Flash 4 SB

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Published by Express Publishing

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@Jenny Dooley, 2017

Design and Illustration 0 Express Publishing, 2017

Colour Illustrations: Angela, Andrew Simons 0 Express Publishing, 2017

Music Arrangements by Taz Express Publishing, 2017

First published 2017

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ISBN 978-1-4715-5647-0

Authors' Acknowtedgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book.
Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan, Kate Taylor
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controller); the Express design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker and Christine
Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments
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Photograph Acknowledgements
Module 1: If Flash everett.www.iml.gr on p. 43

Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the
publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Kiasa (4

Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing

pp 4-15 Greetings 'Imperative

Greetings - Introducing 'Subject personal pronouns
yourself/others 'The verb to be (affirmative)
Classroom language A/An
The alphabet & Spelling 'The
Numbers (1-100)
School subjects Word cTh& (lime)
Classroom objects

Hello! ' Countries & Nationalities Possessive adjectives

'Places in a country The verb to be (negative.
pp 1649 'Seasons & Months interrogative & short answers)
Progress Check 1 pp 30-31 'Dates (ordinal numbers) How tall/How high/How big

Word When. How old. Where

Family ties Family members & Pets Have got

I' I
'Physical Appearance/ Possessive case (s/s- of the)
pp 3245 Personality Adjectives
Progress Check 2 pp 4&47 Plurals (regular - irregular)

Word Whose. Who

Home,- sweet 'Rooms in a house There is - There are (affirmative &

'Furniture & Appliances negative)
home'U. 'Parts of a house Prepositions of place
pp 48-61 'Places in a neighbourhood A/An - Some - Any
Progress Check 3 pp 62-63 'Signs in public places There is -There are (interrogative &
shod answers)

Daily routine/Free-time Connectors (Linkers)

Every day activities Present simple (affirmative)
pp 64-77 'Jobs Object personal pronouns
Progress Check 4 pp 78-79 'Work places Adverbs of frequency
Prepositions of time (at on. in)


All about food 'Food & Drinks Present simple (negative.

'Food preparation interrogative & short answers)
pp 80-93 'Cooking tools Like/Dont like + -ing
Progress Check 5 pp 94-95 Phrasal verbs

Word How much. How many

Which. Why How

Let's have fun! 'Free-time outdoor activities Present continuous

(affirmative, negative. interrogative
The weather
pp 96-109 'Clothes/Accessories/Footwear & short answers)
Progress Check 6 'Geographical features Possessive pronouns
pp 110-111 Prepositions of movement
Connectors (because & so)

Festivities (pp 113-118) My Picture Dictionary 1196127)


Celebrations & Festivities Asking about telephone school

in the UK numbers timetable for
Listening: Tony's Asking about/Telling the Monday
timetable for Monday time MODULE I (Geography):The
(gap fill) United Kingdom P. ITh
MODULE 2 (Science): Animals p. (3
MODULE S (Maths): Draw a
Map to Scale P. (3
MODULE 4 (Citizenship): School
All around the world Introducing 'a profile about Rules P. 0
Listening: Personal yourself/others yourself & your MODULE 5 (Food Technology):
profiles (gap fill). Asking for & giving e-friend
The Eatwell Guide p.
Landmark fact file personal information 'a blog entry about
(gap fill) Intonation: Intonation in a landmark MODULE 6 (lCD: How to print
Across Cultures: Wh- Questions many photos from
Landmarks of the World an email at once P.
Describing a family
The British Royal Family
Listening: Pets & their member
a post about your
jt'j 1'4 Projects
owners (matching). Pronunciation: If). IiJf an article about MODULE I Map of my country p.
Simon's family (multiple The Rash MODULE 2 A family P.
choice), The Flash
(gap fill) MODULES Your dream house p.
Across Cultures: Super MODULE 4 A famous P.
Family sportsperson
Dialogue about my Describing your home 'a dialogue about MODULE 5 Healthy/Unhealthy p. LI
house Pronunciation: /0:1.14 your new house eating habits
Listening: Bill's house 'a shod post
MODULE 6 Holiday destinations p.
(P/W) describing your
Across Cultures: British bedroom
Homes 'an email about 1im1iT!.$ Presentation Skills
your house
MODI:LE 1 My country P. LI
School days in the UK Making arrangements - an email about MODULE 2 Family P. (3
Listening: Paul's Accepting/Refusing a daily routine
timetable (gap fill). Pronunciation: /01.1W MODULE S Your dream house p. 1123
Michats daily routine MODULE 4 A famous P.
(gap fill) sportsperson
Across Cultures: Sports
people MODULES Healthy/Unhealthy p.
eating habits
What's your favourite
Expressing likes/dislikes
Giving instructions
'a shod text about
your favourite food
MODULE 6 Holiday destinations p. (E)
Listening: Street food fact Intonation: Word stress -a short blog entry larTitfl7Th Values
file (gap fill) about street food
Across Cultures: Street MODULE I National pride P. LI
Food MODULE 2 Family p.
MODULE 3 Home P. 131
Fun days out in London Agreeing/Disagreeing an email about MODULE 4 Happy days
Listening: Angela's Making suggestions a visit to Camden
holiday (P/W) Intonation: Intonation in Market MODULE S Healthy eating P.
'Across Cultures: Holiday exclamations a postcard about habits 0
Destinations your holiday MODULE 6 Travel p. 0
13S14O)IhIIIIIIIIIII1>fl"_" '"1"11'l
Grammar Reference (pp 128-135) war List (pp

1 4 Listen and repeat.


I?H Iy

Greetings - Introducing yourself/others

2 a) Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. Write in your


Goodbye Hello . This is L Nice to meet you

Zwr000jqc SI? do
nauozyolela, u24
zwrotu: Mr/Mrs/Ms fl'ifl7 1) .....m Mrs White.
+ nozwisko.
What's you name?
Hello, Ms Gteen.
(NIE: HaLt Vats) fl Hello, Mrs Whfte. My
name's Nat. -. r
2) ... Alexisand Mary.
fl?iThr 3).... kids.
S.] T Nice to meet you, too. 4)

b) ,fl
e4 Listen and check.Then repeat in pairs.

Classroom language

4 Listen and repeat.



Sit down, please.

`.lose your books.

Imperattve See GR p.128

form example
w formic podstawcwej
affirmative czasownik Open your books.
+ reszto zdania
Don't + czosownikw formie
podstawowej + ieszra zdania Don't open your books.

4 2 Ae, Listen to your teacher's instructions and make imperative


sentences.Then, your partner acts out what you ask him/her to do.

Teacher: Ask your partner to stand up.

Student A: Stand up, please.
Student B: (stands up)
zvLveicome -

The alphabet & Spelling

1 I Listen and repeat.

Ra Rb Cc DdEe Gg
Hk Ii Jj Kit LIMmNn
OoPp QqRrSs Tt (hi
2 I Listen and choose the correct spelling. Write in your notebook.

1. A Bil B Bill
Nazv4sko, w ktorych 2. A Maio B Maya
wystpujq dwe take
some Iltery obok sieble 3. A Juan B Huon
(rip, MIIe.). Ilteiujemy
w nastpujqcy
4. A Teresa B Tereza
M-I-couble _-E-S,
(NIE: M-lhcL-&&)

a)-o ,' Listen to and read the dialogue.


A: Hello, Pm Mr Drake. I'm your new teacher

What's your name?
B: Hello, Mr Drake. Pm Alexis.
A: And your surname?
B: Wallace.
1. Alicja Kowalska
A: How do you spell
2. Pczwel Nowak
B: W-A-douUeL-A-C-E 3. KrzysztofWjcik
4. Urszula Brodowska

b) AC Act out similar dialogues. Use the names in the box.

Subject personal pronouns GR

4 Listen and repeat.


U' elHf si
I You
He She It

I 3-10
We You They

Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

you ho/she it/they you/we

The verb to be (affirmative)

rke ftara

skrdeore'ch stosujemy
full form short form
r \Jmr
cpostrof (). You are 're
urn Joryjsz.
She is 'S I

You are 're
0. They

Complete the sentences with om/'m, is/s. are/'re. Write in your notebook.
1. ff ... a book. 4. My name ... Bob.
2. I... Anna. S. We ... friends.
3. They ... feathers. 6. You ... Sue

seven 17
Numbers 1-20
4 Listen and repeat.

6 Ii 16 rr:x:i
2 &vL. 7 12 I27Th'1 17
3ticc: 8cm 131 18 c1ac:1ta

4~wl 9cm 14 4rrn:a 19 fPflia

5tr-!e lOcr- 15 tiii@ - 20 tL':L:lIks'

2 Match the words to the numbers. Write in your notebook.

Ck '

onc 12
eight 15

or twelve 20
fifteen 8
twenty 1

ri 3 Find the number. Write in your notebook.

1. thige ... 3. hetre

2. liffene f... 4. velwet

Asking about telephone numbers

4 41AS7 Ask and answer, as in the example.

1. k What's your relepnone number?

Cyfr 0 (zero) B: Ifs Iwo-six-f iveoh-eight-lwo-seven-eiglt
w nurneroch
teefcnw ozytomy
oh /w/ HUE Ze(otxrDlo/.

8 1 eight
Numbers 21-100

5 4 Listen and repeat.

zcpsujqc stownie
liozoy dwuwyrozowe
21 twenty-one 27 twenty-seven 60 sixty

w Jqzyku ar4e4sklm
utwamytqoznlka (-)
np 46 forty-six 22 twenty-two 28 twenty-eight 70 seventy

23 twenty-three 29 twenty-nine 90 eighty

24 twenty-four 3t: thirty 9 ninety

2E twenty-five 40 rfort ima100 a/one hundred

26, twenty-six -9 50 Jiffy

Listen and write the number you hear in your notebook.

1. 12 20 3. 50 15 5. 30 13
2. 10 100 4. 42 24 6.8 80

Complete the sentences with the correct number. Write in your notebook.
a A a
fl hi 21 tA
VP ;LL -
Julie - 56

H fl
SWke37% r LI

s4J fcAn.18)

1. Fred is eighty-three years old. 5. AIis ... years old.

2. Alice is ... years old. 6. Mike is ... years old.
3. Sally is ... years old. 7. Julie is ... years old.
4. Ann is ... years old. 8. Eve is ... years old.

nine 9
Asking about/Tolling the time

is it?
<((a) quarter past

(a) quarter to I

half past

Listen and repeat.


1. five o'clock 2. (0) quarter 3. twenty 4. half post

past five past five five

S. iwenty-five 6. twenty 7. (a) quarter 8. five to six
to six to six

Copy the clock faces in your notebook. Listen and draw the clock hands.


Copy the clock face in your notebook. Draw the

Word1 clock hands and complete the sentence.Then, ask
What (time): and answer.
KtOro (godzino)
A What time is W?
B: Ws.,.

10 lten
School subjects

4 a) -4 ," Listen and repeat.


English Maths Science

Physical Geography History Music

Education (PE)

b) Tht,k What's your favourite school subject? Write in your notebook.

My favoisite school subject is....

I Listen to Tony talking about his school timetable for Monday

5 and complete the gaps (1-4). Write in your notebool

8:30 - 9:30 Maths RiO

9:30 - 10,30 1.... Ri2
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11:45 2. RB
'I .
11:45 - 12:45 PE
1245 - 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 - 2:30 3 R7
2:30 - 3:30 4. AS

6 Write your school timetable for Monday in your notebook.

II Monday Room

eteven 111
- 1K, ie, Titsisan \
A/An GR F umbrs.;Ia j

1 Listen and repeat.


a an

a smartphone a ball an jpod an umbrella

A or an? Look at the pictures and write in your notebook.


1. ...alarm 2. ... digital 3. ... agenda 4. scarf

clock camera

Classroom objects

Label the pictures. Use: pencil case, glue, pen, rubber, pencil. niler, notebook,
3 blackboard, desk, whiteboord. Write in your notebook.
I Listen and check, then repeat.

7,- 8

12 1 twelve

4 a) Write the colours in your notebook.

brown purple pink .grey green .red '1low black orange blue 'white

4. ,W,
i4. T9 @)P:J~r 11'r. 'k:

b) 4 Listen and check, then repeat. Complete the sentence in your

My favourite colour is....

