En Masse From Britain, France (Three Times) and Spain During 1290-1497. They
En Masse From Britain, France (Three Times) and Spain During 1290-1497. They
En Masse From Britain, France (Three Times) and Spain During 1290-1497. They
people culturally like the Israelites of that age, for most of the third
millennium B.C.E. and the first half of the second millennium B.C.E.
about the same time, in the 12th century B.C.E. The Israelites traced their
today instead think that the Israelites formed from a community of escaped
Canaanite slaves. They settled the highlands of Canaan, which is today's West
Bank area. The Philistines settled its coastal plains, which are Israeli
territory today. After two centuries the Jews subjugated the Philistines,
Canaanites, and others. They created a Jewish kingdom in around 1000 B.C.E. 1
This Israelite kingdom split into northern and southern kingdoms in 927
B.C.E. The northern kingdom was destroyed by Assyria in 722 B.C.E., the
The Jews of the region regained independence during 140-63 B.C.E. but were
then annexed by Rome, which then ruled the Jews with great cruelty. This left
The Jews rebelled disastrously against Roman rule in 66-73 C.E. (the Great
Revolt) and in 132-135 C.E. (the Bar Kokhba Rebellion). The latter rebellion,
a Quixotic death-ride, was led by Simeon Bar Kokhba and sparked in part by
Vastly superior Roman forces smashed the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 C.E.,
rest to the four winds. Rome renamed the rebelling province after the
The Arabs are a Mideast people racially and linguistically related the Jews
and Canaanites. In ancient times the Arabs were desert people--in the eighth
century B.C.E. the Assyrian term "Arab" referred to camel herders of the
desert. 4 The Arab language and culture were spread mainly by force throughout
the Mideast and North Africa by Muhammad (570-632 C.E.), the Meccan founder of
Over the past thousand years Western Christian societies have relentlessly
massacred thousands of Jews in many parts of Europe. Jews then were expelled
en masse from Britain, France (three times) and Spain during 1290-1497. They
were subsequently hunted and killed by the Spanish inquisition and were
1648 (about 100,000 Jews killed), were subjected to pogroms in Russia in the
19th and early 20th century, and were mass-murdered by White Russian forces
during the Russian Civil War of 1918-20 (another 100,000 Jews killed). Then
came the Nazi German holocaust of 1941-1945 (5.6 million Jews killed). Stalin
was planning another great killing of Jews when he died in 1953. Those
fleeing these horrors were sometimes refused refuge by nearby states. Even
after the Holocaust thousands of Jews were driven from Poland by Polish
appease the rage of the Christians. Nothing worked. Jews made magnificent
but this won them little credit. Christian Jew-hatred continued with only
Yehoshafat Harkabi, The Bar Kokhba Syndrome: Risk and Realism in
Harkabi, Bar Kokhba: 46.
Smith, Palestine: 5.
In the Muslim world Jews were also oppressed but less severely. 5 The
Palestinian Arabs showed considerably more tolerance toward Jews than did
Western Christians. Thus in the 20th century Palestinians paid for crimes
The relentless European Christian oppression of the Jews, and despair that
it would ever end, drove Leo Pinsker, Theodore Herzl and others to launch the
Zionist movement, which sought a state for the Jews. These early Zionists
were secular Jews who were animated by desire to free the Jews from
But they mobilized Jews around these religious and historical claims to build
The publication of Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State in 1896 and the 1897
The Zionist movement gained important British help with Britain's Balfour
declaration (1917), which announced that Britain would look with favor on
Early Zionist leaders foresaw that Palestinian Arabs would resist Zionism
against British rule. Pressed by this revolt Britain decided to withdraw from
Palestine in 1947 and threw the problem into the lap of the new United
Nations. The U.N. devised a partition plan that divided Palestine into two
Both states lacked defensible borders. The Zionists accepted the plan
although Zionist leaders did not accept as final the borders it laid down for
Israel--they aimed for more. 8 The Arabs rejected the plan because they
rejected the Jews' right to a state in Palestine. They also disputed the
Fighting between Jews and Palestinians erupted in Palestine right after the
U.N. partition plan was approved on November 28, 1947. The Arab states
Israel promptly on its declaration of statehood on May 15, 1948. Arab motives
were mixed. Jordan sought only to annex the Palestinian state. Egypt sought
Israel won a decisive military victory by early 1949 at the cost of 6,000
Jewish lives.
