The Origins of Democracy: Theoretical Reflections On The Chilean Case
The Origins of Democracy: Theoretical Reflections On The Chilean Case
The Origins of Democracy: Theoretical Reflections On The Chilean Case
Chile was one of the most democratic countries in the world, not
only in the 1960s but also during the last century and a half. Political
institutions in Chile evolved in a similar way to comparable
institutions in Europe and the United States, in conditions generally
considered to be unfavorable for the development of representative
processes and procedures. Based on the Chilean case, this article
seeks to help explain the origin and consolidation of democratic
regimes. In the author’s opinion, the Chilean case calls into question
the general validity of the most accepted theories of the gestation of
democratic regimes. The article provides an historical interpretation
of the evolution of Chile’s institutional structures compared to other
western democracies; it then points out the shortcomings in cultural
and economic theories of the origin of democracy; and lastly, it
stresses the value that a historical and political approach can
provide to the gestation of democratic institutions, as can be
inferred from the Chilean case in the 19th century.
democracy include the classic study by Samuel Stouffer, Communism, Conformity, and
Civil Liberties (New York: 1955). See also the influential articles by James W. Prothro
and Charles M. Grigg, “Fundamental Principles of Democracy: Bases of Agreement and
Disagreement”, Journal of Politics, Vol. 22, N° 2 (May, 1960), pp. 276-94; and Herbert
McClosky, “Consensus and Ideology in American Politics”, American Political Science
Review, Vol. 58, N° 2 (June, 1964), pp. 361-82. For a discussion of these issues,
emphasizing the importance of leadership, see Robert Dahl, Who Governs?, Chapter 28.
In their path-breaking cross national study, Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba (The Civic
Culture (Boston: Little Brown, 1965)) concluded that democratic regimes require not
only “participant” attitudes but also “subject” ones —i.e. a measure of traditionalism and
deference to authority such as that found in England. On deference, see also Harry
Eckstein, “A Theory of Stable Democracy”, Center for International Affairs, Princeton
University, Research Monograph N° 10, 1961; Robert T. Mackenzie and Allan Silver,
Angels in Marble; Working Class Conservatives in Urban England (Chicago: Chicago
University Press, 1968); and Eric Nordlinger, The Working Class Tories, Authority,
Deference and Stable Democracy (Berkeley, 1967).
3 Seymour Martin Lipset began these studies with his influential “Some Social
Almond notes that these cross-national studies are one of the best
examples of cummulative efforts in the field, as different authors have
attempted to redefine their indices and improve their explanatory models.4
However, these studies provide little insight into the reasons why some
countries become democratic and others not, beyond a rather general
statement of association beween democracy and certain socio-economic
variables. Furthermore, the examination of a large number of cases
repeatedly comes up with several deviant cases which would have to be
explained if causal inferences are to be made between economic and social
determinants and regime type. Indeed, because of the existence of these
deviant cases some scholars, like Juan Linz, questioned the validity and
reliability of the associations uncovered in this literature.5
Among the most prominent of these deviant cases are two Latin
American ones: Argentina, in which the absence of democracy belies the
high degree of societal modernization; and Chile, which appeared in most
studies as one of the most democratic countries in the World, despite its
status as a relatively “underdeveloped” country. In one of the most recent
articles on the subject, utilizing the largest sample of countries, Chile
ranked among the 15% most democratic countries of the world with a score
in 1965 higher than that of the United States, France, Italy and West
Germany. For 1960 the score was higher than that of Great Britain.6
American Political Science Review, Vol. 61, N° 1 (March, 1967), pp. 72-79; Deane E.
Neubauer, “Some Conditions of Democracy”, American Political Science Review, Vol. 61,
N° 4 (December, 1967), pp. 1002-09; Arthur K. Smith, Jr., “Socio-Economic
Development and Political Democracy: A Causal Analysis”, Midwest Journal of Political
Science, Vol. 13 (1969), pp. 95-125; Robert W. Jackman, “On the Relation of Economic
Development to Democratic Performance”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol.
