6. City of Proposed Location (If inside city limits).. .;;F'--'o:.. .;;,r,;;.,_re;:;,.;:s;.,;;,,t. . ;;:C;,,;;.,it"""y_ _ _ _ __
certify that the information provided in this form and its attachments is
complete and accurate. I understand that any mi sstatement or concealment of fact may be
grounds for refusal of application or revocation of li cense if later disclosed.
otary Public
Registered Agent Address _ 507 Oak Hill Lane Russell ville, AR 72802 _ _ __ __ __ __
4. List all owners, stockholders, shareholders, members, officers, and board members of the
proposed dispensary. Identify the nature of the individual 's or corporation's affiliation with th e
proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE: Please make sure that 100 % of
the ownership interest in the proposed d ispensary is accounted for in this section. (Attach any
necessary additional pages to this form. Include a header on any attachments. The header for this
response should include "Section A. Number 4.")
100% _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
r •
7. Has the applicant or business entity filed, or does the applicant or business entity intend to
fil e an additional application for a dispensary license under the same or a different name at a
different location ? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under which the
application(s) will be made.
8. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or board member in any way
affili ated with any other applicants(s) for dispensaries/cultivation centers? If yes, please identify the
individual and the name of the proposed cultivation facility or dispensar y, and briefl y describe the
nature of the relationship.
My Commission Expires Nov 16, 20l7
Corrmis~ion No. 12363434
7. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or
board member in any way affiliated with any other applicant(s) for
dispensaries/cultivation centers? If yes, please identify the individual and
the name of the proposed cultivation facility or dispensary, and briefly
describe the nature of the relationship.
1. Name o
4. List all owners, s tockholders, s ha reholckrs, me m bers, officers, and boa rel me mbers of the
proposed dispensa ry. Identify th e na tu re of the individua l's or corporation ' s affiliation
with the proposed dispensary a nd pe rcentage of owne rship, if any. NOTE : Please make
sure tha t 100% of the owners hip interes t in th e proposed dis pensary is accounted for in this
section. (Attach any necessary additional pages ID this form . lncluue a heaucr on any
attachments. T he heade r for this response should include "Section A. Number 4.")
5. Cou nty of Proposed Location --~~~)._!.\.._'...__
( _
I oz
_ _ d _
:fl__ 81 _d3S
__ LIOZ_ __ __ _
6. City of Proposed Location (If insi<le city limits)___tl_/ ij 3 /\I '3 ~· '.:f ~.
7. Has the applicant or business entity filed, or does the applicant or business entity intend to
file an additional application for a dispensary license under the same or a different name at
a different location? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under which
tN ~1ication(s) will be made.
8. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or board member in any
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) for dispensa ries/cultivation centers? If yes,
please identify the individua l and the name of the proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, a nd briefly describe the nature of the relationship.
NO .
certify that the infonnation provided in this fonn
derstand that any misstatement or concealment of fact
may be grounds for refusal of application or revocation of license if later disclosed.
. . Exp1res
My Comm1ss1on . : l f 3(Cf-'U
1 .-, - .... c...{_,
6. City of Proposed Location (I f ins ide city limi ts) Forrest City. Arkansas
7. Has th e applicant or business entity filed, or does the applicant or
business entity intend to file an additional application for a cultivation
facility license, under the same or a different name at a different
location? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under
which the application(s) will be made.
The app li cant and are fil ing an app lication for a
culti vation license under the same names in Pine Blu ff. Jefferson Coun ty, Arkansas.
