Sepals herbaceous, rarely petaloid, distinct, irnol'lcttvc or valvate
, connate in a tube with lobes imbricate valvate at: open, free or,
,rely, with the base of the tube adnate to the base·o£ thc ovary.
orus small, or raised or stalk-like, or thickened ,or fleshy or
owned by a disk, annular or cupular or flattened, cntirp. or
bed or broken into glands, free or adnate to calyx and ovary
to ovary alone, rarely to calyx alone. Petals l\-2-seriate,
llike the. sepals, or 2-many-seriate passing gradually from
.e sepals or as many as the sepals or fewer by abortion,
serted on the torus or adnate to the base of the calyx external
,thc disk, or sometimes when the disk is absent adnate at the
~e to the stamens, or 0. Stamens numerous or few, inserted on
Ie torus or rarely on the base of the calyx, free or adnate to the
~e of the petals, or few and inserted around upon or within the
sk. Carpels free or connate, or rarely more or less embedded
'the fleshy torus, or immersed in the thickened disk.
Annual or perennial herbs or rarely shrubs. Leaves radical or
bcrnate or rarely opposite. Stipules 0, or adnate to the petiole
, rarely, free. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, regular or
·egular. Bracts rare. Disk very rare. Sepals 5 or more, rarely
weI', very rarely persistent, often petaloid, imbricate or mrely
,lvate. Petals 5 or 1110re or 0, rarely 4 or 3, bypogynous,
lbricate, often minute or deformed. Stamens bypogynous,
ually numerous in rnany rows. Anthers adnate, opening
;erally or outwards. Carpels numerous, rarely 1, free or rarely
berent; stigma simple, usually sessile; ovules anatropous,
,netimes solitary, ascending with a ventral raphe or pendu-
:18 with a dorsal raphe, sometimes numerous and horizontal
: thee ventral suture. Frnit of one-seeded beaked or plumose
henes or many-seeded follicles or rarely a capsule or berry.
,,,lI,, small, with copious albumen and a minute embryo.
IT has been ananged that the 'Flo~a o,f Madras' shofld
issue in Parts of 192 pages each, and this is the first of 1Ihe
Parts. Others will issue by degrees until the whole is
complete, when the Introduction to the! whole with the Key
to the Families will be prepared, to be pInced, for binding
purposes, at the beginning of the work,
1. Clematis, Linn.
Climbing shrubs. Leave8 opposite, simple or compound, ex·
stipulate, petioles often twining. Inflore8cence axillary or ter-
minal. Sepal8 usually 4, petaloid, valvate. Petal8 O. Stamen8
many. Carpel8 numerous, distinct, with 1 pendulous ovule in
each. Fruit a head of sessile or stalked achenes with long
usually feathery styles.
Sepals ovate, spreading from the base; veins of leaflets thick, promi-
nent ................................................. , ................... 6. TVightiana.
Sepals oblong-Ianceolate, erect at the base, recUl"ved at the tip; veins
of leaflets slender, little r.aised ....................................... 7. nlttallS .
2. Naravelia, DC.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves 3-foliolate, terminal leaflet usuallY'
transformed into a tendril. Flowers axillary or in terminal
panicles, normally ~. Sepals 4-5. Petals 6--12, narrow, usually
elongating after the fall of the calyx. Stamens many. Achenes
long, narrow, stalked, prolonged into a feathery style, which per-
:sists in fruit as a twisted pilose tail.
NARAVELIA ZEYLANIUA, DC.; F. B. 1. i. 7; W. & A. 2; Roxb.
Cor. Pl. ii. t. 188.
A climbing shrub with ovate-Ianceolate downy sepals and
elortgated linear-clavate yellow petals. Fruit a head of linear
achenes ending in twisted feathery tails.
Common .in hedges and thickets in nearly all Districts.
3. Anemone, Linn.
Perennial herbs. Leuve~ tu.dical, more or less cut or ·1013(1
Flowers single or several together on simple or branched scapes
involucre 3-partite; bracts free or connate. Sepals 4-20, petaloid
imbricate. Petals O. Stamen8 numerous, outer .sometime
petaloid. Carpel8 many, l·ovuled; ovules pendulous. Fruit,
head of sessile achenes, with short or long, hooked or straight
naked or bearded, st)'les.
ANIlMONIl RIVULARIS, Ham.; F. B. 1. i. 9. A. dubia, \Y.all.
W. & A. 3. A. Wig htiana , Wail.; W. & A. 3; Wt. Ic. t. 936 .
• A strong perennial herb with rootstock sheu.thed in fibre,
Leave8 radical, long-petioled, 3·partite. Flowers about 1 in
in diam., sepals white within, blue outside or sometimes pinl
or yellow. Achene8 glabrous with hooked styles.
Hills of the W. Ghats, especially in the Nilgiris, Anamalai:
and Pulneys, usually above 6,000 ft.
~. Thalictrum, Linn.
Erect, stiff, perennial herbs. Leaves compound; petioles sheath
ing, often auricled or stipuled. Flowers in panicles or racemes
often polygamous, not involucrate. Sepal8 4-5, petaloid, imbri
cate in bud. Petals O. Stamens many. Carpels few or numerous
ovule 1, pendulous. Fruit a head of small sessile or stalke(
achenes; style persistent or deciduous.
Leaves more than three times temately divided, leaflets mostly cuneate
obtuse at base; flowers white; achenes '2 in. long (with style) forming (
loose head ;--
Beak of achene ~ of seed· bearing pal't ........................ 1. javanicltllt
Beak of achene equal to seed-bearing part ............ 2. salliwlaejol'lne
Leaves once or twice ternately divided; leaflets mostly orbicular, cor
date; flowers white; achenes'l in. (with style) forming a small compac
globe ........................................................................ 3. Dalzellii
5. Ranuncu)us, Linn
Annual or perennial, land' or water herbs. Leave8 entire, lobed
or dissected; stipules membranous or O. Flower8 white or yellow,
single or panicled. Sepal.q H-5, deciduous or caducous, imbricate.
Petals 5 or rarely more, ver~' rarely 0, often bearing a nectary neal'
!the base. Stamens many. Frnit a head or spike of beaked or
'apiculate achenes.
1. ACl'otrema, Jack
Herbs, usu(l.lly stemless with woody rhizomes. Leaves large,
parallel-nerved, entire, toothed or pinnatipartite, with deciduous
sheathing stipules. Scape short, axillary, many-bracteolate.
FlolVers large, yellow. Sepals and petals 5 each. Stamen.,
numerous, in 3 bundles, which alternate with the carpels; fila-
ments thread-like; anthers erect, dehiscing from the middle to the
top. Cat-pel8 3, slightly' cohering at the axis; styles subulate,
recurved; ovules 2 or more. Follicle8 3, bursting irregularly.
Seed solitary; aril membranous; testa crustaceous, pitted.
Stem short, rarely none or elongated; leaves obovate-oblong,
blunt, sharply toothed, 6-12 in. long; scape many-flowered,
axis long or abbreviated.
Forests of "IV. Gh{,ts in Travancore and Tinnevelly, at 1,000-
3,000 ft.
2. 'l'etracera, Linn.
Climbii1g shrubs or trees, scabrid or pubescent. Leaves with
parallel main nerves. Flowers in terminal or lateral panicles,
hermaphrodite or sometimes unisexual. Sepals 4-6, spreading.
Petals 4-6. Stamens many, with filaments dilated upwa:f\ls and
.distant anther-cells. Carpels 3-5; ovules many, in 2 rows.
Follicles coriaceous, shining. Seeds 1-5, with a filllbriate or
toothed aril.
3. Dillenia, Linn.
Trees. Leave8 large, with conspicuous parallel main nerves.
Flowers large, solitary 01' fascicled, ye1l9w or white. Sepals 5,
spreading. Petal8 5, broad. Stamen,q cohering slightly at the
base; anthers linear, dehiscing by pores or small slits; inner erect
or recurved, introrse, outer recurved, extrorse. Carpels 5-20,
cohering at the axis; ovules numerous. Fruit globose, com·
prising the matured indehiscent carpels and the enveloping
thickened fleshy calyx; seeds not arillate.
1. Michelia, Linn.
Trees. Leaves evergreen or deciduous, enveloped in b·.. d in
their connate, convolute stipuleR. Flowers solitary, axillary or
terminal. Sepals and 1Jetal.~ similar, 9-15 or more, in 3 or more
rows. Stamens numerou~, many,seriatc, with flat ,filaments;
Kadwra.J .1!A (} N0J,IAUF.AF..
Leaves more than 4 in. long, grlldually narrowed upwards from below
the middle; flowers yellow ......................................... 1. Clwmpllca.
J"e,wes 2-4 in. long, shortly llcumilmte; flowers white, sometimes with
a tinge of yellow ...................................................... 2. nila!lil'ic<l.
2. Kadsura, Kaempfer.
Climbing glabrous shrubs. Leaves exstipulate. Flowers uni-
sexual, white, yellow or reddish, axillary or in the axis of scales
near the base of short lateral leafy branches or from the old wood.
Sepals and petals 9 to 12 in all, imbricate in about 0 rows. Male
flowers with 5-15 or more stamen8 in a spiral series; filaments
very short, free or subconnate, often fleshy; anthers free or partly
immersed in a fleshy heau of confluent filaments; cells small
distant. Female flowers with many densely imbricated ovaries;
stigmas sessile; ovules 2-4. Fruit a globose head of indehiscent
fleshy I-seeded carpels. Seeds 1-2, suspended; albumen fleshy;
testa erust!1ceous; embryo minute, .
10 I _ 4-,- FLORA OF MADRA§.. .11_ :'\ [Kadsu1'a,
~ c~ e-'"r-oU.-f,.. (~.
KADsuRA ROnmRGH~,-Itrfl.; F. B. I. i. 45; King Ann. Calc.
iii. 222, t. 73A. K. Wiyhtiana, Arn.; F. B. I. i. 45.
Petals roundish, concave, outer larger; berries cuneate
globose, scarlet.
Forests of the W. Ghats, in Malabar.
1. Sageraea, Dalz.
Trees. Leaves shining and branches glabrous. Flo1De1's s1nall,
terminal, axillary OJ: fascicled on woody tuberdes, 1-2-sexual.
Sepals orbicular or ovate, imbricate. Petals 6, imbricate in 2
rows, nearly equal, usually orbicular, concave. Stamens 6-21,
imbricate in 2 or more series, broadly oblong, thick, fleshy; anther
celL; dorsal, oblong; connectives produced, not concealing the
anthers. Ovaries 3-6; style short, stigma obtuse or capitate;
ovules 1-8 on the ventral suture. FTuit of stalked globose
Larger petals '2iJ in. long; stamens about 2iJ; leaves iJ-7 in. long
1. DuZ:{'/lii.
Larger petals <\ in. long; stamens "hout 12; le,wes 9-12 in. long
2. g/'(/wlijlum.
2. Uval'ia, Linn.
Scandent or straggling shrubs, usually stellately pubescent.
Inflorescence terminal or leaf opposed or rarely axillary. FlO1.oers
solitary, cymose, umbellate or fascicled, yellow, purple or brown.
Sepals 3, valvate, often connate below. Petals 6, orbicular, oval
or oblong. imbricate in 2 rows, sometimes connftte at the base.
Stamens indefinite; top of connecth'c ovoid-oblong, truncate ot-
subfoliaceous, concealing the anthers. TOl'UB depressed, pubes-
cent or tomentose. Ova.1'ie8 indefinite, linear-oblong; style short,
thick; ovules many, 2-seriate, rarely few- or 1-seriate. Fruit of
many dry or baccate, few- or many-seeded carpels.
3. Cyathocalyx, Champ.
Trees. Leave8 glabrous. Flowers in terminal or leaf-opposed
fascicles. Sepa.ls combined into a a-lobed cup or nearly free.
Petal8 in 2 whorls of 3 each, valvate, arching at the base over the
stamens and pistils but above them fiat and spreading. Stamens
numerous, cuneate, truncate; anther-cells linear, dorsal. Uvaries
usually solitary on a concave torus; stigma large peltate; ovules
many. Ripe carpels large globose berries.
CYA'fHOCALYX ZEYLANICUS, Champ.; Bedd. Ie. t. 47; F. B. I.
i. 53; King Ann. Calc. iv. 36, t. 42.
Moist forests on the slopes of the W. GhClts in S. Canara,
Malabar, Anamalais and Tral'ancore, up to a,OOO ft.
A moderate-sized evergreen tree.
4. Artabotrys, H. Bl'.
Climbing or straggling shrubs. Leaves shining. FlowGn soli- •
tary or fascicled, usually on woody hooked recurved branches
(peduncles). Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, bases
concave, connivent, spreading above, limb flat, subterete or
clavate. Stamens oblong or cuneate; connective truncate or
produced, concealing the dorsal anther-cells. Torus fiat or con-
vex.' Ovwr'ies few or many; style oblong or columnar; ovules 2,
erect, collateral. Fruit a circle of usually yellow, sometimes
odorous, berries.
14 PLORA OP ,1LlDKIS. [Arta/Jotry.'.
5. Un on a, Linn.
Trees or shrubs, erect or climbing. Flowers often solitary,
axillary, terminal or leaf-opposed. Sepals 3, valvate. Petals 6,
valvate or open in aestivation, '2-seriate; 3 inner sometimes
absent. Torus flat or slightly concave. Stamens cuneate;
anther-cells linear, extrorse; top of connective subglobose or
truncate, concealing the anthers. Ovaries numerous; style ovoid
or oblong, recurved, grooved; ovules 2-tl, I-seriate (rarely sub-
2-seriate). Fruit a ring of many carpels, elongate or constricted
between the seeds or baccate. Seeds few or many.
A small tree. Flowers sub sessile ; petals oblong-lanceolate, densely
tomentose, glabrescent; carpels sessile or sub sessile ; leaves lanceolate,
dark green, nerves sunk above, raised beneath :-
Carpels soft, velvety, globose ....................................... 1. pannosa.
Carpels solid, glabrescent, slightly torulose ............... 2. Rarnarowii.
Flowers on slender peduncles; petals linear or narrowly lanceolate,
slightly silky; carpels glabrous, stalked:-
A large climber. Young shoots rufous; petals narrow-lanceolate;
sepals over '75 in. long; peduncle with a cordate bract ... 3. viridiJiora.
A liuge shrub. Young shoots glabrous; petals narrow-linear; sepals
less than '5 in. long ..................................................... .4. Lawii.
1. UNONA PANNOSA, Dalz.; F. B. 1. i. 58; Bedd. Ie. t. 52; King
Ann. Calc. iv. 55, t. 72.
Forests of the 'V. Ghats in Malabar, Anamalais, Travan-
core and Tinnevelly, at 2,000 to 4,500 ft. I
6. Polyalthia, Blume.
Trees or erect or climbing shrubs. Flowers sOlluaryor Iascicled,
axillary, terminal, leaf· opposed or below the leaves on the young
or old wood. Sepal8 free, valvate or subimbricate. Petal8 6,
2·seriate, ovate or elongated, flat or the inner vaulted. Torus
convex. Stamens cuneate; anther· cells extrorse, remote, con·
cealed below the overlapping connectives. Ovaries indefinite;
style usually oblong; ovules 1-2, basal and erect or sub·basal and
ascending. Frt~it a ring of one·seeded berries.
7. Popowia, Endl.
Trees. Flowers small, subglobulal', opening but slightly,
usually hermaphrodite, sometimes polygamous, extra-axillary or
leaf-opposed. 8p]lals 3. ovate, ydnLte. l'etals 6, v~dyate, in two
whorls (the inner series very rarely imbricate), more or less
orbicular; outer, like the sepals, spreltding; inner thick, concave,
conniYent, acute, the tip sometimes inflexed. Stamen.~ indefinite
or subdefinite, short. cuneate; anther-cells hidden beneath the
overlapping connectives. dorsal, remote. Ca'rpels about 6, ovoid;
style large, oblong or subclavate, stmight or recuned; ovules 1-2
on the ventral suture, rarely 1 bm;al erect. Fruit. n, ring of
stalked, globose or ovoid berries.
POPOWIA BEDDOME"NA, Hook. f. & Thoms.; F, B. L i. 68; King
Ann. Calc. iv. 119, t. lGOn. P. 1'IlI1lo8i8.~i1Jla, Bed(l. Ie. t. 75.
A small tree; leaves 2-3 in. long, glabrous, granulate heneath;
flowem small, solitary; petals tOlllentose without.
Evergreen fOl'ests of the ,Yo Ghats in S. Travuncore and
Tinnevclly, at 3,000 to 5,000 ft. A small tree, scarce.
9. Goniothalamus, mume.
Trees or shrubs. Leave8 with anmIl nerves, formmg intra-
marginal loops. Flowers solitary or fascicled, axillary or extra-
axillary; peduncles with basal scaly distichous bracts. Sepals 3,
valvate. Petals 6, valvate, in two whorls; outer thick, flat or
ne~~ly so; inner smaller, shortly clawed, cohering in a vaulted
cap over the stamens and ovary. Stamens many, linear-oblong;
anther-cells remote, dorsal, hiddcn by the connective, which is
produced into an oblong or truncate process. Ovarie8 many;
style simple or 2-fid; ovules solitary or 2 (or rarely 4), super·
posed, sub. basal. Fruit of many I-seeded carpels.
Leaves obtuse, 2-8 in. long, glaucous bencnoth; nerves ascending; flower
greenish; fruit green, ovoid, with projecting ovoid areole8 ... 1. .'qlla'f/lORa.
I~eayes lccuminate, 5-8 in. long, green benca.th; nerves divergent; flowel's
pale green; fl'llit omngp, snbglobose, with flltt. 5- cornered areoles
2. reticll/ata.
Leaves glabrous:-
Petals '25 in. long; leaves obtuse :-
Leaves ovate; carpels smooth ........................... 1. IIwdraspatana.
Leaves lanceolate; carpels nlUriC'lte ............... '" ... 2. sclerocarpa.
Petals '5 in. long; leaves c>ludftte-'tcuminate .. , ............ 3. zeylanica.
Leaves tomentose below; flowers '5 in. long, redclish green; carpels
tOID¥ltose, yellow ... ; ........................................................ 4. lutCli.
Climbing or twining shrubs or occasionally herbs, or very rarely
erect shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate, simple or very
rarely compound, entire or lobed, usually palminerved, often
peltatc; stipules O. Flowers dioecious, small, solitary, fascicled
capitate or eymose or more frequently racemed or panieled, some-
times bracteate, occasionally 3-bracteolate. Sepals 6, in 2 whorls,
or 9-12 in 3-4 whorls, rarely fewer than 6 and very rarely 5, outer
often minute, occasionally all connate into a toothed or lobed cup.
Pe/cds never more than 6, rarely fewer, free or connate or O.
3' Stamens usually of the same number as, and opposite to, the
petals; filaments free, with extrorse or vertically dehiscing a'nthers,
or connate with anthers capitate or on the rim of a terminal di8k ;
rudimentary carpels very small or O. ~ Stalninoties 6 or 0;
ovaries 3 or sometimes 1, rarely 6-12; styles simpltJ or divided,
1. Tinospora, Miers.
Climbing shrub,;. Hacemes or mrely panicles of usually pre-
cociousjiowcJ"s, axillary terminal or from the old wood. Sepals 6,
2-seriate, inner larger. Petals 6, smaller. 0 Stamens 6, free;
anther-cells connivent at the thickened top of the filament, bU1"st-
ing longitUdinally. ~ StaminOlles 6, clavate; oyaries 3; stigmas
forked. D·rnpes \"entrally fiat, dorsally convex, round or oval;
style-scar subtennin~l; endocarp rugose or tubercled, dorsally
keeled, ventmlly conca\"e. See(l grooved ventr~Uy .or curved
round a :},-lobed intrusion of the endocarp; albumen ventrally
rut1linate; cotyledons foliaceous, ovate, spreading.
