Impact of Mobile Phone On Youth A Psycho Social Study
Impact of Mobile Phone On Youth A Psycho Social Study
Impact of Mobile Phone On Youth A Psycho Social Study
Media technology has become integral part of children’s lives in the twenty-first century. The world
of electronic media is changing with a fast pace. After television it has joined by many other media
resources like cell phones (mobile), iPods, video games, messaging, social networks sites and e-mail.
Recently from an Indian study of Mahakud and Bhola (2014) found that more male participants usage
social networking especially through mobile than to their female counterpart in a study. The results
especially indicate that higher age group peoples, particularly female participants more than to the
lower age group. Similarly the comparison between age group of participants the present study
indicates that higher age group usage more time mass media especially mobile, Internet and other
media than to the younger age group. From the present study it can be concluded that, although the
usage of mass media has positive effects on wellbeing of users still, the negative effects of mass media
cannot be neglected. With knowing the ethical guidelines and decent usage of mass media can be
more effective for the users especially for adolescent and youth.
Mobile phone is an important part of individual’s life. It is a two way process of communicating
ideas, knowledge and concepts. It includes various age groups like children, adolescents and elder.
Among them adolescents required more information related with various field with the help of mobile
phone. Many a time’s people get affected by exaggeration and ignore reality, which impact their life
style and relationship as well. In present scenario electronic gadgets (mobile phone) are being used
more than earlier. Adolescentes media use has explore. Parents are worried that youth are drowning in
messages about sex, smoking, drinking, goods which are used by consumer, and a host of other
behaviours and products that threaten their health and well-being. The innovations coming from the
revolution in information and communication technology (ICT) are redefining the contours of human
existence at physical, social, and psychological planes. The presence of gadgets such as mobile phone,
television (TV), personal computer (PC), lap top, Internet, and I Pod are reorganizing life experiences
in terms of time, space, and efficiency. The consequences of these interventions are resulting in
changes in mental habits, pattern of time use, quality and nature of social interaction, and well-being.
50 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
At societal level institutions like banking, travel, schooling, health care, and official/bureaucratic
processing of information in different walks of life are organizing live in newer ways. At individual
level people are feeling empowered. By amplifying human capacity, enhancing performance, and
facilitating various goals these technologies are shaping the motives, emotions, and choices in
significant ways. Indeed they are deeply entrenched in today’s lives in urban India. The consequences
are, however, not free from problems. They are interfering with many activities in the life world and
their fruitful integration with personal, family, and organizational domains often become problematic.
There are indications that greater use of these gadgets (mobile phone) leads to increase in individual
level psychopathology (e.g. loneliness, attention-deficits, and poor interpersonal relationship),
disruptions in family functioning, and poor work-life balance. Unrealistic aspirations, consumerist
orientation, over concern for body image, and preference for materialistic possessions are often
reported to dominate their lives. Such consequences have implications for parenting, schooling and
social policy.
Researches on media have been going on from last 50 years and still continue. We can look for the
history and evaluate this in 3 stages. First phase includes 18th century to late 19th century. The
development was done in North America and Europe leading to shape opinion and believes against
resistance. Second stage continues from 1940 to the early 1960 which shaped by mass communication
growth research in US. The application about the effects of mass communication was also formed in
this stage.
The ICT enabled print, electronic and internet media and social networking sites along with mobiles
phones and their technological convergence have brought revolutionary changes in the human minds
at all levels. Accompanied by the competitive pressures, such a rapidly changing world has not only
brought opportunities, but also the daunting challenges and high risks particularly for the Indian youth
struggling for day to day life with self-esteem. The consequent changes as observed through different
modes of media as said above have brought dramatic changes in psycho-social, economic, political
and cultural realms. It therefore, must be recognized that media placed in market perspective and the
circulation of its products including texts, images, sounds, spaces, artefacts, technologies and
discourses have set the stage for a new reality. It is not only more complex but has also grown
competitive and challenging. Thus the mobile phone has to redefine its role as a vehicle of
information, expression of the existing socio-economic and political realities of the country and a
voice of the poor, weakest and excluded, if it has to creatively and positively affect the psycho-social
well-being of the youth so that they can effectively contribute to the welfare of this country.
Pen, paper, phone calls, Facebook, twitter and other social networking sites all are communication
media can alleviate or intensify the threats of teenager’s life simultaneously and direct and indirect
manner. In these days media (mobile phone) has gain its strength as it has the potential to eliminate
anxieties through various support system in the field of education. As in schools there are audio-visual
system help student in gaining better knowledge and good understanding about study material. Thus
media give chance to community to look at various things by maintaining the process of
communication. People get to know what is happening in society related with development (Boyed,
As there is a positive side of media, there is negative side also present. Everybody evaluate media
from their perspective. Teacher, parents, and other adults see mobile phone role in teen’s life from
their perspective. Some have optimistic view as they see potential benefits on learning and creativity.
