The Biblical Astronomer No. 120
The Biblical Astronomer No. 120
The Biblical Astronomer No. 120
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Editorial 35
Physicists on Geocentricity
Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D. 36
Panorama 53
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 35
The Third International Conference on Absolutes is taking shape.
The main theme is cosmology, the structure of the universe. There will
be at least one paper on the Ptolemaic cosmology, in particular, the
epicycle myths. Another paper will look at geocentricity as a necessary
doctrine in Scripture. A third paper will examine different cosmology
models. Another presentation will examine the latest models for time
and how those ideas relate to Scripture. There will be papers on geo-
centricity, and we hope to have a report on the delay in reporting the
results of Gravity Probe B which looked for geocentric phenomena
such as the Lense-Thirring effect and found an unexpected effect a tril-
lion times larger.
At the conference a geocentric orrery will clearly illustrate the
phenomena often claimed to prove the heliocentric model working in a
mechanical geocentric model, thus proving the claim that the heliocen-
tric model is proven a lie. These effects include parallax, seasons, the
rotation of the earth seen from the moon, and retrograde motion of the
outer planets. We expect to have a paper on Joshua’s Long Day and
Hezekiah’s Sign. Accounts of these phenomena are found around the
world. Understandably, uniformitarian evolutionists are petrified of
them, but amazingly, even Creationists are frightened to tell the stories
known around the world.
The cost of mailing future issues of the Biblical Astronomer has
increased by roughly fifty percent. A 32-page issue will now cost fifty
cents more to send in the USA than previously. There are three options
open. The first is to increase the subscription price by $5 per year—
bear in mind that the B.A. has more postal expenses than just the mail-
ing of the quarterly. The second option is to keep the rate the same but
reduce the number of pages to 28 per issue. The last option is to return
to Walter van der Kamp’s original way of paying for issues, which was
to rely on donations and mail an issue only when enough money was
donated to cover its costs. That meant that sometimes there were only
one or two issues per year. There was one period when the postal
workers struck in Canada and it was almost two years between two
particular issues. There is, of course, a fourth option, to cease publica-
tion, but there are still hundreds of people who are interested in the
publication; so that is not an option, leastwise, not yet. For this issue
we have chosen the second option. We do need whatever financial help
you can give, especially a regular, periodic support.
We hope to see you at the conference.
36 Physicists On Geocentricity
Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D.
And there we have it: geocentrists are every bit as ignorant as someone
who thinks that sound travels faster than light.
But are we really all that ignorant? It was Carl Popper who once
wrote to the effect that sometimes it is in the best interest of science for
introductory texts to lie. Is geocentricity such a suppressed truth? In
this paper we shall examine the unsolicited statements from a represen-
tative sample of physicists, mostly American, who wrote in response to
being sent a sample copy of a secular geocentrist newspaper, now long
defunct, called the Braheian Debater. It was published in 1975 and
1976 by DOTGU (Defenders of the Geocentric Universe). The organi-
zation was actually a late extension of the late 1960s, early 1970s
This article is an expanded and updated version of one originally printed in The Bulletin
of the Tychonian Society, no. 54, p. 24, Fall 1990.
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 37
The last two sentences in this paragraph are assumptions on the part of the writer of this
letter. The laws are the same; it is only the frame of reference that is different. —Ed.
38 Physicists On Geocentricity
…you indeed are right and also that those opposing … are right.
John Broderick
Assistant Professor of Physics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Pole slowly changes its direction of swing, making one complete rota-
tion of its swings once each 24 hours. Standard interpretation: the
Earth is turning under the pendulum.
Mach took another look. All objects have inertia, the property of
matter that makes it sluggish, hard to put in motion, hard to stop. What
causes this inertia? Mach figured that it was the cumulative effect of
all of those stars way out there. The stars in the Universe are very far
away but there are very many of them. Therefore Mach proposed
Mach’s Principle: An object has inertia due to the presence of stars. An
object is hard put to stop (hard to accelerate) because you are trying to
change its motion with respect to the stars.
The outcome of this giant leap of imagination is thrilling. Sup-
pose you assume that the Earth is at rest. Then the stars must be whirl-
ing around us once each 24 hours. But what then of the proofs that the
Earth turns? The effects in those proofs are due to the whirling stars!
