COR1-07 Brendingund Chronicle - 3 - Brendingund's Blood (1-6)

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The document discusses rules and guidelines for a role playing game.

The document provides rules and guidelines for participating in role playing adventures.

Pages 1 and 2 discuss character creation and abilities as well as combat mechanics.



A One-Round D&D Core LIVING GREYHAWK™ Adventure
version 1

by Sean Flaherty and John Richardson

Auldon Brendingund needs you to assist him again. This time his wife has given birth to an unexpected child
and he seeks your help to find the father. Part III of the Brendingund Chronicle. An adventure for characters
level 1-6.

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK, ROLE PLAYING GAMES ASSOCIATION and RPGA are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK and the D20 system logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and
the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Any reproductions or unauthorized use of material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This scenario is intended for organized play
use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network.
© 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.

T his is an RPGA® Network scenario for the DUNGEONS &

DRAGONS® game. A four-hour time block has been allocated for
each round of this scenario, but the actual playing time will be clos-
eyes only. Text for the players will be in gray boxes. It’s strongly
recommended that you paraphrase the player text instead of
reading it aloud. Some of this text is general and must be adapted
er to three hours. The rest of the time is spent in preparation before to the specific situation or to actions of the player characters.
game play, and scoring after the game. The following guidelines are
here to help you with both the preparation and voting segment of Scoring
the game. Read this page carefully so that you know and can com-
After the players have completed the scenario or the time allot-
municate to your players the special aspects of playing an RPGA
ted to run the scenario has run out, the players and DM score the
game. The RPGA has three ways to score its games. Consult your
convention coordinator to determine which method to use for
Preparation this scenario:
First you should print this scenario. This scenario was created to 1-No-vote scoring: The players write their names and RPGA
support double-sided printing, but printing it single sided will numbers on the scoring packet grid. You fill in the top of the
work as well. There is enough room along the inside margin to grid. That is all. No one is rated. This method is used for
bind the adventure, if you desire. people who are just playing for fun.
Read this entire adventure at least once before you run your 2-Partial scoring: The players rate the game master and the
game. Be sure to familiarize yourself with any special rules, spells, or scenario on their player voting sheet, and provide personal
equipment presented in the adventure. It may help to highlight par- information, but don’t vote for other players. The game
ticularly important passages. master rates the scenario and completes personal and event
When you run an RPGA D&D adventure we assume that you information, but does not rate the players as a team or vote for
have access to the following books: the Player’s Handbook, the players. This method is used when there is no competition,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. We also assume but the event coordinator wants information on how
that you have a set of dice (at least one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and the game masters are performing, or the game master wants
d20), some scrap paper, a pencil, an RPGA scoring packet, and feedback on his or her own performance.
your sense of fun. It is also a good idea to have a way to track 3-Voting: Players and game masters complete the entire packet,
movement during combat. This can be as simple as a pad of graph including voting for best player. If this method is used, be
paper and a pencil, as handy as a vinyl grid map and chits, or as sure to allow about 15-20 minutes for the players to briefly
elaborate as resin dungeon walls and miniatures. describe their characters to the other players, and about 5-10
Instruct the players either to prepare their characters now, or minutes for voting. This method is used when the players
wait until you read the introduction, depending on the require- want to know who played the “best” amongst the group, or
ments of the scenario as described in the introduction. when the adventure is run in tournament format with
Keep in mind that you must have at least four players (not winners and prizes.
counting the DM), for the game session to be a sanctioned RPGA When using voting, rank the players in order of your voting
event. As well, you cannot have more than seven players partici- choice while they are completing their forms, so that you are not
pating in the game. influenced by their comments on your abilities. It’s a good idea
Once you are ready to play, it is handy to instruct each player to have the players vote while you determine treasure and expe-
to place a nametag in front of him or her. The tag should have the rience awards for the scenario.
player’s name at the bottom, and the character’s name, race, and After voting, give the Scoring Packet to your event coordinator.
gender at the top. This makes it easier for the players (and the
DM) to keep track of who is playing which character.
The players are free to use the game rules to learn about
equipment and weapons their characters are carrying. That said,
you as the DM can bar the use of even core rule books during cer-
tain times of play. For example, the players are not free to consult
the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide when confronted with a trap or haz-
ard, or the Monster Manual when confronted with a monster.
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you may
present it as written to the players, while other text is for your

Brendingund’s Blood

T his is a LIVING GREYHAWK Adventure. As a LIVING™ adven-

ture, it is expected that players will bring their own charac-
ters with them. If players do not have a LIVING GREYHAWK char-
At the beginning of every scenario, each PC is required to pay
upkeep costs matching the level of lifestyle they wish to main-
acter generated, get a copy of the current LIVING GREYHAWK char-
tain. The lifestyles, and the effects that each has on play, are:
acter generation guidelines, a character sheet, and a LIVING
GREYHAWK log sheet from your convention coordinator or the
Destitute You have no living space, and must carry all your
RPGA Web site, and then have any players without a character
gear everywhere. You eat poor quality food. You
create one. Once all players have a LIVING GREYHAWK character,
wear a peasant outfit, your only change of clothes.
play can begin.
Poor You sleep in poor accommodations, and eat poor
Along with the other materials that you are assumed to have
quality food. You wear a peasant outfit, and have
in order to run a D&D game, it is also recommended that you
two sets of clothing.
have a copy of the LIVING GREYHAWK Gazetteer.
Common You have common lodgings, and eat common
quality food. You have normal clothing for your
LIVING GREYHAWK Tier Structure profession (adventuring); nothing fancy. You
Because players bring their own characters to LIVING GREYHAWK probably have two or three sets of clothing.
campaigns, this adventure is tiered. Basically, the challenges in this High You stay in good quality lodgings, and eat good
adventure are proportioned to the average character level of the quality food. You wear anything in value up to
characters participating in the adventure. To determine the tier that courtier’s outfits, and generally buy a new set of
you will use to run this adventure, add the character levels of all the clothing every two weeks.
characters. In addition, add the levels of any cohorts or animals Luxury You have luxurious accommodations (twice the
according to the values on their certificates. Cross-reference the cost of good accommodations), and you eat excel-
total and the number of players participating in the game using the lent foods. You can throw a banquet for your
chart below to determine the tier used for this adventure. friends every day, and frequently do. You wear
clothing up to the value of noble’s outfit, and buy
4 players 5 players 6 players 7 players Lvl Cap a new set of clothes every week.
T1: 4-12 5-13 6-14 7-15 4th
T2: 13-22 14-24 15-26 16-28 6th Lifestyles come with bonuses or penalties to Diplomacy,
T3: 23-32 25-35 27-38 29-41 8th
Intimidate, Disguise, and Bluff skill checks. These penalties,
shown below, should be applied at the DM’s discretion, and can
The level cap indicated is the highest level of character allowed sometimes backfire—for example, a PC with a poor lifestyle
to play this adventure. Characters of levels higher than the high- would not have a penalty when talking to a beggar, but would
est level shown for the highest tier cannot be played. when talking to a city official. A PC with a high lifestyle should
have a penalty when dealing with a group of street thugs, where
a PC with a destitute lifestyle might not.
Is it a Full Moon? DMs are encouraged to role-play these reactions whenever
Since the hazards of lycanthropy are a current part of the LIVING possible.
GREYHAWK campaign, it may be necessary to determine if this
adventure takes place during a full moon. For game purposes, the
full moon lasts three days of each month. For a given scenario that Lifestyle Cost Skill Modifier
does not state the phase of the moon, roll 1d10 before play begins. Destitute 14 sp -2
Poor 43 sp -1
On a result of 1, the first day of the scenario is a night of the full
Common 12 gp 0
moon (roll 1d3 to determine where in the sequence of three nights
High 250 gp +1
it falls).
Luxury 500 gp +2