17, N° 3 (August, 1973), pp. 611-21; Robert W. Jackman, “Political Democracy and Social
Equality: A Comparative Analysis”, American Sociological Review, Vol. 39, N° 1
(February, 1974), pp. 29-44; Kenneth A. Bollen, “Comparative Measurement of Political
Democracy”, American Sociological Review, Vo1. 45, N° 3 (June, 1980), pp. 370-90. For
reprints of some of these and other articles see J. V. Gillespie and B. A. Nesvold (eds.),
Macro-quantitative Analysis: Conflict, Development and Democratization (Beverly Hills:
Sage Publications, 1971); and Charles Cnudde and Deane Neubauer, Empirical Democratic
Theory (Chicago: Markham Publishing Company, 1969). For an excellent review of some
of this literature see Leonardo Morlino, “Misure di Democrazia e di Liberta: Discusione di
Alcune Analisi Empiriche”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Vol. 5. N° 1 (April, 1975).
pp. 131-166.
4 Gabriel Almond, Approach to Development Causation”, in Gabriel Almond,
Scott Flanigan, and Robert Mundt, Crisis, Choice and Change: Historical Studies of
Political Development (Boston: Little, Brown, Inc., 1973), p. 11.
5 Juan Linz, “Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes”, in Fred I. Greenstein and
propositions from the Chilean case and the effort to examine them in the
light of other cases remains to be done. The reader, however, should get a
feel for the direction of the project in these pages.
The task of explaining the Chilean case is not an easy one, for there
are no systematic studies which address these questions for Chile, nor is
7 See Cutright, “National Political Development”, reprinted in Cnudde and
Neubauer, p. 205.
8 Dahl, Polyarchy.
9 For an analysis of the breakdown of Chilean democracy see Arturo Valenzuela,
Chile considered, with the exception of Dahl’s work, in the general literature
on the origins and evolution of democratic institutions.10
The principal contention of this project is that the available
theoretical contributions are not adequate to explain the Chilean case,
thereby casting doubt on even the more general validity of these theories.
The paper will briefly review them to note their shortcomings in accounting
for the Chilean pattern of political development. It will also provide a
synopsis of the main features of the evolution of Chilean democracy,
suggesting how these features can provide a basis for the development of
an alternative theoretical conceptualization. However, before turning to
those themes, it is necessary to provide a sketch of the evolution of Chilean
political institutions aimed at documenting the assertion that Chile
succeeded early in the 19th century in developing representative
institutions similar to those being developed in Europe.11
Robert Dahl has noted that the principal requirements for democracy
to exist among a large number of people can be summarized in two
different theoretical dimensions. The first refers to the degree of
“liberalization” or “contestation” in a political system, or the extent to
which opposing elements can peacefully challenge the regime through
mechanisms such as suffrage and institutions such as representative
assemblies or parliaments. As Dahl notes, the existence of an opposition
party is “very nearly the most distinctive characteristic of democracy itself;
and we take the absence of an opposition party as evidence, if not always
conclusive proof, for the absence of democracy.” 12 The second
10 Not only has Chile not been given much consideration in the literature; Latin
America in general has been left out. The volumes of the Committee on Comparative
Politics of the Social Science Research Council had only a few studies dealing with Latin
America, and Latin America did not figure prominently in the theoretical efforts of the
1960s. In part, this was due to the fact that Latin America did not fit as neatly into the
modernization schema as did countries in Africa or Asia. In his excellent study of parties in
Western Democracies, Epstein acknowldeges that a few Latin American countries meet his
criteria for inclusion in his study, but leaves them out “mainly because the whole of Latin
America is customarily treated along with developing nations.” (Emphasis added). See Leon
Epstein, Political Parties in Western Democracies (New York: Praeger, 1967), p. 4.
11 Because the empirical material on the Chilean case in this colloquium paper
draws from a 1arger work, involving considerable primary research, references will not
be provided for the material presented that deals directly with Chile.
