these sources

should be utilized by the agency in forming some instruments specific for fisheries

(e.g., ADB 1997a, 1997b). Although the Fisheries Code did not mandate LGUs to

implement market-based instruments in their areas, it goes without saying that the

potential of such as a tool for management at the local level must be seriously

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 25 of 92

Other Sustainable Development Related Issues

Aside from the areas which have direct bearings on environmental

management considered above, there are other important issues which are also

critical to the sustainable development efforts in fisheries and need looking into.

These are as follows:

Institutional issues

Over the years, the administration of the fisheries sector at the national level

has been moved from one department to another (Table 11). Since 1987,

administration has been assigned to the DA through the BFAR, an arrangement

reconfirmed by Section 64 of the Fisheries Code (Table 16). This classification of

fisheries as under agriculture creates a potentially critical problem in terms of the

environmental management of marine resources. It has been argued by some sectors

that since the DA has a predominantly food production mandate, placing national

fisheries administration fully under its wings may relegate the status of the sector as a

critical natural resource and environment base.

The pronouncement of the current national administration to give priority to

government streamlining in the near future in order to make governance more

efficient provides a chance for this institutional question in fisheries management to

be addressed once and for all. Little else can be said at this point except that a serious

study must be undertaken that will look into the different possibilities for

administering the fisheries sector. As a result, this study should provide the most

feasible streamlining approach for the administration of the fisheries sector, given the

different criteria agreed by all concerned parties.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 26 of 92

Another environmentally important institutional issue brought about by the

Fisheries Code is its creation of the national fisheries and aquatic resources

management councils (NFARMCs), IFARMCs, CFARMCs, MFARMCs and

barangay fisheries and aquatic resources management councils (BFARMCs) by virtue

of Sections 70 to 79. Some sectors noted that the composition of these councils is

highly skewed in favor of development over conservation. It can be seen, for

instance, that only one representative from an NGO is allowed to sit in each of these

councils. Moreover, the law did not specifically state that only environmentally-

oriented NGOs should serve, allowing the possibility that the environmental lobby

will not be represented at all.

On one hand, the above institutional issue may be considered contentious as it

requires the assumption that the other non-NGO representatives to the councils are

purely development-oriented, a premise that is open to debate. On the other hand, the

dreaded situation can certainly happen. Thus, an amendment of the Fisheries Code

may be necessary to ensure that the environmental lobby will be reasonably

represented in the councils. A numerically clear voice that pursues environmental

goals is needed in such councils with so much important management functions.

Similarly, at the level of the LGUs which have the right to form the BFARMCs, local

executives should make it a point that environmentally-oriented NGOs are well


Research and development issues

Research and development (R&D) in fisheries has been beset with numerous

problems which contribute to its poor performance as an engine of sectoral

development (Israel 1998). Among the most important problems of fisheries R&D is
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 27 of 92

the low funding from the national government (Table 17). The share of fisheries

R&D to the total national government expenditure of 0.03 percent is way below

acceptable levels. Moreover, it is relatively too small in comparison to what has been

afforded agriculture and natural resources (ANR) R&D budget as a whole.

Aside from budget, in terms of sustainable development, fisheries R&D has

been biased against environmental research in favor of production-oriented activities

as well (Table 18). For instance, resource economics and management studies

comprised no more than 7 percent of the total socioeconomic and policy studies

conducted so far in the fisheries sector.

To address the funding problems in fisheries R&D, Section 112 of the

Fisheries Code legislated the creation of a P100 million fund for environmentally-

sound, local resource-based and labor-intensive technology development (Table 16).

For its part, Section 83 of the AFMA stipulated that R&D allocations for fisheries

and agriculture be raised to at least one percent of the gross value added (GVA) by

year 2001 although it is silent on the sharing of funds between the two sections.

While some funding commitments were done by the two laws, the current economic

crisis and government funding cutbacks puts into question the actual materialization

of these commitments to fisheries R&D. Again, little can be said except to hope that

the government should try its best to find funds not only to finance fisheries R & D

but also the most important programs of the Fisheries Code and AFMA.

The problem of low attention to environmental and sustainable development

issues by fisheries R & D could have been partly addressed by the Fisheries Code

through Section 82 which created the National Fisheries Research and Development

Institute (NFRDI) under the BFAR (Table 16). The objectives of the institute stated

in Section 84, however, appear to be mostly development and socially oriented and,
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 28 of 92

queerly, do not specifically include the conduct of research related to the environment

and sustainable development. Therefore, a lot still needs to be done to promote

environmental research in fisheries. A potential way of achieving this is for the

BFAR to specifically mandate, through an FAO, all research agencies under it to

provide equal attention to sustainable development as a research concern. The

Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD)

which plans, monitors and evaluates fisheries R&D and other research agencies,

should, through their own channels, do the same thing.

Education issues

Formal fisheries education in the Philippines dates back at least four decades

ago (Fernandez 1996). Yet, like R&D, it has been an ineffective tool of sectoral

development. At present, there appears to be no dearth of fisheries schools in the

country, as manifested, for instance, by the larger ratio of fisheries technical schools

to their total number (Table 19). The problem, however, is that the schools have an

inadequate number of teachers which are also generally poorly trained. Coupled with

this are the inadequacy in facilities and other problems which have their roots in poor

funding. Fisheries technical and vocational schools, for instance, only has not more

than 15 percent of the total funding for all technical and vocational schools (Table

20). The ultimate end result is the production of many poorly trained and half-baked

graduates, a sad consequence which may be true also for Philippine education in


In terms of sustainable development, the problem in fisheries education

worsens since not only are the graduates poorly trained, their training has a mostly

production biased-orientation. The curricula of fisheries courses of institutions

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 29 of 92

supervised by the Commission for Higher Education (CHED), for example, are

generally short on environmentally-related courses (Tables 21 and 21a). Of the

numerous courses offered, only about three touch on the environment and not one

deals on fisheries environmental economics, an important course in the determination

of optimal resource exploitation. This shortcoming is partly caused by the lack of

qualified people to teach environment related courses and the traditionally production

orientation of fisheries school administrators.

Both the Fisheries Code and AFMA alloted substantial sections to deal with

the numerous problems in fisheries education. Section 115 of the former and Section

75 of the latter provided for the professionalization of fisheries graduates by requiring

them to pass a board examination before they can practice their trade. Section 116 of

the Fisheries Code also stipulated the upgrading of fisheries schools and colleges.

Furthermore, Section 117 of the Fisheries Code and Section 67 of the AFMA

stipulated the inclusion of fisheries conservation subjects in the curricula at the

elementary and secondary levels. The problem of lack of sustainable development

related courses at the technical and vocation as well as tertiary levels, however, has

not been considered in both laws.

It is difficult to comment on a problem in fisheries that may simply be a

microcosm of a bigger problem facing society. The professionalization of fisheries

graduates is a step in the right direction although this will make fisheries education a

lot more expensive to parents of fisheries students, many of whom belong to the lower

economic brackets. To alleviate this additional economic pressure on the poor, the

government must come up with a financial assistance system that will make the

process of fisheries board examinations less economically taxing on parents.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 30 of 92

Requiring elementary and secondary students to take fisheries conservation

subjects may be too much since not all these people will join the fisheries industry

someday. It would have been better if elementary and secondary students are just

required to take general environmental conservation courses, not specific but

including fisheries. At any rate, this part of the Fisheries Code may be amended to

require the taking of more fisheries conservation subjects, specifically fisheries

environmental economics and other relevant courses not currently offered, among

technical, vocational and tertiary students taking fisheries related degrees.

Statistics and information issues

The availability of useful and comprehensive secondary data and information

for use in R & D is a necessity for sustainable development. In Philippine fisheries,

however, the data gathered by pertinent agencies like the Bureau of Agricultural

Statistics (BAS) are mostly, if not all, production-oriented (Table 22). Statistics

measuring environmentally relevant variables, even on a periodic basis, are generally

not collected.

It is unfortunate that the Fisheries Code did not touch on the need to upgrade

the quality of data and information gathered by government agencies. Sections 121

and 122 of the law merely addressed the issues of protection of sensitive technical

information and assistance in collecting information. In comparison, the AFMA is

more sensitive on the issue. Its Section 41 required the creation of a National

Information Network (NIN) which, among others, shall provide fisheries information

including resource accounting data.

The Department of Agriculture should make the gathering of secondary

fisheries statistics and information more inclusive of environmental concerns, even if

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 31 of 92

only on a periodic, say five year, basis. This may be done through a Department

Administrative Order (DAO) requiring the BAS, in coordination with other agencies,

to do so. The BAS should be able to gather such statistics and information by

including environmental parameters among those they regularly monitor in the field

and by also looking into the data and statistics gathered by several NGOs conducting

environmentally-related projects in the country.

Extension issues

As part of its program to transfer service delivery functions, the LGC

devolved the responsibility of fisheries extension at the local level to the LGUs

(Congress of the Philippines 1991, Tabunda and Galang 1992). This, however,

created some problems as many LGUs do not have the resources to effectively

perform the job of extension. In order to address this constraint, Sections 120 of the

Fisheries Code and Title 3, Chapter 2 of the AFMA made the job of fisheries

extension a shared responsibility of the national government and the LGUs.

Section 65 of the Fisheries Code also mandated the BFAR to assist LGUs in

developing their technical capability to develop, manage, regulate, conserve and

protect fisheries resources. This section take cognizance of the fact that fisheries

extension over the years may have concentrated only in the propagation of

production-oriented technologies and has disregarded sustainable resource use as an

extension goal. This is another positive development which should be welcome to the

environmental community.