ThO ! ,4 GRp.128


The uywamy, gdy wiadomo, o ktorej konkrethie rzeczy

mOwimy lub wspomnielimy o niej wczeniej.
This is o smartphone. The smartphone is black.

Complete the gaps with a or The.Then choose the correct colour. Write in
your notebook.
.4 Listen and check.

2j 3 4

This is...
This is rubber
... notebook. I This is pencil.
P I This is chalk.

rubber is notebook is
... ...pencil is ...chalk is
pink/white, green/purple. yellow/black, purple/blue.

This is ruler

ruler is
6 *

This is book

book is
This is
sharpener is
I This is
schoolbag is
- red/black. grey/brown. orange/yellow. pink/green.
thIdeer 113
1AInIr. M
I, low

Celebrations & Festivities in the UK

When are these holidays in your country?

- 1
In Pobnd. Al

II __
July Jlplec
August slerple . .
September wrze3Fe '.
October pa2dz!ern1k
November Ilstopoci
December gudzlen

14 1 fourteen


ffffeen 115
- Countries &
- Races in
a country
- Seasons &
Months/ V

Dates (ordinal
- Possessive
- The verb to be
interrogative & V

short answers)
How tall/How
high/How big Vocabulary
Countries & Nationalities
When, How old,
1 C> Look at the map. Listen and repeat.

Everyday English 2 Match the nationalities (1-13) to the countries on the map. Write in
- Introducing your notebook
yourself/others 1. Canadian - 9. Irish-
- Asking & giving
personal -
2. British ... 10. Brazilian-
information 3. Australian - ... 11. Chinese -
- Pronunciation:
Intonation in
4. South African ... - 12. Mozambican -
Wh- questions -
5. Portuguese ... 13. Polish -
6. American -
7. Indian- ...
8. New Zealander

Z nazwoml kroJow rile

u4wamy The. eh',ta 2e
w nazwle vstpue
slowo State, Kingdom Cub


in in

- Darren

Il in in ifI

j j;
pr. --

South Africa

the UK , r
L Irk

W ii

11 is!gal,l

Ilia 11
a ii u

Helen -

E!! Uilliunfl
I Martin
/ New
.- Zealar
A Hello! I'm Vicky and I'm 11 years old. I'm from Sydney, Australia.
Sydney is a big city, but it isn't the capital city of Australia.
Canberra is the capital city of Australial My e-friend is Jil(. She's 11,
too. She's not Australian. She's from Wellington - the capital city
of New Zealand.

Hello I My name's James and I'm 11 years old. I'm from Stitsville, B
Sfl Canada. Stitsville is a beautiful village. It's close to the capital city 111114M
of Canada - Ottawa[ This is my e-friend Alicia. She's 10 years old.
She's from Worcester, South Africa. Worcester is a small town near I
Cape Town, the capital city of South 4
16 Mend pooleI/ 4)) Listen to and read the article, then match. Write in y
przyJoc101ko V -

beautiful plkny/-o
close to bllsko ozego
j' Vicky is C) s-friends.
4 Jill is P from Sydney
near .bllsko S
rnrw..nnrnr Janes and Alicia are .p C) a New Zealander.

lo go 2 Decide if the sentences are A (right) or W (wrong). Write in your notebook.

1. Vicky is 10 years old. 3. James is South African.
2. Jill is James' friend. 4. Alicia is 10 years old.

3 Copy the personal profiles in your notebook and complete the gaps.

Name: Vicky Age: 11 years old

Name: Jill Age: ... years old
Nationality: Australian
Nationality: New Zealander
From (cthj/town/vlllage)Sydfley
From (city/town/village):...
Country: New Zealand

Text B
Name: James Age: ... years old Name: ... Age: 10 years old
Nationality: Canadian Nationality:
From (city/town/village): From (city/town/village):
Country: Country:

18 efghteer,

Reading 10
Places in a country

4 Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

1. London is the capital city/town of the UK.

2. Polperro is a fishing city/village in the UK.

3. York is a city/capital city in the UK.

t. lt..
- -,' -

4. BoUington is ci small town/city in the UK.


5 4) Listen to the dialogues and complete the profiles. Write in your


Name: 1) ... Camden Name: Peter 4)..

Age: 10 years old
Nationality: 2) ... fil Age: 5) ... years old
Nationality: 6) ... 'I
From (cityltownlvlllage): 3) From (city/town/village): 7)
Country: Canada Country: 8)

Writing & Speaking (a profile about yourself & your 9-friend)

6 Copy the profiles about yourself and your e-friend in your notebook and
complete them. Present yourself and your e4riend to the class.

Age: ... years old Age: ... years old
Nationality: Nationality:
From (city/town/village) From (city/town/village):
Country: Country:

rireleer) 119
It.JWa(SramrnI.jr -
!4 - i a- 1. 1 1

Possessive adjectives (singular)

subject personal

GO P-129
My favourite colar i re.
Her favourite colourk.pink
His fwijrit4 colour i blue

wUczbe I + my
pojedynczeL you your
mwlqc he his
shc 0 her

1 Match the sentences (1-5) to the sentences (a-e).Write in your notebook.

I an Tony Its colour is black.

You're Australian. His friend is Laura.
He's Nan. Your friend is Australian, tool
She's my sister My friend is Eric
It's my book. Her name is Amy.

2 Write the correct possessive adjective in your notebook.

1. (He) ... name is Peter.

2. (I) ... friend is Sue.
3. (She) ... friend is Chinese.
4. (You) ... village is beautiful.
5. (It) This is my dog.... name is Rex.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective. Write in your

1. Fm Tom. This is ... new bike.... colour is yellow.

2. This is Jason and ... sister Molly ... cop is yellow.
3. Are these ... books, Rob?"Yes. Thank you, Mr Jones.

20 1 twenty
Possessive adjectives (plural)

subject personal
Grammar 1
ouri e
Et I

CAM we 0 our
They iftwany you 0 your
w l!ozble mnoqej.
mowlqc They ) their
0 Iu&hoh
I CeoZach. J
4 Choose the correct answer.Write in your notebook.

1. This is Jason and Tim. ... house is big.

A Our B Your C Their
2. Susan and you are sisters. ... friend is Emma.
A Our B Your C Their
3. Steve and I are friends. ... favourite sport is football.
A Our B Your C Their

5 Complete the gaps with the correct possessive adjective. Write in your

1. Julie and I are sisters.... home is in London.

2. This is Mario and Lyn.... friend is Rosa.
3. You're Portuguese ... friends are Portuguese, too
4. They are friends. ... names are Mike and San

ttuJr 'iii 6 Look at the pictures, choose the correct answer and complete the gap with
the correct word. Write in your notebook.


1. I'm Julie and this is her/my....

2. This is Jake and this is his/your....
3. I'm Anna and this is my/his brother Ben. This is your/our....
4. This is Jessica and this is her/its....
S. urn and Paul are friends and this is your/their....

twenty-one 121
Seasons & Months

1 C) Listen and repeat.Then write the missing months in your notebook.

11 ..wI
!7..... +
December .. /
April (WrY



I. July

L Word
: 4edy
ld: lie lot
1. July-, September,
2. December........
3. .April, May
4. October,.... December,

Ordinal numbers & Dates

2 Al. Complete the questions with How old or When. Write in your
\V jzyku angleiskim
u2ywarny ozosovflka notebook. Then, ask and answer.
to be. mowlqo 0 ozm
wieku lub pytoJqo Mario (9) 27th February Anna (10) 1st January
o cMt v4ek Sergio (12)13th August Alex (11) 30th September
How old are yot ?
Pm 15eors ok;.
(NO: Hcw old have )u? A. ... are you, Maria?
How )7Cfl/ }C(S have B: I'm 9 years aid.
yauq- A ...s your birthday?
I h-15os.o4i)
B: Ifs on the 27th of February

22 twenty-two
Everyday English
Asking & giving personal information
1 4> Listen to and read the dialogue.

Hellol Pm Maria Dudek. What's your name?

My name's Barry. Barry Flynn. Where are you
from. Maria?
I'm from Poland. And you?
I'm from the UK. How old are you?
'r1rp I'm eleven years old. And you?
I'm eleven years old, too! Oh! That's the bell!
See youl
r;i'p Bye!

2 Match the questions to the answers. Write in your notebook.

What's your name? 11.

Word Where is Barryfrom? Mario.
Where: gdzle
How old is Maria? The UK.

3 Complete the dialogue in your notebook. Then, act it out.

A: Hello! I'm.... What's your name?

B: My name's ... . Where are you from, ...?
A: Pm from.... And you?
B: Pm from.... How old are you?
A: Pm .,. years old. And you?
B: Pm ... ! Oh! That's the bell! See youl
A: Bye!

4)) Listen and repeat

Where are you from? What's your name? 'How old ore you?

The verb lobe (negative) Seo GRp129
full form short form
4 In Maria
I'm not Ale.xib

am not 'm not

are not aren't

is not isn't

are not aren't

1 Fill in the gaps as in the example. Write in your notebook.

full form short form

1. lam not 11 years old. 1. I rn not 11 years old.

2. Sally... my friend. 2. Sally ... my friend.
3. Jane and I ... Australian. 3. Jane and I ... Australian.
4. they ... at school. 4. They... at school.

Write sentences in your notebook as in the example. Use the short form of
the verb.
1. Sandia is from India. Sandra isn't from India.
2. Bob and Bill are Brazilian.
3. We are from The USA
4. la-n from India.
5. Chris is British.

Correct the sentences as in the example. Write in your notebook.

1. Her name's Suzy. (Anna)
Her name isn't/s not Suzy Her name s/'s Anna,
2. She's Irish. (Canadian)
3. Rosa and Anna are cousins. (best friends)
4.I'm from the UK. (Portugal)

24 1 twenty-four
Grammar le
The verb to be (interrogative & short answers)

interogative short answers

Am I ...? Yes.! am./No. I'm not.
Are you ...? Yes, you are./No, you're not.
Yes, he/she/it is.
Is she
No. he/she/it isn't.
Yes, we/you/they are.
Are you
No, we/you/they aren't.

4 Read the text and match the questions to the answers.

Write in your notebook.._ ...
Hi! I'm Peter Knowles. I'm
10 years old anti I'm from the
SA This is my I,estfrien& Kate.
Shds 11 years old. Our
favpurtte subject
is English. 1 3.

Is Peter from the USA? 0 Yes, they are.

Is hell? Q Ej Na he isn't
Are Kate and Peter best friends? () oC' No, ftisnt
Is Kate 11 years old? Yes, he is.
Is History their favourite school subject? U o Yes, she i&

5 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Write in your notebook.
1. Greg/old/10/ls/years/? is Greg 10 years olo?
2. San and you/the/from/Are/IJK/?
3. Brazil/ls/fromfrom/?
4. Joe and Nick/friends/Ace/?

6 Complete the questions with Is, Are in your notebook.Then, answer them
about yourself.
1. you Portuguese?
2. your best friend Irish?....
3. your favourite school subject English?....

twenty-five 125

Landmarks of the World by Lauren Green


I'm in London, England. I'm in beautiful Surfers I'm back home in
London is the home of the Paradise in Australia today. Toronto, Canada.
famous Elizabeth Tower. This is a beautiful seaside I'm at the CN
This is where you can see city. I'm at the Q1 Tower. This Tower. The tower
Big Ben - the large bell is a very tall tower. (s about is over 550 metres
inside the clock tower. Big 320 metres high. (s just tall. I'm actually
Ben is quite big for a bell. It over 10 years old. The view on a glass floor
is 2.28 metres tall and from the top floor of the 342 metres in the
I 2.75 metres wide! building is air] Thp uiw ni tho ritv frnm

home dom
bell dzwc'n

view widok Reading

glass szkto
floor .pocMoga 4 Listen to and read the blog entries, then match the phrases.
Write in your notebook.
The Elizabeth Tower is in 4) j) seaside city.
Surfers Paradise is a 0 Q) Canada.
Lauren is from C) (D great.
Htyt,.c 7Hw high/I-low The view from the CN Tower is () C_i London.

