RCC Design
RCC Design
RCC Design
Beam Data
width 200 mm
depth 600 mm d' 36 mm .= cc+ sdia + mdia/2
clear cover to main 15 mm eff depth 565 mm .= d - d'
Material Grades
Concrete 20 MPa
Steel 415 MPa
Tension Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 25 mm 2 982 sqmm
Layer 2 16 mm 2 402 sqmm
Layer 3 - 2
Total Steel Provided 1384 sqmm 1.226 %
Provided Steel OK
Compression Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 12 mm 2
Layer 2 -
Layer 3
Total Steel Provided #VALUE!
Sectional Dimensions OK
Shear Reinforcements required
Grade Check
a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck)2 a 0.75 .=(0.87435/100) * (fy/fck)2
b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy) b -3.611 .=(0.87/100) * (fy)
c 0.157 .=Mu/bd2 c 2.762 .=Mulim/bd2
-p 0.044 .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a -p 0.955 .=-(b±√(b2-4ac))/2a
Ast 50 .=(p*b*d)/100 Astlim 1079 .=(p*b*d)/100
Ast 231
Shear Calculations
least of the 4
provide the
Design Loads
Load Pu 923 KN
Moment Mu 194 KN-m
Column Data
width b 400 mm
depth d 400 mm
length l 4.00 meters
Concrete fck 30 MPa
Steel fy 415 MPa
pt/fck 0.067
pt 2.01%
Ast 3216 sqmm
Number of bars
dia nos ast
25 mm 4 1963 sqmm ● ● ● ● ● ● 4- ###
- 4 ● ● ● ● ● ● 4-
Total 12 3220 sqmm
Steel provided OK
Column Design
12/25/2017 Page 10 of 47
Slab Design
Slab Load Sunken Slab Load
Dead Load DL 3.750 KN/m Dead Load DL 3.750 KN/m
Live Load LL 2.000 KN/m Filler Load FL 5 KN/m
Finishes Load WL 1.000 KN/m Live Load LL 3.0 KN/m
Total Load Ws 6.750 KN/m Finishes Load WL 1.0 KN/m
Factored Load Wsu 10 KN/m Total Load Wsk 12.37 KN/m
Factored Load Wsku 19 KN/m
Slab Data
Slab Type Regular
Load 10 KN/m
Longer Span (ly) 9.50 m ly/lx ratio 2.02
Shorter Span (lx) 4.70 m Slab type -
Spacing required in mm
8# 10# 12# 16#
x y x y x y x x
75 c/c 118 c/c 170 c/c 301 c/c
.=ast of bar*1000/ast req
Final Ast x y
Design Calculations
Interpolation 1 0.056
Table 26 IS 456 pg 91
ly/lx αx αy 1.1 0.064
lower upper exact lower upper interptn.
value value value value value value 1.2 0.072
0.00 0.00 2.02 #N/A #N/A #N/A 0.056 1.3 0.079
1.4 0.085
1.5 0.089
2 0.107
E 2.24E+07
I 2.81E-04 .= bd3/12
Defln 10.23 .= 5*W*l4/(384EI)
Slab thickness t 150 mm
Concrete fck 20 MPa
Steel fy 415 MPa Sunken Depth 450 mm
Slab Load Sunken Slab Load
Dead Load DL 3.75 KN/m Dead Load DL 3.75 KN/m
Live Load LL 3.00 KN/m Filler Load FL 6.39 KN/m
Floor Finish FF 1.00 KN/m Live Load LL 3.00 KN/m
Other Load OL 0.00 KN/m Floor Finish Load WL 1.00 KN/m
Total Load Ws 7.75 KN/m Total Load Wsk 14.14 KN/m
Factored Load Wsu 12 KN/m Factored Load Wsku 21 KN/m
Slab Name
Slab type
Slab type
Spacing provided in
Longer Shorter Loading on edges Moments Thickness Area of Steel
Load ly/lx 8# 10# 12# mm c/c
