PO Code PO Statement ECE Competency Code ECE Competencies Indicators Type of Survey
PO Code PO Statement ECE Competency Code ECE Competencies Indicators Type of Survey
PO Code PO Statement ECE Competency Code ECE Competencies Indicators Type of Survey
Code Competency
a An ability to apply A.2 Conceptualize, Analyze & Design Signal Processing System Exit Survey
knowledge of mathematics Analog and Digital Electronics System
and sciences to solve Communication Systems
engineering problems. Electro-Acoustics System
Broadcast System
Control System
Industrial Electronics
Power Electronics
Electronics Devices and Systems Test
b Ability to design and A.4 Conduct engineering evaluation, Set up prototype, experiment, and working Tracer Survey
conduct experiments, as experiment, and model Employer Survey
well as to analyze and investigation Identify system strength and weakness
interpret data. Analyze failure
Evaluate and validate ECE product
Recommend product improvement
Describe mechanics of safety incident
Determine product reliability
c Ability to design a system, A.1 Abide by engineering practice with Familiarize with ECE Law, 2004, RA 9292
component, or process to highest integrity Observe Laws, Contracts and Ethics
meet desired needs within Observe International and Local Patent Law,
realistic constraints such as WIPO
economic, environmental, Comply with OSI, ISO and other standards
social, political ethical, Apply related industry standards
health and safety, Apply Philippine Electronics Code
manufacturability and
sustainability in accordance
with Standards.
Engage in Research and Development
Interpret project
Explain quality,
safety and risk
d Ability to work effectively in Discuss plans,
multi-disciplinary teams. programs, strategies,
and budget
Integrate Systems
Analyze & Design
f Understanding of
professional, and ethical Apply basic
responsibility. methods of Research
and Development
g Ability to communicate
j Knowledge of
contemporary issues.