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ISSN: 2277-3754
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012
international standard ISO 8062–1994. The equivalent shows the properties of ABS-M30 and Teak wood used in the
British Standard BS6615:1996 and German Standards DIN present study. Patterns made of ABS are dense, rigid, can
1680/DIN1688 can also be referred for more details. The serve at higher temperature and has lower shrinkage
tolerance capability of the value added castings is controlled compared to that of Teak patterns.
by six main parameters [6]. These parameters according to Table 1: Properties of ABS-M30 and Teak wood
their preference are as follows: Properties ABS-M30 Teak
1. Molding process. Ultimate tensile strength 40 wood
95 - 155
2. Casting weight and longest dimension. (MPa)Compressive strength 42 48 - 91
3. Mould degrees of freedom. (MPa)Coef. of thermal 10 x 10-5 ---
4. Draft on mold, patterns and cores expn.(m/m o
Thermal conductivity 0.2 0.19 -
5. Patternmaker’s contraction. o
(W/m Poisson’s
C) ratio 0.35 0.38
6. Cleaning and heat treating.
Based on the casting processes, the engineer should take Operating Temperature 60 30
care of additional parameters too. For example, in the case of ( C)
Density (kg/m3) 1024 630-720
investment casting process, the factors that affect casting Shrinkage (%) 0.1 0.6 - 0.6
tolerance are: (i) wax or plastic temperature (ii) firing Rapid prototyping is an automatic production of physical
temperature (iii) die temperature (iv) shell composition (v) objects using additive manufacturing technology in which
pressure of injection (vi) rate of cooling. The dimensional or the model is built layer by layer. RP takes virtual designs
shape variations caused by these factors can be addressed by from Computer Aided Design (CAD) or animation modeling
[7]: software, transforms them into thin, virtual, horizontal
Linear tolerance which is normally applied to the cross-sections (generally in STL file format standardized by
features such as length, concentricity, fillet radii, holes, rapid prototyping industries) and then creates successive
flatness, straightness, corner radii, and curved holes. layers until the model is completed. In this study fused
Geometric tolerance which is normally applied to the deposition modeling (FDM) is used to fabricate the complex
features such as profiles & true positioning, parallelism, master pattern. A strategic approach to achieve complex
contours, radii, roundness, perpendicularity, tapered holes, master pattern using FDM defines the specifications, plans,
and cam profiles. parameters, activities, processes and constraints. Compared
Most of the above features are explained in US military to other RP technologies such as 3D print, SLS, SLA and
standard (MIL –STD-8); however, the method of measuring Polyjet, FDM requires 6 slices of 0.178 mm to complete 1
these features can be specified by the casting purchaser. As mm thickness of the parts. Figure 2 shows a conventionally
explained, the accurate and sound castings of specified made (wooden) pattern and the pattern (ABS) fabricated
tolerance and surface finish depend on the quality of complex through RP technology (fused deposition modeling).
master pattern used in the production process. Hence, to
manufacture different grades of castings, the specified
tolerance and surface roughness grades should be achieved
accurately on the shape and geometric features of master
patterns. Generally in the foundries, the master patterns are
made using plywood, wood (Teak, Neem, Mango etc.) and
hard boards. These patterns have many limitations such as
difficulty in fabrication to achieve the exact shapes, may
require assembly of parts, are susceptible to absorption of
moisture, fungus attack, shrinkage and may require special
coating to increase the shelf life. To overcome these
difficulties, patterns made of light alloys are also used.
However, the cost, the size limitation and the easiness in
molding process are some of the limitations of metal/alloy
patterns. Recently, all these limitations are surmounted by
the introduction of polymer (thermoplastics and
photopolymers) patterns such as ABS
(Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene), PC (polycarbonate), Fig. 2 Master Pattern of Impeller Casting (a) wooden
ULTEM, PPS (Polyphenylsulfone) etc. which can be easily material (b) ABS material.
fabricated by RP machines. The usage of polymer/plastic In the current study, STRATASYS FORTUS 400mc RP
patterns have several advantages such as enhanced pattern machine was used to fabricate pattern of impeller casting.
life in product cycle, great dimensional accuracy, reduction The general methodology of making this ABS pattern
in inspection and rework and also the reusability. Table 1 involves following steps:-
ISSN: 2277-3754
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012
1. Creation of CAD models of all components reduction in production cost per ABS master pattern is
2. Conversion of CAD models to STL format achieved. There are several advantages of using RP
3. Slicing of STL file into thin cross-sectional layers technology in foundries. Compared to conventional method
4. Layer by layer construction of the models and CNC machining process, RP technology is fast accurate
5. Cleaning and finishing of the RP models and manufactures the pattern without any material wastage.
The CAD models made in Solid Edge software is Since RP technology integrates numerical control, it does not
optimally (to approximate exact surfaces) converted to STL require any special tools, jigs and fixtures and secondary
format (which represents a 3D surface to an assembly of operation to build the master patterns. Since the technology
planar triangles). The individual model in STL format is is highly automated risk factor/errors is comparatively less
then pre-processed in INSIGHT program to adjust the size, and has an ability to create any shape and geometrical
location and orientation of the model within the RP machine. features. In addition to this, patterns can be made hallow
Slicing of the model (which can vary from 0.01 mm to which is difficult in conventional and CNC fabrication. A
0.7mm) also is done to fix a deposition thickness of 0.124 detailed comparison between conventional, CNC and RP
mm. Tool path generation, support material (SR-30) fabrication methods to obtain master patterns is shown in
generation, assigning of material (ABS-M30) for building, Table 3.
are the other pre-processing steps done in INSIGHT. The
time taken to build the parts and the amount of building
material and the support material required for the parts can
be obtained from the software. Patterns thus built are
removed from the machine. Support material is cleaned and
the edges may be finished by filing if required.
ISSN: 2277-3754
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012
pattern and reduction in the total production cost. These making hollow patterns and opting for mass customization
benefits clearly indicate a wide scope for RP technology in through rapid manufacturing. It is envisaged that the
foundries. Though this technology has welcomed by introduction of economically viable materials and advanced
foundries in the production of value added castings, the usage additive manufacturing technology will potentially change
of RP technology in small and medium scale foundries is still the production volume of the castings, meeting the customer
in infancy stage due to high initial cost and the higher requirements.
material cost. But, RP technology can be economical by
Table 3 Comparisons between conventional, CNC and RP fabrication methods to obtain complex master patterns
Variables Conventional CNC Machining Rapid Prototyping
Forming process Subtractive manufacturing Subtractive manufacturing Additive manufacturing
process which requires skills, process which may also require process without much human
various tools, jigs & fixtures programming skills intervention or tooling
Operations Single operation only can be Simultaneous operations on Multiple operations are
performed at a time the pattern are restricted integrated in the pattern
building process
CAD data CAD model is not required CNC tool path generation Time required to process a
based o on CAD data requires CAD data (STL format) for
more time to generate a program pattern building is very nominal
Risk factor/error very high risk factor since high risk factor while Risk factor during pattern
there can be manual errors machining the pattern building, is very less
Integral Features Integral features within the Forming integral features Integral features within the
pattern cannot be built within the pattern are limited pattern can be easily built
End product Single pattern at a time Single pattern at a time Multiple patterns at a time
Operator Compulsory until the Required for programming & May not be required, best
completion of job feeding the parts to CNC suited for web based
machine manufacturing
Nature of the Generally solid pattern can solid & hollow (depending on Solid and hollow
product only be obtained wall thickness) pattern can be (depending on wall thickness)
made patterns can be obtained
ISSN: 2277-3754
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 1, Issue 4, April 2012