TINOSPORA COlU>IFOLLI., ;.\Iicrs; F. B. 1. i. 97. Coccul'ns cordi-
/()liu" DC.; W. & A. 12; Wt. Ie. t. 485-6.
A climbing shrub with succulent stems, the IJ<Lrk papery at
first then corky; leaves glabrous; tlower" yellow, on nodes
on the old wood; drupes red, sessile; endocfLrp with few
isolated tubercles or smooth.
In forests and among trees in almost all Districts. Vern.
Hi/1ft. Goluncha; Tel. Tippa tiga; Talll. Chintil.
2. Anamirta, Colebr.
Climbing shrubR. FlollJCI"8 hibnlcteolitte, panicled. Sepals 6.
Petal8 O. 6 Anthers capitate in many whorls on the top of the
staminal column. 2-celled, bl~rsting tnl.llsversely. ~ ",)taminotZe8
Tiliacora. J )IEXISPERMAC.EAE. 27
3. Coscinium, Colebr.
Climbing shrubs. Flowers bracteate, in dense globular soli-
tary or racemose heads. Sepals 6, orbicular. Petals 3, large,
spreading, elliptic. 6 Stnmens 6; outer 3 free, with 2-celled
anthers; inner 3 connate, with 1-celled anthers; anthers bursting
vertically, ~ Stamino(les 6; ovaries 3-6, subglobose; styles
subulate, reflexed. Drnpes globose; endocarp bony. Seed
globose, embracing a globose intrusi,on of the endocarp; albumen
fleshy, ruminate ventrally; embryo straight; cotyledons orbicular,
spreading, thin, sinuate laciniate or fenestrate.
COscINIU)r FJ<JN1l8TRATUJII, Colebr. ; F. B. I. i. 99.
Young shoots and under side of leaves hoary; leaves oblong-
deltoid; flowers green, in heads '5-'8 in. [Ccross, borne on stalks
1 in. long; drupes 1-3, '5 in. in diulll., subglobose, villous.
W. Ghats, in the Nilgil'is and TravancOl'e.
4. Tiliacora, Calebr.
Climbing shrubs. Flowers dioecious or~polygalllous, in axillary
panic1es. Sepals 6, 2-seriate, the outer much smaller. ! Petalg 6,
minute, cuneate. 6 Stamen8 6; anthers adnate, bursting yerti-
cally; rudimentary carpels 3. ~ Ovarie8 3-12; styles short,
subulate. ,D/'1UJC8 obovoid. nedicelled. subcommessed: stvle-
FL01U OF MADRAS. [Tiliacul'(/.
5. Diploclisia, Miers.
Characters of Coccillns but flowers in long (hooping panicles
from the old wood t1nd centre of endoearp reduced to a thill flat
DIPLOCLISL\ GLAUCESCENS, Diels in Eng!. l'tlanzenr. IIIenisperm.
225, t. 77. QUCCll/IlS m(lcrocarpus, IV. & A. 13; :F. B. 1. i. 101;
\Vt. Ill. i. t. 7.
A large climbcr; leaves round ot byot\dcl' than long, 5-nerved,
glaucous beneath, 2-4 in. across, shorter than their petioles;
flowers yellow; drupes reddish, obovoid, 1 in. long.
Forests of the IV. Gh(tts in lH",labar, 2\'ilgiris, Pulneys and
Travancore up to 6,000 ft.
6. Cocculus, DC.
Climbing 01' straggling or erect sl1rubs, or evcn trees. Flon'cl's
panicled or rarely fascicled in the axils of tho leaves. Sepal" 6.
:d-seriate, outer smaller. Petals 6, smaller than the seplLlE;,
usually auricled at the base. d' 8t(/lllens embraced by the petals;
anthers subglobose, cells bursting transversely. ? Stalilinodes
6 or 0; ovaries 3-6; styles usually cylindric. Drupes com-
pressed; endocarp horseshoe - shaped, dOl's"lly keeled and
tubercled, sides concave, but not reduced to a thill H'lt septum.
Seed cUl'\'ed; albumen fleshy; embryo annular; cotyledons linear,
flat, appl'essed. •
9. Cycle a, Am.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves usually peltate. Flowers in axillary
panicles; cS Sepals 4-8, connate into a 4-5-10bed calyx; petals
4-8, more or less connate into a 4-5-lobed corolla; anthers 4-6,
connate round the rim of the disk-like top of the staminal column,
bursting horizontally; ~ Calyx globose or campanulate, lobed;
corolla globular; ovary 1, style short, 3-5·10bed, lobes radiating.
Drupe ovoid; style-ilcar sub-basal; endocarp horseshoe-shaped,
2-10cellate, dorsally tubercled, sides convex. Seed curved; coty-
ledons slender, semi-terete, appressed.
Calyx globose or broadly campanulate, lobes ;t of tube; anther" 6-8-
celled ........................................................................... 1. peltata.
Calyx campanulate, lobes i of tube; anthers 4-celled ........... 2. Arnottii.
Calyx campanulate, divided nearly to the base ................. il. jissicalyx.
whygone.] JlEHliRJlIlJACRAJo:. 31
Leaves simple " .. """" .. "" .. "" ... ".,.,,, ............. ,,.,, ....... 1. Berberis.
Leaves pinnitte ......... " ..... " ..,." .. " " ......... " .. " '" ......... 2. Mahonia.
1. Berberis, Linn.
Erect shrubs with yellow wood. Leaus simple, fascicled in the
axils of 3-5-partite or rarely simple spines. Flowers yelIOIY.
solitary fascicled 1'aC0111o:,;e co1'ymbose or, panicled, with 2-,';
small appressed bracteoles. Sepals 6, imbricate in 2 whorls.
Petals 6, imbricate in 2 whorls, usually with 2 glands inside at
the base. Stamens 6, free; anther-cells opening by recurved
valves. OV(ll',l} simple; stigmas peltate, sessile or nearly so;
ovules few, basal, erect. Berries few·seeded.
BERBERIS TINCTORIA, Lesch.; \V. & A. 16.
An erect evergreen bush with pale brown shining twigs,
prickly leaves, yellow tlowers in panicles or corymbs, and
glaucous spindle-shaped red berries with short stout styles.
Nilgi1'i and I'ulney Hills of the W. Ghats, above 6,000 ft. ;
Shevaroy Hills of Salem.
2. Mahonia, Nutt.
Characters of BERBERIS but leaves pinnate with opposite leaflets,
and stamens usually 2-toothed below the anther.
IvIAHONIA LESCHEN AULTII, Takeda. Be·rberis nepalensis, val'.
Leschenaultii, Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 109 B. Leschen-
aultii, Wall.; Wt. Ie. t. 940.
A shrub with stiff, erect, corky-barked stems; leaflets ovate·
lanceolate, prickly; flowers yellow, in long erect mcemes,
fascicled among the upper leaves; berries globose, gl,aucous
Hills of the W. Ghats from the Nilgiris southwards, above
5.000 ft .. in Shola forest.
1 1/1 //(/('(1.] SDIl'[LJ F.l('RAF. 33
' '
A'lnatic perennial herbs. Lem'cs rising abo\'e, submerged in or
bsnally floating on the w,"ter, often peltate, margins involute in
bud. Flowers floating or rarely emergent, solitary on axillary
peduncles. Sepals 3-5. Petals 3-5 or many, Stamens 6 or
indefinite; all free and inserted on a fleshy torus surrounding
or rarely enyeloping the gynoecium. Carpels 3 or more, free
or united or sunk in the pits of the torus; stigmas of the distinct
carpels terminal and peltatc, of many-carpeUed ovaries as many
as the carpels, adnate to the upper surface; oyules anatropous or
orthotropous; few and pendent from the summit of the cell lJr
nlttny, covering the walls of the cells. F1"llit of distinct indehiElCent
carpels or many-carpeUeel, fleshy or spongy. Seeds, arilled or not;
albumen floury, fleshy or rarel,), 0; embryo enclosed in the enlarged
persistent embryo-sac.
1. Nymphaea, Linn.
Large perennial herbs. Leaves tloating, usually peltate. Flowers
large, floating, on long axillary peduncle,.,. Sepals 4. Petals
numerous, gradually passing into stmnens. Stamens with petaloid
filaments and small introrse anthers. Carpels sunk in the fleshy
torus and with it forming a mally-celled ontry crowned by the
radiating stigmas; ovules yery numerous, anatl'0pous. Frnii a
qpongy many-seeded berry, ripening below the surface. Seeds
.ninute, embedded in tho pulp, enclosed in a sac-like ari1.
2. Nelumbium, .Juss.
A large erect herh, growing in shallow wftter from a stout
creeping rootstock Leaves when mature mised high above the
water, peltate. Flowers rose white or yellow. Sepals 4-5.
Petals and stamens numerous, all hypogynous and caducous;
connective prolonged above the anther. Ovaries many, I-celled,
s;nk in pits on the flat top of the broadly turbinate torus; style
very short, exserted; stigma terminal, peltate; ovules 1-2, pen-
dulous. Oarpels ovoid, loose in the cavities; peri carp bony,
smooth. Secll filling the c'trpcl; testa spongy; albumen 0;
cotyledons fleshy, thick, enclosing the folded plumule.
NELU~IBIU;)1 OlPECIOSUM, Willd.; F. B. I. i. 116; W. & A. 16.
Peduncles and petioles 3-6 ft. high; leavos 2-3 ft. across,
glaucous, concave; fruiting torus 3--! in. across; ripe carpels
rather larger than peas.
In tanks and ponds in most Districts, especially in the hotter
The sacred Lotus. Vern. Hind. Karnml; Tam. Tamaray.
1. Papaver, Linn.
Annual or perennial herbs with milky juice. Leaves yariously
abed or cut. Flowers on long, peduncles. Ovary I-celled;
ltigmas adllate, mdiating. Capsule short, opening by pores round
ihe upper rim. Seeds small, pitted.
PAPAVER Sm!NfFERU:Il:, Linn.; F. B. 1. i. 117; W. & A. 17.
An erect unbranched annual, with glabrous glaucous semi-
amplexicaul leaves, oyate or linear-oblong and variously
tooth ell ; flowers white, red or purple; capsule globose,
smootll, up to 1 in. thick.
Occasionally cultivateJ. and found run wild. The Opium
2. Al'gemone, Linn.
An erect, prickly annual with yellow juice. Flo'lVel's bright
yellow. Sepal8 2-3. Pe/als 4-6. Stamens very mally. 01'a1'!/
i-celled; style very short; \-\tignm 5-7-lobed; o\'ules many, on
i-7 parietal placentas. Capsule short, opening at the top by
valves. Seeds many.
ARGE)!O:>E ;\IEXfC.\};A, Linn.; F. B. I. i. 117; 0V. & A. 18.
A strong bnLllched prickly annual, with sessile semi-amplexi-
caul sinuate-pinnatifid lea\-es variegated with white; tlowers
1-3 in. across, yellow.
An introduced weed, found on roadsides, in waste places an J.
fallow fields in all Districts.
Herbs, rarely [t little woody at the b[tse, with watery some-
times pungent juice. Leal"e8 altenmte or radical, exstipulate.
Flowers usually racemed rarely solitctry, terminal or axillary.
Sepals 4, 2 often larger and saccate at the base, imbricate. Petals
4, hypogynous, imbricate. Stamens 6, rarely fewer or mftny.
4 inner longer, in opposite pairs. Disk with 4 glands opposite the
sepals. Ovary 2-cellec1, the division formed by a membrane con-
necting the placenhs, or I-celled, or with many superposed cells;
style short or 0 ; stigma entire or 2-10bed. OVllles many, 2-seriatc
on the '2 parietal placentas, or rarely 1 or 2 erect. Fruit either
2-celled, the 2 valves deciduous anclleaving the seeds on the per-
sistent dissepiment or im1ehiscent or tl'ltnsversely jointed. Seeds
small; albumen 0; cotylodons plano-convex or longitudinally bent
or foldell; radicle turned over the back of the cotyledon (inC1tm-
bent) or along its side (accu1I1bent).
1. Nasturtium, Br.
'rerrestrial or aquatic branched glabrous or pubescent herbs\
Leaves entire, lobecl or pillnatifid. Floll"el"s small, racemose,
lometimes bracteate. Sepals spreading, not pouched at tLe base. ,
Petals cuneate, Imrdly clawed, yellow or rarely white or o. Stamens
~, 4 or 6. Pod long or short, nearly cylindric; valves faintly
l-neryed; septum thin. transparent. Seeds small, turgid, 2- or
rregularly 1-seri'lte; cotyledons accumbent.
?lowers white; le>1Ycs all pillllate; plant glabrouc;, aquatic ... J. i!!7icill!llc.
!'lowers yellow; upper and middle leaves obovate, coarsely bluntly
oothed...... ...... ......... ... ......... ...... ... ... ... ..... . .......... 2. illdie/(/(I.
nowers yellow; all leaves hipinnatifid, teeth 'harp ... H. /(/lllllI:Jllscariell-'I".
1. Gynandropsis, DC.
AnnulLl leafy herbs. Leaves long-petioled, digitately o-7-folio-
late. PlolVer .. white or purple, in bractelLte mcemes. Petals 4,
spreading, long-clawed, open in bud, Stamens lLbout 6, inserted
upon the long gynophore, spreading. Ovary stalked, l-ce1le<1.
with 2 lllany-ovuled parietal placentas. Cap87lle and seeds as in
DC.; F. B. 1. i.'I71; 'IV. & A. 21.
A tall pubescent plant with pale purplish flowers '0-'6 ill.
across ill glutinous cor_Ylllbs which elongate into dense
bracteate racemes. Capsules 2-4 in. long, nearly glabrous,
An annual weed, COUlll10n in waste places in all Districts in
the plains and ttt low elevations.
3. Niebuhria, DC.
Small trees, un"rmed. Lcares iJ--5-foliolatc; stipules setl1~eous.
taccmc8 few-flowered. terminal or axillary. Calyx-iube OVOil1;
rub 4-cleft, lobes valn1te. Petals O. St(lI/lens numerous, spread-
19 from the gynophore at about the le\"el of the tOJl of the
alyx-tube. Ovary stipitate, l·celled; o\"ules m,my all 2 parietal
laeentas; stigma subsessile. Berr!! o,-oid, l-seedeo, on it long
ynophore. Seed large wiell fleshy inl"Olllte cotyledons.
NrEj1UIIRIA APETALA, Dunn. N. linearis, ])0.; F. B. 1. i. 171 ;
W. & A. 23; Wt. Ie. t. 17.j,. Capparis apetu/a, Roth.
A small unarmed tree with axillary and terminal racemcs of
Slllltll dark greenish-purple flowers. Gynophorc more than
1 in. lc,ng.
42 FLliR~ liF JUDIUS.
4. Maerua, Forsk.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves simple. Flowen cOl',Yl'nbosc. Calyx-
tube lined by the oisk, with 4 \'alvate lobes. Petals 4, inserted· on
the edge of the disk, ovate, smaller than the calyx· lobes. Stalll~IW
many, inserted high up on the gynophore. Ovary long-stalked,
l-c'elled 01' becollling 2-celled by the cohesion of the phtcentas;
ovules many, on 2-4 parietal placentas_ Berry fleshy, elongate,
moniliform, 1- 01' more-seeded. Cotyledons fleshy, involute.
MAEIWA ARE lURIA, Hook. f. & Thoms.; F. B. I. i. 171. Nieullhria
oblongifoli(~, DC.; W. & A. 23.
A large woody climber with terminal coryJ1lbs of greenish-
yellow flowers. Leaves simple and entire, var'ying from
broadly ovate to oblong and from acute to retuse.
Deccan and Carnatic Districts from Godavari southwards.
The wood is in concentric layers as in Niebuh1'ia.
5. Cadaba, Forsk.
Higid wiry mml'med shrubs. Leacc8 simple or 3-foliolate.
Flowers solit,wy, cor,Ymbose or l'<tcellled. Sepals 4, unequal, in
2 whorls, outel' 2 valvate. Petals 4 or 2, chtwed, hypogYl1ous.
Disk large, coloured, encircling the gYIlophore with its tubular
st,dk and expl,nded trumpet-wise at the top or spathulate_
Stamen8 4-G, insel'teo unilaterally 011 the slender gynophore.
Ovary l-cellec1; stigllm sessile; onlles many, on 2-4 parietal
placentas. Fruit a fleshy slender cylindric berry or sometimes
dehiscing ultill1lttely by two \'"lves which tIll ali",,)' f1'o{11 the
pbcentas. Seeds globose; teatr, horny; cotylec1ons com'olute.
Lecwcs trifoliolate ; pctctls 2, pure white ,,,ith ycllowi"h veins; disk limb
bright yellow; stamens 6; fruit ~-4 in. long, dehiscent ...... 1. tl'ijoliata_
Leaves simple; petals 4, greenbh white; ,lamellS -1; frnit 1-1'5 in.
long, eventua.lly dehiseing ............ . , . .............. " .... , ....... ' ... 2. "inclinl.
1. CADABA TRIFOLIATA, ,V. & A. 24; F. B. 1. i. 172.
E. Gh{lt forests of Nellore, Cuddapah and KUl'llool; abo in
Coiltlbatol'e, S. ArcoL ,uJ<1 Tillllevelly.
~apparis.J CAPPoIRTDACK·lE. 43
1. Viola.
Herbs, rarely woody below. Flowers 1-2 on long axillary
peduncles, sometimes large-petalled but ripening few seeds,
sometimes small-petalled ripening lUany seeds, normal and
cleistogamou8. Sepals produced at the base. Petals erect or
spreading, lower largest, spurred at the base. Anthers connate,
connectives of the lower 2 often produced into spurs within the
sp;;'r of the corolla. Style clavate or trunm,te, tip straight or
bent; stigma obtuse, lobed or cnp-shaped. Cap81lle 3-vfthed.
Seeds ovoid or globose.
Seeds conspicuously finely striate; valves 01 ClLpsule about '2 in. long;
undershruh, with red tlowers .................................... 1. sl(O·l"nticosulII.
Seeds obscurely striate; c,l,psule valves about ·4 in. long; huge shrub,
with pink flowers ................................................ 2. trau,,"coricU//I.
3. Alsodeia.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite; transverse
nervules numerous, distinct and parallel; stipules rigid. Flowers
small, axillary or terminal, solitary fascicled cymose or racemose,
regular; peduncles with many bracts. Sepals 5, rigid. Petals 5,
sessile. Stamens 5, on or within the annular disk; connective
produced into a membranous appendage. Ova1'y ovoid; style
straight; stigma terminal; ovules few or many. Capsule 3-valved,
few-seeded. Seeds glabrous.
ALSODEIA ZEYLANICA, Thwaites; F. B. I. i. 187.
A large shrub or small tree with ovate-Ianceolate slightly
crenate or serrate leaves and fascicles of small white flowers
on short axillary spurs.
Forests of Malabar and Travancore up to 2,500 ft.
Le,l,Ycs lmlll1>ttuly 10Led; !lowers -i-.j in. across; fruit fl, capsule
1. Cochlospermum.
Leaves not 10Led : -
Le,wcs large, oV>Lte-cordate ; petals white 01' pink, 1 in. long; fruit a
Lristly capsule; seeds covered by a red tesbt ..................... 2. Bixa.
"Leaves large, more or less oLlong; petals white or yellowish, '5 in.
long with scales fl,ttache,j within; fruit large, woody, tomentose: _.
St>1111ens 5-1;; peduncles I-few-flowered, axilbry; leayes serrate 01'
with reticulate nel'vules ................................. 3. Hydnocarpus.
Stamens indefinite; peduncles often ffl,scicled on the old woo(l;
leaves entire with paralic I nervule~ ................. .4. Asteriastigma.
