NSO Class 9 Solved Paper 2014

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Select the option which will replace the questio n mark

6. If the alphab ets are written in the reverse order after
in the given numbe r series.
interch anging alphab ets from 'D to L' with those from
10, 100, 200, 310,? 'R to Z' respect ively, which letter would be midwa y
A. 400 B. 410 betwee n W and E in the new order?
C. 420 D. 430 A. z B. N
2. Mr. 'X' shows three photog raphs to Mr. 'Y'. Pointin g
C. D D. None of these
towards photograph I, he says, "The person in photograph 7. If Fig. (X) is rotated one step in a particu lar directio n,
I is my uncle, who says 'uncle' to the person in photograph then identif y its rotated form, from the given option
2, and the person in photog raph 3 is called 'uncle' by figures .
the person in photog raph 2." How is Mr. 'X' related to 1I
the person in photog raph 2?
A. G randson
B. Grandd aughte r
Fig. (X)
C. Great grandso n
D. None of these

3. At a dinner party, both fish and meat were se rved. B.

Some took only fish while some took only meat.
There were some vegeta rians also who did not accept

either of the two, while the rest accepte d both fish
and meat. Wh ich of the follow ing Venn diagra ms
correct ly represe nts this situatio n?
8® 8. Select a figure from the given option s which will
comple te the given figure matrix.

o(§) ':0: f ->{

4. Six people P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting on the ground
in a hexago nal shape. All the sides of the hexago n, so -Q- ± 'Q'
1I -Q-
formed , are of same length. P is not adjacen t to Q or
R; S is not adjacen t to R or T; Q ancl R are adjacen t; ?•
U is in the middle of S and R.
W ho is at the same d istance from S as T is from S? 16.
A. Q
c. u

Can't be determ ined

A[f] [I] a

5. Select the pair of figures which satisfie s the same

conditi ons of placem ent of dots. c[IJ o[IJ
9. Three of the follow ing four numbe rs are alike in
a certain way and so form a group. Which of the
followi ng does not belong to that group?

A. I, II B. II, Ill A. 143 B. 399

C. III, IV D. I, IV C. 759 D. 257

S0F 117'h NSO I Class-81 Set-A I Level1

-- 17'h N!
10. There are seven figures, the first and last of What will come in place of (b)?
which are unmarked and remaining are marked as
A. 21 B. 23.5
P, Q, R, SandT. However, the series will be established
after only if the positions of two of the marked figures are
c. 19.5 D. 16
from interchanged. Find the figures. 13. There are five different successive figures showing

movement ofthc hands in a clock. Identify the pattern
and find the next figure.


·8. 0. Q, (9, 0. 0セ@ 7 7
A. it:\z B. IK\
11. A pile of cubes of equal size is arranged in the form of
a block as shown in the figure. If the block is dipped
into a bucket filled with red paint, so that only the
v v 4

surfaces of the block ge t coloured, then how many c. M

D. f7)
cubes are coloured on three faces only?

A. 14 14. In a code language, each of the vowels, i.e., A, E. L 0

and U, is substituted by the letter preceding it, while
B. 15 a consonant is substituted by the nearest vowel. How
can the word EVIDENCE be written in that code?
C. 16
12. Two series in two rows are given below. In the first D. DUHEDOAD OR DUHEDOED
row, a full series is given which fo llows a specific
w ill 15. At my farmhouse 1 am facing East, then I turn left
pattern. The second row has a series, similar to the
and walk l 0 metres. I again turn right and walk 5
first series but only first element of this series is given,
followed by (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e), representing the metres. Again I go 5 metres towards the South, and
subsequent elements. Complete the series and answer from there walk 5 metres towards the West. In which
direction am I from my farmhouse?
the question that follows :
7 24 10 33 14.5 46.5 A. East B. West
ll (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) C. North D. South


16. When a constant force acts on a mass, and the mass 18. The displacement -time graph of a s

starts moving from rest, then the body in motion is shown here. The
(i) acct:leration is constant correspondin g velocity-time graph
(ii) velocity increases at a constant rate will be
(iii) distance travelled is directly proportional to the
time. v

Which of the above statements is:are correct?
A. (i) only
C. (i) and (iii) only
B. (i) and (ii) only
D. (ii) and (iii) only
17. Which planet is called the morning star as well as the
if' v
セ@ in v

h, セi@
evening star, depending on its position with respect
to the sun ? D.
A. Mercury B. Venus
C. Mars D. Saturn

el1 - - 17'h NSO I Class-81 Set-A I Level 1 I sQF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19. A man standing in front of a large wall, claps two A. Both statements 1 and 2 are true and statement 2 30
objects against each other at an interval of 1.2 s is the correct explanation of statement 1.
regularly. The echo of the first clap coincides w ith B. Both statements 1 and 2 are true but statement 2
the fifth clap. If the speed of sound in air is 340m s , is not the correct explanation of statement 1.
the distance between the man and the wall is
C. Statement I is false but statement 2 is true.
A. 408 m B. 1632 m
D. Both statements 1 and 2 are false.
C. 816 m D. 204m
25. A cube of side 0.2 m rests on the floor,

20. The image formed by the side-view mirror of an
as shown. Given that the cube has a
automobile is
mass of 50 kg, the pressure exerted by
(i) of the same size as that of object
the cube on the floor is _ _ __
(ii) virtual and diminished 0 .2m
(iii) erect and real (Take g = 10 N kg )
2 2
(iv) erect and magnified. A. 25 N m B. 250 N m
Which of the following statements is/are correct? C. 1250 N m 2
D. 12500 N m-2
A. (i) only B. (ii) only
C. (i) and (iii) only D. (iii) and (iv) only 26. In an electrical circuit containing a battery, the positive
charge inside the battery _ _ __
21. The diagram shows a man standing at a position M
A. always goes from positive terminal to the negative
in front of a plane mirror, a distance of x m from the
;... B. may go from positive terminal to negative
g terminal

