Entropy I PDF
Entropy I PDF
Entropy I PDF
Discipline Course-I
Paper No: Thermal Physics : Physics-IIA
Lesson: Entropy I
Lesson Developer: Dr. Ajay Kumar
College/ Department: Deshbandhu College, Physics
University of Delhi
Table of Contents
Chapter8: Entropy
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Clausius theorem
8.2.1 Statement
8.2.2 Proof
8.3 Entropy
8.3.1 Definition of entropy
8.3.2Unit of entropy
8.3.3 Physical significance
8.4 Clausius inequality
8.5 T-S Diagram
8.5.1 T-S diagram for Carnot cycle
8.5.2 Slopes of different processes on T-S diagram
8.6 Summary
8.7 Exercise
8.7.1 Subjective Questions
8.7.2 Objective Questions
8.7.3 Multiple Choice Questions
8.8 Glossary
8.9 References
Further Readings
In this chapter, you will be able to understand about;
8.1 Introduction
In the previous chapters, we have familiarized ourselves with various thermodynamic
processes and laws. The first law of thermodynamics governs the transformation of heat
into work. However, this law does not make any constraint on the direction of heat flow.
Generally, in the absence of any external agency, the transfer of heat from a hotter body to
a cooler one is a physically possible process, however the reverse is not possible. In a
refrigerator, the heat is transferred from cooler components to hotter one but with the help
of external electrical energy. These observations are contained in the second law of
thermodynamics which governs the direction of transfer of thermal energy. The concept of
entropy could be understood as the manifestation of this second law, according to which the
entropy of an isolated system always increases or remains constant. Thus, we can interpret
entropy as a measure of the tendency of favorable occurrence of a process such as a
chemical reaction in a particular direction. It has been found that all the natural processes
progresses in the direction of increase in entropy and hence, it implies that the arrow of
entropy has the same direction as that of arrow of time (as time always progresses).
8.2.1 Statement
According to the Clausius theorem, the integral of the ratio of heat transferred and
temperature (at which the heat is transferred) in a reversible thermodynamic cyclicprocess
always comes out to be zero. Mathematically,
where is the temperature at which the heat is transferred. The integration is taken over
the complete cycle.
8.2.2 Proof
To deduce Clausius theorem, we will start from a concept of replacement of a
thermodynamic process into consecutive sub portions of isothermal and adiabatic processes.
For that let us consider a process in which a thermodynamic system is taken from an initial
state i to a final state reversibly. This process can easily be represented as a smooth curve
on a generalized work diagram as shown in figure 8.1.
The dashed lines through initial and final points represent the portions of adiabatic
processes. Now a smooth curve ab representing a portion of an isothermal process can be
drawn in such a manner that the area under smooth curve,if, is equal to the area under
zigzag curve,iabf, consisting of portions of two adiabatic and one isothermal processes.
Obviously, the work done in following both the paths will be the same i.e.
a b
Figure 8.1: Generalized work diagram where i-f represents any reversible thermodynamic
process, ia and bf are adiabatic segments, abis isothermal process. X and Y represent
generalized displacement and force respectively.
The processes ia and bf are portions of adiabatic, therefore heat transferred during these
processes is zero and hence
“A reversible process in which temperature may change in any manner, can be replaced by
a reversible zigzag path consisting of an adiabatic process followed by an isothermal process
followed by an adiabatic process with the condition that the heat transferred during the
isothermal process is the same as that during the original process”.
Now, let us consider a smooth closed curve on the generalized work diagram as shown in
figure 8.2. With the fact that no two adiabatic lines on a work diagram can intersect each
other, a number of such line can be drawn intersecting the closed curve into a large number
of stripes. Let us draw a zigzag closed path abcd consisting of alternate adiabatic and
isothermal segments in such a manner that the heat transferred during the isothermal
segments is the same as that due to the small portion of the original cycle. Now, if the heat
absorbed during the isothermal segment ab at temperature T1 is Q1and heat rejected during
the isothermal process cd at temperature T2 is Q2,then, since closed curve abcd forms a
Carnot cycle, we may write
a f
Generalized force
d c
h g
Generalized displacement
Figure 8.2: Generalized work diagram where a closed smooth curve (red) has been divided
into a large number of adiabatic stripes connected by small isothermal portions.
Here positive and negative signs are used for heat absorbed and heat rejected respectively.
