Nelson Central School: Term 3

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1st Septem ber

Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te • Run your own home spelling bee – get the children to
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and come up with their own list as well as the basic word
family of Nelson Central School. lists they are learning at school (enhanced by rewards
I know many of you have dogs that have become part of from grandparents or other family members if they get
your family and are cared for and loved as much as are them all right)
your children – that’s great. However, once they move off • Encourage them to write or email their grandparents or
your premises they simply become just another dog. When friends in other places, even if it is just 1-2 lines.
they move onto school premises they represent a health • If you go on holiday, suggest they make a holiday
risk to children because of what they are and what they scrapbook or journal where they can put in pamphlets
leave behind. We try to reduce that risk by asking that and tickets from special places they’ve visited (Zoo,
people not bring their dogs onto the school grounds. Splash Palace, museum, Kelly Tarlton’s etc) and write
Children simply cannot resist approaching a dog, or most something about their visit.
other pets for that matter, so I would ask that if you have to
8-12 year olds
bring your dog near the school can you please tie it up • Go to your local library with them – choose the books
outside the school grounds where children are unlikely to YOU like to read as well as the ones they want!
handle it. • Children love series and often develop “favourite”
Supporting Children’s Learning at Home – continued authors – so as they get older, get them into the first in a
from last week series like The Cherub (Robert Muchamore), Lion Boy
Reading (Zizou Corder) or Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling) and
• Tell stories – made up stories, imaginary stories, you’ll have them hooked for several books.
stories your parents told you… and encourage them to • Ask the library staff for recommendations that are age-
come up with their own stories that they can tell you. appropriate for your child.
Give them an opening line - the more ridiculous the • If you’ve got a library close to your school, suggest you
better! - and ask them to tell a story based on it. Or on meet your child at the library after school rather than at
long car journeys, make up silly stories as a family, the school gates. Be 5 minutes late!
with each passenger coming up with a new paragraph A Class Narrative by Room 5
in the story. Squabbles at the Supermarket
• Reading books, comics, magazines to and with them. Once upon a time, not so long ago, a ten year old girl called
You don’t need to be “choosy” about what to read – Holly was in the supermarket looking for lamb for her
picture books on all and any subjects are great. If they Granny to roast. When Holly arrived at the meat section she
are into superheros, then Captain Underpants or saw the strangest thing. There was a pirate with a wooden
comics are fine. If they’re into dinosaurs, try wildlife peg leg and he was picking up chunks of meat with his
books, if they’re into fairies, go with the flow… cutlass.
• Go to your local library with them – choose the books “What’s your name?” asked Holly.
YOU like to read as well as the ones they want! and “I’m One Eyed Cutlass and I’m looking for a big, juicy leg
ask the library staff for recommendations that are age of lamb to roast for my pirate crew,” said the pirate.
appropriate for your child. At that very moment they both spied an enormous leg of
• Getting them to find “their” letter (the first letter of lamb. They snatched it, each one pulling at the ends. The
their name) on billboards, on car number plates, or in next minute they were screaming at each other.
newspapers. What a hullaballoo! The shoppers ran and hid in the corners
• Ask them to work out words on their favourite foods in of the shop. The shopkeepers hid under the checkouts.
the supermarket. Everyone was worried about how it would end.
“What’s going on here?” said a gruff voice behind the
Writing fighters.
• Make sure they get plenty of “big muscle” play outside “Ooh, it’s Constable Carter,” said Holly. “We both want the
– playing with balls, gym, swinging and so on. last leg of lamb for our dinner.”
Without developing big muscle coordination, fine “Pirates aren’t allowed in this supermarket,” said Constable
motor skills will be less well developed and make Carter. “I’m sorry, One Eyed Cutlass, you’ll have to go.”
letter formation harder.
• Encourage drawing and painting – expressing their Our weekly newslett er is kindly
sponsored by –
ideas visually first helps children sort out what they
want to say

