Leprosy: Pathogenesis Updated: Review
Leprosy: Pathogenesis Updated: Review
Leprosy: Pathogenesis Updated: Review
Leprosy: pathogenesis updated
Jorge Abulafia, MD, and Raúl A. Vignale, MD
Jorge Abulafia, MD, Callao 1323, (1023) Buenos Aires, Argentina
© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Dermatology 1999, 38, 321–334
322 Review Leprosy: pathogenesis updated Abulafia and Vignale
Figure 1 (A) M. leprae with a thick cellular wall, enveloped in a phosphoglycolipid layer, as seen in degenerated or aged
bacilli, biochemically similar to the lipids of lepra cells. This material is probably related to the phenolic glycolipid-1 (specific
PGL-1 antigen) that may be detected in bacilli and Virchow cells. (B) Spherical model showing the human substrate and its
variations in the development of different clinico-pathological forms of leprosy, which may be classified in two large
hemispherical polar groups
tuberculoid leprosy, a specific response, probably related T (c-s) lymphocytes (cytotoxic suppressor) may co-operate
to cell-mediated immune mechanisms, may occur.14,15 in tuberculoid leprosy, but may play their most significant
Genetic research has confirmed the bipolarity of leprosy. role in lepromatous leprosy.
The study of human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) and proteins All cell-mediated and humoral immune response require
encoded by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)- ‘‘starting cells;’’ these antigen presenting cells (APCs)
linked genes has revealed the predominance of MHC class express the antigenic information on their surface and, in
II: HLA-DR3 in tuberculoid leprosy, and of MHC class concert with MHC, initiate the immune cascade. Several
II: HLA-DQ1 in lepromatous leprosy. In certain cases, APCs, such as Langerhans cells, follicular dendritic cells,
however, MHC class I may also be expressed and induce interdigitating dendritic cells, and normal macrophages,
CD8⫹ T-lymphocyte clones. In patients with type 2 (eryth- are related to the monocyte–phagocyte system. In leprosy,
ema nodosum leprosum) and type 3 (Lucio phenomenon) normal macrophages may be of the utmost importance, as
reactions, MHC class III: C4BQ0, may be detected.16 ‘‘Mitsuda-positive’’ or ‘‘Mitsuda-negative’’ clones of these
The phenotype analysis has shown interleukin 2 (IL-2) cells may evolve into different APCs, associated with cell-
and interferon gamma (IFN-γ) as markers of cell-mediated mediated or humoral immunity, respectively.
immunity in tuberculoid leprosy, and interleukin 4 (IL-4) In our opinion, the ultrastructure of lepra cells and
as an index of humoral immunity in lepromatous lep- epitheloid cells should be re-evaluated.19–48 Light and
rosy.17,18 All these cytokines are produced by CD4⫹ Th-1 electron microscopy findings are rather inconsistent, as
(helper-1) and Th-2 (helper-2) lymphocytes, involved in virchowcytes are often bacillar cemeteries instead of reser-
cell-mediated and humoral immunity, respectively. CD8⫹ voirs of viable organisms.
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Figure 2 During the hematogenous spread of M. leprae on its way to the nerves, it may be captured by macrophages. In
Mitsuda-positive patients, epithelioid granulomas may be formed (tuberculoid leprosy); in Mitsuda-negative patients,
virchowcytic granulomas may develop (lepromatous leprosy). In certain cases, both granulomas may coexist (borderline
leprosy). These granulomas result from different mechanisms of killing M. leprae by ‘‘Mitsuda-positive’’ or ‘‘Mitsuda-negative’’
macrophages. All clinico-pathologic forms of leprosy may be related to the monocyte–macrophage system. Mø, macrophage;
ph, phagosome; lm, lysosome; mi, mitochondria; phlm, phagolysosomes; fs, foamy structures; ger, granular endoplasmic
reticulum; G, Golgi apparatus; Nu, nucleus
The purpose of this review is to re-examine the patho- 4 Why is dapsone effective and bactericidal rifampicin
genesis of leprosy in view of the different immunologic is not?
mechanisms involved.49–58 Combining the available clin- 5 May leprosy possibly be a disease of the macrophage
ical, histopathologic, histochemical, and ultrastructural organelles or is only immunity involved?
knowledge with the recent immunologic advances, we have
explored new hypotheses that may help to answer the
Leprosy: infectious disease
following questions.