12 See his introduction to the volume he edited on Political Oppositions in Western
Democracies (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966), p. xviii. For a development of
the framework see Polyarchy Chapter 1. Juan Linz defines democracy stressing similar
elements, as does Barrington Moore. See Linz, Handbook, p. 183 and Barrington Moore,
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy (Boston: Beacon Press, 1966) p. 429.
name all judges, public employees and clergy. He could call extra-ordinary
representation” are the two most significant dimensions in the development of European
democracies. For a compendium of his writings which have made a major contribution to
the field see Citizens, Elections, Parties (New York: David McKay Co, Inc. 1970),
especially Chapters 3 and 7. The literature on “crisis and development” points to similar
dimensions. However, because the concern is with overall political development, and not
simply with democratization, the concept of “authority” usually carries very different
connotations from the notion of representation or contestation. For work in this vein see
Leonard Binder et al. Crises and Sequences in Political Development (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1971.). Some of these studies will be noted again later in the paper.
14 See Dahl, Polyarchy.
were renewed every three years and executives sought to limit participation
to supporters, including public employees and members of the civil guard.
In 1874, the legislature, over the objections of the executive enacted a
fundamental reform of the electoral system which extended the suffrage to
all literate adult males. As a result, the number of registered voters
increased from 49,000 in 1873 to 149,000 in 1879.18 Norway, with a
comparable adult male population to Chile’s, had 84,000 registered voters
in 1876.19 Chile would later lag behind European nations both in the rate of
increase of male voters as well as in granting women the right to vote (with
the exception of Switzerland) and would not abolish the literacy
requirement until 1970. For all intents and purposes, however, the
development of institutions of contestation and participation compare
favorably in Chile to the development of comparable institutions in Europe
and in the United States.
A. Value Explanations
20 See Louis Hartz ,“United States History in a New Perspective”, in Hartz (ed.),
The Founding of New Societies (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964), p. 80.
Hartz’ classic study on the United States is The Liberal Tradition in America (New York:
Harcourt, Brace & World, 1955).
21 Hartz, 75.
22 Cited by Seymour Martin Lipset in his “Values, Education and
Entrepreneurship”, in Seymour Martin Lipset and Aldo Solari (eds.) Elites in Latin
America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1963.), p. 12.
Row, 1978.), p. 25. Martin explicitly notes that the Latin pattern of Catholicism is
associated with unstable democracy. See p. 59.
24 Richard Morse, “The Heritage of Latin America”, in Hartz, The Founding of
New Societies, p. 137. The personality characteristics which presumably have impeded
democracy in Latin America and which stem from traditional catholic antecedents have
been stressed by many authors including several anthropologists. See for example some of
the essays reprinted in D.B. Heath and R.N. Adams (eds.) Contemporay Cultures and
Societies in Latin America (New York: 1965). These personality characteristics are noted
by Robert Dix as being at the root of the difficulties found in Latin America for the
acceptance of opposition. Dix adds that Latin Americans suffer from some of the same
qualities of “amoral familism” which Banfield attributes to Southern Italy. See Robert H.
Dix, “Latin America: Oppositions and Development”, in Robert A. Dahl, Regimes and
Oppositions (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973), pp. 261-305. It is also part of
James Payne's explanation which features the search for status as the underlying
motivation for politics in Latin American cultures. See James Payne, Patterns of Conflict
in Colombia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968).
25 See his “Toward a Framework for the Study of Political Change in the Iberic-Latin
Tradition: The Corporative Model”, World Politics, XXV (January, 1973) and his
“Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America: Toward a New Conceptualization”, in
Howard Wiarda (ed.), Human Rights and U.S. Human Rights Policy (Washington: American
Enterprise Institute, 1982.
suggest that the Chilean elites somehow had superior stock. See his Historia de Chile 20
Volumes (Santiago: Editorial Nascimiento, 1941-42.) Explanations drawing on the
wisdom of the upper class are also common in Julio Heise Gonzalez, otherwise excellent
Historia de Chile (Santiago: Editorial Andres Bello, 1974.) For example, Heise observes
that “public life in the final analysis depends on culture, on the habits and characteristics
of all of the social group. For any form of political community to express itself with
success... certain spiritual predispositions are requiered in all the people...” Heise, p. 273.
Press, 1979) p. 141. For discussion of Chilean support for the royalist cause see p. 201. The
literature on Colonial Chile is voluminous. In particular see the works of Jaime Eyzaguirre and
Sergio Villalobos. A marxist perspective is provided by Hernán Ramirez Necochea.
31 See for example, Mary Lowenthal Felstinger, “Kinship Politics in the Chilean
from the new United States or from European progressive circles. John
Johnson articulates this thesis forcefully when he says that “Portales used
demotions and executions to remove liberal oriented officers and other
‘undesirables’ from the military and brought the institution under control...