Brendingund’s Blood

ADVENTURE SUMMARY AND a member of the Thieves’ Guild who has every intention of tak-
ing great advantage of Auldon and the necklace.
A year and a month have passed since Auldon Brendingund was Since being hired to manage Auldon’s affairs seven months ago,
saved from bankruptcy and an ugly death at the hands of his Bwirse has proven indispensable. Under his direction, and with
creditors by a band of adventurers who retrieved a valuable fam- some help from the Thieves’ Guild, the Brendingund Merchant
ily heirloom, the Necklace of the Forlorn Cairn, from the Cairn House’s investments have become very profitable. Auldon still
Hills. The necklace appraises as 20,000 gp if it were a piece of jew- sells the necklace from time to time, but only to pay his personal
elry only, and it has several magical properties, many of which debts and when Bwirse instructs him to do so. Auldon trusts
even Auldon does not know about. However, one power of the Bwirse implicitly and has allowed him to hire several men to
necklace of which Auldon is very aware is that it returns to him serve as clerks and bodyguards. Bwirse earned this trust when he
if it is removed. killed a thief that was trying to rob them on a trip to Urnst.
Auldon has used this property of the Necklace of the Forlorn There is tension building in the Brendingund home in
Cairn to rebuild his family’s fortune. He has sold the necklace to Clerkburg because of Bwirse’s presence. Jemar, Auldon’s butler
several merchants that were visiting Greyhawk and more recent- and the last of his family’s original servants, does not like or trust
ly has traveled widely in the civilized regions surrounding the Bwirse and is threatened by Bwirse and his men. Because of the
Nry Dyv and the Woolly Bay to sell it. Auldon rarely sells the revitalization of the Brendingund family fortune, Jemar has re-
necklace for its full value, so most buyers assume it is stolen. This staffed the family home and is very territorial of all things domes-
helps Auldon rationalize taking advantage of the buyers because tic. Bwirse is amused by Jemar and his behavior, but plans to kill
in his mind they have tried to cheat him. Because the buyers him if the issue becomes problematic.
believe the necklace to be stolen, few of Auldon’s marks are will- Recently, Bwirse arranged for Auldon to marry Adra, a
ing to report him to local authorities when the necklace disap- woman from Hardby whose family owned prime dock space.
pears, though many have cursed him to their deities. Bwrise intended the marriage as a purely commercial venture,
Initially the time the necklace took to return to Auldon was but it has had several unforeseen consequences. First, Adra and
uncontrollable, but it never took more than a half an hour. The Jemar have quickly developed a strong bond and her presence
necklace has become more attuned to Auldon over the past year has brought the culture that has been lacking during Auldon’s
and now will remain where Auldon places it for up to a full day. bachelorhood to the Brendingund home. Young and beautiful,
In addition, Auldon has also learned to control the return of the Adra’s influence over Auldon has proven substantial and given
necklace to some extent. If he removes the necklace he can Jemar a bit more control over Auldon’s undisciplined tendencies
instantly summon it over any distance with a single thought at like gambling, drinking, and uncontrolled spending. Jemar is
any time up to when the necklace automatically returns. Another very protective of Adra and has appointed himself her personal
effect of the necklace growing more attuned to Auldon is that it servant as he served Auldon’s mother before her.
can no longer be removed by a simple remove curse spell. The Bwirse is not happy about the recent shift in the balance of
necklace also emits an aura that causes servants of Iuz the Old to power, but is biding his time and constantly reminding Auldon
fear its wearer and avoid him. Finally, in the last month, Auldon of the difference between family decisions and business deci-
has discovered that the necklace is functioning as a rod of splendor, sions. Bwirse is also hopeful that Auldon’s new status as a family
boosting his Charisma and allowing him to create incredibly man will grant him access to more elite Greyhawk social circles,
expensive clothing for himself. so he is reluctant to interfere with Adra and Auldon’s relation-
Having rebuilt his family fortune and reestablished his mer- ship. To complicate matters further, in the month since the wed-
chant presence, Auldon quickly fell back into his old habits ding Adra has gone from a slender maiden to very pregnant
including gambling, which nearly destroyed him. This irrespon- woman who gave birth to twins. Bwirse, Jemar, Auldon, and Adra
sibility has had two consequences. First, Auldon was forced to are all troubled by this obviously supernatural event.
sell the necklace too many times in the first few months he pos-
sessed it and he came to the attention of the Greyhawk Thieves’ ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS:
Guild. Second, because he was uncomfortable selling the neck- The adventure begins with the PCs being drawn to the
lace so frequently, Auldon fulfilled his promise to the adventur- Brendingund home where a mob is forming with the intent to
ers who retrieved the necklace for him and hired a man to man- burning down the home. Fesgrit, a new lieutenant of Pacanan,
age the Brendingund family business. Sadly, this man is actually who is aware of the recent births and the nature of Auldon’s sons,

Brendingund’s Blood

has orchestrated the mob. Pacanan is a follower of Vecna who is Several of the sites in this scenario are on the new Map of
interested in the Necklace of the Forlorn Cairn and had an initial the City of Greyhawk that appeared in LIVING GREYHAWK Journal
attempt to steal it thwarted by heroes at Auldon’s wedding in #2. The map designations of the following locations may be help-
Hardby the previous month (see the scenario COR1-05 ful: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation (A9), the Black Dragon Inn
Brendingund’s Bride). The PCs should be able to drive off the mob (C4), the Bridge of Entwined Hearts (C10), the Sacred Temple of
with a small show of force or magical power. St. Cuthbert (G4), the Temple of Pelor (G10), and the Sanctum of
After the mob is dispersed, Bwirse invites the PCs in and Heirononeous (G14). The house of Auldon Bendingund is the
show them through the home to Auldon who is waiting in an upside-down ‘T; shaped building between the Black Dragon Inn
opulent tent in the backyard. Auldon explains to the PCs that his (C4) and the Jewelers’ and Gemcutters’ Guildhall (C5).
wife has given birth to twins, but one of them is hideously
deformed. He also points out that his wife had these children
within a month of their wedding. Auldon tells the PCs that he PLAYERS’ INTRODUCTION
has sent information and gold to several temples asking them to
divine what has happened. He asks the PCs to do him the service Many adventurers are eating a meal just before noon at the Black
of retrieving the temples responses and helping him to discover Dragon Inn on this cool autumn day, when two excited looking laborers
who is the real father of these children. rush in. The taller of the two speaks, as the shorter heavier one wrings
The PCs may opt to interview Adra, who has not left her his hands with excitement.
rooms since giving birth. She’s not give be able to give them “Hey barkeep! You got any torches? There’s going be a burning.
much information about what has happened except to say that We’re torching the Brendingund place, down the street. It’s filled with
Auldon was the first man she ever “loved.” On the way out how- demons, or undead, or something.”
ever, Jemar asks the PCs to speak with him. He tells them that A well-equipped-looking adventurer pulls a torch from his pack
Adra was close to two men she knew from Hardby who are now and tosses it to the men, who quickly rush out.
in Greyhawk: Veryn a retired Hardby Marine and Nothenan, a
student at the University of Magical Arts. Jemar knows the loca- The adventurer who gave the men the torch has no interest in
tions of both Veryn and Nothenan and gives the PCs that infor- what is going on and, if confronted by the PCs, tells them that he
mation. was “just trying to get the idiots out of the bar.” If the PCs go out-
Auldon has asked for assistance from the temples of St. side they see the two laborers several hundred feet up the street
Cuthbert, Heironeous, and Pelor. When the PCs go to visit the desperately trying to light the torch with a flint and steel while
three temples they get somewhat cryptic responses. When they they walk. The two men, Ched and Flune, know nothing about
go to see Veryn, he is shocked to hear what has happened to what is going on, except that there’s a mob that’s going to burn
Adra, thank the PCs for informing him, and ask what he can do the Brendingund home and it sounds exciting.
to help. When the PCs visit Nothenan he reacts emotionally and
insist that they take him to Adra immediately.
When the PCs return to the Brendingund home, Auldon
asks the PCs to guard the house through the night to protect it
from the possibility of another mob or other dangers. During the As you approach a crowd of thirty people standing in front of a well-
night, Fesgrit has a band of thieves attack the house and attempt appointed three-story home you hear the loud crash of shattering glass.
to kidnap the children. If the PCs are unable to thwart this Most of people in the crowd are standing, talking, and watching the
attack, Veryn and friends of his from Nightwatchmen’s Guild events unfold, but a few men here and there are shouting about demons
may be able do so. In the aftermath of the battle, Veryn recog- and unholy pacts. A few heads turn as a shout of, “kill the lich,” rings out
nizes one of the thieves as someone who works for Fesgrit in the of the crowd. About this time the two men from the Black Dragon Inn
Artisan’s Quarter. When the PCs go to confront Fesgrit they find arrive and hurl their lit torch at the marble steps of the home as several
his murdered body and directions to a mausoleum in a cemetery others in the crowd pick up rocks to throw.
outside the city.
Upon reaching the mausoleum, the PCs are greeted by a If the PCs attempt to disperse the crowd, the slightest bit of force
beautiful woman who is actually an erinyes in disguise. She tells (Intimidate, DC 10) suffices. If the PCs decide to only watch,
the PCs the truth about the Auldon’s children and then sum- after three minutes two armed men walk out from around the
mons several baatezu to kill them. After defeating the baatezu, fence surrounding the house. One of the men walks over and
the PCs can return to Auldon with the truth they have found. steps on the burning torch, extinguishing it. The other takes a