Israel conquered large new territories in the 1948 war, expanding its
inhabitants--fled from Israel during the war. Only 92,000 Arabs remained in
wrote in 1923 that "Every indigenous people will resist alien settlers as long
settlement. This is how the Arabs will behave and will go on behaving so long
as they possess a gleam of hope that they can prevent 'Palestine' from
becoming the Land of Israel." Avi Shlaim, The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab
Shlaim, Iron Wall: 28-29, speaking of Ben Gurion. See also
Benny Morris, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab
Israel. 10 For decades Israelis claimed the Palestinians left voluntarily but
historians now agree that the Israelis expelled them. The former director of
the Israeli army archives estimated that Israeli forces conducted about 10
which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes." 11 In
perhaps the largest massacre, at Lydda, some 250-400 Palestinians were killed
and perhaps another 350 died in a later forced march. 12 This was a velvet
now total about 4,000,000 people--the largest refugee population in the world.
large Arab majority? Few of those who condemn the deeds of the Zionists in
1948 would have favored these alternatives had they stood in the Zionists'
Should the Palestinians have refused the partition agreement (and earlier
has few examples of indigenous people who did not resist when threatened by
asked to act differently? Some early Zionist leaders understood this, writing
long before the 1948 war that any people in the Palestinians' situation would
Had you been leading the Zionist movement in 1948, what would you have
possible perspective: both sides are right, as both did what most would do if
Jewish neighbors. Their heinous crimes set the whole calamity in motion.
Some proximate causes of the 1948 war: (1) bad borders that bred insecurity
B. Secular communities on both sides have greatly moderated their views, and
now largely accept the need to share Palestine/Israel with one another.
Secular Israelis (for example, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert) accept
Palestinian President Abu Mazen) accept the need to recognize and live
with Israel.
C. Since 1949 Israel has become far more secure from conquest, and control of
the West Bank has become far less important to Israeli security.
Shlaim, Iron Wall: 54.
Norman G. Finkelstein, Image and Reality of the Israel-
Finkelstein, Image and Reality: 55.
See note 9 on Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Ben Gurion thought in similar
4. The Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian economies have stagnated, while Israel
has prospered.
6. The Israeli military has adopted new technologies while Arab militaries
have stagnated.
large return of refugees. This Israel would not do. Israelis felt their
borders were already vulnerable, their territory too small, and their
They also expected their relative power to grow over time. Why settle now
when Israel could later use its greater power to gain better terms?
Israel did not allow Palestinian expellees to return to their homes after
the 1948 war. So during 1949-56 thousands tried to sneak back into Israel.
Some attacked Israelis, killing some 200 Israeli civilians. Israel met them
with force, killing between 2,700 and 5,000, most them unarmed. 15
Reverberations of the 1956 war in the Arab world: a civil war in Lebanon
Nasserism. Arab states were cowed by Israel's victory but Arab rejectionist
relative power would rise as it acquired new Czech arms, creating a large
control, perhaps to deter an Israeli attack on Syria. The Arab "street" then
mindlessly pushed him toward this ruinous war. Nasser made war inevitable by
Jordan foolishly joined the war, sparking Israeli seizure of East Jerusalem
and the West Bank. As a finale Israel conquered Syria's Golan Heights.
For several years after 1967 the Arab states spurned all talks with Israel,
Proximate causes of the 1967 war: (1) Israel's insecure borders, sense of
Nasser), which intoxicated Arab streets and elites, which pushed Arabs
Egypt tried and failed to use limited war along the Suez Canal to coerce
Shlaim, Iron Wall: 62-81.
Shlaim, Iron Wall: 82.
Morris, Righteous Victims: 300-301.
on Israel after Israel spurned his peace feelers. Israel won but at a high
cost: 3,000 dead. Israel learned that it could not command the Arabs with
Proximate causes of the 1973 war: (1) A first strike advantage between
it to retain its 1967 conquests, causing an Arab war to regain them; (3) false
territories' return.