The mere return of the involvement of the national government in fisheries

extension does not mean that extension will now proceed smoothly and effective. The

extension program in fisheries and agriculture in the country has been plagued by
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 32 of 92

numerous problems over the years, foremost of which are the lack of funding support

and inadequacy in trained staff and facilities (e.g. Legaspi 1996). The budget of the

BFAR should be increased so that its personnel and facilities, especially those in the

regional and provincial offices, can be improved for the purpose of conducting

effective extension together with the LGUs. If enough additional budget from the

national government for extension will not be forthcoming, then the BFAR should

devise means to generate budget for the purpose and this is where earnings coming

from increased fees imposed on commercial and aquaculture resource users may be

useful, if earmarking can be made possible in the future. Another option is for the

BFAR to promote cooperation and streamlining of the extension activities of all

government agencies and even the NGOs involved in the fisheries sector so that costs

can be shared between all those involved.

Credit issues

Credit is critical in fisheries where many of the entrepreneurs may not have

enough personal capital to venture into production operations on their own. Over the

years, loans have been granted in fisheries but at a lower scale compared to

agriculture. In general, the loan to output ratios of specific agricultural crops and of

agriculture as a whole are greater than that of fisheries (Table 23). Livestock and

poultry has a lower loan to output ratio than fisheries but forestry has a much higher

one. A note of comfort is that the average growth rate of fisheries loans for the period

1987 to 1997 is greater than that for total agricultural loans (Table 24).

The Fisheries Code recognized the need for additional credit in the fisheries

sector through Sections 109, 110, 111, 112 and 114 (Table 16). These sections

mandated that funds be made available for credit to the municipal, commercial and
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 33 of 92

aquaculture subsectors. For its part, the AFMA, dedicated Chapter 3 on the issue of

credit in agriculture and fisheries and established funds for the purpose. These

promised monies, if indeed made available to their intended beneficiaries, should help

address the problem of low credit for the fisheries sector.

There are numerous other reasons why fisheries credit is laggard and

recommendations on how to address them are equally abundant (e.g., Caneda 1996).

Suffice it to say that the national government and those involved in running the credit

program in the country should take seriously the recommendations and act

immediately on those which can be feasibly implemented now. Regarding credit and

sustainable development, the implementors of the credit program should see to it that

Sections 12 and 13 of the Fisheries Code are followed in the granting of credit, that is,

implement the EIS and ECC requirements among borrowers. While these

requirements may discourage some borrowers and hinder credit access in the short-

run, the long-term gains to society in terms of sustainable development of the fisheries

sector are clearly superior and must be desired.

Infrastructure issues

For the fisheries sector to fully develop, additional port and post-harvest

facilities will be necessary. As earlier mentioned, the post-harvest losses in fisheries

are substantial and lowering these to a minimum will do a lot to improve productivity.

The available data on fisheries facilities indicate that the country has a large

number of ports and most of these are operating (Table 25). However, it has been

pointed out that several coastal regions do not have regional ports and that many

coastal municipalities do not have ports (Davila 1996). In addition, ice plants,

freezers and cold storages are lacking in many areas. In some places where facilities
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 34 of 92

are available, these are underutilized because of the reduced landed harvest by the

fishermen due to stock depletion.

The Fisheries Code acknowledged the problem of lack of infrastructure

support in fisheries through Section 119 which stipulated the provision of additional

infrastructure facilities which include not only ports and post-harvest facilities but

also markets and farm to market roads. The law, though, is silent on how the

provision of these additional infrastructure will be financed. Similarly, Chapter 6 of

the AFMA mandated the provision of additional infrastructure facilities for

agriculture and fisheries. It also mentioned in Section 111 that 10 percent of the

initial annual allocation of the AFMA be allocated for the provision of such facilities.

Hopefully, if the AFMA funds for infrastructure development are forthcoming,

fisheries facilities may indeed be improved. Those regions and municipalities which

are wanting in facilities should be afforded first priority, but subject to their capability

to sufficiently produce and other selection criteria.

In terms of sustainable development, Section 119 of the Fisheries Code

specified that the feasibility of providing additional facilities will also be analyzed

based on their environmental impacts, which means that the EIS and ECC

requirements will be imposed. To add to this, it is suggested that the DENR or the

LGUs should require those managing all fisheries facilities which may have

significant environmental impacts to hire pollution officers to take care of proper

environmental management in these facilities.

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 35 of 92

Public awareness issues

Finally, there is no question that an enlightened populace can help a lot in the

promotion of sustainable development in fisheries. This is because the environmental

problems in the sector are not only caused by fisheries resource users but also by

participants from other sectors and the general public as well. As mentioned, a lot of

the marine pollution are caused by land-based industrial, commercial and household

activities which are far related to the fisheries sector. To attain a more sustainable

type of development in fisheries, there, it is necessary to make other sectors and the

general public aware of the consequences of their actions on the environment and

ways to mitigate said actions.

The Fisheries Code addressed the issue of public awareness through Section

118 which required the DA, CHED and the Department of Education, Culture and

Sports (DECS), and the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) to undertake a

nationwide educational campaign to promote, among others, the conservation and

proper use of the environment. This is well said although the funds needed for the

purpose is not specified in the law. Without additional funds, the agencies tasked to

do this campaign have no recourse but to involve the private sector and to streamline

their activities related to public education and awareness so that maximum effect at

the least cost can be achieved.

V. Conclusions

In retrospect, the above review of the Fisheries Code and AFMA shows that

the laws has made substantial contributions to the goal of sustainable development in

the fisheries sector. It also demonstrates that even in the middle of the current

economic crisis and the subsequent public deficits it has spawned, there are a lot of
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 36 of 92

things which can already be done based on the laws to promote a better and much

improved environmental management in the sector.

Among others, the provisions of the Fisheries Code which require the

imposition of correct resource pricing in the commercial fisheries and aquaculture, the

submission and approval EIS and ECC for all projects, and the implementation of

market-based instruments should be immediately implemented by the authorities. In

addition, other provisions in the law relating to specific concerns related to fisheries

sustainable development should be vigorously pursued. The benefits from the

pursuance of these provisions will certainly go a long way towards improving

environmental management in the sector.

While already helpful in its present form, The Fisheries Code has some

contentious provisions which need to be reconsidered in light of the goal of

sustainable development in the fisheries sector. In particular, the provision granting

some access to commercial fishermen in municipal water needs to be seriously

restudied and changed if found socially and environmentally disadvantageous. In

some instances, the law also mandated the provision of certain public services which

are environmentally desirable and yet provided little indication on how said activities

will be funded. This limitation of the law cultivates the fear that it may eventually

end up among the list of numerous outputs of the legislative system which cannot be

effectively implemented due to gross underfunding.

To end, a categorical judgement of the contribution of the Fisheries Code to

the goal of sustainable development cannot be done here. The final word on the law

depends a lot on how it will be pursued by the agencies who will implement it and

whether or not it will be wholeheartedly accepted by the constituency it aims to

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 37 of 92


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National Statistical Coordination Board (1997). Philippine statistical yearbook.

________________ (1998). Inventory of ports.

Orbeta, E.V. and A.L. Indab (1994). Estimation of pollution loads and cost of
preventing future water quality deterioration in Laguna Lake. Technical
Report No. 2 of the MEIP Laguna de Bay Economic Valuation Study. 21 p.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 39 of 92

Pauly, D., G. Silvestre and I. R. Smith. (1989). On development, fisheries and

dynamite: brief review of tropical fisheries management. In Natural Resource
Modelling, 3 (3), pp. 307-329.

Pearce, D. W. and R. K. Turner (1991). Economics of natural resources and the

environment. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, U.S.A.

Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (1996a). An
analysis of the R & D investment in the fisheries sector. Los Baños, Laguna.. 43

_________________ (1996b). National marine science research and development

program. 27 p.

Philippine Institute for Development Studies (1995). Philippine mangrove resource

valuation project. Fisheries Sector Program, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources, Bureau of Agriculture. 82 p.

Primavera, J.H. (1991). Intensive prawn farming in the Philippines: ecological, sound
and economic implications. In Ambio, 20, pp. 28-31.

Republic of the Philippines (Various Years). General Appropriations Act. 1990,

1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.

Silvestre, G., R. Regalado and D. Pauly (1986). Status of Philippine demersal stocks-
inferences From underutilized catch rate data, pp.47-96. In D. Pauly et al.
(eds). Resources, management and socio-economics of Philippine marine
fisheries. Tech. Rep. Dep. Mar. Fish. Tech. Rep. 10: 217 p.

Saeger, J. (1994). Overview of Philippine fisheries: problems and potentials. 69 p.

Schatz, R. (1991). Economic rent study for the Philippine fisheries sector. Final

Tabunda, M. s. and M. M. Galang. A guide to the Local Government Code of 1991.

Mary Jo Educational Supply, Manila, Philippines.

Thomas, F. (1998). Advocacy paper on increasing competitiveness in the Philippine

commercial fisheries industry. Paper presented at the Shangri-La's EDSA
Plaza Hotel, Mandaluyong City. 26 p.

Trinidad, A. C., R. S. Pomeroy, P. V. Cruz and M. Aquero (1993). Bioeconomics of

the Philippine small pelagics fishery. ICLARM Technical Report No. 38.
Makati, Metro Manila.

Yap, Wilfredo (1997). Can the Philippines produce enough fish for the multitude?.
In Aquaculture Asia, Vol. II No. 3, pp. 32-38.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 40 of 92

Zafaralla, M.T. (1994). The dwindling fish productivity of Laguna de Bay: its
relationship with water quality and primary productivity. Technical Report
No.3 of the MEIP Laguna de Bay Economic Valuation Study. 17 p.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 41 of 92

Table 1. Total aquatic resources of the Philippines, 1996

Resources Length/ Area % to Total

A. Marine Resources
Total Territorial Marine Water Area 220,000,000 ha 99.62
(including the EEZ)
a. Coastal 26,600,000 ha
b. Oceanic 193,400,000 ha

Shelf Area 18,460,000 ha

(Depth 200 m)

Coral Reef Area 27,000 sq. km.

