CT PT Calculations

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By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P

Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.

Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 1 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A



1) ABB CATALOGUE FOR RET 316, (Transformer differential protection).






1)All Relay and meter VA burdens are assumed

2)Presuming Numerical relays for differential protection, Aux CTs are not used.
By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 2 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

1) Calculation of CT parameters for Generator Transformer Feeder Differential Protection (87GT FDR)

CT Ratio Selection :

Generator Transformer Rating = 60/80 MVA @ 50deg.C, ONAN/ONAF

132/13.8kV, Ynd1, Z=12.5% at ONAN rating

Therefore full load currrent on 132kV Side = (MVAx 1000)/(1.732 x kV)

= 80 x 1000 / 1.732 x 132
= 349.92 Amps

Multi ratio CT is selected to meet the requirement of Bus bar CT

CT ratio selected on 132kV side is = 2000-400/1 Amp

(Normally CT has a overload capacity of 20%. Therefore at lower temperature the maximum
output will be taken care by this 20%. However this would be confirmed with CT manufacturer)

Knee Point Voltage Calculation (For 87GT FDR) :

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = 40 x I (Rct + 2 Rl+Rrelay)

Where I = CT secondary current = 1 Amp

Rct = CT winding resistance = 3 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 250 M (from site plan)

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.25

= 2.77 Ohms

Therefore CT knee point requirement = 40 x1x(3 + 2 x 5.54 x 0.25 + 0.1)

(Relay Burden is assumed as 0.1 VA, same as transformer differential protection as per ABB catalogue RET 316)

Therefore, Since the secondary is 1A, RRelay = 0.1 ohms

= 234.8 Volts

We choose Vk >= 300V to account for variation in cable length, variation in CT, relay types etc.

Hence, Vk >=300V

Magnetising Current (Im) Calculation (For 87GT FDR):

Formula for calculating CT magnetising current Im.

Im = 1/n [PFSC x (1/CT ratio) - Ir]

Where n = Nos. of CTs in parallel = 3

PFSC = Primary Fault Setting Current = 70 Amp (Assuming 20% of Ifull load)
Ir = Relay current at set point in Amp = 0.1 Amp
Im = Magnetising Current in Amps

Im = 1/3[ 70 x ( 1/400) - 0.1]

= 0.025 Amp
= 25 mA

Hence Im at Vk/2 = 25/2 = 12.5 mA.

Im at Vk/2 <= 15 mA is selected

By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 3 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Selection of Class of CT
As the CT is meant for Transformer differential protection, Class X CT is selected.
CT Class = X
Therefore, CT parameters for 87GT FDR are

CT RATIO = 2000-400/1 Amp

Knee Point Voltage Vk = Vk >=300V
CT Wdg. Res. Rct = <= 3
Mag. Current Im at Vk/2 <= 15 mA
CT Class = X
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

2) Calculation of parameters for 132kV GT Transformer bushing CT & Neutral side

CT used for Restricted earth fault protection 87GTG.

CT ratio chosen = 400/1 A

Generator Transformer terminal fault current on 132kV side = If / (% Zgt )

Zgt on 60 MVA base = 12.5 = 349.92 / 0.167
Zgt on 80 MVA base = 16.6667 2.1

Vr = Relay operating Voltage Vr = Ifs (Rct + Rlead + Rrelay)

Ifs = fault level on CT secondary Ifs = (2100/400/1) = 5.25 A

Rl ( Considering 4 sq.mm Cu conductor Cable, 250M length)

= 2 x 5.54 x 0.25 = 2.77 Ohms

R relay = 1 VA (Assumed)

Winding res. of CT sec Rct for 400/1A = 3 Ohms (Assumed)

Therefore Vr = 5.25 *(3+2.77+ 1)

= 35.5425 Volts

Vk = 2 Vr = 71.085 Volts

Taking margin, keep Vk >= 120 Volts

Therefore CT chosen = 400/1A

Rct<=3 Ohms

Magnetising Current (Im) Calculation

Formula for calculating CT magnetising current Im.

