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Aashto LRFD Bridge Design 1

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Table C3.10.1-2 Geometric Constraints on Service Level

Permanent Displacement Possible Causes Mitigation Measures Immediate Significant

Type Disruption
Vertical Offset

Approach fill settlement Approach slabs

Bearing failure Approach fill
stabilization 0.083 feet 0.83 feet (0.2
Bearing type selection (0.03 meters) meters) To
avoid vehicle

Vertical Grade Break (2)

Interior support Strengthen foundation Use AASHTO None

G1 G2 settlement Bearing type selection “Green Book”
Bearing failure Longer approach slab requirements
G Approach slab to estimate
settlement allowable
grade break

Horizontal Alignment Offset

Bearing failure Bearing type selection

Shear key failure Strengthen shear key
Abutment foundation Strengthen foundation 0.33 feet (0.1 Shoulder
failure meters) Joint Width (To
seal may fail avoid vehicle

Third Draft 3-14 March 2, 2001

Horizontal Alignment Break (3)

B1 B2 Interior support failure Strengthen interior Use AASHTO None

Bearing failure support “Green Book”
B Lateral foundation Bearing type selection requirements
movement Strengthen foundation to estimate
=3.28 feet
(1.0 meters)

Longitudinal Joint Opening

Interior support failure Strengthen interior

Bearing failure support
Lateral foundation Bearing type selection 0.33 feet 3.28 feet (1.0
movement Strengthen foundation (0.1 meters) meters) To
avoid vehicle

Encroachment on Clearance
Depends on
Foundation settlement Strengthen foundation facility being
Lateral foundation Bearing type selection encroached
movement (Actual upon
Bearing failure Clearance)


Tilting of Cross-Section

Interior support Strengthen foundation

G settlement Bearing type selection
Bearing failure Longer approach slab G = .001 None
Approach slab radians

Third Draft 3-15 March 2, 2001

Movement into Abutment Fill

Increase gap between

Engagement of abutment superstructure and
backfill due to horizontal abutment backwall = .02HE No Constraint
movement of Stiffen interior supports Controlled by
superstructure Increase amount of fill Adjacent Seat
HE that is engaged Width

Movement through Abutment Fill

Isolate transverse
Transverse movement of movement with
strengthened or sacrificial shear keys
supplemental interior and/or isolation = .02HE No Constraint
wingwalls through bearings
approach fill Increase transverse
strength and stiffness
of abutment


1. Geometric constraints, with the exception of longitudinal and transverse movement through abutment fill, usually apply to permanent
displacements which may be difficult to predict accurately. Therefore, the constraints in this table shall be taken as order of magnitude values.
2. The AASHTO publication “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” (otherwize known as the “Green Book”) specifies criteria for
determining vertical curve length based on site distance. This criteria, which is based on design speed and whether the curve is a “crest” or a
“sag” can be used to determine the allowable change in grade resulting from support settlement. A curve length equal to the sum of adjacent
spans may be used in the case of a continuous superstructure or a zero curve length may be used in the case of adjacent simply supported span
lengths. Bridge owners may also wish to consider the AASHTO recommendations on appearance and driver comfort in establishing allowable
grade changes.
3. In the case of horizontal curves, minimum curve radius is usually controlled by superelevation and side friction. These radii are specified in the
AASHTO “Green Book”. When lateral displacement of an interior support results in an abrupt angle break in horizontal alignment a vehicle shall
be able to safely achieve the desired turning radius at design speed within the provided lane width minus a margin of safety at each edge of the
lane. Consideration shall also be given to the opening of the expansion joint at the edge of the bridge.
4. Joint seals may be damaged at the immediate service level. If no damage at the seal is desired the designer should check the actual
longitudinal and transverse capacity or reduce some of the permissible movements.

Third Draft 3-16 March 2, 2001



3.10.2 Design Ground Motion C3.10.2

Design response spectra acceleration parameters shall be Using either the general procedure or the site-specific
obtained using either a general procedure (Article procedure, a decision as to whether the design motion is
or a site-specific procedure (Article A site-specific defined at the ground surface or some other depth needs
procedure shall be used if any of the following apply: to be made as an initial step in the design process. Article provides a commentary on this issue.

Soils at the site require site-specific Examples of conditions that could lead to a determination
evaluation (i.e. Site Class F soils, that Site Class F soils would not result in a significantly
Article, unless a higher bridge response are (1) localized extent of Site
determination is made that the Class F soils and (2) limited depth of soft soils. (1) As
presence of such soils would not discussed in Commentary to Article, for short
result in a significantly higher bridges with a limited number of spans and having earth
response of the bridge. approach fills, ground motions at the abutments will
generally principally determine the response of the
bridge. If Site Class F soils are localized to the interior
piers and are not present at the abutments, the bridge
engineer and geotechnical engineer might conclude that
the response of interior piers would not significantly affect
bridge response. (2) Commentary to Article
also describes cases where the effective depth of input
ground motion is determined to be in stiffer soils at depth,
below a soft surficial layer. If the surficial layer results in
a classification of Site Class F and the underlying soil
profile classifies as Site Class E or stiffer, a determination
might be made that the surficial soils would not
significantly increase bridge response.

The bridge is considered to be a major or

very important structure for which
a higher degree of confidence of
meeting the seismic performance
objectives of Article is
The site is located within 10 km (6.25 miles) of For purposes of these specifications, an active fault is
a known active fault and its response could defined as a fault having a location that is known or can
be significantly and adversely influenced by reasonably be inferred and has exhibited evidence of
near-fault ground motion characteristics. displacement in Holocene time (past approximately
11,000 years). Active fault locations can be determined
from maps showing active faults prepared by state
geological agencies or the U.S. Geological Survey. Article
C. describes near-fault ground motion effects
that are not included in national ground motion mapping
and could potentially increase the response of some
bridges. Normally, site specific evaluation of these
effects would be considered only for major or very
important bridges. DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRA BASED ON C3.10.2.1


Design response spectra for the rare earthquake (MCE) National ground motion maps described in this
and expected earthquake shall be constructed using the specification are based on probabilistic national ground
accelerations from national ground motion maps described motion mapping conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey
in this section and site factors described in Section
Third Draft 3-17 March 2, 2001

in this section and site factors described in Section (USGS) and, in California, as a joint effort between the
The construction of the response spectra shall follow the USGS and the California Division of Mines and Geology
procedures described below and illustrated in Figure (CDMG) (Frankel et al., 1996; 1997a; 1997b; 1997c; 2000; Klein et al., 1999; Peterson et al. 1996; Wessen et al.,
1999a; 1999b). As described in Commentary to Article, maps for the rare earthquake (MCE) are for a
probability of exceedance of 3% in 75 years but are
bounded deterministically near highly active faults. These
maps were originally published in the 1997 edition of the
NEHRP Provisions (BSSC, 1998), and subsequently in the
2000 edition of the International Building Code (ICC,
2000). The development of the MCE maps is described in
BSSC (1998), Hamburger and Hunt (1997), and
Leyendecker et al. (2000b). Ground motions for the
expected earthquake are for a probability of exceedance of
50% in 75 years. Paper maps for the expected earthquake
have not been prepared as of February, 2001; however
map values at any location may be obtained by
interpolation from the seismic hazard curves on the CD-
ROM published by the USGS (Frankel and Leyendecker,

In lieu of using national ground motion maps referenced in

this Specification, ground motion response spectra may be
constructed based on approved state ground motion
maps. To be accepted, the development of state maps
should conform to the following:

1. The definition of design ground motions should be

the same as described in Article and
Table 3.10.1-1.

2. Ground motion maps should be based on a

detailed analysis demonstrated to lead a
quantification of ground motion at a regional scale
that is as or more accurate than achieved at the
scale of the national maps. The analysis should
include: characterization of seismic sources and
ground motion that incorporates current scientific
knowledge; incorporation of uncertainty in seismic
source and ground motion models and parameter
values used in the analysis; detailed
documentation of map development; detailed
peer review. The peer review process should
preferably include one or more individuals from
the U.S. Geological Survey who participated in the
development of the national maps.

Third Draft 3-18 March 2, 2001



Figure Design Response Spectrum,

Construction Using Two-Point

Design earthquake response spectral acceleration at

short periods, SDS , and at 1 second period, SD1 , shall
be determined from Eq. and,
SDS Fa Ss (

SDI Fv S1 (

where Ss and S1 are the 0.2-second period spectral

acceleration and 1-second period spectral acceleration,
respectively, on Class B rock from ground motion maps
described below and Fa and Fv are site coefficients
described in Article Values of Ss and S 1 may be
obtained by the following methods:

1. For the MCE

(a) Ss and S1 may be obtained from national
ground motion maps (Figures
through located at the end of
Section 3). Large scale MCE maps may be
obtained from the United States Geological
Survey, Golden, Colorado
(b) Ss and S1 may be obtained from the CD-
ROM published by the U.S. Geological
Survey (Leyendecker et al., 2000a) for site
coordinates specified by latitude and
longitude, or alternatively, by zip code.
2. For the expected earthquake, Ss and S1 may be
obtained by linear interpolation from hazard curves
on the CD-ROM published by the U.S. Geological

Third Draft 3-19 March 2, 2001


Survey (Frankel and Leyendecker, 2000) for site
coordinates specified by latitude and longitude or
alternatively by zip code.
The design response spectrum curve shall be For single mode method of analysis, Equations
developed as indicated in Figure and as 1, -2, -4, and -5 may be used to calculate Cs
(i.e. C sm S D1 S ) where S = S = C for
1. For periods less than or equal to T0 , the design
T TS (i.e no reduction in Sa for T T0 as permitted
response spectral acceleration, Sa , shall be
by Equation
defined by Equation

Sa 0.60 DS T 0.40S DS (

T and T0 are defined in 2. below.

Note that for T 0 seconds, the resulting value of Sa is
equal to peak ground acceleration, PGA.
2. For periods greater than or equal to T0 and less than
or equal to Ts , the design response spectral
acceleration, Sa , shall be defined by Equation
Sa S DS (

where T0 0.2Ts , and Ts

SD1 SDS , and
T =period of vibration (sec).
3. For periods greater than Ts , the design response For periods exceeding approximately 3 seconds,
spectral acceleration, Sa , shall be defined by depending on the seismic environment, Equation
may be conservative because the ground motions may be
approaching the constant spectral displacement range for
which Sa decays with period as 1/T2. Equation
S D1 should be used unless a more appropriate long-period
Sa (
T spectrum decay is determined based on a site specific
Response spectra constructed using maps and
procedures described in Article are for a
damping ratio of 5%.

Third Draft 3-20 March 2, 2001



The generalized site classes and site factors described The site classes and site factors described in this
in this section shall be used with the general procedure for article were originally recommended at a site response
constructing response spectra described in Article workshop in 1992 (Martin, ed., 1994). Subsequently they Site-specific analysis of soil response effects were adopted in the 1994 and 1997 NEHRP Provisions
shall be conducted where required by Article 3.10.2 and in (BSSC, 1995, 1998), the 1997 Uniform Building Code
accordance with the requirements in Article (UBC) (ICBO, 1997), the Seismic Design Criteria of
Caltrans (1999), and the 2000 International Building Code
(IBC) (ICC, 2000). The basis for the adopted site classes
and site factors are described by Martin and Dobry
(1994), Rinne (1994), and Dobry et al. (2000).

Procedures described in this Article were originally

developed for computing ground motions at the ground
surface for relatively uniform site conditions. Depending
on the site classification and the level of the ground
motion, the motion at the surface could be different than
the motion at depth. This creates some question as to the
location of the motion to use in the bridge design. It is also
possible that the soil conditions differ between abutments
or between abutments and central piers. An example
would be where one abutment is on firm ground or rock
and the other is on a loose fill. These variations are not
always easily handled by simplified procedures described
in this commentary. For critical bridges it may be
necessary to use more rigorous numerical modeling to
represent these conditions. The decision to use more
rigorous numerical modeling should be made after
detailed discussion of the benefits and limitations of more
rigorous modeling by the bridge and geotechnical

Geologic Differences

If geotechnical conditions at abutments and

intermediate piers result in different soil classifications,
then response spectra should be determined for each
abutment and pier having a different site classification.
The design response spectra may be taken as the
envelope of the individual spectra. However, if it is
assessed that the bridge response is dominated by the
abutment ground motions, only the abutment spectra
need be enveloped (Section C3. Site Class Definitions C3.

