Vol. 1 Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, edited by Hans Georg Gebel and Stefan K. Kozlowski
(1994) (44 contributions, IV + 601 pages, 270 figures, 16 plates, 89 tables, paperback - 65 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042410-3]
Vol. 2 Die neolithische Keramik aus Abu Thawwab, Jordanien (with English Summary), by Daif‘allah Obeidat (XIII + 186
(1995) pages, 62 figs., 9 tables, paperback - 28 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042411-0]
Vol. 3 Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, and Their Contemporaries in Adjacent Regions,
(1996) edited by Stefan K. Kozlowski and Hans Georg K. Gebel (39 contrib., IV + 460 pages, 214 figs., 21 plates, 52 tables,
paperback - 80 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042412-7]
Vol. 4 The Prehistory of Jordan, II: Perspectives from 1997, edited by Hans Georg K. Gebel, Zeidan Kafafi and Gary O.
(1996) Rollefson (49 contributions, III + 662 pages, 207 figures, 46 plates, 153 tables, paperback - 95 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042413-4]
Vol. 5 Central Settlements in Neolithic Jordan. Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Petra, July 1997, edited by
(2004) Hans-Dieter Bienert, Hans Georg K. Gebel and Reinder Neef (21 contributions, XIV + 300 pages, 82 figures/diagrams,
12 tables, 36 plates incl. 2 colour plates, paperback, 48 Euro) [ISBN 3-98042414-1]
Vol. 6 The Dawn of Farming in the Near East, edited by René T.J. Cappers and Sytze Bottema (16 contributions, I + 189
(2002) pages, 52 figures, 11 tables, paperback - 38 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042415-8]
Vol. 7 Die Neolithisierung im Vorderen Orient. Theorien, archäologische Daten und ein ethnologisches Modell, by
(2000) Marion Benz (second edition of 2008: V + 266 pages, 59 figures, 8 tables, 3 app., 10 maps, incl. 3 colour illustrations and short
English summary, paperback - 70 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042416-5]
Vol. 8 Magic Practices and Ritual in the Near Eastern Neolithic, edited by Hans Georg K. Gebel, Bo Dahl Hermansen
(2002) and Charlott Hoffmann Jensen (12 contributions, III + 173 pages, 62 figures incl. plates, one clour plate, 8 tables, paperback -
40 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042419-6]
Vol. 9 Beyond Tools. Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on
(2001) PPN Chipped Lithic Industries (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Nov. 1998), edited by Isabella Caneva, Cristina
Lemorini, Daniela Zampetti and Paolo Biagi (33 contributions, IV + 455 pages, 206 figures incl. plates, 63 tables, paperback -
80 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042418-9]
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(2004) Voraussetzungen, typologische Varianz und sozio-ökonomische Implikationen im Zeitraum zwischen 12,000 und
7,600 BP, by Karin Bartl (XXX + 841 pages; 222 plates with more than 600 illustrations, incl. 4 colour figures; more than 367
tables, paperback - 120 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075781-2]
Vol. 11 Flint and Stone Axes as Cultural Markers. Socio-Economic Changes as Reflected in Holocene Flint Tool
(2005) Industries of the Southern Levant, by Ran Barkai (XIV + 410 pages, 126 figs., 26 tables, paperback - 68 Euro)
[ISBN 978-3-98075782-9]
Vol. 12 Domesticating Space: Construction, Community, and Cosmology in the Late Prehistoric Near East,
(2006) edited by E.B. Banning and Michael Chazan (11 contributions, 112 pages, 52 figs., 7 tables, paperback - 25 Euro)
[ISBN 978-3-98075783-6]
Vol. 13 The State of the Stone: Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Neolithic Lithics, edited by
(2011) Elizabeth Healey, Stuart Campbell and Osamu Maeda (44 + 2 contributions, XIV + 490 pages, 348 figs., 4 colour figs., 73
tables, paperback - 76 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98118882-0]
Vol. 14 The Principle of Sharing. Segregation and Construction of Social Identities at the Transition from Foraging to
(2010) Farming, edited by Marion Benz (17 contributions, VIII + 330 pages, 103 figs., 2 colour figs., 13 tables, paperback - 56 Euro)
[ISBN 978-3-98118883-7]
Vol. 15 Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond, edited by Yoshihiro Nishiaki,
(2013) Kaoru Kashima and Marc Verhoeven (13 contributions, 236 pages, 102 figs., 12 plates, 4 tables, paperback - 45 Euro)
[ISBN 978-3-944178-01-1]
Vol. 16 Neolithisation of Northeastern Africa, edited by Noriyuki Shirai (14 contributions, 256 pages, 62 figs., 15 tables,
(2013) paperback - 48 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-944178-02-8]
bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis
Editors-in-Chief: Hans Georg K. Gebel and Gary O. Rollefson
Jebel Abu Thawwab (Er-Rumman), Central Jordan. The Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age I Occupations,
by Zeidan Kafafi, with contributions by Nizar Abu-Jaber, Bo Dahl Hermansen, Ilse Koehler-Rollefson,
Reinder Neef, Nabil Qadi, Raeda Quraan, Ziad al-Sa‘ad, Danielle Stordeur, & Hisahiko Wada
bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (2001) & Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk Univ.