Brendingund’s Blood

club to Flune, knocking him unconscious. At this violent attack, Weapon Finesse (dagger).
someone screams and the crowd stampedes. Ched runs across Possessions: 2 daggers, merchant’s outfit, ledgers, scrolls.
the street and waits for everyone to leave. He then helps Flune. Description: Bwirse is a scholarly-looking man of about aver-
The two men, Docco and Hensen, are bodyguards Bwirse age height and build. He has close-cut, brown hair and is lean to
employs to keep Auldon and his family safe. The bodyguards the point of looking a little sickly. Bwirse is in his mid-thirties,
have no interest in fighting the PCs, but defend themselves if but looks a little older. He tries to keep his movements in line
attacked. Bwirse will attempt to nonviolently intervene if such a with his older, feeble appearance saving his speed and dexterity
fight occurs. for surprise, when necessary. As Auldon’s business manager,
Bwirse is in a perfect situation. He will do nothing that risks
Docco, male human Rog3: AC 14; hp 15; +2 melee (1-6, club).
nD blowing his cover and is respectful, if detached, when dealing
Possessions: leather armor, club, dagger. with PCs. He pays close attention to those things he sees as
important, and seems to brush off all else as trivial. Bwirse speaks
nHHensen, male human Rog1: AC 14; hp 5; +0 melee (1-6, club) Common and Gnome.
Possessions: leather armor, club,
The Brendingund home is a three-
story manor in excellent repair. The
the first floor’s stonework shows
signs of recent improvement, and
the wood of the upper stories has Pavilion
been freshly painted. Standing at the
top of the marble stairs are imposing
twin mahogany doors with pure sil-
ver knockers polished to what
would be a blinding shine were it
not for the rainy day.
1h 1g
1i 1e
nBBwirse, male human Rog5: CR 5;
Medium-size humanoid (human);
HD 5d6; hp 24; Init +7; Spd 30ft.; AC 1j
13 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 13); Atk +6
melee (1d4/19-20, dagger), or +6 1f 1d
ranged (1d4/19-20, dagger); SA Rog
sneak attack 3d6; SQ Evasion, 1k 1l 1b
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC); 1c
AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4;
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 1a
12, Chr 12. (5 ft. 8 in. tall).
Skills and Feats: Appraise +5, One square equals 5 feet.
Bluff +9, Climb +2, Decipher Script
+9, Disable Device +5, Disguise +4, KEY
Escape Artist +5, Forgery +5, Gather 1a. Worn marble staircase leading to 1g. Back foyer.
Information +5, Hide +5, Innuendo mahogany double doors. 1h. Kitchen.
+5, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, 1b. Foyer, grand staircase, entry hall. 1i. Pantry, back stairs. N
Open Locks +5, Profession (mer- 1c. Front hall. 1j. Formal dining room.
chant) +5, Read Lips +5, Search +5, 1d. Sitting room. 1k. Ladies sitting room.
Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Tumble 1e. Aldon’s study. 1l. Outer siting room.
+5, Use Magical Device +7; 1f. Private dining room.
Improved Initiative, Iron Will,

Brendingund’s Blood

Note: This does not “cash in” any of the above mentioned favors,
it only means he recognizes them.
Third Floor

3b 3b 3b REQUEST
3b 3b 3b You are shown through the Brendingund home and out the back door to
3b 3b 3b 3a a well-kempt backyard. In the middle of which stands a huge silk pavil-
ion that is sixty feet across. The floor is strewn with silk pillows and cush-
3b 3b 3b
ions of the highest quality. Silver serving dishes filled with a luxurious
3b 3b 3b buffet of expensive and exotic fare have been placed on tables scattered
3b 3b 3b throughout the pavilion. Ambling toward you amid this opulence is a
heavy-set human in his mid-forties. He has thinning black hair and a
Second Floor patchy goatee. He is wearing robes of the finest fabrics adorned with furs
and jewels.
2d 2c 2b
A successful Appraise check (DC 15) reveals that the man’s cloth-
ing alone is worth at least 7,000 gp.
2e The man is Auldon Brendingund. PCs who have met
Auldon before note he has gained some girth, and he looks very
2e 2a
tired. Now that he has rebuilt the Brendingund fortune, Auldon
attempts to put on airs from time to time, but most of the time he
2e 2e forgets his recently regained social status and treats the PCs as
equals or superiors. He was planning to have a party in the rela-
One square equals 5 feet. tive seclusion of his backyard this afternoon, but, because of the
KEY mob, he has decided to cancel the affair.
Auldon asks the PCs to join him for lunch in the pavilion
2a. Master bedroom. 2e. Guest room. as he walks over, serves himself a plate, and sits down alone at
2b. Nursery. 3a. Attic storage. one of the tables. Once the PCs join him, Auldon thanks them
2c. Upstairs sitting room. 3b. Servants’ quarters. for their help, if appropriate, and tells them his tragic tale. He
2d. Adra’s recovery room, tells the PCs that the Brendingund’s were once a great mer-
formerly Auldon’s chant house, but he lost everything because he wasn’t smart
mother’s room. enough. Then, some adventurers helped him revive his for-
tune, he made some great business deals with the help of his
The people in the crowd don’t really know what’s going on. new bookkeeper, Bwirse, and, just over a month ago, he mar-
Some have heard rumors that the Brendingund house is harbor- ried a beautiful young woman, Adra. Auldon admits to the PCs
ing an evil monster in return for infernally-guided, successful that at first he was marrying her just to get access to the dock
business deals. Once the mob departs, the door to the space her family owned, but when he met her they fell deeply
Brendingund front doors open and Bwrise emerges to survey the in love. Unfortunately, on the journey back from Hardby she
scene. fell ill and her belly began to swell. Just three weeks after they
If the PCs assisted in dispersing the crowd, Bwirse asks were married Adra went from a slender maiden to a woman
them to come in and discuss that event with his employer. If the ripe with twins. Even worse, those twins have already been
PCs only watched but have Favors of the Brendingund Merchant born. Auldon’s luck was sourer still: one of the twins was
House (from COR1-02 The Reckoning or COR1-05 Brendingund’s hideously malformed; born with claws and leathery batlike
Bride), or they have a Favor of Bwirse (from the scenario COR1- wings. Even the beauty of their little girl, born at the same
06 Forbidden Choice), he will recognize them as having been help- time, has not comforted Adra. She has withdrawn to her
ful in the past and asks them in. If neither of these is the case, it chambers, and the only visitors she takes are Jemar, Auldon,
is up to the PCs to offer their services to Bwirse. and the children.

