11.4 Criteria For Failure: - Brittle Materials - Ductile Materials - Fatigue Failure

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4 Criteria for failure

• Brittle materials
– Maximum principal stress or Coulomb Mohr
• Ductile materials
– Tresca or Von Mises
• Fatigue failure
– Cannot use equations we derived because of
stress concentrations
• Can improve strength through residual
Example 11.1 (reminder)
• A thick-wall cylinder is made of steel (E = 200 GPa and v = 0.29), has an
inside diameter of 20mm, and has an outside diameter of 100mm. The
cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 300 MPa. Determine the
stress components σ rr and σ θθ at r = a = 10mm, r = 25mm, and r = b =
• The external pressure p2 = 0. Equations 11.20 and 11.21 simplify to
a 2 (r 2 − b 2) a 2 (r 2 + b 2 )
σ rr = p1 2 2 2 , σ θθ = p1 2 2
r (b − a ) r (b − a 2 )
Substitution of values for r equal to 10mm, 25mm, and 50mm, respectively,
into these equations yields the following results:
Stress r = 10 mm r = 25 mm r = 50 mm

σ rr -300.0 MPa -37.5 MPa 0.0

σ θθ 325.0 MPa 62.5 MPa 25.0 MPa

Example 11.4
Cylinder in Example 11.1 is made of ductile steel governed by
octahedral shear-stress yield criterion (Von Mises). Determine the
minimum yield stress for the steel for a factor of safety of SF = 1.75
Solution: With a factor of safety of SF = 1.75 must increase internal
pressure is increased to 1.75x300 = 525 MPa.

The octahedral shear stress in the cylinder is (why?)

1 1
τ oct = (σ 1 − σ 2 ) + (σ 1 − σ 3 ) + (σ 2 − σ 3 ) = (σ θθ − σ rr ) + (σ rr − σ zz ) + (σ zz − σ θθ )
2 2 2 2 2

3 3

1 2Y
τ oct = (Y − 0 ) + ( 0 − 0 ) + ( 0 − Y )
2 2 2
In axial test =
3 3
σ zz

Using stress components from 11.1

σ rr = −1.75(300) = −525 MPa σ θθ= 1.75(325) = 568.8 MPa
( 568.8 + 525 ) + ( 525 ) + ( 568.8) = 947.5 MPa
2 2 2
Are we wasting material?
• Thick cylinders present a tough problem
• A lot of material is not fully utilized

Stress distributions in a closed cylinder at

initiation of yielding (b = 2a). Internal pressure
Easier to deal with thin structures
• For beams can change section properties
• For plates and shells can increase
• For very thick structures we do not have
such option
• What is the solution in biological
• Residal stresses can help
Ideal residual stress distributions
• Example: Forming cylinders out of two
parts with internal cylinder slightly too
Ductile material
• Can also induce favorable residual stress
distributions by inelastic deformation
• Increase internal pressure beyond initial
• Fully plastic pressure for elastic-perfectly
plastic material is called fully plastic
pressure (pP)
• Need to assume failure criterion to obtain
Fully plastic pressure for Tresca
• If σ zz is the intermediate principal stress (why?)
σ rr < σ zz < σ θθ
σ θθ − σ rr = 2τ Y

• Substituting in the equation of equilibrium,

2τ Y
dσ rr = dr
• Integration yields
σ rr = 2τ Y ln r + C
• Boundary condition σ rr = − p2 when r = b
σ rr = −2τ Y ln − p2
From boundary conditions
• Internal Pressure is p1 = pP = −σ rr at r = a
pP = 2τ Y ln + p2
⎛ b⎞
σ θθ = 2τ y ⎜1 − ln ⎟ − p2
⎝ r⎠
• For zero internal pressure pP 2b 2 b
= 2 ln
pY b − a 2

• For the 11.1 example b/a=5,

= 3.35
Reading assignment
Sections 12.1-2: Question: Structurally, what is a column?

Source: www.library.veryhelpful.co.uk/ Page11.htm

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