M A P T A D S D: Aximal Naerobic Ower Est in Thletes of Ifferent Port Isciplines
M A P T A D S D: Aximal Naerobic Ower Est in Thletes of Ifferent Port Isciplines
M A P T A D S D: Aximal Naerobic Ower Est in Thletes of Ifferent Port Isciplines
study was to investigate the values of anaerobic energetic sport result depends on at least 5 components:
energetic capacity, consisting of an anaerobic and
capacity variables in athletes engaged in different sport dis-
aerobic part, tactics, technique, and motivation of
ciplines and to compare them in relation to specific demands of
the sportsmen for maximum use of their potentials
each sport. Wingate anaerobic tests were conducted on 145
on the sporting field (7). All these components represent
elite athletes (14 boxers, 17 wrestlers, 27 hockey players, 23 complex functional systems, which are created and modified
volleyball players, 20 handball players, 25 basketball players, during physical activities. The quality of these interactions
and 19 soccer players). Three variables were measured as determines sport result.
markers of anaerobic capacity: peak power, mean power, and Some components can be exactly measured, such as
explosive power. The highest values of peak power were mea- anaerobic and aerobic capacity, by applying different tests
sured in volleyball 11.71 6 1.56 Wkg21 and basketball players (Wingate test, Conconi test, anaerobic threshold, etc.) or
10.69 6 1.67 Wkg21, and the difference was significant techniques by biomechanical research. Tactics and motiva-
compared with the other athletes (p # 0.05). The lowest value tion are the components that cannot be exactly measured.
of peak power (8.58 6 1.56 Wkg21) was registered in hand- However, their influence is not minor.
Because of the different influences that each component
ball players. The mean power variable showed a similar distri-
has on sport results, every sport discipline must be observed
bution as peak power among groups. The highest values of
individually. For example, the most important part in rowing
explosive power were also registered in volleyball 1.75 6 0.33
will be aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity in sprint,
Ws21kg21 and basketball players 1.64 6 0.35 Ws21kg21, volleyball, basketball, and hockey, technique in jumping,
but there was no significant difference in values between and all five components in soccer, with the advantage of
volleyball players and wrestlers, between boxers and wrestlers, anaerobic capacity (6,8,11).
between boxers and basketball players, and between volleyball Having an adequate methodology for energetic capacity
and hockey players (p . 0.05). The measured results show measurement in sports helps sportmen to achieve the best
the influence of anaerobic capacity in different sports and the sport results and fully develop their biological potential (7).
referral values of these variables for the elite male athletes. The aim of this study was to investigate the values of
Explosive power presented a new dimension of anaerobic anaerobic energy capacity variables in athletes engaged in
power, i.e., how fast maximal energy for power development can different sport disciplines and to compare these values in
relation to specific demands of each sport discipline.
be obtained, and its values are high in all sports activities that
demand explosiveness and fast maximal energy production.
Coaches or other experts in the field could, in the future, find
Experimental Approach to the Problem
useful to follow and improve, through training process, one of
This investigation was designed as a prospective study. All
the variables that is most informative for that sport.
participants were active athletes who visited the Laboratory
for Functional Diagnostics to perform a 30-second Wingate
anaerobic test (WAnT). Testing was performed in the
Address correspondence to Jelena Popadic Gacesa, jpopadic@uns. morning hours and under identical microclimate conditions.
ns.ac.yu. These performance measures were the same as those in
23(3)/751–755 previous studies, with the addition measure of explosiveness.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Besides the standard variables in WAnT, we included
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association a new one, namely, how fast the peak power (PP) is reached,
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Maximal Anaerobic Power Test in Athletes
Type of sport n Age (y) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Activity (y)
by dividing the PP by the time to PP (PP/time to PP [Ws21]). volleyball players were the youngest and soccer players the
It tells us not only about time to PP, but also about the oldest. Basketball and volleyball players were the tallest. The
increase in power in the unit of time. Our wish was to highest values of body mass were in the group of basket-
measure WAnT variables in different sport disciplines and to ball, volleyball, and handball players. These anthropometric
establish possible differences. Also, by introducing the values correlate with specific characteristics and demands of
explosive power (EP) variable, we wanted to determine its each sport.
validity as one of the anaerobic capacity variables. By
measuring WAnT with load registration on every 0.1 second,
WAnT is a cycle-ergometric all-out test that lasts 30 seconds.
we had the possibility to calculate this variable.
Maximal load is accomplished by a built-in air-resistance
Subjects system on the wheels (4).
In the present study, 145 elite athletes participated: 14 boxers, Load registration was in real time, using a computer with
17 wrestlers, 27 hockey players, 23 volleyball players, 20 a module for measuring the number of wheel turns. Software
handball players, 25 basketball players, and 19 soccer players. backup was provided by a program for graphic registration
All athletes were healthy and voluntarily participated in the of load during 30 seconds (in 0.1-second intervals) with
study. The Institutional Review Board of the Medical School data memory. This provided a follow-up of the whole test
of Novi Sad approved the research protocol. All tests were and a quick analysis of the basic variables of anaerobic
conducted at the end of the preparatory period before the performance (13). Also, the software provided data related
start of the competition season. All athletes are at the national to the quantitative anaerobic power values for every second
competition level without international results. or period of time during 30 seconds of the test.