Leaves rather small; petals 0, or under '1 in. long; fruit a small
gltl,brous berry; usually thol'l1Y : -
Style long, erect, entire or 10Led; all the flowers bisexual
5. Scolopia.
Style very short, entire Or branched; most flowers unisexual ;--
Htigma entire 01' slightly lobec! at tho end 01 the simple style;
ovary I-celled; Lerry globose, pas~ing abruptly into the otyle,
under '3 in. in diarn ........................................... 6. Xylosma.
Stigmas sepamte itt the top of the style or of its branches 01', if
el1pitate, then berry ovate, acuminate, over '5 in. in diltln.
7. Flacoul'tia.
1. Cochlospermum, Kunth.
Trees or shrubs with yellow or red juice. Leaves palmately
lobed. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5, deciduous. Petals 5, large,
contorted in bud. Stamens many, inserted on an eglandular disk;
anthers opening by a short slit "t the top. Ovary nearly 3-5-
celled; ovules numerous, on 3-5 parietal placentas; style 1,
filiform. Capsule 3-5-valved. Seeas numerous, cochleate; testa
with long woolly hairs; albumen oily; embryo curved.
COCliLOSl'ER~1U~[ GOSSYPIU~[, DC.; F. B. 1. i. 190; \V. &.A. 87 ;
Bedd. FL t. 171.
A deciduous tree with 5-lobed leaves tomentose be1l8uth,
and large golden-yellow flowers with silky sepals. Fruit i1
Hydnocarpus.] liLLlCE.n-;. 51
4. Astel'iastigma, Bedel.
Large trees with alternate entire leayes. Flowers large, poly-
gamous, in axillary fascicles or on the old wood. Sepals ±,
imbricate. Petals 12-16, shorter than the sepals, ciliate, furnished
with 3-lobed scales at the base inside. Step/wns very numerous,
many-seriate, Ovary with many oyules on 6-7 parietal placenta",
and as many large sessile 2·lobed stigmas. F1'uit woody, globose,
with numerous angular seeds.
ASTIlRIASTIG~IA lIIACROCARPA, Bedd. FI. t. 266; Bodd. Ie. t. 242.
A handsome evergreen tree. Flowers 1 in. across, white, with
a sickly scent. Fruit dark brown, 5-6 in. in diam.
Forests of Travancore at 1,500 to 3,000 ft.
5. Scolopia, Schrebel'.
Bpinous trees; spines often branched. Leave~ alterllate, with
3 or 5 pairs of nerves spre"ding froUl tbe base; stipules minute Oi'
O. FloweTS small, 2-sexual, in <cxillary racellles or narrow
panicles. Sepals and petals 4-6 each, imbricate in bud. Stmnen.,
Uluny; anthers ovoid, opening by slits, conllective produc~d aboye.
Ovary I-celled; style erect; stigm[t entire or lobed; ovules few,
011 3-4 parietal pJucent[ts. Bcrry 2-6·seeded.
SCOLOPIA CRIlNATA, Clos.; F. B. I. i. 191; Hedd. FI. t. itl.
Flacourtia.] 53
6. Xylosma, Forster.
Characters of FLACOURTIA, but with rarely more than 2
placentas in each I-celled OV<1ry, and with the style usu i111y
entire, short, and ending in i1 few sessile stigmas. J3err!J globose,
Leaves linear-lanceohLte or linear-oblong, acuminate ...... 1. longijoli unl ,
:'Leaves ovate, obtuse or acute ............................. , ........ 2. l(ltijolium.
7. Flacourtia, Commel's.
Trees or shrubs, often thorny. Leaves toothed or crenate, 3-5-
nerved at the base. Plowen small, dioecious, rarely 2-sexual.
Sepa,ls 4-5, imbricate. Petals O. Stamens many; anthers
versatile. Ovary on an annulate or lobed disk, or disk represented
by separate glands; styles 2-10, separate, connate or 0; stigmas
notched: 2-lobed or, in the absence of styles, capitate; ovules
usually in pairs on each placenta. Prllit indehiscent; endocarp
hard with as many cells a3 seeds, or separating into I-seeded
stones; cotylydons orbieular.
54 FI,ORA OF ],JADRAS. [FZacourtill
A shrub. Leaves 1-2 in. long, obm'ate; flowers usually on the thorns
pedicels neal'ly or quite ghbrous .................................... 1. ,<el'iai-io
A shrub or small tree, Leaves ~-4 in, long, ovn,te, usually glabrous
flowers not on the thorns ;----
Racemes glabrous; fruits ovoid, '6-'7 in, long ......... 2. Catapilm('ta
Racemes pubescent or tomentose; fruits purple, the size of pelCS
3, Ramontchi
A thorny tree. Leaves 5-7 in. long, pubescent beneath; fruits resemblin,
cherries .................. . . .... 4. mont{/1/O
Pittosporum, Banks.
Trees or erect shrubs, usually green. Sepals free or connate
below. Petals erect, recurved at the top, claws conni"cnt or
connate. Stamens 5, erect; anthers 2-celled, bursting inwards by
slits. Ovary sessile or shortly stalked, incompletely 2-3-cellcd ;
ovules 2 or more on each placenta. Capsule l-celleel, wooely, 2- or
3-valved; placentas in the middle of the valves. Seeds 2-9,
covered with oily resinous pulp.
1. Salomonia, Lour.
Small branched or simple annuals. Flolf)ers minute, in dense
terminal spikes. Sepals nearly equal. Petals 3, united at the
base with the stam.inal tube, the inferior one keel-shaped, hooded.
not crested. Stamens 4-5, filaments united into a sheath below;
anthers opening by pores. Ovary 2-celled; 1 pendulous ovule in
each cell. Cap.mle laterally compressed, 2-celled, loculicidal;
margins toothed. Seeds albuminous; strophiole small or O.
SALOMO~IA OBLONGIFOLIA, DC.; F. B. I. i. 207. S. obovala,
Wt. Ill. i. t. 22B.
A small, slender, simple or much-branched herb with angular
stems, RmaH elliptic or oVltte-lanceolate leaves and 10:;lg thin
8pikes of minute pink flowers, followed by didYl110US fruit
with setose-dentate margins.
'V. Coast, from S. Canara southwards; 'V. Gh{lts, in Mysore
l\t 2,000 to 3,000 ft., not common.
Pol!/Wlla] 1'(/Ll'I;.IL.I('I';.I},'. 57
2. Polygala, Linn.
Herbs or rarely shrubs. Lea v"s alternate. Sepals usually
persistent, the 2 inner brger, sometimes petiLloid. Petals 3, united
below with the staminal sheath, the lower boat-shaped and usually
crested at the tip. Stamens 8; filaments united below into a split
sheath; anthers opening by pores. Ovar!! 2-celled; ovules 1 in
each cell, pendulous. Capsnle 2-celled and -seeded, loculididal.
Seed8 with a waxy 3-fid or cup-shaped and 3-toothed caruncle,
often expanded above into 1-3 short or long narrow membranous
wings or into broad appendages covering the seed; albumen rarely
~~~. '
1. Saponaria, Linn.
Annuals. Leaves flat. Flowers in dichotomous cymes. Calyx
tubular or inflated, 5-toothed; obscurely nerved. Petal8 5, clawed;
limb obovoid. Stamens 10. Disk producetl into a very' short
gynophore. Ovary I-celled or imperfectly 2-3-celled; styles 2-3 :
ovules l~ny. Ca)JSlble broadly ovoid, 4-toothed. Seeds globose,
hilum marginal; embryo annular.
CerastiUln. ] GAR l-OPHnLI GEAE. 61
2. Silene, Linn.
Hmus. Flowers solitary or cymose, frequently secund. C,tiYJJ
tubular campanulate or inflated, 10- rarely many-nerved. Petals
5, with narrow claws; limb entire bifid or laciniate, usually with
2 basal scales. Stamens 10. Disk usually produced into a long
gynophore. Ovary incompletely 3-celled or mrely I-celled; styles
3 or fluely 5; ovules many. Capsille 3-6·toothec1 or -valved.
Seeds reniform, usually tubercled; embryo [,nnular.
SILENE GALLICA, Willd.; F. B. 1. i. 218.
A simple or branched, erect, hairy annual; flowers in long
secund racemes, the lower ones shortly pedicelled; petals
small, white.
An introduced weed, Coimbatore, Madura and Nilgiris.
3. Cerastium, Linn.
Herb8, usually pubescent. Leaves usually small. Flowc1"8
white, in terminal dichotolllous cymes. Sepals 5 or rarely 4.
Petals as many, notched or 2-fid, rarely entire, sometimes O.
Stamens 10, rarely fewer. Ovary I-celled; styles 3-5; ovules
many. Capsule cylindric, often curved near the top, dehiscing
by short teeth, double in number to the styles. Seed8 com-
pressed, with an annular embryo.
Leaves lanceolate, acute, over 1 in. long; tlowers shorter than the
pedicels, which are uniformly pubescent; tips of the capsule-teeth
revolute ..................................................................... 1. indiculil.
Leaves small, ovate, obtuse; tlowers longer than their pedicels ; capsule-
teeth straight with revolute llHHgins ...... ' ................ 2. glomel'atum.
CERASTIU:lI INDICU~I, \Vight & Am. '13; P. B. r. i. 227; vVt.
Ill. i. t. 213.
Nilgiri, Allamalai and Pulnoy Hills, above 6,000 ft.
CE1\ASTIU~! GLO}!ERATmI, Thuill. C. vnlgatll1Jl, \V. & A. 43;
Wt. 10. t. 948. C. vuigatllln, Linn. (partly); F. B, r. i. 228.
\V. GhiLts, from l:l. Canara and l\Iysore southwlLJds, above
6,UOO ft.
62 FT,OIU OF MADRAS. rStella ria.
4. Stellaria, Linn.
Herbs. FloIVcT8 in. dichotomous cymes or rarely solitary tlml
terlllinal, white. Pctals 5 or rarely 4, 2-fid or :l-partite or O.
St((mens 10, rarely 8. iJisk annular or glanc1ular. O'C{lT!J 1·
rarely 3-celled; st,yles 3, rarely 2-5; oyules usually numerous.
CajJ8Ulc short, ~plitting to below the luiddle into entire or bifid
valves equalling in number the ;;t,Yles. Seeds compressed.
tubercled, granubr or slllooth; elllbryo annular. ,
Phwts with simple hairs ;-.
Leaves 1-2 in. long, petiole '1-'2 in. long; t10wcrs in long· stalked
paniculate cyllles; sced sol itlLl"y , wrinkled ..... 1. Iii/nicolI/til.
Lenves u11Iler 1 in. long, lo\vel' petioles as long as the leaves;
tlolVers mostly solitary, 'Ixillltry; seeds HUlllcrous, tuuercled
:J. Jlll'tlla,
1'1antB with stell,,!c tomentum .................................... 3 . .'a.mtiii,.
5. Arenaria, Linn.
Herbs. F{owen white or pink, solitary or in dichotomous
cymes. Sepals 5. Petals 5, entire lacerate or retuse never 2-fid
or 2-partite, sometimes O. Stame!ls 10. rarely 5, Disk lobed 0["
annular. OvaTY I'celled; styles (2-)3-4; o\'ules usually many.
Capsule rarely longer than the sepals, 2-6-vahed. Seeds smooth
or tubercled.
ARENARIA NEBLGERRENSIS, \ViglJt &: Arn, 43; F. B, I. ,i. 239;
Wt. Ie. t. 949.
A sma'!l procumbent herb with long rather stiff brap,ches
terminating in paniculate br,wtetlte racemes of snmll flowers
with entire white petals; leaves ovate, apiculate, '2-'5 in.
Drymaria.] CAR }"() l'] fl7,{, .!(' F;. [E. 63
7. Spergula, Linn.
Herbs with forked or fascicled branches. Lc(tves often \\
~pparently whorled; stipules small searious. Flower!; in ped.
mcled paniculate cymes. Sepals 5. Petals 4, entire. Stamens
i or 10, rarely fewer. Ovary I-celled; styles 3-5, ovules many.
;apwllle with a-5 entire valves. Seclls margined or winged.
SPERGULA ARVENSIS, Linn.; F. B. I. i. 243.
A loosely-branched annual weed with whorl-like clusters of
narrow linear leaves and large irregular terminal cymes of
long-stalked flowers. Seeds brown 01' bhtck, papillose.
A weed of cool climate cultivation, i\ilgiri ami Pulney Hills
above 6,000 ft.
8. Drymaria, Willd.
Diffuse glabrous herbs. Leaves roundish; stipules of several
,ristles. Flowers in axillary and terminal cymes. Sepals 5.
)elal8 5, 2-6-fid. Sia mens 3-5. OVIl I"fJ I-celled; style 3-fid;
·vules a or more. Cap811Ze 3-valved to the base. Seeds orbicular,
DRYilIARIA CORDATA, Willd.; F. B. I. i. 244; W. & A. 359.
A aifl"use glabrous herb with nearly orbicular a-5-nerved leaves
and slender inflorescence.
'V. GhAts, from S. Clmara and 1\1yso1'e southwards, up to
4,000 ft., in shady places.
64 FU)JIA or ;lUllRAS. rPoly("(uJioli.
9. Polycarpon, Linn.
Diffuse or erect and dichotomously branched herbs. Lean's
oppositc or froUl the prescnce of axillary fascicles appearing
whorled; stipules scariOllS. Flowerli crowded, with lllany i!I€>LriOliS
uracts. Sepals 5, keclec1. Petals;', slllall, hy"linc, entire or
notched, Staillen, 3-5, Ova',,!} l·celleu; style short, iI·lid,
Seeds lllany, ovoid; embryo nearly slmight.
Perennial with all the fiowerci subsessile ....... ,....... .. .... L Locjlillgi({(',
Annutt! with the older fiowers shorter than their padicels
2, tell'aphyUul//.
Plant glabrous; cymes ];1X; stipules ·03 in. long ........... .4, ditJ'lIs!!.
ortulaca.] PORTULACAeEAE. 65
1. Portulaca, Linn.
Herbs, usually succulent. Leaves with scaly or hairy stipules.
Flower.. terminal, surrounded by a whorl of leaves. Sepals joined
below, free part deciduous. Petals 4--6. Oeary hRlf-inferior;
style 3-S-fid; ovules numerous. Capsule circumsciss, crustaceous.
Sr:eds many, reniform.
i6 FLORA OF JIADRA8. [Portulaca.
~odes without scales 01' hairs; leaves cuneate-oblong to line,u, '3-1'5 iu.
ong; flowers clustered ................................................ 1. vle)'(1('~(/.
'lodes sUlToundell by lnnceolate senles; lenvcs oyate-l>tnceobtc; Hower,
,olit[Cry ............... ,.................................................. 2. Wi!fhtiml!/.
'lodes clothed with few 01' ,thun(]ant hairs:-
Leaves lanceolate to anttc; tiowers solit"r), ,,}talf sunk in the enhrge(]
end of the pedicel and surruunded by 4 involucral le,n'os
:.I. quadr(ft,/[(.
Leaves terete or linear; ilowers clustered; abundant brown hairs
round the flowers and, usually, at the nodes:-
Stems many, difIuse from the top cf a fusiform fleshy root; lea,'cs
.' linear, margined; hairs plentiful [Cnd eonspieuous ...... 4. tlll!eI'0811.
Stem erect from a stout bmnched annu,tl root; leaves terete:
h,Lirs short [Lilli illconspicliou S ........................... 1;. 81((1'1'111 iC08".
2. Talinum, Adans.
Succulent shrubs. LeaIJe8 flat, ex stipulate. Flowers panicle(1.
Petal8 4-5, hypogYl1ous. 8t(lmcn~ numerous. Ova)'!} superior;
style i)-fid; ovules umny_ Capsule globose, 3-\,[1,1\-0(1. Seerls
radin,te-striate, strophiolate.
TALINUilI CUNEIFOLIUM, 'Villd.; I". B. 1. i. 247. T. indicu1iI,
W. & A. 356.
A slllall shrubby plant with obo\-ate-cuneiform leaves, purple
flowers and peEL-like fruit.
Carnatic at "Chimmanackmoor" (Chinnanayakanur?) (\Y.
& A.).
Tarnarix. ] TAMARISCACEAE. 67
Tamarix, Linn.
LeaL'es amplexicaul or Rhec,thing. Flowers in lateral or terminal
spikes or close racemes, '."hite or pink. Stamen8 4-10; anthers
apiculate. Ovar!J narrowed upwards; styles 3-4, short, dilated
into stigmas abo\"e. Seeds with ft sessile plul11e, exaibuillinous;
embryo ovoid.
Young twigs coverell Ly the minute imbricating leaf-blades, which nlti-
mately spread showing their amplexicaul but not sheathiug bases; flowers
'08 in. long, in long narrow panicled racemes; cnpsule valve;; '12 in. long;
stamens 5 ........................................ , .. , .. , ..... , ............... 1. [Iallica.
Young twigs covered by the short cylimlric leaf-sheaths:-
Flowers '08 in. long, in narrow terminal spikes; capsule valves '15 in.
long; stamens Ii ........................................................ 2. diuica.
Flowers '2 in. long in a long terminnJ n"ceme; vn.hes uf e'tpsule '4 in.
long; stamens 10 ............. ' ....................................... 3. cricuid,,,.
1. Elatine, Linn.
Small aquatic creeping herbs. Leavc8 opposite or whorled.
FloUJen minute, usually one at each node. Sepals 2-4, mem-
branous, obtuse. Petals 2-4. Ovary globosc. CalJ811le mem-
branous; valves separating from the septa. Seeds curved, ridged
and pitted.
Flowers sub sessile ; stamens exceeding the sepals ............ 1. aliltriml1([.
Flowers shorter than their pedicels; stamens shorter than the sepals
2. <tlllui!llIa.
1. ELATIXE A)1ERICANA, Am.; F. B. 1. i. 250.
Prostrate in patches on mud, Nilgiris.
2. ELATINE A)lBIGIJA, Wight; W. & A. 41; Wt. Ill. i. t. 25B;
F. B. L i. 251.
Prostrate in patches on mud, Madras.
2. Bergia, Linn.
Terrestrial or aquatic herbs, annuals or unclershrubs. Leaves
opposihe, usually serra he. Flowe1'8 axillary, solitary 01' fascicled,
Hypericum. J HYPERICACEAE. 69
minute. Sepals acute, with membranous margins. Capaule 3-5-
Hucculent aqufLties; leaves 1-1'.5 in. long, CrCI1lLto; flowers crowded,
pink; stfLlllens 10 "" ................................................... 1. capensis.
Stiff erect terrestrial plants; leaves '3-'8(-1'5) in. long, sermte;-
Flowers 1-1 together, pink; stamens 10 ................. _. __ .. 2. ae"tico"a.
Flowers red, in dense clusters; stfLmens 3-5 ............ 3. alllI)WHllioide~.:
1. Hypericum, I~inn.
2. Cl'atoxylon, Illume.
Shrubs or trees. Lea-oea entire, thin. Flowers in terminal or
xilbry cymes. Sepals and llei(ll.~ mICh 5. SI(l1nel/.~ 3- or ii-
:lelphous, the bundles separateu boY tleshy glands., Uvwry 3-
1arcinia.J GU1'TIF'ElIAE. 71
,elled; styles distinct; ovules 4-8 in each cell. CtlfJJ8ule
hlhi~cing h.Y ;; loculicidal valves. Seeds winged.
CRATOXYLON l'OLY.l.XTHC)I, Korth.; F. B. 1. i. 257.
N. Circars, An8,kapalle in Vizagapatmll (Barber).
A glabrous shrub with tiuted stems.