The site shall be classified as one of the following Steps for Classifying a Site (also see Table
classes according to the average shear wave velocity, SPT below):
blow count (N-value), or undrained shear strength in the
upper 30 m (100 ft) of site profile. Procedures given in
Article shall be used to determine the average

Third Draft 3-21 March 2, 2001


A Hard rock with measured shear wave velocity, vs > Step 1: Check for the three categories of Site Class F
requiring site-specific evaluation. If the site
1500 m/s (5000 ft/sec)
corresponds to any of these categories, classify the
B Rock with 760 m/s < vs =1500 m/s site as Site Class F and conduct a site-specific
(2500 ft/sec < vs =5000 ft/sec)
C Very dense soil and soft rock with 360 m/s < =7S6t0ep 2: Step 2: Categorize the site using one of the following
three methods with v s , N , and su computed in all
m/s (1200 ft/sec < v s 2500 ft/sec) or with either N >
cases as specified by the definitions in Art.
50 blows/0.30 m (blows/ft) or su > 100 kPa (2000 psf)

D Stiff soil with 180 m/s vs 360 m/s (600 ft/sec vs a. v s for the top 30 m (100 ft) ( v s method)
1200 ft/sec) or with either 15 N 50 blows/0.30 m
b. N for the top 30 m (100 ft) ( N method)
(blows/ft) or 50 kPa su 100 kPa (1000 psf su
c. N ch for cohesionless soil layers (PI <20) in the
top 30 m (100 ft) and average su for cohesive soil layers
2000 psf)
(PI > 20) in the top 30 m (100 ft) ( su method)
E A soil profile with vs < 180 m/s (600 ft/sec) or with

either N < 15 blows/0.30 m (blows/ft) or su < 50 kPa N ch and su are averaged over the respective thickness
(1000 psf), or any profile with more than 3 m (10 ft) of of cohesionless and cohesive soil layers within the upper
soft clay defined as soil with PI > 20, w = 40 percent, 30 m ( 100 ft). Refer to Article for equations for
calculating average parameter values for the methods a,
and s u < 25 kPa (500 psf) b, and c. If method c is used, the site class is determined
F Soils requiring site-specific evaluations: as the softer site class resulting fro m the averaging to
obtain N ch and su (for example, if N ch were equal to 20
1. Peats and/or highly organic clays (H > 3 m [10 ft]
of peat and/or highly organic clay where H = blows/0.30 m (blows/ft) and su were equal to 40 kPa
thickness of soil) (800 psf), the site would classify as E in accordance with
2. Very high plasticity clays (H > 8 m [25 ft] with PI > Table Note that when using method b, N
75) values are for both cohesionless and cohesive soil layers
within the upper 30 m (100 feet).
3. Very thick soft/medium stiff clays (H > 36 m [120
As described in Commentary to Article, it may
Exception: When the soil properties are not known in be appropriate in some cases to define the ground motion
sufficient detail to determine the Site Class, Site Class D at depth, below a soft surficial layer, where the surficial
may be used. Site Classes E or F need not be assumed layer would not significantly influence bridge response. In
unless the authority having jurisdiction determines that Site this case, the Site Class may be determined on the basis
Classes E or F could be present at the site or in the event of the soil profile characteristics below the surficial layer.
that Site Classes E or F are established by geotechnical
data. Within Site Class F, soils requiring site-specific evaluation,
one category has been deleted in these specifications
from the four categories contained in the aforementioned
documents. This category consists of soils vulnerable to
potential failure or collapse under seismic loading, such
as liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive clays, and
collapsible weakly cemented soils. It was judged that
special analyses for the purpose of refining site ground
motion amplifications for these soils was too severe a
requirement for ordinary bridge design because such
analyses would require utilization of effective stress
and/or strength degrading nonlinear analyses techniques
that are difficult to apply even by experts. Also, limited
case history data and analysis results indicate that
liquefaction reduces spectral response rather than
increases it, except at long periods in some cases.

Third Draft 3-22 March 2, 2001



Because of the general reduction in response spectral

amplitudes due to liquefaction, the designer may wish to
consider special analysis of site response for liquefiable
soil sites to avoid excessive conservatism in assessing
bridge inertia loads when liquefaction occurs. Site-specific
analyses are required for major or very important
structures in some cases (Article 3.10.2), so that
appropriate analysis techniques would be used for such
structures. The deletion of liquefiable soils from Site
Class F only affects the requirement to conduct site-
specific analyses for the purpose of determining ground
motion amplification through these soils. It is still required
to evaluate liquefaction occurrence and its effect on a
bridge as a potential site ground failure hazard as
specified in Article 3.10.4.

Table Site Classification

Site Class vs N or Nch su

E < 180 m/sec <15 blows/0.30 m < 50 kPa
(<600 ft/sec) (blows/ft) (<1000 psf)
D 180 to 360 m/sec 15 to 50 50 to 100 kPa
(600 to 1200 ft/sec) (1000 to 2000 psf)
C 360 to 760 m/sec > 50 > 100 kPa
(1200 to 2500 ft/sec) (> 2000 psf)
B 760 to 1500 m/sec _ _
(2500 to 5000 ft/sec)
A > 1500 m/sec _ _
(> 5000 ft/sec)
NOTE: If the su method is used and the Nch and su criteria differ, select the category with the
softer soils (for example, use Site Class E instead of D).

The shear wave velocity for rock, Site Class B, shall be

either measured on site or estimated on the basis of
shear wave velocities in similar competent rock with
moderate fracturing and weathering. Softer and more
highly fractured and weathered rock shall either be
measured on site for shear wave velocity or classified as
Site Class C.

The hard rock, Site Class A, category shall be supported by

shear wave velocity measurements either on site or on
profiles of the same rock type in the same formation with an
equal or greater degree of weathering and fracturing.
Where hard rock conditions are known to be continuous to
a depth of 30 m (100 ft) surficial shear wave velocity
measurements may be extrapolated to assess v s .

The rock categories, Site Classes A and B, shall not be

used if there is more than 3 m (10 ft) of soil between the
rock surface and the bottom of the spread footing or mat

Third Draft 3-23 March 2, 2001


SPECIFICATIONS COMMENTARY Definitions Of Site Class Parameters C3.

The definitions presented below apply to the upper 30 m An alternative to applying Equations, -3, and -
(100 ft) of the site profile. Profiles containing distinctly 4 to obtain values for N , N ch and s u is to convert the N-
different soil layers shall be subdivided into those layers
values or su values into estimated shear wave velocities
designated by a number that ranges from 1 to n at the
and then apply Equation Procedures given in
bottom where there are a total of n distinct layers in the
Kramer (1996) can be used for these conversions.
upper 30 m (100 ft). The symbol Ii then refers to any one
of the layers between 1 and n.
If the site profile is particularly erratic or if the average
velocity computed in this manner does not appear
The average v s for the layer is as follows:
reasonable or if the project involves special design issues,
it may be desirable to conduct shear wave velocity
n measurements, using one of the procedures identified in
di Article In all evaluations of site classification, the
i 1 shear wave velocity should be viewed as the fundamental
vs (
di soil property, as it was the soil property that was used
v si when conducting the original studies which defined the site
i 1 categories.

n Depth of Motion Determination

where d i is equal to 30 m (100 ft), vsi is the shear
i 1 For short bridges that involve a limited number of
wave velocity in m/s (ft/sec) of the layer, and di is the spans, the motion at the abutment will generally be the
thickness of any layer between 0 and 30 m (100 ft). primary mechanism by which energy is transferred from
the ground to the bridge superstructure. If the abutment
N i is the Standard Penetration Resistance (ASTM involves an earth approach fill, the site classification
D1586-84) not to exceed 100 blows/0.30 m (blows/ft) as should be determined at the base of the approach fill.
directly measured in the field without corrections. The potential effects of the approach fill overburden
pressure on the shear wave velocity of the soil should be
N is: accounted for in the determination of site classification.
It may be necessary for some long bridges to
n determine the site classification at a central pier. If this
di central pier is supported on spread footings, then the
motion computed at the ground surface is appropriate.
i 1
N n
( However, if deep foundations (i.e., driven piles or drilled
di shafts) are used to support the central pier, then the
1 i location of the motion will depend on the horizontal
stiffness of the soil-cap system relative to the horizontal
stiffness of the soil-pile system. If the pile cap is the stiffer
N ch is of the two, then the motion should be defined at the pile
cap. If the pile cap provides little horizontal stiffness or if
ds there is no pile cap (i.e., pile extension), then the
N ch (
m controlling motion will likely be at some depth below the
ground surface. Typically this will be approximately 4 to 7
i 1 i pile diameters below the pile cap or where a very large
increase in soil stiffness occurs. The determination of this
m elevation requires considerable judgment and should be
where di ds discussed by the geotechnical and bridge engineer.
i 1 For cases where the controlling motion is more
appropriately specified at depth, site-specific ground
In Equation, d i and N i are for response analyses can be conducted following
guidelines given in Appendix 3A of this section to
cohesionless soils only and d s is the total thickness of
establish ground motions at the point of fixity. This
cohesionless soil layers in the top 30 m (100 ft). approach or alternatives to this approach should be used
s ul is the undrained shear strength in kPa (psf), not to only with the owner’s approval.
exceed 250 kPa (5,000 psf), ASTM D2166-91 or D2850-

Third Draft 3-24 March 2, 2001



s u is:

su k
i 1 ul
where di dc
i 1

d c is the total thickness (30- d s m (100- d s ft)) of cohesive

soil layers in the top 30 m (100 ft).
PI is the plasticity index, ASTM D4318-93.
w is the moisture content in percent, ASTM D2216-92. Site Coefficients

Site coefficients for the short-period range (Fa) and for the
long-period range (Fv) are given in Tables
and, respectively. Application of these
coefficients to determine elastic seismic response
coefficients of ground motions is described in Article

Table Values of Fa as a Function of Site Class and

Mapped Short-Period Spectral Acceleration
Site Class Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Periods
Ss £ 0.25 g Ss = 0.50 g Ss = 0.75 g Ss = 1.00 g Ss ³ 1.25 g
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
F a a a a a
NOTE: Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of Ss, where Ss is the spectral acceleration
at 0.2 seconds obtained from the ground motion maps.
Site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed
(Article 3.10.2). For the purpose of defining Seismic Hazard Levels in Article Type E values may be
used for Type F soils.

Third Draft 3-25 March 2, 2001



Table Values of Fv as a Function of Site Class and

Mapped 1 Second Period Spectral Acceleration
Site Class Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1 Second Periods
S1 £ 0.1 g S1 = 0.2 g S1 = 0.3 g S1 = 0.4 g S1 ³ 0.5 g
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4
F a a a a a
NOTE: Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of S1, where S1 is the spectral acceleration
at 1.0 second obtained from the ground motion maps.
Site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed
(Article 3.10.2). For the purpose of defining Seismic Hazard Levels in Article Type E values
may be used for Type F soils. RESPONSE SPECTRA BASED ON SITE- C3.10.2.3

A site-specific procedure to develop design response The intent in conducting a site-specific probabilistic ground
spectra of earthquake ground motions shall be performed motion study is to develop ground motions that are more
when required by Article 3.10.2 and may be performed for accurate for the local seismic and site conditions than can
any site. A site-specific probabilistic ground motion analysis be determined from National ground motion maps and the
shall be comprehensive and shall include the following: general procedure of Article Accordingly, such
characterization of seismic sources and ground motion studies must be comprehensive and incorporate current
attenuation that incorporates current scientific scientific interpretations at a regional scale. Because there
interpretations, including uncertainties in seismic source and are typically scientifically credible alternatives for models
ground motion models and parameter values; detailed and parameter values used to characterize seismic sources
documentation; and detailed peer review. and ground motion attenuation, it is important to formally
incorporate these uncertainties in a site-specific probabilistic
analysis. Examples of these uncertainties include seismic
source location, extent and geometry; maximum
earthquake magnitude; earthquake recurrence rate; and
ground motion attenuation relationship.

Where analyses to determine site soil response effects are Guidelines are presented in Appendix 3A for site-specific
required by Articles and 3.10.2 for Site Class F geotechnical investigations and dynamic site response
soils, the influence of the local soil conditions shall be analyses for Site Class F soils. These guidelines are
determined based on site-specific geotechnical applicable for site-specific determination of site response
investigations and dynamic site response analyses. for any site class when the site response is determined on
the basis of a dynamic site response analysis.

For sites located within 10km of an active fault (as defined Near-fault effects on horizontal response spectra include:
in Article 3.10.2), studies shall be considered to quantify (1) higher ground motions due to the proximity of the active
near-fault effects on ground motions if these could fault; (2) directivity effects that increase ground motions for
significantly influence the bridge response. periods greater than 0.5 second if the fault rupture
propagates toward the site; and (3) directionality effects that
increase ground motions for periods greater than 0.5
second in the direction normal (perpendicular) to the strike
of the fault. If the active fault is included and appropriately
modeled in the development of national ground motion
maps, then effect (1) is already included in the national
ground motion map. Effects (2) and (3) are not included in
the national map. These effects are significant only for
periods longer than 0.5 second and normally would be
evaluated only for major or very important bridges having

Third Draft 3-26 March 2, 2001



natural periods of vibration longer than 0.5 second. Further

discussion of effects (2) and (3) are contained in
Sommerville (1997) and Somerville et al. (1997). The ratio
of vertical-to-horizontal ground motions increases for short-
period motions in the near-fault environment. Site-specific
vertical response spectra should be developed where
required based on Article
In cases where the 0.2-second or 1.0-second response The application of site-specific deterministic limits on
spectral accelerations of the site-specific probabilistic response spectra in areas of active faults follows criteria
response spectrum for the MCE exceeds the response that are similar to the criteria used in constructing
spectrum shown in Figure, a deterministic deterministic bounds for national ground motion maps for
spectrum may be utilized in regions having known active the MCE. However, site-specific deterministic spectra are
faults if the deterministic spectrum is lower than the calculated as median-plus-standard-deviation values rather
probabilistic spectrum. The deterministic spectrum shall be than the nominal 1.5-times-median values used for national
the envelope of median-plus-standard-deviation spectra ground motion maps (refer to commentary to Article
calculated for characteristic maximum magnitude
earthquakes on known active faults, but shall not be lower
than the spectrum shown in Figure If there is
more than one active fault in the site region, the
deterministic spectrum shall be calculated as the envelope
of spectra for the different faults. Alternatively, deterministic
spectra may be defined for each fault, and each spectrum,
or the spectrum that governs bridge response, may be used
for the analysis of the bridge.