7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z

Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: D avid Jo hnston W ebsite: www.nelsonce nt ral .sc
“Holly this meat is yours.”
One Eyed Cutlass left the supermarket with his head Nelson Central School Community Group and
drooping. He slowly shuffled back to his ship. He was State Cinema Nelson invite YOU to a
very sad. As he climbed on his ship, there stood a box of
food. There was meat, vegetables and even an enormous
of the movie……
block of chocolate. He saw a little note at the top. It
“Yum! Delicious chocolate! My favourite! I wonder if
Holly and her Granny would like to come to tea on our Diary of a Wimpy Kid
And they did.
Nelson Central Achievers
1. Ruby R, Jamie E, Sam J (R10) for great story When: Wednesday, 22nd Sept
writing Time: 6pm ish (exact time tba)
2. Lydia G, Josh C, Tom M (R14) brilliant story
Cost: $10 each (adult OR child)
3. Bethany T (R17) for 100% in basic facts and Where: State Cinema, Trafalgar St
100% for Spelling 3 times in a row. Seats limited – be in quick!
4. Skyla T, Leroy L, Te Iwingaro (R17) 100% in Ph: Barbara (5487547)
basic facts 3 times in a row. Or Linda (9220075) for tickets
Term 3 dates & events
1-8 Sept Senior Staff prepare for school self review
Spot Link to view the site
8 Sept Prospective students to NIS at 9:30 am
Parent evening at NIS 7pm Prizes
13-24 Sept Staff appraisal interviews wimpykidpromo.aspx
15-16 Sept Numeracy Coordinator in classrooms
21 Sept Inter-regional cross country champs EXCITING NEWS from the School Community Group
21 Sept Kidz for Kidz Concert with Suzanne T he fin al to tal from th e Gala wa s $15 ,9 25 .24
Som e of this fu nd s our spo rts co-ordina tor and o ngoing sports
22 Sept Inter-school skiing
22 Sept BOT meeting staffroom 7pm equipm en t co sts.
24 Sept Literacy professional development – M ost of the m one y will go to wards the follo win g enh ancem e nts.
Chanel Ngaruhe, Rachel Randrup, Dianne T he BIKE CAGE is g ettin g co ve red .
Thomson A co m pe titive q uo te h as b een received an d we a re n ow a ble to
Term 3 finishes Friday 24 September co ver the to p of the cag e. We e xpec t this to be do ne sho rtly.
Term 4 starts Monday 11 October – Plea se rem em ber th at w he n th e ca ge ga te is ope n, bike s an d
12 Oct Grasshopper tennis in school coaching scoo ters m a y still no t be safe.
18 Oct Nelson Central performs in Red Square 12-
12:30pm We are in th e process of im plem e ntin g pla ns forwa rde d b y the
19 Oct BOT meeting Stud en t Co uncil to in stall a ne w struc ture in the ad ve nture
26 Oct Prospective families/students meeting pla ygro und .
26-27 Oct R5-6 camp T here are also plan s fo r a se nio r sa ndpit ne ar th e library and
28-29 Oct R3-4 (+y3 R14) camp land scapin g of the b an k be tw ee n th e ad ven tu re pla yg ro und
29 Oct SCG Disco and the b ack field.
11 Nov NIS powhiri/school tour for new students SOCIAL EVENTS
16 Nov BOT meeting
We ha ve a fun fam ily film pre-vie w plan ned for 2 2n d
23 Nov Inter-school athletics
7 Dec BOT meeting Se ptem be r and a F am ily Disco on F rida y 29 th Oc tob er.
Term 4 finishes Thursday 16 December Our ne xt m ee tin g is on 2 3rd Se ptem be r @ 7pm (Prince Albert
Public Holidays During Term Time Ho tel, Nile St if p ossible , o r de fault to Sch ool Sta ffroom ). Fo r
Labour Day - 25 October (Monday) Disco pla nnin g!
Dr Paul Potaka If you thin k the sch ool could b e im pro ved , th en com e alo ng an d
PRINCIPAL help u s m ake it ha ppe n . Ph : Luc y 5 48 247 4 fo r m ore info
Kids for Kids - The Christmas Show
The Central School concert will be on Tuesday 21st September at 7.30pm in the Hope Community Church,
Hope. Adults $18.00, Child/Student $12.00. Tickets: Ticket Direct Tasman 03-520 8560, 0800 224 225 or
online at More information at www.worldv
Te Pouahi Raffle results - Portrait Sitting Head Lice
And the winner was....Sue Ford! Once again there seems to be a head lice population
Thanks to everyone who took part. explosion and parents are finding them harder to get rid
of. Some parents and teachers are getting them too. If
Suter Kids Club your children do come home with head lice it is a
Kids being creative in an inspiring environment! nuisance but not a disaster. They don’t carry disease
New Enrolments for Term Four 2010 and have been liv ing on humans for thousands of years.
The Suter has places in our after school art programme When head lice shampoos came on the markets it was
for Term Four. Children have fun creating all sorts of assumed that they would finish off head lice for good.
art using our exhibitions as a springboard, under the But they are survivors and need the protein in our blood
guidance of a well qualified and experienced teacher. to lay eggs.
Senior Mixed Media 8-12 years § Brush hair every evening before bed. Head lice
Mondays 3.25– 4.30pm lay their eggs when the head is still, so they lay
$76.50 for a 9 week term mostly at night. A firm bristled brush injures the
Starts 11 October head lice so they are unable to lay eggs. Do this
on alternate days to wet combing. Brush with
Junior Mixed Media 6-7 years the head hanging down (100 strokes).
Tuesdays or Wednesdays § Fine tooth combing. This is often easier to do
3.25– 4.30pm when the hair is wet and covered in any
$85 for a 10 week term conditioner. Comb hair into sections clearing the
Starts12/ 13 October lice out after each stroke. Do every 3 – 4 days.
For bookings or queries please contact This is a standalone treatment. Conditioner
The Suter : Te Aratoi o Whakatû makes the combing easier and slows the head
Tel (03) 5484 699 Email: [email protected] lice down.
Student Council News § Most importantly. Once you stop finding the
Pictured working with Student Council on a proposal “big” headlice don’t stop, continue the 3 day
for developing the bank by the slide is Chri ssy wet combing and upside down hairbrushing.
Bright. Chrissy is a Year 12 Nelson Girls College Some smaller headlice may have been missed
Student. She i s working with the council as part of and will grow and continue the cycle all over
her own study on exploring the processes involved in
again; it isn’t necessarily other kids giv ing them
developing a sustainable area within a sc hool.
back to your child.
Helen (Public Health Nurse) 546-1535
Play Table Tennis