Im = 1/n [PFSC x (1/CT ratio) - Ir]

Where n = Nos. of CTs in parallel = 4

PFSC = Primary Fault Setting Current = 140 Amp (Assuming 40% of Ifull load)
Ir = Relay current at set point in Amp = 0.1 Amp
Im = Magnetising Current in Amps

Im = 1/4[ 140 x ( 1/400) - 0.1]

= 0.063 Amp
= 63 mA

Hence Im at Vk/2 = 63/2 = 32 mA.

Im at Vk/2 <= 30 is selected

By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 4 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Selection of Class of CT

As the CT is meant for Restricted E/F protection, Class X CT is selected.

CT Class = X

Therefore, parameters for 87GTG protection CTs are

CT RATIO = 2000-400 /1 Amp

Knee Point Voltage Vk = >= 120 Volts
CT Wdg. Res. Rct = 3 Ohms
Mag. Current Im at Vk/2 <= 30
CT Class = X
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

3) Calculation of parameters for 132kV Generator Transformer Neutral side CT used for 51GTT protection.

CT ratio chosen = 400/1 A

132kV Bus Design Fault Level = 40 kA

Vr = If(Rct + Rlead + Rrelay)

If = fault level on CT secondary = 40000/400/1 = 100

Rl ( Considering 4 sq.mm Cu conductor Cable, 200M length)

= 2 x 5.54 x 0.2 = 2.22

R relay = 0.1 VA (Assumed)

Winding res. of CT sec Rct for 400/1A = 3 Ohms

Therefore Vr = 100 *(3+2.216+ 0.1)

= 531.6 Volts

Selection of Class of CT

By choosing 5P20 , 30 VA CT,

Vk available = 20 x 1.0 (3+30) V

= 660 Volts To take into account variations in CT parameters etc.,

Hence, the following CT Parameters are selected

Therefore CT chosen for 51GTT protection

CT RATIO = 400 /1 Amp

CT Class = 5P20
Rated VA of CT = 30 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

UAT CT Sizing

4) Calculation of parameters for 13.8kV side UAT bushing

( For Overall Differential Protection 87OA).

UAT Rating = 1.5 MVA

Therefore full load currrent on 132kV Side = (MVAx 1000)/(1.732 x kV)

= 1.5 x 1000 / 1.732 x 13.8
= 62.76 Amps

However CT ratio selected on 13.8kV side is = 1000 /1 Amp ( To ensure non-saturation of CT for
faults )
By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 5 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Knee Point Voltage Calculation (For 87OA)

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = 40 x I (Rct x 2 Rl+Rrelay)

Where I = CT secondary current = 1 Amp

Rct = CT winding resistance = 5 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 250 M (From site plan)

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.25

= 2.77 Ohms

Therefore CT knee point requirement = 40 x1(5 + 2 x 5.54 x 0.25 + 0.1)

(Relay burden is considered as 0.1 VA as per catalogue for RET 316, of ABB make)

Therefore, Since the secondary is 1A, RRelay = 0.1 ohms

= 314.8 Volts

We choose Vk >= 400V to account for variations in cable length, variation in CT, relay types etc.

Hence, Vk >=400V

Selection of Class of CT

As the CT is meant for Overall differential protection, Class X CT is selected.

CT Class = X
Therefore, parameters for 87OA are

CT RATIO = 1000 /1 Amp

Knee Point Voltage Vk = >= 400 Volts
CT Wdg. Res. Rct = 5 ohm
Mag. Current Im at Vk/2 <= 15 mA
CT Class = X
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

5) Calculation of CT parameters for ( 50UAT) on HV side

For the operation of Instantaneous protection, the CT will see the higher value of subtransient current.Due
to this high fault current the CT may get saturated if lower ratio is used. To avoid CT saturation and to keep knee point
voltage low, a separate CT of higher ratio is selected for Instantaneous(50) protection.