Coastline 17,460 km.

B. Inland Resources
Total Inland Water Area 842,247 ha 0.38
1. Swamplands 338,393 ha
a. Freshwater 106,328 ha
b. Brackishwater 232,065 ha

2. Existing Fishpond 253,854 ha

a. Freshwater 14,531 ha
b. Brackishwater 239,323 ha

3. Other Inland Resources 250,000 ha

a. Lakes 200,000 ha
b. Rivers 31,000 ha
c. Reservoirs 19,000 ha

Total Water Area 220,842,247 ha 100.00

Source: BAS (1997a)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 42 of 92

Table 2. Estimated employment in fisheries, 1996

Sector Number of Persons %

Aquaculture 258,480 26.09

Municipal 675,677 68.19

Commercial 56,715 5.72

Total 990,872 100.00

Source: BAS (1997b)

Table 3. Philippine fish production, by subsector, 1987-1997

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Quantity ( Thousand Metric Tons)

All sectors 2,213.0 2,299.7 2,371.1 2,503.4 2,599.0 2,625.7 2,632.0 2,721.0 2,784.2 2,769.2 2,766.5
Commercial 591.2 600.0 637.0 700.6 759.8 804.9 824.4 859.3 893.2 879.1 884.6
Municipal 1,060.9 1,068.5 1,104.6 1,131.9 1,146.8 1,084.4 1,014.0 992.6 972.0 909.2 924.5
Aquaculture 560.9 599.5 629.3 671.1 692.4 736.4 793.6 869.1 919.0 980.9 957.4

Value (Million Pesos)

All sectors 37,349.4 42,118.2 45,093.7 52,177.2 60,033.3 65,443.5 70,215.8 80,192.1 83,056.5 83,139.1 80,745.2
Commercial 9,820.7 10,270.0 11,033.4 12,410.6 15,244.6 16,800.6 18,021.2 20,714.5 23,065.4 24,555.3 25,935.3
Municipal 16,107.5 16,633.1 18,387.7 19,300.1 22,132.6 22,656.4 22,031.4 24,474.9 26,463.8 25,373.2 27,392.9
Aquaculture 11,421.2 15,213.0 15,672.6 20,466.5 22,656.1 25,986.5 30,163.2 35,002.7 33,527.3 33,210.6 27,417.0

Source: BAS (various years)

Table 4. Annual growth rates of Philippine fish production, by sector, 1988 -1997
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Average

Quantity (%)

All sectors 3.92 3.10 5.58 3.82 1.03 0.24 3.38 2.33 -0.54 -0.10 2.28
Commercial 1.49 6.17 9.98 8.45 5.94 2.42 4.24 3.95 -1.59 0.63 4.17
Municipal 0.72 3.38 2.47 1.32 -5.44 -6.49 -2.11 -2.07 -6.46 1.68 -1.30
Aquaculture 6.88 4.97 6.64 3.17 6.35 7.77 9.51 5.75 6.73 -2.40 5.54

Value (%)

All sectors 12.77 7.06 15.71 15.06 9.01 7.29 14.21 3.57 0.10 -2.88 8.19
Commercial 4.58 7.43 12.48 22.84 10.21 7.26 14.94 21.00 -2.03 5.62 10.43
Municipal 3.26 10.55 4.96 14.68 2.37 -2.76 11.09 8.13 -4.12 7.96 5.61
Aquaculture 33.20 3.02 30.59 10.70 14.70 16.06 16.12 -4.27 -0.94 -17.45 10.17

Source: Table 3
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 45 of 92

Table 5. Gross national product, crop agriculture production and fisheries production in the Philippines, 1987-1997
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Value (Million Pesos)

GNP 665,443 782,069 905,459 1,071,433 1,254,562 1,374,838 1,500,287 1,736,382 1,958,932 2,261,339 2,526,891
Crop Agriculture 107,473 125,313 144,407 153,925 164,312 172,710 177,472 199,327 230,396 270,015 276,826
Fisheries 37,349 42,118 45,094 52,177 60,033 65,444 70,216 80,192 83,057 83,139 80,745

Ratios (%)

Fisheries / GNP 5.61 5.39 4.98 4.87 4.79 4.76 4.68 4.62 4.24 3.68 3.20
Fisheries / Crop Agriculture 34.75 33.61 31.23 33.90 36.54 37.89 39.56 40.23 36.05 30.79 29.17

Sources: NSCB (1997), BAS (various years)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 46 of 92

Table 6. Annual growth rate of gross national product, crop agriculture and fisheries production in the Philippines, 1988-1997
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Average

Value (%)

GNP 17.53 15.78 18.33 17.09 9.59 9.12 15.74 12.82 15.44 11.74 14.32
Crop Agriculture 16.60 15.24 6.59 6.75 5.11 2.76 12.31 15.59 17.20 2.52 10.07
Fisheries 12.77 7.06 15.71 15.06 9.01 7.29 14.21 3.57 0.10 -2.88 8.19

Ratio (%)

Fisheries / GNP Ratio -4.05 -7.53 -2.22 -1.74 -0.52 -1.68 -1.32 -8.19 -13.29 -13.09 -5.36
Fisheries / Crop Agriculture Ratio -3.29 -7.09 8.55 7.78 3.71 4.41 1.69 -10.39 -14.59 -5.27 -1.45

Source: Table 5
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 47 of 92

Table 7. Philippine exports, imports and net exports of fishery products, 1987-1997
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Quantity (Metric Tons MP)

Exports 111,830 120,903 145,099 143,038 144,939 131,915 163,745 172,080 169,746 164,673 173,888
Imports 104,936 164,375 197,963 196,115 193,635 221,545 208,895 241,194 270,213 262,587 295,016
Net Exports 6,894 -43,472 -52,864 -53,077 -48,696 -89,630 -45,150 -69,114 -100,467 -97,914 -121,128

Value (Million Pesos)

Exports 6,442 9,599 10,248 11,529 14,049 11,090 14,074 15,027 15,657 15,110 16,337
Imports 637 1,312 1,424 1,834 2,323 2,496 2,249 2,505 2,923 3,178 4,020
Net Exports 5,805 8,287 8,824 9,695 11,726 8,594 11,825 12,522 12,734 11,932 12,317

Source: BAS (various years)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 48 of 92

Table 8. Annual growth rates of Philippine exports, imports and net exports of fishery products, 1988-1997
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Average

Quantity (%)

Exports 8.11 0.20 -1.42 1.33 -8.99 24.13 5.09 -1.36 -2.99 5.60 2.97
Imports 56.64 0.20 -0.93 -1.26 14.41 -5.71 15.46 12.03 -2.82 12.35 10.04
Net Exports -730.58 0.22 0.40 -8.25 84.06 49.63 -53.08 -45.36 2.54 23.71 -67.67

Value (%)

Exports 49.01 0.07 12.50 21.86 -21.06 26.90 6.77 4.19 -3.49 8.12 10.49
Imports 105.97 0.09 28.79 26.66 7.45 -9.90 11.39 16.69 8.71 26.49 22.23
Net Exports 42.76 0.06 9.87 20.95 -26.71 -37.60 -5.89 -1.69 6.29 3.23 1.13

Source: Table 7
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 49 of 92

Table 9. Annual growth rates of ASEAN fish production, 1988-1995

Countries 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Average

Brunei Darusalam -47.85 13.52 1.38 -29.70 3.03 3.23 0.00 0.00 -7.05
Indonesia 8.18 5.48 3.25 6.82 5.84 5.70 0.00 0.00 4.41
Malaysia -3.57 7.22 7.28 -2.65 12.96 4.49 2.36 4.91 4.12
Philippines 1.09 4.40 5.28 4.84 -1.92 -0.36 0.55 -0.31 1.70
Singapore -9.81 -17.16 5.66 -1.87 -11.82 0.89 17.22 0.48 -2.05
Thailand -4.77 2.01 3.19 6.51 9.17 2.80 0.00 0.00 2.36

Notes: Rates for the Philippines are different from those in Table 4 due to difference in data sources.
Source of basic data: FAO database
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 50 of 92

Table 10. Philippine fish requirement based on 36 kg per capita assumption, net supply, and shortfall, 1985-1994

Year Requirement Supply Deficit Imports Per capita supply (kg)

('000 mt) ('000 mt) ('000 mt) ('000 mt) W/O imports With imports

1985 1,979 1,676 303 6 30.5 30.6

1986 2,019 1,755 263 33 31.3 31.9
1987 2,059 1,775 284 68 31.0 32.2
1988 2,100 1,790 310 117 30.7 32.7
1989 2,142 1,873 269 141 31.5 33.8
1990 2,185 1,937 248 131 31.9 34.1
1991 2,263 2,037 226 145 32.4 34.7
1992 2,313 2,013 300 145 31.3 33.6
1993 2,363 1,983 380 119 30.2 32.0
1994 2,413 1,966 447 124 29.3 31.2

Source: Yap (1997)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 51 of 92

Table 11. National fisheries administration in the Philippines, 1907-1998

Agency Year Relevant Legislation

Fishery Section, 1907

Bureau of Government Laboratories

Division of Fisheries,
Bureau of Science

Fish and Game Administration, 1933 GM Order No.4

Department of Agriculture and Commerce

Fish and Game Administration, 1934

Bureau of Science

Division of Fisheries, 1939 GA Order No. 15

Department of Agriculture and Commerce

Bureau of Forestry and Fishery early years

of WW II

Bureau of Fisheries latter years

(independent office) of WW II

Bureau of Fisheries 1947 RA No. 177

Bureau of Fisheries 1957 EO No. 216

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Philippine Fisheries Commission 1963 RA No. 3512

Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Bureau of Fisheries 1972 Integrated Reorganization Plan

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) 1974 PD No. 461

Ministry of Natural Resources

BFAR (staff bureau) 1984 EO No. 967

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

BFAR (staff function fully implemented) 1987 EO No. 116

Department of Agriculture

BFAR (line bureau) 1998 RA No. 8550

Department of Agriculture Fisheries Code

Note: GM means General Memorandum, GA, General Administrative, RA, Republic Act, EO, Executive Order
and PD, Presidential Decree
Source: BFAR Files
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 52 of 92

Table 12. Important legislation related to fisheries prior to the Philippine Fisheries Code
Legislation Year Important Provisions

CA Nos. 2657 and 2711 1917 and Gave the municipal councils the authority over the
1934 municipal fishing activities
Renders precise the dual authority of the national
and municipal governments to govern the fisheries
Defined municipal waters as that water area
3 nautical miles from the shoreline

CA No. 4003 or 1932 Specified that no powered vessels of more than 3

Fisheries Act gross ton (GT) are allowed to fish in territorial
waters without a permit or license issued by the
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce

Philippine Constitution 1935 Gave the Filipino citizens exclusive right to exploit
Article XII the marine resources of the country

PD No. 704 or 1975 Revised and consolidated all previous laws and
Fisheries Decree decrees affecting the fisheries sector

PD No. 1599 1978 Declared the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

extending Philippine territorial waters 200 nautical
miles from the baseline from which territorial sea is

RA No. 7160 or the 1991 Devolved government powers to Local

Local Government Code Government Units (LGUs)
Defined municipal waters as the distance of 15 km
from the shoreline
Authorized LGUs to allow regulated commercial
activities after a 10-km distance from the shoreline
Specified that the municipalities have the exclusive
authority to grant fishery privileges and impose
Indicated that marginal fishermen are given
preferential right in the granting of fishery

Note: CA means Commonwealth Act; PD, Presidential Decree; RA ,Republic Act

Sources: BFAR Files
Figure 1. Organizational structure of BFAR as a staff bureau




Freshwater Policy and Project Research & Monitoring Licensing Fish Handling Fisheries Pelagic Municipal
Fisheries Development Advisory Section Surveillance Section Section Manpower Vertebrate Fisheries
Section Section Section Services Resources Section
Section Section
Brackishwater Policy and Program Fishery Laws Coastal Fisheries Fishpond Product
Fisheries Evaluation Section and Regulation Management Leasing Standardization Fisheries Demersal Commercial
Section Section Section Section Section Extension Vertebrate Fisheries
Development & Resources Section
Advisory Section
Mariculture Fishery Economics Fishery Rights Offshore Export Product Section
Section Section Adjudication Fisheries Documentation Development
Management Invertebrate
Section Section Section
Section Fisheries
Fish Health Philippine Fisheries Fishpond Lease Quarantine Chemical & Assistance
Section Information System Agreement & Section Microbiological
Section Seaweeds-
(PHILFIS) Section Section
Fisheries Resources
Fishing Boat Fish Inspection Information Section
Licensing & Section Publication
Section Section Oceanography

National Freshwater National Inland National Fishery National Brackishwater National Marine National Integrated Mindanao Freshwater National Seaweeds
Fisheries Technology Fisheries Technology Biological Center Fisheries Technology Fisheries Development Fisheries Technology Fisheries Technology Technology Development
Center Center Center Center Center Center Center

Source: BFAR Files

Figure 2. Organizational structure of BFAR as a line bureau


National Fisherfolk Operations Staff

Asst. Director for Administration Asst. Director for Technical Services

Research Personnel Budget
And Section Section Coastal Res. Fishpond Pelagic Municipal Fish Training & Freshwater Policy
Advisory Mgt. Section Lease Vertebrate Fishing Handling Extension Fish. Sec. &Program
Section Section Resources Sec. Technology Section Section Evaluation
Records Accounting Section Section
Section Unit MCS Brackish.
Fishery Control Fisheries Demersal Aquatic Fisheries Fish. Sec.
Laws & Quarantine Vertebrate Products Marketing & Policy &
Operations Commercial
Regulation Section Section Resources Sec. Utilization Business Program
Property Fishing
Section Section Advisory Sec. Mariculture Dev’t.
Section Technology Section
Section Section
Conserv’n & Foreign Invertebrate
Fisheries Environ’tal Trade & Resources Fish Fisherfolk
Rights & General Inspection Organization/ Fisheries
Educ. Misc. Permit Section Fish Health
Adjudication Services Section Section Section Cooperative Econ.
High Seas & Diag.
Section Section Section Section
Technology Section
Seaweeds &
Offshore Fishing Section Fishery
Seagrass Res.
Prosecution Medical Resources Vessel Products Fisheries
Section Env’tal Mgt.
and Trial Clinic Mgt. Section Licensing Testing Lab. Comm. & Pub. PHILFIS
Section Unit Section Section Relations Sec. Section
Cashier Fish Proc’ng BFAR Library Aquaculture
Unit Section Unit Eng’g Sec.

National Brackishwater National Freshwater National Inland National Marine National Integrated National Seaweeds Fisheries Mindanao Freshwater
Fisheries Technology Technology Center Fisheries Tech. Center Fisheries Development Fisheries Technology & Technology & Biological Center Fish. Tech. Center
Center Center Dev’t. Center Development Center

Regional Fisheries Office Nos 1 to 13 and CAR

Provincial Fisheries Offices

Source: BFAR Files

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 55 of 92

Table 13. Existing fees in the commercial fisheries

Year/Legislation Commercial Fishing Boat License(CFBL) Fisherman's License Cash Bond Clearance Fee

1983 Annual license fee is set based on the i) motorized boat more than 3 GT-
FAO No. 144 tonnage of the boat ( see Table 13a) P50.00
ii)motorized boat more than 3 GT
to 50 GT - P 150.00
iii)motorized boat more than 50 GT
to 200 GT - P300.00
iv)motorized boat over 200 GT -

1993 The annual application fee for CFBL is Annual fees: Clearance fee:
FAO NO. 187 P400.00 and for a special CFBL, the rate i) application - P20.00 P50.00 per trip
is P2,000.00 ii) new license - P20.00
iii)renewal - P20.00

Note: In the past, a fee for fish catch was collected. According to BFAR, no fish catch fee is collected at the present.
Sources : BFAR (1989), BFAR (1995)
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 56 of 92

Table 13a. Annual license fee rates based on boat classification

Boat Classification License Fee

Nonpowered fishing boat P50.00 + P2.00 per gross ton or

of more than 3GT fraction thereof

Powered Basnig/Bagnet of P100.00 + P2.00 per gross ton or

more than 3 to 25 GT fraction thereof

Sapiao, kubkub,talakop and/ P100.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

or other fishing gear more and fraction thereof regardless
than 3 to 25 GT of fishing gear used

For powered vessel used for P125.00 + P2.00 per gross ton
trawl/towing boats of more and fraction thereof
than 3 to 25 GT

For powered vessel more P150.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

than 25 to 50 GT and fraction thereof

For motorized boat of more P200.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

than 50 but not more than and fraction thereof
75 GT

For motorized boat of more P350.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

than 100 to 150 GT and fraction thereof

For motorized boat of more P500.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

than 150 to 250 GT and fraction thereof

For motorized boat of more P500.00 + P2.00 per gross ton

than 250 GT and fraction thereof

Source: BFAR (1995)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 57 of 92

Table 14. Existing fees for government-owned fishponds in aquaculture

Year/Legislation Fees Bond

1979 Annual rental: Cash bond deposit for

FAO No. 125 P50.00 per hectare converted FLAs and 25-yr
and fraction thereof Fishpond Lease Agreements
(FLAs) issued prior to the
conversion is P50.00 per
hectare and fraction thereof
and may be waived entirely if
after 5 yrs improvements have
been introduced and lessee
has satisfactorily complied
with the terms and conditions
of the lease

1993 Annual application fee:

FAO No. 187 Fishpond - P1,000

Sources : BFAR (1989), BFAR (1995)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 58 of 92

Table 15. Important environmentally-related provisions of the Philippine Fisheries Code

Section Title Content

A. Correct Resource Pricing

6 Fees and other fishery charges The rentals for fishpond areas covered by the fishpond lease agreement (FLA) and license
fees for commercial fishing boat license (CFBL) shall be set at levels that reflect resource rent
from the utilization of resources and shall be determined by the Department: Provided…

7 Access to fishery resources The Department shall issue such number of licenses and permits for the conduct of fishery
activities subject to the limits of the MSY of the resource as determined by scientific studies
or best available evidence. Preference shall be given to resource users in the local
communities adjacent or nearest to the municipal waters.

B. Proper Delineation of Property Rights

17 Grant of fishing privileges in The duly registered fisherfolk organizations/ cooperatives shall have preference in the
municipal waters granting of fishery rights by the municipal/city council pursuant to Section 149 of the Local
Government Code: Provided…

18 Users of municipal waters All fishery related activities in municipal waters, as defined in this Code, shall be utilized by
organizations who are listed in the registry of municipal fisherfolk.
The municipal or city government, however, may, through its local chief executive and acting
pursuant to an appropriate ordinance, authorize or permit small and medium commercial
fishing vessels to operate within the ten point one (10.1) to fifteen (15) kilometers from the
shoreline in municipal waters, as defined herein, provided…

19 Registry of municipal fisherfolk The LGU shall maintain a registry of municipal fisherfolk who are fishing or may desire to
fish in the municipal waters for the purpose of determining priorities among them, of limiting
entry into the municipal waters, and of monitoring fishing activities and/or other related
purposes: Provided…
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 59 of 92

Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

20 Fisherfolk organizations and/ or Fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives whose members are listed in the registry of municipal
cooperatives fisherfolk, may be granted use of demarcated fishery areas to engage in fish capture,
mariculture and/or farming: Provided…

21 Priority of resident municipal Resident municipal fisherfolk of the municipality concerned and their organizations/
fisherfolk cooperatives shall have priority to exploit municipal and demarcated fishery areas of the said

22 Demarcated fishery right The LGU concerned shall grant demarcated fishery rights to fishery organizations/
cooperatives for mariculture operation in specific areas identified by the Department.