The stars would cause an outward pull on the Earth’s equator (above
which the whirling is fastest.) The pendulum would be whirling around
with the whirling stars (roughly like a leaf in a whirlpool.) Every sin-
gle observation that has been advanced to “prove” that the Earth spins
can also be explained by a fixed Earth and whirling stars.
In the middle of 1913, a young man named Albert Einstein wrote
to Mach expressing his appreciation for Mach’s ideas. Einstein is the
fellow who went on to compose the General Theory of Relativity. The
basis of this theory is that all motion is relative! Einstein wrote his
equations describing how the Universe works. If the Earth spins and
the stars are at rest--the equations explain all observations. But if the
Earth is at rest and the stars whirl--the equations still explain all obser-
vations. They must, for the theory begins with the assumption that all
motion is relative. You can’t say positively that any thing is at rest.
Take your choice--the equations of General Relativity come out the
same. Einstein put Mach’s idea into mathematical form and what
emerged is surely one of the ultimate creations of the human mind.
Yours in Mach-ination,
Charles Long, Ph.D.
N. Hennepin State Community College
42 Physicists On Geocentricity
On a Rotating Universe3
Obukhov, Yu. N., 1992. “Rotation in Cosmology,” General Relativity and Gravitation,
24(2):121-128. Page numbers of the references are listed after the respective quotes.
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 43
fact, are not caused by rotation), and to find true effects of cosmic rota-
tion. (Pp 121-122.)
We have shown…quite plausible rotating cosmological models
which in many important respects are similar to the standard cosmolo-
gies. As we see, pure rotation can be, in principle, large, contrary to the
wide-spread prejudice that large vorticity confronts many crucial ob-
servations. (P. 123.)
It is clear from the above quotes that in the mid-1970s there was
no great opposition to geocentricity from secular scientists. Even as an
atheist I had similar views to those expressed above. Back then, most
physicists found the idea plausible and somewhat entertaining, though
none would necessarily believe it as the true state of affairs. When it
came to Christian scientists, however, the reaction is more akin to the
newspaper article referred to at the start of this paper. One person who
was a member of the inner group of creationists and will remain
anonymous, wrote the following words on March 28, 1980:
There was a brief time when top ranking creationists were consid-
ering geocentricity. That time was back in 1978 when they relied heav-
ily on the advice of two men on this matter: Harold Slusher (then with
the Institute for Creation Research at San Diego) and George Mulfin-
ger, who was science chairman at Bob Jones University. Both men had
only M.S. degrees, both were too busy with creationist arguments to
devote the required time to study the geocentric papers and references
sent them. They took it on faith that the elementary textbooks from
which they daily taught told them the truth. That this is so is clear from
a brief exchange of letters I had with Mulfinger in which he concludes
that he may take a look at the copies of references I sent him, time
permitting. The references sent answered all his questions, bar none.
From the following letter it is clear that he dismissed the references
without reading them. The references sent said the same thing as the
secular scientists quoted above, except that they did so in a more tech-
nical manner.
The following letter was dated December 26, 1978 and was ad-
dressed to the late Professor Harold Armstrong of Queens University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Professor Armstrong was sympathetic to
geocentricity and, at that time, was the editor of the Creation Research
Society Quarterly, the most prestigious and scholarly of creationist
publications. Copies of the letter were sent to the board of directors of
the Creation Research Society as well as to Dr. Duane Gish, Dr. George
Howe, and Dr. John Whitcomb.
That is, using Mach’s Principle, as explained by Long above. The reader will note in
what Mulfinger says later in the same paragraph that Mulfinger does not understand
Mach’s Principle. Because it is commonly assumed that the universe can be ignored in
heliocentric physics, Mulfinger forgets to consider it when its presence cannot be ig-
nored. —Ed.
This is a serious blunder on Mulfinger’s part. He fails to see that the geostationary
satellite keeps the same distance from the axis of rotation of the universe (of the earth in
the heliocentric view) whereas the Coriolis force, Mulfinger’s “sideways force,” exists
only if the distance to the axis of rotation changes. This was freshman-level college
physics back then, and Mulfinger, who taught physics at BJU, fails to see it. —Ed.
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 47
Bouw, G. D., 1990. “A Response to De Young’s Ex Nihilo Article,” Bulletin of the
Tychonian Society, no. 53, p. 35.
