Lease Agreement

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Lessor: According to this lease agreement, Mr. …………………………., sex:

………………….., Age:………………….., Holding Cambodian Identification Card
No………………………., Owner of the house N0……………….., St.
……………………………….., Sangkat…………………………,
Khan…………………………………., Phnom Penh City, hereby referred to as
Party ”A”, agrees to lease out the house, N0…………, St.
……………………………, Sangkat……………………………..,
Khan………………………………, Phnom Penh City, hereby referred to as ‘the
rental house’ to:

Lessee: Mr…………………..……………., Sex:…………………, Age:………………,

Nationality: ………………, Holding Cambodian Identification Card
No………………. hereby referred to as Party”B”.

Both parties agree with the following respects:

Respect 1: Duration of The Lease

Duration of the lease will be for the period of ……..…. year from ………………..
20…………… to …………….………..2013 in the rental price of US$................
(………………………………………………….US dollars) per month not including
the utilities, bill of Party “B”.

Respect 2: Payment Conditions

-Party “B” shall pay to Party “A” ………. month(s) rental equivalent as deposit of
US$......................... (…………………………. US dollars), the deposit will refund to
Party “A” at the end of the lease agreement.

-And pay …….. month more as advance payment for US$ ………
(……………………………………… US dollars), starting from …….. of ………..,
2013 at the time of singing the lease.

-Then the next payment will pay on ……………….… of ………….., 2013 and
every each of following month, not later than 1 week.

Respect 3: Termination

a) The contract will be automatically on ……….…. of ………….., 2013.

b) Both parties “A” and “B” will review the contract, and mutual agreement
will be reached to continue or terminate the lease.
c) Duration of the lease both Parties shall not terminate the leasing agreement
before termination date. If Party “B” terminate the leasing agreement before
the termination date Party ”A” shall not refund the security deposit and plus
two months compensation, but if Party ”B” terminate the leasing agreement
before the termination date Party ”A” shall give the security deposit back.
And plus ……………..months for conpensation.
d) Duration of the leasing agreement party ”B” has the right to terminate the
contract before expire date by providing 30 days written notice to party “A”,
but the deposit payment shall not refund to Party “B”.
Respect 4: Party “A” will provide the electrical system and water system has to be in good
condition for using of Party “B”. But, party “B” will pay charging for all utilities
and garbage collection according to the bills provided by the utility companies
begins from 01 January 2013.

Note: Charging for all utilities such as:

- Electricity: ……….Riels per Kwh

- Water: ……………..per m3.
- Cable TV: US$................ per month
Respect 5: Changes to the structure of the house or to its decoration will be carried out by
Party “B” with the approval of Party “A”.

Respect 6: Party “B” cannot use the house as a warehouse or other illegal office, or for a
political party.

Respect 7: Party “B” cannot rent or otherwise transfer this house to a third party without
the prior permission of Party “A”.


Respect 8: Furnishing and Maintenance

a) The house will be furnished by the Party “A” according to the attached

b) Party “B” will control, maintain and repair the property as well as all
equipment and furniture provided.

c) At the termination of the lease, Party “B” will return all the equipment and
furniture listed in good condition.

d) Party “B” will make good any damage for which he/she is responsible to the
equipment and furniture provided by Party “A”, provided that the damage or
breakage that occurs is not as a result of fair wear and tear, or force major.

Respect 9: Party “A” has to responsible for pay all taxes and charges levied against the
premise where as taxes other business will party “B” responsibility.

Respect 10: Party “B” must not endanger the safety of the neighbors.

Respect 11: Both parties must abide by the conditions of this agreement in all respects. If
either party breaches the contract, that party shall be responsible before the law.

This lease agreement has been made in four copies: two copies in Khmer and two
copies in English, both equally valid in law.

Phnom Penh, Date: …………..2013

Signature or thumb print of Party “A” Signature or thumb print of Party “B”

Witness Witnes


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