Brendingund’s Blood

Auldon is at his wit’s end. At Jemar’s suggestion he sent mes- Reaching a newly furnished sitting room on the second floor of the
sages accompanied with generous donations to several of the Brendingund home, Jemar quietly opens a door on the left side. Holding
temples (St. Cuthbert, Heironeous, and Pelor), asking for help. a finger to his lips–beckoning for silence–he ushers you into a dimly lit
He has requested divine divination asking who is, and what can bedroom. The bedroom is well furnished, but in a style popular many
be done about, the father of Adra’s children. The responses to the years ago. The shades are drawn, and a single candle burns weakly on a
divinations should be ready today. As he talks frantically about table near the door. Despite privacy screens that stand closed on all sides
his family’s problems Auldon hits on the idea of asking the PCs of the four-poster bed dominating the room, the shadow of figure can be
to retrieve the results of the divinations. Auldon also tells the PCs seen sitting upright on the bed.
that the nagging pain of not knowing who fathered the children
is what plagues him the most. Lastly, he requests the PCs if try to The figure is Adra, Auldon Brendingund’s new bride. She is in a
visit with Adra and plead with her on his behalf to reveal the true state of extreme shock from her accelerated pregnancy and the
nature of the children’s father. trauma of giving birth to a child with fiendish features. Aside
from this, she is otherwise a normal human woman in her late
nBBrendingund, male human Exp7: CR 6; Medium-size teens. She answers any questions the PCs ask, but in a sad and
humanoid (human); HD 7d6+7; hp 40; Init +0; Spd 30; AC 14 quiet voice. Although much younger than Auldon, Adra truly
(Touch 10, Flat-footed 14); Atk +5 melee (1d6–1, club); AL CN; loves him for his kindness and generosity toward her and his
SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7; Str 9, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 10, somewhat simple ways. She is greatly troubled by recent events
Cha 16. (5 ft. 11 inches tall). and has no idea what caused her pregnancy, nor does she have
Skills and Feats: Appraise +12, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +13, any idea what has corrupted her offspring. She does not know
Gather Information +10, Innuendo +2, Knowledge (commerce) why one of her children is normal and the other is malformed. If
+8, Pick Pockets +12, Ride +2, Sense Motive +10, Use Magical a PC has that audacity to ask, she swears that Auldon was the first
Device +5; Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Lightening Reflexes, Skill man she has “been a wife to,” and that he is the only man she has
Focus (Bluff). ever “loved.” Both statements are true, emotionally and physical-
ly. If pushed too hard on any topic, Adra collapses into uncon-
PCs who have played other adventures of the Brendingund trolled sobbing, and does not respond to anything the PCs do,
Chronicles are likely to believe that the Necklace of the Forlorn Cairn except with more sobs. Jemar, who stays nearby at a discreet dis-
has caused this problem. If they ask Auldon about this, he tells tance, will ask the PCs to leave if this occurs.
them that he still has the necklace but hasn’t sold it since he his If the PCs ask to see the children the request is denied. If
last adventure involving the neckless. He is not convinced that the they insist, it will still be denied. If they try to force their way
item has anything to do with his current situation. He asks the PCs into other rooms to find the children or otherwise violate the
to do what he has asked and they can talk about it later. It is some- Brendingund’s privacy without permission, Jemar summons
thing he absolutely does not want to discuss. Auldon knows that Docco and Hensen, and has the PCs removed. If this occurs
the necklace has caused him some problems, but he cannot fath- revoke all favors of the Brendingund Merchant House that the
om that it could be causing this one. He also cannot bear to think PCs hold. The adventure is over.
of parting with it since it has given him so much. If the PCs behave themselves, Jemar draws them aside con-
spiratorially before showing them out and share what he knows
about Adra’s social life. Jemar has appointed himself Adra’s per-
ENCOUNTER 3: ADRA’S TALE sonal servant, as he was Auldon’s mother’s servant before. He has
been with or near Adra almost every moment since the wedding,
If the PCs ask to see Adra, Auldon shouts to a servant waiting and he believes her story—or lack of one—about the children.
near the backdoor to fetch Jemar. Jemar appears a few minutes However, he does know of two men who live in Greyhawk with
later and show the PCs back into the house. He leads them up a whom Adra corresponded with prior to giving birth. The first is
wide staircase and into the living chambers on the second floor a retired Hardby Marine named Veryn who lives in the Artisan’s
(through the sitting room [2c] and into Adra’s recovery room district. The second is a student at the University of Magical Arts
[2d]). named Nothenan. Jemar offers the PCs the last letters Adra
Jemar is the only remaining servant of Auldon who has been received from each of these men to help the PCs locate them.
around since his master’s childhood. He is an older human with Adra did not disclose her condition to either of these old friends
thinning gray hair and slightly stooped shoulders. The PCs may from Hardby in her letters and has not sent them any messages
have rescued him from a thief in COR1-02 The Reckoning. since the births. He asks the PCs to be discrete when asking ques-

Brendingund’s Blood

From this point the PCs can proceed either to the temples Eritai Kann-Ipzirel female human, Clr 11.
(Encounter 4), or to investigate Nothenan (Encounter 5) or
Veryn (Encounter 6). 4B: THE TEMPLE OF PELOR
As you approach the Temple of Pelor from the High Street, the exterior of
the over-a-century-old building shows signs of disrepair. In contrast to
ENCOUNTER 4: THE TEMPLES this the interior of the building is hung with bright new golden draperies
The PCs may visit the temples in any order they wish. They are symbolizing the goodness of Pelor. As you enter the temple you can see
presented in this encounter in the order of their location, start- two large rooms in addition to the sanctuary. One is devoted to housing
ing in the east, moving west. All three of the temples are located those with nowhere else to live, and the other is used for providing food
in the Garden Quarter of Greyhawk, which is home to a variety and drink to people attending services. An old homely woman with
of smaller estates, fine inns and clubs, as well as the temples of straw-colored hair and green eyes dressed in yellow and gold robes—the
most of the major faiths in the city. The Garden Quarter, as well colors denote her as the High Matriarch of Pelor—approaches you from
as the High Quarter with which it mingles, has a completely dif- the sanctuary proper.
ferent ambiance than the southern portions of Greyhawk City.
There are numerous open spaces and expanses of well-tended The woman is Sarana, the High Matriarch of Pelor. She has been
and fragrant beauty that give the area its name. There are no expecting the PCs. Sarana is kind and forgiving, dislikes dealing
shops in the Garden Quarter except for those at the High with the high and mighty, and prefers to work with the lowly
Market. and shunned. She knows that beggars and gutter rats are often
rascals, but that they also usually have great goodness in their
hearts. Sarana will share with the PCs that she was greatly dis-
turbed by Auldon’s request and has spent much time trying to
obtain an answer to his question. Sarana has divined from Pelor
Perched atop a low rise in the eastern portion of the Garden Quarter is that:
the Sacred Temple of Saint Cuthbert. Entering the grand temple one
cannot help but note the gold and silver ornaments and jeweled symbols “The children must be turned to the light, but the father must lead the
of the faith lining its walls. A youthful acolyte in the rust-brown gar- way.”
ments of the Billet’s of St. Cuthbert approaches you to see to your needs.
She takes the result of the divination to mean that the only path
The acolyte is Edran of Cuthbert (Clr1), a member of the Billets for the children’s salvation is through their father. The father of
of St. Cuthbert order, which is charged with ministering to and the children must be found and turned to righteousness through
protecting the faithful. When the PCs disclose that they are kindness, mercy, and compassion. Sarana shares with the PCs
working for Auldon Brendingund he quickly ushers them into that she believes the fact that the response deals with both chil-
the main sanctuary and introduce them to Eritai Kaan-Ipzirel, dren is most important piece of his message. Sarana is concerned
the high priestess. Eritai personally cast a divination spell in but has not done anything else to pursue this issue because she
response to Auldon’s request and shares the answer she received was not asked to do so. She does not know Auldon, and he has
with the PCs, as well as giving them a letter as documentation of never been to her temple. She is a very frustrated that Auldon
the spell it for Auldon. The response from divination is: seems to think he can buy answers to life’s most important ques-
tions with gold. She indicates to the PCs that she is willing to do
“The father must be punished for he is an instrument of evil.” more to help Auldon if he comes see her. Sarana gives the PCs a
written copy of Pelor’s response for Auldon.
Eritai tried to determine who the father was, but something
blocked her power. If Eritai is asked what could block her nSSarana, female human Clr14.
attempt to discover the identity of the father, she tells them that
it could be a powerful magic item or maybe a powerful outsider. 4C: THE SANCTUM OF HEIRONEOUS
If the PCs ask about the nature of punishment, Eritai responds
Ascending the stairs of the temple Heironeous, you face a pair of armed
guards in half-plate. As you attempt to enter, they cross their glaives
blocking your way. They challenge you in unison, shouting: “Who would
“The evil must be beaten from him and he must be stripped of all
enter the halls of the Invincible and Valorous Knight?”
rewards from his weakness.”