48 Physicists On Geocentricity
It is clear from the above that prior to 1980 there was no signifi-
cant opposition among secular scientists against the geocentric para-
digm. At that time, opposition arose almost exclusively from Chris-
tians in academic positions. The testimony of the non-Christian physi-
cists is clear. There is neither proof for heliocentrism nor for geocen-
tricity; nor is there proof against either. The introductory textbooks lie
when they claim such proof. And when creationists succumb to that
simplistic lie, they demonstrate to the world’s physicists that the latter
are justified in dismissing creationists as inferior scientists, let alone
whether they can be counted as scientists at all.
Today the scientific climate is radically different. Much of this is
in reaction to the successes and threats of the creationist movements led
by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Soci-
ety which were popularized by the late Walter Lang’s Bible-Science
Association. By 1976 the American Humanist Association was so up-
set by the creationists’ success that it devoted an entire issue of The
Humanist to the creation-evolution debate. (Humanism is a godless
religion originating within the political arm of the Roman Catholic
Church during the Middle Ages.)
In the magazine, several authors suggested two strategies to com-
bat creationism. Both involved ridiculing creationists by charging them
with hypocrisy for not believing two “scriptural” models. The first
strategy was to demand that creationists must believe in a flat earth
because the Bible teaches a flat earth. The second was similar, viz. to
demand that creationists must also accept the geocentric universe be-
cause the Bible presents an immovable earth. The latter could also
exploit the popular myth that Galileo was tortured and imprisoned for
his stance for the Copernican universe.
Both strategies are ethically flawed. The first strategy is an out-
right lie, for it is easy to show that the Holy Bible does not teach a flat
earth.7 The second strategy is not a lie but relies on the blind accep-
tance of a globally accepted myth that geocentricity has been scientifi-
cally disproved. In the second strategy, the creationists are guilty as
charged, though they deny it. Lest the humanist think he has the upper
hand, his own hypocrisy is exposed first by his blatant denial of all the
Bouw, G. D., 1988. “The Round-earth Bible,” Bulletin of the Tychonian Society, no.
46, p. 35.
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 49
Thus the strategies have their flaws. One is a lie, and the other reveals
the hypocrisy of both sides of the creation/evolution debate.
The strategies have been used from time to time and it is revealing
to see how and when they have been used. The flat earth strategy is by
far the more commonly used of the two. In 1984 the National Science
Foundation (NSF) put an ancient flat earth map on their back cover of a
glossy booklet designed to fool the reader into believing that the evi-
dence against a special creation is as strong as the evidence against the
flat earth. The magazine was full of religious bias and strong on gloss,
but it was crucially short on logic and totally devoid of proof. The geo-
centric strategy has been used a few times but never in its effective
form. Instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of creationists in taking the
Bible literally in Genesis 1 but not in Ecclesiastes 1:5 and Isaiah 38, the
Galileo strategy is used which has some emotional appeal but totally
contradicts the historical record. Since neither strategy has been shown
to be effective against anyone but atheists, neither strategy is used in
formal publications where readers are more likely to check the material
presented. Charlatans like Ed Babinski, who prefer web sites over pub-
lications, delight in the two Humanist proposals since they appeal to
emotionally driven people, not to the rational. Emotionally driven peo-
ple and their money are easily separated. At the root of the strategies
we find the love of money (I Timothy 6:10). The humanists’ strategies
expose today’s science as a political tool, having no use for truth.
Bouw, G. D., 1998. “A Brief Introduction to the History of Evolution,” B. A., 8(85):9.
50 Physicists On Geocentricity
Geocentricity Today
Geocentrism is not the same as geocentricity. Geocentrism is a pagan concept and is
subject to the rules of philosophy, scholastic opinions, and the traditions of men. In other
words, geocentrism is the humanist version of geocentricity. That is what it was before
the days of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. True, these men had contemporaries who
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 51
were willing to adjust their cosmology to conform to the Holy Bible, but most were as the
forenamed, willing rather to conform the Bible to the opinions and incomplete theories of
that day’s modern science. Modern geocentricity was born with Tycho Brahe’s model of
the universe. Prior to Tycho man was unable to discern between geocentricity and geo-
centrism because experiments and observations were not accurate enough to tell them
The Tychonian Society was renamed The Association for Biblical Astronomy in 1991
when its scope was broadened and its focus changed from philosophy and history to
science with a biblical emphasis.