1. Garcinia, Linn,
Trees 01' shrllbs, often with yellow juice. Leaves coriaceous,
sometimes only thinly so; stipules usually O. Flowers solitary
fascicled ulllbcllOll or panicled, polygamous or dioecious. Sepals
4-5. Petals 4-5, imbricate. J. Stamens nmnerous, free or
combined into [1, ring or an entile or 4-5·lobed mass, often sur·
rounding a rudimentary ovary; ilIalJlcnts short and thick or 0; 2·
or -I-cellcd anthers straight horseshoe· shaped or annular, dehis-
72 [<'J,()RA OJ;' lIIADRAS. [Garcinia
Flowers ,1-merous ;-
Leaves lanceolate to ovate : -
Stigma rayed ;-
Flowers over 1·5 in. across; st>1mens in 4 masses ... l. JlwljJ!"tana
Flowers under 1 in. across; stamens in 1 mass ;-
Leaves oval, obtuse, with very close and parallel nerves
2. echinoearpa
Leaves mostly lanceo]"te, acumimtte, nerves not very close ;-
Trees with 6" flowers;-
Anthers peltate, circumsciss ........................... 3. Morella
Anther-cells contiguous, dehiscing longitudinally :-
Pedicels 1-1·5 in. long ................................. 4. indica
Pedicels ·3...>7 in. long; leaves usually obl"nceolat
obtuse ................................................ 5. Cambogia
Anther-cells distant, "dnate to a thick squ"re connective
pedicels ·2-·3 in. long ............................. : ...... 6. COIC(I
Trees with ~ flowers:-
Staminodes in 4 bundles :-
Flowers shortly peduncled; ovary terete ........ .4. indica
Flowers sessile; ovary grooved ................... :.6. Cmcc
Staminodes in an irregular ring ;-
Oml'y tcrete; stigmas sessile ..................... 3. Jlorelill
Ovary grooved; stigmas stalkell ............... 5. Cllllllwgin
Trees with fruit ;-
Fruit ·7 in. across ....................................... 3. i1IorcZz,.
Fruit over 3 in. across: ... ·
Fruit grooved to "bout the middle ... . .... .fi. Cambogiu
Fruit grooved to the top .............................. 6. COleli
Fruit not grooved ..................................... .4. iudi"(i
Stigma entire; stamens mona1lelphous; ]eftVeS obl'1nceoiate, caudatl
acuminate, cuneate at the base; veins close, ftscending ... 7. [//Ivat
Leaves linear-lanceoitLte or linear-oblong ;-
Le,.ves caudate; veins distant, ascending; stigma rayed
8. WiUitLii
Leaves blunt; veins ulose, tmm;verse; sligma entire
Gm·cinia. ] GUTTIFERAE. 73
Flowers 5-merous, from the axils of fallen leaves : -
l'..eaves !l-18 ill. long, linear·oblong; pedicel, 1 1.j in. long; fruit
pointed, 3-4 in. acrosB ............................................. tinctoTill.
Leaves under 8 in. long; oval; peclicels '2-'5 in. long; fruit bro"clly
oblong, 1-2 in. across:-
Flowers '5-1 in. across, opening in the cold season ... 11. IIwlalmricll.
Flowers '2-'3 in. across, opening in the hot season ......... 12. spicaf,c,.
2. Ochrocarpus, Thouars.
Trees with thick leaves and flowers solitary or fascicled on
lodes in the axils of fallen leaves. Calyx bursting into 2 Or 3
valves which are reflexed during flowering. Petals 4. Stamens
nany, free or nearly so; anthers erect, oblong. OvaTY 2-celled,;
Ityle subulate; stigma 3-lobed; cells 2-ovuled. BerTY ovoid,
nucronate, I-seeded, stipitate. Seed large; embryo with large
'adicle (tigellus) find cotyledons small or O.
OCHROCARPUS LO]>lGIFOLIUS, Benth. & Rook. f.; F. B. I. i. 270;
Bedd. Fl. t. 89. Calysaccion lO1Wifolill1n, 'Vt. Ie. t. 1999.
A tree with lflrge oblong leaves and clusters, of white flowers
'7 in. across; berries 1 in. long.
W. Ghats in Malabar and Coimbatore; cultivated in N.
Cil'cars and elsewhere.
A large evergreen tree with hard red wood. Vern. Mar.
Suringi; Kan. 'Vlll1di, Punay, Suringi. I
3. Calophyllum, Linn.
Trees. Leaves opposite, coriaceous, with very close nUmerous
)arallel nerves at right angles with the midrib. Flowers poly-
~amous, solitary fascicled raeemed or panicled, axillary or
,erminal. Srpals and petals usually 4 each, imbricate. Stamens
nany, free or connate at base; anthers erect, dehiscence longitudi-
laI. ()V(I7'"!J I-celled; style slender; stigma peltate; oyule 1, erect.
Drupe with a fleshy or crustaceons periearp. Seed ovoid or globose.
'erianth segments 10 only; petioles uuder '5 In. long; fruit elliptic,
5 in. long ..... _........... _.................... _........................... 1. decipicils.
jepals and pebls 4 each; petioles '5-1 in. long; fruit 1 in. long:-
Leaves under 2 in. brolLd; fruit ovoid, lLpicuhtte:-
Yo),'ng parts more or less tomentose; infiorescence pubescent;
leaves 3-5 in. long... ............ ...... ..... ...... . .............. 2. datum.
Whole tree ghLbrous; letwes under :2 in. long ........ -'3. trapez (!,ulililit.
Le.wes 2-3 in. broad; whole trce gLtbrous; fruit 1 in. in diam.,
globultLr ............................................................. 4. iliOphylllllll.
76 FLORA OF MADRAS. [Calophyllu/ll
4. Mesua, Linn.
Trees. Leaves opposite, thick, often with transparent dots;
nerves very numerous and slender, at right angles to the midrib.
Flowers polygamous or hermaphrodite, large, solitary or in pairs,
axillary or terminal. Sepals 4. Petals 4. Stamens 11u:nerOU8;
anthers large, elongated, erect. Ovary 2-cclled; style long;
stigma peltate; 2 erect ovules in each cell. Frilit usually woody.
subtended by the lignified sepals, I-celled, tardily 2-4-valved.
Seeds 1-4, without an uril.
poeeiloneuron. ] GT:TTIFRRAE. 77
5. Poeciloneuron, Bedel.
Trees. Leaves linear-oblong to lanceolate, thick; nerves close-
set and parallel with fine reticulntion between them. Flowers
yellowish. Sepals 4-5, imbricate. Petals 5-6, contorted.
Stamen8 numerous; filaments free or nearly so, short or 0;
a.nthers elongated, erect. Ovar!J 2-celled; styles 2, subulate,
stigmatic at the tips; ovules 2 in etwh cell, ascending. Cap87.le
ovoid, I-celled, I-seeued. Seed exalbuminous; cotyledons fleshy j
ra.dicle minute, inferior
A large
4,500 [to evergreen tree with a hard reddish wood. Vern.
Tam. puthangl,olli; Mal. pnli vayila .
Family Xxnl. TERNSTROEldlllCEAE.
Too" 0' ,I"u ,", '0",,"0'" dimbing. LM'" u,uully w,i
,,"000' and ,imple.l alton"to, puonin,,,od, "',," " ontioo, ,u"ly
,tipnl . "","W'" "ilb'Y, ,0\itMY " f",iclud, u, m '0 toMiw,1
00 oomMS
uto '""'u<' 0" pun'd" "' ,pdu,'og f,u tho t,"ul •.
",ul,c, 2. ,,,ciS 1."xuo1. Sop'" ,,,,.,lIS 5. fooo " ,huotlS 000'
'mh,im,t" " "'Y ,""Iy ",l,oto. PeI"I' u""ullS 5, um ,
,unw,", oo mu"h ,,,b,,,"k Slo""'" u,uuUy 'odof,nlto un. u
"".,to tu dth' buce of \hu p"t,,l, , ,",uu".n mo"nddpbu ,
2.1000)", oooot, "O',."a. Di," O. (W"" fow "' ,.""ly ,.inf,,'u
,.,. .nuny.,dl,d; ",I" " wooy " tho ,oil" 'oc' 00 "n '
Om,l" 1, 2 0' .nuUY 'n ",oli cell. ]0',,,"
n ",,,y " ,"pool
Seeds with or without albumen.
L,Me< ,ull"', ol"'u'o, ,blo," , \10."" ·8 'n. l,oil , I,
ben' ................................................................1. T,,,,,I""
shaped or oblong; albumen rarely absent.
JAPONICA., Linn.; F. B. I. i. 280. Oleyera ~
t]tm' , W. & A. 87; Wt. Ie. t. 47; Bedd. Flo t. \)1-
reddish, apiculate, '5 in. ill diam. Leaves obovate, 2-4 in.
""V. Gh{lts, in Shola forests of Nilgiris to Tnwancore, above
3,000 ft.
A moderate-sized evergreen hanusome tree with reddish-
brown S11100th wood. Vern. Nilg. Riamonu.
2. Eurya, Thunb.
Shrubs or small trees. Leaves glabrous or slightly pubescent,
usually crenate-serrate. Flowel"~ dioecious, in small axillary
clusters or, rarely, solitary; pedicels short. Sepals and petals 5
each, imbricate, expanding but little. Stamens in 0' flower 5-15,
usually [,bout 12. Ovary 2-5-celle<1, with as many free or united
styles; ovules many, from the axi:; in each cell. Fruit a slllall
globular or O1-oid berry. Seeds usually very small, angled or
pitted; albumen Heshy.
EURYA .TAPONICA, Thunb.; F. B. I. i. 284; Bedd. Fl. t. 92.
JiJ. iri8tyla, W. & A. 86. E. TViqhtiann, Wt. Ill. i. t. 38.
A shrub or tree with small white flowers, 2 together; ends of
twigs sharply anguhtr.
'V. Ghats, in Shola forests from S. Canara to Travancore,
C0111mon above 3,000 ft.
'Wood brown, close-gmined, a good fuel. Vern. Nilg. Huluni.
3. Gordonia, Ellis.
Trees, sometimes large, with evergreen le,we8. Flpwers solitary,
axillary, usually towards the ends of the branches. Sepals usualJy
5, unequal and often passing gradually into the bracteoles. Petals
sometimes much larger th"n the sepals and thin in texture.
Stamens many, 1- or 5-adelphous, adnate to the base of the
petals. Ova I'!f 3~6-celIed; style us:ually solitary, ribbed or angled
with a spreading stigma; ovules 4-8 in each cell. Frwit an
oblong, woody, loculicidal capsule with 4-5 flat or grooved valves
Eeparating from a persistent axis. Seeds winged; albumen 0;
embryo with a.-ate cotyledons.
GORDONIA OBTUSA, Wall.; F. B. 1. i. 291; W. & A. 87; Wt. Ill. i.
A tall tree with grey bark and large white flowers.
W. Gh,'tts, in all Districts in the drier Shola forests, chieHy
so FL()RA ()F MA TlIlA S. (Gordonia.
1. Dipterocarpus, Gaertn. f.
Trees, often of great height, more or less clothed with tawny
stellate pubescence. Leaves coriaceous, margins entire or undu-
l1opea.} DIPTBROCARPACEAE . . 81
2. Hopea, Roxb.
Large resinous trees. Leaves entire; stipules small, deciduous.
Flo1vers sessile or shortly pcdieelled, ebracteate, in lax unilateral
paniculate racemes. Sepals obtuse, imbricate, shortly united at
the base. Stamens 15 or rarely 10, slightly connate; connective
produced into a subulate point; anthers ovate. Ovary of 3
2-ovuled cells,; style short, subulate. Fruit I-seeded, closely
surrounded by the bases of the accrescent sepals, the 2 external
of which are developed into linear or oblong wings.
,l'anicles tomentose; leaYes with 8-12 pairs of nerves :-
: Petals glabrous; leaves ovate to oblong; wings of fruit 2'5 in. long,
~. erect ..................................................................... 1. pa1'liijlora.
3. Shore a, Roxb.
Resinous trees of great height or rarely of medium size or even
shrubs. Lea ve8 with the ultimate reticulation often inconspicuous;
stipules often large, eoriaceous or pcrsistent. Panicle8 axillary or
terminal. Sepal8 imbricate, united at the base into a very short
tube. Sta1Jlen8 often 15 in 3 rows, rarely fewer, sonwtim8s morc
numerous and oecasionally as many 11S 100; anthers usu"Uy ovate
or oblong with a subulate extension of the connective. Ovary of il
2-ovuled cells; style subulate; stigma entire or minutely lobed.
Fru,it with a leathery, rarely woody, pericarp, I·celleu, I-seeded,
closely surrounded by the bases of tho persistent, usually accl'CS-
cent, sepals, the 3 outer of which (or rarely 5 or 0) are developed
~ore<1. ] 83
5. Yatica, Linn.
Lnrge or medium-sized resinous trees. Leaves eoriaceous,
entirc or a little undulate, finely reticulate; stipules small and
caducous. Flowers axillary and terminal, usmtlly palliculate nom1
tOll1entose. Calyx-tube very short, adnate to the base of the
ovary; segments slightly imbricate. Sfa mens 15; anthers oblollg,
apiculate. Ovary of 3 2-ovuled cells; style short; stigma entire
or shortly 3-toothed. Capstde leathery, 3-valved, 1-2-seeded,
attached to the spreading and often winged aecrescent calyx.
VATICA CIIIXENSIS, Linn. V. Roxbnrghiana, Bl.; F. B. 1. i. 302:
Bedd. Fl. t. 95. Vaterin Roxbnrghiana, Wt. Ie. t. 26.
A large evergreen tree with thin grey bark and OVltte to oblong
obtuse leaves having 10-14 ptLirs of nerves; petals 5 times as
long as the calyx; stmnens in 2 rows; fruit globose, shortly
pointed, rcticulate, surrounded at the base by the enhwged
W. Coast and \V. Ghits at low elevations on the :mnks of
rivers from S. Canal'a and 1\1ysore to Tmvancore.
\Vood reddish brown, hard and good, but little used. Vern.
Mnl. Vollei payin, Adakka payin.
6. Vateria, Linn.
'Resinous trees. Leaves usually eoriaceou8. Flowers in termin(1,1
,r lateral panicles or 1-3 on axillary peduncles. Calyx segments
'ery shortly united at tbe base. Stamens 15 or about 50; anthers
inear or oblong, connective usually muticous. Ovary of 3 2-ovuled
ells; style subulate, entire or shortly lobed. Capsule I-seeded,
,void or globose, coriaceous or fleshy, j ndohiscent or 3-valved;
alyx persistent, scarcely accrescent, retlexed around the pedi-
el. Cotyleclon8 large, fleshy, unequnJ, enclosing the superior
VATERIA INDICA, Linn.; F. 13. 1. i. 313; Roxb. Cor. Pl. iii. t. 28$ ;
W. & A. 84; Wt. Ill. i. t. 36. V. mnlabarica, B1.; Bedd. Fl.
A very large evergreen tree; stem smooth, blotched with
green and white; leaves ovate, with 14 pairs of nerves;
flowers '8 in. across, white, fragrant, drooping in large
panicles; fruit O\'oid, rough, palo brown, 2 in. long.
Evergreen forests of the 'V. Ghhts fro111 S. Canara to Tinne-
yelly (1,t low elevations, up to 2,500 ft. or sometimes
higher, often ph1nted. The Piney Varnish or Indian Copa1
'Vood greyish brown, rough, not much used\ The stems
afford a resin and the seeds an oil. Vern. Knn. Dhupa,
Gugli; Tam. Vallei kuntrikam; Tel. Dupada; Mal. Payin.
Ancistrocladus 1 Wall.
Flower8 in branched panicles. Stdmens 10. Other character's
as described under the Falllily.
ANCISTROCLADUS HEYNEANUS, Wall.; F. B. 1. i. 299; Wt. Ie.
t. 1987-8.
....V. Gh<],ts, in most Districts, in evergreen forests.
Bracteoles 0 ;-
Fruiting carpels spreading stflr·wise with points outwards;
fruiting calyx Hat: tlowers pl1l'plc ..... , ...... '" ... '" ... Anoda.
Fruiting carpels erect, \\itl! the fruiting e"lyx -appressed to
them; flowers yellow:-
Ca.rpels bursting irre;;ul:tr\y, points not, spreading; flowers
opening in the morning .................................... 3. Sida.
Carpels dehiscing by it regular central line, forming a
flat-topped fruit with mdiating points; rlowers opening in
the evening ............................................ .4. Abutilon.
Style-branches twice as many as the carpels; staminal tube
antheriferous on the outside not at the top;-
Flowers capitate, 4-6 together in each involucre ...... Malachra.
Flowers not in heads ;-
Leaves with a large ghnd at the bn,:;e of the midrib beneath;
bracteoles or lobes of the im'olucre triangulfll'-htnceolttte; ripe
carpels often glochidia.te .................................... 5. Urena.
Lelwes eglandular; bracteoles or lobes of the involucre ovate
or setaceous; ripe carpels never glochidiMe, but 1-3-ariBtate
or bnre ...................................................... 6. Pa.yonia.
Carpels not separating; fruit cnpsulttr ;-
Bracteoles persistent and forming spreading wings to the fruit;
anthers in 5 clusters; flowers polygamons ............... 7. Kydia.
Bracteoles not spreading nor fimbriate (0 at the time of 1I0wering
in lliliiRCIiR jicllllI""S) ; -
Capsule 10-valved .................................... 8. Decaschistia.
Capsule 5-valved ............................................. 9. Hibiscus.
Bracteoles large, conlate, foliaceous, fimbriate or toothed
Gossypium. ~'
eaves digitate; trees;-
Trunk short, thick, unarmed; peduncles pendulous, 6-8 in. long;
calyx 5-fid; stamens monn,clelphous ..................... .. Adansonia.
Trunk tall, armed at least when young; peduncles uncler 2 in. long;
calyx truncate; stamens 5-adelphous ; -
Flowers over 3 in. long; capsule thick, woody; bark soon grey
10. Bombax.
Flowers 1-1'5 long; capsule thin, lea.thcry; bark remaining green
for a long time .......................................... 12. Eriodendl'on.
herb'aceous pn,rts co\'ered with peltate scales; trees:--
lowers large, solitary, nxillary; leaves conbte, oVl,tc ... 12. Thespesiao
lowers small (for the Family), densely clustered on the old wood;
wes linear-lanceolate .............................. 13. Cullenia.
88 FLORA OF ,1lADRAS. [Mall'a.
1. Malva, Linn.
Pubescent herbs. I.eaves lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary bl'
clustered, pedicelled ..\. Bractcoles 3. Staminal tube divided at
the top into numerous antheriferous filaments. Ovary many-
celled; ovules 1 in each cell; styles as many as the cells, filiforlll.
Cocci forming a round depressed fruit, separating when ripe frolll
each other and from the axis, indehiscent, ll1uticous.
Flowers 1'5 in. across, pUl'ple, on long peduncles; phtnt erect; pebJ<
5 times as long as the sepals ....................................... l. '!Jll'f'II'i,.
Flowers not more than ';5 in. across, shortly sbtlked; petals scarcely
exooeding the sepals: - -
Erect plant with bluish flowers in dense axillary clusters; carpels
rounded at the edge ................. " ....................... 2. I'cl'ticiliata.
Low spreading phmt with whitish flowers, few together on short
peduncles in theleaf-axils; carpels with interlocking teeth; petal-claws
glabrous ....................................... """ ................. 3. lJal'v(llol'll.
2. Malvastrum, A. Gray.
Herbs or Rhrubs. Leaves entire or lobed. Flowers axillary Ot'
in a leafy terminal spike; bracteoles 3, narrow. Caly.r cup-shaped,
5-parted. Petals longer than the sepals. Staminal tube beltriJlg
anthers on the outside up to the top. Ovary 5- or more-celled;
styles as many as the cells; stigmas capitate. Cocci free at
maturity, indehiscenb, I-seeded. Seeds ascending.