Sl.No Sl. Id Thickness Span Span Check
Wsu / Wsku ly lx Wlonger Wshorter Mx Astx x y x y x y x y
1 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 7.20 m 3.00 m 2.40 - 18 KN/m 14 KN-m OK 302 sqmm 166 c/c 260 c/c 374 c/c -
1a Regular 150 mm 12 KN 7.20 m 3.50 m 2.06 - 21 KN/m 18 KN-m OK 420 sqmm 120 c/c 187 c/c 269 c/c -
2 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 9.20 m 1.50 m 6.13 - 9 KN/m 3 KN-m OK 180 sqmm 279 c/c 436 c/c 628 c/c -
3 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 5.70 m 2.00 m 2.85 - 12 KN/m 6 KN-m OK 180 sqmm 279 c/c 436 c/c 628 c/c -
4 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 3.60 m 2.00 m 1.80 + 11 KN/m 8 KN/m 5 KN-m 3 KN-m OK 180 sqmm 180 sqmm 279 c/c 279 c/c 436 c/c 436 c/c 628 c/c 628 c/c +
5 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 15.00 m 2.60 m 5.77 - 16 KN/m 10 KN-m OK 224 sqmm 224 c/c 350 c/c 505 c/c -
6 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 6.50 m 5.50 m 1.18 + 25 KN/m 22 KN/m 26 KN-m 20 KN-m OK 604 sqmm 468 sqmm 83 c/c 107 c/c 130 c/c 168 c/c 187 c/c 242 c/c +
7 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 7.40 m 6.00 m 1.23 + 28 KN/m 24 KN/m 32 KN-m 24 KN-m OK 782 sqmm 567 sqmm 64 c/c 89 c/c 100 c/c 139 c/c 145 c/c 199 c/c +
8 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 8.30 m 2.40 m 3.46 - 14 KN/m 9 KN-m OK 190 sqmm 265 c/c 414 c/c 596 c/c -
9 Regular 150 mm 12 KN 6.70 m 3.70 m 1.81 + 20 KN/m 15 KN/m 17 KN-m 9 KN-m OK 379 sqmm 203 sqmm 133 c/c 248 c/c 207 c/c 388 c/c 298 c/c 558 c/c +
10 Sunken 150 mm 21 KN 6.50 m 5.00 m 1.30 + 42 KN/m 35 KN/m 41 KN-m 29 KN-m OK 1066 sqmm 706 sqmm 47 c/c 71 c/c 74 c/c 111 c/c 106 c/c 160 c/c +
11 Sunken 150 mm 21 KN 5.80 m 4.80 m 1.21 + 39 KN/m 34 KN/m 35 KN-m 27 KN-m OK 869 sqmm 644 sqmm 58 c/c 78 c/c 90 c/c 122 c/c 130 c/c 176 c/c +
Values of Moments and Shear force at different locations
Location (meters) Moments (KNm) Shear (KN)
x y Mx My Mxy Qx Qy
0 0 0 0 9 0 0
1.5 0 0 0 9 0 15
3 0 0 0 7 0 27
4.5 0 0 0 4 0 36
6 0 0 0 0 0 39
7.5 0 0 0 -4 0 36
9 0 0 0 -7 0 27
10.5 0 0 0 -9 0 15
12 0 0 0 -9 0 0
0 1.5 0 0 9 15 0
1.5 1.5 20 20 8 14 14
3 1.5 38 38 6 10 25
4.5 1.5 49 49 3 6 33
6 1.5 53 53 0 0 36
7.5 1.5 49 49 -3 -6 33
9 1.5 38 38 -6 -10 25
10.5 1.5 20 20 -8 -14 14
12 1.5 0 0 -9 -15 0
0 3 0 0 7 27 0
1.5 3 38 38 6 25 10
3 3 69 69 5 19 19
4.5 3 91 91 3 10 25
6 3 98 98 0 0 27
7.5 3 91 91 -3 -10 25
9 3 69 69 -5 -19 19
10.5 3 38 38 -6 -25 10
12 3 0 0 -7 -27 0
0 4.5 0 0 4 36 0
1.5 4.5 49 49 3 33 6
3 4.5 91 91 3 25 10
4.5 4.5 118 118 1 14 14
6 4.5 128 128 0 0 15
7.5 4.5 118 118 -1 -14 14
9 4.5 91 91 -3 -25 10
10.5 4.5 49 49 -3 -33 6
12 4.5 0 0 -4 -36 0
0 6 0 0 0 39 0
1.5 6 53 53 0 36 0
3 6 98 98 0 27 0
4.5 6 128 128 0 15 0
