Lab5 BCD-to-Excess-3 Code Conversion2
Lab5 BCD-to-Excess-3 Code Conversion2
Lab5 BCD-to-Excess-3 Code Conversion2
Course/Section:_____________________ Semester:________________
This Lab has been divided into two parts: Psychomotor Level P-4
In first part you are required to design and implement a BCD to Excess-3 code converter.
The next part is the Verilog Modeling and Simulation of the Circuit you implemented in you first
Lab Instructions
This lab activity comprises three parts, namely Pre-lab, Lab tasks, and Post-Lab
Viva session.
The lab report will be uploaded on LMS three days before scheduled lab date. The
students will get hard copy of lab report, complete the Pre-lab task before coming to
the lab and deposit it with teacher/lab engineer for necessary evaluation.
The students will start lab task and demonstrate design steps separately for step-
wise evaluation(course instructor/lab engineer will sign each step after ascertaining
functional verification).
Remember that a neat logic diagram with pins numbered coupled with nicely
patched circuit will simplify trouble-shooting process.
After the lab, students are expected to unwire the circuit and deposit back
components before leaving.
The students will complete lab task and submit complete report to Lab Engineer
before leaving lab.
There are related questions at the end of this activity. Give complete answers.
2. What is the significance of BCD code? Write its application in digital circuits.(1 Mark)
3. In the lab you would be implementing a BCD to Excess-3 code converter. Make a truth
table for both the codes by filling in the following tables and Simplify the expressions for
W,X,Y,Z in terms of A,B,C,D.( Use backside of the page if necessary). Use unused
combinations as don’t care conditions. (5 Marks)
W= ((BD)' . (AD)' . (AB')' . (BC)')'
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 X= ((BC'D)' . (B'D)' . (B'C)')'
2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Y= ((C'D')' . (CD)')'
3 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
4 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Z = D'
5 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
7 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
8 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
9 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Lab Task 1:
Realize the BCD to Excess-3 code converter using NAND gates only. Make the Schematic
Diagram. Show the results to your Teacher/Lab Engr. (5+5 Marks)
Design and simulate the gate-level model of the circuit you patched. Give the code in the space
provided below. (5+5 Marks)
module mod(w,x,y,z,a,b,c,d);
nand(An,a,a); // a not
nand(Bn,b,b); // b not
nand(Cn,c,c); // c not
nand(Dn,d,d); // d not
nand(w1,b,d); // (bd)'
nand(w2,a,d); // (ad)'
nand(w3,a,Bn); // (ab')'
nand(w4,b,Cn); // (bc')'
nand(w,w1,w2,w3,w4); // w
// code for x
nand(x1,b,Cn,d); // (bc'd)'
nand(x2,Bn,d); // (b'd)'
nand(x3,Bn,c); // (b'c)'
nand(x,x1,x2,x3); // x
//code for y
nand(y1,Cn,Dn); // (c'd')'
nand(y2,c,d); // (cd)'
// code for z
nand(z,d,d); // z
// testbench
module myTest();
reg A,B,C,D;
mod d(W,X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D);
A=1'b0;B=1'b0;C=1'b0;D=1'b0; // 0
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b0;C=1'b0;D=1'b1; // 1
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b0;C=1'b1;D=1'b0; // 2
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b0;C=1'b1;D=1'b1; // 3
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b1;C=1'b0;D=1'b0; // 4
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b1;C=1'b0;D=1'b1; // 5
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b1;C=1'b1;D=1'b0; // 6
#100A=1'b0;B=1'b1;C=1'b1;D=1'b1; // 7
#100A=1'b1;B=1'b0;C=1'b0;D=1'b0; // 8
#100A=1'b1;B=1'b0;C=1'b0;D=1'b1; // 9