Figure Minimum Deterministic Response


When response spectra are determined from a site-

specific study, the spectra shall not be lower than two-
thirds of the response spectra determined using the
general procedure in Article

Third Draft 3-27 March 2, 2001




The maximum seismic force due to seismic load in any The combination of seismic forces computed from a
one direction shall be based on the CQC combination of response spectrum analysis has three aspects. The first
modal responses due to ground motion in that direction. is the combination of the vibration modes due to ground
The maximum force due to two or three orthogonal motion in one direction (longitudinal, transverse, or
ground motion components shall be obtained either by vertical). The CQC method ("complete quadratic
the SRSS combination or the 100% - 40% combination combination") provides a good estimate of the maximum
forces due to the individual seismic loads. force, including the correlation of modal responses
closely-spaced in frequency.
SRSS Combination Rule – the maximum response The second issue is the contribution of two or three
quantity of interest is the SRSS combination of the orthogonal ground motion components to a single force
response quantity from each of the orthogonal directions. effect. The SRSS rule ("square root sum of the squares")
T 2 L 2 T L is the most appropriate rule for combining the contribution
(i.e., M x (M x ) (M x ) where M x and M x are the x- of orthogonal, and uncorrelated, ground motion
component moments from a transverse and longitudinal components to a single seismic force. The SRSS method
analysis) is recommended particularly for seismic analysis
including vertical ground motion (Button et. al. 1999).
If biaxial design of an element is important (e.g. circular Since the prior AASHTO seismic provisions were based
columns) and the bridge has a maximum skew angle less on a 100% - 30% combination it was decided to modify
than 10 degrees and/or a subtended angle less than 10 this and permit the 100% - 40% combination rule as an
degrees then the maximum response quantities in the two alternate to the SRSS combination rule. The 100%-40%
orthogonal directions (Mx, My) shall use the 100% - 40% combination of forces provides results similar to the
rule prior to obtaining the vector sum. The maximum SRSS combination when the same response spectrum is
vector moment is the maximum of: used in two orthogonal directions (Clough and Penzien,
2 2 2 2 For three components of ground motions the
Mx (0.4M y ) or (0.4M x ) My
combination rules of a bending moment are as follows.

If the maximum skew angle or the subtended angle in a T 2 L 2 V 2

horizontally curved bridge exceeds 10 degrees then the SRSS Combination: Mx (M x ) (M x ) (M x )
maximum response quantities in the two horizontal
directions shall be combined as the vector sum: 100% – 40% Combination:
LC 1 T L V
Mx 1.0M x 0.4M x 0.4M x
M x2 + M y2 LC 2
Mx 0.4M x
1.0M x
0.4M x

LC 3 T L V
Mx 0.4M x 0.4M x 1.0M x
100% - 40% Combination Rule – the maximum
response quantity of interest shall be obtained from the
maximum of two load cases. The third issue is the combination of two force
Load Case 1 (LC1) – 100% of the absolute value of the quantities when biaxial design of a member is important
response quantity resulting from the analysis in one (e.g. circular column). This is the most difficult of the
orthogonal direction (transverse) added to 40% of the three issues since the maxima of the three components (
response quantity resulting from the analyses in the other axial force P, and bending moments about two local axes
orthogonal direction(s) (longitudinal). Mx and My) are not likely to occur at the same time. A
sophisticated approach to determining the critical
LC 1 T L combination is difficult to justify for design. Instead a
Mx 1.0M x 0.4M x simpler approach is adopted.
For the SRSS combination and a very regular bridge
Load Case 2 (LC2) – 100% of the absolute value of the the two components to be combined Mx and My utilize the
response quantity resulting from an analysis in the other 100% - 40% rule prior to obtaining the vector sum which
orthogonal direction (longitudinal) added to 40% of the is then used with +/- of the maximum axial force in the
response quantity resulting from an analysis in the design of the column. If the bridge has any significant
original direction (transverse). skew or curvature, the vector sum is applied to the
maximum moment quantities. This is because the 100%
LC 2 T
0.4M x 1.0M x
L - 40% rule as applied in biaxial design can be non-

Third Draft 3-28 March 2, 2001


conservative when significant skew and curvature exist.
If biaxial design of an element is important then the For the 100% - 40% combination rule the Mx and My
maximum response quantities in the two orthogonal components from each load case are combined to obtain
directions from each load case shall be combined to the vectorial sum and the maximum moment of the two
obtain a vectorial sum and the maximum vector from the load cases is used with the maximum axial load in the
two load cases shall be used for design, i.e., the design of the column. The combination rules are as
maximum of: follows:

LC 1 2 LC 1 2 LC 2 2 LC 2 2 SRSS Combination for Biaxial Design:

(M x ) (M y ) or (M x ) (M y )
For bridges with skew or curvature less than 10
2 2
degrees - Maximum of Mx (0.4M y ) and
2 2
(0.4M x ) M y with the maximum axial load P
For bridges with skew or curvature greater than 10
degrees- M x2 + M y2 with the maximum axial load
100%- 40% Combination for Biaxial Design:
LC 1 2 LC 1 2
Maximum of (M x ) (M y ) and
LC 2 2 LC 2 2 LC 3 2 LC 3 2
(M x ) (M y ) and (M x ) (M y ) with

When time history dynamic analysis of structures is Characteristics of the seismic environment of the site to be
performed, the development of time histories shall meet the considered in selecting time histories include: tectonic
requirements of this section. The developed time histories environment (e.g. subduction zone; shallow crustal faults in
shall have characteristics that are representative of the western United States or similar crustal environment;
seismic environment of the site and the local site conditions. eastern United States or similar crustal environment);
earthquake magnitude; type of faulting (e.g. strike-slip;
reverse; normal); seismic source-to-site distance; local site
conditions; and design or expected ground motion
characteristics (e.g. design response spectrum; duration of
strong shaking; special ground motion characteristics such
as near-fault characteristics. Dominant earthquake
magnitudes and distances that principally contribute to the
probabilistic design response spectra at a site as
determined from national ground motion maps can be
obtained from deaggregation information from the U.S.
Geological Survey website:


It is desirable to select time histories that have been

recorded under conditions similar to the seismic conditions
at the site listed above, but compromises are usually
required because of the multiple attributes of the seismic
environment and the limited data bank of recorded time
histories. Selection of time histories having similar
earthquake magnitudes and distances, within reasonable
ranges, are especially important parameters because they
have a strong influence on response spectral content,
Third Draft 3-29 March 2, 2001


response spectral shape, duration of strong shaking, and

near-source ground motion characteristics. It is desirable
that selected recorded motions be somewhat similar in
overall ground motion level and spectral shape to the
design spectrum to avoid using very large scaling factors
with recorded motions and very large changes in spectral
content in the spectrum-matching approach. If the site is
located within 10 km (6.25 miles) of an active fault, then
intermediate-to-long period ground motion pulses that are
characteristic of near-source time histories should be
included if these types of ground motion characteristics
could significantly influence structural response. Similarly,
the high short-period spectral content of near-source
vertical ground motions should be considered.
Time histories may be either recorded time histories or Ground motion modeling methods of strong motion
spectrum-matched time histories. If sufficient recorded seismology are being increasingly used to supplement the
motions are not available, simulated-recorded time histories recorded ground motion database. These methods are
may be developed using theoretical ground motion especially useful for seismic settings for which relatively few
modeling methods that simulate the earthquake rupture actual strong-motion recordings are available, such as in
and the source-to-site seismic wave propagation. the central and Eastern United States. Through analytical
simulation of the earthquake rupture and wave propagation
process, these methods can produce seismologically
reasonable time series.

If spectrum-matched time histories are developed, the initial Response spectrum-matching approaches include methods
time histories to be spectrum matched shall be in which time series adjustments are made in the time
representative recorded or simulated-recorded motions. domain (Lilhanard and Tseng, 1988; Abrahamson, 1992)
Analytical techniques used for spectrum matching shall be and those in which the adjustments are made in the
demonstrated to be capable of achieving seismologically frequency domain (Gasparini and Vanmarche, 1976; Silva
realistic time series that are similar to the time series of the and Lee, 1987; Bolt and Grigor, 1993). Both of these
initial time histories selected for spectrum matching. approaches are capable of modifying existing time histories
to achieve a close match to the design response spectrum
When using recorded or simulated-recorded time histories, while maintaining fairly well the basic time domain character
they shall be scaled to the approximate level of the design of the recorded or simulated-recorded time histories. To
response spectrum in the period range of significance. For minimize changes to the time domain characteristics, it is
each component of motion, an aggregate match of the desirable that the overall shape of the spectrum of the
design response spectrum shall be achieved for the set of recorded or simulated-recorded time history not be greatly
acceleration time histories used. A mean spectrum of the different from the shape of the design response spectrum
individual spectra of the time histories shall be calculated and that the time history initially be scaled so that its
period-by-period. Over the defined period range of spectrum is at the approximate level of the design spectrum
significance, the mean spectrum shall not be more than before spectrum matching.
15% lower than the design spectrum at any period, and the
average of the ratios of the mean spectrum to the design When developing three-component sets of time histories by
spectrum shall be equal to or greater than unity. When simple scaling rather than spectrum matching, it is difficult
developing spectrum-matched time histories, before the to achieve a comparable aggregate match to the design
matching process, they shall be scaled to the approximate spectra for each component of motion when using a single
level of the design response spectrum in the period range scaling factor for each time history set. It is desirable,
of significance. Thereafter, the set of time histories for each however, to use a single scaling factor to preserve the
component shall be spectrum-matched to achieve the relationship between the components. Approaches of
aggregate fit requirement stated above. dealing with this scaling issue include: (1) use of a higher
scaling factor to meet the minimum aggregate match
requirement for one component while exceeding it for the
other two; (2) use of a scaling factor to meet the aggregate
match for the most critical component with the match
somewhat deficient for other components; (3)
compromising on the scaling by using different factors as
required for different components of a time history set.

Third Draft 3-30 March 2, 2001



While the second approach is acceptable, it requires careful

examination and interpretation of the results and possibly
dual analyses for application of the horizontal higher
horizontal component in each principal horizontal direction.
For use in nonlinear inelastic time history analysis using The requirements for the number of time histories to be
either recorded, simulated-recorded, or spectrum-matched used in nonlinear inelastic dynamic analysis and for the
motions for either the 3% in 75 yr or 50% in 75 yr event, at interpretation of the results take into account the
least three time histories shall be used for each component dependence of response on the time domain character of
of motion. The design actions shall be taken as the the time histories (duration, pulse shape, pulse sequencing)
maximum response calculated for the three ground motions in addition to their response spectral content.
in each principal direction. If a minimum of seven recorded,
simulated-recorded, or spectrum-matched time histories Additional guidance on developing acceleration time
are used for each component of motion, the design actions histories for dynamic analysis may be found in publications
may be taken as the mean response calculated for each by the Caltrans Seismic Advisory Board Adhoc Committee
principal direction. on Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (CSABAC) (1999)
and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2000). CSABAC
(1999) also provides detailed guidance on modeling the
spatial variation of ground motion between bridge piers and
the conduct of seismic soil-foundation-structure interaction
(SFSI) analyses. Both spatial variations of ground motion
and SFSI may significantly effect bridge response. Spatial
variations include differences in seismic wave arrival times
between bridge piers (wave passage effect), ground motion
incoherence due to seismic wave scattering, and differential
site response due to different soil profiles at different bridge
piers. For long bridges, all forms of spatial variations may
be important. For short bridges, limited information appears
to indicate that wave passage effects and incoherence are,
in general, relatively unimportant in comparison to effects of
differential site response (Shinozuka et al., 1999; Martin,
1998). Somerville et al. (1999) provide guidance on the
characteristics of pulses of ground motion that occur in time
histories in the near-fault region. VERTICAL ACCELERATION EFFECTS C3.10.2.6

The impact of vertical ground motion may be ignored if The most comprehensive study (Button et al., 1999)
the bridge site is greater than 50km from an active fault as performed to date on the impact of vertical acceleration
defined in Article 3.10.2 and can be ignored for all bridges effects indicates that for some design parameters
in the central and Eastern U.S. and those areas impacted (superstructure moment and shear, column axial forces)
by subduction earthquakes in the Northwest. If the bridge and for some bridge types the impact can be significant.
site is located within 10km of an active fault then a site The study was based on vertical response spectra
specific study is required if it is determined that the developed by Silva (1997) from recorded Western U.S.
response of the bridge could be significantly and adversely ground motions. Until more information is known about the
affected by vertical ground motion characterstics. In such characteristics of vertical ground motions in the Eastern
cases response spectra and acceleration time histories as U.S. and those areas impacted by subductions zones in the
appropriate shall be developed for use and shall include Northwest the specification cannot impose mandatory
appropriate vertical ground motions for inclusion in the requirements. However, it is advisable for designers to be
design and analysis of the bridge. For vertical design forces aware that vertical acceleration effects may be important
the linear analysis shall use the CQC modal combination )Button et al., 1999) and for more important bridges the
method and the SRSS directional combination method. impact be assessed.
If the bridge site is located between 10km and 50km of
an active fault a site specific study may be performed Recent studies (e.g. Abrahamson and Silva, 1997; Silva,
including the effects of appropriate vertical ground motion. 1997; Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2000) have shown that the
In lieu of a dynamic analysis that incorporates the effect ratio of the vertical response spectrum to the horizontal
of vertical ground motions the following variations in column response spectrum of ground motions can differ
axial loads and superstructure moments and shears shall substantially from the nominal two-thirds ratio commonly
Third Draft 3-31 March 2, 2001

be included in the design of the columns and the assumed in engineering practice. These studies show that
superstructure to account for the effects of vertical ground the ratios of vertical to horizontal response spectral values
motion. are functions of the tectonic environment, subsurface soil or
rock conditions, earthquake magnitude, earthquake source-
Column Axial Loads (AL) = DL Axial Force CV (DL to-site distance, and period of vibration. Whereas the two-
Axial Force) thirds ratio may be conservative for longer periods of
vibration (say greater than 0.3 second) in many cases, at
Superstructure Bending Moments = DL Moment CV shorter periods the ratio of vertical to horizontal response
(DL Moment) spectra may exceed two-thirds and even substantially
exceed unity for close earthquake source-to-site distances
Superstructure Shears = DL Shear CV (DL Shear) and periods less than 0.2 second. At present, detailed
procedures have not been developed for constructing
CV is the coefficient given in Table if the vertical spectra having an appropriate relationship to the
maximum magnitude of the design earthquake is 6.5, or horizontal spectra constructed using the general procedure
Table if the maximum magnitude of the design of Article When developed, these procedures
earthquake is 7.5. Note that the coefficient CV for the could be used in conjunction with deaggregation
superstructure has a value specified at the mid-span information on dominant earthquake source-to-site distance
location and at the column/pier support. Linear and earthquake magnitude from the USGS national map
interpolation is used to determine CV for points on the Internet website [http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/eq/] to
superstructure between these locations. construct vertical spectra at any location.