I. 39.8 1% O\\·nership
15% O\\'nersh ip
3. . 19% O\\·ncrship
4. 18.8 1% ownership
5. 2% O\\nership
6. 3% O\\Tiership
7. 17.19% O\\'nership
8. -i% O\\·nership
O ffi cers :
3. Chicl'Operating Oniccr
Ccrti fication
Registered Agent Add ress 425 West Cap ito l Avenue. Suite 3700
Liu le Rock. A rkansas 7220 I
..t. List all owners, stockh olders, shareholders, members, offi cers, and board members of the
proposed dispensar y. Ide ntify the nat ure of the individu al's or co rporation's affiliation
with the proposed dispensary a nd percentage of owne rs hip, if any. NOT E: Please make
sure that I 00% of th e owner hip interest in th e proposed d ispensar y is accou nted fo r in th is
section. (Attach any necessary additional pages to this form . Include a header on any
attachments. The header for thi s response should include '·Sec tion A. t umber ..t ."')
See Attachment "Sectio n A. umber 4"
1. 39.8 1% ownership
2. 15% O\\·nership
3. . 19% ownership
5. 2% O\\ncrship
6. 3% 0\\11crship
8. -l% O\\·nership
Offi ce rs:
8. l s the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, sha reholder, officer, or board member in any
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) for dispensa ries/cu ltivation centers? If yes,
please id entify the indhidual a nd the name of the proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, and briefly describe the na tu r e of the r elationship.
The Appli cant, and all owners and offi cers are app lying
for culti vati on licenses in Pine Bluff. Jeffe rson County. Arkansas and fo r Forrest City.
St. Francis County, Arkansas.
6. City of Proposed Location (If ins ide city limits) ___P_in_e_B_l_u f_f_ _ _ _ __
7. Has the applicant or business entity filed , or does the applicant or
business entity intend to file an additional application for a cultivation
facility license, under the same or a different name at a different
location? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under
which the application(s) will be made.
The applicant and are filing an application for a
cultivation license under the same names in Forrest City. St. Francis Cou nty. Arkansas.
Certifi cation
I. ,
certify that the information provided in this
fo ccurate. I understand that any misstatement or
concealment of fact may be grounds for refusal of application or revocation of license if later
003 6)1
Registe red Age nt Address -l25 Wes t Cap ito l A venue. S ui te 3 700
Lillie Roc k. A rkansas 7220 I
.t. List a ll owners, stockholders, sha r eholders , m em bers, offi cers, and boa r d me m bers of the
pro posed dispens a ry. Ide ntify th e nature of the individua l's or cor por at ion 's affili a tion
with the p r oposed dis pensa r y a nd pe rcentage of owne rshi p, if a n ~· . NO T E : Please make
sure th a t I 00 % of the ownership inte rest in the proposed dispensary is accounted fo r in this
section. (Attach any necessary additi o nal pages lo this fo rm. Inc lude a header on any
attachments. The header for th is response should include ··section A. Number -L" )
See A ttachment "Section A . Number 4"
I. 39.81 % ownershi p
15% ownershi p
3. . I9o/o O\vnership
5. 2% ownership
6. 3% ownership
8. ..J.% ownershi p
Officers :
7. Has the a pplicant or business entity fil ed, or does the applicant or business entity intend to
fil e a n a dditional application for a dispensary license under th e same or a different na m e at
a differ e nt location? lf so, please provide the location(s) and a ny other name under which
the application(s) will be made.
The appl icant and and are filing an additional application
for a dispensary license under the same names in Pine Bluff. Jefferson County.
8. Is the Applicant or a ny owner , stockholder, s hare holder, officer, or board membe r in any
way a ffili ated with any other a pplica nts(s) for dis1lensa ries/cultirntion center s? If yes,
please identify the indi\·idual a nd the name of the proposed cultivatio n facility or
dis pen sa r~', and briefly describe the na ture of the r elations hip.
The Appl icant. and all owners and officers are applying
for cu lti vation licenses in Pine Bluff. Jefferson County. Arkansas and for Forrest City.
St. Francis Count\". Arkansas.
?,{JI ( .
Registered Agent Na me _ _ _ _ _ __
B_ill_W_a_tk_in_s_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
~- Lisi a ll own ers, stockholders, sharehold ers, members, offi ce rs, and boa rd members of the
proposed dispensary. Iden tify the nature of the individual's or corporation's a ffiliati on
with the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if an y. NOTE: Please make
sure th at 100 % of the own ership interest in th e pro posed dispensary is acco unted for in this
section. (Al!ach any necessary additional pages to this form. Include a ht!acler on any
anachmcnts. The header fo r this response shou ld incl ude ·· cction A. Number 4.")