Some people see its negative impact in terms of social life and emotional well-being.
51 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
2. Review of Literature
2.1 Cell phone
With the growing number of mobiles, the behavioral aspects have sweeping effects on the lives of
individual. The phenomenologies of individuals in social and personal spheres have also changed a lot.
The individual present and equipped with a mobile is split into two, they are present in body but their
attention, mind and senses are drawn elsewhere with a ring by their communication network. People are
not very sure of their own accessibility at a place at a given point of time as a ring from virtual
communication may require his/her presence to a different location that too within no time. What actually
happens that people decide is to prefer their own life-styles are navigated to depend on a sense of
belonging determined by others. What affects in actuality is that our sense of loyalty to places, persons,
sense of identification, familiarity, stability, and security so on is compromised to a large extent. It has
been found that People are spending less and less time with engaging intrapersonal and interpersonal
activities and this same nostalgia feeling has also become considerably drawn with advent of mobile
The debate on the influence of mass-media on the behavior and development of young children. Three
widely accepted theories relating to this, the impact of media on young children’s behavior and
Fixed phones entered the people’s home without any difference of race, language, economic status.
Mobile phones are being affected in finding the lost people’s location and so do for mobile. Whereas
the fixed phone telephone directory describes name, surname, profession, locality enabling the new-
corner to city to know people of their interest. The situation has become particularly deplorable that a
whole lot of cynicism has grown around our inter-personal social relations where people frequently
tell lies to other persons whom they try to avoid. It is not very surprising to mention that a person
sitting at home in Delhi may respond to other person that I have been to Shimla or Mumbai.
The study of Korgaonkar, &Wolin, (1999) also found that higher age group adolescents view more
time mass media than to the lower age group teen agers. In contrary Greenberg, & Dominick, (1969)
stated that teen agers usage more time mass media than to the older age group especially teen agers
are more victimized to usage of social networking than to youth and older people (Pfeil, Arjan, and
Zaphiris, 2009).
Recently from an Indian study of Mahakud and Bhola (2014) found that more male participants usage
social networking especially through mobile than to their female counterparts.
The study of Korgaonkar, & Wolin, (1999) also found that higher age group adolescents view more
time mass media than to the lower age group teen agers. On the other hand Greenberg, & Dominick,
(1969) stated that teen agers usage more time mass media than to the older age group especially teen
agers are more victimized to usage of social networking than to youth and older people (Pfeil, Arjan,
and Zaphiris, 2009).
Although some of the studies (e.g. Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe, 2007; Valenzuela, Park, Kee, 2009 and
Koroleva, Krasnova, Veltri, Günther, 2011) especially conducted in the usage of social networking
stated that, usage of social networking such as mobile phone, internet negatively affects both physical
52 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
and psychological wellbeing of both male and female participants. On the other hand, the study of
Manago, Graham, Greenfield, Salimkhan (2008) stated that due to the uses of social networking sites
female users feel stress for their physical attractiveness and sociability.
In a study Yan Yu, Wen Tian, and Vogel, et al (2010) stated that usage of mass media especially
mobile and internet for access of social networking is the process not only helps to improve the
academic performance of college adolescents, but also improve such aspects that are important in
better learning outcomes. Even today social networking plays a vital role for career selection (Mena,
Llupia, Alberto, a-Basteiro, Aldea, Sequera, V. G., &Trilla, 2012). From a study on medical students
social networking Finn et al., (2010) stated that students currently build their personal and
professional identities both on and offline.
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Objectives
1. To understand the pattern of mobile phone usage in different age group of youth.
2. To understand gender difference among using pattern.
3. To examine the impact of mobile phone and technology on habits of youth.
3.2 Sample
Three types of families representing
N = 200 high, middle and low social class
backgrounds were selected from Delhi
NCR area. A total of 200 adolescent,
young adult and youth were from
different family set up from Delhi
NCR city were participated in the
Age Group 17-23 Age Group 24-30 present study. The family set ups were
n1=94 n2=106 from both the category of nuclear and
joint/extended families (adolescents,
young adult, and youth) systems were
included following a random sampling
method. The age groups of the
Male n = 65 Female n = 29 Male n = 75 Female n = 31 participants were from the age of 17
years to 30 years of age.
Fig. 3.1: Distribution of Sample
3.3 Data Analysis
In the present study the researcher, employed a mixed method of research. The information related to
quantitative measures was collected. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were done using SPSS-
16.0 software. The quantitative analysis of the data was analyzed following mean, Standard
Deviation, and the inferential statistics followed by two way Analysis of variance ANOVA.
