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The magazine conveys new sciences through visual art in an easy to understand way. It also features the works of innovative thinkers.

The magazine is about bridging science and ancient wisdom. It features contributions from leading scientists and artists.

Many people were impressed by the visual presentation and said it was beautiful, amazing, or that it 'rocked it'. They saw it as an important and advanced publication.


co n s c i o us sc ie nce

Artwork by Josh Toms



We get a lot of ...


who dares to re-think!
The magazine is also EXTREME as an art canvas, It looks great! You have rocked it once again. You are
conveying the new sciences in the true universal an amazing artist and such an advanced
consciousness. I don't know of a more beautiful and
language - pictures; making complex ideas simple
important magazine and we deeply appreciate our
to grasp. The most common response to the opportunity to be a part of it.- Foster Gamble

magazine is WOW! Karen you do good work! I’m proud and grateful to
work with you. - Dale Pond - Pond Science Institute

Wow, it looks great. You do a really great job on ...I think you took a really hard subject and made it
this magazine Karen, I can't wait to share this on my understandable to a general audience. Good job! -
Kim Gifford, Thunderbolts Project
fan page.
Cheryl Lee Harnish A landmark magazine of vibrant proportion that
will stir the vital essence of each one of us with
contributions from Dear Konstantin, Pollack and
One word:  WOW !
many more visionaries of our time. - Krishna
Arnaud Saint-Paul Maddapa

Karen,wow, what a nice visual collection.

Let me know when it goes live on the Web, and I can
tell people about it.
- Clifford Pickover
Wow! That's spectacular. Beautiful
presentation! Very attractive and gets the basic
ideas across. - Michael Schneider
Your magazines are treasures. They are magnificent.

I am blown away. Wow! Oh wow. That is amazing. Thank you so

James L Oschman, Ph.D.
much Karen - Josh Toms


Pattern’s in nature

READER Purchase
Online Magazine

Themed, designed , layout and

produced by Karen Elkins

Submit Articles
[email protected]

The new convergence of leading-edge science and ancient wisdom is

bridging heart to mind, science to sage, and east to west.
The artists featured in these editions also fuse art to soul.

Take a quantum leap in your understanding as we unravel the

mysteries of our univeres. There is nothing new under the sun, it just
waits our inquiry...ask and the door shall be open.

Science to Sage is a platform for innovative thinkers and conscious art.

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. All

religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree”. - Albert Einstein

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of

spirituality." - Carl Sagan

Jeremy Pfeiffer
Collaborator & Inspiration for this Edition

Inspired by mind, body, and spirit; Jeremy force and its connection to all natural
Pfeiffer is a Qi Gong practitioner and Sound systems phenomenon.
Bender. For the past 15 years he has
worked as a producer/editor of news and In 2010, Jeremy discovered Sympathetic
documentary stories. With a love  for Vibratory Physics (SVP) -- the work of John
traveling the world and surfing, Jeremy Worrell Keely and Dale Pond. Since then,
enjoys searching for the heart of all things. Pfeiffer now works closely with Pond and
Certified as a student of permaculture has put forth great effort in support SVP
(PDC), he employs gardening design educational research initiatives.
concepts to further explore sustainable
systems based on natural living principles. Focusing on purifying Mother Earth, Jeremy
Jeremy also has a infinite connection to finds fulfillment in using his communications
Sound, Light, and structured living Water -- skills to inspire and assist others to grow
Water is the intermediary substance which into their higher potential. To learn more
gives access to infinite potentials of energy.    you can visit his websites at:
When home in Laguna Beach, CA, he
spends much of his free time in ceremony
with all that is, observing universal energy  

Vision •
Reader Supported
Providing a unique and beautiful platform for

innovative researchers and thinkers, leading edge

scientists, mathematicians,  healers, best selling

authors and amazing artists

• An in-depth themed journal reaching across

disciplines--a renaissance approach

• Conscious Science,  bridging science and spirituality

• A NEW way of seeing your world from east and west,

heart and mind, science and sage

• Hosting and maintaining domains and websites

• Building and hosting of the data-bases

• Time for me, Karen Elkins,  to produce, connect,

conceptualize, and design

• The ability to go to conference and engage with the

experts,  building relationships


Artwork by Josh Toms

To Inform
To Enlighten
To Education Table of Content
To Inspire • Josh Toms art and video, inspired by Jon Depew - ONE
• Keely History - Text by Dale Pond, graphics by Jeremy Pfeiffer
• Russell History - Text by Dale Pond, graphics by Jeremy Pfeiffer
Special thanks to the • Jeremy Pfeiffer - Cause of Rotation
contributors. I am • Dale Pond - Every Object in the Universe
grateful for their • Dale Pond - Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
articles and inspired • Dale Pond - Infinite love
work. Their • Stuart Mitchell - Silence & Provoke, the Act of Vibration
contribution and • Josh Toms art and video, inspired by Jon Depew - Spiral
fascination with water Magnetic Sphere Overtones
enriches and
• Josh Toms art and video, inspired by Jon Depew - Creation
transforms our
• Chris Plouffe - The Law of Balance
understanding of our
• Michael Schneider - “outbursts of Truth”, Timeless features of the
designer universe. Fibonacci Sequence in Mathematics and Nature
• Ray Tomes - The Great Coincidences Throughout the Universe
All material is copyrighted • Josh Toms art and video, inspired by Jon Depew - Pentagon
by Science to Sage or is Vibrational Harmony
copyright of the authors.
Science to Sage reprints • Hugh Love - The Science of Biodynamic Agriculture
these articles with the • Eric Rankin - Sonic Geometry
consent of authors
• Integratron the Experience - Sotantar Suraj
• Dale Pond - Chladni Plate Vibration
E = mc 2
The above formula was a brave and daring attempt to describe all phenomena and function in a single
for- mula. It does not quite make the mark. A formula, for this purpose, to be complete would have to
take in to consideration all of the below listed qualities and a few others.

The higher the FREQUENCY the greater the

ENERGY the greater the DENSITY* the smaller
the PARTICLE the smaller the MASS* the
shorter the WAVE LENGTH the less SOLID.


The lower the FREQUENCY the less the

ENERGY the less the DENSITY* the larger the
PARTICLE the greater the MASS* the longer the

Dale Pond, 1995.

*These qualities are resultants of several other parameters and the modern or conventional definitions of them are incomplete at
But what is a vibration, really?
Why is it so important and powerful?
How does it work?
What does it do?
Where do they come from?
Where do they go?

If everything is a vibration then why do we

perceive hard things, soft things or hot and
cold things? With the presentation of the
basics and their subsequent understanding all
these and many more questions will be
answered in a simple way.

Vibration manifests as a shift from positive to

negative, male to female or night to day. Or to
simplify we can say a vibration is the rhythmic
and periodic change from one state to its
opposite state. When this change of state
occurs quickly it is referred to as a vibration. If
the change is over a long span of time it is
called a cycle as in planetary or solar cycles
which occur over years and even hundreds of
years. Whereas a vibration can occur so
quickly as to repeat itself many millions of
times in the short time span of a second.

By Dale Pond
Explore this Issue...
Transverse Vibration's of Magnetic Spectrum
Vibrational 3D Harmony
harmonic grid
Magnetic Spirals

Artwork by Josh Toms
Inspired by Jon Depew

John Ernst Worrell Keely


Keely developed the famous Keely Motor (and here) from the 1860s into the 1880s when
he shifted research from it to the Musical Dynasphere and other Etheric based projects.

is not dealing with mechanical physics. There is an immense difference between vibratory
of coal to expand water for the production of steam power, in the operation of engines,
cannot be compared to a force which is yielded in sympathetic vibration or by sympathetic
tions must necessarily be accompanied by a corresponding expenditure of force in some
form or other. The amount of force covered by a human volition cannot be measured, yet it
produces the wonderful effects that are exhibited on the human frame in its overt actions.
Something like this is the difference between sympathetical and mechanical force. The
force of will cannot be multiplied by mechanical means, making it give pound for pound.
This would annihilate both the mental and the physical, were it possible.

.HHO\·VZRUNIRUWKHPRVWSDUWhas been lost to science and society. He discovered
od it was not recognized for what it was. Today we can look back with near 20/20 vision
and identify some of what he discovered and developed. It would further appear these
inventions, machines and processes. Was John Keely then the greatest scientist and
discoverer of all time superceeding the accomplishments of Newton, Tesla and Einstein It
would appear so.
Pond Science Institute Acoustics Imaging Lab
Jeremy Pfeiffer extrapolates his cymatics imagery,
exploring the Geometric, Harmonic and
Mathematical Constructs of the Vibratory Work.

Cause of Rotation
Rotation arises from the harmonic interaction
of the dominant and enharmonic modes of vibration, which are in the ratio of 3:9
1 2 3

4 5 6

Cymatics sequence of six, captured over a period of 6 seconds (Sine 20Hz).


“When we rotate a mass with

7KLVLVthe direct cause of
formation of molecules as
well as planetary masses.

´7Rcontrol rotational force

or produce commercial-
SRZHU.HHO\ “For me, Vibratory imaging is a tool to observe and explore SVP concepts,
index.php?page=Rotation laws and principles. In the rendering above, I postulate a physical rotational
function is expressed within the extrapolated cymatics image.
(below) Interpretive geometric rendering
of Keelys Terrestrial Force.

Celestial Forces Opposite to Terrestrial Forces (mat-
ter) and originating from or in Outer Space and/
or from or in celestial bodies such as the Sun and
detectable on Earth. Also sometimes called etheric,
that originates away from Earth but has a profound
impact upon things of the Earth. Associated to
Walter Russell's Father Forces. An example would be
solar rays, acteinic rays, Cosmic Rays, thermal solar
rays, solar x-rays, magnetic portals or FTEs. Also
associated with Space, Vacuum, dispersion and

"In using the word celestial, Keely refers to the air, in

the same sense that terrestrial refers to the earth."

"Celestial mind force as associated with TERRES-

TRIAL BRAIN MATTER" - Keely and His Discoveries
page 303
Forces originating on, in or about the Earth, cen-
tralizing consolidating forces. Opposite to those
Celestial Forces originating in vacuous Space, dis-
persing forces.

Terrestrial Magnetism
ZLWKLWVHOIWithout this aqueous disintegration
there would be no connective link between the
celestial and terrestrial. There would exist nothing
but a condition of luminous radiation on the order
of the aurora - a reaching out for the concordant
without any sympathetic diversion to create
unstable equilibrium of terrestrial magnetism.
(above) Pfeiffer interprets the overlay rendering IRUPVRIOLIHDQGPRWLRQZKLFKH[LVWWHUUHVWULDOO\RI
Neutral Center is
Where Syntropy
and Entropy meet
and Interchange.

