Settlement of Shallow Foundations

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Settlement of Shallow

CIVL 451 – Foundation Engineering –
Classroom Notes
Allowable Bearing Pressure and
• It was previously discussed that the allowable bearing
pressure is defined as a function of the; ultimate bearing
capacity, allowable settlement and differential settlement
between individual foundations.

• The allowable bearing pressure qall will be the smaller bearing

pressure obtained by considering the above, and it should be
equal to or greater than the applied foundation pressure.
Foundation Settlement
• Settlement of foundations is assessed by considering the
– For cohesive soils;
Total settlement = undrained, elastic or immediate settlement +
consolidation settlement +
creep settlement
• Undrained, elastic or immediate settlement is considered to
take place during construction or within a reasonably short
time period after construction. It is considered to take place in
undrained state and under constant volume due to
distortional strains within the ground.
Foundation Settlement
• Consolidation Settlement or Primary Consolidation is time
dependent and occurs over a considerably long time period
during the design life of the structure. The time rate of
consolidation depends on the permeability of the ground the
drainage conditions.

• The Creep settlement is also time dependent and it is

considered to commence after completion of the primary
consolidation. Some references also define this component of
the settlement as Secondary compression or Secondary
Foundation Settlement
• Elasticity settlement can be calculated using theory of elasticity as
in the following equation, A1 and A2 coefficients of which are
developed by Christian and Carrier (1978);

q0: aoolied pressure at foundation base,
B: foundation width.
Df: foundation depth,
H: the vertical distance between hard stratum and the base of the
Es: Modulus of elasticity of the soil.
Foundation Settlement
• A1 and A2 can be determined from the following graphs;
Foundation Settlement
• The modulus of
elasticity Es can be
obtained using

• As the Es may vary with depth, Bowles (1987) recommends that a

weighted average value can be used in the calculations such that;
Foundation Settlement
• The Primary Settlement can be determined considering one-
dimensional consolidation theory;
Foundation Settlement
• The Primary Settlement can also be determined using
coefficient of volume compressibility, Mv;
Foundation Settlement
• Secondary compression or creep settlement can be calculated using the
creep coefficient;
Foundation Settlement
- For cohesionless soils;
Total settlement = immediate settlement + creep settlement

• There are several methods used for the calculation of

settlement of shallow foundations on granular soil. Influence
factor method by Schmertmann (1973) is used commonly;
• Ex. A foundation 4m x 2m carries a uniform pressure of 200kPa at a depth
of 1m in a layer of saturated clay 11m deep and underlain by a hard
stratum. If undrained elastic modulus, Es for the clay is 45MPa, determine
the average value of immediate settlement under the foundation.
• Ex. A foundation 4m x 2m, carrying a uniform pressure of 150kPa, is
located at a depth of 1m in a layer of clay 5m thick for which the value of
Es is 40MPa. The layer is underlain by a second layer of clay 8m thick for
which Es is 75MPa. A hard stratum lies below the second layer. Determine
the average immediate settlement under the foundation.
• Ex.
• B. M. Das, Principles of foundation
• R. F. Craig, Soil Mechanics.

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