C. Monitoring and Enforcement

14 Monitoring, control and surveillance A monitoring, control and surveillance system shall be established by the Department in
of Philippine waters coordination with the LGUs, FARMCs, the private sector and other agencies concerned to
ensure that the fisheries and aquatic resources in Philippine waters are judiciously and wisely
utilized and managed on a sustainable basis and conserved for the benefit and enjoyment
exclusively of Filipino citizens.

16 Jurisdiction of municipal/city The municipal/city government shall have jurisdiction over municipal waters as defined in
governments this Code. The municipal/city government…

The LGUs shall also enforce all fishery laws, rules and regulations as well as valid fishery
ordinances enacted by the municipal/city council.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 60 of 92

Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

38 Reportorial requirements Each commercial fishing vessel shall keep a daily record of fish catch and spoilage, landing
points, and quantity and value of fish caught, and off-loaded for transshipment, sale and/or
other disposal. Detailed…

65 Functions of the Bureau of Fisheries As a line bureau, the BFAR shall have the following functions:
and Aquatic Resources :.
n. Enforce all laws, formulate and enforce all rules and regulations
governing the conservation and management of fishery resources,
except in municipal waters, and to settle conflicts of resource use and
allocation in consultation with the NFARMC, LGUs and local

67 Fisheries Inspection and Quarantine For purposes of monitoring and regulating the importation and exportation of fish and
Service fishery/aquatic resources, the Fisheries Inspection and Quarantine Service in th BFAR is
hereby strengthened and shall have the following functions:

74 Functions of the M/CFARMCs The M/CFARMCs shall exercise the following functions:
c. Assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in
municipal waters;

77 Functions of the IFARMCs The IFARMC shall have the following functions:
c. Assist in the enforcement of fishery laws, rules and regulations in
concerned municipal waters;
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 61 of 92

Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

D. Command and Control Instruments

12 Environmental impact statement All government agencies as well as private corporations, firms and entities who intend to
(EIS) undertake activities or projects which will affect the quality of environment shall be required
to prepare a detailed environmental impact assessment (EIS) prior to undertake such
development activity. The preparation…

13 Environmental compliance All environmental impact statements (EIS) shall be submitted to the Department of
certificate (ECC) Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for review and evaluation. No person, natural
or juridical, shall undertake any development project without first securing an environmental
compliance certificate (ECC) from the Secretary of the DENR.

46 Lease of fishponds Fishpond leased to qualified persons and fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives shall be
subject to the following conditons:
h. The lessee shall provide facilities that will minimize environmental pollution, i.e., settling
ponds, resorvoirs, etc. : Provided…

54 Insurance for fishponds, fish Inland fishponds, fish cages and fish pens shall be covered under the insurance program of the
cages and fish pens Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation for losses caused by force majeure and fortuitous

80 Fishing areas reserved for The Department may designate area or areas in Philippine waters beyond fifteen (15)
exclusive use of government kilometers from the shoreline as fishery reservation for the exclusive use of the government
or any of its political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, for propagation, educational,
research and scientific purposes: Provided…

81 Fish refuge and sanctuaries The Department may establish fish refuge and sanctuaries to be administered in the manner
to be prescribed by the BFAR at least twenty-five percent (25%) but not more than forty
percent (40%) of bays, foreshorelands, continental shelf or any fishing ground shall be set
aside for the cultivation of mangroves to strengthen the habitat and the spawning grounds of
fish. Within…
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 62 of 92

Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

86 Unauthorized fishing or engaging No person shall exploit, occupy, produce, breed, culture, capture or gather fish or fingerlings
in other unauthorized fisheries of any fishery species or fishery products, or engage in any fishery activity in Philippine
activities waters without license, lease or permit.

87 Poaching in Philippine waters It shall be unlawful or any foreign person, corporation or entity to fish or operate any fishing
vessel in Philippine waters.

88 Fishing through explosives, 1) It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, take or gather or cause to caught, taken or
noxious or poisonous substances gathered fish or any fishery species in Philippine waters with the use of electricity,
and/or electricity noxious or poisonous substances such as sodium cyanide in the Philippine fishery areas
which will kill, stupefy, disable or render unconscious fish or fishery species: Provided…

89 Use of fine mesh net It shall be unlawful to engage in fishing using nets with mesh smaller than that with which
may be fixed by the Department: Provided…

90 Use of active gear in the municipal It shall be unlawful to engage in fishing in municipal waters and in all bays as well as other
waters and bays and other fishery fishery management areas using fishing gears as defined in this Code.
management areas

91 Ban on coral exploitation and It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to gather, possess, sell, or export ordinary,
exportation precious and semi-precious corals whether raw or in processed form, except for scientific
or research purposes.

92 Ban on "muro-ami" and other It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to fish with gear method that destroy
methods and gears destructive to coral reefs, seagrass beds and other fishery marine life habitat as may be determined by the
coral reefs and other marine habitat Department. "Muro-ami" and any of its variations and such familiar gear and methods that
require diving, other physical or mechanical acts to pound on the coral reefs and other habitat
to entrap, gather or catch fish and other fishery species are also prohibited.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 63 of 92

Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

93 Illegal use of superlights It shall be unlawful to engage in fishing with the use of superlights in municipal waters or in
violation of the rules and regulations which may be promulgated by the Department on the
use of superlights outside municipal waters.

94 Conversion of mangroves It shall be unlawful for any person to convert mangroves into fishponds or for any other purpose.

95 Fishing in overfished area and It shall be unlawful to fish in overfished area and during closed season.
during closed season :

96 Fishing in fishery reserves, refuge It shall be unlawful to fish in fishery areas declared by the Department as fishery reserves,
and sanctuaries refuge and sanctuaries.

97 Fishing or taking of rare, threatened It shall be unlawful to fish or take rare, threatened or endangered species as listed in the
or endangered species CITES and as determined by the Department.

98 Capture of sabalo and other It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, gather, capture or possess mature milkfish or
breeders/ spawners "sabalo" and such other breeders or spawners of fishery species as may be determined by the
Department: Provided…

99 Exportation of breeders, spawners, Exportation of breeders, spawners, eggs or fry as prohibited in this Code shall be punished…
eggs or fry

100 Importation or exportation of fish Any importation or exportation of fish species in violation of this Code shall be punished…
or fishery species
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Table 15. Continued…

Section Title Content

101 Violation of ceiling catch It shall be unlawful for any person to fish in violation of catch ceilings as determined by the
Department. Violation…

102 Aquatic pollution Aquatic pollution as defined in this Code shall be unlawful. Violation…

103 Other violations Other fishing activities considered as violation to the Code include:
a) failure to comly with minimum safety standards …

104 Commercial fishing vessel operators The owner/operator of a commercial fishing vessel employing unlicensed fisherfolk or
employing unlicensed fisherfolk fishworker shall be fined…
or fishworker or crew

105 Obstruction of defined migration Obstruction of any defined migration path of anadromous, catadromous and other migratory
paths species in areas including, but not limited to, river mouths and estuaries within a distance
determined by the concerned FARMCs shall be punished…

106 Obstruction of fishery law The boat owner, master or operator or any person acting on behalf of any fishing vessel who
enforcement officer evades, obstructs or hinder any fishery law enforcement officer of the Department to
perform his duty shall be fined…

107 Promulgation of administrative For purpose of fishery regulation or other fishery adjustments, the Department in
orders consultation with the LGUs and local FARMCs, shall issue fishery administrative orders or
regulations for the conservation, preservation, management and sustainable development of
fishery and aquatic resources.

E. Market-based Instruments

48 Incentives and disincentives for The Department shall formulate incentives and disincentives such as, but not limited to,
sustainable aquaculture practices effluent charges, user fees and negotiable permits, to encourage compliance with the
environmental standards and to promote sustainable management practices.

Source: Congress of the Philippines (1998)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 65 of 92

Table 16. Other important provisions of the Philippine Fisheries Code

Subject Section Title Content

Institutional 64 Reconstitution of The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is hereby reconstituted
Issues BFAR as a line bureau under the Department of Agriculture.

