UMass Stat 516 Solutions Chapter 8
UMass Stat 516 Solutions Chapter 8
UMass Stat 516 Solutions Chapter 8
• Chapter 8 : Estimation
[Chapter 8. Estimation]
8.1 Introduction
8.1 Introduction
• Estimator
- Firing a revolver at a red target
: one shot does not tell us if he/she is a expert, but
many shots(say 100) shots might provide sufficient
amount of evidence
- (Point) Estimation
: estimator - revolver, estimate - a single shot, and
parameter of interest - a red target
(Example) suppose we are interested in the mean of
UMass female students’ height. After we measure
heights of 100 female students, we calculate sam-
ple mean, ȳ using a sample mean formula Ȳ . But
we can not evaluate the goodness of point estima-
tion procedure based on one single constant value,
ȳ. We would like to evaluate this point estimation
procedure after this procedure is used many times.
Thus, we do repeated sampling(i.e., obtain 1000
samples of size 100 from the population and calcu-
late sample mean from each sample, ȳ1 , ȳ2 , . . . , ȳ1000
using a sample mean formula Ȳ . Finally we con-
struct a frequency distribution of 1000 sample means
and see how closely the distribution clusters around
the true mean of UMass female students’ height.
A frequency distribution of 1000 sample means is
an approximation to the sampling distribution of Ȳ .
• Estimator
(example) Firing a revolver at a red target
: one shot does not tell us if he/she is an ex-
pert, but many shots(say 100) shots might provide
sufficient amount of evidence
: (estimator - revolver), (estimate - a single shot),
and (parameter of interest - a red target)
(example) Suppose we are interested in the mean of
UMass female students’ height, µ. So, we measure
heights of 100 female students and calculate sample
mean, ȳ using a sample mean formula Ȳ .
: but we can not evaluate the goodness of point
estimation procedure based on one single constant
value, ȳ. We would evaluate this point estimation
procedure after this procedure is used many times.
: Thus, we do repeated sampling(i.e., obtain 1000
samples of size 100 from the population) and calcu-
late sample mean from each sample, ȳ1 , ȳ2 , . . . , ȳ1000 .
: Finally we construct a frequency distribution of
1000 sample means and see how closely the dis-
tribution clusters around the true mean of UMass
female students’ height. Note a frequency distribu-
tion of 1000 sample means is an approximation to
the sampling distribution of Ȳ .
8.2 Bias and Mean Square Error of Point
Four students(A,B, C, D) fire a revolver at a
target n times.
Suppose Y1, . . . , Yn constitute a random sample
from a population with a parameter θ of our in-
terest. Let θ̂ = θ̂(Y1, . . . , Yn)(random quantity)
be a point estimator for a parameter θ.
(Exercise) Suppose that Y1 , Y2 , Y3 denote a random
sample from an exponential distribution with a param-
eter θ. Consider the following four estimators of θ :
θ̂1 = Y1 , θ̂2 = (Y1 + Y2 )/2, θ̂3 = (Y1 + 2Y2 )/3 and θ4 = Ȳ .
8.3 Some Common Unbiased Point Es-
• Methods for point estimators : Chapter 9.
• Common unbiased θ̂ (Table 8.1)
θ Sample θ̂ E(θ̂) σθ̂
size √
1) µ n Ȳ µ σ/
q n
Y pq
2) p n n
p n
σ12 σ22
3) µ1 − µ2 n1 , n2 Ȳ1 − Ȳ2 µ1 − µ2 +
q n1 n2
Y1 Y2 p1 q1 p2 q2
4) p1 − p2 n1 , n2 n1
− n2
p1 − p2 n1
+ n2
• Comments for estimators in Table 8.1
– 1) and 3) have valid E(θ̂) and σθ̂ re-
gardless of the form of the population
distribution, p(y) or f (y)
– 1) - 4) have sampling distributions, ei-
ther p(θ̂) or f (θ̂) that are approximately
normal for large samples (by C.L.T in
Chapter 7.3)
– 1) - 4) are unbiased with near-normal(or
bell-shaped) sampling distributions for
moderate-sized samples
8.4 Evaluating the Goodness of a Point
• Reasonable measure of the goodness of θ̂
for θ :
• Calculation of b so that P ( < b) = .90
(Example 8.2)
(Example 8.3)
8.5 Confidence interval
• Interval estimator, [θ̂L, θ̂U ] : a procedure
calculating an interval of probable values
of an unknown population parameter, θ by
using the sample measurements
- [θ̂L, θ̂U ] are written with a percentage;
what does this percentage represent?
• Two-sided confidence interval, [θ̂L, θ̂U ]
- θ̂L and θ̂U : random lower and upper end-
point (i.e., confidence limit)
- 1 − α = P (θ̂L ≤ θ ≤ θ̂U ), confidence
coefficient : fraction of the time, in re-
peated sampling, that the constructed in-
tervals will contain θ
[Meaning] The probability that an interval
based on one sample of size n would con-
tain θ is zero or one.
If the same procedure were implemented
many times, each individual interval would
either contain or fail to contain θ, but the
percentage of the intervals that capture θ
would be close to 100(1 − α)%.
- high 1−α : highly confident that any con-
fidence interval from a single sample will
contain θ.
- prefer narrower confidence intervals with
the same confidence coefficient, (1 − α).
• Lower one-sided confidence interval, [θ̂L, ∞)
- P (θ̂L ≤ θ) = 1 − α
• Upper one-sided confidence interval, (−∞, θ̂U ]
- P (θ ≤ θ̂U ) = 1 − α
• How to find confidence intervals?
- Use pivotal method : need to find a piv-
otal quantity having two characteristics
i) it is a function of Y1, . . . , Yn and un-
known θ where θ is the only unknown quan-
ii) its probability distribution does not de-
pend on θ
- Logic of the pivotal method: for a r.v.
Y , suppose that the probability distribution of the
pivotal quantity is known. Then, P (a ≤ Y ≤ b) =
P (c(a + d) ≤ a(Y + d) ≤ c(b + d))
(Example 8.4)
(Example 8.5)
8.6 Large-sample confidence intervals
• Pivotal method to develop confidence in-
tervals for θ when sample size is large
: Unknown parameters in σ 2 from Table
8.1 might be replaced with appropriate statis-
tics as long as n is large. But the calculated
confidence interval will have approximately
the stated confidence coefficient.
(Example 8.7)
(Example 8.8)
8.7 Selecting the sample size
• Method of choosing n for all the large-
sample estimation procedure: for θ̂−θ
σ ·∼N (0, 1),
(Example) suppose that one wants to estimate the
average daily yield µ of a chemical. If one wishes
the error of estimation to be less than 5 tons with
probability .95, how large n should be? Assume
also that the range of the daily yields is known to
be approximately 84 tons.
(Example 8.10)
8.8 Small-sample confidence intervals
for µ, and µ1 − µ2
[Case 1] Given n random samples, Y1, . . . , Yn ∼
N (µ, σ 2), unknown σ 2, and small n, how to
construct a confidence interval for µ?.
(Example 8.12)
(Exercise 8.83)
8.9 Confidence intervals for σ 2
• Population variance σ 2 : amount of vari-
ability in the population
• How about a 100(1 − α)% one-sided inter-
val for σ 2?