Modul 13 Speaking 1

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Business English

Speaking 1

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

Ekonomi & Bisnis Akuntansi Subandi, S. Pd, MMSI

Abstract Competency
The Academic students should be able Students able to speak English well.
to write and speak English well as their
value added for knowledge after
finishing their college.
Lesson 13 Speaking
Speaking Situations:
We are currently building this section to provide contexts for Phrases for

Want to Talk to Someone in English? Check out

Speaking Situations - Low Beginning
1. Greetings
2. Introducing yourself
3. Introducing people
4. Identifying people, things
5. Classroom questions
6. Asking for information
7. Giving information
8. Simple sentences
9. Simple questions
10. Numbers and counting
11. Talking about family
12. Talking about favorite things
13. Talking about here and now
14. Describing People
15. Telling Time
16. Talking about past actions
17. Talking about the future
18. Talking about feelings/health
19. Talking about life events
20. Expressing likes and dislikes
21. Simple shopping
22. Contractions
23. Short questions and answers
24. Closing a conversation
25. Expressing thanks
26. Situation: At the Store

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27. Describing a Picture
28. Talking about Occupations

Speaking Situations - High Beginning

1. Introducing others
2. Encouraging words
3. Buying and selling
4. American numbers and prices
5. Making suggestions
6. Making plans for the weekend
7. Asking for favors
8. Asking for repetition
9. Requesting
10. Inviting
11. Offering
12. Talking about abilities
13. Expressing possibility
14. Talking about locations
15. Asking for directions
16. Giving directions
17. Asking about place/location
18. Talking about travel
19. Descriptions
20. Like / would like / look like / be like
21. Comparing things
22. Questions and expressions with time
23. Count and non-count nouns in context
24. Using measure words
25. Telephone talk
26. Narrating

Phrases for Conversation - Low Intermediate

1. Conversation starters
2. Rejoinders

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3. Giving opinions
4. Agreeing/disagreeing
5. Asking for details
6. Asking permission
7. Asking for and Giving Advice
8. Sequencing
9. Speaking hypothetically
10. Discussing Sensitive Topics
11. Accepting and Refusing
12. Expressions for Description
13. Indirect Requests
14. Tag Questions

Phrases for Conversation - High Intermediate

1. Supporting opinions
2. Exploring options
3. Contrasting
4. Classifying
5. Discussion techniques
6. Elaborating
7. Clarifying
8. Interrupting
9. Giving instructions
10. Simple presentations
11. Checking for Understanding
12. Conceding to Make a Point
13. Analyzing Problems

Phrases for Conversation - Advanced

Speaking Situations: We are currently building this section to provide contexts for
Phrases for Conversation.

Want to Talk to Someone in English? Check out

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4 Subandi, S.Pd, MMSI
Speaking Situations - Low Beginning
1. Greetings
2. Introducing yourself
3. Introducing people
4. Identifying people, things
5. Classroom questions
6. Asking for information
7. Giving information
8. Simple sentences
9. Simple questions
10. Numbers and counting
11. Talking about family
12. Talking about favorite things
13. Talking about here and now
14. Describing People
15. Telling Time
16. Talking about past actions
17. Talking about the future
18. Talking about feelings/health
19. Talking about life events
20. Expressing likes and dislikes
21. Simple shopping
22. Contractions
23. Short questions and answers
24. Closing a conversation
25. Expressing thanks
26. Situation: At the Store
27. Describing a Picture
28. Talking about Occupations

Speaking Situations - High Beginning

1. Introducing others
2. Encouraging words
3. Buying and selling

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5 Subandi, S.Pd, MMSI
4. American numbers and prices
5. Making suggestions
6. Making plans for the weekend
7. Asking for favors
8. Asking for repetition
9. Requesting
10. Inviting
11. Offering
12. Talking about abilities
13. Expressing possibility
14. Talking about locations
15. Asking for directions
16. Giving directions
17. Asking about place/location
18. Talking about travel
19. Descriptions
20. Like / would like / look like / be like
21. Comparing things
22. Questions and expressions with time
23. Count and non-count nouns in context
24. Using measure words
25. Telephone talk
26. Narrating

Phrases for Conversation - Low Intermediate

1. Conversation starters
2. Rejoinders
3. Giving opinions
4. Agreeing/disagreeing
5. Asking for details
6. Asking permission
7. Asking for and Giving Advice
8. Sequencing

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6 Subandi, S.Pd, MMSI
9. Speaking hypothetically
10. Discussing Sensitive Topics
11. Accepting and Refusing
12. Expressions for Description
13. Indirect Requests
14. Tag Questions

Phrases for Conversation - High Intermediate

1. Supporting opinions
2. Exploring options
3. Contrasting
4. Classifying
5. Discussion techniques
6. Elaborating
7. Clarifying
8. Interrupting
9. Giving instructions
10. Simple presentations
11. Checking for Understanding
12. Conceding to Make a Point
13. Analyzing Problems

Phrases for Conversation - Advanced

Speaking: The following Quizzes are from The Internet TESL Journal

Quizzes - Low Beginning

 Getting Acquainted Dialog (Vera Mello)
 Short Answers (Carlos Gontow)

Quizzes - High Beginning

 34 Easy Questions (Charles Kelly)
 Question Formation (Vera Mello)

2017 Business English 2 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning

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 Question Formation II (Vera Mello)
 Wh-Questions (Douglas Gilbert)