Manager 100% Ownership
7. Has the applicant or business entity filed , or does th e applicant or business entity intend to
file an additional application for a d ispensary license under the same or a differen t name al
a d ifferent location? If so, please p ro,·ide the location(s) and any other name under whicb
the application(s) will be made.
No other applications or locations
8. Is th e Applicant or any owner, stockholder, sharehold er, offi cer, or board member in any
way }lrtiliated with :rny other applica nts(s) for dispen saries/cultivation centers? If yes,
please identify the individual and the name of the proposed cultivation fa cility or
dispensary, and briefly describe the nature of the relationship.
. Z,Di 7
Notary Public • Arkans as
Benton County
Commission ii 1269B564
My Commission Expires Aug 1. 2026
4. Lis t all ow ners, stockhold ers, sha r ehold ers, members, office1·s, and board m ember s of the
proposed dispensary. Id entify the nature of the individua l's or corporation ' s a ffiliation
with the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE: Please make
sure that 100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensary is accounted for in this
section. (A11ach any necessary additional pages to th is form. Include a header on any
a11achments. The header for this response sho uld include "Section A. Number 4.")
5. .£0
( ___,,...{...,£J....
Co unty of Proposed Loca tion ___ . .,~. ,. . l._{,-f
. . , (_"'-""
l1 R~...- Q{i
6. City of Proposed Loca tion (I f inside city limits)
- - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -
oo~\ '-t
7. Has the applicant or business entity filed, or does the applicant or business entity intend to
fil e an a dditional application for a dispensary license under th e same or a different na m e at
a different location ? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under which
the application(s) will be made.
8. ls the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shar ehold er, officer, or board member in a ny
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) for d ispensaries/cu ltivation centers ? If yes,
please identify the individual and the name of th e proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, and briefly descri be the nature of the r elationsh ip.
Certi tication
.t. list a ll owne1·s, stockholders, sharehold ers, mem bers, o fficers, and boa rd members ol' the
prnposed dispensary. ldentify the na ture of the individual 's or corpor a tio n's a ffili a tion
w ith the proposed dispensary a nd per·centage of owner·sh ip, if a ny. NOTE : Please ma ke
s ure that 100% of the owne rship inte rest in the proposed dis pensary is accounted for in this
sectio n. (Attach any necessary addit ional pages to this fo rm . Inc lude a heade r o n any
attachments. The header fo r this response should inc lude "Section A. umber 4.'')
8. Is th e Applica nt or any owner , stockholder, s ha re hold er, o ffi cer , or board member in a ny
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) fo r dispensaries/cultivation centers? If yes,
please identify the individual a nd the na me of the proposed cultivation facility or
d ispensary, a nd bl"iefly descri be the natur·e o f the relations hip.
Signed this -~l~~ -"f°1\__ day of
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---,,,_,,0--
4. L ist all owners, stockh olde rs, sharehold ers, mem bers, officers, a nd board members of the
proposed dispensary. Identify the nature of the ind ividual's or co rporation's affili ation
with the proposed dispensary a nd percentage of ownership, if a ny. NOT E: Please ma ke
sure that 100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensa ry is accounted fo r in t his
section. (Attach any necessary additional pages to this fo rm . Include a header on any
attachments. The header for this response should include "Section A. Nurnber4.")
, Owner: 6 1%
. Owner: 13%
Owner: 13%
, Owner: 13%
7. Has the applicant or business entity fil ed or does the a pplicant o r business enti ty intend
to fil e an a dd itiona l a pQJicatio n fo r a dispensary license under the same or a diffe rent
name a t a different location? If so, (!Jease provide the loca ti o n ~) a nd a ny other na me
under w hich the a pplicatio nW will be made.