Brendingund’s Blood

Once the PCs identify themselves the guards lift their polearms Nothenan tells the PCs that he and Adra were childhood
and permit their entry. As they enter, an orderly steps from an sweethearts in Hardby, but that he has been in Greyhawk study-
alcove addressing the PCs as the “cohort of Brendingund.” The ing magic for the past three years. He has neither forgotten Adra
orderly’s name is Jenenan. Jaikor Demien, the temple head, has nor their love for each other, and has written her faithfully every
instructed him to pass on a letter containing the results of the month since they were separated. He was very excited when she
divination cast for Auldon. Jenenan is not at liberty to discuss the wrote that she was coming to Greyhawk, but was devastated
contents of the letter, but will be of whatever assistance he can to when he learned that she was being forced to marry some wrin-
the PCs. The letter contains a simple message in Jaikor’s hand: kled old puss bag against her will (at least that’s his impression—
she never told him that it was against her will, neither has she
“Heironeous has bade me tell you this: Life is fraught with difficulty and ever called her husband a “wrinkled old puss bag.”). He received
challenges, but the way of the valorous is clear. The father must honor his a single letter from Adra shortly after her arrival, but it indicated
duty to the child and if he will not he must be compelled by force of arms that she was not feeling well. Nothenan believes she was heart-
or suffer the consequences.” sick. He immediately sent her the letter that the PCs have seen
and has been waiting for her since. Nothenan has just completed
Guards, male humans Pal1 (2).
nG his initial training at the University of Magical Arts and is hop-
ing Adra will run away with him.
nJJenenan, male human Pal3. If asked about Veryn, Nothenan remembers him only as
some old guy who was a friend of Adra’s father.
nJJaikor Demien, male human Ftr5/Clr7. Nothenan pushes the PCs for each and every detail they can
give him about Adra and her current situation. If the PCs tell him
about the pregnancy and the children, he is completely devastat-
ENCOUNTER 5: NOTHENAN THE ed. A mixture of concern for her safety, and the realization that
his dreams for the two of them are not going to happen over-
LOVESICK WIZARD whelms him. After a few minutes of shock, Nothenan becomes
The letter that Jemar gave the PCs from Nothenan to Adra incredibly focused on saving Adra and ask the PCs what they are
should make it clear to them that he can be found at the Bridge looking for and how he can help. He takes whatever information
of Entwined Hearts at highsun each day. The bridge is known the PCs give him and retreat to the University of Magical Arts to
throughout the city as a romantic spot for couples to meet and research the problem.
court. Legends say that a marriage proposals made and accepted
on the bridge lead to life-long unions. nN Nothenan, male human Wiz3: CR 3; Medium-size humanoid
(human); HD 3d4; hp 9; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (Touch 11, Flat-
The Bridge of Entwined Hearts is the sole way for horses and coaches to footed 10); Atk +1 melee (1d3 subdual, fits); AL CG; SV Fort +1,
cross the Millstream in Clerkburg. The bridge itself has two balconies at Ref +2, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 12, Chr 15.
its highest point, one on each side, with a small bench only large enough Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Knowledge (arcana) +7,
to hold two people. Approaching the Millstream and the Bridge of Spellcraft +5; Combat Casting, Dodge, Mobility, Scribe Scroll.
Entwined Hearts just after highsun, you see a thin young man in simple Possessions: 2 sp, 12 cp.
blue robes sitting alone in one of the balconies. He is whispering to him- Spells Prepared (4/3/2; Spell DC = 13 + spell level): 0––light,
self as he plucks petals from a rose and one by one and drops them into detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st–comprehend languages,
the stream. feather fall, sleep; 2nd–invisibility, levitate.

Nothenan has been waiting for Adra at the bridge at highsun

everyday for over two weeks, and while he has not given up hope
of her arrival, he is beginning to wonder what is taking so long. ENCOUNTER 6: FAITHFUL VERYN
If the PCs show recognition as they approach him, call him by Based on the letter Jemar gave the PCs, they should realize that
name or mention Auldon or Brendingund, he assumes they have they can find Veryn at the Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation in the
been sent to “deal with him” and panics. He begins by casting Artisan’s Quarter any time between a few hours before dusk and
sleep on the PCs and then trying to levitate and escape. If the PCs midnight. The Artisan’s Quarter branch of Greyhawk’s privately
manage to approach him without provoking him by indicating funded nighttime peacekeepers is located in a four-story brick
that they are messengers from Adra, he is very cooperative. building just off the Processional. The lawful-minded

Brendingund’s Blood

Nightwatchmen concern themselves with protecting the estab- ENCOUNTER 7: ATTEMPTED

lishments of these merchants who refuse to fall victim to the pro-
tection racket run by the Thieves’ Guild, a job that keeps them KIDNAPPING
very busy. Veryn is an enthusiastic member of the Upon returning to the Brendingund home with news from the
Nightwatchmen but less aggressive about it as a sacred duty to St. temples and whatever information they may have gathered from
Cuthbert than some of his peers. Nothenan and Veryn, Auldon meets with the PCs in his study.
His planned high society event has successfully been cancelled
Entering the Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation, you receive measuring and there is no sign of the fine pavilion in the backyard.
stares from the three men in the building. Two younger men sit quietly
watching you from a table, sipping from their steaming cups, as an older, You are lead to double doors that open to reveal a study lined with book-
balding man with stands to greet you. He wears a chain shirt and a shelves on three walls and a marble fireplace on the fourth. A small sec-
longsword. He moves with the easy grace of a man who has spent many retary piled with ledgers stands against one wall, and a fine wooden desk
years in arms. dominates the room with a plush high back chair behind it. Seated com-
“Good evening friends. What brings you to the Nightwatch?” fortably in the high back chair, Auldon awaits your news.

The old man and his associates have quickly measured the PCs When the PCs give Auldon the letters from the various temples,
and determined that they are not know members of the Thieves’ he will read them and be very perplexed. He claims to be a sim-
Guild or their associates, although they will keep a close eye on ple businessman who does not understand the will of the gods,
anyone who blatantly acts roguish. The old man is Veryn, the and ask the PCs what they think of the divination responses. The
retired Hardby Marine the PCs are seeking. Because of his many PCs may suggest that this has something to do with the necklace
years living in Hardby he defers to any female PC, assuming that if they are aware of it. He says that this is an interesting idea, but
they are in command. When questioned about his connection to that he must give it more thought.
Adra, he asks if the PCs would step outside to allow for a private After some discussion along these lines, Auldon ask the PCs
conversation about the matter. He does not wish to discuss per- about their plans for the evening. He tells them that even though
sonal matters in front “the men.” Veryn tells the PCs that he they dispersed the mob this morning, stones have been periodi-
saved Adra’s father during a pirate attack on Hardby many years cally thrown at the house and small groups of people have been
ago, and he has been a close friend of the family ever since. His shouting in the streets every so often ever since. Auldon has only
retirement from the marines six months ago brought him back to Docco and Hensen for protection and is concerned about the
Greyhawk, but he has periodically corresponded with Adra and security of his home. He asks the PCs if they are willing to camp
her father. Veryn was pleased to here about Adra’s marriage and in the foyer and make certain no harm comes to him, his home,
was happy to get her letter indicating that she had arrived in or his family. He will pay them 25 gp each to do this. Once the
Greyhawk, but he has not heard from her since. PCs agree, Auldon calls for Jemar who shows them to the foyer
Veryn is curious about why the PCs are questioning him, and the sitting room to its west (see Maps 1 and 2). Have the PCs
and anything they disclose is a complete surprise to him. He set up their camp indicating where they will be sleeping and
expresses concern for her safety, as he views Adra as a favorite guarding, as well as determine watches. Late that evening the
niece that he needs to be protected. Veryn knows that Nothenan Brendingund’s home erupts with a variety of activities.
was a young boy who was one of Adra’s playmates when she was Fesgrit has planned a sophisticated attack on the home
a child. He understands that Nothenan evidenced some talent designed to allow his minions to kidnap the Brendingund chil-
for magic and was sent to study in Greyhawk, but knows little dren. A force of armed men and spellcasters are to launch a
else about him. frontal assault on the home as a distraction, while two highly
If the PCs are honest to Veryn about Adra’s situation, he col- trained rogues sneak into the house through second story win-
lects a few of his old friends from the marines and watch the dows at the rear. These rogues have orders to grab the children
Brendingund manor. This will greatly assist the PCs in the com- and then leave before the battle is over. Several events will com-
bat later. plicate this plan. The PCs may thwart the frontal attack, the chil-
dren resist abduction, and finally, depending on what the PCs
told him and some of his own research, Veryn and several of his
fellow retired marines have been watching the house. If the PCs
are unable to drive off the attackers and catch the rogues, Veryn
and his men attempt to shoot them down as they attempt to flee

Brendingund’s Blood

across the Brendingunds’ backyard.

Two hours after midnight, the attack on the house begins mH Heavies, male elf Ftr2 (5): CR 2; Medium-size humanoid
with vials of alchemist’s fire being thrown through the windows (elf); HD 2d10+6; hp 18; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (Touch 12,
at the front of the house (area 1b). If a PC is watching the front, Flat-footed 14); Atk +6 (1d8+3/x3, battleaxe); SQ elven traits;
he may see or hear the men who throw the vials. Have any PC AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int
who is watching roll Spot and Listen checks. If the PC is inside 8, Wis 11, Chr 9.
the house, the checks are DC 20 for both; if the PC is outside Skills and Feats: Climb +6; Blind-Fight, Iron Will, Weapon
watching, DC 12. Focus (battleaxe).
Possessions: Scale mail, battleaxe, 12 cp.
The stillness of the Greyhawk night is broken by the shattering of glass at
the front of the Brendingund home. Flames erupt in the foyer, sitting mT Thalcazar, male elf Sor5: CR 4; Medium-size humanoid (elf);
room, and front hall quickly consuming curtains and spreading to the HD 5d4+4; hp 20; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (Touch 12, Flat-foot-
walls and carpet. As Docco and Hensen thunder down the stairs from ed 10), 16 (Touch 12, Flat-footed 14) with mage armor, or 23
their posts and begin to beat out the flames, the twin front doors are (Touch 19, Flat-footed 21) with mage armor and shield; Atk +4
kicked open. (1d6-1/18-20, rapier); SQ elven traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +3,
Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Chr 17.
Docco and Hensen spend the battle trying to get the fire under Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Hide +4, Knowledge
control and leave the PCs to handle the invaders. If the PCs are (arcana) +3, Move Silently +4, Spellcraft +5; Improved Initiative,
watching, the battle certainly proceeds differently than the way Weapon Finesse (rapier).
it is planned. Possessions: Dagger, rapier, alchemist’s fire, 8 gp.
Spells Known (6/5/5; Spell DC = 13 + spell level): 0—light,
TIER 1 (EL 6) daze, disrupt undead, detect magic, ray of frost, read magic; 1st—mage
The following men are attacking the front of the home: armor shield, magic missile; 2nd—blindness, glitterdust.