(courtesy University of
Science and Philosophy

Walter Russell


WKLV ZDV PDLQO\ GXH WR GLIIHUHQFHV EH- in the national television evening news,
RUPDWWHU5XVVHOOZDVDOVRSURÀFLHQWLQ “the Leonardo da Vinci? of our time.”
+H EHOLHYHG PHGLRFULW\ LV VHOILQÁLFWHG University of Science and Philosophy
Neutral Center is Cause of Physical Universe
Neutral Center is Source of
Continuous Motion

Neutral Center is where Dynamical

Polar Force Interchange.
(images courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)

Researchers successfully transform

liquid deuterium into a metal
Every object... the universe is subject to multiple cycles of
varying wave lengths and amplitudes.
Walter Russell referred to this dynamic as the Universal
Heart Beat and Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.

A cycle is a rhythmic polar interchange between “Every individualized object tends to assimilate itself
order (syntropy and disorder (entropy). Which is to to itself, in successive moments of its existence, and
say the basic dynamics of a cycle are the same as all objects to assimilate one another.” [Dr. John
those of vibration and oscillation. The difference Gibson Macvicar]
being the wave length where cycles are considered
long time periods and vibrations are considered "Waves of motion spring from the stillness of the
short time periods.
universal equilibrium. They are the universal
heartbeat which manifests eternal life and power in
Hence cycles obey the fundamental Law of
God's stillness by eternal repetitions of simulated life
Assimilation which states:
and power as expressed in waves of motion." [Walter
Russell, The Secret of Light , page 115]
"The one substance...
...vibrates in different dynamic degrees,
and sound, heat, light, Electricity, are the
effections of the one substance by
specific degrees of the One Energy, and
there is no difference between anything
such as Electricity and, say iron, save in
rate of effection." Cayce (195-70)

In Hindu culture it is called the Dance of Shiva.

"This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between
father - mother lights of gravitation (syntropy) and radiation
(entropy) is fundamental in all creating things.” [Walter Russell,
The Secret of Light , page 150]

Sir Norman Lockyer (1836-1920), a noted British astronomer,

referred to this law as the Law of Sympathetic Vibration:
“Norman Lockyer, in his 'Chemistry of the Sun,' writes: 'The law
which connects radiation (entropy) with absorption (syntropy),
and at once enables us to read the riddle set by the sun and
stars, is, then, simply the law of sympathetic vibration.' This is
the very cornerstone of Mr. Keely's philosophy.” [Bloomfield-
Moore on Keely's work.
One Substance moves from one polarity to the other seemingly forever?

"Keely affirms, with other philosophers, that there How is it that this One Substance moves from one
is only one unique substance, and that this polarity to the other seemingly forever?
substance is the Divine spirit, the spirit of life, and
that this spirit of life is God, who fills everything Examining the dynamics of the two fundamental
motions of a cycle or vibration it is noted one
with His thoughts; disjoining and grouping together
motion is towards a center of convergence and the
these multitudes of thoughts in different bodies
other motion is a divergent motion away from a
called atmospheres, fluids, matters, animal,
center. These two motions or states of energy are
vegetable, and mineral forms." [Bloomfield-Moore, called in SVP syntropy (gravitation, to center) and
Keely and His Discoveries] entropy (radiation, from center). These two
seemingly opposite states or conditions are
Universal Laws Revealed:
Keely's Secrets ; The
definitive volume on Keely's
work, 40 Laws and

See also SVP Compendium

of Terms and Phrases ; A
4,000+ glossary of terms
and phrases relative to
sound and vibration.

Additional books, articles,

etc: see Bibliography

Dale Pond is a renaissance man with a As an internationally renowned lecturer, Dale has
diversified yet general background in chemistry, presented workshops and seminars at the Swiss
physics, mechanical engineering, machinist, metal Association for Free Energy Conference , the
working and tool making, computers, mathematics, International Keely Conferences, Sound and
acoustics, hydrodynamics, geometry, music, and Vibration Conference, International Symposium on
common law (and some other stuff too!). New Science, International Forum on New Energy,
United States Psychotronics Association
His experience includes technical writing, farming, Conference, the Alchemy of Sound Conference,
lecturing, corporate training, business, metal and Science and Consciousness Conferences, TeslaTech
wood working, manufacturing, publishing and Conferences and many others.
authoring scientific and philosophical journals and
books. Maker of Musical Dynaspheres: Atlin, Pond Science
Symael, Altea, Alcea, Alya and Eloniss.” Institute
921 Santa Fe Avenue
Pond family adventures in central Brazil . La Junta, Colorado

At the leading edge of new paradigm thinking, he Written, edited and

has been able to show that vibration / oscillation is published The Journal
the principle underlying all things. Vibration / of Sympathetic
oscillation is the connecting link between spirit, Mind Vibratory Physics
from 1985-1992 - 60
and matter - the magic key for creating new monthly issues.
experiences, worlds and universes.
sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Every seeming individuated object vibrates and
oscillates continuously about one or more
centers. Therefore the commonality (Oneness)
between all things is vibration, oscillation and
their centers.

Vibration is a periodic change of state between

concordant aggregation (order) and discordant
dispersion (disorder) – to and from a center or
centers. Example: aggregation into compact
form of an atom or atoms or molecules as in an
orderly crystal.

by Dale pond
an abstract

Oscillation is a periodic change of state Vibrations and Oscillations that are concordant
between assimilation about a center and are sympathetic to each other. They vibrate or
repulsion around a center or centers. Example: oscillate ʻas Oneʼ. The
the apogee and perigee of an orbiting planet concordant vibrations
around a star or more simply a child on a swing. between them are
s y m p a t h e t i c
Sound waves do not travel as sound waves. It vibrations or
is the causative disturbances that travel on the s y m p a t h e t i c
etheric (subatomic) level that manifests as oscillations. There
sound along its path by disturbance of exists a state of sympathy between them.
equilibrium of the encountered centers. The Sympathy is Oneness, Love, harmony and
disturbance goes from center to center. The concordance.
same principle applies to light propagation.
1 The study and application of the commonality
(Oneness) of all things; i.e., their vibrations and
What is Sympathetic Vibratory Physics? oscillations especially when harmonious or concordant
as also the connecting link between all things.

2 Sympathetic Vibratory Physics was discovered

and developed by John Ernst Worrell Keely in the late
1800s. He discovered its laws and invented machines
to harness fundamental forces and energies of nature
as revealed by his research. His amazing array of
accomplishments was attested to by imminent
scientists of the time.
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is the science of:
1 Life - there is a single contiguous Life Force
seemingly manifesting in diverse forms. The
expression of Life Force is the continuous expression
of Creation.

2 Light - Light of Mind is the one and only substance

manifesting as all seeming matter and force - each
having different (individualized) characteristics
evidenced by their wave functions.
◦ There is the physical seen light and non-physical
unseen light. The first is what we are familiar with in
our day to day existence. It is seen by our physical
eyes. The second is non- visible Light of Mind
(consciousness) in which we exist and have our being.
It is seen by our non-physical minds.

3 Love - all seeming isolated things are entangled via

sympathetic vibration and sympathetic oscillation on
the etheric (subatomic) level. They are One continuity.
Love (sympathy) is a single contiguous omnipresent
omniscient Continuum (state or condition of energy)
connecting all things to all other things.

I. Love in vibratory physics is called sympathy or

sympathetic; i.e., synchronous and harmonious
motion. Those things that are in harmony (love)
are in sympathy with each other .

II. Fear being discordant disrupts or destroys that

state of Oneness, Sympathy or Harmony and into
seeming disordered chaos. Discords are
unsympathetic and discontinuous.

III. As the only existent state in the universe is Love

or Sympathy all fear is an illusion.
INFINITE The Infinitely Present Moment

Now is the only Time that exists. There is no past and no future
time. We think of time as linear (thinking) when in fact it is
nonlinear (knowing). We can know nonlinear time when our
consciousness is undifferentiated as in for instance deep meditation
or in a state of Love or Sympathy. Linear time appears when we are
unmindful of being present in the moment. Linear time is a
construct of ego or intellect and therefore illusory. The concept of
linear time is born of fear, anxiety and negative ideas of or about
self which are also illusory. In other words fear is wholly made up,
an illusion of misperception.
Now – No Time

Compound Interetheric mind Gluon

Interetheric ether Quarkian

Etheric ether photonic

Interatomic fire Plasma

atomic air gaseous



As all things are entangled
all acts as one continuity
- when on the seventh
subdivision, the compound
seven level subdivision

Each physical object also exists

concurrently on the other six
subdivisions (depending on its
state as defined by its wave
function). Differences are due to
preponderance of subdivision
and mode as exhibited in their
individual wave function. These
lower subdivisions impart
chordal differences or spectra
constituting or establishing
individuality. Thus every object is
the same in essence even
though our perception may
appear to indicate otherwise due
the difference in chord settings
(wave function) or spectra.
SIMPLE The Universe is Simple

1 - All things within the universe, being effects of relative

motions, may be categorized to exist within seven discrete
states of matter and energy. [see The Seven Subdivisions of
Matter and Energy]

2 - The substratum energy state of the universe

is depolar or having no polarization either 4 - Undifferentiated Mind is the realm of non-
harmonic (attraction) or discordant (repulsion). It motion, One or Divine Mind. It is knowing versus
is neutral. Some call this neutral state of energy thinking.
(pure scalar potential) God.
5 - Differentiated Mind (thinking) is polar - having
3 - Undifferentiated Mind (knowing) is depolar; vector (motion). Vectorization is Thinking of the
i.e., scalar - having invisible quiet potential intellect or when focused, Will Force.
without visible motion or vector. Harmonized
potential is Thought Force.
Attraction and Repulsion
1 - Attraction (syntropy) and Repulsion (entropy)
are interchangeable states of the One
Substance. They interchange (one be-comes the
other) intermittently. These two seeming opposite
states are in fact two states of the One
Substance that periodically exchange wave
function. [see Law of Assimilation] This is the
omnipresent ʻheart beatʼ of the universe referred
to by Walter Russell.

2 - When polarized harmonically energy

becomes force contracting by mutual affinity to a
localized center.

3 - This 'contracting by mutual affinity' is by the

Law of Attraction. This attractive quality may be
considered as syntropy, order or Love. It is
localized order, crystallization, form.

4 - Syntropy of mutual attraction increases in

tension or power until discords naturally arise
wherewith contracting harmony (gravitation)
becomes dispersive (mutually repulsive) discord
(radiation). This occurs via the Law of Cycles.

