CARPIO, J., Chairperson,
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This is a petition for review on certiorari[1] that seeks to set aside the Court of
Appeals (CA) Decision[2] dated October 16, 2001 and Resolution[3] dated May 29,
2002 in CA-G.R. SP. No. 64701. These CA rulings affirmed the July 26,
2000[4] and March 7, 2001[5] orders of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Misamis
Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City, denying petitioner Roger V. Navarros (Navarro)
motion to dismiss.
The second complaint contained essentially the same allegations as the first
complaint, except that the Lease Agreement with Option to Purchase involved is
dated October 1, 1997 and the motor vehicle leased is described as follows:
Serial No. FK416K-510528
Motor No. 6D14-423403
The second complaint also alleged that Navarro delivered three post-dated checks,
each for the amount of P100,000.00, to Karen Go in payment of the agreed
rentals; however, the third check was dishonored when presented for payment.[8]
On October 12, 1998[9] and October 14, 1998,[10] the RTC issued writs of replevin
for both cases; as a result, the Sheriff seized the two vehicles and delivered them
to the possession of Karen Go.
In his Answers, Navarro alleged as a special affirmative defense that the two
complaints stated no cause of action, since Karen Go was not a party to the
Lease Agreements with Option to Purchase (collectively, the lease agreements)
the actionable documents on which the complaints were based.
On Navarros motion, both cases were duly consolidated on December 13, 1999.
In its May 8, 2000 order, the RTC dismissed the case on the ground that the
complaints did not state a cause of action.
In response to the motion for reconsideration Karen Go filed dated May 26,
2000, the RTC issued another order datedJuly 26, 2000 setting aside the order
of dismissal. Acting on the presumption that Glenn Gos leasing business is a
conjugal property, the RTC held that Karen Go had sufficient interest in his
leasing business to file the action against Navarro. However, the RTC held that
Karen Go should have included her husband, Glenn Go, in the complaint based on
Section 4, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court (Rules).[12] Thus, the lower court ordered
Karen Go to file a motion for the inclusion of Glenn Go as co-plaintiff.
When the RTC denied Navarros motion for reconsideration on March 7, 2001,
Navarro filed a petition for certiorari with the CA, essentially contending that the
RTC committed grave abuse of discretion when it reconsidered the dismissal of
the case and directed Karen Go to amend her complaints by including her
husband Glenn Go as co-plaintiff. According to Navarro, a complaint which
failed to state a cause of action could not be converted into one with a cause of
action by mere amendment or supplemental pleading.
On October 16, 2001, the CA denied Navarros petition and affirmed the RTCs
order.[13] The CA also denied Navarros motion for reconsideration in its resolution
of May 29, 2002,[14] leading to the filing of the present petition.
Navarro alleges that even if the lease agreements were in the name of
Kargo Enterprises, since it did not have the requisite juridical personality to sue,
the actual parties to the agreement are himself and Glenn Go. Since it was Karen
Go who filed the complaints and not Glenn Go, she was not a real party-in-
interest and the complaints failed to state a cause of action.
Navarro posits that the RTC erred when it ordered the amendment of the
complaint to include Glenn Go as a co-plaintiff, instead of dismissing the
complaint outright because a complaint which does not state a cause of action
cannot be converted into one with a cause of action by a mere amendment or a
supplemental pleading. In effect, the lower court created a cause of action for
Karen Go when there was none at the time she filed the complaints.
Navarro likewise faults the lower court for setting the trial of the case in the
same order that required Karen Go to amend her complaints, claiming that by
issuing this order, the trial court violated Rule 10 of the Rules.
Even assuming the complaints stated a cause of action against him, Navarro
maintains that the complaints were premature because no prior demand was made
on him to comply with the provisions of the lease agreements before the
complaints for replevin were filed.
Lastly, Navarro posits that since the two writs of replevin were issued based
on flawed complaints, the vehicles were illegally seized from his possession and
should be returned to him immediately.
Karen Go, on the other hand, claims that it is misleading for Navarro to
state that she has no real interest in the subject of the complaint, even if the lease
agreements were signed only by her husband, Glenn Go; she is the owner of
Kargo Enterprises and Glenn Go signed the lease agreements merely as the
manager of Kargo Enterprises. Moreover, Karen Go maintains that Navarros
insistence that Kargo Enterprises is Karen Gos paraphernal property is without
basis. Based on the law and jurisprudence on the matter, all property acquired
during the marriage is presumed to be conjugal property. Finally, Karen Go insists
that her complaints sufficiently established a cause of action against Navarro.
Thus, when the RTC ordered her to include her husband as co-plaintiff, this was
merely to comply with the rule that spouses should sue jointly, and was not meant
to cure the complaints lack of cause of action.