Barracks revolts or coup d’etats practically standard practice elsewhere in
Latin America ended.”34
There are serious reasons to question the thesis that Portales was the
forger of Chilean institutions. He was never president, served as minister
for less than three years, and lived most of the Prieto presidency in
Valparaiso. He had little to do with the 1833 Constitution, and was
assassinated in 1837 by disgruntled former supporters (military men)
unhappy with his policies.35
But, whether or not the Portales account is plausible, the main
difficulty with this interpretation has already been anticipated in the
discussion outlining the features of the Chilean political regime in the 19th
Century. By comparison with the European experience at the time, and even
by comparison with the United States, the Chilean regime was hardly
characterized by “minimal concessions” to republican rule, nor were the
liberals “perpetually frustrated.”
Even though the early Nineteenth Century regime in Chile was
hardly by current standards a full-blown democracy, it is seriously mistaken
to equate it with the colonial period. Chilean presidents owed their
authority to a fundamentally different legitimacy base than the Spanish
monarchs or even most Constitutional monarchs of the period. They were
selected for fixed terms in competitive elections to a constitutionally defined
post with several important limitations and checks by other branches of
government. With independence Chile moved, in Weberian terms, to a
“rational legal” style of authority and did not reproduce the traditional
authority of the past. Indeed, its republican political system was much more
similar to that of the United States than it was to most regimes of
34 See John J. Johnson, The Military and Society in Latin America (Stanford, Cal.:
Stanford University Press, 1964), p. 24. See also the excellent history by Fredrick Pike,
Chile and the United States, 1880-1962 (Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame
Press, 1963), p. 11. Perhaps the most extreme version of this thesis is Francisco Jose
Moreno’s, who argues that the strong man Chilean regime was succesful because it led to a
regime which coincided with the “authoritistic” tendencies in the Chilean national
character. See his Legitimacy and Stability in Latin America (New York: New Yor
University Press, 1969).
35 For an elaboration of this argument see Arturo Valenzuela, Political Brokers in
Chile: Local Government in Centralized Polity (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press,
Spain.36 President Joaquin Prieto left office in 1840 after two terms to make
way for Manuel Bulnes who in turn was succeeded by Manuel Montt.
When Montt tried to impose his successor, the outcry was such that his
choice to succeed him withdrew from the race leading to the election of
President Perez, who incorporated the leading opponents of Manuel Montt
into his cabinet. This transition to opponents occurred earlier than in many
European countries, and much earlier than in France, the leading European
Martz, Morse, and others, characterizing the Chilean regime and
interpreting Chilean events, have been misled by an excessive reliance on
the writings of leading Chilean essayists and historians such as Diego
Barros Arana, Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna and José Victorino Lastarria,
who were actively involved in Chilean politics and were strong advocates
of most advanced liberal policies. In fact, Hartz cites Francisco Bilbao’s
account of “Chilean feudalism” in arguing that Chile was undistinguishable
from other Latin countries where creoles united with the “church hierarchy
and the new military corps to resist a leftward trend.”37 Bilbao, however,
was hardly an objective source having been the leader of the Chilean
socialist movement in mid-century, strongly influenced by the Paris
commune which he witnessed in person. Undoubtedly, his ideas would
have been as “foreign” in the United States in 1849 as they were in Chile.
Bilbao’s “dictator”, President Montt, was the same chief executive who
gave assylum and protection to Sarmiento in his exile from the Rozas regime
in Argentina, and sent Sarmiento to the United States to develop an
educational policy for Chile based on the North American example. He is
also a president who went against the interests of the Church, leading
ultramontane catholics to set up Chile’s first coherent opposition party to
battle the securalizing of the State. Though there is little question that the
leading liberals of the period were “frustrated”, they made as much, if not
more headway in Chile than they did in most of Europe, including
Protestant Europe. Lastarria, one of the key critics of the period and a
champion of liberal causes, was elected to Congress in 1849 (20 years
before the start of the Third Republic) and served until 1882, occupying
Ministerial positions in 1862 and 1876.