Above equation can be written as:
The zigzag path efgh also represents a Carnot cycle in which heat Q3 is absorbed at
temperature T3 and Q4 amount of heat is rejected at temperature T4. For this cycle we may
Similar equations may be written for each pair of isothermal curve bounded by two adiabatic
curves intersecting the original closed curve. On adding all the equations, we get
Since no heat is transferred during the adiabatic portions of these Carnot cycles, we may
express above equation as
Here the summation is taken over the entire zigzag path consisting of n Carnot cycles.
The original closed curve, in this way, may be divided into a large number of adiabatic
stripes bounded with small isothermal curves such that the zigzag path made by Carnot
cycles approximates the original closed curve. Then the ratio for an infinitesimal
isothermal bounded by two adjacent adiabatic curves is equal to the ratio for
infinitesimal portion of the original closed curve bounded by the same two adiabatic curves.
In this limit, therefore, we may write
Where represent the integration taken over the complete cycle. It should be noted here
that above result, known as Clausius theorem, is true only for reversible cycles.
8.3 Entropy
Consider points i and f on the generalized work diagram representing initial and final
equilibrium states of any thermodynamic system [Figure 8.3]. As i and f are equilibrium
states, the system can be taken from state i to f along any number of reversible paths.
Suppose the system is taken from i to f by following a reversible path R1 and back to i along
another reversible path R2.
Generalized force
R2 f
Generalized displacement
Figure 8.3: Generalized work diagram where i and f represents two equilibrium states of any
thermodynamic system, R1 and R2 are two reversible paths connecting the two states.
It is clear from figure 8.3that paths R1 and R2 form a closed reversible cycle. From Clausius
theorem, we may write
In above discussion, the reversible paths R1 and R2 were chosen arbitrarily and they
represents any two reversible paths connecting points i and f. Equation (8.3), therefore,
expresses the fact that is independent of the reversible path along which the system is
taken from i to f. It indicates, therefore, the existence of a thermodynamic function whose
value at final state minus its value at initial state is equal to the . In 1865, Rudolf
Clausius coined the name entropy for this state function and represented it by ‘S’.If Sf and
Si be the entropies of final and initial states of a thermodynamic system, then the change in
entropy in taking the system from state i to f is given by;
If the points i and fof the system be infinitesimally near, then the change in entropy is given
Where, is the small amount of heat transferred (absorbed or rejected) by the system at
temperature T. Equation (8.5) if written as ,is known as the mathematical form of
second law of thermodynamics, according to which all the natural processes (physical,
chemical etc.)in the universe progress in such a way that the entropy of the universe always
The change in entropy of a system is path independent; however, the heat entering
(or) leaving the system is path dependent.
The change in entropy being a differential of an actual function is an exact
differential whereas the quantities like heat and work are inexact one.
The unit of entropy is Joules/Kelvin and Erg/Kelvin (or Calorie/Kelvin) in SI and CGS
systems respectively.
After performing extensivestudies,Rudolf Clausius,a German physicist, set forth the concept
that whenever work is done by anirreversible process, there always exists an inherent heat
loss due to friction or some other means. This unavoidable heat loss is irreversible i.e. it can
not be utilized. He put forth an argument about this small heat loss across the system’s
boundary during any irreversible process. In 1865, Clausius gave the name entropy to this
irreversible heat loss.
Rudolf Clausius
(Image taken
Figure 8.4: Combination of a reversible engine (R) and irreversible engine (I)
performing an irreversible cycle.Engine R takes heat dQ1 from high temperature
(T1) reservoir and transfers small heat dQ to engine I at constant temperature T.
Suppose engine R takes heat dQ1 from a high temperature reservoir (at temperature T 1)
and rejects heat dQ to the engine I at temperature T. After taking heat dQ, engine I
performs a small work dW irreversibly. Clearly, combined system of engines R and I
perform an irreversible cycle. Now, the heat dQ1 is absorbed by engine R at constant
temperature, the work done in the combined irreversible cycle can be find out using first law
of thermodynamics i.e.
1. ; which means that engine I and its surroundings restore their original state at
the end of the cycle but it is contrary to the irreversibility of engine I, therefore it follows
2. ; whichmeans that the net work done by the combined system is positive.
However, according to the Kelvin-Planck’s statement of the second law of
thermodynamics, it is not possible to extract positive work by acombined system of
engines which takes heat from a single reservoir.
(Because is constant and positive)
The heat rejected by engine R (-dQR) is absorbed by engine I i.e. -dQR = dQI, we may write;
But so,
So, the ratio of heat transferred and temperature at which heat is transferredin an internally
irreversible thermodynamic cycle is always less than zero. This result is known as Clausius
A diagram in which temperature T is plotted (on X-axis) against entropy S (on Y-axis) is
called as T-S diagram.To understand the interpretation of T-S diagram, let us consider that
a small amount of heat (dQ) is absorbed at temperature T by a system during an
infinitesimal portion of a reversible process. Then from the definition of entropy, we may
The total heat absorbed during the whole process can be calculated by integrating above
equation i.e.