C. always goes from the negative terminal to positive
g Moves 3m
£ +------'x.;_;_;;m;;___ _.£. ___ セ@ __J terminal
cMセ D. does not move
When the man moves 3 m away from the mirror, the 27. A plank is supported on the steps of a staircase as 3
new distance between the man and his image becomes shown in the figure. How many forces are acting on
12 m. What is the value of x? the plank?
A. I m B. 2m
C. 3m D. 4 m A. 4
B. 5
22. A substance in gaseous form is being cooled to solid
state. Its temperature will remain constant when the C. 6
substance is D. 7
(i) in condensing phase
28. How do cyclones decrease the fertility of soil in the
(ii) in freezing phase
coastal areas?
(iii) at thermal equilibrium with the environment.
A. (i) only B. (iii) only A. By flooding the land with saline water.
C. (i) and (ii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii) B. By dissolving soil and rocks.
C. By increasing the water table of the place.
23. During a track and field meet, the time difference
between seeing the smoke from a starter's gun and D. By decreasing the water table of the place.
hearing the bang would be less
29. Read the gtven statements and select the correct
A. On a warmer day option.
B. On a cooler day
C. If a more powerful shell were used Statement-} : Petroleum is called 'black gold' .
D. If a less powerful shell were used Statement-2 : Petroleum is a dark oily liquid.
A. Both statements 1 and 2 arc true but statement 2
24. Read the g iven statements and mark the correct
is the correct explanation of statement 1.
B. Both statements I and 2 are true but statement 2
Statement- I : A convex mirror always forms a real
is not the correct explanation of statement I.
Statement-2: A diverging beam incident on a convex C. Statement I is true but statement 2 is false.
mirror is reflected as a diverging beam. D. Both statements 1 and 2 arc false.

sQr 117'h NSO I Class-81 Set-A I Level1 ---


nent 2 30. Read the table carefully.

33. Identi fy V, W, X, Y and Z in the given Venn diagra
r s.j Reaction Mセ@ Product II Characteristic l
nent 2
No. formed
test l
j Turns red
Zセ[ッウ」、@ to ュッセl。エゥョァ⦅@ IセZウ⦅jオエゥッョ@ \
IColourless,TBums with a
Iodourless Ipop sound. I I
Alum inium foil
1 dipped in fresh

I soluti on of sodium Igas 1

hydro xide. セ@
\3. Rustin g of ゥイッョN Mセ@
Redd ish- tオセイ・、@ . 1
I 1 brown litmus solutton L _x_ l_r --r _= -c J
depos it blue. _j IA.Tfilling Withdrawing 1 Burning 1 Chargmg !Boili ng I
urning of sulphu rfcolourless, \Turn s blue a water money from a candle mobile
owder. I
suffocating \litmu s solution
I L \ bottl:___ I atセ@ battcrv
an egg

J __ _
Mセァ@ _ _ red. セ@ I
B. Filling j Charging
a water mobtlc
lsurni ng
Ia candle
t Withdrawing- Botting
1 money from
Identi fy the produ cts forme d and their nature .
A. (1) Cu(OH )2 , CuC0 ; basic (2) H ; neutra
I bottle __jbattcrr__ _
lcTI3u rning Charging
_ Al :v1
G an egg

,ative (3} Fep3; basic
3 2 l I
I a candle mobile a water an egg money from
(4} S02; acidic _ _ 1battery ___j I
B. ( 1) CuO; basic (2) 0 ; neutral 2
ro. IBoiltn gl Filling
Wtthdrawmg Chargmg t
1tive an egg 1 a water money from mobile
(3) Fep4; basic (4) H 2S; acidic I_ I
I a candle
セッエャ」@ ATM
C. (I) Cu(O H)2 , CuC0 ; basic (2) 1 battery
3 H 2; neutral
(3) Fep1 ; acidic (4) S02; basic 34. Differ ent mixtu res are taken in four differ ent
D. (I) Cu; basic (2) Hp; neutral tubes and each of them is tested with indica tors
(3) FeO, basic (4) S03; basic shown below :
,e as
31. Whic h of the follow ing exam ples are perio
g on dic
chang es?
I. Occur rence of eclipse. 5 mL Sour milk Pinch of baking powder
II. The flowering of jasmi ne bush. + 5 mL Water 5 mL L1me water
III. Occur rence of new moon. (1) (2)
IV. Openi ng and closin g of stomata.
V. Appea rance of rainbow.
VI. Rotation of earth.
VII. Blinki ng of eyes. 5 mL Lemon jmcc
the + 5 mL Sugar
VIII. Twinkling of stars. 1- 5 mL Tamarind juice
A. I, V, VII and VIII (4)

B. I, II, Ill and IV Select the mcorrect observation.

C. II, III, IV and VI A. No chang e in colou r in test tubes I and 3.
D. All are non-p eriodi c chang es. B. Turme ric solution turns red m test tube 2.
C. China rose turns magen ta in test tube 4.
32. Neha, a class VIII stude nt arrang ed the follow D. None of the above
exper iment al set-up and obser ved the chang 35.
·ect es Match the articl es given m Colum n-! with
carefu lly. the
fibres/plastics from which they are made in Colum

セ@ z.so, Wz' Column-1 Column-11

1- rFr' c,so, (a) Tooth brush bristles (i) Melam ine
lt 2
セウッャオエゥョ@ .solution
(b) Carpe t (ii) PVC
Blue coloured solution
(c) Bottle (iii) Nylon
No colour Gfecn coloured solutiOn
changed to green change observed changed to colourless
(d) Toy (iv) Rayon
It 2 On the basis of her obser vation s identi fy the correc (c) Fire resistant fabric (v) PET
order of reacti vity. A. (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(v), (e)-(iii)
A. Zn > Cu > Fe B. (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i), (e)-(v)
B. Zn > Fe> Cu
C. Fe> Zn > Cu C. (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(v), (d)-(ii), (e)-(i)
D. Cu >Fe> Zn
D. (a)-(iii), (b)-(v}, (c)-(iv), (d)-(i), (e)-(ii)
111 - 17 h NSO I Class-81 Set-A I Level 1 I sQF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- --------