The 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure requires that every action must be
prosecuted or defended in the name of the real party-in-interest, i.e., the party who
stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party entitled
to the avails of the suit.[15]
Interestingly, although Navarro admits that Karen Go is the registered owner of
the business name Kargo Enterprises, he still insists that Karen Go is not a real
party-in-interest in the case. According to Navarro, while the lease contracts were
in Kargo Enterprises name, this was merely a trade name without a juridical
personality, so the actual parties to the lease agreements were Navarro and Glenn
Go, to the exclusion of Karen Go.
As a corollary, Navarro contends that the RTC acted with grave abuse of
discretion when it ordered the inclusion of Glenn Go as co-plaintiff, since this in
effect created a cause of action for the complaints when in truth, there was none.
The central factor in appreciating the issues presented in this case is the
business name Kargo Enterprises. The name appears in the title of the Complaint
where the plaintiff was identified as KAREN T. GO doing business under the
name KARGO ENTERPRISES, and this identification was repeated in the first
paragraph of the Complaint. Paragraph 2 defined the business KARGO
ENTERPRISES undertakes. Paragraph 3 continued with the allegation that the
defendant leased from plaintiff a certain motor vehicle that was thereafter
described. Significantly, the Complaint specifies and attaches as its integral part
the Lease Agreement that underlies the transaction between the plaintiff and the
defendant. Again, the name KARGO ENTERPRISES entered the picture as this
Lease Agreement provides:
Thus, the complaint in the court below should have been filed in
the name of the owner of Juasing Hardware. The allegation in the
body of the complaint would show that the suit is brought by such
person as proprietor or owner of the business conducted under the
name and style Juasing Hardware. The descriptive words doing
business as Juasing Hardware may be added to the title of the case, as is
customarily done.[18] [Emphasis supplied.]
The registration of the trade name in the name of one person a woman does
not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the trade name as a property is hers
alone, particularly when the woman is married. By law, all property acquired
during the marriage, whether the acquisition appears to have been made,
contracted or registered in the name of one or both spouses, is presumed to be
conjugal unless the contrary is proved.[21] Our examination of the records of the
case does not show any proof that Kargo Enterprises and the properties or
contracts in its name are conjugal. If at all, only the bare allegation of Navarro to
this effect exists in the records of the case. As we emphasized in Castro v.
Thus, for purposes solely of this case and of resolving the issue of whether Kargo
Enterprises as a sole proprietorship is conjugal or paraphernal property, we hold
that it is conjugal property.
This provision, by its terms, allows either Karen or Glenn Go to speak and
act with authority in managing their conjugal property, i.e., Kargo Enterprises. No
need exists, therefore, for one to obtain the consent of the other before performing
an act of administration or any act that does not dispose of or encumber their
conjugal property.
Under Article 108 of the Family Code, the conjugal partnership is governed
by the rules on the contract of partnership in all that is not in conflict with what is
expressly determined in this Chapter or by the spouses in their marriage
settlements. In other words, the property relations of the husband and wife shall
be governed primarily by Chapter 4 on Conjugal Partnership of Gains of the
Family Code and, suppletorily, by the spouses marriage settlement and by the
rules on partnership under the Civil Code. In the absence of any evidence of a
marriage settlement between the spouses Go, we look at the Civil Code provision
on partnership for guidance.
Under this ruling, either of the spouses Go may bring an action against
Navarro to recover possession of the Kargo Enterprises-leased vehicles which
they co-own. This conclusion is consistent with Article 124 of the Family Code,
supporting as it does the position that either spouse may act on behalf of the
conjugal partnership, so long as they do not dispose of or encumber the property
in question without the other spouses consent.
In these lights, the RTC Order of July 26, 2000 requiring plaintiff Karen Go to
join her husband as a party plaintiff is fully in order.
For a writ of replevin to issue, all that the applicant must do is to file an affidavit
and bond, pursuant to Section 2, Rule 60 of the Rules, which states:
Sec. 2. Affidavit and bond.
The applicant must show by his own affidavit or that of some other
person who personally knows the facts:
(c) That the property has not been distrained or taken for a tax
assessment or a fine pursuant to law, or seized under a writ of
execution or preliminary attachment, or otherwise placed
under custodia legis, or if so seized, that it is exempt from such
seizure or custody; and
The applicant must also give a bond, executed to the adverse party in
double the value of the property as stated in the affidavit
aforementioned, for the return of the property to the adverse party if
such return be adjudged, and for the payment to the adverse party of
such sum as he may recover from the applicant in the action.
We see nothing in these provisions which requires the applicant to make a prior
demand on the possessor of the property before he can file an action for a writ of
replevin. Thus, prior demand is not a condition precedent to an action for a writ of