5 - When polarized discordantly energy becomes

radiant dispersing from a center back to the
universal substratum state or undifferentiated
state. Dispersed energy becomes non-localized;
i.e., having no form.

6:9 are mutually repellant."

3 9

6 6

9 3

3:9 are mutually attractive

6 - This 'radiant dispersing' is mutual repulsion
defined by the Law of Repulsion. This repulsive
quality may be considered as entropy, disorder
or chaos.

7 - Entropy of mutual repulsion decreases in

tension and power until total depolarization or
neutrality of pure quiet scalar potential which
some call “God” or heaven - having no form.
Repolarization into form is initiated by excitation
or disturbance of equilibrium via the infinite
exciter - Thought or Thinking - some call prayer
or mental manifestation.

8 - The difference between attraction and

repulsion is their relative rates of vibration one
against the other. [see Laws of Being]

9 - ”The relative frequency of all sympathetic

streams is in the ratio 3:6:9. Those whose interchangeable states
relative frequencies are 3:9 are mutually
attractive, while those having the relation of 6:9 of the One Substance
are mutually repellant."

[Keely, Sympathetic Stream, Laws of Being,

Modes of Vibration, Modes of Vibration -
1 - The background sympathy permeating all things everywhere
constituting their natural state of being is that which everything is and
is all that is. Everything appearing otherwise is of egoic perception and
a misinterpretation (opinion).

2 - The state of this background sympathy is harmony or Love or the

flow of Love.

3 - The background state of sympathy is the Now and the Oneness.

4 - This primal state of being is of the seventh subdivision (compound

interetheric state of matter and energy) and constitutes what some call
the Mind of God.
5 - We, as seeming individuals, are the expression of this state of
being or Mind as we live, breathe and have our conscious being-ness.

6 - We see ourselves as being either in concord with this primal state

of sympathetic being or not.

7 - When we see ourselves as undivided from this primal state of

sympathetic being or Undifferentiated Mind we are one with all
because on this level or subdivision that is all there is. This is our
natural state of being.

8 - When we misperceive ourselves as being separate from this primal

state of sympathetic being or Undifferentiated Mind we misperceive we
are separate, isolated, ill, in pain, and 'lost'.
Bridging the Abyss
Duality of Mind and Consciousness
1- In essence the universe may be considered to be divided between the two
physical and spiritual worlds or realms.

2 - The physical world is generally comprised of the first through the fourth
subdivisions of matter and energy. This physical world is considered to be
linear and is perceived via our senses alone. It is the seen world. Because the
physical world is perceived through our senses and our senses are limited our
perception of the physical world is limited.

3 - The so-called spiritual or conscious (mind) world is comprised of the fifth

through the seventh subdivisions. This world is considered to be non-linear
and is perceived by our Minds alone. It is the unseen world.

4 - Mankind is standing on the cusp or threshold between these two worlds.

Those of genius or expanded awareness perceive the unseen world. Others
do not.

5 - Sympathetic Vibratory Physics is the bridge between these two worlds.

6 - On the one hand there is the physical world and its linear attributes
addressed by classical physics.

7 - On the other hand is the non-physical world of spirit and mind whose
attributes are addressed by non-classical physics.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics An Abstract

Science to Sage article outline All terms and hyperlinks are defined in the
©2015 Dale Pond version 1.8 – 05/18/15

Conscious Science
cosmic connection

Individual READER Donate
Just consider the possibility that our creativity is born from a universal void of nothingness
that is listening to us and waiting for us to respond to it, and that the inner and outer realms
of human perception reflect each other, creating a holographic representation of sound in
our minds, at the quantum lephoro.phovel, proving that we are not just our bodies, but that
we are connected to a universal source of consciousness which carries a vast power along
with it; a fundamental energy that allows for patterns of sound to be created over it.

One could rewrite Genesis with; "In the beginning was the 'silence', and the word was
'sound'." Silence is infinite in its wisdom, power, and its omnipresence. Silence is like a
place, it's not just another note of music, or an uncomfortable situation, or a tool to use
against another person.

A journey into the inner silence reveals the reflective, nature of the vibratory source energy
that runs through the whole of universal life, like the dark matter that holds the entire
universe together.

thought by stuart Mitchell

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD & Jill Purce

Resonance: Liberating Minds and Voices

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and of ancient vocal techniques, the power of group
author of more than 80 scientific papers and chant, and the spiritual potential of the voice as
many books including Science Set Free, a magical instrument for healing and
Morphic Resonance and Dogs That Know meditation. She gives Healing Voice workshops
When Their Owners are Coming Home. He throughout the world, teaching diverse forms
taught biology at Cambridge University, and of sacred chant, especially Mongolian overtone
worked in an international agricultural chanting, as well as Healing Family and
institute in India. Ancestors workshops which combine Family
Constellations with chant and ceremony. She is
Jill Purce is recognized internationally as the the author of The Mystic Spiral.
pioneer of the Sound Healing and Ancestral
Healing movements, through her rediscovery
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"Sympathy, like a human electricity, is the essence of life."

David Sinclair, A New Creed the book

When SVP uses the term "Love" it
means or is as coherence, sympathy,
affinity, Harmony. In SVP terms it
helps to think of Love as Sympathy
as used in music and the sound and
vibration fields. When two or more
objects are in sympathy they act and
react as One object.

"Where there is no sympathy there

Transverse Overtone Hexagonal can be no love, for love is
Magnetic spectrum fractal Grid sympathy." [Vera Vi ta the
by Josh Toms
Philosophy of Sympathy]

Spiral Magnetic Sphere Overtones

". . . ye are part and parcel of a universal the body of God; thus a co-creator with Him,
consciousness or God - and thus of all that is in what ye think, in what ye do. And ye
within the universal consciousness, or the change each soul ye contact, literally or
universal awareness?; as the stars, the mentally - insofar as ye, as an individual
planets, the sun, the moon. Do ye rule them entity, are a witness for or against the Lord,
or they rule thee? They were made for thy thy God . . . no soul may come in contact
own use, as an individual - yea, that is the with the entity without being changed, either
part, the thought thy Maker, thy Father-God in body, in mind or in purpose. And purpose
thinks of thee. For ye are as a corpuscle in is, of course, of the soul." Cayce (2794-3)

Spiral Vibrations - Video

Josh Toms' Art
Inspired by Jon DePew's Teachings
"Every particle of matter in this
universe has its own magnetic pole
Artwork by Josh Toms
through which it is connected with the
magnetic pole of each other particle of
matter in the universe and through
which each particle is affected by the
ever changing condition of every other
particle in the universe."

[Russell, The Universal One; Book 01 -

Chapter 16 - Universal Oneness] [see
Sympathetic Vibration, Sympathetic
Oscillation, Entanglement, Quantum magnetic poles
oneness with god?
Q-18: Should the Christ Consciousness
be described as the awareness within
each soul, imprinted in pattern on the
mind and waiting to be awakened by the
will, of the soul's oneness with God?

A-18: Correct. That's the idea exactly! Cayce

Magnetic Overtones
Inspired by Jon DePew's Teachings
neutral centers

"The luminous, etheric,

protoplastic element, which is
the highest condition of the
ether, fills the regions of
infinite space, and in its
radiating outreach gives birth
to the prime neutral centers
that carry the planetary
out reach worlds through their ranges of
motion." [Keely, Keely and His
Discoveries pg 270]

Artwork by Josh Toms

The Law of Balance
There is really one law in the Universe and that is balance.

All other things come from balance.

The Universe doesn't allow anything

other than balance to be replicated.

Balance is based on the Love

principle of giving and re-giving.

The principles of rhythm, vibration, time,

motion, color, sound, etc… are all based on

balance. We live our everyday reality in a

motion based Universe but truly reside in the

stillness of Mind. Mind is what I would call

our true selves, higher self, and ultimately

'God' or 'Source'. Even though there is a

piece that we experience and call 'I'

seemingly separate from the whole, in the

true reality of it all, we are part of the whole.

We are the whole. We are connected to

everything and everyone.

This sensed based reality is a thinking, brain can be likened to a computer hard
moving one. Only in the stillness of non- drive that is storing the past memories and
motion can we be connected to our source then pulling them up as needed to be used.
and our true being. This is when we are This can be a problem as these memories
truly the person we are supposed to be. We and logic can be swayed by the filters of our
cannot live a life of harmony using our upbringing or surroundings and not from our
senses because they are just the receivers true self. The senses pick up vibrating
and interpreters of the moving vibrations. waves of color, sound, smell, touch and
Nor can we just live from the brain. The then interpret them through the brain.

Many will disagree with the concept of the

brain and Mind being different things. But
the Mind works with knowing, and knowing
can only be accessed in the stillness. Part
of the problem with the world today is that
we push regurgitation of data to our
children and praise the ones with the best

We applaud the best storage

capacity rather than listening to our
intuition and heart.

stillness and knowing

Giving and re-giving forever

In this Universe of motion, everything is one, as nothing dies, only the start of the other
moving, oscillating, and pulsing, all at different part of the cycle to then be repeated infinitely.
cycles and all around us. From galactic Giving and re-giving forever. A balanced
bodies, to atomic systems, to even our own interchange of the seemingly divided and
breath. In breathing and out breathing… life polarized equilibrium. I say seeming because
and death. But this death is only a seeming this reality is still all an illusion of motion.
the process

The equilibrium is the stillness of Mind. Mind is

God. God is source. Thinking is the worker that

stimulates or pushes into action the motion of this

physical reality. The stillness is divided or

polarized in two halves and in two directions away

from each other. These polarized halves seek the

stillness of their opposite and perfect mate.

Electricity is the only worker in the Universe of
motion. The two polarized halves are male and
female. They are the divided light, red and blue.
They intertwine and interpenetrate to create
what we call the chemical elements and the
basis of all creation in this reality.

Thinking is electric.
Everything in the Universe is made of light.
The stillness or equilibrium is the undivided Light. Everything in
this Universe is made of Light and by dividing the Light this
motion based reality is formed. God is Light. We are Light. Light
is manipulated by motion in curves and spirals. It is
compressed and expanded during its cycle from birth to death
and back again. All motion is spiral and all direction is curved.
Curved and spiral motions describe the vortex motion. There
are no straight lines in this motion based Universe.
screens of space. Thought rings or wound up light
are compressed and expanded at differing speeds
and cycles to create this illusion we call reality.
The cycle of these interactions are called waves.
Waves are all around us interacting and interfering
with each other all working together to create this
eternal movie. What we see and measure such as
magnetism, gravity, our senses, etc… can be
explained by the vortex motions, wave
interferences and cube sphere cycles. All of them
happening within each other, around each other,
and from each other.