2 Decide if the sentences are R (right) or W (wrong). Write in your


1. The name of the Tower in England is CN Tower.

2. The 01 Tower is in Australia.
3. meal Tower is ten years old.
4. The glass floor of the ON Tower is 550 metres high.

3 Answer the questions.Write in your notebook.

1. How big is Big Ben?

2. How tall is the 01 Tower?

3. How high is the glass floor at the CN Tower?
26 I twent$x
Across Cultures

4 Fill in: seaside, bell, view, building. Write in your notebook.

1. Big Ben is a ... inside the Elizabeth Tower.

2. My school is a very beautiful
3. The ... from the top floor of my house is ariazing.
4. Jurata is a ... town in Poland.

SOC Choose one of the landmarks in the blog and fill in the
5 sentences below. Write in your notebook.Then, tell your partner.

Theism .. ltis ... tall. l ... because it is....


6 10 Listen and complete the

gaps (1-4) in your notebook.

Name: 1)..
Location: 2) .-Cope Verde
WL-Ildej litery utywarrry Age: 3) .. years old
no pcczqtku zdanlo.
We crc 12. Height: under 4) ... metres
w north wtasnych
Fct Warsaw. Poland
w nozwocti
szkolrth. rvlah&
English. Hstcry Rewrite the sentences in your notebook. Put capital letters where
plszqo zairnek needed.
Trr and I ore Mends. 1. my favourite subjects are history and english.
w nazwooh mIesIcy
.\piiL May. 3une 2. ann is from ottawa in canada.
3. her birthday is in august.

Writing (a blog entry about a landmark)

8 Use the information in Ex. 6 to complete the blog entry. Write in your

The ... by...

The ... isafamous landmark in.... ltis..ltis....The...is.,.!

twenty-seven 127
The United Kingdom
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland are pails of the United Kingdom
(UK). London Is the capital city. English Is
the official language. Great Britain Is the
island with England, Wales and Scotland.


The Me uly.vamy
z nwamI miasi
1 4 Listen to and read the texts. Find which cities the numbers 1-8 are.
Write in your notebook.

Speaking & Writing

2 Copy the table in your notebook and complete it with the

information in the texts. Present one of the countries to the class.

Country: Capital city:

Other cities:

28 1 twenty-eight
Flash Ti
Draw the map of Poland in your notebook
complete it with the name of the capital city
other cities/towns. Use the symbols in the box
entity them.

N capital city


2 ErAta Copy the tables below in your notebook. Collect information about
a famous landmark in each of the cities in Ex. 1 and complete the tables.

Name of the Landmaik What It is (o.SIaimnrsntW. sa)

Presentation Skills

3 Use the map in Ex. 1 and your notes in Ex. 2 to present the landmarks to
the class.

My country is famous for fts landmarks.... is a ... in ... .

National pride

H a) el Look at the flag of Poland. What do

the colours on it mean? Research information.
Tell the class.

b) Find flags of other countries with the same colours as the Polish flag.
Tell the class.

twenty-nine 129
Reading 4 Label the pictures with the correct
seasons. Write in your notebook.
1 Decide if the sentences are (ght) or
W (wrong). Write in your notebook. spring winter autumn summer

Famous tan, umarks
The Willis Tower is in
v%de Chicago in the USA.
-- tjs over 4U years old.
iso very tall and
beautiful building. It
s just under 445
(1cE1:. 4x1 -1
r metres fall.
5 Complete the missing months (1-6) in
your notebook.Then match the seasons
from Ex. 4 to the correct group of
The Sky Tower is in months. Write in your notebook.
Auckland in New
Zealand. ftisagreat I
tower. it is about 20 years December
old. It is 328 metres in
height The fop floor is 3...
220 metres high. February May

1. The Willis Tower is in The USA.

2. The Willis Tower is over 445 metres fall. II 4 September
3. The Sky Tower is a tall tower July 6

4. The top floor at Sky Tower is 328 metres high. .5 November -

4x4- 16 -
6x -6
Vocabulary Grammar
2 Write the countries in your notebook.
6 Write the correct possessive adjective
1. Canadian - in your notebook.

2. Portuguese - 1. I- 5, it
3. Brazilian - You- ... 6. We

4. British - He- ... 7. They-...

S. American -- 4. She- . 7x1-7

7 Fill in the gaps with: am/rn. is/s. are/re.

Write in your notebook.
3 Write the capital cities in your notebook.
1. the UK 1. This landmark beautiful.
2. Australia -C 2. I ... in Canada.
3. Canada -0... 3. We ... from China.
4. New Zealand - W 4. They ... British.
zh( 4x1 -'
30 thuty
Fill in the gaps with: 'm not, isn't (x2) or
Progress Check. 1
8 Listening
aren't. Write in your notebook.
124 listen and complete the gaps (1-4)
1. l...Broziflon. in your notebook.
2. Jessica ... 10 years old.
3. We friends. Name: Tony 1.
4. The building Jail. Y. 1-4 C71 Age: 2.
Complete the questions with: is (x2), Nationality: 3.
arc (v2. Then answer them. Write in your
Birthday: 4.
1. '...Steve your friend?'
4x3- 12
'Yes, he...? Idol: 103 points
2. ... her name CarolT
'No,it ...
3 '...you from the IJKT
"Yes, we Ju umiem
4. '...Ted and Mary from Russia?' Stownictwo I gramatyka
"No they .? 4x2-8 mOwia o krajoch i narodowogciach
Everyday English mOwi o porach roku, miesiqcach i dotach
uaO przymiofnikaw dzieriawczych
10 Complete the dialogue with:
(possessive adjectives)
Fm eleven, too. 'How old ore you? uawhen, how old i where
My name's So-ri. Sam Jones. And you?
ufr'iaO czasowniko to be (w przeczeniach)
Write in your notebook. uwaO czasowniko to be (w ptaniach
Hello! lm Tom Sftr.s What's your name? i krOlkich odpowiedziach)
B: 1) Where are you from, Tom? Czytanio
A: I'm from the USA 2) dobieraa wyroenia, tworzqc pelne zdania
B: I'm from Canada. 3) okreiaa, czy zdanie jest prawdziwe
czy fatszywe w odniesieniu do tekstu
A: l'rn eleven years old. And you?
odpowiodoO no pytanio sprawclzajqce
B: 4)...See you! zrozumienie tekstu
4x 3 -12
Writing Stuchanie
znajdowa w wypowiedzi okrelone inforrnacje
11 Copy and complete the email to your (uzupehanie luk)
English pen-friend in your notebook.
przedstowia siebie i inne osoby
podowoO inforrnocje o sobie i prosio kogo o
podanie inhrmacji o sobie
My name is
I'm ... years old. mOwi o swoim kroju
I'm from ... - Pisanie
My birthday is pisaO profil osobowy
What about you?
pisaO tekst do umieszczenia no blogu
Write soon,
uoO wielkich liter

18 points
nm-ore 131
21 Fam*il fie St
Vocabulary mum dad IhX t
- Family members
- Physical
Appearance! M!IJ
Have got '+- s Oki
-Adjectives I
- Possessive case
('s/s'-of the)
Plurals (regular/ -

Words - -\
Whose, Who
Everyday English
Describing a
family member
- Pronunciation: -1
.. 4

brother sister

r'y 41 -Th
S . dad = father
mum = mother
Vocabulary grand" = grandmother
Family members & Pets gronddod = grandfather

1 0)1 Listen and repeat.

brother - sister granddad - grandma

unde - aunt dad - mum
son - daughter husband-wife
II cousin
\4fa ct_
aunt uncle

t2 Ast L"Z /!


granddad grandma cousin

b) Look at Anna's family and complete the sentences with words from
Ex. la.Write in your notebook.

1. Bob isAnna's grancJ:; 6. Lara is Alex's

2. Lora is Anna's 7. Mary is Nick's
3. Nick is Anna's S. Helen is Anna's
4. Sue is Anna's 9. Alex is Anna's
5. Anna is Mary's 10. Tom is Anna's

2 Match the pets in the pictures (A-E) to the owner(s) (1-5). Write in your
Emma 0 goldfish
Alex 4 ) rabbit
Nick dog
Helen and Bob 0 cat
3m C parrot
Queen Elizabeth 11(Q) is the Queen of the United Kingdom. She is the Head
husband is Prince Philip (0), the Duke of Edinburgh. The Queen has got many
pets, like birds, fish and horses. Her favourite pets are her Corgi dogs.
The Queen and Prince Philip have got four children - Prince Charles (G)1 Princess Anne ((D) Prince Andrew (0)
and Prince Edward (0). Prince Charles has got Jack Russell dogs as pets.
Prince William (0) and Prince Harry (CJ) are the children of Prince Charles, and the grandchildren of the Queen.
They are very popular. Prince William has got a wife. Her name is Kate Middleton (0). She is the Duchess of
Cambridge. She's very good-looking. Prince William and Kate have got children and an English Spaniel dog.
royal krOlewskl
Head of State g1cma panstwa
good-looking citrakcno/
p2yst*v Reading Irm
*0 Jack
4"Listen to and read the text. .y Russell
CAMS Match the dogs (A-C) to their
W Jzyku anelsldm owners (1-3). Write in your notebook.a5
przymlolnlkl skloda]qce k
z ctwoch wyiozow 1. Queen Elizabeth II
zapisujemy z lqcznlldem (-). English I
good$ooklng 2. Prince Charles
3. Prince William

2 Decide if the sentences are R (right) or W (wrong). Write in your notebook.

1. Prince Philip is The Head of State of the United Kingdom.

2. The Queen has got two daughters and two sons.
3. Prince William and Prince Harry are brothers.
4. Kate Middleton is beautiful.

3 Complete the sentences in your notebook.

1. Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of....

2. The Queen's husband is....
3. They have got four....
4. Kate Middleton is Prince William's....

34 1

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. Write in your notebook.
grandchildren popular children good-looking
. My brother is very at school. He's got many friends.

2. Jack and Susan are grandparents. They have got 6....

3. My parents have got two my sister and me.
... -

4. My cousin Julia is a ... girl. a


a Complete the sentences about the British Royal family

in your notebook. Present the British Royal family to the class.

Queen Elizabeth II is the.... Her husband is They've got children .... ...

and Prince Charles has got sons: and

.... Prince William has got a....
... ... ....

Her ncrne's....

Which picture shows Simon's family? Listen and write in your notebook.

4'a \

rakrn jS.w
Mvt.%_~u -

Writing (a post about your family)

7 Copy and complete the short post below about your family in your

Remember a Update Status Add PhotosMdeo
about the
Internet Hi everyonel
safety rulesl
Do not gIve I've got a big/small family. My dad's name is He is years old. My mum's
... . ...

personal name is ....She's ... years old. I've got brother(s) and sister(s).
... ...
to people I've/haven't got a pet. My grandfather's name is and my grandmother's ...

you don't name is.... I love my familyl

I Friends only Y1 C

thhtve 135
s- rammar-
Have got (affirmative) OP 30

full form short for:

litu have got ve got

z She has got 'S got AV


1 it
You have got 'ye got I've got
'a Th

.. .. r.r
* .'
Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use has got (x2)or have got (x2).

. l ... acat. 3. My friend ... two dogs.

2. They ... a rabbit 4. Tina ... a goldfish.

Look at the table and complete the sentences in your notebook.

_I-p E
brother /
.. Gary ho sgc abrother
2. Helen ... a sister.
sister /
______ 3. They... cousin
.1 r cousins I /
4. Helen ... adog
___. 5. Gary.acat.
.; jcat /
6. They... goldfish.
goldfish /

e s!okrOccna foimo
edej osoby Uczby
: pojedynczej (he/she/if)
czoscxwnlkow have
I be (is).
He's got a cat = He has
got a cat. He's eleven.
Rewrite the sentences in your notebook, as in the examples.

1. Paul's from the UK Pau; is from The UK

2. Steve's got a rabbit. Steve has got a rabbit
3. Mary's American.
4. Tony's got a dog.
He Is eleven.
we S. Bob's got a sister.