Come join us at our new St adium at Saxton Field

We cat er for all levels and ages in our weekly

Morning table tennis Mondays and Fridays 9.30-12

Open Club night Wednesday at 7pm

Aft er School Monday club 3.30p m – 5p m, $4

For furt her info phone 5479479 (St adium) or
5477530 (Bry an)

Nelson Central
Social Skills
Putting effort into school work
Having an "I Can " attitude
Great Results for YOU and Nelson Central School

a If you are thinking about selling your property and you would like to help out Nelson
Difference! Central School as well as getting the best results, then look at this:

For every property that is sold through me, I will donate $100 to benefit the kids of
Nelson Central School.
Bjorn Bonten
Business - 544 2900
Call me today for an obligation free appraisal After Hours - 545 1535
Mobile - 021 034 9173

Nelson Central School Sports Teams located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3.
Nelson Central pupils have the opportunity to participate in To be placed in locked silver box located in school office
sports teams throughout the school year. Notification of foyer by Friday 15 th October
start dates are published in the school newsletter and on the Hardball Cricket – The progression from Incrediball.
sports notice board located in the hallway between rooms 2 Traditional cricket played on Saturdays. Games are 25
and 3. To participate in school teams children are required overs per innings. Games are played at various cricket
to complete a registration form for each sport and pay the venues. Central School home ground The Botanics.
required registration fee. This must be done in terms 1 & 4 Competition and teams remain the same as term 1.
for summer sport and term 2 for winter sport. All children Volleyball – Year 5/6children. Games are 30 minutes and
are issued with a school sports uniform to play in. These are played at Nelson Girls College Gymnasium on
must be returned to school at the end of each term. Thursdays between 4 and 6 pm
Management/coaching of school teams is undertaken by Details will be advised on receipt
parents/caregivers. Touch Rugby – Year 2 and above. 6 a side. Games are
Term 4 Sports played at Tahunanui playing field on Fridays between 4pm
Mini Soccer – Year 1-6. 5 aside soccer played on a small and 5pm
field. No goalies no offside. Mixed teams Games are 30 Details will be advised on receipt
minutes and are played at Saxton Field Stoke on Tuesday T Ball – Year 1 & 2
between 4.30pm and 54.30pm. Starts Tuesday 26th 6 players per team. $24 per player. 45minute games played
October. Cost: $5. at Saxton Field Saturday mornings. Commences Saturday
Parental assistance required. 16th October.
Registrations available from sports notice boards Parental assistance required to coach/manage team
located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3. Registrations available from sports notice boards
To be placed in locked silver box located in school office located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3.
foyer with fee to school office by Friday 17 th September. To be placed with fee in locked silver box located in
Milo Have A Go Cricket Coaching Programme: - 5-8 school office foyer by Friday 17 th September
year olds. An 8 week programme to introduce children to T Ball – Year 3 & 4
cricket and the skill base needed to play the game. Some 9 players per team. $16 per player. 45minute games played
parental assistance required. Details will be advised on at Saxton Field Saturday mornings. Commences Saturday
receipt 16th October.
Kiwi Cricket – Year 1 and above. A follow on from The Parental assistance required to coach/manage team
Milo Have a Go Cricket Coaching programme run by Registrations available from sports notice boards
Nelson Cricket term 4. Children play a game where all bat, located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3.
bowl, wicket keep and field. Games are played at Saxton To be placed with fee in locked silver box located in