6 6 139 139 0 0 0
7.5 6 128 128 0 -15 0
9 6 98 98 0 -27 0
10.5 6 53 53 0 -36 0
12 6 0 0 0 -39 0
0 7.5 0 0 -4 36 0
1.5 7.5 49 49 -3 33 -6
3 7.5 91 91 -3 25 -10
4.5 7.5 118 118 -1 14 -14
6 7.5 128 128 0 0 -15
7.5 7.5 118 118 1 -14 -14
9 7.5 91 91 3 -25 -10
10.5 7.5 49 49 3 -33 -6
12 7.5 0 0 4 -36 0
0 9 0 0 -7 27 0
1.5 9 38 38 -6 25 -10
3 9 69 69 -5 19 -19
4.5 9 91 91 -3 10 -25
6 9 98 98 0 0 -27
7.5 9 91 91 3 -10 -25
9 9 69 69 5 -19 -19
10.5 9 38 38 6 -25 -10
12 9 0 0 7 -27 0
0 10.5 0 0 -9 15 0
1.5 10.5 20 20 -8 14 -14
3 10.5 38 38 -6 10 -25
4.5 10.5 49 49 -3 6 -33
6 10.5 53 53 0 0 -36
7.5 10.5 49 49 3 -6 -33
9 10.5 38 38 6 -10 -25
10.5 10.5 20 20 8 -14 -14
12 10.5 0 0 9 -15 0
0 12 0 0 -9 0 0
1.5 12 0 0 -9 0 -15
3 12 0 0 -7 0 -27
4.5 12 0 0 -4 0 -36
6 12 0 0 0 0 -39
7.5 12 0 0 4 0 -36
9 12 0 0 7 0 -27
10.5 12 0 0 9 0 -15
12 12 0 0 9 0 0
Staircase Design
Effective Span (l) 3.00 mm
Riser (R) 150 mm
Thread (T) 300 mm
Waist Slab thickness (t) 150 mm
Clear Cover 15 mm
Effective Depth of Waist Slab (d) 135 mm
Loads on going Loads on waist slab
Self weight of waist slab 4.19 KN/m Self weight of landing slab 3.75 KN/m
Self weight of steps 1.88 KN/m Live Load 2.00 KN/m
Live Load 3.00 KN/m Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m
Floor Finish Load 1.00 KN/m Total Load 6.75 KN/m
Total Load 10.07 KN/m Factored Load 10.13 KN/m
Factored Load 15.10 KN/m
Bending Moment
to be used as UDL = 23 KN ###
60 KN-m
Diameter of bar 12ø 16ø
Spacing across x 306 c/c 544 c/c
Diameter of bar 8ø 10ø
Spacing across y 279 c/c 436 c/c
L 6.00 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 3.20 meters
Area Provided A prvd 19.20 meters
x bar 1.309
y bar 0.000
Zx 10.24
Zx 19.20
3.20 meters
6.00 meters
725 KNm2
Bottom Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 25 mm 6 2945 sqmm
Layer 2 25 mm 6 2945 sqmm
Layer 3 -
Total Steel Provided 5890 sqmm
Percentage of Steel 1.148 %
Top Reinforcement
Type Bar dia Nos Area of Steel
Layer 1 25 mm 6 2945 sqmm
Layer 2 20 mm 6 1885 sqmm
Layer 3 -
Total Steel Provided 4830 sqmm
3 Slab Design
Vu1 171 KN
ζv 0.315 MPa
ζc 0.316 MPa
Shear Check OK
6.00 meters
600 mm
6 - 25 mm dia
6 - 20 mm dia 6 - 25 mm dia
6 - 25 mm dia
900 mm
600 mm
250 mm
6 - 25 mm dia
6 - 20 mm dia
6 - 25 mm dia
6 - 25 mm dia
Design Of Isolated Footing 21 of 47
Load Pu 59 KN
Design Load P 43 KN
L 0.90 meters
Footing Size Provided
B 0.90 meters
Area Provided A prvd 0.81 meters
Zx 0.12
Zx 0.12
Footing Size OK
2 Slab Design
lx 0.335
ly 0.300
Spacing c/c in mm
Area of Steel
12# 16# 20#
293 sqmm 386 c/c 687 c/c 1073 c/c
293 sqmm 386 c/c 687 c/c 1073 c/c
Minimum Ast required across x direcion
Minimum Ast required across y direcion
Vu1 7 KN
ζv 0.030 MPa
ζc 0.265 MPa
Vc1 58 KN
Vu1 4 KN