36 For Weber’s discussion of authority see H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (eds.)
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (New York: Oxford University Press, 1958), pp.
78ff, 216ff, 295ff. The fundamentally different character of republican rule is stressed by
Lipset when he notes the pressures which existed in the United States toward granting
Washington some kind of monarchical legitimacy. See his The First New Nation (New
York: Basic Books, 1963).
37 Hartz, p. 29.
38 See Eckstein, “A Theory of Stable Democracy” for the argument that the
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979), p. 59, where he argues against the notion
that corporatism is a cultural legacy and is more a response on the part of elites to
various political crises.
B. Economic Explanations
40 See Daniel Lerner. The Passing of Traditional Society (New York: The Free
Press, 1958) .
41 Political scientists attempting to develop a theory of political development were
concerned by the charge that the effort was basically ethnocentric, and thus deliberately
Marxist and non-Marxist, have argued that the key factor is not economic
development per se, but how that development affects the social structure,
and, in turn, how the social structure affects the evolution of political
regimes. Seymour Martin Lipset, for example, specifically argues fo this
42 Cnudde and Neubauer Empirical Democratic Theory, pp. 516 and 518. And yet,
while these studies show an association between the incidence of democracy and levels of
developments, any causal linkages have not been established and, as noted earlier, several
deviant cases including the Chilean one appeared which require explanation.
43 However, as will be noted below, Dahl does not associate the U.S. in the 19th
should be noted, however, that in this article Lipset is rarely systematic, attributing much of
Mainstream”, in William Chambers and Walter Dean Burnham, (eds. ) The American Party
System (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967), p. 25.
47 See Dahl 72. While Dahl’s book is a fundamental contribution to the debate on
Review Nº 103 (May-June, 1977), pp. 3-41. For examples of the former see the work
of Nicos Poulantzas, and of the latter see that of Perry Anderson.
49 Therborn, p. 24.
50 Therborn 1,32. Though he is not dealing with the development of democracy
per se, Immanuel Wallerstein argues that peripheral states in the world system were much
weaker in part because the social structure of export economies did not permit the
development of bourgeois sectors. See Wallerstein, Modern World System (New York:
Academic Press, 1974).
51 See for example his statement that “it is the development of a group in society
be desired in terms of clarity. For an extremely valuable interpretation and critique see
Theda Skocpol, “A Critical Review of Barrington Moore’s Social Origins of Dictatorship
and Democracy”, Politics and Society, Vol. 4, N° 1 (Fall, 1973), pp. 1-34. See also Ronald
Dore, “Making Sense of History”, Archive Europeenes de Sociology, Vol. X (1969), pp.
295-305. Several reviewers have questioned many of Moore’s conclusions on various cases,
and in particular the extent to which an agricultural peasant class was destroyed in England.
For instance, see Joseph V. Femia, “Barrington Moore and the Preconditions for
Democracy” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 2 N° 1 (January, 1972), pp. 21-46.
53 See Dahl, Polyarchy, p. 53. He repeats this in Greenstein and Polsby,
Handbook, p. 139.
54 Dominguez, Insurrection or Loyalty, p. 131.
framework see the excellent studies of Luis Vitale and Ramirez Necochea.
Mundt in their Crisis, Choice, and Change. Our emphasis on choice leads us to incline
more towards a rationalist view that emphasizes individual and group choice. See Ronald
Rogowski, Rational Legitimacy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974).
57 See Binder, et al., Crises and Sequences. For application of the framework to
various countries see Grew, Crises of Political Development. See also Dankwart Rustow, A
World of Nations (Washington: The Brooking Institution, 1967). An extremely important
contribution to the literature which attempts to relate crises to societal cleavages is
Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan’s “Cleavage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter
Alignments: An Introduction”, in Lipset and Rokkan, Party Systems and Voter Alignments
(New York: The Free Press, 1967).