the Re
nts are giv en bel ow in 43.
es 40. The nam es of som e pla
ad, bee r and win e inv olv an
36. The ma nuf act ure of bre yea st. list : B;
glu cos e to eth ano l by VI. Gra ss
alc oho lic ferm ent atio n of g I. Lad y's fing er
five sta tem ent s con cer nin VII . Xan thiu m ar
Wh ich of the fol low ing JI. Dru mst ick
VII I. Ma dar
this pro ces s are cor rec t? III. Bal sam
nta tion bec aus e yea st IX. Sun flow er
I. Yea st car ries out fer me IV. Urena
X. Co con ut
cel ls lac k mit och ond ria. v. Ma ple
of eth ano l pro duc ed, o
ne h the mo de of dis per sal oft hei r
I I. For eve ry mo lec ule Ma tch the se pla nts wit
cor rec t opt ion .
mo lec ule of co1 evo lve fru its/ see ds and sel ect the
ule of glu cos e fer me nte
d, ls- - - w。セ・[M セ@ Bursting
III. For eve ry one mo lec , - I \Vj';;i - - - - - セ@ A;; I;a 1
P are gen era ted . of frui-ts-1
net two mo lec ule s of AT

mic al ene rgy of the

I L -1- - - - - - - 1 - - - I
che X
IV. Mo re tha n 80% of the
Ill, IV. VII
A. I II. V. VI. VIII. IX 1
l@ Mセ@
hea t. MM M Mセ
g luc ose is rele ase d as Mセ
I. Ill --1
egr al par t of thi s I j_ _
_, _ _ _ _ _ _
Gl yco lys is is an int
- _
v. '


I. Ill. VIII 1

I セ@
ferm ent atio n. -
- -+ - - - - - VIII 1 X I Ill, IV. V
B. 1, II, lJI and V D. II, VI. VII. I I, IX
_ _ __J _ _
___ _ ...L
A. Il, Ill and IV 1

D. I. IV and V
C. II, Ill and V
in frogs and the dev elo pm ent 4.1.
37. Thy rox ine con trol s
oni c dev elo pm ent
of and _ _ _ dur ing em bry
rox ine pro duc tion req uire s
of oth er ver teb rate s. Thy
in die t.
the pre sen ce of _ __
cor rec t seq uen ce of wo rds to com ple te the
Sel ect the
abo ve pas sag e. es.
cul ato ry sys tem , Mu scl
A. De vel opm ent , Cir
Iod ine
ato ry sys tem , Mu scl es, Q
B. Me tam orp hos is, Cir cul in a
the trea tme nt of wa ter 46.
Cal ciu m Som e ste ps inv olv ed in nd
vou s sys tem , Iron nt are lab elle d asP, Q, Ra
C. Dev elo pm ent , Bon es, Ner wa ste wa ter trea tme nt pla
vou s sys tem , Iod ine ws
Me tam orp hos is, Bon es, Ner The tab le giv en bel ow sho
D. Sin the abo ve dia gra m. s
ich the par ticu lar pro ces
sho w the com pos itio n of
thr ee (.f) for tho se ste ps in wh
38. The giv en pie cha rts for tho se in wh ich it is not
Y and Z. is occ urr ing wh ile (.)()
typ es of soi l sam ple s X, l the se is/a re inc orr ect ?
fol low ing is cor rec t reg ard ing the se soi occ urr ing . Wh ich am ong
Wh ich of the
Pro ces s P Q+-R >-S-
sam ple s? -
.f. f.) (. f l

セ@ セZャ、@ Slu dge rem ova l '- - -

,)( .f ,)( ,)( ,

G ャ。ケセ@
An aer obi c dec om pos itio
セ Y Z
Ill. Cle ani ng of clar ifie d wat ery was te .)(
.)( .f. f
r '


X is una ble to hol d wat er

or nut rien ts.
- +---------
セ@ dゥセョエo⦅jャ@
- - - -
of trea ted wat er
.f x:x ,)(
B. Y is use d for pot ma kin g. I and ll
B. III and IV
to pla nt roo ts. A.
C. Z pro v ide s goo d aer atio n D. No ne of the se
tion . C. II onl y
D. X is bes t sui ted for cul tiva
of thr eat to a spe cie s and
ent s and sel ect the cor
rec t 42. Ac cor din g to the ext ent
39. Re ad the giv en sta tem l hab itat . fou r cate gor ies
hav e
its pop ula tion in its nat ura
opt ion . are giv en bel ow :
ast and mit och ond ria bee n ide ntif ied whi ch are
Sta tem ent - ! : Ch lor opl
lles . Ext inc t in wil d
sem i-au ton om ous org ane ir
cie s
-2 : Chl oro pla st and mit och ond ria hav e the II. Cri tica lly end ang ere d spe
Sta tem ent y.
the siz ing ma chi ner le spe cie s
ow n DN A and pro tein syn III. Vu lne rab
2 arc true and stat em ent 2 IV End ang ere d spe cie s
A. Bot h stat em ent s I and
of the se spe cie s acc ord
is the cor rec t exp lana tion
of stat em ent I. Sel ect the cor rec t ord er
I and 2 are true but stat em ent 2 to the ir con ser vat ion pri
ori ty?
B. Bo th stat em ent s
atio n of stat em ent l. B. ! > II > IV > III
is not the cor rec t exp lan A. II > IV > I > III
Sta tem ent I is true and stat
em ent 2 is false. > IV
lli > I > II D. I -> IV > Ill > II
C. C.
D. Bo th stat em ent s I
and 2 are fals e.
sQF l171h NSO I Class-81 Set-A
I Lev el1
e 43. Refer to the given figures of bacteria (X, Y and Z) Plant Z セ@ The anthers were carefully removed, and
and read the statements !, II & !II regarding these. a paper bag was tied tightly around each
Based on the given information , identify the bacterium bud.
and select the correct option.
Although all flowers later bloomed normally, only those
on plant X, produced seeds. This result showed that
/:) OXb "<MW-) in this species _ _ pollination can take place.
\) CJ (hnHVm A.
Only insect
Only wind
B. Only cross