The structure of this Universe

is based on the shapes of the
cube and the sphere. All other

shapes including the platonic solids are in different

phases of the process of becoming a cube or
sphere. The different stages of the sphere and
cube interaction are shown all throughout nature.
Cubes are made up of planes and points of
stillness (equilibrium / undivided white Light).
Cubes bind matter (wound up light), with the
sphere being the matter itself. The interactions of
all things in motion are recorded in what some call
the Akashic records, or the inert/noble gases.
These are the chemical elements that link God's
still Universe to our motion and sensed based
reality. They are the seed record of all that has
happened and will record all that comes. This can
be likened to a microfilm or film strip.

From this seed springs the image of what has

been recorded to be projected onto God's movie
Everything is intertwined and connected.
What you do to yourself, you do to others and vice versa. This is a
magical dance of light movements and pulsations creating this cosmic
kaleidoscope of motion we call life, but our true selves reside in the
knowing stillness of the Light we call God / Source / Creator.


The "rainbow"
is just like a
light into its
are prone to
nodding off, day
dreams, or thinking
about what to make
for dinner, the next
section may be a
little bit boring or
heady. I will go into
some the science
but a full
explanation would
require way more
space and many
more articles.

So… this nature based science explains the regarding ratios of rotation, revolution, time,
cycles from stillness to maximum motion at wave space, matter, density, volume and more.
amplitude, and the return journey back home from With all things being made of the same substance
which it came. just in differing pressures and positions in their
This science includes the concept of the Cosmic cycle, we are able to show that 'matter' is
Clock and Universal Ratios. They are important predominately male or female. You can also say
because they show the interactions and change predominately centripetal/centrifugal,
compressing/expanding, living/dying etc…
During these cycles from cathode beginning to maximum and must now start the return journey
wave amplitude or anode, there are steps or home. Centrifugal, expanding, dying cycle must
pressure walls that hold the wave in place, until now increase from here.
there is enough 'energy' or desire to move closer If we look at this balanced cycle of elements, it
to amplitude. Moving closer means to compress shows us that there are many elements below
and to raise electrical potential. Amplitude means Hydrogen. There has to be balance and that
that 2 waves have come together in harmony. means there has to be longer, slower, more
This is the balanced position that we see in our nebulous waves below H. This shows us that we
Sun or in the element Carbon. These are called can move between elements at will by just
the 'locked potentials'. changing the wave properties or pressure
Carbon is the balanced point in the cycle where positions.
the centripetal, compressing, living cycle is at its
balanced cycle of elements
Optical Universe

This Universe is built on Love and all other unbalanced

'things' are created by man or man's unbalance.
This science explains the true nature of our We need to just study the importance of waves,
Electric Universe and how magnetism fits in. It wave interference, and lenses to help understand
covers the importance of convex, concave, and the cycles and vortices that shape all that we see
meniscus lenses that guide light in different ways. and measure.

With these concepts, does this not change

everything? Does this not give us a reason to re- This understanding helps to explain things like
evaluate things like Quantum Physics, Black cosmic background radiation, LENR technology,
Holes, and the Big Bang? Does this not tell us that fusion/fission, radioactivity, electricity/magnetism,
we should re-evaluate particle physics and the and more. Each time I find the answers are there
electron model?
we just need to look at it from
So what now?
Nature's point of view. Thank you
From here we begin our journey from our knowing
for reading and joining me on this journey of new
Mind through our moving senses to learn the true
understanding. Together we can change the
nature of things. We can give ourselves
permission to no longer fear, worry, hate, or feel
these unnatural vibrations. For they do not exist in
the equilibrium or stillness. Only Love… This Much love!
Universe is built on Love and all other unbalanced Chris Plouffe
'things' are created by man or man's unbalance.
We have the 'free will' to do as we please, but this
is a giving re-giving Universe, so it is in our best
interest to be aware of our thoughts and actions to
aid us in manifesting the best possible experience.

We should choose to follow Nature. Nature shows

us how we should build, how energy should flow,
and how to be efficient relating to just about

With this living philosophy and science, we can

change the world in many ways. From transmuting This article as an introduction to 'The Optical
the chemical elements to eliminating nuclear Universe'. A Nature based Science and
technology and waste. From removing the Philosophy to help explain the Universe and
reliance on fossil fuels to taking care of the planet everything in it. This work is inspired by the likes
of Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger, and
and all that live here.
especially Walter and Lao Russell.
I find that this Optical Universe of moving lights
and the Stillness from which it springs, can help
correct the faulty foundation and errors in today's
scientific thinking.
“outbursts of Truth”
Sri Aurobindo

Timeless features of the Fibonacci sequence in

mathematics and nature

The Fibonacci Sequence today plays an In modern times Fibonacci Numbers

important role in science and technology, appear in the flow charts of computer
especially in the application of programming; ... appear in the patterns
mathematics to computers, electronics, of efficient electronic circuitry; ... provide
the internet and elsewhere due to their a method for conducting efficient
e f fi c i e n t b r a n c h i n g p a t t e r n s a n d searches along minimal pathways; ... are
interconnectedness. used for optimizing traffic in a data
network; ... are used in digital encryption.

These ideas also appear in the plant world!

Excerpts from the Fibonacci Garden DVD by

Michael S. Schneider
Self-similar branches,
each part is a miniature
model of the whole.

Fibonacci sequence
Recurring Cycles
Dynamic Balance
Rhythmic Growth
Striving toward Ideals
Fibonacci Sequence
Natures Patterns
There’s a rule that builds this “Mountain of Jewels”

Each two adjacent cells add together to make the one below
and in-between them.
Building Block of Chemistry, Cells, & Systems
recurring cycles
rhythmic growth
Leonardo da Vinci and
Johannes Kepler both noticed
that leaves emerge from a stem
in repeating cycles.

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking

new lands but seeing with new eyes."
-- Marcel Proust (1871-1922, French novelist)
Turning Spirals

Karl Friedrich Schimper and Alexander Braun noticed that the spiraling arrangement of
bracts on a pinecone can usually be described by these same Fibonacci numbers.
Dynamic Balance
Rhythmic Growth

Brother Alfred Brousseau 1969

the angle between consecutively appearing leaves.

Multiply the fraction X 360 degrees to find the angle

Growth Patterns
Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio is also found in

Triangular Geometry

& Spiral
share the Golden
Ratioʼs Principle of
expressing it in
naturesʼs designs,
especially in the
plant world.
Plants are a Living Whirlpools
Striving toward Ideals
Spirals are the most widely found shape in nature

Spirals are the most widely

found shape in nature, and
theyʼre related to the
Fibonacci Numbers. The
mathematics of spirals will
teach us about the spirals of
the plant world.
Currents Spin

in his Inquiry
into Plants,

Dynamic Balance says about

plants that
"those that have
flat leaves,
have them in a
regular series."
Cycles & Seasons
The appearance of vegetation on Earth pulses,
it grows and recedes in seasonal rhythms.
The universe may be a mystery,
but it’s not a secret!

NOVA: The Math

Mathematics in
Nature and

Michael S. Schneider has been an educator for four popular live broadcast "Kids America" program
decades. He delights in exploring the intersections of (1986-87). He's also held workshops for educators at
nature, science, mathematics and art. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York through
their Education Department including "Science in the
Michael has a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Museum", "The Mathematics of Islamic Art" and
Mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of "Showing Children Harmony".In 1993 Michael
Brooklyn, (now The Polytechnic Institute of NYU) and worked with master stonecarver Simon Verity to
a Master's Degree in Mathematics Education from design the geometry harmonizing the statues on the
the University of Florida (Gainesville). He taught south side of the "Portal of Paradise" (central
youngsters for twelve years in public and private entrance) to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in
schools at the Middle School and Elementary school New York City. During 1996-97 Michael was the Dean
levels. In 1977, Michael was a Fulbright-Hayes of Mathematics and Dean of Science at The Ross
Scholar in India studying ancient mathematics and School in East Hampton, NY. He presently lives  in
sciences. He has been a computer consultant at the northern California.
United Nations, Nickelodeon, MTV, NYTimes and
many other corporations. He has worked for the New Website
York Academy of Sciences, and wrote articles,
posters and teachers' editions for various Scholastic He's the author of "A Beginner's Guide to
magazines including Science World, SuperScience, Constructing the Universe," six hands-on Activity
DynaMath, and Teaching and Computers magazines. Books, and DVDs about the numbers 1 through 12
Michael was the creator and writer of the weekly and Fibonacci Numbers in the plant world.
"Mother Nature" segment at WNYC-FM radio on the
Read More Here
Ancient Wisdom to
Modern Science
Join Michael Schneider & Others
Presenting at the School of the Natural Order
Baker, Nevada
August 2-8

Vitvan (1883-1964) was an American master who used modern

scientific principles to help explain the traditional ancient wisdom
teachings which have been long couched in vague, mystical
writing. At this seminar Michael will demonstrate some of the
science experiments which Vitvan described in his writing and
lectures, including those involving light, magnetism, electricity,
electromagnetic fields, sensory illusions and more, as tools for
understanding our own expanding states of self-awareness.

Details of Seminar Here -

Vibrations tend to reproduce themselves may a mighty wave of thought sweep past without
whenever opportunity is offered to them; and so affecting the mind of the man, if he be already
whenever they strike upon another mental body deeply engrossed in some other line of thought.
they tend to provoke in it their own rate of motion.
That is—from the point of view of the man whose It should be understood that this radiating
mental body is touched by these waves—they vibration conveys the character of the thought,
tend to produce in his mind thoughts of the same but not its subject. If a Hindu sits rapt in devotion
type as that which had previously arisen in the to Kṛiṣhṇa, the waves of feeling which pour forth
mind of the thinker who sent forth the waves. The from him stimulate devotional feeling in all those
distance to which such thought- who come under their influence,
waves penetrate, and the force though in the case of the
and persistency with which they Muhammadan that devotion is to
impinge upon the mental bodies of Allah, while for the Zoroastrian it is
others, depend upon the strength to Ahuramazda, or for the Christian
and clearness of the original to Jesus. A man thinking keenly
thought. In this way the thinker is upon some high subject pours out
in the same position as the from himself vibrations which tend
speaker. The voice of the latter to stir up thought at a similar level
sets in motion waves of sound in the air which in others, but they in no way suggest to those
radiate from him in all directions, and convey his others the special subject of his thought. They
message to all those who are within hearing, and naturally act with special vigour upon those minds
the distance to which his voice can penetrate already habituated to vibrations of similar
depends upon its power and upon the clearness character; yet they have some effect on every
of his enunciation. In just the same way the mental body upon which they impinge, so that
forceful thought will carry very much further than their tendency is to awaken the power of higher
the weak and undecided thought; but clearness thought in those to whom it has not yet become a
and definiteness are of even greater importance custom. It is thus evident that every man who
than strength. Again, just as the speaker's voice thinks along high lines is doing missionary work,
may fall upon heedless ears where men are even though he may be entirely unconscious of it.
already engaged in business or in pleasure, so

thoughts by stuart mitchell

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the pavement thus symbolises the world, or the universe, and its end.