52 Physicists On Geocentricity
Small Bodies In the Kuiper Belt: Not Enough Comets?
We see too many comets if the solar system is 5 billion years old.
In the 1950s, Dutch astronomer, Jan Oort, proposed that long-period
comets (those that approach the sun once in every 200 years or longer)
originated from a leftover cloud of gas, dust, and ice on the outer
fringes of the solar system. The region is called the Oort cloud.
Evidence for the Oort cloud has yet to materialize, but a smaller
source of icy bodies has been detected. Called the Kuiper Belt, after
another Dutch astronomer, Gerard Kuiper, these bodies lie beyond the
orbit of Neptune, and most beyond Pluto’s orbit. Since 1992, astrono-
mers have discovered nearly 1,000 icy objects beyond Pluto. These
range from 20 miles or more in diameter. However, the Kuiper Belt
only gives short-period comets, ones with periods under 200 years.
Now x-ray astronomers observing Scorpius X-1, the first and
strongest x-ray source found in Scorpius, report finding much smaller
bodies. Using NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite over the
course of the last seven years, a team led by Hsiang-Kuang Chang of
the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan searched for drops in the
brightness of Scorpius X-1. (Scorpius X-1 is the brightest x-ray source
in the sky and is located near where the galactic center and the Kuiper
Belt cross.) Each drop in brightness lasted a few thousandths of a sec-
The team found 58 short-lived dips, presumed to be caused by icy
bodies 10 to 100 yards (meters) in diameter. Reporting in the August
10 issue of Nature, the researchers estimated that the number of small,
icy objects in the Kuiper Belt could reach a quadrillion, which is a
thousand trillion of 1015. That is from a thousand to a million times the
number of potential comets assumed by computer simulations of solar-
system formation. The simulations assume that the small bodies will
coalesce by collisions with one another. Collisions between small and
large bodies produce dust which should either be pushed out of the so-
lar system by sunlight (radiation pressure) or, for larger dust particles,
spiral into the sun. In effect, the problem now is that there may be too
many bodies in the Kuiper Belt to support evolution.
Refinements in detection equipment and techniques could theo-
retically give the distances to the objects.
54 Panorama
Is it possible that the Bible view is right after all, and that civi-
lized man has been civilized from the outset? [This is exactly what we
would expect if there was a global flood and man resettled the earth
with his antediluvian technology and knowledge intact, particularly
with a longer lifespan than today’s man. —Ed.]
Comparet, Inez. Reported in the February 2007 issue of “Hite’s Home Mission Out-
reach,” 816 E. Birch St., Palmyra, PA 17078.
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 55
Contrails or Chemtrails?
In the past we have covered the global warming scare and at-
tempted to put that fiasco in a proper perspective. Ditto for the coming
ice age debacle of the 1970s and the baseless charges leveled against
DDT. Then, too, there was the ozone scare that weaned us off fluoro-
carbons even though the worst ozone holes in history occurred in the
56 Panorama
late 1940s, before 1954 when the heavy usage of freon started. Too far
from our publication’s scope was the spotted owl scare started by the
Sierra Club’s executive director Michael Fisher to “save” said owl from
the rape of its virgin forests by Pacific Lumber in the northwest. For-
tunately, Mr. Fisher’s lumber recycling company, Western Wood Fab-
ricators, was there to help make up for the resulting virgin timber short-
age. We now know that spotted owls nest not only in virgin forests but
also in K-Mart signs. It should be clear to any thinking individual that
our left-wing powerbrokers feel they have to frighten us to keep us un-
der its thumb. It is clear that fictitious, scary stories of doom can be
quite profitable.
In the 1990s there arose another scare, this time to cripple the air-
line industry. That scare involved the accusation that the airlines (or
the government, or the leftists, or the nationalists, or the army, or the air
force, or Donald Duck were putting chemicals in tanks of airliners and
spraying the land as they went. The contrails we have all known since
birth or, at least, since the Second World War when propeller-driven
bombers would leave such trails, came to be called “chemtrails.”
The anecdotes that were the substance of chemtrail accusations
usually involved a series or network of contrails. People reported they
could taste the chemicals or feel their effects immediately. There were
fuzzy photos posted on the Internet that “showed” deadly chemicals
being loaded on airplanes.
Serious science investigated if there could be something to this.