X y z D. Either of A, B or C
I. Bacteria X causes cholera.
45. Match Column I with Column II and select the correct
Bacteria Y causes a disease which disrupts proper
option from the codes given below.
exchange of gases.
Ill. Bacteria Z converts lactose sugar of milk to lactic Column I Column ll
I acid. (a) SPM (i) Poisoning of bald eagles
A. X is Vibro cholerae. B. Z is Lactobacillus. (b) Typhoid (ii) Green house gas
C. Y is Salmonella typhi. D. Both A and C (c) CO (iii) Vehicle exhaust
(d) C02 (iv) Incomplete combustion
44. Following investigatio n was carried out using flower (e) DDT (v) Pathogens in polluted water
buds growing on three plants of the same species. a b c d e
Plant xセ@ The anthers were carefully removed, and the A. Ill v II IV
buds left open to the air. B. Ill IV ii \'
Plant Y セ@ The anthers were left untouched, and a paper C. Ill IV v II
bag was tied tightly around each bud. D. Ill v IV II

d A. I and II B. II only
s c. III only D. I and III
ᄋ セ N@ yieldr
47. A large number of functions
the crop are performed by different p
hormones secreted by
Crop field Y endocrine glands. Match s
the given functions (a, b,
Quantity of nutrient replenishment c, d and c) to the labelled
glands in the figure and
The given graph shows two crop fields (X and Y) that
select the correct option.
have been treated by different types of materials for
nutrient replenishm ent, keeping other environmen tal a. Maintains a steady
level of glucose in the
factors same. Given are some assumption s regarding
the crop fields and the materials used. Select the
b. Helps in the growth of human body and also sends
most correct one(s).
signals to other organs to secrete hormones.
I. Addition of chemical fertilizers in Y has resulted c. Controls secondary sexual characters and maintains
e in sudden increase in yield due to increased release pregnancy.
of N, P, K nutrients, but it gradually declined as
d. Controls rate at which food is oxidised by the cells
continuous use of chemicals killed useful microbes
to produce energy.
that replenish the soil fertility.
e. Increases blood pressure and heart rate, when the
II. The difference in the two graphs indicates that the
body experiences stress.
crop fields X and Yare treated with fertilizer and
a b c d e
manure respectively, as fertilizer is beneficial for
A. R p Q T s
long time and gives durable yield whereas manure
gives immediate yield but later causes problems. B. p R Q s T
Ill. The highest peak in crop field X is slightly delayed c. s p Q R T
because manure enriches soil fertility gradually. D. R p Q s T
- - 17 NSO I Class-81 Set-A I Level1 I sQF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as show n in figu re
r to the give n pass age 50. Saks hi perf orm ed two expe rime nts
Dire ctio n (Q.N o. 48 and 49): Refe 1 and 2, and reco rded her obse rvat
ions in the table .
and answ er the follo wing ques tion NMZ[]Sセw。エ・イ@
Paper pan Paper pan
othe r end Y of a strai ght
Ram jogs from one end X to the Stand Stan d
and then turn s arou nd
300 m road in 2 min utes 30 seco nds, Th
anot her I min ute.
and jogs 100 m back to poin t Z in

Xe -- -- -- -- -- +- -- -- -Y Figure I Figure 2

KMSPュ @ セ M Does paper pan Is ignition
+--- -100 m--+ Observation temperature of
aver age velo city paper reached?
48. Wha t is Ram 's aver age spee d and Figu re 1 Figure 2
ectiv ely? Figure I Figu re 2
whil e jogg ing from X to Y resp
Yes Yes No Yes
1 I
A. 1.0 m s 1 , 1.0 m s Yes No Yes No
B. 3.0 m s 1, 2.0 m s III No Yes Yes Yes
m s 1, 2.0 m s the reas on behi nd
C. 2.0 Find out the corr ect obse rvat ion and
it from the opti ons give n belo w.
D. 4.0 m s 1
, 1.0 m s
eratu re than
aver age velo city A. I, pape r has a high er igni tion temp
49. Wha t is Ram 's aver age spee d and water.
whil e jogg ing from X to Z resp ectiv figure 2.
B. II, firep roof pape r pan is used in
A. 2.0 m s 1, 1.9 m s- 1 C. III, pape r is non-inflammable.
pan is transferred to
D. II, heat supp lied to the pape r
B. 5.1 m s- 1, 9.1 m s-
eratu re of
C. 1.0 m s- 1, 1.0 m s-
1 wate r by cond uctio n, so ignition temp
1 pape r is not reac hed in figure 2.
D. 1.9 ms- 1,0.9 ms


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w\\.. '1 I viセ@ '''"='' .. セᄋ|LN@ u.vv ivセ@ VI .......) :

セGBM@ v .__ _ - -
I I " ..
y ut.: '-' IVIC..:::f...=lL
To .Jbscr·oe .Jpdatcc; rtm .
lVI U..41 I ...
I vvv vv VVIII ,..,II

'lttp //ww w ウッヲキ」セャ、NcGァO@


1. Find the missing term in the given series. 6. Select a figure from the options, which would replace I

the (?) to complete the pattern in Figure (X).

19200, 1920, 240, 40, I 0, ?
A. I B. 5 10.
c. 0 D. 10

2. Select a figure from the options which will continue

the same series as established by the four problem
Figure (X) 11.

7. Find the mirror image of Fig. (X), if the mirror is

placed vertically to the left.

3. Six persons Aman, Beenu, Charu, Disha, Esha and

Giya took up a job with an organization in a week
from Monday to Saturday. Each of them joined for Fig. (X)
different posts on different days. The posts were
of-clerk, officer, technician, manager, supervisor A. B. 12.
and sales executive, though not necessarily in the
same order.
Giya joined as a manager on the first day. Beenu
C. D.
joined as a supervisor but neither on Wednesday nor
Friday. D isha joined as a technician on Thursday.
Charu joined on Wednesday. Esha joined as a c lerk
8. Garima and Saurabh are children of Mr. Jindal. Garima
on Tuesday. Aman joined as a sales executive.
marries Am it Goel and Sahil, Sameer and Sanchit are
,,lr Which of the following is correctly matched regarding
born to them. Sahil is married to the eldest daughter
the posts and day of joining?
of Mr. and Mrs. Mittal.
A. Manager-Tue sday B. Officer-Wednesday
Kaya is younger to Piya but older than Riya who are
C. Clerk-Thursd ay D. Technician-Monday the daughters ofMr. and Mrs. Mittal. Latika is Sahil's
4. Find the missing character, if the given matrix follows
How is Saurabh related to Sanchit?
a certain rule, row-wise or column-wise .
A. Brother-in-law B. Uncle
A. V
C. Maternal uncle D. Brother
B. W
C. X 9. In the sequence given below, in some cases the sum of
D. y 17.
the two digits which immediately precede the digit '3'
exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately
5. If Saturday fal ls on fourth day after today which is
follow the digit 3 and sum of the two digits which
6'h January, then on what day did 1" December of
immediately follow the digit '5' exceeds the sum of
the previous year fall?
the two digits which immediately precede the digit
A. Sunday B. Wednesday 5. How many such 3 's and 5 's are there altogether?
C. Tuesday D. Monday

