Art3 ISO 22000 2005 PDF

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ISO 22000 standard for safe agreed with the customer and
those of applicable food safe-
9001:2000, with or without
independent (third party) cer-

food supply chains ty regulations.

Dorte Jespersen, secretary of
tification of conformity.

the ISO 22000 working group, Complemented

by Roger Frost
explained the background to
the standard : “ Organizations The publication of ISO 22000
that produce, manufacture, will be complemented by an
ISO Technical Specification
(ISO/TS 22004) giving guid-
ance on the implementation
of the standard, with a par-
ticular emphasis on small
and medium-sized enterpris-
es. In the following months,
another Technical Specifica-
tion ((ISO/TS 22003) will be
published explaining certifi-
cation requirements applica-
ble when third-party certifi-
cation is used.
These documents are being
September 2005 is ISO’s pub- handle or supply food recog-
developed by working group
lication target for ISO 22000 1), nize that customers increasing-
WG 8, Food safety manage-
the new standard for food safe- ly want them to demonstrate
ment systems, of ISO tech-
ty management systems, which “As food safety hazards can be and provide adequate evidence
nical committee ISO/TC 34,
is intended to ensure that there introduced at any stage of the of their ability to identify and
Food products. Experts from
are no weak links in food sup- food chain, adequate control control food safety hazards and
23 countries are participat-
ply chains. throughout the food chain is the many conditions impacting
ing and organizations with
essential,” commented Jacob food safety.
ISO has circulated the final liaison status include the fol-
draft of the standard to the Færgemand, convenor of the lowing: Confederation of the
national standard bodies that ISO working group that is The standard can Food and Drink Industries of
developing ISO 22000.
make up its membership for a be applied on its own, the European Union (CIAA),
two-month voting period, end- or in combination with Codex Alimentarius Commis-
ing on 5 July 2005. other management system sion, International Hotel and
Food chain
Restaurant Association, CIES/
ISO 22000, Food safety man- standards such as
“Thus, food safety is a joint Global Food Safety Initiative,
agement systems – Require- ISO 9001:2000
responsibility that is principally and World Food Safety Organ-
ments for any organization in
assured through the combined ization (WFSO). •
the food chain, can be applied
efforts of all the parties partici- “ Th e g r o w i n g n u m b e r o f
to organizations ranging from
pating in the food chain.” national standards for food
feed producers, primary pro-
safety management has led
ducers through food manufac- ISO 22000 specifies the require-
to confusion. Consequently,
turers, transport and storage ments for a food safety man-
there is a need to harmonize
operators and subcontrac- agement system in the food
the national standards at an
tors to retail and food service chain where an organization
international level.”
outlets – together with inter- needs to demonstrate its abil-
related organizations such as ity to control food safety haz- The standard can be applied
producers of equipment, pack- 1) See “ ISO 22000 to ensure
ards in order to provide con- on its own, or in combination
integrity of food supply chain ”,
aging material, cleaning agents, sistently safe end products that with other management sys- ISO Management Systems
additives and ingredients. meet both the requirements tem standards such as ISO September-October 2004.

28 ISO Management Systems – July-August 2005

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