Field, Stoke, Saturday commencing 9am 30th October. school office foyer by Friday 17 th September
Parental assistance required. Softball – Minor Sox League Year 5/6 children. 9 players
Registrations available from sports notice boards per team. 60 min games played at Saxton Field Saturday
located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3. mornings. $16 per player.
To be placed in locked silver box located in school office Commences Saturday 16th October.
foyer by Friday 15 th October. Parental assistance required to coach/manage team
Incrediball – Year 3 and above. The next step after Kiwi Registrations available from sports notice boards
Cricket. Children play with a harder ball and wooden located in hallway between rooms 2 and 3.
cricket bat. Assists with the transition to hardball cricket. To be placed with fee in locked silver box located in
Games are played at Saxton Field, Stoke, commencing school office foyer by Friday 17 th September
9am 30th October. Any sporting enquiries please see Sheryll McKeage at the
Parental assistance required. school office or contact by phone: 5484972 ext. 819, email:
Registrations available from sports notice boards [email protected]
Parent Questionnaire 2010
Thank you to everyone who completed the recent questionnaire.
We had a total of 44 responses and the Board of Trustees now has 3 years of parent feedback, which is
extremely valuable in helping us decide future priorities.
Please find below a summary of key feedback for each question.
Question 1 – how likely is it that you would recommend Nelson Central to your family and friends?
• Ratings ranged from 5 to 10.
• Average rating was 9.1 (Same as last year)
• Overall good feedback regarding school culture, location and environment.
• We continue to have strong loyalty and advocacy from parent/caregivers.
Question 2 – how well do you think your child’s learning needs are being met?
• Ratings ranged from 6 to 10
• Average rating was 8.5 (slightly up from last year 8.3)
• Favorable feedback on quality of teachers and teaching
• Overall school provides high quality & well balanced education
• Some comments around how we could better challenge students at year 5
& 6 and or students who are high achievers.
Question 3 – how do you rate the level of communication from the school to you?
• Ratings ranged from 4 to10
• Average was 7.9 (Down on last year 8.6)
• Lots of positive feedback regarding newsletter and use of email.
• Some suggestions on ways we could improve overall communication.
• Some suggestions around making newsletter more child content focused.
Other comments
• Continuing concern around bike cage security.
• Some comments around consistency of homework between teachers.
• An idea of introducing a one-off school trips deposit i.e. $40 at beginning of the year so families
can budget better.
• A desire for more instant verbal communication from teachers about individual children’s performance
• A request to not mix up classrooms and to keep cohort level at same year
• A recommendation that the school should have a policy on booster seats or 3 point seat belts for
school trips.
• A request to learn more Te Reo in classes outside of Te Pouahi
• A comment around modifying National Standard Reports to also include old style report content.
Thank you again for your valuable feedback - all the information and comments gathered are being
considered by the Board. Where possible and appropriate, change will be made and we will provide updates
throughout the year on any actions that result from the feedback received.
Kind regards, Your Trustees, Nelson Central School.
Dates Time Venue
Thursday, 2, 9,16 &23 September 2010 10-12 am Nelson
Thursday, 11, 18, 25 November and 2 December 2010 6.30-8.30 pm Nelson
Dates Time Venue
Wednesday 1st September 9.30 AM-1.30 PM Motueka
Wednesday September 16 and 23rd 6.30-8.30 PM Nelson
Tuesday October 19 and 26th 9.30-11.30 AM Nelson
Wednesday November 10 and 17th 6.30-8.30 PM Nelson
Tuesday December 7 and 14th 9.30-11.30 AM Nelson

