Neuraxial Anesthesia in Patient With Scoliosis
Neuraxial Anesthesia in Patient With Scoliosis
Neuraxial Anesthesia in Patient With Scoliosis
Edited by
Dr. Gillian Abir1 and Dr. James Brown2
1 2
Stanford University, USA; British Columbia Women’s Hospital, Canada
Before continuing, try to answer the following questions. The answers can be found at the end of the article, together
with an explanation. Please answer True or False:
1. Regarding scoliosis:
a. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common subtype affecting 1-3% of children aged 10-16 years
b. The Cobb angle is a measure of the lateral curvature of the spine
c. The Cobb angle is measured based on physical exam
d. Males are more commonly affected than females
e. Early pre-operative evaluation and testing is important
A diagnosis of scoliosis is often made clinically, but the grading of scoliosis requires
imaging. A simple anteroposterior radiograph allows the Cobb angle to be measured,
which represents the degree of lateral curvature. To determine the Cobb angle, the
most tilted vertebra above and below the curve are identified. A parallel line is drawn
from the superior aspect of the uppermost affected vertebra and from the inferior
aspect of the lowermost affected vertebra. The angle made by the intersection of these
two lines is the Cobb angle (Figure 2). A conservative versus surgical approach is
based on the degree of curvature and on the rate of progression . Surgery is typically
indicated for a Cobb angle greater than 40° in the lumbar spine or greater than 50° in
the thoracic spine . Spinal fusion is the most common form of corrective surgery, which
is performed in an attempt to prevent cardiopulmonary complications such as
pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy.
Figure 1. Photograph of a patient with scoliosis
System Conditions
Airway Altered airway anatomy, difficult laryngoscopy and
Respiratory Restrictive lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction
Cardiac Cor pulmonale, right ventricular hypertrophy,
cardiomyopathy Figure 2. X-ray image displaying the Cobb angle5
Table 2. Cardiorespiratory conditions as a result of scoliosis
Given the physiologic and anatomic changes present in patients with severe scoliosis, maternal morbidity and mortality
are higher with cesarean section under general anesthesia compared with neuraxial anesthesia . There are some
instances where general anesthesia may be more appropriate, such as: maternal preference; severe maternal
cardiopulmonary disease; and unsuccessful neuraxial anesthetic technique .
A recent literature review reported 117 neuraxial procedures attempted in 103 parturients (24 with uncorrected scoliosis
and 93 with surgically corrected scoliosis) . Rates of success of epidural and intrathecal techniques were 79% in the
uncorrected group and 69% in the corrected group. The majority of failed techniques in the uncorrected group were due
to patchy/asymmetric blocks, while in the corrected group the majority of failures were due to difficult placement. Overall,
this study showed there is a relatively high success rate with neuraxial placement although it may take more attempts or
require more trouble-shooting than in a patient without scoliosis .
Scoliosis distorts the anatomical landmarks used to identify the midline of the back (spinous processes) and level of
insertion for neuraxial procedures (iliac crests) . This makes neuraxial procedures more difficult, increases insertion time
and the number of attempts required, as well as the failure and complication rates.
Prior to performing any neuraxial procedure, a thorough history and physical examination should be undertaken to elicit
the type and severity of scoliosis. Previous imaging studies should be reviewed and formal studies should be obtained if
this is lacking. The analgesic and/or anesthetic options and the associated risks and benefits should be discussed with
the patient. It is important to discuss the increased possibility for failure of the technique resulting in inadequate
analgesia, and also a potential increase in the complication rate including dural puncture, high block and nerve injury .
In uncorrected scoliosis, the midline of the epidural space is directed towards the convex side relative to the spinous
processes, therefore the needle should be directed towards the convexity of the curve where the spaces between the
vertebrae are larger allowing easier needle entry .
An algorithm based on the severity of the scoliosis has been suggested to help guide neuraxial anesthesia in parturients
(Table 3).
What is the best approach?
While it is common practice to proceed with neuraxial anesthesia in a parturient with scoliosis or prior spinal surgery, it is
controversial whether the best approach is an epidural, CSE or single shot spinal. There are no prospective randomized
trials comparing these techniques in this context. CSE or single shot spinal anesthesia may offer an advantage to
epidural anesthesia . CSF flow is a more definite confirmation of placement than loss of resistance. Following back
surgery there are potential planes that could be interpreted as a false loss of resistance. Additionally, injection of the
local anesthetic into the CSF provides more reliable spread. Bypassing the ‘distorted’ epidural space completely
2, 8
eliminates factors that may contribute to the possible failure of the epidural catheter technique . In a patient with
scoliosis who has had a failed epidural catheter or where the quality of block is inadequate, a single shot spinal or even a
spinal catheter is a worthwhile alternative to consider if time allows.
The epidural should be placed early so that there is time to make adjustments before an emergent situation arise that
may require a cesarean section.
Patients with scoliosis and/or prior spinal surgery present significant challenges for the anesthesiologist.
A pre-operative assessment and workup is necessary to guide clinical judgment and identify associated
cardiac and/or pulmonary conditions. Despite the challenges, it is possible to successfully achieve
neuraxial analgesia/anesthesia in the majority of parturients with scoliosis with or without corrective
surgery. However, despite best efforts it may not be possible to establish an adequate block and general
anesthesia may be required for an operative delivery.
1. Regarding scoliosis:
a. True: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is the most common type representing approximately 70% of cases
b. True: The Cobb angle is a measure of the lateral curvature of the spine
c. False: The Cobb angle is measured based on imaging, typically an anteroposterior radiograph
d. False: Scoliosis is more common in females than males
e. True: Early pre-operative evaluation and testing is important for planning due to co-morbidities
2. Ko J, Leffert L. Clinical implications of neuraxial anesthesia in the parturient with scoliosis. Anesth Analg
4. Janicki JA, Alman B. Scoliosis: Review of diagnosis and treatment. Paediatrics & Child Health 2007;12(9):771-776.
5. Image provided by the Washington University St. Louis - Barnes Jewish Hospital Radiology Department
6. Veliath D, Sharma R, Ranjan RV, et al. Parturient with kyphoscoliosis (operated) for cesarean section. J Anaesthesiol
Clin Pharmacol 2012;28:124-126
7. Smith PS, Wilson RC, Robinson APC, et al. Regional blockade for delivery in women with scoliosis or previous spinal
surgery. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia 2003;12:17-22
8. Ismail S. Editorial View- Labor analgesia for the parturients with scoliosis, prior spinal surgery and spina bifida.
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9. Bowens C, Dobie K, Devin CJ, et al. An approach to neuraxial anaesthesia for the severely scoliotic spine. Br J
Anaesth 2013;111:807-11
10. Image provided by the Washington University St. Louis - Barnes Jewish Hospital Radiology Department
11. Bajaj P. Regional anaesthesia in the patient with pre-existing neurological dysfunction. Indian J Anaesth
12. Horlocker T. Regional anesthesia in the patient with preexisting neurologic dysfunction. (accessed on 06/23/16)
14. Futernick SB. Nitrous oxide in labor: approval, implementation, and quality consideration. Scholar Archive 2015;
paper 3698.
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