mHHeavies, male human Ftr1 (5): CR 1; Medium-size humanoid TIER 3 (EL 9)

(human); HD 1d10+1; hp 7; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (Touch The following men are attacking the front of the home:
12, Flat-footed 14); Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/x3, battleaxe); AL CE;
SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis mH Heavies, male elf Ftr3 (5): CR 3; Medium-size humanoid
11, Chr 9. (elf); HD 3d10+9; hp 27; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (Touch 12,
Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Jump +5; Iron Will, Power Attack, Flat-footed 14); Atk +6 (1d8+3/x3, battleaxe); SQ elven traits;
Weapon Focus (battle axe). AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int
Possessions: Scale mail, battleaxe, 12 cp. 8, Wis 11, Chr 9.
Skills and Feats: Climb +7; Blind-Fight, Iron Will, Power
mT Thalcazar, male elf Sor4: CR 4; Medium-size humanoid (elf); Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
HD 3d4+4; hp 14; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (Touch 12, Flat-foot- Possessions: Scale mail, battleaxe, 12 cp.
ed 10), 16 (Touch 12, Flat-footed 14) with mage armor, or 23
(Touch 19, Flat-footed 21) with mage armor and shield; Atk +4 mT Thalcazar, male elf Sor5: CR 4; Medium-size humanoid (elf);
melee (1d6-1/18-20, rapier); SQ elven traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, HD 5d4+4; hp 20; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (Touch 12, Flat-foot-
Ref +3, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Chr 17. ed 10), 16 (Touch 12, Flat-footed 14) with mage armor, or 23
Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Hide +4, Knowledge (Touch 19, Flat-footed 21) with mage armor and shield; Atk +4
(arcana) +3, Move Silently +4, Spellcraft +5; Improved Initiative, (1d6-1/18-20, rapier); SQ elven traits; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +3,
Weapon Finesse (rapier). Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Chr 17.
Possessions: Dagger, rapier, vial of alchemist’s fire, 8 gp. Skills and Feats: Concentration +8, Hide +4, Knowledge
Spells Known (6/5/4; Spell DC = 13 + Spell Level): 0–light, daze, (arcana) +3, Move Silently +4, Spellcraft +5; Improved Initiative,
disrupt undead, detect magic, ray of frost, read magic; 1st–mage armor, Weapon Finesse (rapier).
shield, magic missile; 2nd–glitterdust. Possessions: dagger, rapier, alchemist’s fire, 8 gp.
Spells Known (6/5/5; Spell DC = 13 + spell level): 0—light,
TIER 2 (EL 7) daze, disrupt undead, detect magic, ray of frost, read magic; 1st—mage
The following men are attacking the front of the home: armor shield, magic missile; 2nd—blindness, glitterdust.

Brendingund’s Blood

ON ALL TIERS: Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Jump +7, Listen +9, Search +3,
Tactics: Thalcazar has precast mage armor and shield (and the Spot +9, Swim +11; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus (short
above totals reflect that). He is in command of the men attacking sword), Weapon Specialization (short sword).
and his instructions are to keep the fight going for at least a Possessions: Scale mail, short sword.
minute and then break off and run. He begins the attack by cast-
ing glitterdust in an attempt to blind everyone (causing a 50% miss nHHardby marines male human Ftr3 (4): CR 3; Medium-size
chance on all attacks) and prolong the fight. humanoid (male); HD 3d10+9; hp 30; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16
At the beginning of the attack the following two rogues (EL (+4 scale mail, +2 Dex); Atk +6 ranged (1d6/crit x3, composite
6) climb into a second story window at the rear of the long bow), or +6 melee (1d6+3/19-20, short sword); AL LG; SV
Brendingund home. These men are using a rope of climbing. Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12,
Chr 10.
mSSecond-story men, male human Rog4 (2): CR 4; Medium-size Skills and Feats: Climb +7, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +9;
humanoid (human); HD 4d6; hp 20; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon
(Touch 13, Flat-footed 13); Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/x3, battleaxe); Focus (longbow).
SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion; AL CE; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Possessions: Scale mail, composite longbow, short sword.
Will +1; Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Chr 10.
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +8, Escape artist +10, Once the battle is over and the PCs have thwarted the attackers
Hide +10, Jump +8, Listen +7, Open Locks +10, Move Silently and either the PCs or Veryn and the marines have killed the kid-
+10, Search +8, Tumble +10; Improved Initiative, Dodge, Martial nappers. The PCs come upon the strange scene in the backyard.
Weapon Proficiency (battleaxe)
Possessions: Studded leather, battleaxe, dagger, 3 gp. As you approach the bodies of the two fallen kidnappers, Veryn and a
group of hardened-looking men with swords and crossbows stand watch-
The rogues progress as follows while the battle at the front of the ing from beyond the fence surrounding the Brendingund home. Some
mansion takes place. faces are distorted with shock, other jaws simply hang open. Following
the line of their gaze your eyes fall upon the Brendingund children for the
Round 1 Cross the back yard first time. One is a lovely blond female, while the other is a boy of simi-
Round 2 Climb the wall of the house lar size with leathery wings spreading from his back and fangs protrud-
Round 3 Break window, enter room (Listen check DC ing from his cherubic smile. As you watch, he crawls across one of the
25 for PCs at front of house to hear) bodies and begins to lap at the blood oozing from a fresh bite mark in its
Round 4 Grab children neck.
Round 5 Child bites rogue (Listen check DC 20 for PCs
at front of house to hear rogue scream) At this point Auldon, Jemar, and Adra emerge from the house
Round 6 Climb out window and Veryn enters the backyard through the gate his men have
Round 7 Run across yard been guarding. Jemar and Adra quickly bear the children back
Round 8 Veryn and marines kill rogues into house. If a PC cast detect evil he or she will find that neither
children have an evil aura. Veryn rolls one of the bodies onto its
If the PCs have informed Veryn of the situation with Adra, he is back and tells the PCs he recognizes the man as being a member
guarding the back of the house. He sees the thieves go in the of a gang led by a man named Fesgrit who lives in the Artisan’s
back and attacks them as they leave. The men attack with bows District. Veryn can give them directions. If any of the attackers
from outside the fence while Veryn moves to intercept any thief were captured without being killed, they confirm that they were
trying to climb it. He cut these lawbreakers down mercilessly if hired by Fesgrit to either kidnap the Brendingund children or
given the opportunity. Once the thieves are dead, he leads his serve as a distraction during the kidnapping. They believed that
men to help the PCs if they are still fighting. Fesgrit intended to ransom the children, however if a prisoner
sees the child with wings and fangs he revises his expectation to
nVVeryn, male human Ftr6: CR 6; Medium-size humanoid blackmail.
(human); HD 6d10+18; hp 60; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (Touch If the PCs did not tell Veryn about the situation but stopped
11, Flat-footed 14); Atk +9/+3 (1d6+4/19-20, short sword); AL LG; the thieves from escaping with the children, Veryn shows up a
SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 15, few rounds after the combat is over. Someone reported the attack
Chr 10. to the Nightwatchmen and Veryn responded with a patrol.
If the thieves escape with the children the PCs have lost