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books, sound, gifts & events
11 year cycle

radius of influence

where you are you at in a cycle?

there are

great coincidences
and connections between matter
throughout the Universe
by Ray Tomes
Public Domain
There is nothing new in statements
that everything is connected or that
all is vibration, but serious scientific
descriptions of this in the widest
sense have never become fully main
stream science. Some great scientists
from Newton through Mach, Einstein,
Eddington and Dirac have understood
that there are great coincidences
and connections b e t w e e n m a t t e r

throughout the Universe. But the

equations have never properly reflected In the 1970s I had been making
this. Until now. economic forecasts using economic
cycles and these patterns began to be
I had been studying cycles in many seen. By 1989 I had put forward the
things: economics, physics, climate, single axiom of the Harmonics Theory
c o s m o l o g y, h i s t o r y, a g r i c u l t u r e , and found that it could explain the
astronomy, biology, sociology and more. pattern of cycles that was observed.
I had found that certain common Then I visited the Foundation for the
periods of cycles appeared in things that Study of Cycles in USA and saw that its
were not obviously related and that the founder, Edward R Dewey, had travelled a
periods of the common cycles were very similar road before me. He had
related to each other in the same reported the pattern of cycles in the
proportions as the notes in a major 1960s after decades of studying cycles,
chord and the just musical scale. but had never found the reason why.

cycles within cycles

non-linear equation

I had the advantage that in the 1970s there

was great interest in non-linear equations

sun cycles
which developed such amazing complexity as
the Mandelbrot set from an extremely simple
equation. So it was natural to look at non-
linearity as an explanation for the
development of cycles with periods having
simple musical ratios in their periods or
frequencies. If we grow a crop in a climate
that is ideal on average, but which has an 11
year cycle in rainfall or temperature, then in
each 11 year cycle the ideal conditions will
exist twice and in between we will have less
than ideal condition in the form of too much
or too little, be it temperature or rainfall,
twice also. It so happens that the Sun has an
11 year cycle and that explains why a 5.5
year cycle turns up in wheat. Depending on
the exact nature of the non-linearity it is
possible to produce other harmonics as well
as the 2nd one as in this case.

This shows the relative
strength of harmonics
from 1 through 100.
The four biggest peaks
of 48, 60, 72 and 96
make a major chord in
music, exactly
matching the first four
economic cycles that I
found. The other
labelled peaks in that
range show the rest of
the just intonation
music scale.
The nodes of a vibrating At first I looked for many linkages like this and found
string are harmonics that cascading effects of these non-linearities could
explain the whole pattern that first Dewey and then
others and I had found. But eventually around 1989 I
began to think a bit larger and came to phrase the
principle on which all of this depends.

The universe consists of a standing

wave which develops harmonically
related waves, and each of these does
the same.
Some explanation of what this means is in order. A
standing wave is an oscillation of something that repeats
at regular intervals because the oscillation is contained
and reflects back upon itself. An example is a guitar
string that is plucked. The energy or motion travels along
the string and is reflected back at each end. Such waves
can exist in any number of dimensions not just the 1
watch the wheels within wheels dimension of the guitar string.

In a non-linear system the waves will produce

harmonics. That means that waves that are half, third,
and quarter of the original wavelength will also be
present. This is already well known behaviour for guitar
strings and similar systems. What is new in the
Harmonics Theory is not found in 1 dimensional systems
but only in higher dimensions. In our Universe the waves
can form locations of greater energy concentration which
is multiplied by effects in all three dimensions combining.
This creation of new energy centres eventually leads to
strong enough waves that then obey the part about each
of these doing the same. It is the resulting cascading
effect of these waves that leads certain harmonics to be
much stronger than others, and from this it is found that
the entire structure of the Universe can be explained.
Current channels

All the senses depend on interaction of waves with our sense organs.

For scientists, the nature of the waves is oscillation ensues. The same thing happens
perhaps best explained as being in our guitar string when it is plucked. It is
electromagnetic waves, although it is the important to also understand that the
case that gravitational and other physics fundamental equations of the Universe
waves also travel at the same velocity as must be non-linear. If they were not so
light. My preferred method of understanding then we could not observe the Universe.
what the Universe is made of is much All the senses depend on interaction of
simpler. It is simply a blob of very tense stuff waves with our sense organs. Interaction
that is totally uniform and has been set in is non-linearity. Linearity means that waves
oscillation. We might think of a bowl of jelly all travel through each other and never know
set wobbling or a block of steel hit by a of each others existence.
h a m m e r. B u t t h e U n i v e r s e i s t o b e
understood as having much higher internal
tension than these, and as being entirely
uniform without atoms or other particles
making it up. The particles will automatically
manifest as a consequence of the tensile
medium which has commonly been called
aether. Modern so-called fundamental physics
that trues to explain what happens at larger
scales as a consequence of particle physics
has it entirely back to front.

Accepted fundamental physics theories are

nearly all understood to be wave equations.
Wave equations can result from different
causes, but the simplest is a tensile medium
like our bowl of jelly or block of steel. The
essential property is that when deformed the
medium generates forces that try to return it
to its original state. But because this return
creates a velocity, its momentum causes it to
overshoot the original position and an

magnetic currents by Jon Depew

If we plot radius or wavelength versus mass or
energy then we can see the limits to the Universe
and what theories work near these limits. General
Relativity is relevant only near the limit of M/R
while Quantum Mechanics is only relevant near
the limit M*R. Harmonics Theory is relevant to the
limit R but applies throughout the entire region.

people who are convinced that the Universe

is infinite.

The second consequence is that any

existing standing wave(s) will lose energy to
its harmonics over time. This is the very
definition of non-linear. It is a certainty that
we live in such a Universe because we have
senses. I am quite sure that all the various
Having understood that fundamental common regular structures that we observe
physics depends on non-linear wave in the Universe begin life as standing
equations it is possible to ask what the waves. This applies to galaxies, stars,
planets, moons and so on to cells, atoms,
consequences of this are. The first nucleons and quarks. Also, the form in the

consequence is that there will be order listed not the opposite order as
present physics theories supposes. I say
s t a n d i n g wa ve s w h i c h h a ve n a t u ra l
supposes, because they have no evidence
oscillations which are fractions of the size of
for this and just assume that particles came
the Universe. I have no interest in debating
first. I can show good reasons why that is
that the Universe is finite. If it is infinite,
wrong. The main reason is that the
then there is no obvious way to determine
relationships between the scales of these
what size any initial waves will be. That is
s t r u c t u r e s i s c o r r e c t l y p r e d i c t e d by
not my problem, but the problem of the
Harmonics Theory.
geometric structure are nodes of these waves
So to understand how the Universe works harmonic waves also produce harmonics.
in the most simple terms, imagine a really So we see ever smaller wave structures
huge blob of jelly that is given a wobble forming within the existing ones. This is
and then left to it. Initially there will be a happening simultaneously at many different
few different waves present like a guitar wavelengths and would look very complex if
string that is plucked. These will all have we could see it. The energy is dissipated to
wavelengths that exactly divide into the many different frequencies, except that
size of the blob. They will have frequencies sometimes multiple different paths of
which are multiples of the fundamental energy dissipation converge on some
frequency, that is the frequency of the frequencies and an especially strong wave
whole blob oscillation. is formed.

Gradually over a long period of time the An example of a stronger wave is the one
energy in the fundamental (longest) with frequency 12 times the original
oscillation will be lost to its harmonics Universal wave. There are 8 different paths
because of the non-linearity of the wave from the Universal wave to the 12th
equation. Its harmonics are waves that are harmonic, compared to only one path to
exact fractions of its wavelength, exact
each of the 11th and 13th harmonics.
fractions of its period of oscillation and
Therefore we can expect the 12th harmonic
therefore exact multiple of its frequency.
to be some 8 times more energetic. The
This goes on for some time while the
harmonics gradually get stronger at the calculations for this are actually quite
expense of the fundamental wave. There simple because it just requires simple
will be some geometric structure to the multiplication and addition to find the
nodes of these waves. They will form some strength of harmonics.
sort of regular arrangement such as the
structures that people like to call sacred I first did this by hand up to 100. Then I
geometry which has regular Pythagorean wrote e very simple computer program to
solids filling space. do up to a million. Then I wrote some
trickier programs to calculate up to 10^20
Because the waves are in 3 dimensions,
and as computers got larger memories and
and our laws are non-linear, there will be
faster over the years and I thought of a few
more energy concentrated at the vertices of
shortcuts I extended this gradually to past
these geometric structures. The non-
linearity continues to make the new 10^50.
Pentagon Vibrational Harmony

Artwork by Josh Toms

Visuals Inspired by Jon Depew
There are several things that stand out At even large scale ratios there are
when such calculations are done. They exceptional string harmonics near ratios
are all rather interesting in terms of of 34560 and powers of that number.
what has been found in cycles, music This is the combination that leads to the
and physics. Firstly, the strongest sequence of structures beginning at the
harmonics are very often at ratio 2 Hubble scale (the largest scale that we
apart, which people call an octave. Next can see) and produces the distance
common is ratio 3 and with 2 this makes scales of galaxies, stars, planets,
the the pattern that Edward R Dewey moons, ... cells, atoms, nucleons and
found in his common cycles, and the quarks.
Lambda of Pythagorus for musical notes.
Actually, Gallilei, the father of the It is the fact that the size and spacing of
famous Gallileo, showed that a ratio of 5 atoms and nucleons are related in this
should also be used in music and that way to the Hubble scale that I feel
also appears next. In fact the strong confident that events happen in this
harmonics in the range 48 to 96 show direction, from largest to smallest.
clearly the major chord in music as
described by Gallilei, and a little less
strongly, the other notes of the just
intonation scale.

The Universe is a giant musical

instrument and everything in it is
The Universe is a giant musical instrument
composed of oscillations that are related
as the musical notes are. Sometimes the and everything in it is composed of
major scale shows up, sometimes the oscillations that are related as the
minor scale, and sometimes some other musical notes are.
more foreign scales.