Anthropometric characteristics of all athletes, divided The following variables were determined: PP and mean
by their sport disciplines, are presented in Table 1. All power (MP), determined as the mean value of anaerobic
participants were between 20.44 and 23.21 years of age, and power during the entire test. Besides the standard ones,
Boxing 715.14 6 90.27 9.27 6 1.16 116.49 6 28.22 1.49 6 0.28 517.31 6 56.76 6.72 6 0.86
Wrestling 765.53 6 174.57 9.76 6 1.80 125.32 6 33.90 1.59 6 0.33 516.11 6 89.98 6.63 6 1.14
Hockey 835.19 6 238.09 10.14 6 2.26 130.37 6 42.90 1.57 6 0.41 565.70 6 131.05 6.89 6 1.14
Volleyball 1023.48 6 128.05 11.71 6 1.56 153.53 6 31.29 1.75 6 0.33 671.92 6 67.10 7.77 6 1.10
Handball 754.85 6 175.28 8.58 6 1.56 104.26 6 33.74 1.19 6 0.35 528.35 6 95.66 6.02 6 0.80
Basketball 1001.60 6 149.70 10.69 6 1.67 153.52 6 32.90 1.64 6 0.35 669.15 6 77.07 7.15 6 0.96
Soccer 742.95 6 120.12 9.72 6 1.35 107.22 6 23.85 1.41 6 0.32 517.78 6 78.54 6.78 6 0.87
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TABLE 3. Results of F values from analysis of variance statistical analysis for the variable peak power (PP).
F value for
PP (PP/BW) Soccer Basketball Handball Volleyball Hockey Wrestling
Box 0.53 (1.01) 13.59* (5.58)* 0.60 (1.92) 62.05* (25.43)* 3.28 (1.79) 2.22 (2.48)
Wrestling 1.04 (0.48) 4.42* (0.48) 0.47 (8.22)* 21.67* (11.10)* 0.35 (0.02)
Hockey 2.41 (0.51) 1.97 (0.26) 1.62 (6.90)* 11.52* (7.80)*
Volleyball 52.79* (18.95)* 7.87* (11.06)* 33.51* (42.59)*
Handball 0.06 (5.83)* 9.56* (17.58)*
Basketball 12.37* (2.38)
BW – body weight.
*Statistically significant difference, p # 0.05.
another new variable was included in the testing, i.e., EP. We RESULTS
defined this variable as how fast the PP is reached (Ws21). The highest values of PP were measured in volleyball and
The same testing procedure was used before and during basketball players. The lowest values of these variables were
their previous visits, so all the participants were familiar measured in boxers.
with the test protocol in detail. Previously determined The PP variable in volleyball and basketball players shows
intraclass correlation coefficient (ICCR) for WAnT variables
significant differences compared with boxers, wrestlers,
was 0.94. Warm-up was standardized and consisted of
handball players, and soccer players (p # 0.05). Volleyball
10 minutes of moderate bicycle riding. The aim of the and basketball players were also showing the best results
warm-up was to achieve adaptation of physiological variables of PP related to body mass, but the difference was smaller
on a higher level to accomplish maximum results during compared with hockey and soccer players and wrestlers.
the test (1). Difference was similar between boxers and handball players
The test started after a computer sound simultaneously for absolute values (Table 3).
with the beginning of load registration (13). Participants were MP shows similar distribution among the compared
told to start pedaling immediately after the signal, with
sportsmen. The highest values of variable EP were measured
maximal speed, which was held at maximal levels during the
in volleyball and basketball players and wrestlers. There was
entire test (2). no significant difference (p . 0.05) observed in the values of
Statistical Analyses EP between the group of volleyball players and wrestlers,
All results were presented as mean 6 SD. For statistical between boxers and wrestlers, between boxers and basketball
analyses, which included analysis of variance (one-way players, and between volleyball and hockey players, as well
ANOVA), specialized software package Statistica for Win- (Table 4).
dows (StatSoft, Tulsa, Okla) was applied. The probability Pearson correlation showed a positive correlation for
level accepted for statistical significance was set at p # 0.05. body mass with all Wingate variables in absolute values.
TABLE 4. Results of F values from analysis of variance statistical analysis for the variable explosive power (EP).
F value for
EP (EP/BW) Soccer Basketball Handball Volleyball Hockey Wrestling
Box 1.04 (0.59) 3.64 (0.42) 1.23 (7.43)* 13.10* (5.75)* 1.19 (0.44) 1.94 (3.13)
Wrestling 6.30* (6.75)* 0.05 (1.70) 6.15* (21.52)* 3.19 (0.64) 0.07 (0.69)
Hockey 4.53* (2.11) 0.39 (0.05) 5.07* (11.59)* 4.61* (2.60)
Volleyball 28.09* (11.13)* 4.12* (5.51)* 24.66* (29.35)*
Handball 0.09 (4.35)* 11.90* (17.84)*
Basketball 10.78* (2.77)
BW – body weight.
