Directional Over Current Relay: Current Relay (Non-Direction) Will Act For Fault Current in Any Direction
Directional Over Current Relay: Current Relay (Non-Direction) Will Act For Fault Current in Any Direction
Directional Over Current Relay: Current Relay (Non-Direction) Will Act For Fault Current in Any Direction
This is also a special type of over current relay with a directional features. This
directional over current relay employs the principle of actuation of the relay, when
the fault current flows into the relay in a particular direction. If the power flow is in
the opposite direction, the relay will not operate. Normally, the conventional over
current relay (non-direction) will act for fault current in any direction.
The directional over current relay recognizes the direction in which fault occurs,
relative to the location of the relay. The principle of directional protection is as under:
Consider a feeder XY, passing through station A. The circuit breaker in feeder AY is
provided with a directional relay R, which will trip the breaker CBy , if the fault power
flow is in the direction AY alone. Therefore, for faults in feeder AX, the circuit
breaker CBy , does not trip unnecessarily. However, for faults in feeder AY, the
circuit Breaker CBy trips, due to direction feature of the relays, set to act in the
direction AY. This type of relay is also called reverse power relay, So far as the
direction of fault current (power) flow is concerned.
Reverse power flow relays with directional features, not only senses the direction
flow, but also measures magnitude of power flow.
Whenever a near or close-up fault occurs, the voltage becomes low and the directional
relay may not develop sufficient torque for its operation. To get sufficient torque
during all types faults, irrespective of locations with respect to relays, the relays
connections are to be modified. Each relay is energized by current from its respective
phase and voltage. One of the methods of such connections is 30 o connection and
other is 90o connection.
30o Connection phasor Diagram
In this type of 30o connections, the current coil of the current coil of the relay of phase
A is energized by phasor current IA and the line voltage VAC. Similarly, the relay in
phase B by IB and VBA and in phase C by IC and VCB. The relay will develop
maximum torque when its current and voltage are in phase.
In the above 90o connection, relay in phase A is energized by I A and VBC, relay in
phase B, by IB and VCA and the relay in phase C by IC and VAB. The relay is
designated to develop maximum torque when the relay current leads the voltage by
The upper magnet has two windings. The primary coil is connected to the secondary
of CT through tapping in it. Theses tapings are connected to plug setting bridge. The
secondary is connected to the lower electro magnet; the torque exerted on the disc is
due to the interaction of eddy currents produced therein by the flux from the upper
EM and the lower EM. The relay setting is 50% to 200% in steps of 25%.
Under normal operating conditions, power flows in the normal direction in the circuit,
protected by the relay and therefore, the directional unit does not operate. When a
short circuit occurs, there is a tendency for the current or power to flow in the reverse
direction. In such a case, the disc of the directional unit rotates to bridge he fixed
contacts A and B, completing the circuit for the over current unit. The disc of the over
current unit rotates consequently and the moving contacts attached to it closes the trip
circuit. This operates the circuit breaker which isolates the faulty section.
The directional unit is made very sensitive so that with the lowest value of voltage
which may be anticipated under severe fault conditions, sufficient torque is produced
by the current to complete the operation and allow its contacts to close.
The main flux is split into two fluxes displaced in time and space with the help of
a shaded ring. The air gap flux if shaded pole lags behind the non-shaded pole flux.
The fig shows how an induction disc type over current relay with split pole i.e.,
shaded pole magnet having in addition a directional unit consisting of a capacitance C
or resistance capacitance RC circuit works as a directional relay.
The above figure shows the wattmeter type induction relay. Here a directional unit
controls the angle between the two fluxes by varying the R-X parameters of the lower
electromagnet, Another method of control in wattmeter type is to supply the lower
winding from a separate voltage source, When the voltage of this source is equal and
opposite to the output of the upper magnet secondary winding, there is no current in
lower coil. So, no torque is produced. If it opposes and less than the secondary output
or if it assists the secondary output, there is an operating torque. Alternatively, if this
source voltage opposes and exceeds the output of secondary output, the current in the
lower coil is reversed, giving torque. This latter method is used in translay relay.