Lab Print 8

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Lab Tasks:

4. Implement the 2-bit Comparator circuit you arrived in your Pre-lab Task. Give the Complete
circuit diagram here again. (6 Marks)

5. A magnitude comparator can be constructed by using a subtractor and an additional

combinational circuit. This is done with a combinational circuit that has 5 inputs S1, S2, S3,
S4, and Co, and three outputs E, G, L as shown below.
E = 1 if A=B i.e. when S = 0000, L = 1 if A<B i.e. when Co = 0, G = 1 if A > B i.e. when Co = 1
and S ≠ 0000.

Design and construct this additional combinational circuit using minimum number of gates.
(5 Marks)


You have to design this part

Schematic Diagram(Additional Combinational Circuit):

6. Get the 4 bit magnitude comparator IC from the lab. Give its function table, Pin Layout and
show its working in hardware.
7. Give the dataflow modeling of the magnitude comparator using Verilog. (5 Marks)

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