The next thing that stands out in the

calculations is that at ratios of 12 apart
often strong harmonically related waves
commonly form. Sometimes there are
different values, but 12 is the most
common. We will see that this appears
in the various universal structures, with
small irregular galaxies forming at a
distance scale of a twelfth that of the by Ray Tomes
larger spiral galaxies.
About Ray Tomes

My interests centered around the study of cycles and this
ranges over cycles in astronomy, economics, geology, history
and physics. It began by my attempts to predict economic
cycles using computers and resulted in the development of the
Harmonics theory which turned out to be a theory that
one song
explained the structure of the universe. The universe, believe it
or not, is nothing other than a giant musical instrument with a
very special but predictable pattern of harmonically related
oscillations which determine the structure of everything from
galactic clusters to subatomic particles. Although this theory is
properly called the Harmonics theory it may be alternatively
known as the Big Bong theory!
For more information about Ray Tomes, Harmonics Theory and
Cycles, please see:
Rudolf Steiner’s
Created from indications by Rudolf Steiner
around 1924, and based on a deep
understanding of the life forces at work in
nature, farming and gardening with
biodynamic methods are spiritual, artistic, and
sophisticated forms of organic horticulture that
nurture and enhance the earth. It emphasizes
the interdependence and unity of all the
elements of an ecosystem or landscape—
including soil, plants, animals, and weather.

Taking the soil as the foundation for the vitality

and diversity of a farm or garden, biodynamic
methods use special herbal "preparations" to
increase the energetic quality of the soil,
stimulating plant growth and health.
Biodynamic methods go beyond organic
practices to actually heal the earth herself.
Typical of the biodynamic approach are
companion planting, crop rotation, cover
crops, green manures, liquid manures,
compost, the integration of crops and
livestock, and planting and harvesting in
harmony with the lunar and planetary cycles.
This introduction to biodynamic methods
contains five lectures by Rudolf Steiner and an
extensive introduction by Hugh Courtney of
the Josephine Porter Institute, who unravels
not only the practice of biodynamics, but also
its spiritual and esoteric background.

Enlightenment for Modern Times

Nature by Numbers - YouTube
The biodynamic method establishes the
relationships between cosmological cycles
and the activities occurring within the operation.

The Science of Biodynamic Agriculture

By Hugh Lovel

Biodynamic Agriculture is a comprehensive method of self-sufficient agriculture that

produces exceedingly nutritious food. It grew out of Rudolf Steiner’s agriculture lectures
which were given in response to the chemical methods introduced in the mid nineteenth
century. Steiner’s understanding of the roles of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and how
individual agricultural operations lived and grew between the lime and silica poles of nature
was both scientific and practical. He identified the processes essential to life and introduced
natural remedies to catalyse these processes so farm enterprises can supply what they need
from nature’s abundance.

Biodynamic agriculture, the oldest of organic methods, is a science based, holistic,

regenerative agriculture that works with life processes to achieve self-sufficient, quality
production of high vitality goods. It grew out of the insights of Rudolf Steiner, whose
agriculture lectures at the estate of Count and Countess von Keyserlingk near Koberwitz,
Poland, 1924, addressed the shortcomings of chemical agriculture.
In his twenties Steiner received his scientific sense—the rhythmic motions of the sun, moon
training in maths, chemistry and biology at the and planets relative to the earth’s rotation and
technical institute of Vienna and earned his revolution in the context of the starry universe.
Doctorate in Philosophy with his treatise, The His agriculture lectures convey a profound grasp
Philosophy of Freedom, which advanced the of how specific activities occurring within living
proposition—now accepted as proven in organisms relate to the surrounding universe.
Quantum Physics—that observer and
His insights include viewing each property as a
phenomenon are inseparably linked. Clearly the
self-contained organism, whether a large farm or
choice of what we look for is a factor in
a small garden. The biodynamic method
determining phenomena. Indeed, what we look
for is determined by our concepts, without which establishes the relationships between
we have no grasp of what our senses encounter. cosmological cycles and the activities

Hired by a publishing house to edit the occurring within the operation.

scientific writings of German literary giant, J. W.
von Goethe, Steiner was inspired by Goethe’s Since the days of early Greece science held
holistic explanations of the processes behind mathematics preeminent amongst scientific
physical, measurable occurrences. Measurement disciplines. Ever since Archimedes and Aristotle
is fixed at a time and place, but over time living the mathematical description of life has been the
things keep changing. Without moment-to- Holy Grail for understanding mankind, nature,
moment measurements of these changes no the earth and the universe at large. Sir Isaac
processes emerge. Goethe noted that the Newton’s calculus, laws of motion and theory of
butterfly in a museum case was only a corpse, gravity awed the scientific world more than
and the processes that had animated it were anything since Euclid’s geometry and the
gone. Yet, elusive though they might be, these Pythagorean Theorem. And yet, Newton only
processes were real. explained how an apple falls from the tree, not
Steiner, who was clairvoyant, investigated folk how it gets up there.
lore, herbal medicine, Eastern religions, native At the time Rudolf Steiner began his studies
cultures, homeopathic medicine and many other Bernard Riemann’s non-Euclidean geometry
disciplines to acquire the concepts and was expanding the thinking of all
vocabulary to make sense out of his impressions mathematicians. Projective geometry—the all
of nature. Particularly in the last years of his life, geometry—showed that every system that
his medical and agricultural lectures conveyed a defined things by their internal composition had
profoundly insightful and all-encompassing a counterpart that defined the same things
approach to understanding the maths, physics relative to their surroundings. Steiner had the
and chemistry of how living organisms function insight that a mathematics of living organisms
and how their problems can be dealt with. Most required both points of view, the content and the
of his agriculture course focused on this context. It was the boundary between content
chemistry, physics and biology of life. His and context where life arose. Living organisms
remedies for biological processes took into were products of their surroundings.
account the environment in the broadest possible
Projective geometry—the all geometry—showed that

ever y system that defined things by their inter nal

composition had a counterpart that defined the same things
relative to their surroundings.
During Steiner’s time science was deeply the atmosphere and become active within the
enthralled with the belief that all dynamic systems earth.
ran down and lost their available energy. Never
On the other hand, the activities above the
mind that this concept—entropy—failed to explain
surface he related to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and
how living organisms grow and reproduce. More
the activities of the limbs, the liver and respiration.
realistically, Buckminster Fuller coined a word for
These influences stream forth from deep within the
the life process, calling it syntropy. Still later chaos
earth, and are active above the earth’s surface.
theory recognized that from seemingly infinitesimal
causes organisation arises at boundaries. Benoit Everything that takes place between the earth
Mandelbrot showed how graphing boundaries and the sun works within the soil, and everything
reveals beautiful, that takes place beyond the earth and the sun
organic forms of infinite works above the soil. Increasing and enhancing
c o m p l e x i t y. F i n a l l y, the interplay between these two activities is what
toward the end of the makes agriculture thrive.
twentieth century Steiner contrasted the hungry, greedy lime with
Rupert Sheldrake the aloof, aristocratic silica. In agriculture there is
showed how always this dance
quantum between polar opposites
mechanics —night and day, winter
explains and summer, nitrogen and
many of the carbon, legumes and
otherwise grasses, soil and
mysterious atmosphere, inner and
characteristics of living organisms. At the outer planets,
time of his agriculture lectures, however, sedimentary and igneous
Steiner alone among his scientific peers rocks, plant reproduction
grasped how the enormous forces of the and food production. The
surrounding cosmos affect living lime processes in the soil
organisms—how a seed grows into a relate to mineral release,
tree and yields apples in sublime nitrogen fixation, digestion
defiance of both gravity and entropy. and nutrient uptake. The
For the human organism the outer universe silica processes in the air
meets the body at the skin, the digestion, the eyes relate to photosynthesis, blossoming, fruiting and
and other senses, but most importantly in the lungs ripening.
and at the diaphragm. Life would expire in mere As a system, biodynamics helps us
minutes without breath. Thus when Steiner looked
balance and enhance agricultural
at the earth as a living organism he compared the
surface of the earth to the human diaphragm. activities, how they fit into bigger and bigger
pictures and what the causes and consequences of
The activities below the surface he related to
various things may be. It helps us make sense of
Mercury, Venus and the Moon and the activities of
and strengthen the biological activities on our farms
the digestive tract, the urinary system and
so they thrive and produce great results.
reproduction. These influences enter the soil from
Buckminster Fuller, Creationist

Haeckel Phaeodaria/Public Domain

For Steiner, knowing things was to put them to also revealed in Ehrenfried Pfeiffer’s account of a
work. He drew great inspiration from Goethe, who question Pfeiffer asked him on a train to Stuttgart after
studied the work of Paracelsus, the renaissance the Agriculture Course.
physician who established the role of chemistry in
“How can it happen that the spiritual impulse, and
medicine. Paracelsus described a remedy as ‘like a
especially the inner schooling, for which you are
spark that, though it has no weight, can set a house
constantly providing stimulus and guidance bear so
afire.’ Steiner’s remedies for agriculture were like
little fruit? Why do the people concerned give so little
sparks of life that took root and grew. Like seeds
evidence of spiritual experience, in spite of all their
these remedies could be sown and re-sown, again
efforts? Why, worst of all, is the will for action, for the
and again bringing generation after generation of
carrying out of these spiritual impulses, so weak?” I
living activities to the soil, the air above it and its
was particularly anxious to get an answer to the
plants and animals.
question as to how one could build a bridge to active
participation and the carrying out of spiritual intentions
without being pulled off the right path by personal
These remedies, known today as the biodynamic
ambition, illusions and petty jealousies, for these were
preparations, are of two sorts—the field sprays and
the negative qualities Rudolf Steiner had named as
the herbal compost preparations. Steiner’s field
the main inner hindrances. Then came the surprising
sprays used cow horns as sheaths to focus the
and though-provoking answer. “This is a problem of
resonant energies of the earth on materials packed
nutrition. Nutrition as it is today does not supply the
within the horns and buried either over winter or over
strength necessary for manifesting the spirit in
summer in the soil. This thoroughly imparted the
physical life. A bridge can no longer be built from
characteristic energies of the season, transforming
thinking to will and action. Food plants no longer
the substances within the horns. For the lime polarity
contain the forces people need for this.”
he filled the horns with cow manure and buried them
over the winter. For the silica polarity he used fine A nutritional problem which, if solved, would enable
silica powder buried over the summer. Though he the spirit to become manifest and realize itself in
identified clay as the mediator between lime and human beings! With this as a background one can
silica and alluded to making a clay remedy in his understand why Dr. Steiner said that “the benefits of
second lecture, he did not make specific the biodynamic preparations should be made
recommendations in his agriculture course. However, available as quickly as possible to the largest possible
traditions are that in making these remedies areas of the entire Earth, for the Earth’s healing.”
beforehand he filled the open end of each horn with a
plug of clay. In Australia it has become common
practice to make both summer and winter horn clay. Hugh Lovel New Book 
Quantum Agriculture
He also gave instructions for making six herbal Biodynamics and Beyond  
remedies to improve and enhance composts, and a
seventh herbal remedy to use in case of wet biodynamics-and-beyond
conditions and excessive nitrification. These
Subscribe to our Free Quantum Agriculture
procedures can be found in the Agriculture Course Newsletter
and other biodynamic publications.
How Steiner focused on agriculture as the
culmination of his life’s work is recounted in Adalbert Listen to free Podcasts http://
Graf Von Keyserlingk’s book, The Birth of a New
Agriculture, Koberwitz 1924. Steiner’s motivation is
THE Science of Sound and Vibrational Healing Conference

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By Jon Depew
The Language of Frequency and Form
Three years ago,
I had the thought to draw a
triangle on the erasable white-
board in my office, to take
note of the 180 sum-total of its
angles, then play that numeric
total as a frequency via a tone-
generating app on my smart-

It sounds simple and

insignificant enough, but this is
the day that changed my life.

by Eric Rankin
‘Play the number of a triangle as a tone’—
came to me is a bit of an enigma.