:JIALYASTllU)I COROl\IANDELIANU~I, Garcke. M. tricllspidat/,lIlI, A.
Gray; F. B. I. i. 321. lIla/va coromandeliana, Linn. Sp. PI. 687.
A small erect branched shmb; stem and branches co\'ercc1
with stiff appressed hairs.
Madras, KUl'llool, etc., a weed of ro,ldsides and w~ste places.
Sida. ] MAToVACRAE. 89
3. Sida, Linn.
'Herbs or undershrubs, pubescent with simple or stellate hairs.
Leaves toothed; stipnles linear. FlolVqr pedicels axillary,
solitary or clustered, disarticuhtting in fruit at a joint below the
calyx: bracteoles O. Sepals 5, connate below. Corolla small,
yellow or white. Sfarninal tube divided into numerous filaments
at the top. Ova1'y 5-12-celled; 'ovules pendulous, 1 in each cell;
styles as many as the carpels; stigmas terminal. Frnit depressed-
globose, enclosed in the calyx; carpels separating from each other
and from the axis. Seeas smooth. Fibre-yielding plants.
4. Abutilon, Gaertn.
Tomentose shrubs or herbs. Leaves usually cordate and long.
petioled, dentate, rarely slightly lobed. Flowers solitary or rarely
racemose paniculate or umbellate, on axillary peduncles which are
jointed near the top, yellow or omnge; involucral bracteoles O.
Calyx of 5 valvate sepals, united below into a short tube. Corolln
of 5 imbricate petals, adnate below to the staminal tube. Stltl1lens
numerous, free above. Carpel8 5-many; styles as many as the
carpels; stigmas small, capitate. Ripe carpds ultimately separat-
ing from the short central axis, dehiscent, I-5·seeded, usually
acute or mucronate. Seeds reniform. Fibre-yielding plants.
Carpels 5, twice as long as the acuminate sepals; staminal tube short,
hairy at the top; flowers 1'5 in. across, in terminal panicles
1. pOlylllltll'ltlll.
Carpels 8-10, hispid, '4 in. long; stem with close thin tomentum
2. raJ/wSWlt.
Carpels 10-20:-
Carpels pointed or mucl:Ol1ltte :-
Stem with smooth close tomentum; carpels with thin tomentum
and scattered tufts of stiff hairs, both eventultlly deciduous; seeds
minutely furrowed, glabrous ......................... : ....... :.. 3. illdiculil.
Stem with spl'eltding hairs :-
Ripe cm'pels with dense spreading persistent shaggy hairs
4. (t.'iillticllJU.
Ripe cltrpels shortly pubescent: seeds with minute white hairs
5. hirtum.
Urena.J lIULVA CEAE. 91
5. Urena, Linn.
Herbaceous perennials, covered with harsh tomentum. Leaves
,ngled or lobed, with a large gland at the base of the n~idrib below.
92 FLORA OF MADRAS . [Ul"fna.
Flowers sessile or shortly pedicelled; invo-1ucral bracts 5, connate
at the base. adnate to the calyx-tube. Sepals 5, connate below
into a eampanulate tube. Petals 5, united below to the staminal
tube. Stamens united into a narrow tube, bearing sessile or shortly
stalked anthers below the apex. Ovary of 5 l·ovuled cells; style
branches 10; stigmas capitate. Ripe ('arpels 5, smooth or coverell
with glochidiate spines, separating fr0111 the short axis, indo-
Ripe carpels glochidiate : -
Leaves with slight obtuse lobes ....................................... 1. lol)(lta.
-Leaves cut to the middle or beyond; lobes narrower at their base
2. siul/at".
Ripe carpels smooth; leaves roundish; flowers racemose ... 3. repalldn.
6. Pavonia, Cay.
Herbs or small shrubs. Leaves subentire, dentate, angled,
lobed or pinnatifid. Flowers solitary, axillary or in terminal
racemes; bracteoles 5 or many, free or a little connate at the
base. Calyx 5-fid. Petals 5, connate at the base and adnate
there to the staminal tube. 8tmnen8 lllonadelphous, becoming
free in groups at various heights on the tnbe. Ovary of 5 l·ovulec1
cells; styles 10, with capitate stigmas. Ripe carpc>18 separating
from the axis, imlehiscent or 2-yah-ed, neYer glochidiate.
llmcteoles :', onlte; carpels glabrous, muricate; flowers yellow
1. l)]'()Cllml){)lI.';:,
7. Kydia, Roxb.
Trees with stellate tomentum. Leaves palminerved and usually
abed. Flowers panicled, polyg>tmous; the bracteoles, stamens
.nd styles VMying in the different sexual forms; bracteoles 4-6,
,bovate or spathulate, shorter or longer than the calyx, accrescent
md spreading in fruit and forming dry spathulate wings. Sepals
i, divided to the middle into 5 ovate lobes, connivent and per-
,istent oyer the fruit. Petals normally 5, unequally bilobed at the
;op. A.nthers in clusters of 3-4 at the ends of 5 slender prolonga·
,ions of the staminal tube or in ~ flowers reduced in number
)1' O. Ova;ry with (2-)3 2-ovuled cells; style with 3 branches.
'Japwle 3-celled, loculicidal, depressed-globose, woolly. Seeds
:eniform, brown.
KYDIA CALYCINA, Hoxb. Cor . .PI. iii. t. 215; F. D. 1. i. 348; Wt.
Ic. t. 879-80 ; W. & A. 70: Bedd. F1. t. 3. K. BOXU1M'gliicwa,
Wt. Ie. t. 881. K. j1'aterna, Roxb. Cor. Pl. iii. t. 216; W. & A. 70 .
.i\Iost ])istricts of the N. Circars and Deccan, in deciduous
~orests ; scarce on the 'V. Coast.
A small or modemte·sized quick-growing tree with white soft
wood of no value. Vern. Hind. Pula; Ur. Kopasia; Mar.
Warang; Tel. Potri; Kan. Bendi.
94 FLORA OF MADRAS. [Decascitislia.
8. Decaschistia, W. & A.
Tomentose shrubs. Leaves entire, serrate or lobed. Flo IIJC 1"8
shortly peduncled, axillary, solitf1ry or clustered; bmcteoles 10.
Sepals 5, a little coherent at the base, lobes narrow, acute or
acuminate. Petals connate at the base and adherent to the base
of the staminal tube, broader above and twisted in imbrication.
Stamen8 becoming free from the staminal tube at various heights.
Ovary 10-celled, cells l-ovuled; style divided near the top into 10
bmnches, with capitate stigmas. Cap81de loeulicidally 10-valvc,1,
depressed-globose. Seed8 reniform .
Middle and lower leaves deeply trilobed; bracteoles not much more tbm
half the length of the calyx '" ......................................... 1. tl"ilu/!II.
Middle and lower leaves ovate or lanceolate :-
Leaves oyate, rounded or uLl"ely obtuse at the apex, nearly entire;
stem with rough spreading reddish hairs; seeds slightly pubescent
2. 1"11/".
Leaves ovate·lanceolate, acute, serrate or nearly entire, stem usually
with short white tomentum; seeds quite glabrous ......... 3. aotollijuli'"
9. Hibiscus, 1\Iedik.
Herbs, shrubs or rarely trees. Leave8 stipulate, 'usually pal-
mately lobed or cut. Flowers axillary, or rarely in a terminal
raceme. Bractcoles 4-12 or rarely 0, usually free from each other
and from the calyx. Calyx 5-lobed or 5-fid, valvate or spathaceous
or circumsciss. Petal8 5, connate at the base and aduate to the
Calyx sp;1thaceous, splitting down one side ,wd falling off at tlowel·ing·
time; seeds striated; flowers yellow or white;-
Bracteoles linear, more than 6; seeds glabrous ;-
Capsules lanceolate, narrowed to the base, 1-3 in. long; peduncles
aB long as the capsules; seeds '15 in. long, n8luly globular
1. ibelmosctills.
Cilpsule elongate, attenm1te [,bove, truncate ilt the base, 6-10 in.
long; peduncle many times shorter than the capsule; seeds ovoid,
with close opaque striations ............................. ......... e.<cuIClltHs.
Bmcteoles ovate-Ianceoh1te, 4 (j or (at the time of flowering) 0;-
Lobes of leaves obtuse, narrowed lit their base; upper flowers in
terminal leafless racemes; stem with minute thorns i bracteoles 5-6,
fugacious ............................................................ 2. jiculll<!ll."
L'0b,,'O d. kilN"'O "'(0\\\10 \'0Y In H. :'.r(mil\ot 'O\)\\'\"\l""-',,"" (l)., b~\\'d,,\)l,,>'O '" '.-
Bracteoles persistent, distinct i nerves of leaves with n, few n,r·
pressed setae on hoth sides '" .............................. 3. JlanillOt.
Bmcteoles connn,te nearly to the top n,t the time of flowering
or split down one side, fugacious :- '
Nerves of leaves thickly beset with spreading setae
4. setillervis.
Nerves of leaves tomentose .............................. 5. angulos lls .
Jalyx with 5 distinct teeth and pel'sistent in flower; seeds glabrous or
Stem and sepals with small thorns; sepals egln,nduln,r; bracteoles
mostly forked or foliaceous n,t the tip; seeds gln,brous ; -
Stipules foliaceous, semisl1gittate ........................... 6. sUI'atten,is.
Stipules linear or 0 ................................................ 7. furcatllS . •
Stem and sepals unarmed, or, if with a few small prickles, then calyx-
teeth and midrib of leave~ with a large gland below;-
Seeds w)th long cottony hairs; flowers never yellow : -
Leaves acute, serrate, usually over 2 in. long, with II large glfLnd
., on the midrib beneath; flowers scarlet; calyx-lobes 4 01' 5 times
longer than their tube ............................................. s. hil'tus.
Lellves blunt, dentate, usually under 1 in. long; Howers white;
calyx·lobes about twice as long as their tube ...... 9. micmnthtl8.
96 FLORA OF JIADRA8. JHibi.,Clt.,.
Seeds exceeded in length by their frill of stiff spre'Lding hail',:
flowers red white or blue, never yellow:-
Flowers white, turning to rcd; leftves orbicul:tr in outline, palm-
"tely lobed ........................................................ ... I/tlitu/,iii,.
Flowers purplish blue; le'Lves ovn.te frum a CUlleftte base or 3-lube(1
and broadcr ......................................................... ... syrial'lI'.
Seeds with short scatterecl bulbous-based h'Lir5; flowers crimson;
le,wes l"nceolate, serrate; 8t"min,,1 tube much exserted
Seeds densely velvety, with short stiff adpressed or spreading hairs;
flowers yellow ;-
Tree with lineftr striate bmcteoles longer than the calyx; lean's
subglabrous above ............................................. 10. caneSCCIl.'.
Herb; bracteoles shorter than the calyx; leaves densely pubescent
,1bove ...................................................... ll. pandill'acfo),Jllis.
Seeds covered with setlllose sC'1Ies; letwes with a large gland on the
midrib beneath; bracteoles ftdnate to the base of the calyx, becoming
fleshy and purplish ............................................. ... SaudariJ[a.
Seeds glabrous, sometimes with scattered adnate scales : -
Seeds uniformly tubercled :-
Herb with wingless capsules .............................. 12. SoZalldra.
Shrub with winged C>lpsules ........................... 13. viti!oUH,.
Seeds smooth or with 'L few small tubercles : -
Calyx clothed with closc white tomentum and bearing at the
base of each lobe 'L large ghtnd; l8>1Ves with 'L gland on the
midrib below, p'Llmatifid, or mrely without lobes .•. callllllbillllS.
C'Llyx without ",hitc tomentum and egl>tndubr: - ,.'
LelLves entire or serrulate, orbicular, oftcn cordale; bmctcoles
connate into a cup 'Lt the base; tree .............. l4. tiliacclis.
Leaves more or less lobed or cut : -
Herbs or a little woody llt the base :-
Lmwes palmatitid, lobes pinnfttifid; calyx infl'Ltcd,
membmnous ....................................... 15.' :J,j:iOIlIlIll.
Leayes with short pointed biserrl..·; lien lobes; stem,
peduncles and ILcumimLte capsult, Clothed with rigid
pungent h>1irs ................................. 16. 11ll1a)'ii/ulill."
. Shrubs or undershrubs; lea\'P~. palnmtely loloed:-
Capsule depressed-globose, hispid ; le>1f-margins sinnate
17. pZatallVolillS.
C"psule oblong, aCllminate; leaf-margins entire
1tl. Lampas.
M.I[,l·,{CKIE. 97
here1 and
, tlim.,
in cultivation. 'b,B"bah U"" of AI'i" i, fno
""J' '~"'y
"""nlady ruTao",a i" on, '" ">0," whod, on th, oo'"'d, of tb,
!nb,,; "ll, 2, P".ll" "'. di""'gi"g, "o""",n'; ,t''''i.
'>od" 5 "' 10, "·",ai""" with 'b" 'trunM, "' O. 0"",
4.,. ("rely 10-12) c,lI"d "' "doned to n 'ingle "0>01; ""ol"
('""'y 1) 'n 'aeb nell, a"ael"d 'b" li",,, angl,; "ylea
" 'nru,y .. ,I."ccll, 01 'b" n"ruy, d""n,t n, coo""". 10',.,,,,
"ten, "v""d ''''''li'id., "'P,ul" "ondy, oh_"no, ",. m""
'"" no." '"me tim" of 1'6 "P"""'"g "' "P"'allY 'wi "'''d f°liid",
""'y di",ain"
''''0 "'" ",. ""'eat,.
W"'g,d; nlb
"""'''i''Ie, ..illak,
m",,, "eaby, fbi" "'. 0; 'm b,yo ""aight
curved; cotyledons Usually fOliaceous.
)Wers unisexual; petals Wanting :_
800d, "'I wi",d; I,Wol" "'",lIy "'~"o", "'d obl"g, 'P'n. 103
m'mb"""",, '''''i" l~g
i'g who, m't",; 1,.." 'impi, l,b" ., dig' "'to ...... 3.•
"))',Ie, be"," m"m'ity; '''''' p,l.
m.t,ly lobed ...................................................... 4. FI'miana.
Flowers bisexual; petals present, often deciduous :_
8 "IDistalk :_ .d "" t" t, 'h, """"ph.m , 1m mi"
"'" ',b, , 'w" '" b., "",.
''''it • m,mO",,,,,", i"."", "'P""; h'". with ''''d,,, 5'''''''d
'" ............................................................. Kl""",8a,
''''it 01 • tm', h' '" 'P'm))y t w'""d "IIi,1,,; '",d. not wi '2,d ;
.h"'k .......................................................... ",_ H,,,,,,,,.
''''it • wood""""'idM ,."'''d '"1"",; 'oed, w"',d; i, ''" "
'h'·,b., """'"y ""'" ................................. 5. •" ....pe'''''m,
'ltaminal tube distinct from the carpels and enclosing them :_
S t.m i"" ',be ""'g"" be",i" th, ''''"'"' 0" it. '" '"' "','," i,
• ""'; eo, t, m' ood" .................................... '" 7. E" ,1""'a,
S" miM'
petals ,,'" .h"t,
marcescent; no di yid ,d i" to 5 t"i h
staminodes:_ 0"",,,,
t)" '"' 'h,,, ;
Sty1, '" "i,,,,,, ao, ""'1 '1 ,", ,., 1 'Mh, "'1"",8.lValth",a.
"'''''d ...................................................... 9.
2. '"' '''',
"""' "'" t, '" lwo 'oo,.t" ,bt ", , bN, tool" peN i, 'on t ..
nthers 5 ................................................... 13. Melhania.
eaves tapering from the truncate base to the caUdate tip;
·P.cteoles caducous; anthers 15 ........................ Pen tape tes.
1. He.ritie.ra, Ait.
wer8Simple, peltate-scaly beneath, penninerved or
Flo small, 1. Or 2-sexual, in aXillary
)bhed Or 5-fid. Petal8 D. Sin",;" ,
104 FLORA OF MADR~IS. rHeritit'l'd.
2. Ptel'ygota, End!.
Trees. Leaves undivided. Flowers in panicles from the axils
of fallen leaves, I-sexual or polygamous. Calyx deeply 5-partite.
Petals O. Staminal colwiln cylindric bearing 4-5 phalanges of
about 5 anthers each in 0 flowers, and staminodes round the base
of the ovary in ~ flowers. Ova)'!) of 5 sessile carpels; ovules
numerous; styles short, reeurved; stigma 2-10bed. Fruit of
5 large, globose or obovoid, follicles, hard and woody, opening
when ripe only with I vahe. Seeds about 40, furnished with an
oblong~obovate wing attached to the margin of the valve; albu-
men adhering to the cotyledons; radicle small, superior.
PTERYGOTA ALATA, R. Br~ Stc)'clllia alata" Roxb. C(')f. PI. iii. t.
287; F. B. I. i. 360. S. Haynii, Bedd. Fl. t. 230. ,
A tall evergreen tree with ovate cordate large leaves, reddish-
brown flowers and a hard woody fruit 5 in. in diam. 'Vood
white, of good quality but little used. Vern. Mal. Kodathani,
Sterculia. J STERCt'LIACEAE. 105
3. Sterculia, Linn.
2. W.
& A. 63. URENS, Roxb. Cor. Pl. i. t. 24; F. B. I. i. 3
''',n;h., P'";,l,,,
~htly coloured.
're", LM,,, "ru'""ely lobed, Pw w ,,, in
Cal!!x tubular, COvered with stellate tOlUeJltullJ,
's short. Petal8 O. Staminal columm slender, bearing about
essile anthers. Ova I'!! of 5 carpels; Ovules 2 in each carpel:
's short, recurved; stigrnas acute_ /i',~,,_." •
ous fOlli"J~n _
Pterosperl1!um. J 107
5, Helicteres, Linn.
Trees or shrubs, more or less stellately pubescent. Leaves entire
or serrate. Flowers axillary solitary or fascicled. Calyx tubu-
lar, 5-toothed at the apex, teeth often unequal. Peta.ls 5, equal or
unequal, with long sometimes divided claws, usually zygornorphic.
Staminal colnmn elongated, ad nate to the gynophore, 5·toothed
or -lobed; anthers 5-10, in groups at the top of the column between
the teeth; cells divergent superposed sometimes confluent. Ovary
5-10bed, 5-celled, at the top of the column; ovules many in each
cell; styles 5, subu1ate, lllore or less united. Follicles spirally
twisted or straight. Se.eds tubercled; albumen scanty; cotyledons
folded round the radicle.
HELICTERES IsoR.\, Linn.; F. B. 1. i. 365; W. & A. 60;
Wt. Ie. t. 180.
A large shrub with obovate obliquely cordate serr(tte le!wes,
scabrous above, pubescent beneath; flowers red, fading to
lead colour, 1'5 in. across, followed by spirally twisted
cylindric pubescent fruit.
Forests in all Districts, eOllllnon in undergrowth.
f. A useful shrub, giving small fuel of value and a strong but
coarse fibre from its bark.
Vern. lfind. J\Iarol'phal; U1', Ovla; Tam. Kaiva.
6. Pterospermum, Schreu.
Trees or shrubs, scaly or stellately tomentose. Leaves corio
aceous, often oblique, penninerved. Plowers often very long, on
",hn~t. Ryilln.rv 1. or f",v.flnwp.rp.o np.onnf'.lp'q: hl'n.dpn],,':: R. Ant.;,."
