RECOGNITION Unorganized Organized
REQUIREMENTS The request for Certification shall 1. No certified bargaining 1. Must have an existing 1. A certification The contending
OR CONDITIONS indicate the following: agent; sole and exclusive of election unions a)
bargaining agent; with at least voluntarily
names and addresses of 2. Filing is initiated by a
three (3) agree to hold the
the requesting legitimate legitimate labor 2. Petition is verified;
choices has certification of
organization; organization;
3. Petition questioning the been election at the
name and addresses of the 3. Petition need not be majority status of the conducted; preliminary
company where it verified. incumbent bargaining conference
2. none of the
operates; agent is filed before the said choices conducted by the
DOLE with the 60-day obtained a Med-Arbiter; b)
bargaining unit sought to freedom period; majority of the the contending
be represented; valid votes unions agree to
4. Petition is supported by
approximate number of cast; hold a Consent
the written consent of at
employees in the unit; and Election.
least 25% of ALL 3. the total votes
statement of the existence employees in the for all
or non-existence of other bargaining unit; contending
labor organization/CBA. unions is at
5. to be a valid election, at
least 50% of
The said request shall also be least a majority all
the no. of votes
accompanied by the following as eligible voters in the said
cast; and
attachments thereto: unit must cast their votes.
4. there are no
1. Certificate of Registration challenged
created by the President of ballots which
the requesting union; or can materially
2. Certificate of Creation of alter the
Chartered Local as duly results.
certified by the President
of the federation of the
local chapter.
PROCEDURE Step 1: A request for SEBA shall Petition for Verified petition 1. Election During the
be filed with the aforecited Certification of Election questioning the majority officer shall preliminary
authority. shall be filed; shall be filed; motu proprio conference of the
conduct a run- Med-arbiter,
Step 2: Action of the Director Notice of Petition for Notice of Petition for off election should the
on the request within one day Certification of Election Certification of Election within 10 days contending
from submission of the such shall be posted by: shall be posted by: from the close parties agree for
◦ DOLE Regional ◦ DOLE Regional of the election a Consent
determine whether request Director; or Director; or proceedings Election, the
is compliant with the between the Med-Arbiter
◦ DOLE Regional ◦ DOLE Regional
requirements labor unions shall schedule a
Personnel; or Personnel; or receiving the pre-election
◦ Petitioner itself. ◦ Petitioner itself. two highest no. conference to
(Note: If insufficient the Regional of votes; discuss the
Director shall advise the DOLE Regional DOLE Regional Director mechanics of the
requesting union or local to Director shall assign to shall assign to Med- 2. same voter's
comply within 10 days from Med-Arbiter; Arbiter; list used in the
Notice. Failure to comply from certification
such notice shall be deemed Raffle of the petition, in Raffle of the petition, in election shall
withdrawal of such request) the presence of the the presence of the be used in the
Petitioner, as to which Petitioner, as to which run-off
determine whether the Med-Arbiter shall Med-Arbiter shall conduct election;
bargaining unit sought to conduct the hearing; the hearing;
be represented is 3. the labor union
organized or not; and Med-Arbiter handling Med-Arbiter handling the receiving the
the petition shall petition shall conduct a higher no. of
request a copy of the conduct a preliminary preliminary conference valid votes cast
payroll for purposes of conference within 10 within 10 days from shall be
SEBA Certification days from receipt of receipt of Petition; certified as the
pursuant to Sec. 4 of D.O. Petition; winner.
40-I-15. ◦ Preliminary
◦ Preliminary conference is
IF UNORGANIZED: conference is conducted for the
1. if only one legitimate conducted for the purpose of
labor org. purpose of determining:
Regional Director shall ▪ bargaining unit to
call a conference within 1. bargaining unit be represented;
five working days for the to be
represented; ▪ contending
submission of the ff:
2. contending
◦ names of employees in laborunions; ▪ possibility of a
the covered bargaining consent election;
3. possibility of a
unit who signify and
consent election;
support for
and ▪ other relevant
certification and these
employees comprise at 4. other relevant matters.
least majority of the matters. If contending unions fail
no. of employees in to agree to a consent
the covered said unit; If contending unions
fail to agree to a consent election during the said
and conference, Med-Arbiter
election during the said
◦ certification under conference, Med- shall issue decision or
oath by the president Arbiter shall issue order either dismissing the
that all documents decision or order either petition on the grounds
submitted are true and dismissing the petition stated in Sec. 14, Rule
correct based on his on the grounds stated in VIII, IRR or order the
personal knowledge. Sec. 14, Rule VIII, IRR holding of a certification
or order the holding of a election, copy furnished
2. if more than one the employer.
certification election,
legitimate labor
copy furnished the If the petition is not
employer. dismissed and order above
◦ the Regional Director stated becomes final and
If the petition is not
shall refer it to the executory, an Order
dismissed and order
election officer for calling for a Pre-Election
above stated becomes
conduct of certificate Conference shall be
final and executory, an
election. issued by the Med-
Order calling for a Pre-
Election Conference Arbiter;
shall be issued by the A notice of Election shall
IF ORGANIZED Med-Arbiter; likewise be posted at least
Regional Director shall A notice of Election 10 days before the actual
refer it to the Med-Arbiter shall likewise be posted date of the election, in
for determination and at least 10 days before two most conspicuous
propriety of conducting a the actual date of the places in the company
certification election. election, in two most premises, indicating the
conspicuous places in ff:
Step 3: Regional Director shall
the company premises,
act on submission: ◦ date and time of the
indicating the ff:
◦ date and time of the
INCOMPLETE: ◦ names of all
contending unions;
the request shall be
◦ names of all
referred to an election ◦ description of the
contending unions;
officer for the conduct of bargaining unit; and
election. ◦ description of the
◦ list of eligible and
IF COMPLETE: bargaining unit; and
challenged voters.
◦ list of eligible and
Regional Director shall The Election Officer
issue, during a conference, challenged voters.
handling such election
a Certification as Sole and The Election Officer after a duly raffle
Exclusive Bargaining handling such election proceeding shall conduct
Agent (SEBA) enjoying after a duly raffle the election after due
the rights and privileges of proceeding shall posting of notice of
an exclusive barganing conduct the election election and on the date
agent to all employees in after due posting of stated in the said notice;
the covered bargaining notice of election and
unit. on the date stated in the Canvassing of Votes;
Re-Run Election shall be conducted when, a certification, consent, or run-off election resulted into a tie
between the two (2) choices, the Election Officer shall immediately notify the parties of a Re-Run Election.
The Election Officer shall cause the posting of the Notice of Re-Run Election within Five (5) days from the
RE-RUN Certification, Consent, or Run-off Election.
No Re-Run Election
ELECTION The Re-Run Election shall be conducted within ten (10) days after the posting of notice.
The Choice receiving the highest votes cast during the re-run election shall be proclaimed as the winner and
shall be certified accordingly.