70 Creation and composition There is hereby created a National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
of the National Fisheries Management Council, referred to as NFARMC, as an advisory/
and Aquatic Resources recommendatory body to the Department. The NFARMC shall be
Management Council composed of fifteen (15 members) consisting of: …

71 Terms of office The members of the NFARMC, except the Undersecretary of

Agriculture and the Undersecretary of the Interior and Local
Government, shall serve for a term of three (3) years without

72 Functions of the The NFARMC shall have the following functions:

NFARMC a. Assist in the formulation of national policies for the protection,
sustainabe development ans management of fishery and aquatic
resources for the approval of the Secretary;

73 The Municipal/City The M/CFARMCs shall be created in each of the municipalities and
Fisheries and Aquatic cities abutting municipal waters. However, the LGU may create the
Resources Management Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils
Councils (M/CFARMCs) (BFARMCs) and the Lakewide Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Councils (LFARMCs) whenever necessary. Such
BFARMCs and LFARMCs shall serve in an advisory capacity to the
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 66 of 92

Table 16. Continued…

Subject Section Title Content

74 Functions of the The M/CFARMCs shall exercise the following functions:

M/CFARMCs a. Assist in the preparation of the municipal fishery development plan
and submit to the Municipal Development Council;

75 Composition of the The regular members of the M/CFARMCs shall be composed of:
d. Representative from the accredited non-government organization;

76 The Integrated Fisheries The IFARMCs shall be created in bays, gulfs, lakes and rivers and dams
and Aquatic Resources bounded by two (2) or more municipalities/cities.
Management Councils

77 Functions of the The IFARMCs shall have the following functions:

IFARMCs a. Assist in the preparation of the integrated fishery development plan
and submit to the concerned municipal development councils;

78 Composition of the The regular members of the IFARMCs shall be composed of the
IFARMCs following:
d. One (1) representative from NGO;
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Table 16. Continued…

Subject Section Title Content

79 Source of funds of the A separate fund for the NFARMC, IFARMCs and M/CFARMCs shall
FARMCs M/CFARMCs shall be established and administered by the Department
from the regular annual budgetary appropriations.

Research and 82 Creation of the National In recognition of the important role of fisheries research in the
Development Fisheries Research and development, management, conservation and protection of the country's
Development Institute fisheries and aquatic resources, there is hereby created a National
(NFRDI) Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI).

84 Research and development Researches to be done by the NFRDI are expected to result in the
objectives following:
a. To raise the income of the fisherfolk and to elevate the Philippines
among the top five (5) in the world ranking in fish production;
b. To make the country's fishing industry in the high seas competitive;
c. To conduct social research on fisherfolk families better understanding
of their conditions and needs; and
d. To coordinate with the fisheries schools, LGUs private sectors
regarding the maximum utilization of available technology, including
the transfer of such technology to the industry particularly the

112 Special Fisheries Science The Department shall provide subsidy for full technical and financial
and Approfishtech Fund support to the development of appropriate technology, both in fishery
and ancillary industries that are ecologically sound locally source-based
and labor intensive, based on the requirement and needs of the
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 68 of 92

Table 16. Continued…

Subject Section Title Content

Education 115 Professionalization of There is hereby created a Fisheries Board of Examiners in the
fisheries graduates Professional Regulation Commission to upgrade the fisheries profession:

117 Inclusion of fisheries Fisheries conservation subjects shall be incorporated in the curricula of
conservation subjects in elementary and secondary schools both private and public.
school curriculum

118 Educational campaign The Department, the CHED, the DECS and the Philippine Information
at all levels Agency shall launch and pursue a nationwide educational campaign to -
b. Promote the development, management, conservation and proper use
of the environment;

Statistics and 121 Protection of sensitive The Department shall take such measures as may be necessary in order
Information technical information to protect trade, industrial and policy information of Filipino fisherfolk,
fisheries owners/operators, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and researchers,
when disclosure of such information will injure the competitiveness or
viability of domestic fisheries.

122 Assistance in collecting The Department, in coordination with other government entities
information concerned, may require Filipino representatives abroad and foreign-based
personnel to assist in the collection of fisheries data and information.

Extension 65 Functions of the Bureau As a line bureau, the BFAR shall have the following functions:
of Fisheries and Aquatic :
Resources q. Assist the LGUs in developing their technical capability in the
development, management, regulation, conservation, and protection
of the fishery resources;
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 69 of 92

Table 16. Continued…

Subject Section Title Content

120 Extension services The Department shall develop cost-effective, practical and efficient
extension services on a sustained basis in addition to those provided by
state educational institutions, especially to municipal fisherfolk in
undeveloped areas, utilizing practicable and indigenous resources and
government agencies available, and based upon a system of self-reliance
and self-help.

Credit 109 Municipal fisheries For the development, management and conservation of the municipal
grant fund resources, there is hereby created a Fishery Grant Fund to finance
fishery projects of the municipal fisherfolk. The amount…
For this purpose, the Department, may seek financial assistance from
any source and may receive any donations therefor.

110 Fishery loan and Pursuant to Section 7, Article XIII of the Constitution, there is hereby
guarantee fund created a Fishery Loan and Guarantee Fund with an initial of one
hundred million pesos (P100,000,000) which shall be administered by
the Land Bank of the Philippines. The fund…

111 Fishing vessels There is hereby created a Fishing Vessels Development Fund to enhance
development fund the building and/or acquisition of fishing vessels. This shall be a…

112 Special Fisheries Science The Department shall provide subsidy for full technical and financial
and Approfishtech Fund support to the development of appropriate technology, both in fishery
and ancillary industries that are ecologically sound locally source-based
and labor intensive, based on the requirement and needs of the

114 Other fisheries In addition to fisheries credit guarantee, grant and other similar facilities
financing facilities granted under this Code, qualified Filipino fisherfolk and fisheries
enterprises shall enjoy each such other facilities granted them under
existing and/or new laws/ specially as to rural credit, with preference
being given to fisheries cooperatives.
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 70 of 92

Table 16. Continued…

Subject Section Title Content

Infrastructure 119 Infrastructure support The Department in cooperation with the concerned agencies shall-
a. Prepare and implement a nationwide plan for the development of
municipal fishing ports and markets;

Public 118 Educational campaign The Department, the CHED, the DECS and the Philippine Information
Awareness at all levels Agency shall launch and pursue a nationwide educational campaign…

Source: Congress of the Philippines (1998)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 71 of 92

Table 17. Total national government expenditures, government expenditure in ANR R&D, and R&D expenditures in the fisheries
sector of the Philippines for 1982-1995 (In million pesos)
Total National Government Expenditure % of Total National Government Expenditure
Year Government
Expenditure R&D for ANR R&D for Fisheries R&D for ANR R&D for Fisheries

1982 57,029 905.11 14.52 1.59 0.030

1983 61,838 852.36 14.67 1.38 0.024
1984 53,450 780.73 10.14 1.46 0.019
1985 58,329 888.91 15.82 1.52 0.027
1986 67,409 1,035.49 22.02 1.54 0.033
1987 79,321 318.47 18.07 0.40 0.023
1988 85,539 1,099.54 33.40 1.29 0.039
1989 117,012 1,033.93 37.03 0.88 0.032
1990 156,668 1,070.27 76.33 0.68 0.049
1991 166,158 1,180.18 67.74 0.71 0.041
1992 194,778 1,276.83 109.98 0.66 0.056
1993 309,437 2,404.52 119.49 0.78 0.039
1994 322,695 2,463.25 38.34 0.76 0.012
1995 387,398 2,649.59 63.89 0.68 0.016

Average 151,223 1,283.00 45.82 1.02 0.03

Ave. Growth Rate 17.09 23.57 23.67 0.07 0.05

Note: ANR means Agriculture and Natural Resources

Source of Table: PCAMRD (1996a).
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 72 of 92

Table 18. Socioeconomic and policy studies in the fisheries sector by type/discipline and year, Philippines
Period of Study
Type of study 1974 and 1975 to 1981 to 1987 to 1993 to
Total %
below 1980 1986 1992 date

Socioeconomics (General) 2 52 40 53 25 172 13.64

Production Economics/ Management 8 39 90 46 19 202 16.02
Resource Economics/ Management 0 7 13 41 25 86 6.82
Sociological/ Sociocultural 3 4 7 25 19 58 4.60
M arketing/ Trade and Prices 11 63 78 46 20 218 17.29
Policy Studies 4 27 62 89 50 232 18.40
Industry Studies 0 9 17 7 5 38 3.01
a. Credit 0 2 9 3 2 16 1.27
b. Cooperatives 0 1 1 10 6 18 1.43
c. Legal 0 2 0 1 1 4 0.32
d. Agencies/NGO/Community 0 0 0 5 3 8 0.63
e. Education/M a n p o w e r S & D 0 0 4 1 2 7 0.56
f. Extension/Training/Technology Adoption 0 3 5 2 2 12 0.95
g. Tenurial/Territorial use rights 0 2 4 9 1 16 1.27
Bio-economics 0 0 0 2 1 3 0.24
Consumption/Demand 2 1 2 0 0 5 0.40
a. Feasibility/Investment Studies 8 27 37 26 17 115 9.12
b. Impact/Effect Studies 1 2 1 3 0 7 0.56
c. Processing 4 8 9 5 0 26 2.06
d. Gender (Role of Women) 0 0 2 3 4 9 0.71
e. Others (e.g. livelihood opportunities) 0 1 0 1 7 9 0.71

Total 43 250 381 378 209 1261 100.00

Average 3.41 19.83 30.21 29.98 16.57 100

Source: de Jesus et al. (1997)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 74 of 92

Table 19. Number of technical and vocational education schools

in the Philippines, 1998
Type Number %

Fisheries Schools 50 23

All Schools 221 100

Source: General Appropriations Act (1996)

Table 20. Appropriations for the programs and activities of fisheries technical-vocational/higher education institutions, 1991-1996
Insitution 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Fisheries Technical-Vocational/ Higher Education Insitutions