ζv 0.018 MPa
ζc 0.265 MPa
Vc1 58 KN
L= 0.90 meters
B= 0.90 meters
300 mm
150 mm
Dimensions of Dome
Diameter d= 12600 mm
Height h= 3000 mm
Thickness t= 150 mm
h = 3.00 m
Φ= 50.93
Ѳ= 0 to 50.93
Loading d = 12.60 m
Dead Load DL = 3.75 KN/m
Live Load LL = 0.10 KN/m 50.93 r = 8.12 m
Wind Load WL = 0.10 KN/m m
Total Load .00
W= 3.95 KN/m 115
Factored Load Wu = 5.93 KN/m r =8
Maximum Meridional Stress 0.197 MPa Maximum Hoop Stress 0.101 MPa
fck 20 MPa
Fy 415 MPa
бst 230.00
Bar Dia 16 mm
No of Bars 3 nos
3 Hinged Arch Design
19.7 KNm2
Dimensions of Dome
Diameter d= 12600 mm
Height h= 5000 mm
Dead Load DL = 3.00 KN/m
Live Load LL = 0.10 KN/m
Other Load OL = 10.00 KN/m
Total Load W= 13 KN/m
Factored Load Wu = 20 KN/m
Ѳ x y Moment
76.87 0.00 0.00 0
75.00 0.05 0.21 -42
60.00 0.70 1.77 -331
50.00 1.34 2.69 -481
40.00 2.14 3.49 -596
30.00 3.07 4.13 -680
20.00 4.09 4.61 -737
10.00 5.18 4.90 -769
5.00 5.74 4.98 -777
0.00 6.30 5.00 -780
d = 12.60 m
76.87 r = 6.47 m
4 69 .0
r =6
234 KN 265 KN
Circular Beam
C1 = 0.066
C2 = 0.03
C3 = 0.005
Wu = 10 KN/m
Φ Shear Force Bending Torsional
Moment Moment
deg KN KN-m KN-m
0 24.74 -20.62 0.00
9 1/2 14.29 -0.05 1.57
22 1/2 0.00 10.39 0.00
Beam Data
width 300 mm
depth 600 mm
Equivalent Shear
Ve = V+1.6(T/b) = 33 KN T=MΦ
Equivalent Moment
Mt = T((1+D/b)/1.7) = 1 KN-m Mt = BM due to torsion
Me1 = M+Mt = 22 KN-m Me1 = Equivalent BM on tension side
Me2 = M-Mt = 20 KN-m Me2 = Equivalent BM on compression side
A Load 2700
Moment x-dir y-dir
Bottom 0 29
Top 6 137
x-dir y-dir
Unsupported Length 8250 8250
Col Size 200 900
d'/D 0.05 0.20
d' 40
Concrete 20
Steel 415
G Reduction of Moments
Percentage assumed 2.18
Asc 3924
Puz 2841
k1 K2 Pb
x-x 0.219 0.096 367
y-y 0.184 -0.022 291
Kx 0.06
Ky 0.06
Summary of Moments
A Moment due to eccentricity + Modified additional moments
Mux 126
Muy 83
Design Loads
Pu = 2400 KN
Mux = 192 KN-m
Muy = 517 KN-m
Col Data
b = 600 mm
D = 750 mm
d' = 40.0 mm
d'/D = 0.10
d'/b = 0.10
Material Grades
fck = 20 MPa
fy = 415 MPa
Design Constants
Steel % pt = 1.2 Ast = 5400 sqmm
pt/fck = 0.06 Min Ast = 3600 sqmm
Pu/fck*b*D = 0.27
Mux/fck*b*D2 = 0.11
Muy/fck*b*D2 = 0.11
Puz = 5682
Mux1 = 743
Muy1 = 594
Pu/Puz = 0.42
Mux/Mux1 = 0.26
Muy/Muy1 = 0.87
αn = 1.37
Steel Percentage OK
Steel Details
nos dia ast
Type 1 4 20 mm 1257 sqmm
Type 2 8 16 mm 1608 sqmm
Total Steel 12 - 2865 sqmm
Percentage 0.64%
Deflection Calculation
1.50 m 0.20 m
1.10 m 0.60 m
2601.46 m 40.63 m
2738.38 m 32.50 m
0.1664 mm4 0.0036 mm4
10.0 mm 5.3 mm
Wl4/8EI Wl3/3EI
125 mm 150 mm 175 mm 200 mm
Moment Ast Moment Ast Moment Ast Moment Ast
Mu/bd2 Spacing Mu/bd2 Spacing Mu/bd2 Spacing Mu/bd2 Spacing
(KNm) (mm2) (KNm) (mm2) (KNm) (mm2) (KNm) (mm2)
12# @ 243 c/c 12# @ 293 c/c 12# @ 336 c/c 12# @ 306 c/c