36 trrryt

Vi LII Jill It_Al

Have got (negative) Sea

full form shod form

have not got haven't got

has not got hasn't got

You have not got haven't got

4 Correct the sentences as In the example. Write in your notebook.

1. Kellyhasgotaoat.(adog) 2. Joey has got a brother (a sister)

No! Kelly hasn't got a cat. 3. They have got a daughter (a son)
She has got a dog
4. I have got a fish. (a bird)

ts Nns
Possessive case ('51$' - of the) Soc GQ c. 30

Singular Plural (regular) Plural (irregular) two subjects

.4.' +'s +'s
Mary's aunt the boys' birds the men's pets Bob and Al's dog
Uwaga: Nie uwcrny 'sub s'z nazwarii rzeczy i przedmiotOw Atedy
stosujeny of the. Trio door of the house is Uue (NIE The house's door)

Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

1. Ifs the desk of the girls/girl's desk.
2. The bag's colour/colour of the bag is red.
3. The legs of the chair/chairs legs are blue

Form questions and answers as In the example. Write in your

I Word
Whose: ezyj,

CZAa 1. rabbit? Ann's Whose is this rabbit'? ifs Ann's robbft.

2. dog? Mario's
3. cat? Tom and Peter's
4. parrot? the girls'
thirty-seven 137
- N

Physical Appearance/Personality (Adjectives)

a) i Listen and repeat.

Ptzymiotniki 1
Wjzyku onglelskim
pamhtnild rile
admieniajq sic Height Age
przez radzaje i liczby 66: short * tall youngold
The gin is tall. The
boy is tall.
The gins are tall
The boys are tall.
b) Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.
w zdanki

'stpuje p0
cxosulellku be, ale Tim's a 1) thin/fat boy.
Albets 2) thin/fat.
Tom is young. Tim and San are 3) shod/tall.
Tom so young boy.
Mark's 4) short/tall.
Tim. Albert and Mark are

5) young/old boys.
Sam's a(n) 6) young/old man.

2 A4 ,1Listen and repeat. Match the adjectives to the pictures. Write In

your notebook.Then say or write.

1. cJar 2. p,pflu'e 3. funny 4. kind 5. friendly

Thank youl B

A: She's polite. B: He's clover

3 '4C Describe yourself and one of your family members to your partner.
I'm short and fdf. I'm funny. My uncle Mike's young.
He's tall and thin. He's clever

38 1 thirty-eight
Everyday English 2d
Describing a family member
Listen to and read the dialogue.
, Hi. Not. How are you?
S Jj Hi, Bony. Fm great, thanks. And you?
Not bad. Hey, who's that girl over there?
Who? The tall thin one?

c:ni No, thoTh my cousin Jessica. The short one.

Si$ Oh, that's my friend Hannah.
cj Where's she from?
22M She's from Australia.
How old is she?
S!R She's 11 and she's very friendly. Come on,
let's go and say hello.

2 Answer the questions. Write in your notebook.

1. Who is tall?
2. Who is Hannah's friend?
3. What is Hannah like?

3 At Complete the dialogue in your notebook. Act out a similar exchange.
Use the adjectives on p.38 to help you. Act out your dialogue.
1 Hi.....How are you?
B: Hi.....I'm-, thanks And you?
4. ....Who's that over There?

B: Who?,.. The... one?

A: No that's the one.
.... ...

B: Oh, that's....
4: Where's from...?

4: How old is...?
and ...'s very Come on, let's go and say hello.

A: Cool!

Listen and repeat.

/Jj short shirt, British

/tJ/ cheese, chair, Chinese

Ihirly-nine 1 39
Everyday English
Describing a family member
Listen to and read the dialogue.
H. Nat. How are you?
I Hi, Barry. I'm great thanks. And you?

p:rrJ Not bad. Hey, who's that girl over there?
4 Who? ... The tall thin one?
: No, that's my cousin Jessica. The short one.

Oh, ttiaf's my friend Hannah.
Where's she from?
She's from Australia.
flfl How old is she?
She's 11 and she's very friendly. Come on. a
let's go and say hello.

Answer the questions. Write in your notebook.

I' Word
[Who: I(to 1. Who is tall? ...

] 2 2. Who is Hannah's friend?

3. What is Hannah like?

3 Lit Complete the dialogue in your notebook. Act out a similar exchange.
Use the adjectives on p.38 to help you. Act out your dialogue.
A: Hi..... How ore you?
8: Hi.....I'm-, thanks. And you?
A. .... Who's that... over there?
8: Who? ...the ... one?
A: No. thafs ... . The ... one.
8: Oh, thafs....
A: Where's... from ... ?
A: How old is ... ?
8' ...and ...'s very.... Come on, let's go and say hello.
A: Cool!

Listen and repeat.

IS/ short shirt British

ItS/ cheese, chair, Chinese

thidy-nine 139
have got (interrogative & short answers) so. pp. 130431

(Haveyougot \
interrogative short answers
d Yes, I have. Her
I Yes. I/you have.
you No, Vyou haven't.

Yes, he/she/ft has.
5 Has she
got? No. he/she/if hasn't.
Yes, we/you/they have.
Have you
CL No, we/you/they haven't.


Match the questions to the answers. Write in your notebook.

Have you got a cat? 0 (1) Yes, They have

Has Jack got a parrot? 0 0 Yes, we have
I-love the children got bikes? 0 0 No, she hasn't.
Has Julie got a sister? C) C) Yes, I have
Have Zack and you got a cousin? () 0 No, he hasn't

2 Fill in the gaps with: have (x3). has (x3), haven't or hasn't Write in your

1. "Have Ann and Tom got a pet dog?"No. they I

'...you got a brother? 'Yes, I
3. "...yois best friend got a cal? 'Yes, he
4. ... Mario got a goldlishr "No, he...."

3 Write sentences in your notebook, as in the example.

1. they/a big family? (Yes)

Have they got a big fanil'7? Yes, they have.
2 she/a brother? (No)
3. you/c sister? (No)
4. Mark/a rabbit? (Yes)
S. You and Maha/a dog? (Yes)

%JI tl Pill fl_Al

Plurals (regular) GQ a 131

Nouns most s, ss, sh, ch, vowel consonant

ending in nouns x* o +y
+ +
Plural endings
es -s -ies

A N sip
apple dress key butterfly leaf
iY t.
:rcses keys butterflies leaves

Write the plurals of the words in the list in your notebook.

1. brush 2. baby 3. box 4. girl S. bus 6. bc'y


lot(two..) two..

Plurals (i,TeguIui GR

Complete the gaps with the correct word. Write in your notebook.
Nlektre rzeozownlkl
majq nleregu!arnq
llczbq mnogq. Trzeba
as Pt. rot
sl@ lob nouozV6 no
womon -4 women,
ioo -, (ee
one person -
:ti, & one man - one -- one tooth -
four poopo three ... four two

forty-one 141

a sa a
Not all families are the same. are more unusual than others!

Superman is from the planet Supergirl is Superman's

Krypton. His home on Earth is in cousin. She is from Krypton,
SmalMIle, USA. His name is Clark too! Her real name Is Kara
Kent. His parents are Jonathan Zor-El. She has got a sister.
and Martha Kent. He has got a Her name's Alex. Supergirl is
best friend - Lois Lane, and a pet short, thin and beautiful. She
dog - Krypto the Superdog! He is tall is very kind and friendly. She
and strong. Superman has got a red has got a red and blue outfit,
and blue outfit with a big red 'S*on lust like her cousin! She is
the front. He's a great hero! only a beginner superhero,
but she's really brave! -
r 4' Listen to and read the texts.Then. match The sentences to the
strong silny/-a correct characters below. Write in your notebook.
outflt stroj
beginner- paczqtkuJqc'/f-a Who
brave odwo2rvy/-0 is Superman's best friend? i4 Supergirl.
has got pet? io 4]) Lois Lane.
has got a sister? 0 o Superman and Supergirl.
has got a red and blue outfit? 0 GP Superman.

Decide if the sentences are (right) or W (wrong).Write in your

2 notebook.
1. Superman's home is in the USA
2. The name of Superman's dog is Lois.
3. Superman and Supergirl are from the some place.
4. Supergirl is tall.

Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. What are the names of Superman's parents?
2. What is Supergirl's real name?
3. Who is Alex?

Across Cultures
Fill in: strong. OUI[tI $*1TfST. brava Write in your notebook.
1. Supergirl is a beginner superhero.
2. Superman is tall and....
3. Superrl is a really... person.
4. Superman's ... has got a red '3' on The front.

5 5e Present one of the superheroes to the class.
Superman is frorri Krypttr:. His namo is Cork Kent. He has got parents. Jonathan
and Martha Kent. He 1, :211 and strong and has gc a nd anci blue outfit with
a red 'S on the frort.


o 4 ,% listen and complete the gaps (1-5) in your notebook.

t 1
Name: The Flash
Where from: 1) ..., USA
Peal name: Barry 2)...
Appearance: fall and 3)...
Ji Character: 4)...
Family: husband of Iris West, uncle of 5) ... (The third Flash)

Writing (an aticle about The Flash)

7 Use your answers in Ex. 6 to complete the article about The Flash in
your notebook. -

"7 The
TheFlashisfrom ....His real name is....l4eis ... and....F-leisvery....F-leis...
and .. . He is a gecit superherol

8 5e
Think Create your own superhero. Make notes under the headings in
your notebook. Present him/her to the class.


k b,


A mammal is an animal that can drink milk mammals, such as

dogs and cats, have got fi.i
A bird is an animal that has got bathers, Iwo wings and Iwo legs. Most birds, such as
canaries and parrots, can fly but penguins can't
We can find fish in the v.ctec Most fit for example trout, have got fins and scales. 4
An insect is on animal that has got three main body parts and six legs Some
insects, such as butterflies, have got wings. 4
An amphibian can live some time in the water and sometime on
land. Most amphibians, such as frogs, have got smooth skin.

fur &itro
tin pleiwo
scale tuska
smooth gIocJkI/-a Listen to and read the text and decide if the sentences are R (right)
skin skoca 1 or W (wrong). Write in your notebook.
1. Mammals have got scales. 4. Fish have got fur.
2. Birds have got feathers. 5. Some insects have got wings.
3. All birds can fly 6. Amphibians can't live in water.

Use the photos to present one of the types of animals to the class.
2 S
Dogs and cats are mammals. They drink milk from their mothers. They've got fix


3 Classify Create a poster. Collect photos of various types of animals.
them under the headings: mammals, birds, fish, insects, amphibians.
Display your poster in class.

44 forty-four
Flash Time
Project Time 2
Mia is the hero of your new book A Day in the Life of Mia. Create a family for
Mia. Coov the family tree below and draw the aictures of the oeoole in her

2 Copy and complete the table below for each of Mb's family members in
your notebook.

Presentation Skills

3S Use the family free in Ex. 1 and your notes in Ex.2 to present Mia's
family to the class.
This is Mia's Family Her granddads name is Jerry. He is 63 years ad He istall and
fat. He is funny etc

4 a) Look at the sayings.

b) What do they mean in Polish?

c)A:21' Thtnk Complete the sentence in your notebook. Use one

of these words: The best, everything. special.
My family is....

tony-Ike 145
0 A006
Look at the pictures and
4 choose the correct answer.
Decide if the sentences are R (right) or
1 W (wrong). Write in your notebook.
Write in your notebook.