At present, this specification requires explicit consideration

of vertical acceleration effects in design only as a function
of the distance of a bridge site from an active fault. As
such, these requirements would generally not be applied to
sites in the central and eastern United States because few
active faults meeting the definition in Article 3.10.2 have
been accurately located in that part of the country. Also,
because the characteristics of vertical ground motions in
subduction zones has been the subject of only limited
studies, the specification does not at present impose
requirements for vertical acceleration effects as a function
of distance from subduction zone faults.
For use in Tables and, earthquake
magnitude is taken as the largest (maximum) magnitude,
based on the moment magnitude scale, of an earthquake
considered capable of occurring on the active fault. Usually,
maximum magnitude is estimated on the basis of the
longest rupture length or the largest rupture area assessed
to be capable of occurring on the fault (e.g., Wells and
Coppersmith, 1994). Maximum magnitude should be
estimated by a knowledgeable geologist or seismologist.

Third Draft 3-32 March 2, 2001


Table Fault distance zones and corresponding dead load multiplier for all bridges observed for rock and soil
site conditions and a magnitude 6.5 event..

Response Fault Distance Zones (km)

Quantity 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Pier Axial
Force DL
Multiplier 0.7 0.3 0.20 0.1 0.1

Shear Force at
Pier DL
0.7 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1
Moment at
Pier DL 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1
Shear Force at
Mid-Span DL
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Moment at
Mid-Span* DL 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2
(1) The DL Multiplier values given above are in addition to the dead load; thus, an actual “load factor”
would be 1.0 plus/minus the above numbers.
(2) The Live Load (LL) typically used in the design of bridge types shown in this study is in the range of
20-30% of the Dead Load (DL).

Third Draft 3-33 March 2, 2001


Table Fault distance zones and corresponding dead load multiplier for all bridges observed for rock and soil
site conditions and a magnitude 7.5 event.

Response Fault Distance Zones (km)

Quantity 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Pier Axial
Force DL
Multiplier 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1

Shear Force at
Pier DL
1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2
Moment at
Pier DL 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2
Shear Force at
Mid-Span DL
0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Moment at
Mid-Span* DL 1.9 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.3
(1) The DL Multiplier values given above are in addition to the dead load; thus, an actual “load factor”
would be 1.0 plus/minus the above numbers.
(2) The Live Load (LL) typically used in the design of bridge types shown in this study is in the range of
20-30% of the Dead Load (DL).

Third Draft 3-34 March 2, 2001



3.10.3 Seismic Design and Analysis Procedures GENERAL C3.10.3.1

For single-span bridges, regardless of seismic zone Requirements for single span bridges are not as
and in lieu of a rigorous analysis, the minimum design rigorous as for multi-span bridges because of their
force at the connections in the restrained direction favorable response to seismic loads in past earthquakes.
between the superstructure and the substructure shall not As a result, single span bridges need not be analyzed for
be less than the product of Fa SS 2.5 , and the tributary seismic loads regardless of the SDR and design
permanent load. The minimum seat widths shall comply requirements are limited to minimum seat widths and
with Article connection forces. Adequate seat widths must be
provided in both the transverse and longitudinal
directions. Connection forces based on the premise that
the bridge is very stiff and that the fundamental period of
response will be short. This assumption acknowledges
the fact that the period of vibration is difficult to calculate
because of significant interaction with the abutments.
These reduced requirements are also based on the
assumption that there are no vulnerable substructures
(i.e., no columns) and that a rigid (or near rigid)
superstructure is in place to distribute the in-plane loads
to the abutments. If, however, the superstructure is not
able to act as a stiff diaphragm and sustains significant in-
plane deformation during horizontal loading, it should be
analyzed for these loads and designed accordingly.
Single span trusses may be sensitive to in-plane loads
and the designer may need to take additional precautions
to ensure the safety of truss superstructures.
Each bridge shall be assigned a Seismic Hazard Level The Seismic Hazard Level is defined as a function of
that shall be the highest level determined by the value of the ,magnitude of the ground surface shaking as
FvS1 or FaSs from Tables 3.10.3-1. expressed by FvS1 and FaSs. Bridges with a period
greater than 1 second would be more appropriately
Table 3.10.3-1 – Seismic Hazard Levels governed by the FvS1 definition whereas bridges with a
period less than 0.7 second would be more appropriately
Seismic governed by the FaSs definition. Since the period of the
Hazard Value of FvS1 Value of FaSs bridge is not known at an early stage in the design
Level process both criteria are therefore used to define the
Seismic Hazard Level. The two footnotes to the Tables
I FvS1 0.15 FaSs 0.15 3.10.3-1(a) and 3.10.3-1(b) effectively limit boundaries for
II 0.15<FvS1 0.25 0.15<FaSs 0.35 Soil Types E and F in Hazard Levels I and II to those of
III 0.25<FvS1 0.40 0.25<FaSs 0.60 Soil Type D. This decision was made in part because of
IV 0.40<FvS1 0.60<FaSs the greater uncertainty in the values of Fv and Fa for Type
E and F soils when ground shaking is relatively low
(S1<0.10 and Ss<0.25) and in part to not extend the
Notes: boundaries beyond those of Soil Type D until the impact
1. For the purposes of determining the Seismic of this major revision of the specification is better
Hazard Level for Site Class E Soils (Article understood. Further discussion on the Hazard Level the value of Fv and Fa need not be boundaries is given in Appendix 3C.
taken larger than 2.4 and 1.6 respectively when S1
is less than or equal to 0.10 and SS is less than
2. For the purposes of determining the Seismic
Hazard Level for Site Class F Soils (Article Fv and Fa values for Site Class E soils
may be used with the adjustment described in Note
1 above.

Third Draft 3-35 March 2, 2001



Each bridge shall be designed, analyzed and detailed Seismic design and analysis procedures reflect the
for seismic effects in accordance with Table 3.10.3-2. variation in seismic risk across the country and are used
Seismic Design and Analysis Procedures (SDAP) are to permit different requirements for methods of analysis,
described in Sections through, and minimum support lengths, column design details, and
Section 4. Minimum seismic detailing requirements foundation and abutment design procedures.
(SDR) are given in Table 3.10.3-3, and are discussed
further in Sections 5 and 6.

Table 3.10.3-2 - Seismic Design and Analysis Procedures (SDAP)

and Seismic Detailing Requirements (SDR)

Seismic Life Safety Operational

Hazard Level
I A1 1 A2 2
II A2 2 C/D/E 3
III B/C/D/E 3 C/D/E 5
IV C/D/E 4 C/D/E 6
1. SDAP B/C – The use of these two design/analysis procedures
is governed by regularity requirements as defined in Sections and respectively.
2. SDAP D – The use of the uniform load method is only
permitted for the life safety performance level and limits on its
use are given in Art.
3. If abutments are required to deform inelastically and act as
part of the ERS then only SDAP D or E can be used and the
ULM is not permitted.
4. If owners approval of an ERE is required (Article – i.e.
inelastic behavior that is not inspectable occurs in a
substructure) then SDAP E must be used.

Third Draft 3-36 March 2, 2001



Table 3.10.3-3 – Component Detailing Provisions for SDR’s

Component SDR 1 SDR 2 SDR 3 SDR 4 SDR 5 SDR 6

Seat Width Art. Art. Art. Art. Art. Art.
Bearing Conventional 0.1DL – 0.25DL- Capacity Design Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
Art. Art. Procedures – Art.
or Elastic Forces With
Isolation Detailed and Same as SDR 1 Same as SDR 1 Same as SDR 1 Same as SDR 1 Same as SDR 1
tested for 1.1
times 3% in 75
year forces
Column Flexure Non-seismic Non-seismic SDAP B and C – non- Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
(Reinforced Requirements. Requirements seismic or min. steel or
Concrete) (0.8% (0.8% minimum P- or 50% in 75 year
minimum longitudinal forces for SDAP C
longitudinal steel) SDAP D/E – moment
steel) demand divided by R or
min. steel or P-
Shear Non-seismic Minimum Shear From Capacity Design Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
Requirements Reinforcement Procedures – Art.
per Art. – or Elastic Forces with
Method 1 R=0.67
Confine-ment, None None Maximum of Art. Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
Longit-udinal to f within
Bar Restraint plastic hinge zone defined
in Art.
Column None Pe 0.4AgFy b/t ratios comply with
(Steel) Table 6.15.1. Full
penetration welds for
connections Pe 0.2AgFy
Laterally support plastic
hinge zones
Connection of N/A except for N/A except for Design Forces from Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
Column to Bearings Bearings above Capacity Design
Superstructur above Procedures – Art.
Bent Beam, or if Elastic Forces are
Footing/Pile used in column moment
Cap design see Note 1
Soil and Pile Concrete N/A Top 3D of piles Design Forces from Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 4 Same as SDR 4
Aspects of – shear Capacity Design except higher
Foundation reinforcement Procedures using an over-strength
Design per Art. over-strength ratio of ratios are used for – 1.0.– Art. plus concrete and steel
Method 1 plus Notes 2, 3 and 4. respectively. – Art.
Note 2. Maximum of shear, Notes
N/A for spread confinement and bar 2, 3 and 4. Shear,
foundations restraint reinforcement in confinement and
Steel N/A N/A top 3D – Art. bar restraint to e. reinforcement per
Maximum of shear and SDR 3 is required
confinement in top 10D
reinforcement for piles 3D
to 10D from pile cap –
Art. and d.

Third Draft 3-37 March 2, 2001



Pile Bents Concrete N/A Shear Design Forces from Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3 Same as SDR 3
reinforcement Capacity Design
per Art. Procedures using higher – over-strength ratios for
Method 1 concrete and steel – Art.
provided from plus Notes 2, 3
top of bent to and 4 Reinforcement
10D below for piles in plastic hinge
ground level. zone of Art.
plus Note 2 shall be maximum of
Steel N/A N/A shear, confinement and
bar restraint
reinforcement – Art. to e.
Abutments N/A N/A Non-seismic See Table 2.5.6-1 Same as SDR 4 Same as SDR 4
requirements for SDAP and -3 and
B and C, Art.
Seismic design. for
SDAP D/E – Table
2.5.6-1 and 2.5.6–3 and
Liquefaction If predominant moment See Art. as SDR 4 Same as SDR 4
magnitude is less than 6
– no requirements. If
greater than 6 see Art.
ERS/ERE N/A N/A See Figures C2.5.6-1 Same as SDR 3 Systems and Same as SDR 5
through 3 for permitted Elements
systems requiring
Approval in
Figure C2.5.6-2
are not permitted
Approach/Settle N/A N/A N/A N/A Encouraged but Required
ment Slab not mandated

1. See Article
2. If scour occurs then this amount of transverse reinforcement shall be provided to 3D below the lowest scour
depth where D is the diameter of the pile.
3. Connection of all potential tension piles to the pile cap shall be designed for the greater of the nominal
geotechnical pullout capacity of the pile or the maximum pile pullout demand calculated assuming elastic axial
stiffness of the piles.
4. If liquefaction occurs and the dominant moment magnitude is greater than 6 then the transverse reinforcement
shall be provided to a depth of 3D below the liquefiable layer. Guidance on determining the dominant moment
magnitude is contained in Article 3.B.2.4 of Appendix 3B.