1 How is M. leprae made up and how can a simple bacillus Mycobacterium leprae
generate so many distinctive pictures? M. leprae belongs to the Mycobacteriaceae group and
2 Why do epithelioid granulomas predominate in tubercu- shares several antigens with M. tuberculosis. It is also
loid leprosy and virchowcytic granulomas in lepromatous fuchsin-positive and acid-fast, does not release toxins, and
leprosy? Do epitheloid cells and lepra cells have any replicates every 20 or 30 days (Fig. 6).21 The bacilli are
pathogenic meaning? arranged in ‘‘packs of cigarettes’’ or ‘‘globis’’ in a lipid
3 Why may M. leprae stimulate cell-mediated immunity in magma, and are included in the cytoplasmic vacuoles of
tuberculoid leprosy and humoral immunity in lepromatous lepra cells (modified macrophages).
leprosy? Could two types of APC, resulting from dual Under electron microscopy, M. leprae consists of a
antigenicity, develop? spiraled nucleoplasm surrounded by a dense homogeneous
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Figure 4 Perivascular lepra cells with lipid-laden cytoplasmic Figure 5 Electron micrograph of a lepra cell cytoplasm; vg,
vacuoles; vg, virchowcytic granuloma; v, vessel; arrows, virchowcytic granuloma; phlm, phagolysosomes (fs, foamy
lepra cell (Sudan B black, ⫻440) structures)—large vesicles with small electron-lucent vacuoles
(v) containing bacterial lipids lined by a delicate network of
lysosomal material; Ml, bacilli within small phagocytic
vacuoles (phagosomes); mi, normal mitochondria; lm,
layer that envelopes M. leprae.25,28,29,51 In this early stage
normal lysosomes; dmi, degenerated vesicular mitochondria;
of lepromatous leprosy, no normal APCs develop. r, small residual phagolysosomes; asterisks, artifacts
M. leprae (⫻43,400)
Mitsuda-positive patients Mitsuda-negative patients
↓ ↓
Epithelioid granulomas Virchowcytic granulomas
↓ ↓
Tuberculoid leprosy Lepromatous leprosy
↓ ↓
Primary immune disease Infectious-metabolic disease
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326 Review Leprosy: pathogenesis updated Abulafia and Vignale
Figure 7 Mycobacterium leprae (Ml) phagocytosed by ‘‘Mitsuda-positive macrophages’’ may be completely destroyed; normal
antigenic information may be obtained and expressed on the cell surface. In association with MHC class II, these APCs may
secrete IL-12 and stimulate CD4⫹ lymphocytes (Th-1), which, in turn, may produce IL-2 and IFN-γ. New macrophages may
then be activated and transformed into epitheloid cells. When MHC class I is involved, however, stimulated CD8⫹
lymphocytes may act on other macrophages to kill the organisms by apoptosis. Mø, macrophage; MHC, major
histocompatibility complex; NK, natural killer
somes with multiple normal bacilli and phagolysosomes negative macrophages.’’ Lepra cells are not friendly hosts,
with scarce residual bacterial lipidic vacuoles may also be as they eventually evolve into bacterial cemeteries. Lepro-
seen. This picture may erroneously suggest that lepra cells matous leprosy may be considered a phospholipid deposit
are reservoirs of viable bacteria. disease or post-bacillar tesaurismosis.6,48 Ziehl–Neelsen
Although these structures are specific macrophage cyto- stain shows that the lipid envelope reacts like lipofuchsin;
plasmic organelles, in earlier ultrastructural studies their it is diagnostic, but not specific and does not reflect the
functional significance was uncertain. The lysosomes were viability of M. leprae.