Posted by Jimmy
Hi guys! Who is your Online Joined: 10/8
favourite hero? Newbie Posts: 14

My name is Dan and I'm from London. My favourite
hero is Captain Britain.
Essex in the UK and
Ban Braddock. clever 1. Sam is friendly/clever.
is an amazing 2. Sylvia is funny/kind.
hero! 3. Steve is very funny/polite.
4. Mark is a polite/funny boy.
1. Dan! ii&thEssex. S. Julie is kind/clever. 5 Xi -
2. Captain Britain is a superhero. Grammar
3. Essex isn't in The UK.
Fill in the gaps with the correct form of
4. Captain Britain's real name is Dan 5 have got. Write in your notebook.
1. Jane ... two brothea(/)
5. Captain Britain is clever. 2. ... Henry and Bob...a sister? Q)
5x 3- 15
3. We ... a pet. (x)
4. I ... long brown hair. (/)
2 Complete the pairs in your notebook. 5. ... Jim ... any cousins? (2)
1. mum - d. 6. Fvlygondma ... a dog. (x)
6x2- Il
2. grandma -g...
Choose the correct answer. Write in
3. uncle -a... 6 your notebook.
4. brother -s... 1. Ann's/Anns' brother is tall.
S. wife -h... 2. The house's door/door of The house is
6. son -d... blue
3. The girl's cat/cat of the girl is Fluffy.
Look at the picture and choose the 4. The bikes of the boys/boys' bikes are
3 correct answer. Write in your red.
notebook. 5. The legs of the chair/chair's legs are
pink. Sx1-5

Write the plural of the words below in

Amanda is tall/short 7 your notebook.
and thin/fat.
She's also very old /young. 1. thUd - ... & man -
2. box - ... 7. foot -
3. toy - ... 8. watch -
3x1 -3
4. baby - ... 9. girl -
S. class - ... 10. wife -
lOx I - 10
Progress Check.
Everyday English

8 Complete the dialogue with:

- Let's go and say hello.
That's my friend Joey.
Hey who's that boy over there?
- The short thin one?
Ju umiem
Stowniciwo I granatyka
Write in your notebook.
mOwi o czlonkach rodziny
A: HiJath 1)... mwi o wyglqdzie zewntrznym i cechach
8: Who? ... 2) charakteru
A: Na 3) ... The tall one. utywaO have got (w twierdzeniach
B: Oh, that's my cousin Eric. He's eleven i przeczeniach)
and he's very kind. 4) utywaO formy dzierawczej 's/s', of The
A: Cool! (possessive case) i whose
ufrwaO przymiotnikOw
Writing utywaO have got (w pyfoniach i krOtkich
Copy and complete the email to your odpowiedziach)
9 English pen-friend about one of your uvaO rzeczownikOw w Iicthie mnoej
family members in your notebook. (regularnych i nieregularnych)
MAILBOX dobieraa M/raenia, tworzqc petne zdania
okreloa, czy dana informocja jest prawdziwa
Hello, w odniesieniu do tekstu
Mg ... name is.... He/She is .. gears uzupetnia zdania brakujqcymi informacjami
old. He/She's.... He/She is
odpowiadaO no pytania sprawdzajqce
What about you?
zrozumienie tekstu
Write soon,
znajdowoa w wypowiedzi okreglone informacje
(wybOr wielokrotny. uzupeinianie uk)
Listening Mowienle
For questions 1-5, choose the correct przedstowiaO bryflskq rodzin krolewskq
10 answer (A, B or C). Write in your notebook. opisywaa siebie i swojq rodzin
1. Who is Jane? opisywo czlonka rodziny
A Anna's aunt B Anna's sister przedstowia superbohcitero
C Annas mum opisywa gatunki zwierzqt
2. How many brothers has Anna got? Pisanie
A2 B3 C5
piso post a swojej rodzinie
3. How old is Anna's dad? pisoO artykut o superbohaterze (The Flash).
A35 B40 C42
4. Who is Alex?
A Anna's granddad B Anncfs cousin
C Annas uncle
5. Who's Anna's aunt?
A Helen B Sue C Kelly
SxS- 15
Idol: 103 pcThts forty-seven 147
I,. iIIiia.

Vocabulary 10
- Rooms in
a house
- Furniture &
Public places
near my house _i
- Signs in public


- There is/There
are (affirmative 2
& negative)
Prepositions of

- a/an - some -
There is/There are
(interrogative &
short answers)
Everyday English
- Describing your
- Pronunciation:
W. /a:/ -

Rooms/Places of a house

Match the rooms (1-5) to the pictures (A-E).Write in your notebook.

i Listen and check, then repeat.

Ii H child's bedroom
EI!1 bathroom
J parents' bedroom
living room


Furniture & Appliances

2 i Listen, point and say.

1. curtains & washbasin 11. sink 16. sofa

2. pillows 7. wardrobe 12. cooker 17. coffee table
3. bed 8. carpet 13. fridge 18. lamp
4. toilet 9. desk 14. table 19. armchair
S. both 10. cupboards 15. chairs 20. bookcase

Ask and answer questions, as in the example.

A: Whores The bed i. 's n ;he chdsjparents bedroom.

forty-nine 49

So Rose, this is your new bedroom.

Wow, ifs huge! Is there a balcony?
No, there isnt but there's a great view of the garden from the window.
Are There any flowers in the garden?
Yes, there are. Look!
Yuck! This room is all pink -The curtains, the carpet the sofa, the bed.
Even the walls are pink!
That's MY room, John. And ft's beautiful.

9 What about my room? Where is it?

Ifs opposite our room. There's a bed, a desk and
huge agrom ny/-a
balcony. balkan
great wspcinIay/-a
view widak
a bookcase with lots of space for your things.
awesome. rewelacyJny/-a
11IF11T Coo!! Let's go see it now! opposite nc -zedwko

space przesttie

$ Listen to and read the dia!ogue.Then, match the sentences.Wrife in your
1 notebook.

The bedrooms are huge.

Rose's bedroom is opposite his parents' room.
John's bedroom is upstairs.
-drv vt'' RIP

Reading 3a
Decide if the sentences are (right) or (wrong) or (doesn't say). Write
2 in your notebook.

1. The kitchen is big. 3. Rose's bedroom has got a balcony

2. There are three bedrooms. 4. Johns room is hue,

Complete the sentences with the information from the dialogue. Write in
3 your notebook.

1. The family's new house has got a kitchen and a living room....
2. There is a great ... of the garden from Rose's bedroom.
3. John's room has got a bed, a desk and a....

Parts of a house

Fill in the gaps with: door, walls, balcony. window and gc

4 Write in your notebook.

1. Emrncis bedroom has got yellow....

2. There's a big ... with chairs and a table upstairs.
3. There are beautiful flowers in the....
4. Come in! The ... is open.
5. There are curtains in front of the ... in our living room.

Match the words in bold in the dialogue to the correct opposite below. Write
5 in your notebook.

1. ole - 2. very small - 3. downstairs -

Writing & Speaking

In pairs, complete the dialogue about your new house in your notebook. Use
6 the words in the box.

Rooms A: This is our new house. There is a ... and a ... downstairs, and ... and ... upstairs
bedroom B: Let's see our bedrooms.
'living roan, '
kitchen A: This is your new bedroom.
bathroom B: Wow, it's ... ljs there a ...?
A: No. there isn't but there is a ... with a great view.
B: What about your room?
Window A: It's opposite the bathroom. Lets go see it nowl

7 AA Take roles and act out your dialogue to the class.

I1vnH 51
There Is - More we (affirmative & negative) SCO OR p. 13

'There is a IS. a elesP

ma.? ciair inmy room
There are posters on
!/fl ti'?O. s4
fo singular plural

affirmative is/'s There are

There isn/ There aren/

I is not are not
ative j

There is znaczy:
jest' znaJduJe si. Fill in the gaps with is or are. Write in your notebook.
There are znaczy
sq/ znojdujq sit. In the living room,
1. there a sofa. 4. there ... a carpet.
2. there ... four pictures. 5. there ,.. books in the bookcase.
3. there ... a coffee table. 6. there ... two armchairs.

Rewrite the sentences in the negative in your notebook.

1. There is a garage. There isn't a garage.
2. There's a bed in the room.
3. There are pictures on the wall.
4. There are pillows on The bed.


3 Describe the picture as in the example. Use the prompts in the box to help

w9d'OW . tamp
bookcase chair
wardrobe 'bed
carpet . curtains

There are windows in the roor.

521m1 v4wo
Prepositions of place S:) Glr 3

i a a * =w gdS kto tub co

4 Look at the pictures above. Look and say.
The oat is in the bail.

5 Choose the correct preposition. Write in your notebook.

This is my bedroom. It has got red curtains and a carpet I) under/in front
of the bed. There is a white bookcase 2) opposite/behind the window.
There is a lamp 3) on/in the bookcase. There are pictures 4) above/on the
bed and there is an armchair 5) below/near the window. It's great!

Writing (a short post describing your bedroom)

Remember 6 Post a description of your bedroom. Use the text in Ex. 5 as a model. Write in
your notebook.
safety rules!
Do not give a Update Status S Add Photos/Video
InformatIon Hello, friendsl
to people My bedroom is.... There is ... . There are....
you doni 4,
know uS

- _________ -----------C

flfly-three 153
Public places now my house

a) Label the pictures with: cinema, park, hospital, library, gym. supermarket.
Write in your notebook.

b) i Listen and check.Then. repeat.


2 S4' Tell your partner which places there are/aren't near your house.

Near my house, there is a cinema, a gym and a park. Thereisn't a library

Signs in public places

3 Look at the signs and match them to the sentences below. Write in your

LM1 ] 6 [Vrl V]
H [gLL

1. The library is not open.


2. There is free wireless connection here

3. To open the door, push M
4.if isn't OK to smoke here
S. You can buy things from the supermarket now.
6. To open the door, pull it.

54 1 flity1oLr
Everyday English 3d
Describing your home

a) Complete the dialogue with the sentences (A-D).Write in your notebook.

t IC

Your house is awesomel

It's really big There is a lMng room and
a kitchen downstairs, The bedrooms
and the bathroom are upstairs.
r 2)...
Yes, rt is, There's a bed, a desk wrth
a computer on it, a wardrobe and
a carpet on the floor.
No, there isn't, but that s OK A Why's th&

Because There's a big park B ThOnk&W1
C Is your room big?
0 sounds nice is
there a garden'?

b) Which is Barry's bedroom: A or

Listen and check.Then, act out the dialogue in pairs.


1$4 Complete the exchanges with phrases below. Write in your notebook.
What's .w-PtcUse like? Is your room big? Is there a garage?
Is it near a park?

1. A What's your nouse like? 3. A. ...?

B: My house is small and modern. B: No. tt's small.
2. A:...? 4. A. ...
B: No, There isn't, but there's a garden. B: Yes. It Is.

lLUImIPJfl1[sJi#j/GJ4 /cfl/

4)N Listen and repeat.

/a'J garden, bathroom, carpet

/a'.! awesome, wardrobe, small

lilly-five 155
A/An-Some-Any GRt31 (rea
i Lift-, flo
n the

r form singular (a/an) plural (some/any)

affirmative There is a book. are some books,
negative There isn't a poster. ii'Yearen't any posters.
interrogative Is there an armchair? Are re any armchairs

Match the phrases to make sentences. Write in your notebook.

There is some pillows on the bed.
There are any chairs in the room.
There isn't tj an armchair in The living room.
There aren't C) a sob in the bedroom.

2 Choose the correct word. Write in your notebook.

1. There's an/a sofa in The living room.

2. There are some/any chairs in The bedroom.
3. Is there a/an desk in the room?
4. There aren't some/any pillows on The bed.

3 Fill in the gaps with: a/an, some or any. Write in your notebook.

1. There are ... paintings on The wall. 3. There aren't ... books on the desk.
2. There isn't... armchair in The kitchen. 4. There is ... bookcase in my bedroom.

Fill in the gaps with: There is. There isn't, There are. There aren't and a/an,
4 some or any. Write in your notebook.

1. There is a bed. 4. ...pictures on The wall. 7. table

2. ... desk. 5....armthaii 8. ... cupboards.
3. wardrobe. 6. books in the bookcase

Grammar * je
is there aofzi in
There Is -There are (interrogative & short answers) -ax,j
t'_ 'N yOuri'6clrOarn?
Soo GRfl.132

W pytonlach form singular plural

!s/or u2vamy
pried there. interrogative Is there? Are there?
Yes, there is./ Yes, there are./
short answers
No, there isn't. No, there aren't.

Complete the sentences in the interrogative. Write in your notebook.

1. There is a book on the desk. s there a book on the desk?
2. There are four chairs in The kitchen.... four chairs in The kitchen?
3. There is a sofa in the living room.... in the living room?
4. There are pictures on The wall....?

Complete the sentences below with the correct form of there is - there are.
Write in your notebook.

1. A: ... a carpet in The room? 3. A ... a bookcase in your room?

B: Yes,.... B: Na....
2. A ... any pictures on the wails? 4. A ... any chairs in the kitchen?
B: Na.... B: Yes.....

7 '$j Ask and answer questions as in the example.

sofa both
coffee table .curtains

A: Are there any pictures on the wall? A: is there a bed in the room?
B: Yes, there are B: No, there isnl.

flfiy-seven 157
1ME 11w res
There are many types of houses in the UK.