S0 F I 17'h NSO I Class-9 I Set-A I Level1 ...__ 17th

2 5 4 3 6 7 5 2 8 3 9 7 5 4 3 4 6 5 2
6 3 5 8 3 5 Whic h bank has its bran ch in Kanp ur
246 37 58 3 526 and Mee rut
:plac e but not in Luck now?
A. 5 B. 6
C. 7 A. p
D. 4 B. Q
C. R D. T
10. In a certa in code , the word DEA
L is code d as
4 - 5 - I - 12. Follo wing the same 13. Find the num ber of trian gles form ed
rule of codin g, in the give n
what shou ld be the code for the word figur e.
A. 12 - 4-1 - 25 B. 12- 1-4 -25 A. 33
C. 10 - 1 - 4 - 23 D. 12 - 1 - 4 22 B. 37
II. Grou p the give n figur es into three
c. 35
class es, using D. None of these
each figur e only once .
14. If anim als that live on land and the
anim als that
live in wate r are repre sente d by two big
circl es and
anim als that live in wate r and on land are
repre sente d
by smal l circl e, the comb inati on of these
lQ]FYL(] three can

be best repre sente d as

)r is
4 5 6 A. B. CID
c. CD D. Oo
A. 1, 4, 9; 2, 3, 8; 5, 6, 7
I 5. Out of the five figur es mark ed (P), (Q),
B. 2, 3, 7; 4, 6, 9; I, 5, 8 (R), (S) and
C. I, 5, 9; 2, 3, 8; 4, 6, 7 (T), four are simi lar in a certa in mann
er. How ever,
D. I, 6, 7; 2, 3, 8; 4, 5, 9 one figur e is not like the othe r four.
Choo se the
figur e whic h is diffe rent from the rest.
12. P, Q, R, S and T are Bank s. Bank s P, Q

K> n. セ@
and R have

セ@ セ@
their bran ches in Mee rut and Luck now.
P, Q and T
have their bran ches in Mee rut and Gora
and S have their bran ches in Kanp ur
khpu r. Q, R .
and Luck now. p
P, T and S have their bran ches in Gora Q R s T
khpu r and A. p
Varanasi whil e R, T and S have their
bran ches at
B. Q
Kanp ur and Varanasi. C. R D. T
are 16. A drive r takes 0.20 s to appl y brak
es soon after he (ii) the acceleration of block reduces.
l 's sees a need for it. If he is drivi ng a
car at a spee d (iii) the mass of block reduces.
of 54 km h 1 and the brak es caus e a dece
lerat ion of Whic h of the following is/are corre ct?
6.0 m s-2 , then the dista nce trave lled by
the car, after
he sees the need to appl y the brak es A. (i) only B. (i) and (ii) only
is _ _ _ .
C. (ii) and (iii) only D. (i), (ii) and (iii)
A. 21.75 m B. 42.5 0 m
C. 10.55 m D. 16.25 m 18. An aero plan e pilot hear s a slow beat
of from the two
engi nes of his plane . He incre ases the
3' 17. A bloc k acce lerat es dow n a spee d of the
right engi ne and now hear s a slow
ly slope , as show n in the figure. er beat. Wha t
shou ld the pilot now do, to elim inate
;h The uppe r porti on of the slope the beat?
:lf is smoo th and lowe r porti on is A. Increase the speed of the left engin
it rough. On the lowe r porti on, B. Decrease the spee d of the right engin
? C. Incre ase the speed of both engin es
(i) the spee d of the block may increase, decre
ase or D. Incre ase the speed of the right engin
remain same. e

..... ... 17th NSO I Class-91 Set-A I Leve

l1 I sQF
-- - - ·- ·- "

n in the 23. Conv ergin g le nses A and 8 have the same
19. A lump of ice floats in wate r as show the apert ure of A. Both
lengt h, but B is only half
figure. s of distan t objec ts
lense s are used to form image
ing statem ents is
on a scree n. Whic h of the follow
Ice corre ct?
A. For both lenses , the distan ce from the lens to
scree n is same. 28.
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: B. For both lense s, the imag es are of the same
follow ing statem ents is corre ct? brightness.
Whic h of the size
ice floats becau se the area of its C. For both lenses, the images arc of the same
A. The lump of
ce is larger than the area of its upper as the objec t.
lower surfa
surfac e. D. Lens 8 gives a small er image than A.
B. The press ure differ ence betwe en the lower and n with
the lump of ice gives rise to an 24. A plane mirro r appro aches a statio nary perso
upper surfac es of , as
upthr ust equal to its weigh t. an accel eratio n, a. The accel eratio n of his image
C. The ice has a greate r densi ty than water. seen by the perso n, will be
D. The mass of water displa ced by ice is equal to A. a B. 2a
upthr ust. C. a/2 D. 4a