Third Draft 3-38 March 2, 2001




For bridges in SDAP A1 the horizontal design In areas of low seismicity only minimum seat widths
connection force in the restrained directions shall not be (Article and connection design forces for
taken to be less than 0.1 times the vertical reaction due to bearings and minimum shear reinforcement in concrete
the tributary permanent load and the tributary live loads columns and piles in SDR 2 are deemed necessary for the
assumed to exist during an earthquake. life safety performance objective. These default values are
For SDAP A2, the horizontal design connection force in used as minimum design forces in lieu of rigorous analysis.
the restrained directions shall not be taken to be less than The division of SDAP A1 and A2 at a short period spectral
0.25 times the vertical reaction due to the tributary response acceleration of 0.10 is an arbitrary expedience
permanent load and the tributary live loads assumed to intended to provide some relief to parts of the country with
exist during an earthquake. very low seismicity.
For SDR 2 reinforced concrete columns, pile bents This article describes the minimum connection force
and the top 3D of concrete piles shall meet the shear that must be transferred from the superstructure to its
reinforcement requirements of Article supporting substructures through the bearings. It does not
For each uninterrupted segment of a superstructure, apply if the connection is a monolithic structural joint.
the tributary permanent load at the line of fixed bearings, Similarly, it does not apply to unrestrained bearings (such
used to determine the longitudinal connection design force, as elastomeric bearings) or in the unrestrained directions of
shall be the total permanent load of the segment. bearings that are free to move (slide) in one direction but
If each bearing supporting an uninterrupted segment or fixed (restrained) in an orthogonal direction. The minimum
simply supported span is restrained in the transverse force is simply 0.1 or 0.25 times the weight that is effective
direction, the tributary permanent load used to determine in the restrained direction. The calculation of the effective
the connection design force shall be the permanent load weight requires care and may be thought of as a tributary
reaction at that bearing. weight. It is calculated from the length of superstructure that
Each elastomeric bearing and its connection to the is tributary to the bearing in the direction under
masonry and sole plates shall be designed to resist the consideration. For example, in the longitudinal direction at a
horizontal seismic design forces transmitted through the fixed bearing, this length will be the length of the segment
bearing. For all bridges in SDAP A1 and A2 and all single- and may include more than one span if it is a continuous
span bridges, these seismic shear forces shall not be less girder (i.e. it is the length from one expansion joint to the
than the connection force specified herein. next). But in the transverse direction at the same bearing,
this length may be as little as one-half of the span,
particularly if it is supporting an expansion joint. This is
because the expansion bearings at the adjacent piers will
generally be transversely restrained and able to transfer
lateral loads to the substructure.
It is important that not only the bearing but also the
details that fasten the bearing to the sole and masonry
plates (including the anchor bolts which engage the
supporting members), have sufficient capacity to resist the
above forces. At a fixed bearing, it is necessary to consider
the simultaneous application of the longitudinal and
transverse connection forces when checking these
Note that the primary purpose of this requirement is to
ensure that the connections between the superstructure
and its supporting substructures remain intact during the
design earthquake and thus protect the girders from being
unseated. The failure of these connections has been
observed in many earthquakes and imposing minimum
strength requirements is considered to be a simple but
effective strategy to minimize the risk of collapse. However,
in low seismic zones it is not necessary to design the
substructures or their foundations for these forces since it is
expected that if a column does yield it will have sufficient

Third Draft 3-39 March 2, 2001


inherent ductility to survive without collapse. Even though
bridge columns in SDR 2 are not required to be designed
for seismic loads, shear reinforcement requirements will
provide a minimum level of capacity for ductile
deformations which is considered to be adequate for the
magnitude and duration of the ground motion expected in
SDR 2.
The magnitude of live load assumed to exist at the time
of the earthquake should be consistent with the value of
g eq used in conjunction with Table 3.4.1-1. SDAP B - NO SEISMIC DEMAND C3.10.3.3

Bridges qualifying for SDAP B do not require a seismic The no analysis procedures are an important new
demand analysis but capacity design principles and addition to the provisions because they apply in the
minimum design details are required. The capacity design expanded areas now requiring more detailed seismic
forces are covered in more detail in Section design. The purpose of these provisions is to provide
the designers of regular bridges, that comply with certain No Analysis Approach restrictions, the ability to design their structure without
the need to undertake a dynamic analysis. The bridge is
SDAP B consists of the following steps: designed for all non-seismic requirements and capacity
design procedures are then used to determine shear
Step 1 - Check Article for reinforcement and confining reinforcement requirements.
restrictions on structural and site Capacity design principles are also used for the
characteristics to determine if SDAP B is connection forces of the columns to the pile cap or
applicable. The bridge site must not exceed spread footing and the superstructure or bent cap.
FvS1 limitations and the structure must meet There are no seismic design requirements for abutments
certain regularity requirements as defined in except that integral abutments need to be designed for
Section passive pressure. The superstructure displacements
Step 2 - Reinforced concrete columns shall anticipated in these lower zones are expected to be
be designed using non-seismic loading relatively modest and significant abutment contribution to
cases and checked for minimum longitudinal the response of the bridge is not anticipated but if it
reinforcement (0.8%). occurs it will reduce substructure displacements. The
Step 3 - Reinforced concrete columns shall design forces for the soil and pile aspects of foundation
be detailed to meet the shear, design are the overstrength forces from the columns but
confinement and bar restraint using an overstrength ratio of 1.0. The use of the lower
reinforcement requirements of overstrength ratio for SDR 3 implies that there will be
Article through e in some limited ductility demand on the piles in the event of
the plastic hinge zones defined the 3% in 75-year earthquake. Since shear, confining
in Article and bar restraint reinforcement is also required in the top
Step 4 - Steel columns shall be designed 3D of the piles this reduction in foundation design forces
using non-seismic loading cases and was believed to be prudent in the lower seismic risk
checked for minimum width to thickness areas. Current AASHTO Division 1A requirements (SPC
ratios as described in Chapter 6. Plastic B) do not require capacity design of the foundation,
hinge zone forces shall be those from rather the foundations are designed for twice the column
capacity design procedures of Article design forces. Converting to a capacity design approach with an overstrength ratio of 1.0 will lead to a
Step 5 -Members connecting to columns more uniform level of seismic resistance in these lower
shall be designed to resist column plastic seismic areas.
moments and shears using the principles of
capacity design described in Article
using an overstrength ratio of 1.5 and 1.2 for
concrete and steel respectively.
Step 6 - Foundations (soils and piles) shall be
designed to resist column moment and shears

Third Draft 3-40 March 2, 2001



using the principles of capacity design

described in Article using an
overstrength ratio of 1.0. Restrictions

SDAP B shall be used only at sites where:

Fv S1 < 0.4 cos askew (

where a skew the skew angle of the bridge, (0 degrees

being the angle for a right bridge).

Additionally, SDAP B shall be used only on structures that Structures with lower axial loads or stronger columns (i.e.,
comply with the following restrictions: more steel and large column/pile sizes) have a greater
intrinsic strength and are able to resist the design ground
For concrete column and pile bents motions with less damage. However, ductile detailing still
needs to be provided in accordance with Section 5.
Pe 0.15fc Ag
r > 0.008
D 300mm (12 inches)

where Pe = column axial load

f c' = nominal 28 day concrete strength
Ag = gross cross-sectional area of column
r = longitudinal reinforcement ratio
D = column transverse dimension
M = maximum column moment
V = maximum column shear

For concrete wall piers with low volumes of

longitudinal steel:

Pe < 0.1f c¢ Ag
r > 0.0025
< 10
t > 300mm (12 inches)
where t = wall thickness, or smallest cross-sectional
dimension. The no analysis provisions are not applicable to steel
braced frame substructures. In the case of a cantilever
column, in a pile bent configuration, the length L in the
For steel pile bents framing into reinforced concrete L/b<10 criteria would be equal the length above ground to
caps: the top of the bent plus 3 pile bent diameters.

Pe 0.15Py

Third Draft 3-41 March 2, 2001


D p ³ 250mm (10 inches)
L/b < 10
Column fixity at base or embedded in soil
for pile bent where b is the
flange width and L is the length
from the point of maximum
moment to the inflexion point of
the column when subjected to a
pure transverse load.
where D p = pile dimension about the weak axis bending
at ground line.
Py = axial yield force of steel pile

For timber piles framing into reinforced concrete

caps or steel moment-frame columns:

Pe < 0.1Pc
Dp ³ 250mm (10 inches)
where Pc = axial compression capacity of the pile.

SDAP B shall NOT be used for bridges where:

Individual interior bent stiffnesses vary by more than These provisions do not apply for bridges with variable
a factor of 2 with respect to the average bent height piers. Designers are encour-aged to design the
stiffness of the bridge. portion of piers participating in a seismic mechanism to
have similar column lengths.
The maximum span exceeds 80 m.

The maximum span length is more than 50 percent Variable span lengths can create uneven loading
longer than the average span length. conditions on the piers resulting for unusual modal
The maximum skew angle exceeds 30 degrees For highly skewed bridges, biaxial loading of the piers can
be problematic from a design point-of-view. Moreover,
For horizontally curved bridges the subtended angle extra care needs to be taken in assessing the
exceeds 30 degrees. displacement demands at joints and bearings.

For frames in which the superstructure is continuous Designers are actively discouraged from using one pier to
over the bents and for which some bents do not resist all longitudinal inertia loads when using this analysis
participate in the ERS, FvS1 factored by the ratio of method. Its use is most appropriate when all supporting
the total number of bents in the frame divided by the bents participate in the ERS.
number of bents in the frame that participate in the
ERS in the longitudinal direction exceeds
0.4 cosa skew

If the bridge site has a potential for liquefaction and Careful and site specific analysis of the soil-structure
the piers are seated on spread footings. interaction is needed at sites with liquefaction or lateral
spreading potential.
The bridge site has a potential for liquefaction and
the piers are seated on piled foundations unless the
piles shall be detailed for ductility, in accordance

Third Draft 3-42 March 2, 2001



with these provisions over the length passing

through the liquifiable soil layer plus an additional
length of three-pile diameters or 3 m (10 ft)
whichever is larger, above and below the liquefiable
soil layer. Capacity Design and Strength Requirements of C3.

Members Framing into Columns

Except for the geotechnical design of foundations, SDAP The principles of capacity design require that the
B requires the use of capacity design for all components strength of those members that are not part of the primary
connected to the columns (Article For the energy dissipating system be stronger than the
geotechnical design of foundations, the moment overstrength overstrength capacity of the primary energy dissipating
capacity of columns that frame into the foundations need not members—that is, the columns with hinges at their
be taken as greater than: member ends.
The geotechnical features of foundations (i.e. soil
Mpo = 1.0 Mn bearing, and side friction and end bearing on piles)
possess inherent ductility. At low to moderate levels of
Where seismic input this manifests itself as minor rocking of the
foundation and/or nominal permanent settlements
Mpo = plastic overstrength capacity of a column which do not significantly affect the service level of the
Mn = nominal moment capacity of a column Full capacity protection of the geotechnical features
of the foundation in SDAP B is not required. Should the
rare earthquake occur, some limited ductility demand
may occur in the piles and some minor rocking and
permanent settlement may occur. This trade-off,
compared to current practice for SPC-B in the existing
AASHTO provisions, was believed to be prudent. SDAP C – CAPACITY SPECTRUM DESIGN C3.10.3.4

METHOD Capacity Spectrum Design Approach

SDAP C combines a demand and capacity analysis, The capacity spectrum design method is conceptually the
including the effect of inelastic behavior of ductile same as the Caltrans displacement based design method.
earthquake resisting elements. The procedure applies The primary difference is that the capacity spectrum
only to bridges that behave essentially a s a single degree- approach begins with the existing nonseismic capacity of
of-freedom system. SDAP C is restricted to bridges with a the columns and then assesses the adequacy of the
very regular configuration as described in Article resulting displacements. The Caltrans procedure uses and with the recommended earthquake methods to estimate the maximum displacement that can
resisting systems (ERS) as described in Section 2. be tolerated and then assesses the minimum strength
requirements for the column.
The major steps in applying the capacity spectrum The key equation used in the capacity spectrum method is
method for the two levels of earthquake are as follows: the relationship between the seismic coefficient, Cs, and
displacement, ? :
Step 1 - Design the bridge for the non-seismic
load combinations. Determine the applicability of 2
SDAP C. Cs g
2pB L
Step 2 - Check if the design for non-seismic loads
satisfies the requirements for the 50% in 75-year in which S1 is the spectral acceleration coefficient at 1

Third Draft 3-43 March 2, 2001


earthquake event. second period, Fv is the site factor for the earthquake
event, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/sec
Step 3 - Design for the 50% in 75-year or 9.8 m/sec ). The factor BL reduces the demand to
earthquake event if necessary from Step 2. account for inelastic deformation capacity of the
earthquake resisting elements; Table gives BL
Step 4 - With a design that satisfies the non- for the two earthquake events and two performance
seismic load combinations and the 50% in 75- levels. This equation is valid in the velocity-sensitive
year earthquake event, check that the region of the response spectrum and is applicable to most
requirements for the 3% in 75 year earthquake bridges. The complete design procedure includes steps
event are satisfied. for shorter period bridges, such as those with pier walls,
but such cases are not discussed in this commentary.
Step 5 - If necessary from Step 4, modify the
design to satisfy the requirements for the 3% in The following detailed summary of this method expands
75-year event. on the procedure outlined in the Specification. It focuses
on conservative estimates of strength and displacement.
Step 6 - Design and detail the columns, the More refined techniques may be used which still satisfy
connections of the columns to the foundation, the capacity spectrum method, but for most cases the
and superstructure or column bent using the simple approach described herein provides efficient
capacity design procedures of Article designs that will satisfy the performance requirements
For bridges in SDR 3, the requirements of Article defined in the Specifications. are applicable.
Step 1
Details for each of these steps are discussed in the
Commentary. With the design for all non-seismic requirements
determine if the configuration and component
requirements for a very regular bridge are satisfied. If so,
the capacity spectrum procedure may be used.

Step 2

Determine Fv and S1 for the 50% in 75-year earthquake

event. In the longitudinal and transverse direction,
perform the following sub steps:

2-1. Compute the yield displacement, y , for each

participating bent or pier; set y to 1.3 times the
smallest value. Note that a participating pier or bent is one
whose fixity conditions permits it to resist horizontal lateral
loads. It is possible a pier may participate transversely but
not longitudinally due to a bearing that has transverse fixity
and longitudinal movement.

