Blissful Chant: Chanting The Bliss Mantra or Purashcharanam
Blissful Chant: Chanting The Bliss Mantra or Purashcharanam
Blissful Chant: Chanting The Bliss Mantra or Purashcharanam
Blissful Chant
Chanting the Bliss mantra or Purashcharanam
M antras are chanted in the Vedic language, Sanskrit. The beauty of Sanskrit is that all the
possible sounds are described in its fifty-one syllables. The Sanskrit language not only conveys
meaning, its phonetic sounds also transmit special vibrations along with them. Even if you don’t
understand the meaning of the mantras, the vibrations will work on you.
In the East, Sanskrit mantras are used for initiations. The master will utter a mantra and the
mantra itself will give the awakening initiation to the disciple. The vibrations will straightaway
enter his being and start working.
In Hindu thought, every simple act is imbued with multiple layers of understanding. This
understanding happens depending on the level of awareness of the individual’s consciousness.
The word or sound ‘Om’ means many things at many levels.
Om is the elemental sound. The whole of Creation is believed to have stemmed from it. It
comprises three utterances – A, U and M. The syllable A (aah) stands for Lord Brahma, the
Hindu god who creates the universe; U (ooo) stands for Lord Vishnu, the Hindu god who
sustains the universe, and M (mmm) for Shiva, the Hindu god who destroys to create the space
for further creation to happen. The combined sound Om is therefore the manifestation of the
entire universe.
At a deeper level, the gods are representations of the energies of creation, sustenance and
rejuvenation that happen at a cellular level in our personal universe, our body-mind entity.
The vibration of Om when chanted gives one the staying resolve of mother Earth. It dissolves
anger, desire and psychosomatic illnesses in us. It fills us with the expansiveness and
boundlessness of mother Earth. It frees the mind from negative thinking. It releases tremendous
energy and rejuvenates the brain. It brings peace of mind and great power of concentration. It is a
jumping board to quiet the mind and enter into the Self.
The sages of ancient India practiced chanting these primordial sounds and experienced deeply at
the levels of mind, body and being. They presented the science and method of practicing them to
humanity so that they might experience what the great sages experienced. Chants from the vedic
times are all research reports of such sages whose love for the ultimate experience caused them
to share it with humanity.
Chanting of Om and Hreem together awakens the masculine and feminine energies residing in
the master as the expression of the ultimate Truth. It is the poorna moola mantra (the complete
and ‘source of all’ chant) because it is the straight path to both Shakti or success in the material
world, and to Shiva or success in the cosmic world, which is enlightenment
The word Nithyananda also means ‘eternal bliss’. By chanting this, we give a clear intention to
our being and the universe about our ultimate desire for eternal bliss or enlightenment.
Namaha means I am not. By saying I am not, we surrender our ego to Existence or to the master
who is the pure form of Existence. The word namaha when repeated strengthens the experience
of surrender. It brings humility and obeisance into us.
Meditation technique
Chant the Guru mantra fifty-four times every day for eleven days or continuously whenever it is
remembered. The chanting can be done either out loud or silently in the mind. The speed of
chanting varies from person to person.
The mantra has the property of energizing your inner space and preventing unwanted thoughts
from rising. Thoughts arise as silent words from the navel region, the manipuraka chakra, which
is the vital energy center at the navel region. When you chant the Guru mantra, the manipuraka
chakra gets completely cleansed. This automatically leads to the removal of all worries, negative
thoughts and emotions.
The Guru mantra purifies the energy behind speech, which is called vak energy. It causes
continuous bubbling of energy and intense enthusiasm and excitement for life.
The vibration of this mantra can change the vibration and frequency of the being. The important
thing is to keep the awareness on the mantra. When you persistently bring your awareness back
to the mantra, you move closer to your inner consciousness.
Like in a water tank, if we keep blue powder at the base, the rising bubbles will also be blue, in
the same way, when you keep this mantra at the center of your consciousness; your entire
thinking system will be purified.
Slowly you will see, the mantra will begin happening effortlessly, on its own. And you will fall
into a naturally meditative state.
The mantra, when done with a particular affirmation, becomes an intense prayer. Medical
research has proven that prayer has remarkable effects on the body, mind and spirit.