Quizzes - Low Intermediate

 A Dentist Appointment (Vera Mello)
 A Job Interview (Jim Schweizer)
 Adjectives Ending with -ed and -ing (Douglas Gilbert)
 An Invitation (Vera Mello)
 Assorted Questions and Answers 1 (Vera Mello)
 Assorted Questions and Answers 2 (Vera Mello)
 Assorted Sentences (Vera Mello)
 Dialog Reordering (Vera Mello)
 Match the Sentences (Vera Mello)
 Questions & Answers - Matching Quiz (Vera Mello)
 Tag Questions (Barbara Donnelly)
 Tag Questions (Barbara Lyons Perez)
 Tag Questions Does she? Doesn't she? Did she?
 (Letitia Bradley)
 Tag Questions Has he? Hasn't he? Had he?
 (Letitia Bradley)
 Tag Questions Have you? Are you? Do you?
 (Letitia Bradley)
 Tag Questions With 'Be'- Matching Quiz (Vera Mello)
 Tag Questions With Assorted Verbs - Matching Quiz
 (Vera Mello)

Speaking: Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies
 Advanced Public Speaking Institute
 Become a Confident Speaker from English Corner
 Creating Practice Opportunities from Language Centre of HKUST
 English Speaking Practice Through Presentations from

2017 Business English 2 Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning

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 Improving Your Interview Skills from Language Centre of HKUST
 Improving Your Presentation Skills from Language Centre of HKUST
 Improving Your Speaking Skills from Language Centre of HKUST
 Learning Oral English Online from Rong-Chang Li
 Tips for Improving Your Listening Comprehension And Speaking Skills
 What You Can Do to Improve Your Spoken English
 from The English Language Teaching Unit at The Chinese University of Hong

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Are you interested in discovering your employees’ most serious complaints?
Knowing what makes employees unhappy is half the battle when you think about
employee work satisfaction, morale, positive motivation, and retention. Listen to
employees and provide opportunities for them to communicate with company
managers. If employees feel safe, they will tell you what is on their minds. Your work
culture must foster trust for successful two-way communication.
HR Solutions, Inc., a Chicago-based management-consulting firm specializing
in employee engagement surveys, analyzed recurring themes in employee surveys
and compiled the following top ten list. Employees consistently complain on surveys
and in interviews about these items. How many are true in your workplace?
1. Higher salaries: pay is the number one area in which employees seek
change. You can foster a work environment in which employees feel
comfortable asking for a raise.
2. Internal pay equity: employees are concerned particularly with pay
compression, the differential in pay between new and longer-term
employees. In organizations, with the average annual pay increase for
employees around 4%, employees perceive that newcomers are better
paid – and, often, they are.
Benefits programs, particularly health and dental insurance, retirement,
and Paid Time Off / vacation days: specifically, many employees feel that
their health insurance costs too much, especially prescription drug
programs, when employers pass part of their rising costs to employees.
3. Over-management: Employees often defined by interviewees as “Too
many chiefs, not enough Indians.” Workplaces that foster employee
empowerment, employee enablement, and broader spans of control by
managers, will see fewer complaints. A popular word, micromanaging,
expresses this sentiment, too.
4. Pay increase guidelines for merit: Employees believe the compensation
system should place greater emphasis on merit and contribution.
Employees find pay systems in which all employees receive the same pay
increase annually, demoralizing. Such pay systems hit the motivation and

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commitment of your best employees hardest as they may begin asking
what is in this for me.
As you adopt a merit pay system, one component is education so that
employees know what behaviors and contributions merit additional
compensation. Their manager about how their performance needs to
change to merit a larger pay increase must inform employees who did not.
5. Human Resources department response to employees: The Human
Resource department needs to be more responsive to employee questions
and concerns. In many companies, the HR department is perceived as the
policymaking, policing arm of management. In fact, in forward thinking HR
departments, responsiveness to employee needs is one of the
6. Favoritism: Employees want the perception that each employee is treated
equivalently with other employees. If there are policies, behavioral
guidelines, methods for requesting time off, valued assignments,
opportunities for development, frequent communication, and just about
any other work related decisions you can think of, employees want fair
7. Communication and availability: Let us face it. Employees want face-to-
face communication time with both their supervisors and executive
management. This communication helps them feel recognized and
important. In addition, yes, your time is full because you have a job, too.
However, a manager’s main job is to support the success of all his or her
reporting employees. That’s how the manager magnifies their own
8. Workloads are too heavy: Departments are understaffed and employees
feel as if their workloads are too heavy and their time is spread too thinly. I
see this complaint becoming worse as layoffs; the economy; your ability to
find educated, skilled, experienced staff; and your business demands
grow. To combat this, each company should help employees participate in
continuous improvement activities.
9. Facility cleanliness: Employees want a clean, organized work environment
in which they have the necessary equipment to perform well.

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The job satisfaction study included over 2.2 million respondents with 2,100
organizations representing various industries, all surveyed by HR
Solutions, Inc.

Read well then make short conversation from this article!

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Daftar Pustaka
1. Understanding English Grammar by Martha Kolln. 4rth Edition.
2. MacMillan Publishing Company: New York. 1994. **The section on uses of
“To be” in passive constructions is based on information in Grammar
Dimensions: Form, Meaning, and Use, #3 2nd Ed. by Jan Frodesen and
Janet Eyring. Heinle & Heinle: Boston. 1997. Examples are our own.

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