2-2. Compute the lateral strength of each participating pier

or bent, and sum the strengths to give the lateral strength
of the bridge, Vn. The seismic coefficient for the bridge is
Cs=Vn/W, in which W is the weight of the bridge
responding to earthquake ground motion (generally the
superstructure and a portion of the substructure).

2-3. If the following equation is satisfied for the 50% in 75-

year values of Fv and S1,

Fv S1
Cs y g

Third Draft 3-44 March 2, 2001



the bridge is expected to meet the performance

requirement for the 50% in 75-year earthquake event.

Step 3

If the equation in step 2-3 is not satisfied, increase the

strength of the participating piers or reconfigure the bridge
so more piers participate such that Vn and C s satisfy step

Step 4

Determine Fv and S1 for the 3% in 75-year earthquake

event. For the strength of the bridge in step 3, determine if
the bridge has sufficient deformation capacity according to
the following sub steps in the longitudinal and transverse

4-1. Using the strength from step 3, determine the

maximum displacement from:
1 FvS1
Cs 2pBL

where BL is obtained from Table

4-2 Check that the maximum displacement is less than

the deformation capacity for the shortest pier, with
height H:


for reinforced concrete columns satisfying the

requirements of Section 5, the plastic rotation
capacity, q p , may be taken as 0.035 or as given in
Article 5.16.2. A similar value is applicable for steel
columns that satisfy the requirements of Section 6 or
as given in Article 6.15.6.

4-3. Check that the P-delta requirement is met using the

height of the shortest participating pier:

0.25Cs H

If the displacement limits in steps 4-2 and 4-3 are met, the
design is satisfactory for the 3% in 75-year earthquake

Step 5

If the displacement limits in step 4 are not satisfied, the

strength of the participating piers must be increased or
additional piers must participate. For reinforced concrete
columns it is necessary to increase the longitudinal

Third Draft 3-45 March 2, 2001



reinforcement. If the reinforcement ratio exceeds 2.5%,

the column size may need to be increased. The new
strength can be determined as follows, in the longitudinal
and transverse directions:

5-1. If step 4.2 is not satisfied, set the maximum

displacement to q p H , where H is the height of
the shortest participating column. Determine the
required seismic coefficient from,
1 FvS1
Cs g

5-2. If step 4.3 is not satisfied, determine the required

seismic coefficient from,

Cs 4
where H is the height of the shortest column.

5-3. The required lateral strength is Vn=CsW, where W is

the total weight of the bridge. Apportion Vn to the
individual piers participating in resisting lateral loads in
proportion to the tributary mass for the pier. Redesign
the piers to provide the required strength.

Bridges that satisfy step 4 and 5 are expected to have

satisfactory performance in the 3% in 75-year earthquake
event for each performance level.

Step 6

Capacity design procedures of Article are used to

determine the shear and confinement reinforcement
requirements, the column connection forces and the
foundation design forces. The bridge is designed so it can
resist the 3% in 75-year event without any contribution
from the abutment and hence there are no seismic design
requirements for the abutments. Restrictions

SDAP C shall only be used on bridges that satisfy

the following requirements:
The number of spans per frame or unit shall not The configuration requirements for Capacity spectrum
exceed six. analysis restrict application to individual frames or units
that can be reasonably assumed to respond as a single
The number of spans per frame or unit shall be at degree-of-freedom in the transverse and longitudinal
least three, unless seismic isolation bearings are directions. When abutments do no resist significant
utilized at the abutments. seismic forces, the superstructure will respond as a rigid-
body mass. The lateral load-resisting piers or bents must
Abutments shall not be assumed to resist be uniform in strength and stiffness to justify the
significant seismic forces in the transverse or assumption of independent translational response in the
Third Draft 3-46 March 2, 2001

significant seismic forces in the transverse or longitudinal and transverse directions.
longitudinal directions.

Span length shall not exceed 60 m (200 feet).

The ratio of span lengths in a frame or unit shall

not exceed 1.5.
SDAP C may be appropriate for pier wall substructures in
Pier wall substructures must have bearings that the longitudinal direction but will not work in the transverse
permit transverse movement. direction if bearings are fixed. If bearings permit
movement transversely, then the capacity spectrum
The maximum skew angle shall not exceed 30 method for isolation bearings (Article 15.4) shall be used.
degrees, and skew of piers or bents shall not
differ by more than 5 degrees in the same

For horizontally curved bridges, the subtended

angle of the frame shall not exceed 20 degrees.

The ratio of bent or pier stiffness shall not vary by

more than 2 with respect to the average bent
stiffness, including the effect of foundation

The ratio of lateral strength (or seismic

coefficient) shall not exceed 1.5 of the average
bent strength.

For concrete columns and pile bents: These requirements are similar to the ones for no-analysis
in Article
P £ 0.20f c¢ Ag
r > 0.008
D ³ 300mm (12 inches)

When liquefaction potential is determined to

exist according to the requirements in Article, the piers or bents must have pile
foundations. SDAP D - ELASTIC RESPONSE C3.10.3.5

SDAP D is a one step design procedure using an elastic This is essentially a two level design procedure,
(cracked section properties) analysis. Either the Uniform however in many parts of the US, and in the Eastern US
Load or Multimode method of analysis may be used. The in particular, the 50% in 75 year event will rarely govern.
analysis shall be performed for the governing design In most cases designers will be able to quickly assess
spectra (either the 50% in 75-year or the 3% in 75-year) and which of the two events will produce the maximum
the R-Factors given in Tables and column moments by dividing the ground response
shall be used to modify elastic response values. The spectra by the respective R factors and comparing the
analysis shall determine the elastic moment demand at all relative values. Only when the two spectra are relatively
plastic hinge locations in the columns. Capacity design close will two analyses be required.
principles shall be used for column shear design and the
design of all column connections and foundation design. If
sacrificial elements are part of the design (i.e. shear keys)
Third Draft 3-47 March 2, 2001


they shall be sized to resist the 50% in 75-year forces and

the bridge shall be capable of resisting the 3% in 75-year
forces without the sacrificial elements (i.e. two analyses are
required if sacrificial elements exist in a bridge).

This design procedure consists of the following steps:

Step 1 - Design the bridge for non-seismic loading


Step 2 - Perform an elastic dynamic analysis as

described in Article 4.7 for the 3% in 75-year
earthquake loading to determine displacement
demands. Analysis shall reflect the anticipated
condition of the structure and the foundation during
this earthquake.

Step 3 - Determine controlling seismic design

forces for the moment design of all columns from
an elastic dynamic analysis using either the 50% in
75- or 3% in 75-year earthquake. Analyses shall
reflect the anticipated condition of the structure and
the foundation during each of these earthquakes.
Elastic forces from the analyses shall be modified
using the appropriate R factors from Tables and

Step 4 – Determine the minimum design base

shear for each column using the P-D requirements
from Article using the elastic
displacements obtained in Step 2. Modify column
design as necessary.

Step 5 - Determine the design forces for other

structural actions using Capacity Design as
described in Article

Step 6 - Design sacrificial elements to resist forces

generated by the 50% in 75-year earthquake. SDAP E – ELASTIC RESPONSE SPECTRUM


SDAP E requires an elastic (cracked section properties)

response spectrum analysis for the governing design
spectra (50% in 75-year or 3% in 75-year) and P-? design.
The results of these analyses shall be used to perform
preliminary flexural design of hinging members and to
determine the displacement of the structure. To take
advantage of the higher R Factors in Table,
displacement capacities shall be verified using two-
dimensional nonlinear static (pushover) analyses in the
principal structural directions. Design forces on
substructure elements may be reduced below those

Third Draft 3-48 March 2, 2001



obtained for the 3% in 75-year event divided the the R-

Factor, but not lower than 70% of these forces nor the 50%
in 75-year forces and only if the displacement capacity of
the element is satisfied as part of the pushover analysis. If
column sizes are reduced as part of a force redistribution
process in the pushover analysis then the elastic analysis
used as the basis of the design process shall reflect the
final sizing of the substructure members. Capacity design
principles of Article shall be used to design the
foundations and for column shear design. SDAP E is
required when owner approved ERE are used that have
inelastic action that cannot be inspected.

This design procedure shall consist of the following steps:

Step 1 - Perform Steps 1 through 4 for SDAP

D except that the appropriate R factors from
Tables and shall be
Step 2 - Perform a Displacement Capacity
Verification analysis using the procedures
described in Article If sufficient
displacement capacity exists the substructure
design forces may be further reduced from
those at Stem 1, but not less than 70% of the
Stem 1 forces nor less than design forces from
the 50% in 75-year event. If column sizes are
reduced, repeat Step 2 of SDAP D and these
displacements shall be used in repeat of this
step in SDAP E.
Step 3 - Perform Steps 5 and 6 for SDAP D. RESPONSE MODIFICATION FACTORS

Structures that are designed using SDAP D or E shall

use the response modification factors defined in this article. General C3.

To apply the response modification factors specified These Specifications recognize that it is uneconomical
herein, the structural details shall satisfy the provisions of to design a bridge to resist large earthquakes elastically.
Articles, 5.10.11, and and Section 6. Columns are assumed to deform inelastically where
Except as noted herein, seismic design force effects for seismic forces exceed their design level, which is
flexural design of the primary plastic hinges in established by dividing the elastically computed force
substructures shall be determined by dividing the force effects by the appropriate R -factor. Most other elements of
effects resulting from elastic analysis by the appropriate the ERS are designed by capacity design procedures for
response modification factor, R , as given by the maximum forces that can be developed by plastic
hinges in the columns or the elastic forces from the
T analysis.
R 1 RB 1 RB The most important R-Factor is that of the supporting
T* substructure. Since a bridge closely approximates a single-
where R B is given in Table, T is the period degre-of-freedom (SDOF) system, the design process is
of vibration and T* = 1.25 Ts, where Ts is defined in Figure schematically shown Figure C2.5.6-2 and discussed in C2.5.6. There has been a considerable amount of
research over the past ten years on the relationship

Third Draft 3-49 March 2, 2001



between the ductility demand of a SDOF system and its

design strength. For example, if we assume an element
has a displacement ductility capacity m at a given value, we
would like to know the design force necessary to ensure
that this ductility is not exceeded. A good overview of this
issue can be found in ATC-18 (1997), which summarizes
the work of Mirander and Bertero (1996), Nasser and
Krawinkler (1991) and Chang and Mander (1994) Figure
C3. shows a smoothed relationship (Mirander
and Bertero, 1996) between the ductility factor m and R for
two sites. Note that R is less than m for periods less than
one second and hence the need for the short period
modifier on R given by Equation

Figure C3. Comparison of Mean Strength-

Reduction Factors of Rock and Alluvium Sites
with Regression Analysis

The R-Factors of Table were based on an

evaluation of existing test data of structural components,
parameter studies that were performed in conjunction with
the development of these provisions and engineering
judgment. The Project Team first reviewed the test data on
reinforced concrete columns (Taylor and Stone, 1993;
Hose, Silvan and Sieble, 1999) to establish the range of
ductility capacity that could be relied upon. This was in the
range of 6-10 for well-detailed columns, depending on the
range of design parameters (e.g., axial load, longitudinal
and confinement reinforcement, etc.). The parameter study
associated with the development of this criteria showed that
there were only a limited number of instances where use of
an R-Factor greater than 6 would not be limited either by
the minimum longitudinal steel requirement of 0.8% in
concrete columns or the P-D requirements of Article As a consequence the R-Factor for concrete
and steel columns was set at 6 for SDAP E with a provision
that the design forces could be further reduced (not lower
than 70%) provided the displacement capacity of the
element was satisfied in the pushover analysis.

Third Draft 3-50 March 2, 2001




Performance Objective
Substructure Element Life Safety Operational
Wall Piers – larger dimension 2 3 1 1.5
Columns – Single and Multiple 4 6 1.5 2.5
Pile Bents and Drilled Shafts – 4 6 1.5 2.5
Vertical Piles – above ground
Pile Bents and Drilled Shafts – Vertical Piles – 2 diameters 1 1.5 1 1
below ground level-No owners approval required.
Pile Bents and Drilled Shafts – Vertical Piles – in ground - N/A 2.5 N/A 1.5
Owners approval required.
Pile Bents with Batter Piles N/A 2 N/A 1.5
Seismically Isolated Structures 1.5 1.5 1 1.5
Steel Braced Frame – Ductile Components 3 4.5 1 1.5
Steel Braced frame – Nominally Ductile Components 1.5 2 1 1
All Elements for expected Earthquake 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.9

1. The substructure design forces resulting from the elastic analysis divided by the appropriate R-Factor for SDAP
E cannot be reduced below 70% at these R-Factor reduced forces as part of the pushover analysis.
2. There maybe design situations (e.g architecturally oversized columns) where a designer opts to design the
column for an R=1.0 (i.e. elastic design). In concrete columns the associated elastic design shear force may be
obtained from the elastic analysis forces using an R-Factor of 0.67 or by calculating the design shear by
capacity design procedures using a flexural overstrength factor of 1.0. In steel braced frames if an R=1.0 is
used the connection design forces shall be obtained using an R=0.67. If an R=1.0 is used in any design the
foundations shall be designed for the elastic forces plus the SDR 2 detailing requirements are required for
concrete piles. (i.e. minimum shear requirements). – Article
3. Unless specifically stated, the R factors apply to both steel and concrete.
4. N/A in this case means that owners approval is required and thus SDAP E is required to use this design option.