Brendingund’s Blood

them. Although they may be able to get information from the as to give fair warning to anyone coming across the corpse that
attackers that lead them to Fesgrit, he’s gone before they arrive the ire of followers of Vecna has been aroused. If the PCs search
with no sign of where he went. Ullena has the children and is Fesgrit and the blood-soaked table, they find several documents
gone; the adventure is over for the PCs. that are still legible. A successful Search check (DC 10) picks out
If a PC was permanently blinded, Auldon offers to send for a note signed with a “P” followed by a circle with a dot in the cen-
his friend Wugut, a 5th-level priest of Fharlanghn. Wugut arrives ter (looking somewhat like an eye) requesting a meeting that
within an hour, but he is unable to cast remove blindness until after night at a cemetery outside the city walls. Searching the general
dawn. Wugut casts the spell only if PCs make a donation of 100 area (Search, DC 20) may yield two potions hidden in a drawer
gp to the church of Fharlanghn. with a false bottom. Aside from these the room has typical fur-
If the PCs met Nothenan earlier and revealed Adra’s situa- nishings, but nothing of value.
tion to him, he is waiting outside to talk to the PCs when they
come out. Nothenan is very excited as he has been researching at Treasure: Potion of bull’s strength and a potion of lesser restoration.
the university non-stop since meeting the PCs. He has reached
several conclusions. Nothenan relates that the only way for the
children to have been corrupted is either for Adra to have con- ENCOUNTER 9: PACANAN’S
sorted with fiends (which he refuses to believe), for Auldon to
have consorted with fiends (which is his leading theory) or for SPONSOR
either of them to have somehow fallen under the power of cer- When the PCs arrive at the graveyard indicated in the note they
tain powerful evil artifacts. He recommends that the PCs be wary found in Fesgrit’s rooms, they encounter the following scene. If
of the presence of outsiders or mortals that may have been cor- for some reason they wait and arrive by day, modify the descrip-
rupted. If asked about the powers of such creatures, he says that tions as necessary, but the erinyes is still alone. She used her
most are immune to normal weapons, but the weakest can be charm person supernatural ability to chase away any unwanted
harmed by silver and all can be harmed by magic if powerful visitors to the area.
enough. He also relates that they are immune to fire and poison,
virtually immune to cold and acid, can see perfectly in any dark- As you near the graveyard you see a woman in the distance. She leans
ness, and communicate using their thoughts. He does not casually against the marble door of a small mausoleum illuminated by a
accompany the PCs in their search. The PCs could also go to the torch on either side of its entrance. The woman is beautiful beyond com-
Great Library of Greyhawk and research this themselves, finding pare, wearing the sheerest blue gown of some gossamer material. She
similar information. smiles warmly at your approach and steps forward to greet you, toying
with one end of a long rope that lies coiled at her feet.

ENCOUNTER 8: DEAD FESGRIT The erinyes is a fiend that serves as Pacanan’s outsider contact for
a variety of evils he works. She usually cooperates with his
A quick trip across Clerkburg takes the PCs into the Artisan’s
schemes for amusement or to quench her boredom, although
District and to the building Veryn indicated was Fesgrit’s lair.
Pacanan’s current schemes involving the Necklace of the Forlorn
The PCs are able to enter the rundown-looking apartments,
Cairn and the Brendingund children have peaked her personal
which are accustomed to late night activity. As the approach the
interest. She has decided to steal the children and raise them as
rooms they were told belong to Fesgrit, they notice that the door
her own. Her goal in meeting with the PCs is to learn as much as
stands ajar. Upon entering the PCs see a grizzly scene.
she can about the situation, children, and then kill the PCs. She
is polite and flirtatious, but if the conversation becomes aggres-
A single candle flickers on the desk revealing a gruesome scene. The muti -
sive or she is attacked she does not hesitate to respond violently.
lated corpse of a half-elven man in studded leather armor hangs from a
If asked, the erinyes gives her name as Ullena, which is an
rope tied to a hook in the ceiling. The man’s left hand has been severed
alias. If a polite conversation is possible she reveals the truth
just above the wrist and his left eye socket is a gapping bloody hole. There
about Auldon and the necklace to the PCs. She is sure to tell
is no sign of the missing hand and eye, but the floor and a table below the
them the following bits of information, in the order they are list-
body are soaked with blood from the wounds.
ed, to win their trust and encourage an exchange of information.
Pacanan has killed Fesgrit as punishment for his failure to kid-
• A servant of Vecna named Pacanan killed Fesgrit. He
nap the Brendingund children and to create an opportunity to
wants to steal the necklace from Auldon.
lure the PCs into a trap. He has disfigured Fesgrit in such a way

Brendingund’s Blood

• The necklace caused the accelerated birth and mutation

MAP 3: THE GRAVEYARD of Adra and Auldon’s children, but they are the parents.

• The necklace is a powerful item predating the Oeridian


• Auldon has been selling the necklace repeatedly for

personal gain.

• Over time the necklace is becoming more attuned to

Auldon and increasing its power and Auldon is become
e2 more attuned to it.
b b
b Eventually the PCs will either attack Ullena or she decides she
b b b has gained all she can from conversing with them. When this
b b b
b happens she summons several baatezu to destroy the PCs and
then leave after a few rounds of observing the fight.
Ullena has the charm person supernatural ability (see
Monster Manual page 52). She will use this ability once during
this encounter. Some charmed PCs may try to pervert her orders;
you must indicate to them that this is not like the charm person
spell and they must do as she says. She knows the type of crea-
tures that are generally susceptible, but does not want to kill
them outright. She ends the charm soon after she teleports away,
as indicated in the tactics section of each Tier.


Lemures (6): hp 11 (x2), 9, 8 (x2), 7; see Monster Manual page 48.

Ullena the erinyes: hp 40; see Monster Manual page 49.

Possessions: 50 feet of rope.

Tactics: At Tier 1, Ullena begins combat by summoning six

lemurs to do her fighting (the percentile roll is automatically suc-
N cessful). She interferes with the battle for 1 round after the sum-
moning is attempted and then teleport to safety, far away from
Greyhawk. However, her one action after summoning the
lemures is to attempt to charm the most potent-looking fighter
in the group. Her instructions are: “Do not get involved, go sit
down over there.” She gestures to a nearby tombstone. Whether
One square equals 5 feet. this succeeds or fails, she teleports away the next round. She
allows the charm effect to last for 3 rounds after she leaves.
T IE R 2 (V A R IA B L E )
e Beginning position of Ullena the erinyes.
mLLemures (10): hp 12, 11 (x4), 10, 9, 8 (x2), 7; see Monster Manual
e2 Optimal retreat position of Ullena the erinyes page 48.
(atop smaller mausoleum).
b Optimal position of summoned baatezu (surround- Ullena the erinyes: hp 40; see Monster Manual page 49.
ing or flanking the PCs). Possessions: 50 feet of rope

Brendingund’s Blood

Tactics: At Tier 2, Ullena interferes with the battle for 5 rounds She ends the charm three rounds after she leaves or it ends when she dies.
before teleporting to safety, far away from Greyhawk. If at any Development: After defeating the baatezu, the PCs can return to
time she is engaged in melee, she flies out of reach as soon as pos- the Brendingund home and share what they have learned with
sible. Auldon.

Round 1 Summon 10 lemures (the percentile roll is

automatically successful) while flying 50 feet ENCOUNTER 10: FATHER’S DAY
toward smaller mausoleum.
Round 2 Use her charm person supernatural ability on If the PCs return at night, Jemar shows them to comfortable
the most dangerous fighter while flying 50 rooms on the third floor of the home and explains that Auldon
feet toward smaller mausoleum (she reaches and Adra have retired with the children for the evening, leaving
that mausoleum this round). strict instructions that they are not be disturbed. First thing the
Round 3 She will order the charmed character to: following morning, the PCs are summoned to breakfast with
“Protect me at all cost.” Auldon in the dinning room.
Round 4 Uses her unholy blight spell-like ability on the
PC she considers the greatest threat. Entering the dinning room behind Jemar, you are greeted with the
Round 5 Uses her teleport without error spell-like ability familiar sight of Auldon Brendingund. He sits at the head of the table in
to flee far away from Greyhawk. a fine silk robe surrounded by plates piled with fruit, cooked meats, and
breakfast cakes. The room is filled with sweet aromas that could easily
She ends the charm person effect as soon as she leaves combat. distract a man from serious business.

When the PCs enter, Auldon asks them to have a seat and tell
TIER 3 (EL VARIABLE) him what they have learned. As the PCs reveal what they have
found, Auldon reaches the conclusion to which the PCs have
Barbazu (2): hp 40, 35; see Monster Manual page 48.
mB likely come: He is the father of the malformed boy, and the
strange circumstances of his wife’s pregnancy were brought on
Ullena the erinyes: hp 40; see Monster Manual page 49.
mU by the powers of the Necklace of the Forlorn Cairn, which is clearly
Possessions: 50 feet of rope. not a wholly beneficial item.
Auldon reviews aloud the advice that the various temples
Tactics: At Tier 3, Ullena stays for 7 rounds. She uses her abilities sent to him and ask the PCs for advice on what to do now. He
to create as much discord among the PCs as possible. realizes that he is the object of their messages if the PCs do not
point this out. As he does this Auldon’s face falls in an expression
Round 1 Summon 2 barbazu (the percentile roll is auto- of remorse and shame. He then removes the necklace and lays it
matically successful) while flying 50 feet on the table in front of him. He asks the PCs for which temple he
toward smaller mausoleum. should go to. Once they have agreed, or at least debated a while,
Round 2 Uses her charm person supernatural ability on Auldon then rises and quietly excuses himself telling the PCs
the largest fighter who wears no holy symbol that Jemar will see that any existing needs they have are tended
while flying 50 feet toward smaller mau- to. If stopped or asked what he plans to do, Auldon tells the PCs
soleum (she reaches that mausoleum this that he must take his family to the temple that the PCs recom-
round). mended. If the PCs could not agree, he says he is going to a tem-
Round 3 She orders the charmed PC to: “Kill them all, ple, but does not tell them which one.
but not my dark little friends.” She may indi- If a PC tries to take the necklace, they can but it will disap-
cate particular targets in later rounds. pear later that day when summoned to the temple by Auldon.
Round 4 Uses her unholy blight spell-like ability on the They do not have a chance to sell it before that happens.
PC she considers the greatest threat.
Round 5 Casts unholy blight.
The End
Round 6 Casts unholy blight.
Round 7 Uses her teleport without error spell-like ability
to flee far away from Greyhawk.