Region I Bangui School of Fisheries 2,279,000 2,522,000 2,574,000 2,421,000 2,457,000 4,231,000
Region I Bolinao School of Fisheries 2,040,000 2,421,000 2,440,000 2,395,000 2,429,000 4,083,000
Region I Pangasinan College of Fisheries 2,933,000 3,714,000 3,741,000 3,763,000 3,818,000 6,369,000
Region I Ilocos Norte Regional School of Fisheries 2,112,000 2,218,000 2,213,000 2,109,000 2,139,000 3,596,000
Region II Sabtang National School of Fisheries 1,771,000 2,430,000 2,398,000 2,054,000 2,109,000 3,531,000
Region II Abulug School of Fisheries 1,613,000 2,165,000 2,203,000 1,884,000 1,926,000 3,960,000
Region II Pamplona National School of Fisheries 1,757,000 2,469,000 2,404,000 2,208,000 2,259,000 3,672,000
Region II Solana Freshwater and Fisheries School 2,408,000 3,271,000 3,257,000 3,048,000 3,109,000 5,035,000
Region II Isabela School of Fisheries 2,075,000 2,811,000 2,696,000 2,494,000 2,560,000 4,213,000
Region III Bataan School of Fisheries 5,128,000 4,351,000 4,367,000 4,359,000 4,521,000 7,327,000
Region III Malolos Marine Fishery School and Laboratory 3,179,000 3,616,000 3,593,000 3,544,000 3,700,000 6,391,000
Region III Obando School of Fisheries 3,300,000 926,000 1,387,000 1,368,000 1,529,000 2,746,000
Region III Candelaria School of Fisheries 4,033,000 4,207,000 4,360,000 4,297,000 4,465,000 7,286,000
Region IV Aurora National Fishery School 2,283,000 1,864,000 1,872,000 1,985,000 2,028,000 3,763,000
Region IV Apolinario R. Apacible School of Fisheries 5,610,000 7,373,000 7,228,000 8,064,000 8,095,000 13,249,000
Region IV Cavite College of Fisheries 3,856,000 4,804,000 4,270,000 4,542,000 5,109,000 8,325,000
Region IV Los Baños College of Fisheries 8,124,000 7,022,000 6,941,000 7,070,000 7,635,000 12,448,000
Region IV Tanauan School of Fisheries 3,875,000 4,234,000 4,225,000 5,004,000 4,996,000 8,751,000
Region IV Looc National School of Fisheries 2,738,000 1,572,000 1,555,000 1,336,000 1,346,000 2,643,000
Region IV Bongabong School of Fisheries 2,767,000 3,453,000 3,453,000 4,385,000 4,406,000 7,434,000
Region IV Coron School of Fisheries 3,322,000 3,383,000 3,349,000 3,738,000 3,759,000 6,593,000
Region IV Lamon Bay School of Fisheries 2,559,000 1,951,000 1,942,000 1,993,000 2,378,000 4,165,000
Region IV Judge Guillermo Eleazar Memorial School of Fisheries 3,584,000 3,881,000 3,728,000 4,248,000 4,914,000 8,114,000
Region V Masbate School of Fisheries 5,493,000 3,812,000 3,652,000 3,633,000 3,743,000 6,280,000
Region V Magallanes School of Fisheries 2,833,000 3,861,000 2,794,000 2,808,000 713,000 1,212,000
Region V Gov. Mariano Fuentebella Memorial School of Fisheries 2,097,000 2,294,000 2,250,000 2,483,000 2,561,000 4,242,000
Region V Barcelonita Fishery Schol 3,755,000 4,755,000 2,208,000 2,349,000 4,817,000 4,426,000
Region V Bikal Fisheries School 1,031,000 1,254,000 1,232,000 1,262,000 1,324,000 2,477,000
Region V San Jose Fisheries School 1,290,000 1,540,000 1,439,000 1,651,000 1,719,000 2,976,000
Region VI Numancia National School of Fisheries 3,093,000 2,557,000 2,535,000 2,368,000 2,464,000 4,578,000
Region VI San Joaquin School of Fisheries 3,373,000 2,773,000 2,747,000 2,607,000 2,772,000 4,846,000
Region VI Aklan National College of Fisheries 7,885,000 6,313,000 6,340,000 6,251,000 7,579,000 10,991,000
Region VI Negros Occidental School of Fisheries 6,862,000 5,656,000 5,246,000 7,685,000 5,842,000 8,712,000
Table 20. Continued…
Insitution 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Region VI Tario Lim Memorial School of Fisheries 3,502,000 4,528,000 4,412,000 4,351,000 4,985,000 7,515,000
Region VII Bohol School of Fisheries 3,927,000 4,556,000 4,671,000 6,102,000 5,156,000 7,668,000
Region VII Calape National School of Fisheries 1,871,000 2,260,000 1,992,000 2,101,000 2,105,000 3,553,000
Region VII Clarin School of Fisheries 2,753,000 3,323,000 3,354,000 3,430,000 3,409,000 5,366,000
Region VIII Naval School of Fisheries 4,279,000 2,152,000 2,232,000 2,078,000 2,078,000 3,385,000
Region VIII Matarinao School of Fisheries 1,743,000 2,013,000 1,997,000 1,836,000 1,836,000 3,200,000
Region VIII Bato School of Fisheries 3,573,000 3,771,000 3,744,000 3,940,000 3,945,000 6,297,000
Region VIII Carigara School of Fisheries 3,186,000 3,647,000 3,597,000 3,884,000 3,888,000 5,958,000
Region VIII Eladio T. Balite Memorial School of Fisheries (Bobon) 2,381,000 2,713,000 2,651,000 2,617,000 2,622,000 4,524,000
Region VIII San Vicente School of Fisheries 2,447,000 965,000 911,000 858,000 858,000 1,404,000
Region VIII Clarencio Calagos Memorial School of Fisheries 2,083,000 1,844,000 1,929,000 1,975,000 1,974,000 3,124,000
Region VIII Samar Regional School of Fisheries 6,835,000 7,314,000 7,527,000 7,902,000 7,985,000 10,544,000
Region VIII Rafael Lentejas Memorial School of Fisheries 3,996,000 2,437,000 2,793,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 3,735,000
Region IX Dipolog School of Fisheries 3,287,000 4,332,000 4,440,000 4,478,000 4,488,000 8,444,000
Region X Baliangao School of Fisheries 2,171,000 3,056,000 3,969,000 2,699,000 2,699,000 4,758,000
Region X Northern Mindanao School of Fisheries 3,353,000 4,153,000 4,389,000 3,626,000 5,635,000 6,019,000
Region X Dinagat School of Fisheries 2,910,000 2,989,000 3,143,000 2,674,000 2,676,000 4,480,000
Region X Malimono School of Fisheries 2,657,000 3,035,000 3,186,000 2,608,000 2,612,000 4,225,000
Region XI Lupon School of Fisheries 5,200,000 4,311,000 4,135,000 3,631,000 3,696,000 5,982,000
Region XI Davao del Sur School of Fisheries 3,388,000 3,315,000 4,159,000 3,868,000 3,958,000 6,604,000
Region XI Bula National School of Fisheries 2,853,000 2,552,000 2,829,000 2,891,000 2,897,000 4,683,000
Region XII Iligan City National School of Fisheries 2,788,000 3,587,000 3,652,000 3,595,000 3,657,000 5,735,000

Total for Fisheries Technical-Vocational and Higher Education Institutions 182,241,000 184,326,000 182,351,000 185,150,000 190,980,000 305,868,000
Total for All Technical/Vocational and Higher Education Institutions 1,336,582,000 1,423,029,000 1,277,114,000 7,238,381,000 1,971,636,000 2,183,501,000
% to Total for All Technical/Vocational and Higher Education Institutions 14.27 12.95 13.64 2.56 9.69 14.01
Institutions included in the table are those which appears in the GAA from 1989 to 1996.
Source: General Appropriations Act (1990-1995)
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 77 of 92

Table 21. Standard courses offered by CHED-supervised institutions for Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
Major (No. of units)
Aquaculture Marine Fisheries Fish Processing

I. General Education 87 87 87

Language and Literature

English 12 12 12
Filipino 6 6 6
Mathematics 12 12 12
Natural Science 25 25 25
Humanities 9 9 9
Social Science 12 12 12
Other Courses
The Life and Works of Jose Rizal 3 3 3
(PI 100)
Physical Education (PE) 8 8 8

II. Common Fisheries Courses 26 26 26

General Fisheries and Laws 3 3 3

Fisheries Ext. Ed. I 3 3 3
Fisheries Ext. Ed. II 3 3 3
Fisheries Business 3 3 3
Fisheries Management 3 3 3
Research Methods 3 3 3
Aquatic Bilogy I 5 5 5
Cooperative Principles and Practices 3 3 3

III. Core Courses 53 - 55 49 50

A. Major in Aquaculture
Aquaculture Engeineering 3
Aquaculture I 3
Aquaculture II 5
Aquatic Biology II 3
Biochemistry 4
Biology of Fishes 3
Fish Breeding 3
Fish Genetics 3
Fish Health 3
Fish Nutrition and Feeding Mgt. 5
Fish Physiology 4
Hatchery Management 3
Seminar 1
Special Problem 3
Water Quality and Biological
Productivity 4
Electives 3-5
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 78 of 92

Table 21. Continued….