3 (2001) (with 7 specialist contributions, XIII + 222 pages, 77 figures, 44 plates, 23 tables, hardcover - 78 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98042417-2]
Gesher: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Site in the Central Jordan Valley, Israel. A Final Report,
by Yosef Garfinkel and Doron Dag, with contributions by Shoshana Ashkenazi, Shmuel Belitzky,
Gaelle Le Dosseur, Liora K. Horwitz, Mordechai E. Kislev, Yoel Melamed, Henk K. Mienis, & Orit Simchoni.
bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (2006) (with 11 contributions, XIV + 230 pages, 12 colour plates,
158 figures, 33 tables, hardcover - 85 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075786-7]
Ramat Tamar and Metzad Mazal. The Early Neolithic Economy of Neolithic Flint Mining
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(2007) (XIV+ 220 pages, 48 figures, 48 tables, 94 plates. hardcover – 72 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075787-4]
Basta I. The Human Ecology, edited by Hans J. Nissen, Mujahed Muheisen and Hans Georg K. Gebel, with contributions
by Maria Thaís Crepaldi Affonso, Cornelia Becker, Hans Georg K. Gebel, Andreas Hauptmann,
Bo Dahl Hermansen, Ulrich Kamp, Mujahed Muheisen, Reinder Neef, Hans J. Nissen, Ernst Pernicka , & Nabil Qadi
bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (2004) & Yarmouk University, Monograph of the Faculty of Archaeology and
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98 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075780-5]
Basta II. The Architecture and Stratigraphy, by Hans Georg K. Gebel, Hans J. Nissen and Zaydoon Zaid, with a
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Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology 5 (2006) (XVI + 306 pages, 56 figures, 72 plates, 6 tables, 6 appendices, 2 stratigraphical charts,
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Basta IV.3. The Ground Stone and Bone Industries, by Cornelia Becker, Wajeeh Karasneh, Nabil Qadi
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Monograph of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology (forthcoming) [ISBN 978-3-98118885-1]
‘Ain Ghazal Excavation Reports 2: Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of
Naviform Core Technology, as Seen at ‘Ain Ghazal, by Leslie A. Quintero. bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis
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10 tables. hardcover – 72 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98118884-4]
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of Yiftahel. The 1980s and 1990s Excavations, by Yosef Garfinkel,
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bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (2012) (with 18 contributions, XXXII + 310 pages, 14 colour plates,
235 figures, 62 tables, hardcover - 92 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075789-8]
* * * * * *
Modesty and Patience. Archaeological Studies and Memories in Honor of Nabil Qadi, “Abu Salim”
edited by Hans Georg K. Gebel, Zeidan Kafafi and Omar al-Ghul
Yarmouk University, Monograph of the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology (2009) & ex oriente, Berlin (2009)
(IX+ 218 pages, 95 figures, 5 tables. softcover – 28 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98118881-3]
Göbekli Tepe. The Stone Age Sanctuary in South-Eastern Anatolia, by Klaus Schmidt
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