58 Eric Nordlinger, “Political Development, Time Sequences and Rates of Change”,
in Jason L. Finkle and Robert W. Gable (eds.), Political Development and Social Change,
2nd Edition (New York: John Wiley, 1971).
of the central government, and then by the emergence of mass parties and a
mass electorate. With respect to rates of change, it is argued that a national
identity cannot be created in a rapid fashion and if the attempt is made, it
will lead to authoritarian abuses and widespread violence.” And, when
“mass parties are rapidly formed, and when mass electoral participation is
ushered in practically overnight, the outcome is likely to be widespread
violence and repressive rule, which make if far more difficult to establish a
democratic system and, further, assure that if such a system is established,
its stability, representativeness and decisional effectiveness will suffer.”59
The problem, however, is that these kinds of propositions remain at
too high level of abstraction to be useful in applying to a case which was
not considered in the original conceptualization, such as the Chilean case.
Indeed, the crisis literature succeeds only to a point in explaining why Chile
differed from other Latin American countries. Like other theoretical
explanations reviewed earlier, this literature treats Latin America as a
failure of democracy without coming to grips with the problem of deviant
cases in the Latin American context. Thus, Chile did not develop a strong
sense of national identity over centuries as Britain or Norway did, and was
plagued in its early years by factional, regional and family rivalries. If
national identity came about, it developed much more quickly than the
theorists imply that it can, and developed simultaneously with the
development of central authority structures- a risky process for long term
political stability.
The second half of the proposition applies much more clearly to the
Chilean case. Chile, like Britain, and unlike France, or for that matter,
Argentina or Colombia, extended suffrage slowly allowing a measured
incorporation of citizens over a long period of time. Paradoxically,
however, and contrary to the implications in the literature in question, the
slow development of the electorate in Chile, clearly sponsored by the
traditional parliamentary elites, did not contribute to a “consensual” party
prior establishment of strong government authority leads to a less alienated and conflicted
party system see Nordlinger 465. See also Lipset and Rokkan, “Cleavage Structures.” J.
As noted earlier, Chile did not deviate substantially from the norm of
Latin American colonies. Its colonial institutions were comparable to those
of the rest of Hispanic America, and the role of a conservative church was
as strong, or stronger than in other colonies. As elsewhere, the wars of
independence were actually civil wars in which a large portion of the
politically relevant population supported the royalist cause. Indeed after the
Spanish reconquest with primarily local forces, independence came about
only when the external army of General San Martin, supported by Chilean
rebel forces, finally subdued the royalists.
And, despite the myth that Chilean elites behaved differently after
independence, Chile was characterized by fierce personal, factional, family
and regional fighting. The forces of O’Higgins clashed bitterly with those of
the Carrera brothers —a conflict which extended into mid century when
Carrera’s son was one of the leaders of the abortive civil war of 1859. And
regional interests in Copiapo and particularly Concepcion, challenged
central government authority in various civil conflicts before 1830 and in
1851 and 1859. Portales and his political allies were able to establish national
authority after the Battle of Lircay in 1830, but the establishment of such
authority, including the republican constitution of 1833, was highly teneous
and should not be taken to mean that national institutions had been
consolidated. They were clearly fragile institutions, which might have
crumbled at several key points. Indeed Portales himself was assassinated in
one of several mutinies which threatened to bring the Prieto government
Four key factors, however, contributed to the success of the
authorities of the incipient state structures in warding off challenges which
would have merely reified a pattern of caudillo politics such as that found
in most neighboring countries. In the first place, Chile fought a war with
perennial commercial rivals Peru and Bolivia in 1837 and won. The war
effort brought together in the face of a common enemy various personalities
and factions which had been on opposing sides in the War against Spain
and in the numerous skirmishes which followed. Defeat, as Encina notes,
would have brought the government down and only aggravated the latent
centrifugal forces in Chilean society. Victory, however, brought about an at
Samuel Valenzuela in his “The Chilean and French Labor Movements: A Comparative
Analyis”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Columbia University, 1979, explains the non consensual
character of Chilean politics in relation to elites and cleavages.
least ternporary sense of unity among elite elements and a degree of pride
in an emerging (though clearly not fully forged) national identity.61
Secondly, and perhaps more significantly, the War produced a hero
who became president, leading to the first successful peaceful transition in
Chilean history, a transition aided by the fact that outgoing President Prieto
was a relative of incoming President Bulnes. What is important, however, is
not that Bulnes became president, but the fact that he deliberately
eschewed the role of charismatic leader, one which he could have easily
played in the wake of one of the few decisive military victories in Spanish
America. Instead of projecting himself as a Rosas, Santa Ana or Paez, he
followed more closely in the steps of a Washington, observing the main
features of constitutional procedures and inaugurating many elements of
Chilean institutionalization, including the use of cabinet government and
the acceptance (at times reluctant) of an expanding role for the legislature.