than its taneously

20. At a certai n place , value of g is l% less 25. Two objects, A and Bare throw n upwa rds simul
of Earth er than
value on the surfa ce of Earth . If the radiu s with the same speed . The mass of A is great
then the place is _ __ . s const ant and
is given to be 6400 km, the mass of B. Supp ose the air exert a 29.
A. 64 km below the surfac e of the Earth s, then
equal force of resist ance on the two bodie
B. 64 km above the surfac e of the Earth
A. A will go highe r than 8
C. 30 km above the surfac e of the Earth
B. B will go highe r than A
D. 32 km below the surfac e of the Earth.
C. The two bodie s will reach the same heigh t
21. If sudde n ly the gravi tation al force of attrac D. None of these.
satell ite revol ving aroun d
betwe en the Earth and a ials
26. Four stude nts were given small piece s of mater
it becom es zero, then the satell ite will They obser ved the reacti ons
P, Q, Rand S respe ctivel y.
A. Fall onto the Earth
al of these mater ials as follow s :
B. Move in a direc tion tange ntial to its origin
orbit Reaction with
C. Escap e horizo ntally Dilut e
Material Wate r
D. None of these hydr ochlo ric acid
p No react ion but No reacti on.
A man of mass
55 kg climb s up
sprin g board :'"··r catch es fire if
LNK[セZj@ : 3m expos ed to air. 30
a flight of steps React s slowly. Burn s with a pop
to reac h the sound .
sprin g board . The React s vigor ously Burn s with a pop
sprin g board is with lots of heat. sound .
6 m abov e the No reacti on.
s No reaction.
water surfa ce in tively
a swim ming pool Acco rding to them, mater ials P, Q, Rand S respec
Swim ming pool are
as shown in the
A. Fe, Cu, Na, P B. Na, Fe, P, Cu
given figure .
g board , D. Cu, P, Na, Fe
He jump s up into air, 3 m above the sprin C. P, Fe, Na, Cu
in the swim ming pool. If
befor e fallin g into water corre ct
ed by water on the 27. Read the given statem ents and mark the 3
the avera ge resist ing force exert
of the man optio n.
man is 1500 N, then the maxi mum depth
in water wi ll be State ment I : Food is a fuel for our body.
A. 2.1 m B. 3.3 m State ment 2 : In our body, food is broke n down
D. 5.6 m reacti on with oxyg en and heat is produ ced.
C. 4.2 m
セ@ VF I 17m NSO I Class -9 I Set-A 1Level 1 - - -
1 foca l A. Both state ment s I and 2 are true and
state men t 2 The elem ents P and Q arc resp ectiv
. Both is the corre ct expl anati on of state men ely
t 1. A.
>bjects B. Both state men ts I and 2 are true but N, Cl B. Cl, S
state men t 2 C.
mts is is not the corre ct expl anat ion of state 0, F D. Na, F
men t I.
C. State men t I is true but state men t 2
is false. 32. The calorific valu es of som e fuels are
to the D. Both state men ts I and 2 are false. give n.
Fuel Calorific value (kJ/kg)
28. Matc h the Colu mn-! with Colu mn-I Coal 25000 33000
sam e T and choo se the
corr ect optio n usin g the code s give Dies el
n belo w. 45000
e size Colu mn-! Colu mn-f l LPG 55000
(Mix ture) (Sep arati on techn ique ) CNG 50000
a. An ink (i) Disti llatio n On the basi s of give n data , the
b. Liqu id air (ii) Evap orati on and corr ect orde r of
effic ienc y of diffe rent fuels is
with crystalliz ation
c. Copp er sulp hate and (iii) Frac tiona A. LPG > CNG > Dies el > Coal
セ・L@ as l disti llatio n
wate r B. Coal > Dies el > LPG > CNG
d. Acet one and wate r C. Dies el > CNG > Coal > LPG
(iv) Chro mato grap hy
A. a-(i) , b-(ii ), c-(iii ), d-(iv ) D. CNG > LPG > Dies el > Coal
B. a-(ii) , b-(iii), c-(i) , d-(iv )
33. Thre e stud ents Ank it, Dinc sh and
:msly C. a-(iv ), b-(i) , c-(iii), d-(ii ) Man oj were give n
three unkn own subs tanc es X, Y and
than D. a-(iv ), b-(ii i), c-(ii) , d-(i) l rcsp ecttv ely
duri ng the lab activ ity.
29. Stud y the table care fully and sele
en ct the corr ect Prop erty
state men t. Sub stan ce Boil ing poin t eq Solu bilit y in
Num ber of Num ber of Num ber of wate r
Elem ent X
prot ons neut rons elec tron s 56 Solu ble
u I1 12 10
y 45 Inso luble
v 20 20 20
z 90 Solu ble
·ials w 16 18 18
On the basi s of thes e prop ertie s, whic
h stud ent has
ions X 20 19 chos en the corr ect sepa ratio n tech
18 niqu e, to sepa rate
y 14 a subs tanc e from the subs tanc e-wa
15 18 ter mixt ure?
z 10 10 10
A. Ank it Sepa ratin g funn el
A. W is a nobl e gas. B. Dine sh - Disti llatio n
B. X and Y arc catio ns. C. Man oj Frac tiona l disti llatio n
C. U and V are anion s. D. All are corre ct.
D. Z is the light est elem ent whil e Vis the
heaviest. 34. The nucl eon num ber of atom X is
37. It exist s as a
30. Whi ch of the follo wing state men ts diato mic mole cule , X . One mole cule
are inco rrect ? 2 of X 2 cont ains
I. Rayo n is a natur al fibre as it is obta ined 34 proto ns. How man y neut rons are
by chem ical pres ent in the
treat men t of woo d pulp . nucl eus of atom X?
II. Plast ics whic h cann ot be softe ned by A. 17 B. 20
heat ing are
calle d therm opla stics . c. 21 25 D.
Ill. Nylo n is semi -syn theti c fibre.
セャケ@ 35. Ritu is stud ying abou t four epith elial
lV. Plast ics whic h get defo nned easil y tissu es of the
on heati ng are hum an body whic h prim arily help
know n as therm osett ing plast ics. in the follo wing
func tions :
A. I and III B. I, II and Ill l. Gas exch ange
c. II, 111 and TV D. All of these II. Gam ete form ation
•ct 31. III. Mov emen t of muc us
A com poun d, PQ has the follo wing
2 arran gem ent of
elec tron s : IV. Prote ction of unde rlyin g parts
agai nst abra sion
The give n epith elial tissu es resp ectiv
ely arc _ _ .
>Y A. Sim ple cubo idal epit heli um, simp
le cilia ted
epith elium , simp le squa mou s epith
elium , whit e
fibro us tissu e
1 - 17'h NSO I Class-91 Set- A I Leve l1
I sQr - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------
like to kno w how the
38. A gro up of stud ents wou ld
, sim ple cub oid al ht infl uen ce wat er qua lity
B. Sim ple cili ated epi the lium effl uen t from a fact ory mig
amo us epit heli um, stra tifie d sho ws sev en pote ntia l
epit heli um, sim ple squ of a rive r. The give n diag ram
squ amo us epit heli um alon g the fact ory and the
sam plin g loca tion s (I to 7)
sim ple cub oida l d con clus ion abo ut the
C. Sim ple squ amo us epit heli um, rive r. In ord er to dra w a vali
cilia ted epit heli um, stra tifie d by the fact ory disc harg e,
epit heli um, sim ple rive r wat er poll utio n cau sed
squ amo us epit heli um sha ll be incl ude d for the
whi ch loca tion s (1 to 7)
um, sim ple cilia ted
D. Stra tifie d tran sitio nal epit heli sam plin g?
amo us epit heli um, whi te River
epit heli um, sim ple squ
fibr ous tiss ue 5