Now, the quantity on the right hand side can be interpreted as the area under the curve on
a T-S diagram and is equals to the total amount of heat absorbed during the process.
Interesting fact
In above discussion, it seems that the area under curve on a T-S diagram represents the
total heat absorbed during the complete process but, according to the first law of
8.5.1 T-Sarea
So, the diagram
under for
on cycle
a T-S diagram represents the amount of heat converted
into the work.
We know that a Carnot cycle consists of two adiabatic and two isothermal processes.
Adiabatic and isothermal processes appear on the T-S diagram in the form of a vertical and
horizontal line respectively. It is clear therefore that a Carnot cycle forms a rectangle on a
T-S diagram regardless of the nature of working substance.
Interesting facts
To work with T-S diagrams in the analysis of Carnot engines and their efficiency is
found convenient as one can find out the efficiency of the same directly from the
T-S diagram. The area under curve on the T-S diagram directly gives the work (W)
extracted from heat transferred. The heat absorbed (Q1) can also be calculated
easily using relation dQ = T dS. Therefore, efficiency of Carnot engines
Only reversible processes can be plotted on T-S diagram because of the definition
of entropy.
Isothermal process:The shape of the curve on a T-S diagram is determined by the nature
of the reversible process e.g. a horizontal line on a T-S diagram represents an isothermal
And, hence from the definition of entropy the change in entropy will be zero.
Therefore, an adiabatic process is represented by a vertical line on T-S diagram and the
vertical line is called as isentrope.
Isochoric process:Consider a mole of gas is heated at constant volume so that the change
in its temperature is . Then, we may write
T2 (a) T2 (b)
Temperature (T)
Temperature (T)
T1 C T1 C
S1 S2 S1 S2
Entropy(S) Entropy(S)
Figure 8.6: T-S diagrams of two different cycles. Here the arms of the triangles are
Solution: From Figure 8.6 (a), the heat supplied to the system (Q1) will be equal
to the area under curve ABDEA i.e.
And the work (W) extracted from this heat will be equal to the area of triangle ABC
From the definition, the efficiency of the cycle ABCA for process (a) is given by
Now, for the cycle shown in figure 8.6 (b), the heat supplied, and work
obtained, W will readily be as follows;
So, the efficiency of the cycle ABCA for process (b) will be
8.6 Summary
Clausius theorem:The integral of the ratio of heat transferred and temperature (at which
the heat is transferred) in a reversible thermodynamic process is always comes out to be
zero. Mathematically
T-S diagram:A diagram in which temperature T is plotted (on X-axis) against entropy S (on
Y-axis) is called as T-S diagram.
8.7 Exercise
8.7.1 Subjective questions
1. True or false
2. True or false
3. True or false
4. True or false
a) During the complete Carnot cycle, the system restores its original state and
hence entropy remains constant.
b) In the process of melting, the constituent molecules of water changes from a
highly ordered state to a disordered sate and hence entropy increases.
c) In the process of sublimation,the constituent molecules changes from a highly
ordered state to a disordered sate and hence entropy increases.
d) Freezing is opposite process to melting and hence entropy decreases.
1. A thermodynamic system is taken from an initial state i to a final state f in three different
paths as shown in figure. Choose the correct option
8.8 Glossary
State functions: The thermodynamic functions whose values depend only on the
thermodynamic co-ordinates of the final and initial states, not on the path by which the
system is taken from initial to final state e.g. internal energy.
Cp: It is the heat capacity of the material (such as gas) at constant pressure. Cp of a
substance is defined as “the minimum amount of heat (in calories) required for increasing
the temperature of one gram of that substance by 1ºC at constant pressure”.
Cv: It is the heat capacity of the material (such as gas) at constant volume. Cv of a
substance is defined as “the minimum amount of heat (in calories) required for increasing
the temperature of one gram of that substance by 1ºC at constant pressure”.
8.9 References
Book cited:
Heat and Thermodynamics: An Intermediate Text Book by Mark W. Zemansky and Richard
H. Dittman (McGra-Hill, 1993).
The Physical World of Chemistry, byKeith J. Laidler, (Oxford University Press, 1995).(for
historical part).
Further readings
1. Thermodynamics by Enrico Fermi (Courier Dover Publications, 1956)