His willingness to step down at the end of his term, and turn over the
government to a civilian and a career civil servant, underscored his
commitment to constitutional practice.
The third factor was a sharp control of the military on the part of
government authorities. Bulnes, deliberately dismantled much of the
victorious expeditionary force to Peru, and following a pattern prevalent in
the United States, favored the growth of a national guard closely controlled
by political patronage.62 It is instructive that the Civil War of 1851 was led
by disgruntled army officers, and was put down by Bulnes himself who
turned against his former military colleagues (mostly from his native
Concepcion, the key regional challenger to the hegemony of Santiago) to
ensure the survival of government continuity.
The fourth factor is that the government in its early years did not
challenge the interests of the dominant economic groups, the landowning
aristocracy, but work effectively at ensuring the growth of the export
economy by placing the international economic and diplomatic relations of
the nation in good order, and ensuring the development of port and shipping
facilities. National government was still very weak, and impinged little on
the autonomy of the manorial estates.
It should be emphasized, however, that these factors peculiar to the
Chilean case only helped to preclude challenges to state authority, and
61See Encina, Historia, Vol. XI, p. 483.
62For the role of the National Guard in the U.S. and the anti-military ideology,
which had strong parallels in Chile, see Samuel P. Huntington, The Soldier and the State
(New York: Vintage Books, 1964). On the control of the military in Chile see Arturo
Valenzuela “The Chilean Political System and the Armed Forces, 1830-1920”
Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Columbia University, 1967.
allowed state elites to weather challenges when they occurred. They do not
in themselves explain the consolidation of representative procedures and
institutions. As in other countries, powerful elites had a natural fear of any
encroachment on their interests and autonomy by the state, a feeling shared
by the catholic ultramontane Church.
Much to the chagrin of those very sectors, government elites,
drawing on their early success in surviving attempts to oust them by force,
soon began to expand their authority. It is crucial to note that government
officials, contrary to the implications in much of the Chilean historical
literature, were not tools of the landed elites, or for that matter of any elite
groups. They represented a new social formation in Chilean politics, one of
career civil servants who depended primarily on state employment for their
livelihood, and developed their own interests and their own agenda. In
essence this involved the expansion and consolidation of a secular and
autonomous state —one able to assert control over local and regional
interests and curb the privileged position of the church in temporal matters
(a position which provided much of the ideological rational for a
maintenance of the traditional inegalitarian social order).63
By the time the traditional elites realized the ramifications of state
power, it was too late for them to directly challenge it. The revolution of
1859, backed by a coalition of liberal and pro-church conservative critics of
the government, failed in its attempt to break the power of the state. The
absence of a viable military force which could have served as an ally of the
oppositions, was a crucial element in their lack of success in imposing by
force a new direction to state policies.64
The oppositions, including the Conservatives, then realized that
they had no choice but to push for an expanded and freer suffrage if they
were ever to succeed in preventing state elites from simply designating their
successors by ensuring through electoral intervention the victory of the
official state of candidates. The fact that even the conservatives had to
63 For the concept of state autonomy, in relation to democratic regimes see the path-
that the British upper class opted for suffrage reform in a similar fashion to the Chilean
Conservatives. See Silver, “Social and Ideological Bases of British Elite Reactions to
Domestic Crisis in 1829-1832”, Politics and Society, Vol. 1, N° 2 (1970-71), pp. 179-201.
65 The role of the Conservatives in the passage of the 1874 electoral law is
the rise of working class parties and eventually the breakdown of Chilean
democracy. As noted in the introduction, it is also the intention of this study
to elaborate from the Chilean case a series of propositions which can serve
as a guide for comparative analysis with other cases, both in Latin America
and in Europe without which it would be difficult to isolate those features
of this framework which speak to the generic problem of the origins and
evolution of democratic regimes.
In elaborating this guide we begin with the assumption that our
analysis is only applicable to historical cases where strong pre-democratic
regimes existed, and thus exclude cases like the United States or Australia