Connection All

Superstructure to abutment .8
Expansion joints within a span of
the superstructure .8
Columns, piers, or pile bents to
cap beam or superstructure .8

Columns or piers to foundations .8

Note: These factors are not intended for those cases where
capacity design principles are used to design the

Third Draft 3-51 March 2, 2001



A wall-type concrete pier may be analyzed as a single Wall-type piers may be treated as wide columns in the
column in the weak direction if all the provisions for strong direction, provided the appropriate R-factor in this
columns, as specified in Section 5, are satisfied. direction is used. CAPACITY DESIGN C3.10.4.8 General C3.

Capacity design principles require that those elements not The objective of these provisions for conventional
participating as part of the primary energy dissipating design is that inelastic deformation (plastic hinging) occurs
system (flexural hinging in columns), such as column shear, at the location in the columns (top and/or bottom) where
joints and cap beams, spread footings, pile caps and they can be readily inspected and/or repaired. To achieve
foundations be “capacity protected”. This is achieved by this objective all members connected to the columns, the
ensuring the maximum moment and shear from plastic shear capacity of the column and all members in the load
hinges in the columns (overstrength) can be dependably path from the superstructure to the foundation, shall be
resisted by adjoining elements. capable of transmitting the maximum (overstrength) force
Exception: Elastic design of all substructure elements effects developed by plastic hinges in the columns. The
(Article, seismic isolation design (Article exceptions to the need for capacity design of connecting and in the transverse direction of a column when elements is when all substructure elements are designed
a ductile diaphragm is used. elastically (Article, seismic isolation design
(Article and in the transverse direction of
columns when a ductile diaphragm is used. Inelastic Hinging Forces C3.

Inelastic hinges shall form before any other failure The principles of capacity design require that the strength of
due to overstress or instability in the structure and/or in those members that are not part of the primary energy
the foundation. Except for pile bents and drilled shafts, dissipating system be stronger than the overstrength
and with owners’ approval, inelastic hinges shall only be capacity of the primary energy dissipating members—that
permitted at locations in columns where they can be is, the columns with hinges at their member ends.
readily inspected and/or repaired.
Superstructure and substructure components and their This clause permits three approaches of increasing
connections to columns that are designed not to yield shall sophistication (but also of increasing effort to conduct) for
be designed to resist overstrength moments and shears of assessing the overstrength capacity of reinforced concrete
yielding members. Except for the geotechnical aspects of columns. See Article for foundation design in
design of foundations in SDR 3, the moment overstrength SDR 3.
capacity (Mpo) of column/pier/pile members that form part of Overstrength factors applied to nominal moment
the primary mechanism resisting seismic loads shall be capacities are a simplified method for determining flexural
assessed using one of the following approaches: overstrength. For reinforced concrete columns, detailed
calculations of overstrength factors for a variety of column
Mpo = 1.5 Mn. for concrete columns properties (Mander, Dutta and Goel (1997)) ranged from
= 1.2 Mn for steel columns 1.25 to 1.50. A conservative default value of 1.5 is specified
= 1.3 Mn for concrete filled steel tubes for the first approach but a designer can calculate a more
= 1.5 Mn for steel piles in weak axis bending and precise project specific value using one of the remaining
for steel members in shear (e.g. eccentrically two approaches.
braced frames) For the second approach, the flexural moment
overstrength capacity (Mpo) of reinforced concrete
where Mn is the nominal moment strength in which column/pier/pile members that form part of the primary
expected yield strengths are used for steel mechanism resisting seismic loads may be assessed
members (Article 6.15.2) using the simplified plastic moment-axial load interaction
formula method developed in Mander, Dutta and Goel
For reinforced concrete columns the plastic analysis (1997) – See Article It is recommended that for
approach given by Article this approach f’co for concrete be assumed to be 1.7f’c and
Third Draft 3-52 March 2, 2001

fyo of steel be 1.3fy
For reinforced concrete columns a compatibility When assessing overstrength capacity of flexural
section analysis, taking into account the expected members using the third approach, compatibility section
strengths of the materials and the confined concrete analysis (i.e the moment-curvature method), it is important
properties and the strain hardening effects of the to differentiate between overstrength resulting from the
longitudinal reinforcement. response of the section to high curvature demands, and
overstrength resulting from upper bound material
These overstrength moments and associated shear properties.
forces, calculated on the basis of inelastic hinging at For example, in the case of reinforced concrete
overstrength, shall be taken as the extreme seismic forces columns, confined concrete will have enhanced capacity
that the bridge is capable of d eveloping. Typical methods of and reinforcing steel will strain harden at high plastic
applying capacity design at a bent in the longitudinal and curvatures. This will result in increased flexural capacity of
transverse directions are shown in Figure the column that will be captured by a moment curvature
analysis that considers these factors. In addition,
reinforcing steel can have a higher than nominal yield p oint,
and concrete is likely to be stronger than specified and will
gain strength with age beyond the 28 day specified strength.
It has been recommended that for the purpose of a rigorous
calculation that f’co for concrete be assumed to be 1.7f’c
and fyo of steel be 1.3fy. In this case the overstrength
moment is taken at the design curvature from the moment
curvature analysis (ATC, 1996).
For structural steel, fyo may be taken as 1.2Fye where
Fye is the expected yield strength considering the likelihood
that higher than nominal strength steel will be used. The
plastic section modulus should be used in overstrength
moment calculations for steel members.

Third Draft 3-53 March 2, 2001



Column shear forces and design moments in the

superstructure, bent caps, and the foundation structure
shall be calculated for the two principal axes of a column
and in the weak direction of a pier or bent as follows:

Step 1. Determine the column overstrength

moment capacities. For reinforced concrete
columns, use an overstrength factor given in
Article times the nominal moment. The
nominal moment for steel members is
calculated using the expected yield strengths of
Article 6.15.2. For both materials use the
maximum elastic column axial load from Section added to the column dead load.
Column overstrength moments should be
distributed to the connecting structural elements.
(Exception: when calculating the design forces
for the geotechnical aspects of foundations in
SDR 3, use an overstrength factor of 1.0 on the
nominal moment.)

Step 2. Using the column overstrength

moments, calculate the corresponding column
shear force assuming a quasi-static condition.
For flared columns designed to be monolithic
with the superstructure or with isolation gaps
less than required by Article, the
shear shall be calculated as the greatest shear
obtained from using:

a) The overstrength moment at both the top of

the flare and the top of the foundation with
the appropriate column height.
b) The overstrength moment at both the
bottom of the flare and the top of the
foundation with the reduced column height.
This conservative requirement to calculate the
If the foundation of a column is significantly capacity design shear force will be adequate if fixity of the
below ground level, the column height for the column occurs any time in the future. If a concrete traffic
capacity shear force shall be based on the mud barrier could reduce the fixity at the column then the
height down to the barrier should be considered in the
or ground line, not the top of the foundation.
shear force calculation.
For pile bents or drilled shafts, the length of the pile or
drilled shaft shall be not lower than the ground line for the
purpose of calculating the shear force.

The forces corresponding to a single column hinging are:

Axial Forces —unreduced maximum and mini-

mum seismic axial load of Article plus
the dead load.

Third Draft 3-54 March 2, 2001



Moments—those calculated in Step 1.

Shear Force—that calculated in Step 2. Bents with Two or More Columns

The forces for bents with two or more columns shall be

calculated both in the plane of the bent and perpendicular
to the plane of the bent. Perpendicular to the plane of the
bent the forces shall be calculated as for single columns in
Article In the plane of the bent the forces shall
be calculated as follows:

Step 1. Determine the column overstrength

moment capacities. Use an overstrength factor of
1.5 on the nominal strength for reinforced concrete
and 1.2 on the nominal strength calculated using
the expected yield strength for structural steel. For
both materials use the axial load corresponding to
the dead load. (Exception: When calculating the
design forces for the geotechnical aspects of
foundations in SDR 3 use an overstrength factor of
1.0 on the nominal moment.

Step 2. Using the column overstrength moments

calculate the corresponding column shear forces.
Sum the column shears of the bent to determine
the maximum shear force for the bent. Note that, if
a partial-height wall exists between the columns,
the effective column height is taken from the top of
the wall. For flared columns and foundations below
ground level see Article - Step 2. For
pile bents the length of pile from the pile cap to the
mud or ground line shall be used to calculate the
shear force.

Step 3. Apply the bent shear force to the top of the

bent (center of mass of the superstructure above
the bent) and determine the axial forces in the
columns due to overturning when the column
overstrength moments are developed.

Step 4. Using these column axial forces combined

with the dead load axial forces, determine revised
column overstrength moments. With the revised
overstrength moments calculate the column shear
forces and the maximum shear force for the bent.
If the maximum shear force for the bent is not
within 10% of the value previously determined, use
this maximum bent shear force and return to Step

The forces in the individual columns in the plane of a

Third Draft 3-55 March 2, 2001



bent corresponding to column hinging, are:

Axial Forces—the maximum and minimum axial

load is the dead load plus, or minus, the axial
load determined from the final iteration of Step

Moments—the column overstrength plastic

moments corresponding to the maximum
compressive axial load specified in (1) with an
overstrength factor specified in Article
(1.5 on the nominal moment for reinforced
concrete and 1.2 on the nominal moment u sing
expected yield strengths for structural steel).
Exception: An overstrength factor of 1.0 is
required for geotechnical design forces in SDR

Shear Force—the shear force corresponding to

the final column overstrength moments in Step 4
above. Capacity Design Forces

Design forces for columns and pile bents shall be

determined using the provisions of Article
and/or (b). Design forces for pier walls in the weak direction
shall be determined using the provisions of Article The capacity design forces for the shear
design of individual columns, pile bents or drilled shafts
shall be those determined using Article and/or
(b). The capacity design forces for the connection of the
column to the foundation, cap beam or superstructure shall
be the axial forces, moments and shears determined using
the provisions of Article and/or (b). The
bearing supporting a superstructure shall be capable of
transferring the shear forces determined using the
provisions of Article and/or (b) in both the
longitudinal and transverse directions. The capacity design
forces for superstructure design (Article shall be
the shear forces and where appropriate the moments of
Article and/or (b). The abutment forces
associated with the superstructure design shall be the
elastic forces from the analysis. PLASTIC HINGE ZONES C3.10.3.9

Columns, pile bents/caissons and piles that participate in

the ERS will have plastic hinges occurring and special
detailing in these zones is specified in Sections 5 and 6. The
plastic hinge zones defined below cover the potential range
of locations where a plastic hinge may occur.

Third Draft 3-56 March 2, 2001


SPECIFICATIONS COMMENTARY Top Zone of Columns, Pile Bents and Drilled


For concrete and steel columns, pile bents and drilled

shafts the plastic hinge zone at the top of the member is
defined as the length of the member below the soffit of the
superstructure for monolithic construction and below the
soffit of girders or cap beams for bents. The plastic hinge
zone length shall be the maximum of the following.

The maxim um cross-sectional dimension of a

reinforced concrete column
One sixth of the clear height of a reinforced
concrete column
One eighth of the clear height of a steel column
For reinforced concrete columns the following
additional criteria are applicable

D cot q + 12 tanq )
1.5 0.08 M V + 4400e y d b )
M V 1 - M y M po )
D = transverse column dimension in
direction of bending
T = principal crack angle from Eqn.
ey = yield strain of longitudinal
db = longitudinal bar diameter
M = maximum column moment
V = maximum column shear
My = column yield moment
Mpo = column plastic overstrength

For flared columns the plastic hinge zone shall

extend from the top of the column to a distance
equal to the maximum of the above criteria
below the bottom of the flare. Bottom Zone of a Column Above a Footing or

Above an Oversized In-ground Drilled Shaft

The plastic hinge zone above the top of the footing of a

column or a drilled shaft designed so that the maximum
moment is above ground shall be the maximum of the items
given in unless the footing or the transition
between in- ground and above ground drilled shafts is
below the ground level in which case it shall extend from
the top of the footing or the transition between the two
shafts to a distance above the mud or ground line equal to
the maximum of the items given in

Third Draft 3-57 March 2, 2001


SPECIFICATIONS COMMENTARY Bottom Zone of Pile Bents and Drilled


The plastic hinge zone at the bottom of a pile bent or a

uniform diameter drilled shaft/caisson shall extend a
distance above the mud or ground line equal to the
maximum of the items specified in to a distance
10D below the mud or ground line or 15 ft. whichever is
greater. It need not exceed 3D below the point of maximum
moment. If scour or liquefaction may occur it shall extend a
distance of 3D below the mean scour depth or 3D below
the lowest liquefiable layer. If a drilled shaft has an
oversized in-ground shaft the top 10D of the oversized
shaft shall treated like the Zone of a pile below the pile cap. Zone of a Pile Below the Pile Cap

It shall extend a depth equal to 10D below the pile cap or

15ft whichever is greater. It need not exceed 3D below
the point of maximum moment. If scour or liquefaction
may occur the zone shall extend to 3D below the mean
scour depth or 3D below the lowest liquefiable layer. MINIMUM DISPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS C3.10.3.10 General C3.

For this section, displacement is the displacement at

the center of mass for a pier or bent in the transverse or
longitudinal direction determined from the seismic analysis. Minimum Seat Width Requirement C3.