Israel invaded Lebanon in June 1982 under sway of its defense minister,
dominated state and, in so doing, cow the Palestinians into ending Palestinian
Israeli forces were warmly greeted at first by Lebanon's Shi`a. But ham
fisted Israeli occupation policies provoked Shi`a hostility and soon the Shi`a
from south-central Lebanon in 1985 and from the remainder in 2000 after losing
hundreds of lives.
Hezbollah then rocketed much of northern Israel. Over a thousand Lebanese and
Hezbollah were killed; Israel lost 119 soldiers and 44 civilians killed.
thereby de facto accepting Israel's existence within its 1949 borders. This
led to the Oslo peace process of 1993-2001, which saw Israel and the
At a climactic meeting hosted by U.S. President Bill Clinton during July and
August 2000, at Camp David, Maryland Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's
government offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 86-91 percent of the
West Bank (76-81 percent up front with more to come later), a small piece of
Israeli territory equivalent in size to 1 percent of the West Bank, and part
but not all of Arab East Jerusalem. 17 The West Bank would be divided into two
Both Israel and the Palestinians were more forthcoming on peace terms at a
The best account of events at Camp David II and Taba is Jeremy
International Security, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Fall 2003): 5-43. For Israel's offer
at Camp David II see ibid., 16-18. The 91 percent figure uses Israel's method
for measuring the West Bank, the 86 percent measure uses the Palestinian
method. Ibid., 17. Israel proposed to delay the transfer of another ten
percent of the West Bank for 6-21 years, so by Israeli accounting the
Palestinian state offered at Camp David II would have initially comprised only
that envisioned Israeli cession of the Gaza strip, 94-96 percent of the West
Bank, and Israeli territory equivalent to 1-3 percent of the West Bank, plus
all of Arab East Jerusalem, to the Palestinians in exchange for a full and
final peace. 18 Both sides accepted the Clinton plan, albeit with reservations,
and used its parameters as a starting point for negotiations at Taba. These
negotiations made progress but had not reached a settlement when Israel ended
During the interval between the Camp David meeting and the Taba talks the
backlash among Israelis that helped hard-liner Ariel Sharon to defeat the more
moderate Barak in the February 7, 2001 Israeli election. Sharon then opted
not to renew negotiations on taking office as prime minister. In the U.S. the
The breakdown of the Taba talks was a major lost opportunity as the two
sides were not far apart when talks ended. Most experts believe that with
more time, and without an Israeli election for prime minister, the two sides
could have compromised on the remaining issues and ended the conflict. 19
was arranged in early 2005. About 1,000 Israelis and over 3,000 Palestinians
Palestinians, arguing that the Palestinians were unserious about making peace
unilaterally withdrew Israeli forces and settlers from the Gaza strip during
the summer of 2005. Sharon seemed poised for further unilateral withdrawals,
this time from the West Bank, when he suffered an incapacitating stroke in
January 2006.
Longtime Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat died in November 2004. His death
brought the more moderate Abu Mazen to the fore as president of the
political party. Abu Mazen opposes violence and seems willing to make peace
on reasonable terms. On the other hand, the radical Islamist group Hamas won
also used violence to seek its goals, including many terrorist attacks on
Israeli civilians within Israel. The rise of Abu Mazen was a step toward
Palestinian moderation, while the election of Hamas was a step back toward
Why did Oslo fail? Big reasons: (1) Israeli leaders underestimated the
The Palestinian minimum was at least "what Sadat and Hussein got," meaning, an
withdrawal to pre-1967 borders. Israel offered well less than this at Camp
David II. It later offered more but only as time ran out. (2) The
thought violence would compel Israeli concessions but it only destroyed the
Israeli peace camp and stiffened Israeli resolve to resist. (3) The Israelis
greatly expanded Jewish settlements in the West Bank during Oslo period,
rarely framing counter-offers, often dragging his feet, and often lying. (5)
The three parties did not agree at the outset on the general outlines of the
peace toward which they were proceeding. Hence they battled hard over every
Pressman, "Visions in Collision": 21.
Pressman, "Visions in Collision": 22.