108 FUJRA OF JIADRAS. [ PteroRperl1l111l1.
7. Eriolaena, DC.
Trees. Leaves cordate, crenate or serrate, stellately pubescent
or tomentose beneath. Flowers I-many on axillary peduncles,
rather large; bracteoles 3-5, multisect laciniate, sometimes small
and caducous. Caly.c 5-fid 01' 5·partite. Petals 5, deciduous,
with dilated tOlllentose claws; blade flat, glabrous. Stamina I
column bearing many l-anthered filaments; anthers erect, cells
parallel. Stalilinodes O. Owry sessile, 5-10-celled; cells many-
ovuled. Style with 5-10 stigmatic lobes at the apex. Capsule
woody, loculicidally dehiscent. 8eells ascending, winged above;
albumen thin; cotyledons folded or contortuplicate.
Leaves membranous, very ",hite beneath, buds oblong, constricted Itt
the middle; bracteoles very sm,\l!, distltut, multifid, caducous
1. LlIsilillgtollii.
Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous; buds ovoid :-
Bracteoles small, entire or lobed, caducous; stigma 5·lobed; capsule·
valves not tubercled ..... 0 2. qllinqlleloclIlal'is.
8. Melochia, Linn.
Herbs, shrubs, or rarely trees, stellately pubescent. Lea1J~8
usually serrate. Flowers clustered, panicled or corymbose. Caly./'
5-toothed or 5-fid, eall1panulate or inflated. Petals 5, spathulate
or oblong, marcescent. Stamens 5, opposite the petals, connate at
the base or beyond the middle. Staminodes minute or O. Ot'nl'!I
sessile or shortly stalked with 5 2-ovuled cells; styles 5, free or
united at the base. Capsule with 5 loculicidal valves. Seeds
ascending, albuminous; embryo straight; cotyledons flat.
Herb with flowers in densely crowded terminal clusters ... l. corc'iOr~foli".
Small tree with flowers in umbellate corymbs .................. 2. 1l1l1bellata.
9. Waltheria, Linn.
Herbs or undershrubs with stellate mixed with simple pubes-
cence. Leaves simple, serrate; stipules narrow. Flower8 small,
in dense axillary or terminal clusters. Sepal8 5, connate below
in a tube. Petals 5. Stamens 5, connate below in a tube,
Leptor,ychia. ] Sl'ERCFU.ICEAX. III
a.nther-cells parallel. Ovary sessile, I-celled; ovules 2, ascend-
ing; style excentric; stigma club-shaped. Frttit a 2-\'ah-ed,
I-seeded capSUle. Seed ascending; albumen copious; embryo
straight; cotyledons flat.
Fruit a 6-winged 3-celled capsule; tree with rather huge ovate acumi-
nate leaves and flowers in large terminal panicles .................. Berrya.
Fruit a 2-4-parted or -lobed or entire unarmed dmpe containIng 1 01'
several pyrenes; usually trees or erect shrubs ..................... l. Grewia.
Fruit a prickly 01' bristly capsule; herbs or undershrubs
2. Triumfetta.
Fruit a siliquose or globose unarmed capsule; annuals or prostrate
perennials .......................... , ... ,." ...................... , ...... 3. Corchorus.
1. Grewia, Linn.
Trees or erect straggling or climbing shrubs, usually stellately
p 11bescent. Leaves 3-7· ribbed. FlolOc1'8 usually yellow, in axil-
lary, extra-axillary or terminal cymes, fascicles or panicle>;.
Sepals 5, distinct. Petals 5, usually with a gland at the base
within, generally shorter than the sepals, inserted round the base
of the torus, very rarely 0, Stamen8 numerous, inserted on a short
or elongated often glandular torus. Oeary of 2-4, 2-many-ovuled
cells; style subulate; stigma short, 2-5-lohed or laciniate. 1"/'l( it
1-4-pyrened, entire or 2-4-lobed; pyrenes 1- or 2-many-seedcd
and spuriously septate betwecn the seeds. Seeds ascending or
horizontal; albumen copious, fleshy or rarely scanty; cotyledons
flat, foliaceous or fleshy,
2. Triumfetta, Linn.
Herbs or undershrubs with stellate pubescence. Lea1'C8 serrate
dentate or entire, sometillles a-i)· lobed. Flowers yellow, axillary
or leaf-oppos~d, few or densely cytllose. Sepal8 5, distinct, fre-
luentl.:,' mucronate at the apex. Petal8 5 (rarely 0), glandular,
bhickened or foveolate at the base, inserted round the base of the
jorus. Stamens indefinite or rarely 10, inserted on the glandular
;orus, free. Ovary 5-eelled; cells 2-oyuled; style filiform;
ltigllla 2-5-toothed. Cap-'1I1e globose or ovoid, echinate or setose,
120 rTl'il(mfctla.
3. Corchol'us, Linn.
Herbs or undel'shrubs. Leaves serrate, lower pair of teeth
usually prolonged into hairs. Flowers small, yellow; peduncles
yery short, axillary or leaf.opposed, 1-few·flowered, bra Jteate.
Sepals 4-5. Petals 4-5, naked at the base. Stamens numerous
(or 8-10), inserted on a very short torus. Ova1'Y 2-5·celled;
ovules many in each cell; style short, the apex stigmatose.
Capsule siliquifol'lll and even, 01' subglobose and echinate .of
('or"'lOrll.<.] TIUACFAE. 121
Elaeocarpu8, Linn.
,,> Trees. Leaves simple, usually crenate or serrate, sometimes
entire. Flower8 hermaphrodite, rarely polygamous, in axillary or
lateral racemes. Sepals 4-5, vah-ate (rarely imbl'ieate), distinct.
Pelals 4-5, laciniate lobed or rarely entire, inserted round the base
of a thickened glandular disk. Stamens numerous, rarely 8-12,
inserted between the glands on the disk; anthers linear, dehi1cing
by a transverse yahe at the top. Ovary 2-5·celled; oyules 2 in
each cell; style subulate, entire. Drupe with a single bony tuber-
culate stone dil"ided into 1-5 I·seeded cells. Seeds pendulous;
tcst[l. hard; albumen fleshy; cotyledons broad.
ElacocarpIl8.] EL.lEOCARP.ICEAE. 123
Flowers small; sepals under '3 in. long; anthers not awned; ovary
3'celled : -
Anthers more or less cililLte on the longer valve : -
Leaves elliptic or elliptic-obovate, chartaceous, glabrous aboye,
slightly pubescent beneath, crenate-serrate, 2-4 in. long, petiole
'5-1 in. long ........................................................ 1. 8crraiu.<.
Leaves lanceolate, llcnminate, chartaceous, glabrons, glandular
benerlth, much n"rrowed at base, serrulate, 3-6 in. long, petiole
5 in. long ........... , ........................................... 2. laneeacfuli,(s.
Leaves ovate-lanooolate, acuminate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, obtuse
at base, l1lucrollullttc-serrate, 4-6 in. long, petiole 1 in. long
2. lu{'ft.~Il.~.
Anthers not ciliate on the longer valve; leaves broadly elliptic,
coriaceous, glabrous, glandular beneath, serrate, 4-6 in. long, petiole
about 1 in. long ....................................... '" ........... .4. oulo1!!llls.
Flowers medium-sized; sepals '3 '7 ill. long; anthers awned with a
long bristle; omry 2-3-ce1le<1 :--
Sepals ordinarily '4 in. long; leaves chartaceous, ovate or omte-
lanceohLte, bluntly 10ng-lLcnmil1lLte at apex, l'onmled at base, ghlbrC'uR,
2-4 in. long; petiole slender '75-1'2.5 in. long; drupe shining, '5 in.
long ........................................................................ 5. JllllIl'oii.
Sepnls ordinnrily '5 in. long; lea res coriaceolls, the 2 hnl\-es bent
back so as to be boat-shaped, acute at [lpeX, densely ,;oftly ferm-
gineous-pubescent beneath, 3-5 in. long; petiole stont, about 1 in.
long; drupe shining, '7 in. long .............................. 6. /errllyillell •.
Sepals ordinarily ·6in.long; leaves snbcoriaceons, flat, obovate, obtuse
at apex, base rounded, ferrugineous-pubescent beneath, especially on
the midrib and nerves, 4-8 in. long; petiole stout, '5-2 in. long; drupe
smooth, 1'5--2 in. long .......................................... 7. tU/J('n'lI/atll.<.
Flowey,; hn-ge; sep,\h '7-1 in. long; \\nthenl mncyonate; ovay)' 2-
celled; leaves coriaceous, elliptic or obovate, glandular beneath,
glabrous, 3-4'.5 in. long; petiole '5-'75 in. long; drupe 2 in. long
8. renUR/US. '
1. Linum, Linn.
Herbs or rarely undershrubs. Leaves alternate, narrow,
entire: stipules 0 or glanduliform. Sepals 5, entire. Petals 5,
contorted, fugacious. Stamens 5, connate at the base, often
alternating with minute staminodes; glands 5, small, adnate to •
the outside of the staminal tube. Ovary 5-celled, cells imperfectly
septate, 2-seeded, or by false dissepimentG completely divided each
into 2 I-seecl.ed cells. Seeds compressed; albumen small.
LINUM MYSORENSE, Heyne; F. B. 1. i. 411; 'V. & A. 134.
A slender erect annual with small yellow flowers and short
linear leaves.
Hilly regions in the Deccan and W. Ghats at high elevations.
Linmn 1tsitatissimnm, L., the Flax Plant, is often cultivated for
126 FLORA OF 11I.WRAS. [LillI/III.
3. Reinwardtia, Dumort.
Undershrubs. Leaves membranous, usually serrate; stipules
minute caducous. Flowers large, yellow or white, in short
axillary raeellles or in terminal eorymbs; pedicels braeteate.
Sepal8 5. Petal8 5, contorted, fugacious. Stamen8 5, connate at
the base, alternating with setiform staminodes. Gland8 2-3,
ad nate to the staminal tuhe. Ovary of 3-5 2,loeellate cells;
ovule 1 in each locellus; styles 3-4 (-7), filiform. Capsule
globose, 6-8·valved. Seed8 reniform; albumen thin.
REINWARDTIA TRIGYNA, Planch.; F. B. I. i. 412. R. tetrag!J11Il,
Planch.; F. B. I. i. 412. Linwil tri,q!J1tltlll, Roxb.; 'IV. & A. 134.
A small shrub with elliptic-Ianceolate acute glabrous lea yes
and hand;;ollle yellow flowers, with many sexual forllls
combining styles and stamens of varying number and length.
'IV. Ghat forests of S. Canara and Mysore.
4. Erythroxylon, Linn.
Shrubs or trees, usually glabrous. Leave8 alternate, entire,
often nearly distichous; stipules intrapetiolar, on the arrested
shoots irubricating. Flower8 axillary, small, whitish, solitary or
fascicled. Sepals 5-6. Petal8 5-6, with an erect double ligule
Erythro.~yloll.J JUL PIa II IA CE.1 E. 127
Calycine ghLl1,j single, hLrg-e; styles 1-2; Sfun:LntS tcrmi])'Lted 0:)' J-.'l
lanceolate wings ......................................................... 1. Hiptage.
Calycine glands 0; styles 3; samaras sUl'l'ounded by, an ol'bicular or
lanceolate wing ................................................... ~: Aspidopterys.
1. Hiptage, Gaertn.
Climbing shrnbs or rarely slllall trees. Leaves opposite,
coriaceous, entire, eglandular, exstipulate. Raceilles terminal and
axillary; peduncles bracteate articulated with the 2-bracteatc
pedicels. Flowers with 4 white. one coloured petal, fragrant.
Calyx 5-partite with one large gland partly on the pedicel. Pet(/ls
c4twed, unequal, silky. Stamens 10, declinate, one much longer
than the others; filaments connate at the base. Ovary 3-10bed ;
styles 1-2, at first circinate; stigma capitate. Fruit of 1-3
2-3-winged samaras. Seeds globose, cotyledons unequal.
Leaves 4-9 in. long; flowers '7-1 in. across; wings of samaras about
1'5 in. long ........................................................... 1. J[({dalilv(,1.
Leaves about 3 in. long; flowers '5 in. across; wings of samaras about
1 in. long ................................................................. 2. palTijolia.
2. Aspidopterys, A. J uss.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves entire, eglandular, exstipulate.
Flowers panicled or fascicled; peduncles bracteate; pedicels
slender. Sepa1s 5, short, eglandular. Petals 5, clawed, entire, white
or yellow, inodorous. Stamen8 10; filall1ents free or connate at
the base; anthers ovate. Ovary 3-10bed; styles 3. "Fruit of 1-3
samaras surrounded by a shield-like membranous wing . • Seeds
oblong; cotyledons straight, equal.
Leaves orbicular, suddenly acuminate, deeply cordate, white tomentose
beneath; samara wings oval .......................................... 1. cordat(!.
Triblllll.~.] ZYGOPHYLLJC EAE. 129
Prostrate Bilky herbs with pinnate leaves, yellow flowers and prickly'
fruit .......................................................................... 1. T1'ib1l11li
Erect prickly woody herbs with 1-3·foliolate leaves, pink flowers and
unarmed fruit ............................................................ 2. Fagonia,
1. TribuluB, Linn.
Prostrate herbs. Leaves stipulate, opposite or sometimes
a.lternate, abruptly pinnate. Flowers solitary, pseudo. axillary,
white or yellow. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, spreading, imbri·
ca~e, fugacious. Disk annular, lO·lobed. Stamen8 10 (or 5);
130 FV)flA OF JJADRAS. [ Trilwlll3.
2. Fagonia, Linn.
Erect or prostrate branching herbs, woody at the base. Leaus
opposite, 1-3-foliolate; leaflets entire; stipules often spiny.
Flowers solitary, pseudo· axillary. Sepals 5, deciduous, imbricate.
Petals 5, clawed, caducous, imbricate. Disk small. Stamens 10,
on the disk; filaments bare. Ova1'y sessile, 5-angled, of 5 2-ovulcd
eells, narrowed into a subulate style; stigma simple. Fruit of
5 I-seeded dehiscent coeci. Seeds compressed; albumen horny:
eotyledons broad.
FA GONIA ARABICA, Linn.; F. B. 1. i. 425. F. mysorensis, Roth:
W. & A. 145; Wt. Ill. i. t. 64.
A small branched woody plant, the small pink flowers and
globular capsules immersed in the copious thin straight
Deccan, in dry localities in Kurnool, AnantltpUr, etc., often all
black cotton soil.
1. Geranium, Linn.
Herbs or undershmbs. Leluc8 stipulate. Peduncles axillary,
bracteate, 1-2-flowered or bearing umbels. Flowers regular.
Sepa1s and petals 5 each, imbricate. Disk represented by 5
interpetalinc glanik Stamens 10; frec or shortly united at the
base, anthers 10 (or rarely only 5). Owry beaked, 5-lobed,
5·celled; styles 5; ovules 2-3, superposed. Capsule 5-lobed,
5·celled; cells l·seedcd, usually separated from the (1xis by the
elastic curving of thc lower portions of the beflk. Seeds with
albumen usually 0; cotyledon, induplicate or contorted.
GER.\NIUM NEPALENSE, Sweet; F. B. 1. i. 430. G. ajfine, <'\: A. 'V.
133 (not of Ledeb.); Wt. Ill. i. t. 59.
2. Oxalis, Linn.
Acid herbs, rarely woody. Leaves radical or cauline and alter·
nate, usually digitate, 3-many-foliolate. Flowers on axillary or
radical I-many· flowered peduncles, usually unbellate, regular.
Sepnls 5, imbricate. Petals 5, hypog'ynou~, contorted:' Disk
without glands. Stamens 10, filaments free or united at base.
Ovary of 5 I-many-ovuled eelb; styles 5, diotinet. Capsule 10cu·
licidal. Seeds with an outer fleshy coat bursting elastically;
albumen fleshy.
OXALIS CORNIl'ULATA, Linll.; F. B. I. i. 436; W. & A. 142; ,n .
• Ie. t. 18.
A diffuse creeping weed with long-stalked trifoliolate le:wcs
with obcordate leaflets; tlowers yellow, umbellate, on slelldcl'
Common in most Districts and at all clevations, espeCildl,\
troublesomc in garden soil.
3. Biophytum, DC.
Annual or perennial herbs, often with woody stems. LVi/FI'"'
crowded at the ends of the stem and branches, abruptly pinnll,tc ;
leaflets opposite, obli<lue. Flowers dimorphoun, in small umbels;
peduncles terminal. Sepal8 5. Petals 5, yellow, connate with
a salver-shaped corolla. Stltll!ens 10, 5 inner ones longer; fib-
ments free. Ovary 5-celled; styles 5; stigulas notched or 2-fid.
Cap,n~le dehiscing loculicidally into 5 spreading valves. Sail"
likc those of Oxalis.
Stem simple ;-
Leaflet main nen'es thick, rarely straight, irrcgllhH; sepals usually
longer thlLn the capsule ;-
Leaflet main nervcs numerOU3, secondary many; leaflets lIlallY
pairs (8-15); peduncles long; seeds ovoid, acute ;--
Leaflets nearly glnbrous; seeds prominently ridged, not tuberded ;
pedicels very short ('l in.) or 0; stem generally sho1't ... 1. se",itinllil.
Leaflets strigosely hirsute; seeds ridged, the ridlJes with tubercletl
margins; pedicels short ('1-'2 in,), sleneler; stem often long,
sometimes stout .......................................... 2. Cal1itollea1!wlI.
Leaflet main nerves very few, secondary almost none; leaflets few
(5-7) pairs i peduncles very short or 0 i pedicels '2 in. long; seeds
flattened, ovate, obtuse, with scnttel'ed tubercles and no ridges; stems
slender ............ , ............................................... 3. Apodiscias.
Biophytlllll.] GJ·;RANIACE.IFJ. 133
Leaflets 2-5 pairs, glabrous and ghtucous beneath; fruits with angular
lobes ............................................................... A. Clll'lIll1bolll, I"
Leaflets 5-17 pairs, pubescent bem·ath; fruits with rounded lobes
A. Bili'lllIJi, L.
134 FJ,o/U OF MADRAS. [Jill PI( t i CII.'.
4. Impatiens, Linn . .t
Annual or perennial herbs or rarely a little shrubby at the base.
Leaves simple. Flowers irregular, axillary, solitary fascicleil
racemed or umbelled or sOllletimes scapose. Sepals 3 (or G),
coloured, imbricate, 2 lateral ones small flat usually green,
posterior (lip), the lower in the flower, large, petaloid, often
spurred. Petals il (or 5) the anterior (Btandard) erect, the side
ones (wings) entire or 2-il-lobed, sometimes with a short or long
and slender appendage at the base. Stamens G; anthers cohering,
nearly sessile. Di8k O. Ovary oblong, 5-celled; ovules many.
l~eriate in each cell; stigm>l sessile, G-toothed. Cap.wll! short
or long, loculicidally dehiscpnt; yah·e.R G, clastic. Srerls slllooth
or tubercled; albumen O.
(Al/(tl!l8i,q af/l'l' Sir .T. D. HooT.-C/" in Erl'. Roi. 8111'1'. Tnd. iv. :17,
and Blli>uljl/l'ni ill'''I'1'I},IIolI .•. )
Leaves oblong or elliptic, subsessile, '25-1 in. long ... 59. o/l1is,',1.
Dorsal auricle of wings minute; peduncle l,flowered; leaves '2:_
'5 in. long, subsessile .............................. ::·....... 60. parvijolia.
Leaves all alternate ;-
Leaves scattered on the stem and branches ;-
Spur of lip long, slender. ................................... 61. cordata.
Spur of lip short, stout, tip incurved .................. 62. uncinata.
Spur of lip short, slender, straight .................. 63. verecullda.
Spur of lip 0 .................................................. 64. elegall s .
Leaves rosulate at the top of the simple stem ;-
Spur of lip long and slender ........................... 65. 1llHiJellatll.
• Spur of lip short, stout .............................. 66. trarallcorica.