*Statistically significant difference, p # 0.05.
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Maximal Anaerobic Power Test in Athletes
There is no correlation for body height with power players, and soccer players. Difference is similar between
variables or for duration of sport activities with power wrestlers and hockey players, just like in absolute values.
variables, as well. Italian Olympic judokas showed high levels of muscle power
(PP: 12.1 6 2.4 Wkg21; MP: 5.4 6 1.1 Wkg21) (17). In elite
male Taiwanese Taekwondo athletes, the PP and MP were
DISCUSSION 8.42 6 0.86 Wkg21 and 6.56 6 0.60 Wkg21, respectively
To improve the sport result, it is required to develop the most (12). McArdle (14) emphasizes that the highest values were
important part of this complex functional system. Potential measured in volleyball and hockey players.
individual limits must also be taken into consideration. The MP represents the average power throughout 30 seconds
aim of science is to find the weakest spot of every athlete and and metabolically correlates with the power of anaerobic
to apply adequate training protocol for maximum develop- glycolysis. This variable, together with PP, describes the
ment of their biological potentials. anaerobic energetic capacity of athletes, and its values are very
Muscle strength is significant for activities in which power high in predominantly anaerobic types of physical activities.
is dominant, such as jumps in basketball, smatch in volleyball, Its values show similar distribution among the compared
kicking the ball in soccer, and some movements in tennis, groups of sportsmen.
boxing, and wrestling, as well as other sports. Endurance is EP is related to explosiveness of the participants actions,
also an important variable because all these activities must be and it explaines the ability of the neuromuscular system to
repeated for a few hundred times during the game. momentarily activate and reach initialy maximal muscle
Comparing the results of testing maximum anaerobic contractions until PP is reached. EP suggests not only the time
performance between different elite athletes, a significant to PP, but also the increase in power in the unit of time. There
difference was found in values of the measured variables. is no significant difference in its values between the groups of
Anaerobic power and capacity show high values in anaerobic volleyball players and wrestlers, between volleyball players
types of sports such as volleyball, basketball, hockey, boxing, and hockey players, and between boxers and basketball
and wrestling. Smaller amounts of anaerobic energy pro- players, although the difference in PP between these groups
duction are observed in sports like soccer, rowing, and long- was significant. This explanation lies in the fact that EP shows
distance running, which are predominantly aerobic types of a new dimension in the metabolic pathway of phosphocre-
sports (7,16). atine degradation. In wrestling and boxing, besides the power,
In the present study, the highest values of PP were explosiveness is a very important characteristic as a measure
measured in volleyball players 1023.48 6 128.05 W and of how fast the power can be developed. The opponent must
basketball players 1001.60 6 149.70 W (or related to the body be beaten fast with technique used in a very short period
mass 11.71 6 1.56 Wkg21 and 10.69 6 1.67 Wkg21, of time. In hockey, with frequent changes in movement
respectively). Volleyball is the sport with the predominant direction and velocity, the athlete is on ice up to 1 minute
anaerobic characteristic, especially with the new rules. The (because of the frequent changes), and it is very important
specificity of training and the game itself are short, explosive how fast maximal power can be obtained. Some authors
activities, with significant anaerobic energy production, (9,18) registered the time point(s) at which the PP is reached,
which, after a period of continuous training and physical which is less informative than how fast this peak is reached
performance, bring the cellular metabolic control to a higher (Ws21), as a new dimension of maximal anaerobic power.
level. Quantification of these adaptations is given through the We also noticed that this variable can be compared among
Wingate variable PP, which is directly related to degradation different sport disciplines. This variable inauspiciously
of highly energetic phosphates. This variable shows belongs to anaerobic capacity, and in our point of view, it
significant differences compared with boxers, wrestlers, can be considered as EP, which tells us about an athlete’s
handball players, and soccer players. In basketball, dominant explosiveness.
types of activities are sprints and jumps. These types of Values of PP and MP shown in other studies as a part of an
activity in basketball players stimulate the development of overall physiological profile of athletes in diferent disciplines
anaerobic metabolic mechanisms and pathways. Similar (16) can be used for comparison. However, it should be
motor characteristics are also present in hockey players, emphasized that different protocols were applied and
which place them at a high third place in the group of athletes of different sports were tested with age and sex
sportsmen with the highest values of PP (835.19 6 238.09 W differences that must be taken into account. For example,
and related to body mass 10.14 6 2.26 Wkg21). Body mass is after the warm-up with music, peak anaerobic power in
a major contributor to power (15). When the variable PP adolescent volleyball players was 11.1 6 0.3 Wkg21 (5). Qin
is shown related to the body mass, values are higher in the et al. (16) measured the highest values of PP in cycle athletes
group of boxers and soccer players, and handball players are and sprinters. Values of PP in adolescent swimmers and water
showing the lowest values. Volleyball and basketball players polo players were 6.71 6 0.88 Wkg21 (3). Kohrt et al. (11)
are also showing the best results of PP related to body mass, showed significantly higher values of PP in sportsmen with
but the difference is smaller compared with boxers, hockey anaerobic sport performances compared with those with
the TM
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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