5 Some are big. Some are small. Some are
In the city centre and some are in the
countryside. Here are the main types of

_L.aLt* if

A detached house is on its own Semi-detached houses are two Terraced houses are houses In
with a garden and a driveway. houses together with a garden. long rows. These houses are
Detached houses are big and They are popular with families, in city centres and in big
are usually in the suburbs. They too. There are semi-detached towns. They are small and
are popular with families, but houses in The suburbs and in a sometimes there is a small
they are expensive. lot of big towns. garden or a yard at the back.

In city centres,
there are blocks of
flats. These homes
are on top of each
other. Some blocks
of flats are very tall
Bungalows are small houses
with good views at
with gardens. They have only In the countryside, there are
the top. They are
got one floor. There are cottages. These houses are
very popular with P
bungalows in small towns and small with big gardens. They
young people.
in the suburbs. are very pretty.

- -.
countryside wlsko
i Listen to and read the texts and match phrases 1-3 to phrases a-c.
okollea Write in your notebook.
driveway podJazd
suburb przedmledole A detached house C are two houses together.
row rzqd
Semi-detached houses are homes on top of each other;
yard ogtd.
podworze Blocks of f lots C is expensive.
floor pltro

Decide if the sentences are R (right) or (wrong) or DS (doesn't soy). Write

2 in your notebook.

1. Terraced houses have always got a garden in the back.

2. Blocks of flats are in city centres.
3. Cottages are expensive houses.
4. Bungalows have got two floors.

58 fifty-eIght
&rois Cultures. 3
Answer the questions in your notebook.
1. What types of houses are there in city centres?
2. What types of houses have got a garden?

Complete the sentences with: driveway, suburbs, yoiti or floors. Write in
4 your notebook.
1. My house has got lwo....
2. We have got a lovely ... at the back of the house.
3. Tom's house isn't in The city centre. It's in The....
4. My dad's car is in the....

Match the words in bold in the text to the correct opposite below. Write
5 in your notebook.
1. front - 3. ugly -
2. cheap - ... 4. bottom -

Present one of the different types of English homes to the class in your own words.
6 Write in your notebook.
Detached houses are jg They're in The suburbs. They\'e got gardens and drveio't

Listen to the conversation and decide if the sentences are (
7 or W (wrong). Write in your notebook.

1. Bill's house is very big. 3. ft's an old house

2. The house's got 3 bedrooms. 4. there's a park near Bill's hoso,
R2ecink6w u2ywcny
do oddzlelenla
wnlenlarvth Rewrite the sentences. Put commas where necessary. Write in your notebook.
.here is a sofa, 1. There is a desk a bed and a chair in my bedroom.
abnp, on 2. My house has got a kitchen a living room two bedrooms and a bathroom.
oinchoir and a TV
in the Mng room.
Writing (an email about your house)
Write an email to your English-speaking friend about your house. Use
9 the email below to help you.

Thanks for your email. My house is great. It is in .... Outside, there is

lnsida there is.... Here's a picture of my house
Write soon,
mghOUSt - - -.

- i Listen to and read the text and complete the missing words in your

A scale of a map is the relationship between the size of something on
the map and its size in the real world. Let's draw a map to scale.
a What youneed:
O4/32 c2
--- ab---
Choose two objects l)i_your
bedroom, like your bed and the desk or the - -- -
chair and the window.
use steps to measure the distance.
4 walk in a straight line. Place your feet from
heel to toe. Count how many steps ft takes (.-
-, to get from one object to2)t_ - other
-. write down the number of steps.
Choose a scale, like one square on
the graph is the same as one step.
use the ruler to draw a map of
3)y_ - - room. Use the
measurements in steps. write the
- map scale at the bottom of the graph 23 jJ_dca
This 4) i - a scaled map of your room.

scale skala - -
relationship relooja.
size rozmlar ') Answer the questions in your notebook.
1. What isa scale ofamap?
measwe merzyO
distance od!eg$aO 2. What are the things you need to draw a map to scale?
measurement pomlar

Use the information in the text to draw a scaled map of your room. Present it
3 to the class.
Project Time 3
Flash Time .3
1 Look at Henry's dream house and describe it to the class.

2 Use the table below and your own ideas to think of and create
your dream house. How similar is it to Henry's?

countryside small balcony kftchen chairs

town big garden living room table
suburbs huge garage bathroom bed
city centre driveway bedroom etc bookcase etc
.4 - _________

Presentation Skills

3 Use your drawing in Ex. 1 and your notes in Ex.2 to present your dream
house to the class.
My dream ho -;: ....It is... . Outside the house there is.... Inside The house
There are ... rooms. There isa.... In the ... ,there is.... etc

a) Discuss the saying.
b)- .Think Complete the sentence in your notebook. Use one of
these words:
big, beautiful, small, old, modern.
My home is great because it's....
roe resse
Reading Match the signs to their meanings below.
3 Write in your notebook.
Read the text and answer the questions
in your notebook. - - - - No smoking Push - Pull Free WiFi

1M] fl
OEI ON 4x 1-ti

Fill in: there is or there are. Write in your
4 notebook.
10 Downing Street or 'Number 10 is the office
and house of the British Prime Minister. 1. curtains in the bedroom.
It is also the name of the building. There is a
2....a cooker in The kitchen.
police officer In front of its black front door.
3, two windows in The room.
The building Is three hundred years old, and
has got one hundred rooms. The Prime 4.... a table in The living room.
Minister's house Is on the third floor. The 4x1 'cl
other floors have got offices. There is kitchen
Fill in: some or any. Write in your
in the basement. At the back, there Is a 5 notebook.
courtyard with a nice garden.
Number 10 is near 1. Are There ... books on the desk?
Buckingham Palace. the ' office bluro 2. There are ... pillows on the bed.
Queen's house, just a building budynek
courtyard dziedzlnleo 3. There aren't... posters on the wall.
short walk from the
Houses of Parliament. basement piwnico J 4. There are ... cupboards in the kitchen.

1. Whose home is 10 Downing Street? Choose the correct preposition. Write in

6 your notebook.
2. How old is the building?
3. How many rooms has it got? 1. The flowers are on/in the table.
4. Which floor is the Prime Minister's house 2. The sofa is under/opposite The chair.
on? tixS-Z) 3. The computer is below/on the desk.
Vocabulary 4. The carpet is above/in front of The bed.
Choose the odd word out. Write in your 5. The wardrobe is in/near the bed.
2 notebook. 4x1-4

1. kitchen - bedroom - bathroom - carpet Put the words in the right order. Write in
2. bookcase - wardrobe - library - 7 your notebook.
cupboard 1. There/desk/isn't/computer/a/the/on.
3. pillow - armchair - sofa - chair 2. room/a/TV/Paul's/fhere/in/ls?
4. floor - door - window - garden 3. cupboards/are/There/our/some/
5. hospital - garage - gym - cinema kitchen/in.
5x2- 10 4x2-8
62 1
Progress Check.
Everyday English

8 Complete the dialogue with:

It's great! Is there a balcony?
What's your new house like?
What's your room like? Ju umiem 7
Write in your notebook.
Stownictwo i grcmialyka
i,: Hi, Paul! 1)...
mwi o pomieszczeniach w domu
B: Hi, Jessie! 2).. Its got a kitchen, a living
mowiO a meblach i urzqdzenioch
room and a bathroom downstairs, and
two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. mwi a cz$ciach domu
mOwi o miejscach publicznych w okolicy
A: 3)...
B: Its not very big. There's a bed, a desk
nazywo znaki wystpujqce w miejscach
and a chair.
utywaO there is these are (w lwierdzeniach

B: Yes, there ia 4x3-12 i przeczeniach)

u'aO przyimkOw miejsca (prepositions of
Copy and complete the email to Mark utywaO a/an some any
9 about your house in your notebook.
- -

uywaO There is there are (w pytaniach


i krolkich odpowiedziach)
4V 7D Czytanie
Hi Mark, dobieroa wyratenia, tworzqc petne zdania
Mg house is ... . It's got okrSlaO, czy dana infocmocja znajduje sic
Mg room is wtek~cie i czy jest prawdziwa w odniesieniu
What about you? do tekstu
Write soon, uzupetniaa zdania brakujqcymi informacjami
odpowiodaO no pytania sprawcizajqce
lspot' zrozumienie tekstu
10 Listen and choose the correct answer rozpoznawa, czy dana informacja jest
(A. B or C). Write in your notebook. prawdziwa w odniesieniu do tekstu
1. Where's the desk? Mowionie
A 8 M C zodawa pytania a dom i odpowiadaO na nie
odgrywaO dialog no temat nowego dornu
opisywaO swOj dam
2. Which floor is John's house on?
przedstaMoO jeden z typowych anglelskich
A B bm C 8r1, domOw
3. What hasn't Kate got in her bedroom? prezentowa dom swoich marze

A * Bth C4 Pisanie
pisaO dialog o swoim nowym domu
4. Where's Peter? pisa post opisujqcy mojq sypiaIni
A B Cj uywaO przecinkOw w zdaniach
pisaO e-mail a swoim domu.
4 x 3- 12
Total: laD pcfls
4 Everyday

- Daily routine/
Free-lime activities
- Jobs
- Work places
- Present simple
Object personal
- Adverbs of
Prepositions of time
Everyday English
arrangements -
- Pronunciation:

Zcpisujqc czas w jzyku

anQelsdm. m02erny u2y6
formcilu 12- lub 24-god2lrt-
nego. W mowe x4de
utywomy forrnotu
rs 6pr. NIE: Xs jfl

Daily routine/Free-time octivitles

1 4)> Listen and repeat.

_ _-,

//a a
-/ a
W ria4bOL

IL" '10


2 Imagine you are Barry. Use phrases from Ex. 1 to tell The class about your
routine on Mondays.
gcir up at 6ocock in the morning and take a show& Then, I have break-last
and brush my teeth. After that,



Michael gets up at 7:30 am and has his breakfast His best friend, Ben,

I; lives next door, so they walk to school together. They are in the same
class at Greenwood Primary School. There are 30 students in their class.
All students wear a school uniform and carry their books in a backpack.
The students have registration at 8:45 am and lessons start at 9:00 am.
There is a short break at 10:30 am and a lunch break at 12:30 pm.
Michael brings a packed lunch from home, but Ben buys a hot school
dinner from the canteen.
In the afternoon, there are lessons again from 1:15 pm until 3:40 pm.
When school finishes, Michael and Ben have football practice because
they play for the school team. At 4:30 pm, Michael and Ben walk back
Michael takes a shower and does his homework. He has
dinner at 7:00 pm with his family. Then, he goes
online. He goes to bed at 9:30 pm.

uniform ntindurek
backpack plecak
registration sprowdzanle lIsty
packed lunch such' prowicint 1 4))notebook.
Listen to and read the text, then match. Write in your

hot school dinner cleply oblad

w szkole Michael gets up at 7:1)) pm.
canteen stolowka Lunch is at 7:30 ciii.
team dnftma
Michael has dinner - at 12:30 pm.

Decide if the sentences are R (right) or W (wrong) or 1)3 (doesn't say). Write
2 in your notebook.
Michael and Ben walk to school together
2. There are three breaks in The school day.
3. Ben likes the food from the canteen.
4. Michael does his homework before dinner.

Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. Who is Michael's best friend?
2. What time is registration?
3. When is Michael and Ben's fooiball practice?
Reading. 4a

Complete the sentences with: break, canteen, packed lunch, school dinner,
4 uniform. Write in your notebook.

1. All the students wear a school

2. I bring a ... to school every day.
3. After the first lesson, there is a....
4. Some students buy a ... at lunchtime.
5. We have our lunch in The....

Match the words in bold in the text to their opposites below. Write in your
5 notebook.

1. -) d 2. cocii 3. ono


Listen and complete Paul's school timetable in your notebook.


Get up 7:00 am Break 2) ... Homework 5:00 pm

Go to school Lunch 1:00 pm Dinner 4)
I) .. Tennis practice Chat online 8:00 pm
Registration 8:30 am 3)... Bed 9:30 pm

Connectors (Linkers) GP

Complete the text in your notebook. Use or ;to;

11 I get up at 7:30 am. First I take a shower. 1)... I have breakfast 2) ... breakfast
S .uS l walk to school
then: noS1QPne
(,affer: pO
I I come back home at 2:30. First I do my homework. 3)... I go to basketball
J practice. 4) ... that, I have dinner.