I am not a mathematician (I hated geometry all

through school) and though I am a musician, I
am not well-versed in frequency, music theory
or the mechanics of tuning. So why this
particular thought—‘Play the number of a
triangle as a tone’—came to me is a bit of an
enigma. But what is even more mysterious is
the path that opened up before me that day:
an amazing path that did not lead me to
experts in the fields of physics, frequency,
medicine and genetics, but which led them to
me. Since the creation of my video “Sonic
Geometry – The Language of Frequency and
Form,” I have been approached by people
Tesla believed he was being who know far more than me in these particular
mysteriously “guided” by a areas of research, yet tell me that I have
stumbled upon something profound. Did I? I’ll
universal intelligence
let you be the judge.
Both Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla made many statements regarding the importance of vibration and
frequency, yet most people – myself included – are not familiar with these elemental forces.

We talk about “raising the vibration” on our planet, while the study of math and frequency should be
or say things like, “Everything has its own left to the brainiacs of the world.
frequency,” but usually these are just new-age
slogans to us, opportunities to sound like we’re But like many other areas of study: quantum
physics, healing, even astronomy, we realize that it
tuned into the very essence of life, yet really have
has been in the blending of art and math, science
no idea what we’re talking about.
and spirit, physics and metaphysics that has
Musicians who have taken a class in music theory produced major leaps forward in our
are of course more likely to understand the understanding of the universe. For instance, it
connection of mathematics to frequency. After all, could be argued that Nikola Tesla did not “invent”
we’ve all heard some form of the expression: many of his electric devices, at least not in the
“Music and math are the same thing,” right? But if same way that Thomas Edison invented the
you pin down a musician and ask him or her to lightbulb, an endeavor which took over 500
explain the numerical principles of harmony, you failures to produce one success. No, Tesla
are most likely to get nothing more than a blank
stare in response. As far as most people are believed he was being mysteriously
concerned, music should be an artistic expression, “guided” by a universal intelligence of
some kind, a force leading him to recognize
a thing that did not yet exist. Then, in
flashes of blinding white light, he would see the
entire thing in his mind as a fully functional
apparatus that only needed to be built. As Tesla
describes it, this process appeals much more to
the right-brained intuitive residing within us than
the left-brained analyst who needs proof and
empirical evidence to move forward.
geometry as frequency?
And maybe that’s how I stumbled onto “Sonic hear this chord by reading an article like this: but if
Geometry.” I simply followed my intuition, and after you hum the first three notes of The Star Spangled
hearing what 180 vibration cycles per second Banner (“Oh, oh, say….”) you will hear the notes of
sounded like through my smart-phone, decided to a major chord, even if they are in backwards order.
then play the sum total of a square, which you may Lastly I “played” the sum total of an octagon’s 1080
already know is 360 degrees as revealed by four, degrees, which produced a higher octave of the
90-degree angles. Those versed in music theory major fifth.
may quickly recognize that this “doubling” of 180 to
360 represents an “octave,” or the same tone twice Realizing that the sum-totals of geometric shapes
as high in pitch. created a numerically perfect major chord – the
chord angels sing or trumpets blare to announce
After quickly taking note that I was hearing a higher royalty - was a revelation for me, but one that I was
octave of the first tone, I kept going. The obvious sure had been dissected and studied many times
next choice was the 5-sided pentagon. I did not before. Surely this must be common knowledge
know the sum total of a pentagon, but a quick amongst people well-versed in such things, so in a
search revealed that any pentagonal shape will fit of excitement I rushed to my laptop to explore
always total 540, and so I logged this into my tone- this phenomenon. Wikipedia, youtube, blogs, chat
generating app and instantly recognized that I was groups, I was ready to dive into all of them to learn
hearing what is known as a perfect fifth of the first about this amazing correlation. But would you
tone. This felt significant to me, as the fifth is believe I could not find one thing about this on the
radically important in the process of creating the
web? How could this be? I know I’ve heard
scales most of the world’s music is built upon.
Moving on, I played the hexagon’s total of 720, many experts use geometry and frequency
which ended up being yet another higher-octave
in the same sentence, so how could
representation of the first tone. Then came the 7-
sided septagon, which at 900 degrees revealed someone not have had the idea to simply
something quite exceptional: the third tone required play geometry as frequency?
to build a major chord. It may be hard for you to
geometry, harmonics, lunar
resonate systems distance and zodiac ages all
produce the same exact number
And here is when things started getting really
exciting, for when I went back to the white-board
filled with these numbers and their octaves, I
began to notice something else: a high degree of
coincidence that did not make sense to me no
matter how hard I tried to grasp what was coming
through. For instance, by “octaving” 1080 up to
2160, I realized that I had seen that number before
—but where? Finally it dawned on me and I
somehow remembered that 2160 is the
exact number of years in an “age,” or 1/12th
of the cycle that determines the appearance of
constellations of the zodiac. And then, just by
chance, I remembered that 2160 also happens to
be the diameter of the moon when measured in
miles. What the heck was going on here?

coincidence 2160
Years in an age

diameter of the moon

where geometry came from

To start me on the path of finding that answer, I had the ancient Sumerian culture of Mesopotamia
to understand where geometry came from. Or, more roughly 6,000 years ago. As I pored over the
precisely, where the sexigesimal (base 60) information, I wondered why, if we have 10 fingers,
mathematics of geometry came from. We all know did humanity arrive at a sexigsimal system rather
that a circle is 360 degrees, but why? It could just than a decimal system from the beginning? After all,
as easily be 100, or any other number for that it’s not like we didn’t end up implementing the
matter. And the span of a second by which we decimal/metric system all over the world eventually.
measure frequency waves: Who decided that this The tug of 10 is strong for us, and certainly makes
unit should be defined as one 24th of an Earth things easy to compute in our head. So why, and
Rotation x 60 minutes x 60 seconds, and thus giving how, did the Sumerians do it? How did they invent a
us a total of 86,400 seconds in a day? As I softened system that works so well that we still use it today in
my gaze and stared at that number sequence, 864, I our most advanced mathematical calculations?
knew I had seen it somewhere else as well. Then,
like a lucky Jeopardy contestant, I somehow
remembered that the sun’s diameter is 864,000
miles. Wait, what? If the moon’s base number
sequence is 216, and the sun’s number sequence is
864, that means these are numerically perfect
octaves of each other! And the octave sitting
between them? 432. Wasn’t
that the number associated
with Pythagorean tuning?
What the hell was going on?

Back to the origin of base-60

math: It did not take me long to
learn that this elegant math system comes to us via
You may not like the answer, but as numerous clay- Sumerians were being truthful about how all these
tablets and murals reveal, ancient Sumerians tell us advancements were made not only in a very brief
that they did not invent this system, but were gifted amount of time, but all in the same geographic
it by beings they described as “Royal Visitors from location as well. I am not writing this article to
the Sky.” Of course this seemed as ridiculous to me convince you one way or another, I’m simply sharing
as it may sound to you right now, but I invite you to with you what I learned as I dug into the origin of
consider that this was a moment in the geometry and the measurement of frequency.
advancement of human technology that, all things
So let’s get back to the major chord as revealed by
considered, represents the farthest leap forward
geometry. In a word, it is numerically perfect.
than any other in history. In a very short period of
Whether you move by multiplication factors or
time, and in the same small region of the world,
ratios, these numbers fall into a kind of grid or
mankind went from a hunter-gatherer species to one
matrix that can also be revealed by such things as
capable of advanced irrigation and agriculture. In
the Fibonacci sequence, the golden mean, the
this blink-of-an-eye moment humanity created the
structure of a shell or a galaxy—all perfectly aligned
first pyramidal structure, the first wheel-and-axled
and playable as the major-chord harmonics
vehicle, the first loom to weave fabric, the first
mentioned earlier. The problem is that this is where
pottery wheel, the first sailboat, school system,
the “math is music” construct begins to fray at the
street grid, sewer system. And last but not least, the
edges, for it is very likely that you have never heard
world’s first written language. Combined with
numerically perfect harmonics in your life. Let that
base-60 math, it is fair to say that, as far as our
statement sink in for a moment, then say it out loud:
story goes concerning civilization, history began in
Sumeria 6,000 years ago.

Which forces us to take an either-or stance. We can

retreat to our conditioned, scientific response and
mock the “sky-visitor” explanation as absurd. Or, we
can pause to at least consider the idea that ancient
vibration and frequency are quite literally the
forces holding energy together to become matter.