Major (No. of units)
Aquaculture Marine Fisheries Fish Processing

B. Major in Marine Fisheries

Fishing Boat Design and
Construction 5
Fishing Gear Design and
Construction 5
Marine Ecology 3
Marine Instrumentation 3
Marine Machineries 3
Navigation and Seamanship I 3
Navigation and Seamanship II 5
Oceanology I 3
Oceanology II 2
Offshore and Coastal Fishing 5
Postharvest Handling 3
Seminar 1
Special Problem 3
Electives 5

C. Major in Fish Processing

Fish Biochemistry 4
Fish Chemistry 4
Fish Handling and Refrigeration 5
Fish Microbiology 5
Fish Processing I 5
Fish Processing II 5
Fish Processing III 3
Fish Analytical Chemistry 3
Plant Sanitation and Hygiene 3
Quality Assurance 5
Special Problem 3
Electives 6
Seminar 1

Practicum (non-credit) (240 hrs) (240 hrs) (160 hrs)

Total (units) 163-165 162 163

Source: CHED-Technical Panel for Agriculture Files

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 79 of 92

Table 21a. Description of standard courses offered by CHED-supervised institutions for

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
Course Description

General Eduaction Courses

English (Communication Skills)
English I Skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing

English II Intermediate skills of listening, reading and


English III Introduction to literature; The study of literary

types, fiction, poetry, drama, essay and

English 10 Writing of scientific paper

Filipino I Mga paraan sa pakikipagtalastasan o
Sining ng pagpapahayag, paglalarawan, pagsasalaysay,
Pakikipagtalastasan paglalahad at pangangatwiran

Filipino II Pagpapalawak ng kaalaman sa pagsasalita at

Mga Piling Katha ng mga pagbabasa sa pamamagitan ng pag-aaral ng mga
Manunulat na Pilipino piling katha ng manunulat na Pilipino

Math I Linear equations, quadratics, complex numbers,
College Algebra binomial theorem, progressions; theory of

Math II
Plane Trigonometry Trigonometric functions, solutions of right and
oblique triangle; logarithms and application,
radian and inverse trigonometric functions and
complex numbers

Math III Indefinite integral and its applications; area

Calculus under the curve; definite integral
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 80 of 92

Table 21a. Continued…

Course Description

Statistics I Basic statistical concepts, frequency tables and

Elementary statistics distributions; sampling; average test of
significance; regression and correlation;
introduction to analysis of variance and
experimental designs
Natural Sciences
Zoology Biological principles as related to zoology;
general life history; morphological characteristics
and relationships of representative of the more
important animal phyla

Botany Structure, functions, adaptation and

phylogenetic relationships of plants

Chemistry I General principles theory and experimentation

General and Inorganic in Chemistry

Chemistry II Organic structural theory and introduction to

Organic Chemistry reaction mechanisms and structure of organic

Physics I Inertia, motion, forces and energy properties

Mechanics and Heat and laws of solid and liquids; temperature
measurements and effects on properties and
material and heat flow

Physics II Sources, effects, measurement and uses of

Electricity and Magnetism electricity, magnetism; fundamentals of wave
motion applied in the study of sound and light

Common Fisheries Courses

(for all majors)
General Fisheries and Laws Survey of fisheries resources, their production,
utilization and conservation; current local,
national and international ordinances, laws and

Aquatic Biology I General morphology, anatomy and systematics

of aquatic organisms important to fisheries
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 81 of 92

Table 21a. Continued…

Course Description

Fisheries Management The principles and methods of management

and conservation of aquatic resources in
relation to fisheries

Fisheries Extension Principles and methods of technology transfer

Education I and diffusion concept of organization; program
development, implementation and evaluation

Fisheries Extension Roots, methods and approaches to extension

Education II work and practice

Research Methods Design of research projects and data analysis

with emphasis on statistical techniques

Fisheries Business Principles and practices of managing small and

medium scale commercial fisheries enterprises
including fisheries cooperatives

Cooperative Principles Principles, practices and history of cooperatives

and Practices in the Philippines; the relationship of
cooperative to rural and national economic

Core Courses
Major in Aquaculture
Ecology of Fishes Environmental factors that affect the distribution
and adaptation of fishes

Aquatic Biology II Biology, taxonomy and distribution of

commercially important invertebrates, macro
and micro flora

Fish Physiology Functions of organs and organ systems of fishes

and selected aquatic organisms

Aquaculture I Principles, methods and developments in the

cultivation of commercially important aquatic

Aquaculture II Application of farming systems of selected

species, project and case studies, and aquaculture
planning and development
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 82 of 92

Table 21a. Continued…

Course Description

Aquaculture Engineering Site selection and survey design and layout,

construction and installation and maintenance
of aquaculture facilities

Fish Health Study of occurrence and spread of fish diseases/

parasitic and their isolation and identification,
and prevention and control

Fish Nutrition and Principles of nutrition, nutrient requirements,

Feeding Management feeding formulation and preparation and
practical feeding

Water Quality Management The physics, chemistry and biology of inland

and Biological Productivity and coastal waters and their interrelationship;
sampling and analytical techniques

Biochemistry Intermediary metabolism of proteins, fats and

carbohydrates on relation to fisheries

Fish Genetics Theories and principles of genetics and its

application to fisheries

Hatchery Management Fundamentals and techniques of food

production, hatchery and nursery operations
and fish propagation

Fish Breeding Brood stock development and management;

application of qualitative genetics to fisheries

Major in Marine Fisheries

Fishing Boat Design and The principles and methods of fishing boat
Construction design and construction

Marine Ecology The influence or the physico-chemical and

biological properties of sea water on the
distribution of marine organisms

Marine Machineries Operation and maintenance of marine

machineries and equipment in fishing vessels

Marine Instrumentation Operation and maintenance of marine navigation

and fishing instruments on board fishing vessels
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 83 of 92

Table 21a. Continued…

Course Description

Offshore and Coastal Operation and maintenance of small scale

Fishing and large scale fishing gear and devices

Fishing Gear Design and The principles and methods of fishing gear
Construction construction

Oceanology I Physical chemical and biological properties of

marine waters

Oceanology II Sampling and analytical techniques

Navigation and Seamanship I Principles, instruments and methods used in

coastal and celestial navigation

Navigation and Seamanship II Practice of coastal and high seas navigation,

application of marine rules and regulations of
the road and fishing boat management

Post Harvest Handling II Handling of fish catch on board fishing vessels;

icing and freezing

Major in Fish Processing

Fish Microbiology Bacteria, yeasts, molds and parasites associated
with fish; their characteristics and importance

Fish Handling and Principles and techniques of handling and

Refrigeration refrigeration of fish and other fisheries products

Fish Processing I Principles and methods of processing fisheries

products with emphasis on curing

Fish Processing II Canning of fish and fisheries products

Fish Processing III Utilization of seaweeds and minor fisheries


Fish Biochemistry An integrated application of the theories of

organic chemistry to the properties and
chemical activities of protein, fats and
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 84 of 92

Table 21a. Continued…

Course Description

Fish Chemistry Chemical components of fish and fisheries

products and their reactions postmorterm;
instrumental methods of analysis

Quality Assurance Methods for quality assessment of fish and

fisheries products, physico-chemical,
microbiological and sensory

Plant Sanitation and Principles of plant sanitation and personnel

Hygiene hygiene; good manufacturing practice

Fish Analytical Chemistry Quantitative analytical techniques for fish and

fisheries products
Source: CHED-Technical Panel for Agriculture Files
Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 85 of 92

Table 22. Contents of the Fisheries Statistics of the Philippines


Part I Fishery Resources and Consumption

Part II Fish Production by Sector

Part III Production by Type of Aquafarm

Part IV Production by Species

Part V Fish Prices

Part VI Costs and Returns of Selected Species

Part VII Foreign Trade

Source: BAS (1997a)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 86 of 92

Table 23. Loan to output ratio, by commodity, 1987-1997

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Average

% Agricultural Production
Loans to Gross Value Added
in Agriculture 16.1 18.6 13.8 15.8 17.6 18.8 15.2 16.4 15.2 14.8 15.4 16.15

Agricultural Crops
Palay 8.9 10.6 10.3 13.6 19.9 22.1 10.4 14.1 13.2 11.5 13.2 13.44
Corn 4.7 4.0 4.1 3.3 6.6 5.5 2.5 3.9 4.2 4.9 5.4 4.46
Coconut 36.4 39.2 13.4 25.4 12.8 16.2 5.5 10.7 12.2 13.8 14.5 18.19
Sugar 136.8 106.4 105.6 91.4 70.5 130.0 70.6 85.4 93.9 83.6 117.3 99.23

Livestock and Poultry 8.6 10.9 11.6 35.5 17.3 11.9 8.9 11.6 11.7 12.1 12.7 13.89

Fisheries 7.4 12.3 9.5 11.1 13.3 13.9 10.1 13.3 13.3 12.3 13.5 11.82

Forestry 11.0 12.8 12.2 14.5 28.0 21.4 47.9 38.7 87.3 151.1 235.0 59.99

Source: ACPC Year-End Reports (various years)

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 87 of 92

Table 24. Agricultural production loans granted, by commodity, 1987-1997(In million pesos)
Total Agricultural Loans Granted to % Share to Total
Loans Granted Fisheries Sector Agricultural Loans

1987 27,460.0 2,698.4 9.8

1988 35,290.0 4,576.5 13.0
1989 31,205.9 4,222.7 13.5
1990 41,292.0 5,685.4 13.8
1991 46,164.5 6,088.9 13.2
1992 56,057.9 7,063.3 12.6
1993 54,488.0 8,173.2 15.0
1994 56,382.8 8,852.1 15.7
1995 62,765.7 9,352.1 14.9
1996 69,666.6 9,405.0 13.5
1997 75,043.2 10,581.1 14.1

Average 50,528.8 6,972.6 13.6

Average Growth rate 11.3 16.2

Source: ACPC Files

Towards the Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector… Page 88 of 92

Table 25. Inventory of ports, by region, 1997

Classification Status
Region Total Commercial
Fishing Ports Feeder Ports Operational Non-Operational
Private Public

1 43 18 6 8 11 38 5
2 33 19 6 4 4 29 4
3 52 12 3 27 10 45 7
4 258 82 55 52 69 240 18
5 115 66 7 18 24 105 10
6 149 47 11 67 24 149 0
7 160 42 16 60 42 146 14
8 141 37 26 42 36 131 10
9 76 23 4 21 28 73 3
10 202 53 56 52 41 190 12
11 109 19 9 60 21 108 1
12 38 10 - 21 7 36 2
ARMM 47 16 15 6 10 47 0
NCR 71 3 - 64 4 66 5

Total 1494 447 214 502 331 1403 91

Source: NSCB, 1998

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