_ _day of__
Signed this.----'-/_8_+"- _ _"Ct_/Vl_fS_Bl(__
_ _ __
. .,,,\ ..WH
....,.,.e , .,.,
\ \ 11II111111 I I I
. .....
~ l"~ • ~
My Commission Expires: S · 'COMM. EXP.',
•• \. ·.
'1- ~
-§g* .: 1·21·2027 ••
: No. 12701610: *ti
Business telephone number - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
4. List all O\'vners, stockholders, shareholders, members, officers, and board members of the
proposed dispensary. Identify the nature of the individual's or corporation 's affiliation
with the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE: Please make
sure that 100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensary is accounted for in this
section. (Attach any necessary additional pages to this form. Include a header on any
attachments. The header for this response should include "Section A. Number 4.")
Member 100%
7. Has the applicant or business en tity fil ed, or docs the applica nt or business entity intend to
file au additional application fo r a dispensar y license under the same or a different 11ame at
a different location? If so, please provide the locatiou(s) and a ny other na me under which
the application(s) will be made.
8. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder , shareholder, officer, or board member in any
way a fft.liated with any other applicants(s) for dispensaries/cultivation ceu ters? If yes,
please identify the indiv idual and the name of the proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, and briefly d escribe the nature of the r elationship.
Signed this
00 32-{
_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
4. List all owners, stockholders, shareholders, members, o fficers, and board members of the
with the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE: Please make
sure that 100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensary is accounted for in this
section. (At tach any necessary addit ional pages to this form. Include a header on any
attachments. The header for this response should include "Section A. Number 4." )
Owner/70%_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _
_ Owner/30%
- - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -
7. Has the a pplicant or business entity fil ed, or does th e applicant or business entif)• intend to
file an additional application for a dispensary license under the same or a different name at a
different location ? If so, please p rovide the loca tion(s) and any other name under which th e
a pplication(s) w ill b e m ade. Not Applicable_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or board member in any
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) fo1 dispc11sa1 ies/cu ltivation centers? If yes, please
identify the individual and the name o f the proposed cultivation facility or dispensary, and briefly
describe the nature of the relationship.
My Commission Expires:
~~~ela Ca lloway
Washingro~~y PUBLIC
Commissiono~nty. Arkansas
My Comm1ss10~~40323S
April l, 202S><plres
4. Lis t all owners, stockholders, sharehold ers, members, officers, and board members of the
proposed dispensar y. Identify the nature of the individual's or corporation's affiliati on with
the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE : Please make sure that
100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensa ry is accounted for in this section.
(Attach any necessary additional pages to this form. Include a header on any attachments. The
header for this response should include "Section A. Number 4.")
1 7. Has the applicant or business entity fil ed, or does th e applicant or business entity intend to
file an additional application for a dispensary license under the same or a different nam e at
a different location? If so, please provide the location(s) and any other name under which
the application(s) will be made.
8. l s the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or board mem ber in any
way a ffili ated with any other applicants(s) for dispensaries/cultivation centers? If yes,
please identify the individual and the name of the proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, and brieny describe the nature of the relationship.
Signed this
4. List all owners, stockholders, shareholders, members, officers, and board members of the
proposed dispensary. Identify the nature of the individual's or corporation's affiliation
with the proposed dispensary and percentage of ownership, if any. NOTE: Please make
sure that 100% of the ownership interest in the proposed dispensary is accounted for in this
section. (Attach any necessary additional pages to this form. Include a header on any
attachments. The header for this response should include "Section A. Number 4.")
- 100%
- 51%
- 49%
8. Is the Applicant or any owner, stockholder, shareholder, officer, or board member in nny
way affiliated with any other applicants(s) for dispensaries/cultivation centers? If yes,
please identify the individual and the name of the proposed cultivation facility or
dispensary, and briefly describe the nature of the relationship.
Arkansas • Garland County
Notary Public ·Comm# 12397626
My Commission Expires Mar 3. 2024