A total of 200 participants randomly selected for the present study. They were all belonging to two
age group 17-23 years and other were from 24 to 30 years of age. Out of total participants (N=200),
53 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
94 (47%) were from the age of 17 to 23 years of age and 106 (53%) were from the age group of 24 to
30 years of age (Table-4.1). Further according to the gender wise distribution of the participants, it is
found that from the age group of 17 to 23 years of age (n1=94), 65 (69.15%) were male followed by
29 (30.85%) were the female participants. Further, from the age group of 24-30 years of age
(n2=106), it is found that 75 (70.75%) were the male participants and 31 (29.25%) were the female
participants participated in the present study (Table-4.2).
Further, it is also found that, the mean hour of use of mobile use per day by female participants from
the age group 17- 23 years of age was 4.92±4.23 hours whereas the male participants from this age
groups mean hours of mobile use was 6.16 ±5.94. The mean hour of mobile use per day by the female
participants from the age group of 24-30 years was 7.01±5.04 hours whereas the mean hours of
mobile use per day of the male participants in this age group was 4.56±4.29 hours. The mean hours of
mobile use per day by the total female participants participated in the present study was 6.00±4.74
hours. The mean hours of total male participants participated in the present study was 5.31±5.17
hours. The results indicate that the age and gender interaction is significant (P=0.018). In this context
it can be said that female participants from the age group of 17-23 years use less hours mobile per day
than to their male counterparts, whereas from the age group of 24-30 years of age, the results is just
reverse. In other word from the higher age group female participants use more hours mobile per day
then to male. The cause might be that in the stage of youth male participants more engaged in
working life and they use the mobile phone less due to busy schedule. But from the total sample case
in this study, it is found that female use mobile more hours than to male participants (Table-4.3.2).
54 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
Table 4.3.1: Mean Difference Of Duration Of Mobile Use Per Day
Age Group Gender (I) Gender Mean Difference Std. Sig.a
(J) (I-J) Error
17-23 years Female Male -1.244 1.115 0.266
Male Female 1.244 1.115 0.266
24-30 years Female Male 2.441 1.066 0.023
Male Female -2.441 1.066 0.023
Note: Based on estimated marginal means; .a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant
Difference (equivalent to no adjustments); and *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
Table 4.3.2: Comparison of Duration of Mobile Use Per Day Between age Group
Age Group Gender Frequencies Percentage Mean Std. F-Value
Deviation Age*Gender
17-23 years Female 29 30.85 4.92 4.23
Male 65 69.15 6.16 5.94
Total 94 100 5.78 5.48
24-30 years Female 31 29.25 7.01 5.04
Male 75 70.75 4.56 4.29 5.71*
Total 106 100 5.28 4.63
Total Female 60 30 6.00 4.74
Male 140 70 5.31 5.17
Total 200 100 5.51 5.04
5. Discussion
In this context, it can be said that the impact of mass media definitely vary from person to person.
Usage of mobile phone in India is a new concept. In this regard the introduction of media (mobile
phone) and its effects on psycho-social life of the media users is really a neglected part of research.
Some of the study (e.g. Mahakud & Bhola, 2014) found the effects of mobile phone usage positively
with physical and mental health of metro adolescent population. But still it is important to found out,
usage of different mass media such as mobile, internet, TV and other media gadget and the effects of
different mass media on wellbeing of mass media users.
In this regard three types of families representing high, middle and low social class backgrounds were
selected from Delhi metro area. A total of 200 adolescent, young adult and youth were from different
family set up from Delhi metro city were participated in the present study. The family set ups were
from both the category of nuclear and joint/extended families (adolescents, young adult, and youth)
systems were included following a random sampling method. The age groups of the participants were
from the age of 17 years to 30 years of age. The descriptive results of the study indicates more male
people (n1+n2=140) participated in the present study and more participants (n2-106) were from the
age group of 24-30 years of age. The result indicates that with the increase of age, people in India
usage mass media more than to the younger population.
Mahakud and Bhola (2014) found that more male participants usage social networking especially
through mobile than to their female counterparts. Similarly the comparison between age group of
participants the present study indicates that higher age group usage more time media especially
mobile, Internet and other media than to the younger age group. The cause might be that in Indian
sector, the usage of mobile phones, internet and other media introduced after the school education
indirectly after the age of 18 years.
55 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Dr. Sunil Gupta et al. / International Journal for Research in Vol. 5, Issue: 4, June-July : 2016
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30 (IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
6. Conclusion
Usage of mobile phone and its effect on subjective wellbeing of the participants is a very recent and
emerging research especially in India. But still very few researches focus in the areas of concern.
Quantitative analysis is done with the help of SPSS software-16. Quantitative analysis revealed
positive effects of usage of different mass media gadget. It is found that, there is a significant
difference of usage of mobile phone. Elder population use media more rather than younger one. When
analyzing gender difference it is found that female (24-30) use more gadgets than males on the other
hand males among the age group of 17-23 use media and gadgets more than females of the same age
group. Thus it could conclude that higher age group use media (mobile phone) more through mobile,
internet etc. than other age group.
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