3 16 1.45 465 17 1.01 386 18 0.75 337 19 0.59 369
16# @ 432 c/c 16# @ 521 c/c 16# @ 597 c/c 16# @ 546 c/c
12# @ 169 c/c 12# @ 211 c/c 12# @ 253 c/c 12# @ 269 c/c
3.5 22 2 669 23 1.36 536 25 1.04 447 26 0.8 421
16# @ 301 c/c 16# @ 375 c/c 16# @ 450 c/c 16# @ 479 c/c
12# @ 126 c/c 12# @ 156 c/c 12# @ 181 c/c 12# @ 202 c/c
4 28 2.54 899 30 1.78 723 32 1.33 624 34 1.05 559
16# @ 224 c/c 16# @ 278 c/c 16# @ 322 c/c 16# @ 360 c/c
12# @ 80 c/c
6 77 2.38 1418
16# @ 142 c/c
1 Preliminary Data
i) Height of RW h 3.00 meters
ii) Soil Density γs 18 KN/cum
iii) SBC qo 250 KN/sqm
30 degrees
iv) Angle of repose Ø
0.524 radians
0 degrees
v) Surcharge Angle Ө
0.000 radians
vi) Coefficient of friction µ 0.5
vii) Surcharge Load Ws 4 KN/sqm
2 Pressure Coefficients
Active Pressure Coefficients
i) =(cosӨ-√(cos2Ө-cos2Ø)*cosӨ) / (cosӨ+√(cos2Ө- Ca 0.333
Passive Pressure Coefficients
ii) Cp 3.00
= (1+SinØ) / (1+SinØ)
3 Preliminary Dimensions
Proposed Adopted
i) Thickness of Stem ts - 0.20 meters
ii) Thickness of footing base slab tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) 0.24 meters 0.30 meters
Length of base slab L = 1.5 * √(Ca/3) * (h + hs) 1.61 meters
iii) 2.00 meters
or L = 0.6h to 0.65h 2.09 meters
iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge hs = Ws/γs 0.22 meters
v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge Hs = h+hs 3.22 meters
vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill hi = (L-ts)* tanӨ 0.00 meters
vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill Hi = h+hi 3.00 meters
iv) Overturning Moment Mo= (Pa1 * h/2) +(( Pa2*CosӨ)* h/3) 33 KNm
vi) Distance of Resultant Vertical Force from end of heel xw=∑Mw/∑W 0.92 meters
1 Preliminary Data
i) Height of Retaining Wall h 3.60 meters
ii) Soil Density γs 18 KN/cum
iii) SBC qo 150 KN/sqm
iv) Angle of repose Ø 30 degrees
0.524 radians
v) Surcharge Angle Ө 0 degrees
0.000 radians
vi) Coefficient of friction µ 0.5
vii) Surcharge Load Ws 2 KN/sqm
2 Pressure Coefficients
i) Active Pressure Coefficients Ca 0.333
=(cosӨ-√(cos2Ө-cos2Ø)*cosӨ) /
ii) Passive Pressure Coefficients Cp 3.00
= (1+SinØ) / (1+SinØ)
3 Preliminary Dimensions
Proposed Adopted
i) Thickness of Stem ts min 200mm 0.20 meters
ii) Thickness of footing base slab tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) 0.29 meters 0.25 meters
iii) Length of base slab L = 1.5 * √(Ca/3) * (h + hs) 1.86 meters
2.50 meters
L = 0.6h to 0.65h 2.41 meters
iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge hs = Ws/γs 0.11 meters
v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge Hs = h+hs 3.71 meters
vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill hi = (L-ts)* tanӨ 0.00 meters
vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill Hi = h+hi 3.60 meters
Design Constants
i) Grade of concrete 20 MPa
ii) Grade of steel 415 MPa
8 Design
A) Stem
i) Beanding Moment at base of stem M = MODL + MOIL 56 KN/m
B) Base Slab
Force Lever arm from end of stem Moment
i) Force due to backfill+surcharge = (H2-tb)*(L-ts)*γs 143 (L-ts) / 2 1.15 meters 165 KNm
ii) Force due to inclined backfill = hi/2*(L-ts)*γs 0 (L-ts) / 3 0.77 meters 0 KNm
iii) Self Weight of base slab =L *tb*γconc 16 L/2 1.25 meters 20 KNm
∑Ws 159 Md 184 KNm
vi) Upward soil pressure Nup = ((qsh+qmin)/2)*(L-ts) 151 ((qsh+(2*qmin))/(qsh+qmin)) * 0.83 meters 126 KNm
Downward Pressure is greater ((L-ts)/3) Mu 126 KNm
C) Reinforcement Details
DESIGN OF Reverse L Shaped Cantilever RETAINING WALL
1 Preliminary Data
i) Height of Retaining Wall h 3.00 meters
ii) Height of Plinth Fill hp 0.50 meters
iii) Soil Density γs 18 KN/cum
iv) SBC qo 250 KN/sqm
Angle of repose Ø 30 degrees
0.524 radians
Surcharge Angle Ө 0 degrees
0.000 radians
vii) Coefficient of friction µ 0.5
vii) Surcharge Load Ws 4 KN/sqm
2 Pressure Coefficients
i) Active Pressure Coefficients Ca 0.333
=(cosӨ-√(cos2Ө-cos2Ø)*cosӨ) /
ii) Passive Pressure Coefficients Cp 3.000
= (1+SinØ) / (1+SinØ)
3 Preliminary Dimensions
Proposed Adopted
i) Thickness of Stem ts min 200mm 0.20 meters
ii) Thickness of footing base slab tb = 0.08 * (h + hs) 0.24 meters 0.45 meters
iii) Length of base slab α = 1 - (q0/2.7*γs*H) -0.60 meters
if sloped backfill
L = H*sqrt((Ca*cosβ)/((1-α)*(1+3α)) 0.00 meters
α = 1 - (q0/2.2*γs*H) -0.96 meters 2.45 meters
if horizontal backfill
L = 0.95*H*sqrt((Ca)/((1-α)*(1+3α)) 0.00 meters
L = 0.6h to 0.65h 2.09 meters
iv) Extra Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge hs = Ws/γs 0.22 meters
v) Total Height of Retaining Wall due to Surcharge Hs = h+hs 3.22 meters
vi) Extra Height of RW due to inclined back fill hi = (L-ts)* tanӨ 0.00 meters
vii) Total Height of RW due to inclined back fill Hi = h+hi 3.00 meters
Design Constants
i) Grade of concrete 20 MPa
ii) Grade of steel 415 MPa
8 Design
A) Stem
i) Beanding Moment at base of stem M = MODL + MOIL 40 KN/m
B) Base Slab
Force Lever arm from end of stem Moment
i) Force due to Frontfill = (L-ts)*(hp-tb)*γs 2 (L-ts) / 2 1.13 meters 2 KNm
iii) Self Weight of base slab = L* tb * γconc 28 L/2 1.23 meters 34 KNm
∑Ws 30 Md 36 KNm
vi) Upward soil pressure Nup = ((qsh+qmin)/2)*(L-ts) 35 ((qsh+(2*qmin))/(qsh+qmin)) * 0.58 meters 20 KNm
Upward Pressure is greater ((L-ts)/3) Mu 20 KNm
C) Reinforcement Details
Shaped Cantilever RETAINING WALL
Design Constants for Working Stress Method
pa = w*l/2
1369 sqmm
2011 sqmm
0.70 %
276 sqmm
ed hence OK
pa = w*l/2
1071 sqmm
1131 sqmm
0.55 %
276 sqmm
ed hence OK