Shrubs; leaves alternate; flowers in elongate peduncled axillary
racemes; pedicels bmcteate at the base; sepals orbicnlar 01' broadly
oblong; lip spurred; seeds various (Section 7. R,Cg)!OSAE);-
Leaves long-petioled, oVltte ;-
Distal lobe of wings stipitate with a minute Lasal lobe at the base of
the stipes ............................................................ ()7. maculata.
Distal lobe of wings sessile ;-
Lip tnbiform, incU1"ved throughout its length ......... 68. l'/lOenicc(I.
Lip cymbifonn 01' infundibular; spur short, incurved
fl9. Jri,fJlitillJ/{/.
Leaves subsessile, lanceolate .................................... 70. TaH!JIII'IIee.
5. Hydrocera~ Blume.
Erect aquatic herbs. Leaves nl,rrow, alternate; stipules O.
Flowers irreglllar, on short axillary 1-2-flowered peduncles. Sel'''!''
5, petaloid, imbricate, the 2 lateral outer flat, the posterior spul'l'ecl.
Petals 5, anterior outermost in bud large, concave. Dis!; O.
Stamens 5; filaments short, bro'ld; anthers connatte. 01'1{ )'!I
5-celled; stigmas 5, sessile; ovules 2-3 in each cell. FI'Ii i t all
indehiscent drupe with a bony, truncate, 5-celled stone. Sred in
each cell solital'y, curved, corrugated; albumen 0; cotyledol\s
thick; radicle short, superior .
•, HYDROCERA TRIFLORA, W. & A. 140; F. B. 1. i. 483.
An annual water-weed \\'ith fistular floating stems rooting at
the nodes, linear-Iallceolate leaves and red globose succulent
Ditches and tanks in the Oamatic.
Ovules more than 2 in each cell; stamens 10 01' more; armed trees
with large fruits :-
Stamens 10-12; ovary 5-6-celled, at length I-celled; leaves
pinnate; rind of fruit woody; flowers polygamous
.Z. 17. Feronia.
Stamens 20-60; ovary usually many-celled; flowers hermaphro-
dite :-
Leaves 3-foliolate; stamens 30-60; ovary 8- or more-celled;
rind of fruit woody .......................................... 18. Aegle.
Leaves l·foliolate; stamens 20-60; ovary many-celled; rind
of fruit leathery ............................................. HI. Citrus.
1. EYodia, Forst.
Trees or shrubs, unarmed. Leaves opposite, simple or 1-3·folio·
late or imparipinnate; leaflets entire, pellucid-punctate. Flowers
small, unisexual, in axillary paniculate cymes. Sepals 4-5, imbri.
cate. Petal8 4-5, sessile, valvate or slightly imbricate. ·Di.9).;
4-5-lobed. Stamens 4-5, inserted at the base of the disk, ill ~
replaced by staminodes; filaments subulate; anthers oblong.
Ovary deeply 4-lobe.d, 4-celled; ovules 2 in each cell; style
basilar; stigma 4-lobed. Fruit of 4 coriaceous, 3-valved, l-seede(l
cocci; endocarp horny, elastically separable, 2-lobed. Seeds oblong;
testa bony or crustaceous, shining; hilum linear; albumen fleshy;
embryo straight, cotyledons ovate.
EVODIA LUNUl(-ANKENDA, Merr. E. Roxburghiana, Benth.;
F. B. 1. i. 487. Zanthoxylum triphy1l1Lm, Juss.; Wt. Ie. t.
A small tree with smooth grey bark; leaves 3-folioh~te,
petioles up to 4 in. long; leaflets glabrous, shining, obovate
or lanceolate, obtuse or acuminate, 2-5 in. long or longer
in young plants; nerves 10-18 pairs; cymes variable, SOlllC'
times large and spreading; seeds black, shining.
W. Ghats, from Mysore to Tinnevelly, up to 7,000 ft., in eYCl"
green and secondary forests; E. Ghats, Rumpa Hills in
'Wood white, close-grained. Vel'll. Mal. KanaIei.
2. Melicope, Forst.
Shrubs. Leaves usually opposite, 1-3-foliolate, pellucid-punc·
tate. Flowers in axillary cymes or panicles. Sepals 4. PetalB 4,
sessile, valvate or imbricate. Disk large, entire or 8·10b.ed or
Zanthoxylwn.] RUTACEAE. 149
4. Toddalia, .JllSS.
5. Yepris, Comm.
, Trees or shruLs, UllIIl'llle,l. Leace., itlterntttc. l-·iJ-foliohte, the
'leatiets usually petiolulatc, gland-dotted. Flo/L'el" sl1lall, in
terlllin:11 or axillary panicles. Cal!}x Sill all , saucer-shaped, 2- or
more-lobed. Petal8 2-4, lanceolate or ovate, lllore or less illlbri-
cate. Stamens in d' flowers twice or three timcs as lllany as thc
pett,ls, inserted under the disk, filitlllcnts slender, anthers oyatc ;
in ~ tlowers reduced to minute shlllinodes with slll<lllrudill1entary
anthers. Oval'!} in d' flowers slllall, ovoid, 2-cleft at apex; in
~ tiowers globose, 2-4-celled; styles 0; stigma capitate; ovules
in each cell 2, collateral. Fl'llit glouose or oulong, 2-4-celled,
tieshy. Seed, one in each cell, ti.tttened, oulong, testa erustaceous;
aluulllen tie8hy ; ellluryo tlat, cotyledons thick, ovate; radicle stout.
VEPRIS BILOCULARIS, Eng!. 7'nddalia bi{o(,lllal'i" \V. & ).... 149;
F. B. I. i. 497; Bedel. Ie. t. 167.
A large handsome evergreen tree with trifoliolate leatlets up to
9 in. long alld about <3 in. broad, with lllany close parallel
nerves and an intntlllarginaI nen'e; petals <3; stamens 6;
fruit oblrmg, '5 in. long, 2-eelled.
Fq,rests of l\Ialabllr, the Anamalais and Travancore, up to
4,000 ft.
6. ACl'onychia, Fon;t.
Trees. Leaves opposite or alternate, 1- rarely 3-foliolate;
lea.flets entire, pellucid-punctate. Flowers polygamous, in axil-
152 FL()RA ()F JIADRA8. [ACI'OIl!/('ili,
Branchlets ra,ther stout. grey; Icatlet 3-~) in. long, thick; flowl'rs i
rather stout long-pedunculate cor)'mbs, 3-(j in. long; pehdo '2 in. lonl
t~e base inside with white retrol'se hairs ........................ 1. laul'i(uli(
Branchlets slonder, reddish; Imttlet 1-3 in. long, thin; tlowers in slemh
panicles of cymes under 1 in. long; petals under '2 in. long, nearl
glabrous within ............................................................ 2. BarilC/'
7. Chlol'oxylon, DC.
A deciduous tree. Lea ve8 pinnate; leaflets HUlllerOllS, vcr
oblique, entire, gland-dotted. Flowers small, in terminal ail
~ axillary pubescent panicles. Caly.I; short, 5"lobed. Petals i
clawed, imbricate. Di8k thick, lO-lobed, pubescent. Stamen
10, free, inserted between the lobes of the disk Oeary pubescenl
sunk in the disk, 3-lobed, 3-celled; style short, dender, glabrous
stigma capitate; ovules 8 in each cell. Fruit an oliong, 3-cellei
loculicidal capsule. 8ee,l8 about 4 in each cell, imbricat~, con
pressed, winged especially above, their margins angular, attache
to the edges of the septa; albumen 0; cotyledons fleshy, flattened
radicle short.
CHLORQXYI,ON SWIETENIA, DC. ; F. B. 1. i, 569; W, & A, l?il
lIIicromelli II!. J RCTACEAE. 153
and longer. Uva I'if seated on the disk, 5-, rarely 2-6·ceIled; style
thick, RrticuLlte, deciduous; stigma capitate or obtuse; ovules '2
ill each cell, superposed. Fruit a 1-2-seeded berry, septa spimlly
twisted. Seeds oblong; te"ta lllembmnous ; albumen 0 ; cotyledons
leafy, much crumpled; radicle long.
l\fr(cRO)mLUM l'UBESCEN~, Blume; F. D. 1. i. 501.
N. Circars, Hills of Ganj;J,m and Yizagapatam (Beddolllc,
A slllall tree with pinnc,te leaves up to 18 in. long and distant
pinnule" very unequccl at bllse. 'Vood .yellowish-white, hard
and close-grained.
Flowers f!(w, rather l,nge, axillary; petals ..j in. long; leafiets 3-7 ; berry
red ........................................................................... 1. e.roti{,(l.
Flowers many; in terminal corymbo;; petals '2 in. long; leaflets 10-20;
berry black ............................................................ '., ... 2. /{;inigii.
1. Ailanthus, Desf.
Tall trees. Leaves very large, alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets
alternate or subopposite, unequal-sided. Flowers small, poly-
gamous, in terminal or axillary branched panicles, bracteolate .
• Calyx short, 5-lobed. Petals 5-6, valvate. Disk 10-lobed.
Stamens in " flowers 10-12, in § fewer, in ~ wanting, inserted
at the base of the disk; filaments short or filiform; anthers ovate
or oblong, introrsely or laterally dehiscing. Ova.ry in 0' rudi·
mentary, in others 2-5-celled, the carpels compressed, more or
less distinct; styles from below the apex, connate above; stigmas
plumose; ovule 1 in each cell, semianatropous. Fniit of 1-5,
single-seeded, oblong samaras with large membranous wings.
Seed pendulous, compressed; testa membranous; albumen very
scanty or 0; cotyledons flat, fleshy; radicle small, superior.
Leaflets coarsely toothed, yery tomentosc when young; petals usually
reflexed; filaments shorter than the oblong anthers; samnra narrow.
twisted ................................................................... '1"'1. c,reel,,".
Leafiets entire, ghtbrous; petal;; erect; filaments longer than the ovate
cordate anthers; sanmm broad, not twisted ... .............. 21Ilu,zalwrica.
L AILANTHUS BXUBL".\, Roxb. Cor. 1'1. i. 24, t. 2H; F. 13. 1. i.
518; W. & A. 150; Wt. III i. t. 67.
N. Circars, forests of Ganjaw [md Vizagltpat<1l11 ;' scarce in
Deccan and Carnatic; often planted.
A beautiful tree with rough bark and soft white wooel l
used for eatalllal'llns aud sword-sheaths. Vern. H·iud.
l\Iaharukh; Ur. l\[alnnim; Tel. Peddalll,1U; Talll. Peru.
2. AILANTHUS MALABAlUC.\, DC.; F. B. I. i. 511:\; W. & A. 150;
Wt. Ie. t. 1604; Bedd. Fl. t. 122.
\V. Ghats from S. Canara and :lIYHore to Travancore, up to
3,000 ft., often planted. .
A lofty deciduous tree with grey rough b,trk and soft white
wood. Yern. Kan. DhtljJ; Talil. Peru; Mal. Pongilyalll,
2. Samadera, G,wrtn.
3. Balanites, Delile.
Small trees or shrubs armed with strong sharp spines, often
ending arrested branchlets. Leaves alternate, 2-foliolate; leaflets
entire. Flowers small, green, fragrant, in axillary cymes. Sepal~
5, imbricate, deciduous. Petals 5, oblong, spreading, imbricate.
Disk thick, conical, 10-grooved, hollowed at the apex. Stame1l8
10, inserted in the furrow,,; at the base of the disk; filamellt~
slender, subulate; anthers inserted at the back. OVllry entire,
globose, I-celled; style short; stigmas minute; o\'ules 1 in each
cell, pendulous from below the apex. Fruit a large fleshy oily
l,.-seeded drupo; putamen bony, 5-angled, I-seeded. Seed
pendulous; testa fibrous; albumen 0; cot.)'ledons thick, oblong,
plano-convex; radicle superior.
BALANITEti ROXBCRGHII, 1'lanch.; F. B. I. i. 522. B. aegyptiaw,
Wt. Ic. t. 274.
N. Circars in Vizagapatalll; ])occan, comlllon in HyderaLatl.
Ceded Districts and 1\1ysorc, in dry forests, characteristic
also of black-cotton soils.
A small tree with ashy-grey foliage, grey bark and yellowish-
white wood of peculiar structure. Vern. Hind. Hingu; Tel.
Gari; T,wt. 1'1 anjunda.
1. Ochna, Linn.
Trees or shrubs, glabrous. Leaves alternate, simple, usually
serrate or crenate, shining, many.nerved; stipules 2. FlolOfl'8
~onspicuous, yellow, bracteate, in racemes panicles or umbels,
from the ends of short woody branches. Sepals 5 imbricate,
persistent, coloured. Petals 5-10, imbricate, deciduous. Di8k
.hick, lobed. Stamens numerous, shorter than the petals, inserted
!lot the base of the disk; filaments persistent; anthers lineal',
iehiscing longitudinally, deciduous. Oml'!I deeply 3-IO-Iobed,
lobes I-celled; styles basal, connate or sometimes free at the
~pex; stigmas simple or capitate; ovule 1 in each cell, axil,;.
fi'T1Lit of 3-10 distinct drupes seated on the enlarged disk. SeNl
lrect, oblong; testa membranous; albumen 0; cotyledons
;hick, plano-cOl1Yex; radicle minute.
I"lowe]'s large:-
Flowers in nxillary or laten,l ntcemcs; trees:-
Leaves closely nerved. serrate or shortly crcna,te : -
Leaves membranous or chart,wco\1S, green, h,nceoh.te or obovate,
acute nt apex, shortly petioled, distant on the branch lets not
tnfted; stigmas simple, minute ........................... 1. "quarro"".
Leaves coriaceolls, glancous, obovllte, obtuse at apex, conhte
at base, nearly or quite sessile; tufted at the ends of the
branchlets; stigmfls in a lobed head ..................... 2. Gallll!Zei.
Leaves coarsely and il'l'cguiarly nerved, brondly crenate, oblong or
obovate-oblong, obtuse at apex; pedicels long, slender; stigmas
minute ............................................................... 3. Beildollll'i.
Flowers in subterminal umbels; dwarf shrubs with oblanc801ate
coal'sely-neryed leaves up to (j in. long; styles free at !tpex 4. jJII III iZa.
110wers snmll, solitMY or in racemes of 2-3 flowers, axillary or lateral;
81wes subcorilweous : -
Lellves elliptic or ovate, obtuse, subcord"te, with conspicuous close •
nerves, under 1"> in. long; styles sCftl'cely free at apex; stigmas
minute ................................................................. .!i. lri!Jittiall(l'
Leaves oblong-Ianceolate, acute at both ends, with inconspicuous
nerves, 2 3 i~1. long; styles free at apex with peltate stigmas
''I G. !leYllealllt.
2. Ouratea, Aub!.
Small trees, glabrous. Leaves alternate, simple, eoriaceou8,
shining, Inany-nerved, finely serrate; stipules 2. Flowel'8 yellow,
in axillary 01' terminal racemes or umbels. Sepals 5, usually
coloured. nersistent. Peta7R ,,_ imlwi0At,p Tl;.L· th;,,!r lnhorl
Ow·atm.] nrmJiERACRAR. 167
Stamens 10, inserted at the base of the disk; filftments very short;
anthers linear, dehiscing by terminal extrol'se pores. Ovary
deeply 5-6.10bed, lobes I·celled; styles basal, connate; stigmas
simple; ovule I in each cell, erect. Frllit of 5 or fewer distinct
drupes seated on the enlarged disk. Seed erect; testa memo
branous; albumen 0; cotyledons fleshy, phno·convex; radicle
very short.
OURATEA ANGUSTIFOLIA, Gilg. Gomphia ar.gnstifolia, Vahl;
F. B. I. i. 525; W. & A. 152.
W. Coast and lower slopes of W. Ghats from S. Canara to
Tinnevelly, up to 3,000 ft., in evergreen forests.
A small tree with shining leaves and an intramarginal nene;
drupes reniform, reticulate; wood reddish-brown, even·
grained, hard. Vern. Tam. Ramanchi; Mal. Chavakampu.
2. Garuga, Roxb.
Large trees. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, crowded at the
ends of the branches; leaflets opposite, subsessile, crenate; stipules
O. Flowe1's polygamous, in much-branched panicles. Call/x
campanulate, 5-lobed, valvate. Petal8 5, inserted on the tube of
the calyx, outside the disk. Disk thin, crenate at the margin,
lining the tube of the calyx. Stamens 10, equal or altern'ately
long and short, inserted with the petals; filaments subulate;
anthers oblong. Ovary ovoid, 4-5-celled; style erect; stigma
capitate, 4-5 lobed; ovules '2 in each cell, collateral. Frllit a
globose fleshy drupe, with 1-5 bony pitted pyrenes, each I-seeded.
Seed with membranous or crustaceans testa; cotyledons thin,
twice divided into narrow linear lobes, contortuplicate.
4. Protium, Blll'I11.
5. Canarium, Linn.
Tall tr~es. Lraves large, alternate, imparipinn[\te; ieaflets
us"ally petiolulatc, opposite, often unequal, stipulate or exstipu-
late. Flowers hermaphrodite or polygamous, in terminal or
axillary often elongate panicles. Calyx cupular or urceolate,
3-lobed, valvate, persistent. Petals 3, imhricltte or valvate, ovate
or oblong, inserted outside the disk. Disk annular, entire or
172 FLORA OF RUllR.lS. [('a!tad 1/ IIi.
1. Turraea, Linn.
Trees or shrubs. Lea ves simple, alternate, entire or obtusely
lobed. FlolVers hermaphrodite, in axillary dusters or short
racemes, bracteate. Calyx call1lmnulate, 4-5-lobed. Petals 4-5,
free, elongate, linear-spathu]ate. Disk annular or obsolete.
StaminaZ·tube cylindric, elongate, toothed at the apex; anthers
8-10, short, inserted just within the mouth of the tube, alternating
with the teeth. Owry 5- or more-celled; style elongate, exsert;
stigma urceolate or capitate; ovules 2 in each cell, superposed.
Fntit a 4- or more-celled capsule; cells 1-2-seeded; valves woody
or coriaceous, separating from the winged axis. Seeds oblong,
with a broad ventral hilum; albumen fleshy; cotyledons foli-
aceous; radicle superior.
TURRAEA YILLOSA, Benn.; F. B. 1. i. 542; Wt. Ie. t. 1593.
'V. GhCLts in the Anamalai Hilllo; up to 4,000 ft. (Beddollle,
Fischer); hills of Travancore (Wight), not common.
A large shrub with membranous ovate acuminate entire
leaves up to 4 in. long and large white fragrant flowers up to
2 in. long.
2. Naregamia, W. & A.
A small branching undershrub. Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate,
petiole winged. Flowers solitary or 2 together, axillary. Calyx
5-lobed, imbricate. Petals 6, free, elongate, linear-spathulate.
Disk annular. Staminal tube long, slender, cylindric below,
inflated near the top and sometimes cleft in two parts, obscurely
10-crenate at the mouth; anthers 10, appendaged at the apex.
Ovary 3-celled; style filiform; stigma capitate; ovules 2 in each
cell, collateral, pendulous. Fl'nit an ovoid-globose capsule,
JIelia.] JIF:I.LU·EAE.
3. Munronia, Wt.
Shrubs or undershrubs. Leaves alternate, imparipinnat~;
leaflets opposite, entire or coarsely toothed. Flowers hermaphro-
dite, elongate, in few-flowered bracteatc axillary cymes. Calyx
usually with elongate tube, ii-lobed, lobes subfoliaceous. Petals 5,
elongate-spathulate, free or partly cohering, spreading. Disk
tubular, membranous, sheathing the ovary and base of the style.
Stamina.l-tube cylindrical, 10-toothed at the apex; anthers 10,
terminal, apiculate. Ovary ii-celled; style elongate, slender;
stigma capitate; ovules 2 in each cell, superposed. Fru'it a
depressed-globose, 5-lobed, loculicidal capsule; valves separating
from the 5-winged axis. Seeds plano-convex, the hilum venbral,
hollowed, the margins fringed with incurved laciniae; albumen
thin; cotyledons flat, foliaceous; radicle short.