Cost: None. For information or enrolments phone 03- 5390019 or Family Works 03-5479350 ex 714
Nelson courses @ Barnardos Office, 126 Trafalgar Street, Nelson 7010, Ph:5390019, Cell: 027-6008649
Motueka courses @ Special Education Room, next to Motueka Family Service Centre in Talbot Street, Motueka,
Cell: 027-6008649
On Sunday 5th September I will be holding a cross
country trial at Saxton Field for Y7/8s for selection
in the Tasman IRXC team.
As part of the event I will also run races for Y5/6s.
This will be a full distance race for those already
selected from the Nelson Primary School Champs
but it also gives others a second chance of making
the team if they missed out first time round.
2.30pm - Year 5/6 Girls (Nelson and
Marlborough reps) 2km
2.45pm - Year 5/6 Boys ((Nelson and
Marlborough reps) 2km
3pm - Year 7 Girls (Nelson schools trial
+ Marlborough reps) 3km
3.20pm - Year 7 Boys (Nelson schools trial
+ Marlborough reps) 3km
3.40pm - Year 8 Girls (Nelson schools trial
+ Marlborough reps) 3km
4pm - Year 8 Boys (Nelson schools trial
+ Marlborough reps) 3km
Ph. Dave 547 1699 or 021 238 9518, or email
[email protected]
The Nelson Institute of Tennis is holiday two coaching
clinics in the school holidays.
Clinic 1: September 29th & 30th from 9am-1pm both
days. $60 including morning tea for both days or $35
for one day.
Clinic 2: October 4th & 5th from 9am-1pm both days.
$60 including morning tea for both days or $35 for one
Both clinics are run by qualified coaches with a
maximum of 8 children to one coach. There will be
plenty of fun tennis games, spot prizes and a
Grasshoppers Tournament.
Enrolments are now open for Term 4 coaching. This
will commence the week beginning October 11th and
runs for 8 weeks with the school term. All ages and
abilities are catered for (including adults).
For further information on any of the above please
contact: Lynnie Nevin, [email protected] ph
5470971 or 0273 663 709
AND ……
The Nelson Bays Tennis Association is holding two
FREE tennis open days for EVERY Nelson Central
primary student (5-13yrs). Not only will you receive
FREE coaching but everyone that attends will go into
the draw to win one of 3 prizes with first prize being
a $650 Wilson Tennis prize pack. These open days
will be held at the Nelson Tennis Club (Halifax St,
Nelson) on Saturday 18th September from 10-
11am and Monday 20th September from 4-5pm.
Some rackets will be supplied but if you have a racket
please bring one.
For further information visit
or contact Lynnie Nevin on [email protected]

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