the iden tific atio n of the

36. Ref er to the give n key for
I and sele ct the cor rect
anim al phy la from I to VII
opti on.

heart LN]BMZセ@

'--- ">< --- --? S
circulatory system
セdッイウ。iィ]」エMt@ 7

Segmentation present A. Loc atio ns 2, 3, 4, 6

B. Loc atio ns l, 2, 4, 7
Open Bilateral symmetry V
c. Loc atio ns 2, 5, 6, 7
Circulatory system
Segmentation absent D. Loc atio ns I. 2, 5, 7 4
Radial symmetry w plac ed in a con cen trat ed
39. The give n diag ram sho ws a cell
whe n the cell is take n
I. Ma mm alia II. Ave s solu tion . Wh at wou ld hap pen
IV. Ech ino der mat a solu tion and is plac ed in
Ill. Art hro pod a out from the con cen trat ed
v. Ann elid a VI. Mo llus ca fres hwa ter for a long tim e?
VII . Rep tilia Vl! l. Am phi bia
p R s T u v w
A. II VI IV VII v VII I lJI Cell membrane
B. J
Concentrated solution
tics of the thre e divi sion s I. The cell will reco ver its sha pe
37. Fol low ing are som e cha ract eris The cell will shri nk first .
oph yta, Tha llop hyt a and II.
of Kin gdo m Pla ntae : Bry lly.
III. The cell will burs t eve ntua
Pter idop hyta . ecu les wil l diff use into the cell by
IV. Wa ter mol
I. Sex orga ns are mul tice llul ar osm osis .
2. Ess enti ally terr estr ial Sele ct the corr ect opti on.
3. Non vas cula r A. I and II B. IV only
4. Lac k true leav es and root s D. I, II. III and IV
tion C. I, Ill and IV
5. Em bry o form ed afte r fert iliza
s som e dise ases cau sed by
6. Pho toau totr oph
40. The list give n belo w sho ws
Exa mpl es are Lyc opo diu m,
Equiserum, Azalia, nts. How man y of thes e
7. mic roo rgan ism s/ infe ctio us age
Mars ilea dise ases are cau sed by viru
gam etop hyte
8. Spo roph yte is para sitic ove r atit is-B . Rin gwo rm,
Ulv a, Fuc us, Sar gas sum , Ele pha ntia sis, Tet anu s, Hep
9. Exa mp les are , Typ hoid , Den gue ,
Kal a-az ar, Infl uen za, Mu mps
the corr ect cha ract eris tics Sle epin g sick nes s
Sele ct the opti on whi ch sho ws
B. 4
of the resp ecti ve divi sion s. A. 3
Thallophyta Pteridophyta c. 6 D. 5
3, 4, 5, 6, 9 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
A. l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
3,4 ,6, 9 1,2 ,5, 6,7 ,8 41. Rea d the giv en stat eme nts.
B. 1,2 ,3, 4,5 ,6, is a dep osit ion of
3,4 ,6, 7 1,2, 5,6 ,9 I. Bee wax obta ined from bee hive
C. 1,2 ,3, 4,5 ,6, 8 hon eyb ee.
3,4 ,6, 9 \ ,2, 5,6 ,7 the exc reto ry pro duc ts of
D. 1,2 ,3, 4,5 ,6, 8
-A 1Lev el1 セ@
SOF l171h NSO 1Clas s-91 Set
he II. Fish cultu re is some time s done in comb
inati on · a b
ty with rice crop so that fish are grow n in c d e f g
the wate r
al accu mula ted in the padd y field.
he Ill. Fish feed in diffe rent zone s of the
pond in orde r C. l IV III v Vll
1e to make the most effic ient use of the VI II
avail able D. Ill II VII v
e, food. IV VI
IV. Sahi wal and Mur rah are exot ic 44.
bree ds used
exten sivel y in cattle farm ing.
V. Inter -crop ping is grow ing two or more
crop s
simu ltane ously on the same field in
a defin ite
patte rn.
Whic h of the give n state ment s are incor
A. l, II and III B. II, II! and IV
C. I and IV D. I and V
42. Wee ds are the unwa nted plan ts, whic
h grow alon g
with the crop s and share nutri ents, wate Figu re X Figu re Y
r and sunli ght Figu re X show s the fema le repro ducti
with the crop s. Rem oval of these weed ve syste m and
s can be done
eithe r by hand pick ing or with the help figur e Y show s the deve lopm ent of
of chem icals . a fertil ized egg
Whic h one of the follo wing chem icals cell. ln whic h label led parts ofth e fema
give n belo w le repro ducti ve
is a weed icide ') syste m will the stage s I, II and Ill occu
A. 2, 4-D 1 n m
C. A. S P P
B. S Q P
43. Matc h Colu mn-I with Colu mn-! I and
selec t the corre ct
c. s Q Q
optio n from the code s give n belo w D. S Q R
Colu mn-! Column-11 45. Whic h of the follo wing state ment s
is the draw back
(Nati onal Park ) (Stat e) of the gree n revo lutio n?
a. Band ipur Natio nal Park I. Kam ataka A. Exce ssive use of chem ical fertil
izers , pesti cides ,
b. Dach igam Natio nal Park ll. Mad hya etc. resul ted in air, soil and wate r pollu
Prad esh tion.
c. Corb ett Natio nal Park III. Uttar akha nd B. More requi reme nt of wate r by high- yield
ing crop s
d. Dudh wa Natio nal Park IV. Jamm u & Kash mir resul ted in the deple tion of unde rgrou
nd wate r
e. Gir Natio nal Park v. Uttar Prad esh resou rces.
f. Kanh a Natio nal Park C. Use of agroc hemi cals was an expe nsive
VL Assa m meas ure
g. Kazi ranga Natio nal Park VII. Guja for India n farm ers.
rat D. All of these