“Most of humanity has never heard numerically achieve such, one would literally need to isolate
perfect harmonics.” You see, Pythagoras became each and every key on a specialized synthesizer,
aware of octaves and intervals as revealed by which of course would then not be in tune with any
mathematical ratios, and these fundamental notes other instrument.
could easily be played on a simple, single-scale
If frequency is as important as Telsa and Einstein
instrument like the lyre.
claimed it to be, then it is very possible that
Similar in tuning to modern harmonicas, (have you numerically perfect harmonics are not only
ever noticed that they’re sold in sets, each in its own
supposed to be understood by us, but heard
key?) this instrument’s strings were all tuned to the
same root tone, and so always sounded pleasant to and felt by us as well. From centuries of
the human ear. Eventually, Pythagoras’ scale observation and experimentation, we now know that
evolved to include the 12 notes we all recognize on vibration and frequency are quite literally the forces
a piano, but herein lies the rub: When tuning a multi- holding energy together to become matter. What do
keyed instrument like the piano, it becomes we have to learn by returning to perfect harmonics
necessary to “fudge” every note so that it will sound as revealed by natural sequences, shapes and
“good enough” when played as the harmonic tone patterns? As physicist Richard Feynman wrote:
to other keys. For instance, an “A” can be the root “Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her
tone of an A-major chord, but it can also be the third patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric
of an F-major chord, or the perfect fifth of a D-major reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.”
chord. And so we end up with an instrument with
only one perfectly whole number – the 440A used There is an order to life, a true harmonic design of
for the purpose of tuning – while every other note is the universe, and at the moment it would appear
a fractionalized approximation to sound just good that we are the only expression of creation that has
enough for the purpose of making multi-keyed chosen to live in dissonance with the grand
orchestra playing all around us. Now, more than ever
music. Due to a man-made process called “Equal
before, it is time recognize the importance of
Temperament,” no perfect thirds, fifths or any other
harmonics can be found on modern instruments. To nature’s harmonies and use them to deepen our
insight and connection to all life in all its dimensions.
180 360 540
Triangle: Three Sides: 180 Square: Four Sides: 360 Pentagon: Five Sides: 540

720 1080 900

Hexagon: Six Sides: 720 Octagon: 8 Sides: 1080 Septagon: 7 Sides: 900

Hear the sound of geometry

Video produced by Alanna Luna

Eric Rankin is an author, radio host and creator of the Sonic Geometry video.
His novel, "The Aquarians," is a top-selling science fiction title on amazon, and
his weekly radio show, "Awakening Code Radio," is listened to all over the
world. Eric's current interest in frequency has guided him to do research at the
world-famous Integratron in Southern California's Mojave Desert.

Learn more at


The Integratron is the fusion

of Art, Science and Magic
sound dome  

• Musicians and recording

• Scientists
• Sound therapists
• Yoga/Meditation groups
• Corporate Think Tanks
• Skywatchers/
• Explorers
the sound bath
intersection of powerful
geomagnetic forces
unforgettable sound experience
for those who seek
deep relaxation, rejuvenation,
and introspection
the atom & the sphere

sound to light
"The Gong is the first and last instrument for this universe. It's the basic creative sound. To
the human mind, there is only one thing that the mind, the sound of the gong is like a
can supersede and command the human mother and father that gave it birth. The mind
mind, the sound of the Gong. It is the first has no power resist a gong that is well
sound in the universe, the sound that created played." - Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini

View Concert

An Excerpt Vignette from Jeremy Pfeiffer's

Upcoming Film on Vibration. A PSI/SVP Film.

the player and the instrument

the solar system gongs
The Solar System Gongs, beside
having the qualities of the
symphonic Gongs and sounding a
little bit more sweet, have a
thicker construction so the can be
easier to tune in to a particular
frequency and are tuned in
conformity with the natural
harmonic series  based in the
orbital and cyclic properties of the
Earth, Moon, Sun, and Planets,
as determined by Swiss scientist
Hans Cousto.  
In 1978 Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and
musicologist discovered the natural law of the
"Cosmic Octave" as the link between different
kinds of perodically occurring natural
phenomena, such as the orbit of the planets, the
weather, colors, rhythms and tones.

Using the formula of the Cosmic Octave f . 2n ( =

multiple doubling of a certain frequency) Hans
Cousto firstly transposed astromical periods into
audible frequencies.
For example the first-ever Cosmic Octave calculation:

The octave-tone of the rotation of Earth

Period: 1 day (24 hours . 60 minutes . 60 seconds =
86 400 seconds).
The frequency of the rotation of Earth around its own
1 : 86 400 seconds = 0.000 011 574 Hz (cycle per
This frequency multiple doubled into the middle of the
audible range:
0.000 011 574 Hz x 224 = 194.18 Hz
(224 means 24-fold doubling).

(For more information on fundamental tones,

frequencies and octaves refer to the book The Cosmic
Octave - Origin of Harmony by Hans Cousto)
"The Music of the Spheres"

Named for the Greek Gods, the planets

also embody significant archetypal,
astrological and mythological association.
Additionally,  Sixth century B.C. Greek
philosopher, mathematician, musician and
cosmologist Pythagoras developed the
concept of "The Music  of the Spheres",
the tone of each planet in our solar system
coming together as one great cosmic
chord. Solar System Gongs  bring the
harmonic convergence of the celestial
bodies as pure sound energy.

1 - For Endurance, Strenght or Courage: The SUN GONG
2 - For Communication, Clear Thinking: The MERCURY GONG
3 - For Sensuality, Love , Gain Perpective: The VENUS GONG
4 - For Sexuality or Emotional Issues: The MOON GONGS
5 - For Relaxation, Opening The Heart: The EARTH GONGS
6 - For Energy or Assertiveness: The MARS GONG
7 - For Trust or Feelings of Prosperity: The JUPITER GONG
8 - For Understanding or Concentration: The SATURN GONG
9 - For Spontaneity or Fluidity: The URANUS GONG
10 - For Vision or Inspiration: The NEPTUNE GONG
11 - For Integration, Purification, Letting Go: The PLUTO GONG
The existence of the Gong dates back instrument  has been used in many
to the Bronze Age, around 3500 BC. different religious contexts, for example,
Evidence suggests that the Gongs in yoga meditation. The West however,
existed at this time  in Mesopotamia. is only acquainted with it  through its
Myth has it that sacred gongs included thunderous, yet seldom heard sounds in
pieces of meteorites that fell from the symphony orchestras.
heavens. Since the time of Buddha  in  
600BC, all sacred Chinese gongs have Paiste has taken traditional gong
been inscribed with the two Mandarin designs of the East and made a number
Chinese characters "Tai Loi", which of important changes with regard to
means  "Happiness has Arrived", design, construction  and tuning. These
sweeping the darkness by bringing in gongs have been developed over the
the Light. The gong ancient use was as last 35 years in Europe by the Paiste
an initiation tool for  enlightenment, company in consultation with scientists,
etheric projection and exorcism of musicians and therapeutic practitioners.
negative spirits. It has also been used The Gongs are made of a bronze.
by Tibetan monks, and the Chinese, nickel and silver alloy which has been
for centuries as an aid to meditation. highly  condensed through a process of
  heating and rolling under pressure. This
There are instruments and there are process brings the metal to a
instruments. Among the latter is the consistency which carries  minimal
gong, that instrument which can internal resistance and eliminates any
produce all the sounds  within our possibility of cracks or fissures when
hearing range. The oldest known gongs used correctly. Gongs are tuned to
are over 5,000 years old and come from create a harmonious blend of sustained
A s i a M i n o r. I n t h e E a s t , t h i s resonance.
a stargate
The Gong is like a stargate from which
brings in a vortex of energy which
facilitates our connection with the infinite
higher self.  Creating a synergy effect
bringing the listener to know the oneness
of all effortlessly, while recharging the
body and strengthening  the nervous
system all at once.

BY Sotantar Suraj

plate vibration

The vibration of plates is not, musically speaking,

a subject of much interest, as the only
instruments which depend upon it directly for the
production of their sounds, are gongs and
cymbals, and the same may be said of
membranes. Chladni was the first to show the
positions of the lines of nodes on a plate, by
clamping it horizontally in a vice, and causing it to
vibrate by passing a violin bow over one edge,
having previously sprinkled it with a little sand.
The lines of nodes being those parts of the plate
which, like the nodes of a string (§13), are not
thrown into vibration, remain covered with the
sand which collects there from the vibrating
portions, and in this way very curious and
interesting figures are produced. (Stainer, John;
Barrett, W.A., A Dictionary of Musical Terms) See
Table of Plate Harmonics and Intervals.

by dale pond
See Also


Harmonic Vibrations and Vibration



Holographic Interferometry

Law of Corporeal Vibrations

Law of Harmonic Vibrations

Principles of Acoustics

resonating plates

Schlieren photography

Table of Plate Harmonics and


Visible Sound

Wave Plate
Speakers Bulgaria 2015
• Ivan Cameron, University of Texas
• Vittorio Elia, University of Naples
• Alexander Konovalov, University of Kazan
• Konstantin Korotkov, University of St. Petersburg
• Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize)
• Marian Sedlak, Slovak Academy of Sciences The main Bulgarian
• Stephanie Seneff, MIT resources are beautiful
• Patrizio Signanini, University of Chieti nature, mild climate with
• Roumiana Tsenkova, Kobe University various landscapes, over
• Vladimir Voeikov, Moscow University 530 mineral springs in
almost all regions of the
Manjir Samanta-Laughlin, Author country.

• Tom Wysmuller, JSC Climate group

• James deMeo, Orgone Biophysical Research General Information
Laboratory Conference Venue 2015
• Bill Bengston, St. Josephʼs College
• Carlos Haubi, University of Aguascalientes
• Ian Trousdell, Foundation for Water
• Josef RaDost, Vancouver Oxygen Research
• Ilya Digel, University of Applied Science, Aachen
• GunWoong Bahng, KRISS, Korea
• Glen Rein, Quantum Biology Research Laboratory

• Irina Grigorieva, University of Manchester

• Gerald Pollack, University of Washington
Physics, Chemistry and Biology of


2006 Conference | 2007 Conference | 2008 Conference | 2009 Conference |

2010 Conference | 2011 Conference | 2012 Conference | 2013 Conference
science & consciousness


• Intro and Thank you Alick Bartholomew
Georg Schroecker • Viktor Schauberger
• The Water World Freddy Silva
Marlin Chaplin • Ancient Wisdom & Water
• Intro to Water Science Karen Elkins
• The New Science • Excerpts and ideas from the book
Gene Webb “InsideOUT”
• A New Paradigm... ARTISTS
Alick Bartholomew Rebecca Kamen
• Water is the Stage Manager • Manuscript as Muse
Fuchs & Woisetschlaeger Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
READER • The Floating Water Bridge • Rainbow Snake
SUPPORTED Gerald Pollack, Ph.D Edward Cowie
• The 4th Phase of Water • Art, Music and Science
Water Issue 1

• Excerpt for his new book Matt Poon

Water Light and Electric • A Water Myth
Electric Universe/Thunderbolt Project Freddy Silva
Konstantin Korotkov, Ph.D • Photography
• Water is Life and Light
Alexander Lauterwasser
• The Structure of Life
Richard Merrick Related Issue
• Atomic Resonance as a
Frame Work for Life
The Means & the Messenger
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
• Quantum Jazz
Water & Sound
John Stuart Reid
• CymaGlyhs of Water
• Poem
Susan Alexjander
• Fluid Resonance
Wholly Healing Water
Masaru Emoto
• Urgent Message
Josef Tyls, Ph.D
• In Search of Wholly Water
• Shui Yin Lo, Ph.D



science & consciousness

Related Issue
Water Issue 2





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