The seat width shall not be less than (1) 1.5 times the Unseating of girders at abutments and piers must be
displacement of the superstructure at the seat according to avoided in all circumstances. The current Division I-A
Equation (; or (2): requirement for minimum seat width is:

N 0.20 0.0017 L 0.0067 H

B 2 1 1.25Fv S1
N 0. 10 0. 0017L 0.007H 0. 05 H 1 2 for seismic performance catergories A and B. The seat
L cos a
width is multiplied by 1.5 for SPC C and D. The seat width
( is further multiplied by 1/cos to account for skew effects.
where, The current expression gives reasonable minimum seat
widths, but it is modified herein for larger seismic zones.
L is the distance between joints in meters The requirement for minimum seat width accounts for
H is the tallest pier between the joints in meters (1) relative displacement due to out-of-phase ground
B is the width of the superstructure in meters motion of the piers, (2) rotation of pier footings, and (3)
is the skew angle longitudinal and transverse deformation of the pier. The
current expression provides reasonable estimates of the
The ratio B/L need not be taken greater than 3/8. first two effects, but underestimates the third. The
maximum deformation demand is given by the P–
limitation because P– generally controls the
displacement of the piers. The capacity spectrum gives:

Third Draft 3-58 March 2, 2001



æ FS ö
Cs=ç v 1 ÷ g
è 2pB ø
and the P– limitation is:
Cs > 4
Combining the two expressions gives the maximum
displacement when P– controls:
H Fv S1
Assuming B=1.4, with moderate ductility capacity, the
longitudinal displacement limit in meter units is
s 0.18 H FvS1 .

Transverse displacement of a pier supporting a span with

fixed bearing and a span with a longitidinal release will
result in additional seat displacement. The seat
displacement at the edge of the span with the longitudinal
release is 2 s B / L . Combining the seat displacement due
to longitudinal and transverse displacement of the pier
using the SRSS combination rule gives the pier
displacement contribution to seat width as:
B 2
N 0.18 H 1 2 Fv S1
For Fv S1 0.40 the coefficent is 0.072. Because transverse
displacement of a pier is limited by "arching" of the
superstructure, the maximum of B/L=3/8 is reasonable for
determing the seat displacement.

Using this approach, the minimum seat width in

( is a linear function of the seismic hazard,
Fv S1 . The factor on seat width varies from unity for
Fv S1 0 to 1.5 for Fv S1 0.40 . The factor for Fv S1 0.80 is
2.0. The coefficient for the pier deformation term provides a
contribution to the seat width for Fv S1 0.40 of:

B 2
N 0.075 H 1 2
which is close the to value from the the P- analysis. The
constant term is reduced from 0.20 to 0.10 because the pier
deformation is included directly.

Equation ( provides seat width that are slightly

larger than the Division I-A requirement for low seismic
zones and larger seat widths for Fv S1 0.80 are larger by a
factor of 1.5 to 1.8. Displacement Compatibility C3.

All components that are not designed to resist seismic Certain components may be designed to carry only
loads must have deformation capacity sufficient to transfer dead and live loads (e.g. bearings, non-participating bents,

Third Draft 3-59 March 2, 2001



non-seismic loads. etc.). Other components are non-structural, but their failure
would be unacceptable or could result in structural
problems (e.g. large diameter water pipes that could erode
away soils if they failed). Under seismic loads these
components must deform to remain compatible with their
connections. The purpose of this section is to require a
check that the non-seismic load resisting components have
sufficient deformation capacity under seismically induced
displacements of the bridge. P-? Requirements C3.

The displacement of a pier or bent in the longitudinal Structures subject to earthquake ground motion may be
and transverse direction must satisfy susceptible to instability from P-? . Inadequate strength can
result in "ratcheting" of structural displacement, with large
0.25Cs H ( residual deformation, and eventually instability. The intent
of this section is to provide a minimum strength, or
alternatively, a maximum displacement, for which P-?
where, effects will not significantly affect seismic behavior of a
Rd ( bridge.
P-? produces a negative slope in a structures' force-
displacement relationship equal to P H .
1 T* 1 *
Rd 1 for T T ( The basis for the requirement in Equation
R T R is that the maximum displacement is such that the reduction
where T* = 1.25 Ts where Ts is defined in Figure in resisting force is limited to a 25 percent reduction from, the later strength assuming no post yield stiffness:
otherwise Rd 1 ,
0.25V (C3.
is the displacement demand from the seismic H

analysis, R is the ratio between elastic lateral force and the where P is the gravity load on the substructure. Stating a
lateral strength of the pier or bent, Cs is the seismic limitation on displacement in terms of lateral strength is
coefficient based on the lateral strength, and H is the justified from dynamic analysis of SDF systems with various
height of the pier from the point of fixity for the foundation. hysteretic relationships. requirement has been shown to
If a nonlinear time history seismic analysis is performed, limit P- effects from dynamic analysis of single degree-of-
the displacement demand, , may be obtained directly from freedom systems (Mahin and Boroschek, 1991, MacRae
the analysis in lieu of Equation However, the 1994). The requirement of Equation (C3. will
displacement shall not be taken less than 0.67 of the avoid "ratching" in structures with typical post-yield stiffness.
displacement determined from an elastic response
spectrum analysis. The lateral strength can be expressed in terms of the
seismic coefficient, C s V / W , which upon substitution into
(C3. gives:

0.25Cs H (C3.

where W is the weight of the bridge responding to horizontal

earthquake ground motion. For bridges in which the weight
responding to horizontal ground motion is equal to gravity
load on the substructure, Equation C3. gives

However, bridges with abutments may have a W P ratio

greater than unity if the abutments do not deform

Third Draft 3-60 March 2, 2001



significantly, thus reducing P- effects because a portion of

the gravity load is resisted by the abutments. The Engineer
may consider using Equation C3. with W P 2
when such an assumption is documented.

Equation can also be stated as a minimum

seismic coefficient to avoid P- effects.

Cs 4 (C3.

In the short period range, the equal displacement rule

does not apply. Inelastic displacement will be greater than
the elastic displacement according to:

inelastic (C3.

in which RB is the target reduction factor and R is the ratio

of the lateral strength to the elastic force according to
Article Substitution of Equation into
C3. gives Equation Minimum Displacement Requirements for C3.
Lateral Load Resisting Piers and Bents

For SDAP E the displacement capacity from the The requirement in this section is based on the “equal
Displacement Capacity Verification must be greater than displacement rule”, that is the maximum displacement from
the displacement demand according to the following dynamic analysis with a linear model using cracked section
requirement: properties is approximately equal to the maximum
displacement for the yielding structure – Figure C2.5.6-2.
1.5 capacity
The factor of 1.5 on the displacement demand
recognizes the approximations in the modeling for the
where the is defined in Article and seismic analysis. Furthermore, the demand analysis iis
performed for a model of the entire bridge including three-
capacity is the maximum displacement capacity.
dimensional effects. However, the displacement capacity
verification is done using a two-dimensional pushover
analysis on individual bents. Since the relationship between
the two methods of analysis is not well-established, the
factor of 1.5 represents a degree of conservatism to
account the lack of a rigorous basis for comparing
displacement demand and capacity.
For very regular bridges satisfying the requirements for
SDAP C in Article, the displacement requirement
implied in the capacity spectrum approach does not include
the 1.5 factor.
When a nonlinear dynamic analysis is performed the
displacement demand may not be taken less than 0.67
times the demand from a elastic response spectrum
analysis, nor may the displacement capacity be taken
greater than the capacity from the Displacement Capacity

Third Draft 3-61 March 2, 2001



There may be instances where a designer chooses to

design all of the substructure supports elastically (i.e.,
R=1.0 for all substructures) or in some cases a limited
number of substructure elements are designed elastically All Substructure Supports are Designed C3.

The elastic design forces for all elements are obtained If all the supporting substructures elements (columns, piers,
from SDAP D using either an R=1.0 or 0.8 as specified in pile bents) are designed elastically, there will be no
Table The design force for any elements redistribution of lateral loads due to plastic hinges
that could result in a brittle mode at failure (e.g., shear in developing in one or more columns. As a consequence the
concrete columns and pile bents, connections in braced elastic analysis results are appropriate for design. The
frames) shall use an R-Factor of 0.67 with the elastic recommended provisions attempt to prevent any brittle
force. As an alternate to the use of the elastic forces, all modes of failure from occurring.
elements connected to the column can be designed
using the capacity design procedures of Article
using an overstrength ratio of 1.0 times the nominal
moment capacities. Selected Substructure Supports are C3.

Designed Elastically

If selected substructure supports are designed elastically If only one or a selected number of supporting substructure
then the moment demand can be established using an elements are designed elastically, there will be a significant
R=1.0 from the SDAP D analysis. The column or pile redistribution of lateral loads when one or more of the
bent shear force and all connecting elements shall be columns develop plastic hinges. Generally, the elastically
designed using the capacity design procedures of Article designed elements will attract more lateral load. Hence the or the requirements of Article need to either use capacity design principles for all
Exception: The component design procedures of Article elements connected to the elastically designed column. If may be used, provided the SDAP D analytical this is not practical, the complete bridge needs to be
model uses the secant modulus of columns that are not reanalyzed using the secant stiffness of any columns in
designed elastically. The secant stiffness of the columns which plastic hinges will form in order to capture the
shall be based on the elastic displacements from an redistribution of lateral loads that will occur.
iterated analysis. SUPERSTRUCTURE SEISMIC DESIGN C3.10.3.12

The provisions of this section apply in SDAP C, D and E for

SDR 4, 5, and 6. Unless noted otherwise these provisions
apply to both levels of earthquake. General C3. General

The superstructure shall either be capacity-protected, such Capacity-protection or elastic design of the superstructure is
that inelastic response is confined to the substructure or required to reduce the possibility of earthquake induced
designed for the elastic seismic forces of the 3% in 75-year damage in the superstructure. It is generally felt that such
event. If capacity protection is used, the overstrength forces damage is not easily repairable and may jeopardize the
developed in the piers and the elastic forces at the vertical load-carrying capability of the superstructure.
abutments shall be used to define the forces that the
superstructure must resist. In addition to the earthquake The elastic forces from the 3% in 75-year event may be
forces, the other applicable forces for the Extreme Event used in lieu of capacity-protecting the superstructure,
combination shall be used. The combined action of the because their use will typically satisfy the performance
vertical loads and the seismic loads shall be considered. objective for the design level ground motion.
The superstructure shall remain essentially elastic using
nominal properties of the members under the overstrength When the superstructure can effectively span transversely

Third Draft 3-62 March 2, 2001


forces or elastic forces corresponding to the 3% in 75-year between abutments as a diaphragm, then the resistance of
earthquake, whichever are selected by the designer. the intermediate piers may not contribute significantly to the
lateral resistance. In such cases, the elastic forces for the
design earthquake should be used for the design of the
superstructure lateral capacity. However, when designed in
this manner, the superstructure could be vulnerable in
earthquakes that produce shaking at the site that is larger
than the design ground motion. If the maximum resistances
of the abutments are defined, then they may be used to
define the maximum forces in the superstructure, as an
alternate to the use of the elastic seismic forces. Load Paths C3. Load Paths

Load paths for resistance of inertial forces, from the point of The path of resistance for the seismic loads should be
origin to the points of resistance, shall be engineered. clearly defined, and the mechanisms for resistance
Positive connections between elements that are part of the engineered to accommodate the expected forces. In
earthquake resisting system (ERS) shall be provided. general, the seismic forces in the superstructure should be
Article contains additional requirements. Bridges those corresponding to a plastic mechanism (yielding
with a series of multi – simple spans cannot use the elements at their respective overstrength conditions) or the
abutments to resist longitudinal forces from spans other elastic demand analysis forces. The load path in the
than the two end spans. Longitudinal forces from interior superstructure should be designed to accommodate these
spans may only be transferred to the abutments when the forces elastically.
superstructure is continuous.
Where non-seismic constraints preclude the use of certain
connection elements, alternate positive connections should
be made. For instance, non-composite action is often used
in the negative moment regions of continuous steel plate
girders. Consequently, studs are not present to transfer
inertial loads from the deck to the diaphragm. In such
cases, the girder pad portion of the deck slab could be
extended beside the girder flange to provide a bearing

Longitudinal forces may only be transferred to the abutment

by a continuous superstructure. If a series of simple spans
are used the seismic loads must be resisted at each
substructure location. Effective Superstructure Width C3. Effective Superstructure Width

The width of superstructure that is effective in resisting In the case of longitudinal seismic force resistance, the
longitudinal seismic forces is dependent on the ability of the piers will receive loads at the connection points between the
piers and abutments to effectively resist such forces. In the superstructure and substructure. For longitudinal loading
case of longitudinal moment transfer from the the primary load path from the superstructure to the pier is
superstructure to the substructure, the pier cap beam shall along the girder or web lines. To effectively transfer these
be designed to resist forces transferred at the connection forces to the substructure, connections to the piers should
locations with the substructure. If such resistance is not be made close to the girder or web lines. This requires that
provided along the cap beam, then a reduced effective the cap beam of the pier in a single- or multi-column bent
superstructure width shall be used. This width shall be the should be capable of resisting the effects of these forces,
sum of the column width along the transverse axis and the including shears, moments, and torsion.
superstructure depth for open-soffit superstructures (e.g. I-
girder bridges) or the column width plus twice the In the case of longitudinal moment (moment about the
superstructure depth for box girders and solid superstructure transverse axis) transferred between super-
superstructures. The effective width is to be taken and substructure, significant torsion may develop in the cap
transverse to the column at the pier and may be assumed beam of the pier. The designer may chose to resist the
to increase at a 45-degree angle as one moves along the longitudinal moment directly at the column locations and
Third Draft 3-63 March 2, 2001

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