CT Ratio Selection :

UAT Rating = 1.5 MVA

Full Load current on 13.8kV side = (MVAx 1000)/(1.732 x kV)

= 62.76 A

However CT ratio selected on 13.8kV side is = 1000 /1 Amp ( To ensure non-saturation of CT for
faults )
Relay Burden : 0.5 ( Assumed)

Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Rrelaytotal in VA/(Is2) , where Is = Secondary Current of CT.
Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = 0.5
= 0.5 ohms

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement :

Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct + 2 Rl+Rrelay)
For a fault at 13.8kV side of the UAT

By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P

Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 6 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Contribution from the Generator = 22.1 kA (From ARAR Short circuit study

Contribution from system through GT = 26.1 kA (From ARAR Short circuit study

Total fault current = 48.2 kA

Where If = CT Primary fault current in Amps 48200 A

Rct = CT winding resistance = 5 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 200 M

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.2

= 2.22 Ohms

Considering 1000/1 ratio,

Vk required = 48200 x 1/1000(5 + 2.22 + 0.5)

= 372.104 Volts

Selection of Class of CT

By choosing 5P20 , 20 VA CT,

Vk available = 20 x 1.0 (5+20) V

= 500 Volts

Hence, the following CT Parameters are selected

CT RATIO = 1000 /1 Amp

CT Class = 5P20
VA burden required = 20 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

6) Calculation of CT parameters for ( 51 & 51N UAT) on HV side

CT Ratio Selection :

UAT Rating = 1.5 MVA

Full Load current on 13.8kV side = (MVAx 1000)/(1.732 x kV)

= 62.76 A

Therefore CT ratio selected on 13.8kV side is = 100 /1 Amp

Relay Burden : 0.5 ( Assumed)

Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Rrelaytotal in VA/(Is2) , where Is = Secondary Current of CT.

Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = 0.5

= 0.5 ohms

For a fault on HV side of UAT, the fault is cleared by 50UAT, 87OA. Therefore 51UAT
acts as a back up for UAT LV side faults and as such CT for 51UAT will be designed for the LV fault.

Fault on LV side of the UAT = 30.8 kA (From short circuit study)

Fault on LV side of UAT as seen from HV side of UAT = 30.8 x 0.48 / 13.8

= 1.0713 kA
By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 7 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement :

Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct x 2 Rl+Rrelay)
Where If = CT Primary fault current in Amps 1071.3 A
Rct = CT winding resistance = 1 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 200 M 2

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.2

= 2.22 Ohms

Considering 100/1 ratio,

Vk required = 1071.3 x 1/100(1 + 2.22 + 0.5)

= 39.85 Volts

Selection of Class of CT

By choosing 5P20 , 10 VA CT,

Vk available = 20 x 1.0 (1+10) V

= 220 Volts

Hence, the following CT Parameters are selected

CT RATIO = 100 /1 Amp

CT Class = 5P20
VA burden required = 10 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

7) Calculation of CT parameters for ( 51& 51N) on LV side of UAT

CT Ratio Selection :

UAT Rating = 1.5 MVA

Full Load current on 0.48kV side = (MVAx 1000)/(1.732 x kV)

= 1804.22 A

CT ratio selected on 13.8kV side is = 2000 /1 Amp

Relay Burden : 0.5

Total Burden 0.5 VA

Since the secondary Current is 1A, the above burden can be taken as the total burden in ohms.
i.e., Rrelaytotal in ohms = Rrelaytotal in VA/(Is2) , where Is = Secondary Current of CT.

Therefore Rrelaytotal in ohms = (0.5 /1*1)

= 0.5 ohms

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement :

Vk = If x 1/CTratio x (Rct x 2 Rl+Rrelay)

Fault on 0.480 kV side = 50 kA

Where If = CT Primary fault current in Amps 50000 A

Rct = CT winding resistance = 6 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay
By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 8 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 200 M

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.2

= 2.22 Ohms

Considering 2000/1 ratio,

Vk required = 50000 x 1/2000(6 + 2.22 + 0.5)

= 218 Volts

Selection of Class of CT

By choosing 5P20 , 15 VA CT,

Vk available = 20 x 1.0 (5+15) V

= 400 Volts

Hence, the following CT Parameters are selected

CT RATIO = 2000 /1 Amp

CT Class = 5P20
VA burden required = 15 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

8) Calculation of parameters for UAT Neutral side CT used for 51G protection.