Brendingund’s Blood

EXPERIENCE POINT SUMMARY • Theft is against the law, but may be practiced by some play-
er characters. Items which are worth more than 250 gp that
To award experience for this adventure, add up the values for the are of personal significance to the owner (including family
objectives accomplished. Then assign the discretionary roleplay- heirlooms), and all magical items, will be discovered in the
ing experience award. The roleplaying award should be given for possession of the character by one means or another. The
consistent character portrayal and contribution to the fun of the character must return the item and pay a fine equal to three
game. You can award different roleplaying amounts to different times the value of the item stolen. In addition, the PC
characters. caught receives campaign-decided penalties for being
Award the total value (objectives plus roleplaying) to each known as a thief. For other stolen items which meet the cri-
character. teria in #1 above, use your judgment and the circumstances
within the game to determine whether a PC thief gets away
Encounter 1 with the theft or not.
Help stop the the mob. 25 xp
Any item retained according to these rules, which does not have
Encounter 5 a certificate, will not ever have a certificate issued for it.
Gaining Nothenan’s support. 25 xp The campaign staff reserves the right to take away any item
or gold acquired for things, which it later finds unreasonable but
Encounter 6 which were allowed at the time.
Gaining Veryn’s support. 25 xp
Encounter 7
Encounter 7 • 25 gp each from Brendingund for guarding the house.
Thwarting the kidnapping. 175 xp
• Rope of climbing
Encounter 9
Destroying the baatezu 200 xp
Encounter 8
• Potion of bull’s strength (300 gp) This thin metal vial
Total experience for objectives 450 xp
contains a thick lavender liquid. When imbibed it
Discretionary roleplaying award 0-50 xp
grants an enhancement bonus to strength of 1d4+1
points to the Strength of the drinker.
Total possible experience 500 xp
• Potion of lesser restoration (300 gp) This thin metal vial
contains a cloudy red liquid. When imbibed, it dispels
any magical effects reducing the subject’s ability
TREASURE SUMMARY scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage
Player characters may keep items from the scenario that are list- to one of the subject’s ability scores. It does not restore
ed on the treasure list below or which meet the following condi- permanent ability drain.
• The item must be non-magical and specifically listed in the • Favor of the Brendingund Merchant House:
text of the adventure (e.g armor on foes). If it is not listed in For One Favor: Auldon Brendingund is willing to pay
the text, the characters cannot keep it. Items of this nature for your stay on your next trip to the city of
can be sold for 50% of book value, or recorded on a log sheet. Greyhawk.
• Animals, followers, monsters, henchmen, and so forth (any In game terms, a player can cash this cert in
living being, basically) may not be kept from a scenario for to get free lifestyle cost at High level for a Core sce-
any reason unless the treasure summary lists the being nario that takes begins in the city of Greyhawk.
specifically. It is okay for the player characters to form rela- For Two Favors: Auldon Brendingund is willing to let
tionships with NPCs, but these will not be certed and can- you travel on his caravans and trading ships on your
not bring material benefit to the character. Contacts next trip to the city of Greyhawk.
(sources of extra information) must be specifically certed. In game terms, a player can cash these two

Brendingund’s Blood

certs in to pay only one time unit for a single core sce-
nario that takes place in the city of Greyhawk. Two
Favors must be cashed in with the same players name
written on them. These two Favors must be stapled
This benefit expires in 3 years from date of play
For Three Favors: Auldon Brendigund is willing to pay
for the bearer or his chosen recipient to be the subject
of any fourth level or lower divine spell. This spell must
be beneficial to the recipient and willingly accepted.
In game terms, a player can cash these three
certs in to have one divine spell cast on the PC or
another PC if the character chooses. This must be done
during a core event that takes place in the city of
Greyhawk. The player also has the option of traveling to
the free city of Greyhawk to have the spell cast. This
costs the player 4 Time Units. Three Favors must be
cashed in with the same players name written on them.
These three Favors must be stapled together.

Brendingund’s Blood


The Necklace of the Forlorn Cairn is an ancient artifact that consists of a platinum cartouche set with brilliant diamonds and pale blue sap-
phires in fine filigree, hung on a chain of fine adamantine links. The curse of the necklace is that it can never be lost. Any person touch-
ing the necklace with bare skin while it rests on its pedestal in the Forlorn Cairn will find that it has magically appeared around their
neck. Once on a person's neck, the necklace can be removed normally but it will always magically return to its owner's neck. Initially
the time the necklace took to return to Auldon was uncontrollable, but never took more than a half an hour. The necklace has become
more attuned to Auldon over the past year and now will remain where Auldon for places it up to a full day. In addition, Auldon has
also learned to control the return of the necklace to some extent. If he removes it he can instantly summon it over any distance with a
single thought at any time up to when the necklace automatically returns. Another effect of the necklace growing more attuned to
Auldon is that it can no longer be removed by a simple remove curse spell. The necklace also emits an aura that causes servants of Iuz
the Old to fear its wearer and avoid him. As the evil of the necklace has begun to take hold, it has also manifested the power to hide its
alignment and that of its wearer in a fashion similar to the undetectable alignment spell. Since the birth of his children, the necklace
has begun to function as a rod of splendor for Auldon. If the person possessing the necklace dies, the necklace magically returns to its
pedestal in the Forlorn Cairn.

Brendingund’s Blood


Sweetest Adra,
It must be destiny, fate, or the will of Boccob that has brought you to me again. It
can be no coincidence that you have come to Greyhawk just as I have completed this term
at the University. I had taken it in mind to wander the Flanaess and can think of no
greater joy than to see the world with you by my side. If you can but escape this forced
marriage for a moment, I will use my powers to whisk us both to safety. In seconds I can
take you beyond the reach of this lascivious merchant who has dishonored you and bought
your father with his money.
Come to me at noon at the Bridge of Entwined Hearts. I know it will be hard for
you, but be strong, as is my love. I will wait each day until you can come. We will be
together at last.

With all my heart,



Dear Adra,
It was a pleasure to hear you have safely reached Greyhawk and I am even more pleased that you
are happy in your marriage to this merchant Brendingund. I was surprised to hear that your father agreed
to a marriage with a man so many years your senior, knowing how he dotes on you. I have had some
friends look into the business affairs of your new husband and he is a remarkable success, although I must
admit he has some habits I will rely on you to break him of.
Enough rattle from a suspicious old man though. Should you have need of me, I am working with
the Nightwatch in the Artisans Quarter. I must admit that I don't keep civilized hours, but it is hard
enough to find suitable work for a grizzled old marine once the sun has set. I treasure my memories of
bouncing you on my knee when you were just a babe and look forward to doing the same with your chil-
dren now that you have come to the free city.


Brendingund’s Blood


From the Temple of Saint Cuthbert

"The father must be punished for he is an instrument of evil."

From the Temple of Pelor

"The children must be turned to the light, but the father must lead the way."

From the Temple of Heironeous

"Life is fraught with difficulty and challenges, but the way of the valorous is clear.
The father must honor his duty to the child and if he will not he must be compelled by
force of arms or suffer the consequences."

Brendingund’s Blood


For the first run of this event at DragonCon 2001

Did the PCs stop the mob? Yes No

Did the PCs thwart the kidnapping without help? Yes No

Did the PCs talk to Ullena? Yes No

Did Ullena tell the PCs about Pacanan? Yes No

Did the PCs tell Auldon about Pacanan? Yes No

Did the PCs reach consensus as to which temple Auldon should go to?

St. Cuthbert Pelor Heironeous

List the names of any PCs that died during the event.

Player Character

Return this form with your scoring packet to HQ.

Brendingund’s Blood

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