Imagine you are PautTell the class about your daily routine. Use your answers
8 in Ex. 6. Use the text below to help you.

i gc up oP 7.03 am. Then, 1 go ... a;.... Scrooi starts with ... cr 8:30. Wo nave a
break at ... and lunch at.... After school. I have ... practice at.... Then I go home
and do my.... We have dinner at.... Then, I ... at .1 go to bed at 9:30.

sMtsen 167
Present simple (affirmative) See GPp.132
play foo&bafl
ry 5aturc1iy.

. she plays
you play
a they

) a) Copy the table in your notebook. Write the third-person singular of the
verbs in brackets.

Id hi liz? I/s/ /z//iz/

Pisownia 1.(play) plays I

Trzecla osoba llczby 6. (do) ...

2.(walk) - . I
czasowrilk + 3.(watch) 7.(trv)..,
leaf - ne eats. toy)...
I like - he Ii<es
zokorSozane no is/
b) Listen and tick (/) the correct pronunciation in your notebook: (s, z. u).
I yU - he goes.
I wash - she wosres
Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.
zakorSozone 2
spotgtoskq +
yt' 4es 1. He have/has dinner at 8:00.
I cry - he cries
ALE ozasownikl 2. I walk/walks to school in the morning.
zokorSczone 3. Mary get/gets up at 6:30 every morning
+-y -.s 4. Eric and I play/plays basketball on Sundays.
I enjoy - he enjoys

Complete the text with the verbs in the list in the correct form of the present
3 simple. Write in your notebook.
chat - finish get up 'go (x2) 'hove (x2) watch walk

Paolo 1)... at 7:00 every morning She 2)... breakfast and Then she
and her friend Rosa 3) ... to school. They 4) ... school at 3:00 and
then Paola 5) ... to basketball practice. In the evening, she 6) ... TV
or she 7) ... with her friends online after she 8) ... dinner. Paola 9)
to bed at 10:00.

68 I sbdy-elght
Object personal pronouns 132
mis i barry lie qoeii
:o school with me

9 N_jIehirn nry


you you
he him
she her
it ft

we us
you you
they them

4 Match the sentences (1-4) to the correct sentences (a-d).Write in your

This is Al. I lovc them vow much.
My dad plays football with my brother and me. t talk to her every Friday.
These are my parents. I go to school with him.
I chat online with my cousin. He helps us practise

Choose the correct item. Write in your notebook.

1. Ryan is my best friend. He/Him is in my class.
2. Polly lives on my street I walk to school with she/her.
3. My sister Amy helps I/me with my homework.
4. We/Us take a packed lunch to school.
5. Chris and Simon are my frienda I play football with they/them.

Replace the underlined words. Use object pronouns.Write in your notebook.

1. A: Are they your friends?
B: Yes, come and meet my friends.

2. A: George plays football every day

B: He's really good at football.

3. A: My friend Lisa goes to your school.

B: Oh. yes, I know Lisa.

4. A: Tony is really nice.

B: Yes, I like Tony.

-Fi:ie 69
a) Label the pictures with: teacher. DJ, nine, chef, babysitter, doctor.
1 4
shop assistant, police officer. t4nifress. Write in your notebook.Then listen
and check.

%Mot OR

CI M*11 o *

0 Cn --
I .A

Am .4
b) Which names of the jobs in Ex. 1 a are the same in Polish?

Make sentences as in the example.

james is C) aoctrr

Wade places
i Listen and repeat.


4 Who works in each place? Make sentences with the words in Exs la and 3.
Doctors and nurses work in a hos'

Everyday English
Making invitations - Accepting/Refusing
Complete the dialogue in your notebook. Use the sentences (A-E).

Hi, Nall
1).. t


D /rmr!I Sure.I'd love to. What time?

4) A Can You cOmetOm'l
W3fl1 Sony I cant make ft at 4.1 have football house in the afternoo
' practice at school until 5. g ters inset at 4 oclock.
C How Obo 6 then?
WYi 6 o'clock is fine See you there. I p rm fine. th0 Ne YOU
free this Fridoy7
Hi, Ae)d5. How are you?
2 AS 4 Listen and check. Ac out kI dialogue in pairs. a - -
V - I

3 Complete the exchanges with the phrase below. Write in your notebook. \.
ls,300-QI(-witlt?u? I can't make it How about 710? - I'd love to.

1. A: Is 3:00 OK with you? 3. A: Can we meet this Saturday?

B: Yes, thafs the with me B: Sorry. ....
2. A: Lets meet at 8:00 4 A ...
B: Sure a Fm afraid I cant


4 " Listen and repeat.

/8/ three, thanks, think

IN that then, there

seventy-one 171
Adverbs of frequency Se 4 GRp.132

S I always get up at 7:00.

() I usually walk to school.

e l often goto the gym. S

S l sometimes chat online in the evening.

I never go to bed late. --

Choose the correct adverb of frequency. Write in your notebook.

1. John ... (100%) walks to school.
A often B never C aways
2. Helen ... (25%) watches Win the evening.
A sometimes B usually C always
3. They... (50%) do their homework after dinner.
A often B usually C sometimes
4. He is... (0%) late for school.
A sometimes B never C always
S. My dad ... (75%) has lunch at work.
A sometimes B usually C always

Put the words in the correct order. Write in your notebook.

1. always/early/is/for work/He.
2. She/late/sometimes/is.
3. shower/He/at night/often/takes/a.

& Copy the table in your notebook and put a tick (.') in the correct
3 box.Then, tell your partner.

always usually often sometimes never

7:00 am: get up /
8:00 am: leave for school
1:30 pm: have lunch
5:00 pm: do homework
7:00 pm: have dinner
9:30 pm: go to bed

I usually get up at 7fl0.

721 sevent4wo
Prepositions of time (at, on, In) SG GRp.133

at fl 5aturciay. I usually
at 8:00 in the mon
godziny: at 7 o'clock,
wiQta: I i I Christmas, at Easter
wyraienia: at noon, at the weekend, at night
dni: on Monday, on New Year's Day
datr on 2nd August
pory cinla: on Friday night
miesiqee: in September
pory roku: in The winter/spring/summer/autumn
wyrotenla: in The morning/afternoon/evening.
in an hour, in a minute, in a week/month/year/few days

Match the sentences (1-5) to the correct sentences (a-e).Write in your

4 notebook.

I walk to school at 0 C September.

We've got an English lesson on e 7:45 am.
My birthday is in 3 C) afternoon.
Mark plays video games at 0 EP Tuesdays.
Suzie goes to football practice in The - C) the weekend.

5 Fill in the gaps with: at, on or in.Write in your notebook.

1. He gets up ... BIXJ ... the morning

2. I've got a music lesson ... Thursdays,
3. We can meet ... The afternoon.
4. We usually visit our grandparents ... Sunday mornings.
5. The children finish lessons ... 3pm.

Complete the sentences about yourself in your notebook.

1. I usually ho'-
2. My birthday is on....
3. Igo ... The summer.
4. l ... 8pm.

7- 73
F hj
- r File
Weish Wizard
th July, 1989
birth: ardftf, Wales a

Gareth Bale Is a great foothaller. He usually gets up early at 7:00 am and goes
to the gym. After that, he takes a shower and then he eats breakfast. At 9:00 am,
Gareth goes to football practice. Gareth always has a lunch break at about 1:30
and then continues training. He has Spanish lessons twice a week.
On the field, Gareth often scores goals. His nickname is the Welsh Wizard'. Gareth
is tall and runs very fast. People say he has got magic feet.
When Gareth doesn't have training or a match, he plays computer games and
rwatches DVD5 or sports matches on TV. He plays golf, too. He also helps
different charities that help children. His family is very important to him
and he likes spending time witi

mining tienlng
twice dwa razy
field bosko
charity organlzooja i

4)) Listen to and read the text. Match phrases 1-3 to phrases a-c to
make sentences. Write in your notebook.

Gareth Bale is and very fast.

His birthday is a footballer
Gareth istall c?: on 16th July

Decide if the sentences are 7 (right) or W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say). Write

2 in your notebook.

1. Hewakesupat9arn. 3. Retrains tr 6 hours.

2. He has lunch at 1:30. 4. He only plays football.

3 Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. Where is he from?
2. What is his nickname?
3. What is very important to him?
Across Cultures
Free-time activities

Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use: goes, have,

4 plays, help or spend.
1. My dad ... golf on Sundays.

7 2. Robin ... to the gym after school.

3. At the weekend, l ... time with my family and friends
4. It's good to ... charities.
5. I ... piano lessons every Saturday

Match the words in bold in the text to their opposites below. Write in
5 your notebook.
1. goes tobed r... 2. comes P!... 3. hates x.

Listen and complete the notes about Michal's daily routine. Write in your
6 notebook.

Writing (an email about a daily routine) & Speaking

Imagine you are Michal. Complete the email below to your English e-friend
7 Jack about your daily routine at the legia Warszawa Soccer School. Write in
your notebook.Then, tell the class.

Hi Jack.
I'm at Legia Warszawa Soccer School. Here's my daily routine. In the
morning. I .... At 7:30,1.... At 9:00, I .... After lunch, we.... After that. I.... At
6:30.....I .... It's very tiring, but its really great herel
Write back soon,


a 6':

guysl Fm here in England. I miss my life in Poland, but I like It here a lot

(love my new schooll Its big and There are lots of student&That's why ifs
important we all follow the rules. Here They are:

r_0 --
be on time for registration. hand homework in Ida
wear YOLF school uniform. cheat on tests.
bring a pocked lunch to school use a mobile phone at school.
be quiet in doss. ff4: bully other students.

What are the rules at your school? F-love you got a school uniform? Here
is a picture of me in my new uniform. I like ft. Row about you?

rule zosoda. regtto

cheat fdqga oswWwad
buRy zos1roszo6,znco6si

Reading .
1 o ,l Listen to and read the text and decide if the sentences are R (right)
or W(wrong) or (Lees.. cv). Write in your notebook.

1. Kasia doesn't like her new school.

2. She's British. Q.
3. Registration is at 8:45 am.
4. Kasia wears a uniform to school.

. S. Its OK to use mobile phones at her school.

Writing & Speaking

2 Thtnk What rules have you got in your school? In your notebook,
make notes under the headings and tell the class. Use the rules in

the box to help you.
be on time
cheat on tests
be quiet in class
eat or drink in class

use ci Mobile phone
listen to the teacher.