CT ratio chosen = 2000/1 A

480V Bus Design Fault Level = 50 kA

Vr = If(Rct + Rlead + Rrelay)

If = fault level on CT secondary = 50000/2000/1 = 25

Rl ( Considering 4 sq.mm Cu conductor Cable, 200M length)

= 2 x 5.54 x 0.2 = 2.22

R relay = 0.1 VA (Assumed))

Winding res. of CT sec Rct for 2000/1A = 6 Ohms

Therefore Vr = 25 *(6+2.216+ 0.1)

= 207.9 Volts

Selection of Class of CT

By choosing 5P20 , 15 VA CT,

Vk available = 20 x 1.0 (6+15) V

= 420 Volts To take into account variations in CT parameters etc.,

Hence, the following CT Parameters are selected

Therefore CT chosen for 51GTT protection

CT RATIO = 2000 /1 Amp

CT Class = 5P20
Rated VA of CT = 15 VA
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq mm
By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P
Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh. 9 Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

9) Calculation of parameters for UAT LV side 87GT CT protection

CT ratio selected on is = 2000 /1 Amp

Knee Point Voltage Calculation (For 87GT)

Formula for calculating Knee point voltage requirement for differential protection
Vk = 40 x I (Rct x 2 Rl+Rrelay)

Where I = CT secondary current = 1 Amp

Rct = CT winding resistance = 6 ohm (Assumed)
Rl = Cable resistance between CT & Relay

Considering 4 sq.mm copper conductor cable between CT and relay, resistance of

4 sq.mm copper cable = 5.54 Ohms / km

Maximum cable length = 250 M

Cable Lead Resistance for the loop Rl = 2 x 5.54 x 0.25

= 2.77 Ohms

Therefore CT knee point requirement = 40 x1(6 + 2 x 5.54 x 0.25 + 0.1)

(RRelay is considered as 0.1 VA as per catalogue for RET 316, of ABB make)

Therefore, Since the secondary is 1A, RRelay = 0.1 ohms

= 354.8 Volts

We choose Vk >= 400V to account for variations in cable length, variation in CT, relay types etc.

Hence, Vk >=400V

Selection of Class of CT

As the CT is meant for Overall differential protection, Class X CT is selected.

CT Class = X
Therefore, parameters for 87GT are

CT RATIO = 2000 /1 Amp

Knee Point Voltage Vk = >= 400 Volts
CT Wdg. Res. Rct = 6 ohm
Mag. Current Im at Vk/2 <= 15 mA
CT Class = X
CT Cable to be used = 4 sq.mm copper cable

10) Calculation of parameters for 480V VT on LV side of UAT

VT ratio chosen = 480/ 3 /115/ 3

VT will be with dual accuracy = 0.5 / 3P class

Equipment VA Burdens

Frequency Transducer 8

Voltage Transducer 8

### 25

### 3

Total 44
Therefore PT chosen = 480/ 3 /115/ 3 V
75 VA

By DG TCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED Project : Generation expansion at ARAR P/P

Date 07/7/2004 Client : AL TOUKHI COMPANY Doc. No.
Chd. SJH Subject : CT & PT Calculation for Gen & UAT bay

Date 07/7/2004 Contract No.- 30421007-3CL-00003 Sh.### Of 10 Rev. No. P0A

11) UAT LV side metering CT

Presuming Numerical Meters to be provided. The VA burden of the multipurpose meter is assumed to be less than 10VA

Hence CT VA burden selected is 10VA

Therefore CT chosen = 2000 /1 A.

10 VA
ISF <5.

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