A. Incomplete explanations:
not here?
2. Extreme goals on both sides. During much of the conflict Arabs have
colonize land beyond its borders. But what explains this extremism?
c. Arab anti-semitism?
Arabs regain land; Israeli hawks reject this, arguing that anti
B. Deeper explanations:
historical mythmaking about the origins of Zionism, the 1948 war and
blame on the other. Neither put much blame for the conflict on the
Christian West.
dominate the other. (But this may no longer be true. Does Israel's
could make the other fold. Neither has proven right so far.
Jewish immigrants."
6. War ---> War. Specifically, 1948 war ---> 1967 war ---> 1973 war --
2. By Israeli fiat.
E. The Jews eventually leave the Middle East as the Crusaders did in 1300.
Most experts argue that only solution XVI "A", partition, hold promise of
A. The 2002 Quartet Plan. Get both sides to the negotiating table and leave
2. Israelis and Palestinians could put more blame for the conflict
b. Could Israelis more easily admit their own cruelties toward the
1. Years of negotiation have made clear to both sides the peace terms
that each can and cannot accept. If they want peace they know what
its outlines must be. Long months of fumbling in the dark for a
well known.
2. Most Israelis and Palestinians now agree on the same peace terms.
In the Post Arafat Era, Palestinians and Israelis Are More Willing to
Compromise: For the First Time Majority Support for Clinton's Permanent Status
terms. And polls now show that most Palestinians endorse the
4. Israelis are increasingly worried that Israel will lose its Jewish
extends to important elements in the Likud, who see the West Bank as
Israeli withdrawal.
5. Israeli fears of an invasion from the east have greatly abated with
the stagnation of the Syrian and Iraqi economies since the 1960s,
the collapse of the Soviet sponsors of Syria and Iraq, the U.S.
smashing Saddam's regime and putting Iraq under occupation, and the
hawks, who had long argued that Israel needed the West Bank as a
it for peace.
6. The United States has vast influence over both sides. Consider U.S.
influence after the 1956 war and Bush 41's successful effort to
Most experts agree that the only terms for peace that hold any chance of
approval by both sides are those of the American "Clinton Plan" of 2000, the
Geneva Accord, the People's Voice and Saudi "Abdullah Plan" of spring 2002-
does not endorse these terms, nor has it even endorsed in principle a two-
state solution. It also continues building a formidable wall that might form
percent of the 240,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank and 15 percent of the
compelled to leave their settlements. 21 The prospects for such a scheme, and
Figures are from Steven Erlanger, "Israel, on Its Own, Reshaping West
A key question: Does Israel have a Palestinian partner for peace? Yasser
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who opposes violence and gives indication of
seeking peace on reasonable terms. On the other hand the radical Hamas, which
opposes peace and seeks Israel's destruction, won election in January 2006 and
now controls the Palestinian authority government and Gaza. The direction of
A key question: when outsiders impose peace, does it hold once they leave
the scene?
maximum goals, is it wise to seek these goals? Or will the resulting peace be
Canaanites and other ancients who owned Palestine before the Jews. They
also note that in ancient times the Jews lived mainly in the highlands of
the West bank. Jewish settlement in the lowlands, including Tel Aviv,
was sparse and brief. Under an "ancient ownership" principle the Israeli
within 1967 lines; and a Palestinian claim regarding the West Bank, Gaza,
East Jerusalem.) Related: "It's ours under civil law. Please respect
survive, you don't." Also, "Palestinians can live in any one of 21 Arab
I. Forfeit by misconduct:
> "You should have shared Palestine with us but refused--so you lose
between us, especially the 1948 and 1967 wars--so you lost Palestine by
many Jews in 1948 and after; this expulsion negates any wrong that the
> "You came here to create an ethnically exclusive Jewish state that
would dominate us and expel us, not to live together with us in a secular
state. You are the ones who wouldn't share Palestine! Hence your
Related: "You started the wars between us. You knew that any indigenous
people in our shoes would resist your movement by force but you pushed
Related: "You lost Palestine fair and square when you foolishly launched
the Bar Kokhba rebellion in 134 C.E. That folly canceled your claims
Palestinian claim.)
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