MUNRONIA WALLICHII, Wt. Ill. i. 147; F. D. 1. i. 543. M.
neelgherrica, Wt. Ill. i. 147, t. 54.
·W. Ghats from S. Canara to the Anamalais and Pulneys, up
to 4,000 ft.
A low shrub in thick forest undergrowth. Flowers con-
spicuous, pink; leaflets 5-9, lanceolate or ovate, pubescent;
capsule pubescent, about '5 in. ill diam.
4. Melia, Linn.
Trees or shrubs_ Leaves alternate, 2-3-pinnate; leaflets
toothed, se~rate or entire. Plowers hermaphrodite, in large
many-flowered axillary panicles. Cal!fx 5-lobed, imbricate.
Petals 5, free, much longer than the calyx-lobes. Disk annular.
Sta.minal-tube a little shorter than the petals, cylindric, slightly
dilated and laciniate at the mouth; anthers 10, within the tube at
Lts apex, apiculate. OVLtl"y 5-8-celled; style cylindric, elongate;
176 FLOIU OF M.wn.!s. [JIdia.
5. Cipadessa, Blume.
Small trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate or subopposite, impari-
pinnate; leaflets opposite or nearly so, entire or cOllrsely serrate;
stipules O. Flowers small, hermaphrodite, in axillary peduncled
panicles. Calyx 5-10bed. Petals 5, oblong, free, spreading,
"alvate. Disk cupulal" ad nate to the base of the staminal tube.
Stamens 5-10; filaments united below in a short tube, free above,
2·toothed at the apex; anthers inserted between the teeth, short,
apieulate. Ovary 5-eelled; style short; stigma clavate-capitate;
ovules 2 in eaeh eell, collateraL Fruit a 5-ribbed, 5·eelled, hardly
fleshy drupe; cells 1-2-seeded. Seeds angled; albumen fle'~hy;
embryo curved, the cotyledons oblong; radicle superior.
CIPADESSA BACCIFERA, Miq. C. jruticosa, BL; F. B. 1. i. 545.
Mallea Rothii, W. & A. 118.
N. Circars, common on laterite hills, near villages and in dry
Dy~o.ryl!lll!. J MELIACT.U:. 177
7. Dysoxylum, Blume.
Trees. Leaves large, alternate or rarely opposite, impari.
pinnate or abruptly pinnate; leatIets entire, opposite or alternate,
oblique; stipules O. Flower8 hermaphrodite, paniculate. Cal!l;c
Bubentire or .-5-lobed. Petals 4-5, oblong, spreading, valvate or
slight~ imbricate, Staminal tube cylindrical, dentate or Cl'enu-
late at the mouth; antheri 8-10, included or half exserted, inserted
below the apex of the staminal tube. Disk tubular or cupshaped,
as long as or longer than the ovary which it surrounds. Ovary
fr~e, 2-5-celled; attenuated into a long sty Ie; stigma broadly
178 FLORA OF MADRAS. [Dyso.'!:yI1Im.
Calyx cupshapcd, subentire, nearly half the length of the petals; leaflets
reticulately nerved; disk tubular, acutely lobed; ovary 3-5-celled;
capsule reddish ................................................... 1. uinectarijerlllll.
Calyx very shortly 4-lobed; leaflets not pl'Ominently nened and
reticulate; disk tubular, slightly toothed:-
Ovary 2·celled; capsule yellow, rough ........................ 2. Beddomci.
O"'vary 4-celled; capsule purple, smooth ................. : ...... 3. ficijoTme.
Calyx deeply 4-lobed i leaflets with impressed nerves not prominently
reticulate but with regular main nerves; disk cupshaped, entire, only
just enclosing the 4-celled ovary; capsule yellow, longitudinally
furrowe{l ............................................................... 4. 1!wlabal'icllm.
8. Aglaia, Lour.
Trees or shrubs, glabrous stellately-pubescent or .lepidote.
Leaves alternate, pinnate; leaflets entire, opposite or sub opposite ;
stipules O. Flowers polygamo-dioecious, minute or small, globose,
in axillary branching panicles. Calyx i)·lobed, imbricate. Petals
5, free, concave, imbricate. Staminal tube urceolate or sub-
globose, entire or more or less 5-toothed at the apex; anthers
usually 5, erect, included or partly exserted. Disk 0 or incon-
spicuous. Ovary ovoid, 1-2- rarely 3·celled; style very short;
stigma simple or lobed; ovules 1-2 in each celt Fru,it a
1-2-celled and -seeded berry with a coriaceous pericarp. Seed8
with a fleshy aril·like testa; albumen 0; cotyledons thick, super.
posed, enclosing the minute villous embryo (corculus).
Stamens quite included in the tube; leaflets with main nerves ne'~rly at
right angles with the miclrib : -
Leaflets 3-7, flowers in close panicles under 6 in. long:-
Leaflets usually more or less elliptic, sometimes lanceolate or ob-
lanceolate; berry ovoid, not depressed; branches of ~ panicle spicate,
flowers sessile, of ,J cymose, flowers shortly pedicelled; staminal
tube usually somewhat contracted at base, stamens small, on the
middle of the tube .............. " .. ""." ...... " ......... l. Roxbllrghialla.
Leaflets usu"lly l"nceolate, sometimes elliptic; berry depressed-
globose; branches of panicle cymose, tlowers pedicelled; staminal
tube not contracted at base, st"mens nearly as long as tube
2. Barberi.
Leaflets about 13; flowers in lax panicles up to about 15 in. long : -
Leatlets lanceolate, black when dry, unequ"lly acute at base; flowers
glabrous, pedicelled, black when dry; calyx-lobes acute ... 3, JIaiae.
Leatlets l~nceolate, olive-brown when dry, obtusely acute or even
rC'l-lllded at base; flowers lepidote, sessile, brown when dry; calyx-
lobes obtuse, cilittte .................. ., ................... ., ... .4. callal'eI!sis.
Stamens exsert from the tube :-
Leatlets 3-7, oblanceolate, densely scaly beneath with very prominent
oblique main nerves; flowers in close panicles under 6 in. long,
pedicels short ..... ., .. .,' ...................... ., ... ., ............. 5. BOllrdillolii.
182 r.Amol/f({,
1. Ximenia, Linn.
Shrubs or small trees with spinous branches. Leaves alternate.
simple, entire, shortly petioled. Flowers usually hermaphrodite.
rather large, racemose. Calyx small, 4-5-lobed. Petals 4-5.
valvatc, bearued within, reflexed. Stamens twice as many a,
:Jla.r. ] ()L1CACE'(E. IS!)
2. Olax, Linn.
Trees or shrubs, often climbing, sometimes armed. Leat·e.~
~lternate, simple, petioled. Flowers in axillary racemes or
lanicles, sometimes solitary, minutely bracteate. Calyx minute,
:upular, truncate or obscurely toothed, enlarged in fruit. Petals
lypogynous, valvate, free or more or less connate, usually 3 two
[eepry or entirely bifid one entire. Stamens usually 3 fertile,
,ttached opposite to the petals at or near the base alternate with
i bifid staminodes; anthers oblong, 2·celled, dehiscing long i-
udinally. Ovary free, more or less 3·celled, its base surrounded
'y a shallow hypogynous disk; style simple; stigma 3-lobed;
,yules 3, pendulous from the tip of a central placenta. Fruit a
trupe more or less enclosed in the accrescent calyx j stone
rustaceous, 1-celled, 1-seeded. See{l ilwerse; albumen copious;
mbryo minute near the apex of the albumen, radicle superior.
imall tree; branchlets angled, transversely ridged, glabrous, rellow; .,
3aves ovate-acuminate, 2-3 in. long, gbbrous; fiow€l's '25 in. long in
mall axillary racemes '5 in. long; drupe '4 in. long, less th!tn half
overed by the enhtrged calyx ....................................... 1. zeylanica.
:Iimbing shru~s; drupe at lellst three-qun,r!ers covered by the enlarged
alyx : ....
Old wood armed with stout curved thorns; branchlets terete, olive-
coloured, pubescent; leav€R obtuse, puberulous beneath, 2-5 in. long;
flowers '3 in. long, in racemes up to 2 in. long; dl'Upe '4 in. long
2. Bcandens.
Unarmed; branchlets ghtbrous, brown, often prominently lenticellate;
3. Erythl'opalum, Blume.
Climbing cirrhose shrubs. Leaves alternate, entir~ 3·ribbed,
petiolate; tendrils axillary. Flowers small, in lax axillary cYlhes
with filiform. peduncles and pedicels. Calyx adherent, 4-5-10bed.
Petals 5, valvate. Stamens 5, opposite to and inserted on the
petals; filaments very short; anthers incurved, 2-celled, the cells
opening longitudinally; connective thick. Stallliuodes 5, alternate
Au((colo.l( ()1,ACAC1;;A.F;. 191
1. Gomphandl'a, Wall.
Small trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire, pennineryed.
Flowers small, polygamo-dioecious, in axillary or lateral cymes.
Cal!lx minute, cupshaped, 4-5-1obed. Petal8 4-5, more or less
connate into a campanulate corolla, free at apex, valvate, the
lobes in curved and hooked. Stamens 4-5, hypogynous, alternate
with the petals; filaments thick, fleshy, often connate, usually
with a tuft of clubshaped hairs on the b,tck at the apex; anthers
pendulous from the interior apex of the filaments, dehiscing'
longitudinally. Hypogynous d'isk thick, a,nnuh\r or O. Ovary in
,d' flowcrs sunk in the disk: in 1 flowcrs oblong, I-celled; style
conic; stigma small or discoid; ovules 2, collateral. Fruit an
elongate drupe, topped with the relllains of the stignH1, J.lericarp
smooth, somewhat ribbed, endocarp leathery. Seed pendulou"
longitudinally surrounded by the raphe ; alb~llIen flesh~" hollowed;
embryo minute with very small cotyledolls. "
Leaves nlenlbl'anous, htuceolate, tLeUlninH,t~, ina,in HCl'\-C:-:: ,lbout 6, juill-
iug in loops; indorescence axillary; til,tlllellt hair,; (;olH;l'icliOllS.
1. jJUI!JIIlUl'l'lllI.
ICA CISA CRAp,'. 195
Leaves subcoriaceous, very yariable jn shltpe, obtnse Dr obtusely acute,
main nerves about 4, irregular, not obviously joining in loops; inflor-
escence usually leal-opposed rarely axillary; filament hairs few Dr none.
2. co riacea .
2. Apodytes, E. JllIeyer.
Trees or shrubs. Lea'tes alternate, entire, usually turning black
in drying. Flowers hermaphrodite, in terminal or axillary cOl',Ym'
bose cymes. Cal!J.I' small, cupshaped, 5·toothed. Petals 5,
hypogynouB, free. yah-ate. Disk O. Stamens 5, alternate with
the petals; filaments dilated; anthers oblong, bipartite at base,
2.celled, the cells dehiseing longitudinally. Ovary I-celled,
obliquely gibbous; style slender; stigma f;illall; ovules 2,
pendulous, superposed. Fruit "n ooliquely omid compressed
drupe; stone crustaceous, 1·celled, I-seeded. Seed pendulous;
embryo small, in the apex of fleshy albumen; cotyledons narrow.
Leaves oblong, obtuse, with revolute margins, eoriaceous; petals '25 in.
long; OVMY hairy ................................. , ................. 1. Bellthamiana.
Leaves broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, with fiat margins, memo
branous; petals '15 in. long; ovary glabrous .................. 2. Beddomei.
3. Mappia, Jacq.
Trees. Leaves alternate, simple, penninerved. Flowers her·
maphrodite or polygamous in terminal corymbose cymes. Calyx
small, 5·toothed. Petals 5, hypogynous, Yalvatc, villous within,
apex infiexed. Stamens 5, hypogynous, alternate with the petals;
anthers oblong, dorsifixed, dehiscing longitudinally. Disk cup-
shaped surrounding the oYnry. Ovary I-celled; style short;
stigma thickened; oyules 2, pendulous, colhtteral. Fruit a drupe
with thinly crustaceons more or less rugose putamen. See,1
pendulous with dorsal raphe; albumen fleshy; embryo I:uge with
foliaceous cordate cotyledons; radicle superior.
Leaves subcoriaceous, ovate, acute at apex, rounded or su bcordate and
unequal at base, more or less densely stellltte·tomentose beneltth;
petiole stout 1-1'5 in. long; drupe .r, in. long, putltmen fugose, flowers
fetid, rather large ........................... '" ........................ 1. tomclltos".
Leaves thickly membmnous, gl"brous or glabrcscent; flowers me ,1iUl1l·
sized ;-
Flowers not fetid; leaves ov"te or oboy,Lte, abruptly acuminate,
transverse nervules prominent and p"le beneath; drupe 6 in. long,
flattened, putamen scarcely rugose ................................. 2. ovalo.
Flowers fetid; tmnsverse nervulcs of leaves slender, not vcry
prominent ;-
Leaves elliptic·ov"te Of oblong, more or less puberulous beneath "n(]
pale; rounded at base; petiole under 1 in. long ............ 3. foetida.
Leaves oblong or elliptic-oblong, ghbrouR, acute at base; petiole
1-1'5 in. long .............................. '" .................... .4. olilollga.
Leaves thinly membranous, glabrous, pale beneath, lanceolate-oblong,
acuminate both at apex and base; flowers slllall ......... 5. H"iglitiallll.
1. MAPPIA TOMENTOSA, Miers; F. B. I. i. 589.
W. Ghats, in the Nilgiri n.nd Pulney Hills, usually above
5,000 ft.
2. MAPPIA OVATA, Miers; F. B. 1. i. 589 in part.
W. Gh{tts, in the Nilgiri, Ananmlai, Pulney and Tinnevelly
3. MAPPIA FOETIDA, Miers; F. B. 1. i. 589. StemonUr1l8:
foetidus, Wt. Ie. t. 955.
W. Ghats, in the Nilgiri Hills up to 7,000 ft.
A tree with greenish-grey bark and white soft wood.
4. l\L<l.PPIA OBLO:-lGA, Miers; F. B. 1. i. 589.
W. Ghats, in Wynaad and Malabar, up to 4,000 ft.
.lV(ltiiiotlllll.] ICACISACEAR. 197
4. Miquelia, l\Ieissn.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple, membranous,
palminerved. Flowers dioeciou8, subcapitate, with supm-axillary
peduncles, " capitate in ra,cemes, ~ solitary. Ca/!f.J! minute,
4-5-lobed. Petals: " conn:,te in a long pedicel-like tube, lilllb
4-5-10bed, lobes valvate, the tips inflexed; ~ free or nearly, so,
at length reflexed. Stamens 4-5, alternate with the corolla-lobes,
filaments short, in ~ reduced to staminodes. Ovary sessl1e,
I-celled; style short; stigma dilated, cupular; ovules 2,
pendulous from the apex of the cell. Frllit an oblong, more or
less compressed, drupe; stone crustaceous, tubercled within.
Seecl pendulous; nlllUlllcn fleshy; embr)-o with flat elliptic leafy
cotyledons. .
MIQUELIA DENTATA, Bcdd.; F. B. 1. i. 593
W. Ghats, in the Anamalais (Beddome).
A climbing shrub with ovate-oblong or lanceolate acuminate
mGmbmnous dentate leaye~, sharply acuminate at apex, a-
ribbed at base, apparently very rare.
5. Natsiatum, Ham.
Climbing subherbaceous shrub. Leaves alternate, simple,
palmately nerved. Flowers dioecious, very small, in pendulous
cxtra-axilbry racemes. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, persistent. Petals
5, free or connate at the base. Stamen .• 5, alternate with the
petals and also with 52-lobed starninodes; filaments short;
anthers sagittate, apiculate, opening longitudinally: in ~ replacew,
by compressed glands. Ovary sessile, I-celled; style short, 2-3-
lobed at apex; stigmas capitate; ovules 2 collateral, pendulous.
Frnit an obliquely ovoid compressed black drupe; stone
crustaceou8, I-celled. Seed solitary; albumen fleshy, embryo
wit:! leafy orbicular cotyledons.
N. Cil'cars, Mahendragiri Hill in Ganjam at 3,000 ft.
6. Pyrenacantha, Hook .. t
Climbing shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire or coarsely toothed,
penninerved. Flowers minute, dioecious, " in filiform axillary
spikes, ~ in cllpitate hen,ds. monochlamydeous. Perianth deeply
4-1obed, lobes oblong, in flexed at tip. Stamens 4, alternate with
the perianth.]obes; filaments short; anthers small, dehiscing
longitudinally. Ovary in 0 a villous pistillode, in ~ oblong,
l-~elled; style 0; stigma sessile with many radiating branches;
ovules 2, pendulous, collateml. Fruit a drupe with thin stone
provided on the inner surface with numerous obtuse horiZontal
spines penetrating the albumen. S,:ed solitary; albumen fleshy;
cotyledons large, foliaceous.
PYRENACANTHA VOL UBI LIS, Hook. Bot. Misc. ii. 108; Wt. Ill.
Suppl. tt. 9. 10.
W. Ghats, in the Pulney Hills (Bourne) and Hills of Tinnevelly
(Beddome, etc.).
A much-branched climbing shrub with slender brancblets,
narrowly rhomboid lanceolate leaves, 3-5 in. long with
a pair of glands at the base, male flowers in filiform
spikes, female in pedunculate capitate heads, drupe ovoid
7. Sarcostigma, W. &- A.
Climbing shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple. Flowers dioecious,
minute, in distant sessile fascicles on elongA,te interrupted
pendulous lateral spikes. GalyJJ cupshaped, unequally 4-6-lobed.
"Petals 4-6, free or united at base into a short tube, valv,;,te, at
length reflexed. Sta1r~ens 4-6, hypogynous, alternate with the
petals: filaments slender; anthers versatw: in ~ reduced to
short subulate staminodes. Ovary in " cot/ ~al, ovules none; in
~ sessile, I-celled, superior; stigma umbonate, sessile; qvules
2 pendulous from the apex of the cell with thickened flll~icle.
Fruit an oblong somewhat flattened drupe with woody putftmen.
Seeds pendulous; albumen 0; cotyledons fleshy, connate; radicle
stnall, superior.
Sarcosti1/ma. ] AQUIFOLIACEAE. 19()
Hex, Linn.
Trees or shrubs. Cal!J.JJ 4-6·lobed. Corolla rotate, petals 4-6.
free or connate at the base. Staillens isomerous with the petals
adhering to the base of the corolla in d', illlperfect and often
hypogynous in ? Ovary subglobose, 2-12·eelled; stiglllas freE
\usually so in 0' but ov,lry illlperfect) or confluent on the top 01
the ovary. Drupe usually globose with 2-12 stones; pericaq:
thick, bony, often grooved.
"Leaves entire or rarelv with few serratur~s neal' the apex, subcoriaceom
or almost membrana" , -
Flowers u&ually6·merous; leaves acute at apex; drupe '15 in. in diam.
tipplld by prominent stigmas; large tree ..................... 1. mala/J(!rica
Flowers usually 5-l1lerOUR; le,wcs coriaccous :-"-
Lellves elliptic·oLov"te, 1-:) in. long, lHUC:[,OIU1to or emargin"le a
"pex, pale benelLth, the midrib prominently impressed; small tre.
with sessile umbellulos......................... .. ............. 2. 'l'lucaitesii
200 FLORA OF "lIADRAS. ltate let .
,; "atge ~}t.tl0nsPICUOUS
'tree;:' . ' N ' II gll'l
.. 8h 0Ias, b y 1't J
dC,IU;icuLtte le'aves and rather large drupes. 'Vood gre,Y,
toft, apt to, warp and shrink.