Aero Biology
Aero Biology
Aero Biology
23.1. OVERVIEW Objective: To collect air samples for subsequent microbial analysis.
Aerobiology has been defined as the study of aerosolization, aerial transmission, and deposition of
biological materials. A collection of airborne biological particles is called a bioaerosol. Bioaerosols
are generated by a wide variety of natural and human-made processes including coughing,
sneezing, wave action, splashes, wind, cooling towers, ventilation systems, etc. Inhalation,
ingestion, and dermal contact are routes of human exposure to airborne microorganisms, but
inhalation is the predominant route that results in adverse human health effects. Airborne
Legionella pneumophila, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and some pathogenic viruses are known to
be transmitted by aerosols. Asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and other respiratory illnesses
are also associated with exposure to bioaerosols.
Deterioration of building materials, offensive odors, and adverse human health effects are
associated with microbial contamination of indoor environments, such as residences, offices,
schools, health care facilities, enclosed agricultural structures (barns and crop storage areas)
industrial facilities and recycling facilities (Stetzenbach, 2003). Sources and reservoirs of
microorganisms are present within these settings, including building materials and furnishings,
pets, plants, and air-conditioning systems. Fungi, which can colonize drier surfaces than bacteria,
tend to grow in a wide variety of building materials, such as wallboard, ceiling tiles, carpeting and
vinyl flooring.
Temperature and relative humidity are the two most important factors affecting the survival of
microorganisms in the airborne state. For this reason these are usually recorded during the
collection of bioaerosols. In general, bacteria and fungi are more stressed as the rate of
evaporation increases, which occurs as relative humidity deceases and temperature increases.
Figure 23-1 37 mm polystyrene 3-piece monitoring cassette. (Photo courtesy Millipore
Increased survival is favored at higher relative humidity and lower temperatures. The effect of
relative humidity varies more with virus type with some surviving better at high relative humidity
and others better at low relative humidity.
There are three principal methods used to quantify microorganisms in the air.
A commonly used liquid impinger is the AGI-30 (ACE Glass, Vineland, NJ). The AGI-30 operates by
drawing air through the inlet and into a liquid. Any particles in the air become trapped in the
liquid, which can then be assayed for the presence of microorganisms. The AGI-30 is usually
operated at a flow rate of 12.5 liters per minutes. The AGI-30 is easy to use, inexpensive, portable,
reliable, easily sterilized, and has high biological sampling efficiency in comparison with many
other sampling devices. The usual collection volume is 20 ml, and the typical sampling time is
about 20 minutes. Longer sampling times result in too much evaporation of the liquid in the
impinger, and the inactivation or death of microorganisms in the liquid.
The impaction method separates particles from the air by utilizing the inertia of the particles to
force their deposition onto a solid or semi-solid surface. The collection surface is usually an agar
medium. The Anderson sixstage impact or sampler (Anderson Instruments Inc., Smyra, GA) consist
of six stages with decreasing nozzle diameters, so that successive stages collect progressively
smaller particles. Thus the six-stage sampler measures the cultivable bioaerosol concentrations in
specific particle size ranges.
Filtration techniques are used largely for the collection of fungi and bacterial spores because they
are desiccation resistant. Filters are usually held in disposable (although they may be reused)
plastic filter cassettes during bioaerosol sampling. Membrane filters used for sampling are usually
supplied as disks of 37- or 47 mm diameter. Because the pressure drop across a filter increases
with air velocity through the filter, the use of larger filters results in a lower pressure drop for a
given volumetric flow rate. The use of the smaller (37-mm) filter concentrates the organisms onto
a smaller total area, thus increasing the density of particles per unit area of the filter. This may be
helpful for direct microscopic examination of low concentrations of organisms. In areas of high
concentration, the organisms may have to be eluted, diluted, and then refiltered for microscopic
examination or assay. For a better quantitative measure of the air volume sampled, a limiting
orifice may be placed between the cassette and the vacuum source.
First Period
rubber or plastic tubing for connecting the impinger and cassette to the vacuum source
2 1-ml pipettes
1 10-ml pipette
gas burner
pipette bulb
vortex mixer
5. With a 1-ml pipette remove 0.5 ml of fluid from the reservoir and place 0.1 ml each on one agar
plate of either NA or TSA and spread plate the samples as described in Experiment 5. Place
another 0.1 ml on a plate of Sabouraud dextrose agar for detection of fungi.
6. With a 10 ml pipette remove 6 ml of liquid from the reservoir and pass 5 ml through a 0.45mm
membrane filter as described in Experiment 10. Place the filter on an NA or TSA plate. Repeat the
procedure, but place the membrane filter on Sabouraud dextrose agar.
11. Remove the membrane filter from the cassette with a pair of flamed forceps (see Experiment
10). And place on either a plate of NA or TSA.
12. Repeat the same procedure placing the membrane filter on plate of SDA.
1. Examine the agar plates and count the umber of bacteria (NA or TSA) and fungi (SDA)
• Leave the vacuum on for more than 10 minutes as the fluid in the AGI- 30 will decrease
significantly in volume and the bacteria in the filtration cassettes will desiccate.
Calculate the number of bacteria and fungi per cubic meter.The AGI-30 limiting orifice at the end
of the glass tube, which is submerged into the collection liquid, limits the amount of air passing
through the liquid to 12.5 liters per minute. The concentration of microorganisms is usually
reported as numbers per cubic meter of air, which is calculated as follows.
1. What are the limitations of the different methods for detection of microorganisms in air?
*Remember the volume of the liquid in the impinger may decrease during operation because of
2. Why should you not collect an air sample for more than 20 minutes with an AGI-30?
4. Why are bacterial spores and fungi more likely to be detected with a filtration cassette than
vegetative bacterial cells?
5. What types of environments would you expect to have high concentrations of bacteria in the
air? Low concentrations?
Buttner, M.P., Willeke, K., and Grinshpun, S.A. (2003) Sampling and analysis of airborne
microorganisms. In: Manual of Environmental Microbiology. C.J. Hurst, R.L. Crawford, G.R.
Knudsen, M.J. McInerney, and L.D. Stetzenbach, eds., pp. 814–826. ASM Press. Washington, DC.
Dowd, S.C., and Maier, R.M. (2000) Aerobiology. In: Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, I.L.
Pepper, and C.P. Gerba, eds. pp. 91–122. Academic Press. San Diego, CA.
Durand, K.H., Muilenberg, M.L., Burge, H.A., and Seixas, N.S. (2002) Effect of sampling time on the
culturability of airborne fungi and bacteria sampled by filtration. American Occupational Hygiene
46, 113–118.
Lundholm, I.M. (1982) Comparison of methods for quantitative determination of airborne bacteria
and evaluation of total viable counts. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 44, 179–183.
AGI-30 can be obtained from Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, NJ. Air sampling
cassettes, 37 mm filters, and vacuum pumps can be obtained from Pall Gelman Laboratory, Ann
Arbor, MI. and Millipore Corporation, Bedford, MA.