46. The spee d-tim e grap h for the moti
on of a moto rcyc le
(i) (ii) (iii)
is show n here . Wha t is the aver age (iv)
spee d over A. Dissipation reference level
12 s inter val? mid point extremes
B. Dissipation mass mid point extremes
C. Exchange reference level extremes mid point
A. 4.38 m s
9 -·--- ·------ -·---- D. Exchange velocity extremes mid point
B. 5.58 m s' 48. Give n figu re show s the effec ts of
3 -·--·· ------ ··- pres sure and
C. temp eratu re on the chan ges amo ng three
1.75 m s-' 2 state s of
matte r.
D. 3.17 m s- 1 I(S)
0 5 9 12
- -- -- - - --------
47. Whe n an ideal simp le pend ulum oscil
lates betw een
the extre me poin ts P and Q, there is
cont inuo us ....lil
of pote ntial ener gy and kinet ic energ
y. The poten tial
ener gy depe nds on the choi ce of
(ii) . Forc e
actin g on the bob of the pend ulum
is maxi mum at
ili.i.L.., and mini mum at (iv) Selec t the corre ct state ment s.
he II. Fish cultu re is some time s done in comb
inati on · a b
ty with rice crop so that fish are grow n in c d e f g
the wate r
al accu mula ted in the padd y field.
he Ill. Fish feed in diffe rent zone s of the
pond in orde r C. l IV III v Vll
1e to make the most effic ient use of the VI II
avail able D. Ill II VII v
e, food. IV VI
IV. Sahi wal and Mur rah are exot ic 44.
bree ds used
exten sivel y in cattle farm ing.
V. Inter -crop ping is grow ing two or more
crop s
simu ltane ously on the same field in
a defin ite
patte rn.
Whic h of the give n state ment s are incor
A. l, II and III B. II, II! and IV
C. I and IV D. I and V
42. Wee ds are the unwa nted plan ts, whic
h grow alon g
with the crop s and share nutri ents, wate Figu re X Figu re Y
r and sunli ght Figu re X show s the fema le repro ducti
with the crop s. Rem oval of these weed ve syste m and
s can be done
eithe r by hand pick ing or with the help figur e Y show s the deve lopm ent of
of chem icals . a fertil ized egg
Whic h one of the follo wing chem icals cell. ln whic h label led parts ofth e fema
give n belo w le repro ducti ve
is a weed icide ') syste m will the stage s I, II and Ill occu
A. 2, 4-D 1 n m
C. A. S P P
B. S Q P
43. Matc h Colu mn-I with Colu mn-! I and
selec t the corre ct
c. s Q Q
optio n from the code s give n belo w D. S Q R
Colu mn-! Column-11 45. Whic h of the follo wing state ment s
is the draw back
(Nati onal Park ) (Stat e) of the gree n revo lutio n?
a. Band ipur Natio nal Park I. Kam ataka A. Exce ssive use of chem ical fertil
izers , pesti cides ,
b. Dach igam Natio nal Park ll. Mad hya etc. resul ted in air, soil and wate r pollu
Prad esh tion.
c. Corb ett Natio nal Park III. Uttar akha nd B. More requi reme nt of wate r by high- yield
ing crop s
d. Dudh wa Natio nal Park IV. Jamm u & Kash mir resul ted in the deple tion of unde rgrou
nd wate r
e. Gir Natio nal Park v. Uttar Prad esh resou rces.
f. Kanh a Natio nal Park C. Use of agroc hemi cals was an expe nsive
VL Assa m meas ure
g. Kazi ranga Natio nal Park VII. Guja for India n farm ers.
rat D. All of these


46. The spee d-tim e grap h for the moti
on of a moto rcyc le
(i) (ii) (iii)
is show n here . Wha t is the aver age (iv)
spee d over A. Dissipation reference level
12 s inter val? mid point extremes
B. Dissipation mass mid point extremes
C. Exchange reference level extremes mid point
A. 4.38 m s
9 -·--- ·------ -·---- D. Exchange velocity extremes mid point
B. 5.58 m s' 48. Give n figu re show s the effec ts of
3 -·--·· ------ ··- pres sure and
C. temp eratu re on the chan ges amo ng three
1.75 m s-' 2 state s of
matte r.
D. 3.17 m s- 1 I(S)
0 5 9 12
- -- -- - - --------
47. Whe n an ideal simp le pend ulum oscil
lates betw een
the extre me poin ts P and Q, there is
cont inuo us ....lil
of pote ntial ener gy and kinet ic energ
y. The poten tial
ener gy depe nds on the choi ce of
(ii) . Forc e
actin g on the bob of the pend ulum
is maxi mum at
ili.i.L.., and mini mum at (iv) Selec t the corre ct state ment s.
YEAR : 2014 -15 Test Date : 12-11-2014
Logical Reasoning
Que. Ans.
1 B
2 B
3 B
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 D
8 C
9 D
10 B
11 C
12 D
13 D
14 A
15 C
16 A
17 B
18 D
19 B
20 A
21 B
22 B
23 A
24 B
25 C
26 C
27 A
28 D
29 A
30 C
31 C
32 C
33 A
34 B
35 C
36 D
37 D
38 D
39 D
40 B
41 C
42 A
43 A
44 B
45 D
Achievers Section
46 D
47 C
48 B
49 B
50 D

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