The prime culprit was aluminum poisoning. However, tests for burning
jet fuel revealed no aluminum. Some of the testing hoped to implicate
the contrails for global warming. However, your editor recalls that the
ice age scare of the 1970s accused contrails of seeding clouds which
reflected more sunlight into space and so cooled the earth’s surface.
Contrails form when water or steam produced by the burning of
kerosene or jet fuel hits the cold air at high altitudes. The steam cools
to ice crystals, which can cause a rainbow effect in the contrail, or cools
to water droplets, which are what clouds are made of.
But was it all imagination? Yes and no. Researchers found that
contrails formed more readily near weather fronts. Such fronts can
cause sudden changes in air pressure, humidity, and dust, all of which
affect health and precipitate joint pains. Cold, damp weather is espe-
cially detrimental to health. For instance, most colds and flu attacks
occur at temperatures between 20 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. They are
less frequent at temperatures above that and almost unheard of below
that range. That is why, before the coming of the white man, Eskimos
never had colds. So it was neither the contrails nor psychosomatic ef-
fects that caused the symptoms. The passing weather fronts created the
Biblical Astronomer, number 120 57
Not too long ago the press trumpeted scientists’ announcement the
completion of the chimpanzee genome, the chimp’s genetic formula.
The completion was heralded as a “really big deal.” After all, it in-
volved decoding some three billion building blocks of chimp DNA.
While it was the chimp’s genome that was deciphered, it was the
human genome that was the subject of the study. This is so, of course,
because the chimp is considered by evolutionists to be man’s “closest
living relative.” Evolutionists hope to find those genetic “changes”
responsible for the emergence of modern man. It is claimed that man
and chimp have 98% of their DNA in common. Thus evolutionists
herald this as proof positive for evolution. They claim this can only be
an indication of evolution and common ancestry.
A difference of two percent does not sound like a lot, it is true, but
two percent of three billion is sixty million. In other words, there are
sixty million differences, sixty million steps that had to have changed
to produce man. That is a great many changes. Even if it took five
million years for man and chimp to evolve from their common ances-
tor, it averages to twelve genetic changes per year; twelve changes that
would have to be common to the entire population of the evolving race.
The two percent claim is, however, a deflated figure. All life on
earth, from bacteria to human, has 75% of its DNA in common. That
75% amounts to the foundation of life. So we are not talking about a
potential difference in three billion building blocks but one quarter of
that or 750,000,000 building blocks. If 60,000,000 of those have
changed, then the fraction that chimp and man have in common is not
98% but only 92%. What evolutionists are doing to boost their statis-
tics is equivalent to claiming the differences in people’s height from
head to toe should be determined by measuring from the chin to the top
of the head.
Panorama, 2001. “Age of the Veil Nebula,” B.A., 11(96):54.
Panorama, 1994. “More Evidence for a Large Universe,” B.A., 4(70):18.
60 Panorama
Bouw, G. D., 1980. “The Star of Bethlehem,” Creation Research Society Quarterly,
17(3):174, footnote 12.
The Biblical Astronomer was founded in 1971 as the Tychonian
Society. It is based on the premise that the only absolutely trustworthy
information about the origin and purpose of all that exists and happens
is given by God, our Creator and Redeemer, in his infallible, preserved
word, the Holy Bible commonly called the King James Bible. All sci-
entific endeavor which does not accept this revelation from on high
without any reservations, literary, philosophical or whatever, we reject
as already condemned in its unfounded first assumptions.
We believe that the creation was completed in six twenty-four
hour days and that the world is not older than about six thousand years.
We maintain that the Bible teaches us of an earth that neither rotates
daily nor revolves yearly about the sun; that it is at rest with respect to
the throne of him who called it into existence; and that hence it is abso-
lutely at rest in the universe.
We affirm that no man is righteous and so all are in need of salva-
tion, which is the free gift of God, given by the grace of God, and not to
be obtained through any merit or works of our own. We affirm that
salvation is available only through faith in the shed blood and finished
work of our risen LORD and saviour, Jesus Christ.
Lastly, the reason why we deem a return to a geocentric astron-
omy a first apologetic necessity is that its rejection at the beginning of
our Modern Age constitutes one very important, if not the most impor-
tant, cause of the historical development of Bible criticism, now result-
ing in an increasingly anti-Christian world in which atheistic existen-
tialism preaches a life that is really meaningless.