called ‘‘opaque droplets’’ or ‘‘opaque bodies,’’ and the
phagolysosomes were named ‘‘foamy structures,’’ with little
Tuberculoid leprosy: infectious and primary
or no value.42,44–46
immune disease
In ‘‘Mitsuda-negative macrophages,’’ a functional defi-
ciency of lysosomal phospholipases may exist. As in these In Mitsuda-positive patients, phagocytosis of M. leprae
cells only partial lysis of bacilli may occur, the antigenic may lead to complete bacterial lysis; macrophages may
information is incomplete. transform into normal APCs with complete bacillar
In summary, lepromatous leprosy is an infectious disease information on the surface that, in the presence of MHC
caused by M. leprae and a metabolic disorder secondary to class II, may induce IL-12 synthesis, which in turn may
the dysfunction of lysosomal phospholipases in ‘‘Mitsuda- stimulate CD4⫹ T lymphocytes (Th-1) that produce IL-2
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Figure 11 In Mitsuda-negative patients, only partial lysis may occur and the bacterial phospholipids may persist. Lepra cells or
virchowcytes may appear and be phagocytosed by other macrophages; in this way, new antigen presenting cells (NAPCs) with
modified antigenic information may emerge, and stimulate humoral immunity. This mechanism may explain secondary type 2
(ENL) and type 3 (Lucio phenomenon) reactions of lepromatous leprosy. Mø, macrophage; MHC, major histocompatibility
complex; IL, interleukin
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Figure 15 Dual immunity in leprosy. The same M. leprae may express ‘‘normal’’ and ‘‘predigested’’ antigens. The former may
act in Mitsuda-positive patients; normal APCs may be formed, primary cell-mediated immunity may develop, and,
consequently, tuberculoid leprosy may result. The latter may operate in Mitsuda-negative patients; new APCs may appears,
secondary humoral immunity may be stimulated, and type 2 (ENL) and type 3 (Lucio phenomenon) reactions may occur. In
the two mechanisms, different cytokines may be involved. Mø, macrophage; APC, antigen presenting cell; IL, interleukin; Th,
helper T lymphocytes; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
M. leprae-containing macrophages, induce epitheloid cell face with MHC class II, evolve into new antigenic presenting
development. Tuberculoid leprosy may therefore represent cells, release IL-4, stimulate humoral immunity (CD4⫹ Th-
a primary cell-mediated immunologic disease. 2 and CD8⫹ T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, and IL-1 and
3 In lepromatous leprosy (Mitsuda-negative), phagocytic TNF-α synthesis) with anti-M. leprae antibody production,
macrophages may produce partial bacterial lysis; however, and facilitate type 2 (erythema nodosum leprosum) and type
the bacterial phospholipids engulfed within cytoplasmic 3 (Lucio phenomenon) leprosy reactions. The immunologic
vacuoles persist, and lepra cells or Virchow cells result. response is secondary to the metabolic disease.
During this early stage, no immune stimulation takes place. 5 In borderline leprosy, the presence of both epithelioid
The assumed mitochondrial dysfunction of ‘‘Mitsuda-nega- and virchowcytic granulomas may reflect the coexistence
tive macrophages’’ may lead to the overproduction of of ‘‘Mitsuda-positive’’ and ‘‘Mitsuda-negative’’ macrophage
free radicals and lysosomal phospholipase depression. The clones at the equatorial zone and perhaps at both tubercu-
bacteriostatic and antioxidant effects of sulfones would loid and lepromatous hemispheres.
neutralize the free radicals, causing disinhibition of 6 Type 1 leprosy reaction (reversal) may be related to the
phospholipases, metabolization of lepra cells lipids, and stimulation of ‘‘Mitsuda-positive macrophages’’ in patients
involution and disappearance of lepromas. Initially, lepro- with predominantly ‘‘Mitsuda-negative macrophages.’’
matous leprosy may therefore behave as an infectious and 7 The re-examination of lepra cells and epithelioid cell
metabolic lipidic disease. electron micrographs may be useful to demonstrate their
4 In a later stage of lepromatous leprosy, other macro- different response to M. leprae and to explain the source
phages may phagocytose the aged lepra cells, obtain of bipolarity in the pathophysiology of leprosy.
complete neoantigenic information expressed on their sur- 8 The immune bipolarity of leprosy may be the result of
© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Dermatology 1999, 38, 321–334
332 Review Leprosy: pathogenesis updated Abulafia and Vignale
two antigens, one derived from ‘‘normal’’ bacilli and the 12 Barbieri TA Correa WM. Human macrophage culture.
other arising from enzymatically digested bacilli present in The leprosy prognostic test (LPT). Int J Lepr 1967; 35:
Virchow cells. Both antigens, acting independently, may 377–381.
induce the development of normal and new antigen 13 Pisani RCG, Beiguelman B, Opromolla DVA. ‘‘In vitro’’
presenting cells, respectively, with the stimulation of cell- behavior of blood derived macrophages against killed
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14 Convit J, Avila JL, Goihman M, et al. A test for the
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15 Convit J, Pinardi ME Rodriguez Ochoa G, et al.
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Elimination of M. leprae subsequent to local in vivo
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Acknowledgements other mycobacteria. Clin Exp Immunol 1974; 00:
Meny Bergel, MD and Luis M. Baliña, MD, made scientific 16 Rodriguez Santamaria J, Campbell IT, Delfini O, et al.
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Llanos provided the illustrations. protective response to pathogens: cytokine profiles in
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18 Ochoa MT, Valderrama L, Ochoa A, et al.
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International Journal of Dermatology 1999, 38, 321–334 © 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd
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