76 Iseventts
Flash Time 4
Project Th

In groups, collect information

about asportsperson from your country an
make notes under the headings in your not



Date of birth

Peace of birth

Daily routine

Free- time activities

Presentation Skills

2 Use your notes in Ex. 1 to present the sportsperson to the class.

PPY das
a) Look atthe
: .?
of these do you
usually do?

b) S Think
In pairs, design
a HeaIthy
present it to
the class. ,.

seenry-seven 177
Reading Fill in: take, ploy, go, watch, brush. Write in
3 your notebook.
Read the text and choose the correct
1 answer (A. B or C). Write in your notebook. 1. In the evening, I ... video games.
2. I ... TV in the afternoon.
I I '' ii 4( tt I always ... a shower atnight.
4. I ... my teeth in the morning.
Nadine is 14 years old and lives in Burkina Faso in West
Africa. She is in 7th grade at school, but her typical day 5. I ... to the gym in the evening
is not like a typical school day for a teenager in Europe. 5x2- 0
Every morning, Nadine gets up very early, at 4am. She
cleans the house. After that, she makes breakfast and 4 Choose the correct answer. Write in
prepares her brother and sister for school. She rides her your notebook.
bike to school. 1. A doctor/waitress works in a hospital.
At noon, Nadine cycles back home and has lunch. Then, 2. A teacher/babysitter works in a school.
she goes to the market and helps her mother before she 3. A teacher/chef works in a restaurant
goes back to school. After school, -
4. A doctor/police officer works in a
she and her sister cook dinner for the police station.
family. There isn't electricity in
. A shop assistant/nurse works in a shop
Nadine's house, so she can't watch
5x1 -5
N or surf the Internet. Nadine does
her homework and reads with a Grammar
candle. Then, she goes to bed. Write the third-person singular in your
.- 5 notebook.
1. Nadine is in grade
1. I work - she ...
A7. B14. C4.
2. Nadine goes to school 2. Igo-he
A by bus. B on foot. 3. I wash - she ...
C on her bike. 4. l chat -he ...
3. At noon, Nadine ... 5. I cry-she...
x2- 10
A cooks dinner. B goes back home.
Complete the sentences with the
C goes back to school. 6 correct object personal pronoun. Write
4. Before she goes to bed, she ... in your notebook.
A does her homework.
1. Ben ismy best friend. llike....
B surfs the Internet.
2. Our mum drives ... to school.
C watches TV
4x5-20 3. There's Alice. Let's talk to....
Vocabulary 4. This is Jack and Anna. Look cit....
4x1 ".t
2 Choose the correct word. Write in your
7 Put the words in the right order. Write in
1. He goes/gets up at 8:00. your notebook.
2. We usually have/do lunch at 1:00. 1. We/school/walk/to/every day
3. Tom has/does his homework in The 2. late/Tom/is/for school/never.
afternoon. 3. always/We/at/dinner/8:00/have.
4. We come/take back home after school. 4. evening/in/watch/They/P//the.
5. I help/watch a charity for children. 5. have/Mondays/We/music lessons/on.
5x1-5 5x2- 10
78 J seienly-elght
Progress Check .4
Everyday English Writing

8 Complete the dialogue with: 10 Write an email to your English friend.

Stan, about what you do at weekends.
Use the email below as a model.
Are you free on Saturday?
How about 3 then? EJT)
Let's meet at 1 o'clock. Hi Stan!
fit weekends, I usually wake up
Write in your notebook. at ... . In the morning, I ... . In
the afternoon, I ... . In the
A: I-li )istlri! 1) evening, I
8: Ithink so. 2) Bge,
A: Can you come to my house?
8: 3)... Whcztlime?
A: 4)...
B: Sorry, I can't make it at 1. I have a
piano lesson.
A: 5)...
8: 3 o'clock is fine See you There.
I Juumiem... 1

5x2- Stowniotwo I gromolyka

mOvAO a codziennych zajciach I czasle wolnn
Listening mOwiO a zawodach
mOwi a miejscoch pracy
. \ For questions 1-4. choose The
9 correct answer (A. B or C). Write in your
uat ezasu Present Simple (w twierdzeniach)
u,aO zaimkOw osabawych w formie dapelnienic
notebook. (object personal pronouns)
u,aO przyslOwkOw czstothwoci
1. What is Mary's favourite activity? (adverbs of frequency)
u'aO przyirnkOw czasu (prepositions of lime)

dobieraO wyenia, lworzqc pelne zdania
okre1a6, ezy dana infarmacja znajduje sit w tekcle
2. What is Tom's favourite free-lime activtty? i czy jest piawdzlwa w odniesienlu do tekstu
odpowiada no pytania sprawdzaJqce zrozumienie
3. When can Bob meet Janet? znajdawaO w wypowiedzi akre&ne infarmacje
(M'bOr 'Melakrotny uzupenianie uk)
A ruesday B VezeUa C fl4uay Mwlenle
oplswaa czyjet codzienne czynnaci
4. Who is Anna's dad? zapraszaO, przyjniowa zaproszeriia i admowicO
opisywaO swoje codzienrie czynnoci
A T,

C prezentowa znanego sportowca
pisa e-mail a codziennych czynnaklath.

se'enttnIne 179
11 __________
S All aboufo,,
- Food & Drinks
- Food preparulion
- Cooking tools
- Like/Don't like + -ing
- Present simple
- Present simple
(interrogative &
short answers)
- Phrosal verbs

- .Words
How much,
How many Which,
Why How
Everyday English
- Expressing
- Giving instiuclions
- Pronunciation:
Word Stress

Food & Drinks
a) Use the words in the list to label the pictures (1-7). Write in your
biscuits pasta fruit juice meat 'cucumbers
strawberries salt

b)t Listen and repeat.

Expressing likes/dislikes
2 Use the key to talk about your likes/dislikes, as in the example.
Do rnrazanla upodobcin
utmy like love don
like ltd. z ozasownlkieni
z kocOwiq 4ng.
I like eating cpples
I don't like thinking coffee.
I like eating cereal and eggs, I can't like eating yoghurt. I really like
drinking milk. I hate drinking coffee,

We love watching TV chefs prepare our favourite foods. They create
delicious dishes like soups, pies, salads and stews with Jots of different
ingredients, but what are our TV chefs' favourite foods?

Jamie Oliver
Jamie has got restaurants all over the UK. He likes using all kinds
of ingredienft from meat and fish to special rice to create
' amazing dishes, but what he really likes is bread and pasta. These
foodsare healthy, tasty and really easy to make He doesn't like
sugary drinks because they aren't healthy.

Cordon Ramsay
Gordon is famous for his difficult dishes, but what does he like to eat
at home? A meal of fish with vegetables is all it takes to make
Gordon happy! It's simple, doesn't take a lot of time and tastes
great. He also says the meal everyone needs to learn to make is
roast dinner. This British meal with meat, potatoes, vegetables and
gravy is deliciousl

>m Lorraine Pascale

Lorraine knows all about healthy eating. She writes books about it.

II People love her recipesi Her favourite meal is one of them: Thai fish
pie. It's British fish pie with flavours from Thailand. ft's healthyand tasty

stew gulasz
ingrethent skiodnik Listen to and read the texts and match the phrases 1-3 to the
meal posilek
1 phrases a-c to make correct sentences. Write in your notebook.
gravy $OS
recipe przepls Jamie Oliver likes cooking one of Lorraine's recipes.
flavour srnak
Thai fish pie is a British meal.
Roast dinner is with different ingredients,

For questions 1-3, choose the best answers (A. B or C). Write in your notebook.
1. Jamie Oliver's favourite food is
A special rice. B meat and vegetables. C pasta and broad.
2. Gordon Ramsay is happy with
A fish with vegetables. B gravy, C fish pie
3. Lorraine's favourite dish is
A healthy and delicious. B British. C from Thailand.

82 1 elghtytvo
Reading 9 5a
Complete the sentences in your notebook.
1. Jamie Oliver has got... all over the UK
2. Pasta and bread are heafttosty and....
3. Gordon Ramsay is famous for his....
4. Lorraine Pascale writes books about....

Complete the sentences with /IOVVLK. ingredients, gravy or recipe. Write in
4 your notebook.

1. I always use my grandma's ... when I make lemon cake.

2. Chefs use different ... to create dishes.
3. We usually have meat with ... and vegetables for dinner.
4. Chocolate is my favourite ... of ice cream.

Match the words in bold in the texts to their opposites below. Write in your
5 notebook.

1. easy - 3. unhealthy -
2. ordinary - 4. sad -

Complete the sentences below about one of the chefs in Ex. 1 .Write in your
6 notebook. Then, tell your partner.
is a great chef. ... makes.... His/Her favouite food is.... It's/They're....

Writing (a short text about your favourite food)

a) Think of your favourite food. Complete the notes in your notebook.
1. Its name:...
2. Ingredients you need:
3. Why you like it

b) Use your answers in Ex. 7a to write a short text for your school magazine.
Use the model below.
Present simple (negative) Ste G* 1 33

Do tworzenla paecze
w ozasle Present Simple do not like don't like
u2my czasoiika
posl&owego do. 6 H does not
C She doesn't like
- We
g You do not like don't like
doesnt like

1 Look at the pictures and match the sentences. Write in your notebook.

Tom 0 0 don't like milk.

Sue and Tara 2 0 doesn't like burgers.
Stella 9 0 don't eat soup
Joe and Tim 3 C doesn't want chips.

Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

1. Jane ... like chocolata 3. Mark and I ... know how to cook.
a doesn't I, don't a doesn't b don't
2. The children ... drink cola. 4. Frank ... like rice.
a do not b doesn't a don't b doesn't

Fill in: don't or doesn't Write in your notebook.

1. Tony doesn't like fish.
2. We ... eat meat on Fridays.
3. She ... drink coffee
4. They... have lunch at school.
S. I ... like chicken.
6. His sister ... cook.
84 I elghty4'our
Grammar . Sb
Complete the sentences using the verbs in the list in the negative form.
Write in your notebook.

go have QQ) lie< drink prepare

1. Chris doesn't like drinking tea.

2. They... dinner at 4:00 pm.
3. I ... coffee in The morning.
4. He ... shopping hr food on Mondays.
S. My mum ... lunch for us. We have lunch at school.
6. Anna ... eggs in the morning

Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Write in your notebook.

1. The boys cook dinner in the
The boys don't cook dinner in The
2. Tom likes strawberries,
3. Taylor and Bill watch Jamie Oliver
on lv every day.
4. Brenda makes delicious pies.
S. Julie likes The chefs recipes.
6. My parents and I have dinner at 710 pm.

What do/don't you usually do on Sundays? Use the phrases in the list to
write sentences in your notebook.Tell your partner.

have breakfast at 8:00

eat at a restaurant
have lunch with my fanily
go shopping for food
prepare dinner

1. On Sundays, I don't usually have breakfast at 8:00.

elghty4te 185
Food ptops'oIIon

4') Listen and repeat.



Cooking tools

2 Listen and repeat

-- 0


a) Match the cooking tools (1-4) to the correct phrases (ad). Write in your
3 notebook.

whisk 0 0 grate cheese

knife 6 Q) mix vegetables
grater 0 beat eggs
spoon ( 0 chop, peel or slice onions

b) AA Make sentences using your answers in Ex. 3a.Tell your partner.

You need a whisk to beot eggs.

86 1 elghty-sb
Everyday English Sd-
Giving instructions
Complete the dialogue. Use the sentences (A-E).

*1213 This cake is delicious[

Grandma's L!fl1F Thanksl It's my grandma's recipe.
Coke Recipe
r '...
L!STW Yes. First of all, beat the butter and sugar.
2009 sugar
1209 of butter
2 eggs Then, mix some more
1809 flour 3)...
2 tsp baking Llflifll Then, use a spoon to mix in the flour; milk
powder and baking powder, and pour it into The
120 ml milk cake tin. Finally slice the strawberries and - -
12 strawberries A And then?
add them to the cake tin.
4% B Wow, itsounds simple! :8
tsp = reaspoon(sJ /... C How long doyou
thsp = tob!eoonW WOM-7r For forty minutes at 220 degrees Celsius. bake itfo(?
.iz 5)... / D Is easy to make?
Vifl It really is. E Next, break the eggs
and add Them to the '
simple prostyf-a bowl, one at a time.
4 bake plec

2 '*t'4') Listen and check.Then, act out the dialogue in pairs. - -

How much: lie
3 Use the recipe to ask and answer questions as in the example.
(z rzeczowriikoml
NepoHczcinymO A How much sgar do we need? A: How many es do we need?
How many: Re B: We need 200 grommes of sugar B We need 2 eags.
(z rzeczownikaml

Complete the exchanges with the sentences below in your notebook.

jmuns-rCta It sounds simple! 'Is it easy to make? And then?

1. A: These biscuits are delicious. 3. A:

B: Thanks! It's my mum's recipe B: Then, you add The chocolate pieces.
2. A: ... 4. A: Put them in The oven for 20 minutes
B: Yes. First of all, use a spoon to and that's U
mix the buffer and flour. B: Wowl

Word stress
4) listen and spot the stressed syllables.Then, listen again and repeat.

Kady w'yraz ma jedenakcent. Akcenkijemy w'qcznie samogloski. NID. orange

cpple thicken . cereal -tomato pepper onion coffee . lemon

eighty-seven 187
W411111 r, a

Present simple (interrogative & short answers) See GRp.13

NO, iao nil:

Yes, I/you do.
you No. I/you don't.
Yes, he/she/ft does.
she like?
No. he/she/if doesn't
15 we
Yes, we/you/they do.
Do you like?
No, we/you/they don't.

1 Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

Na pytanla
udzlelenla kroIkie
1. Do/Does you eat lunch at school? Yes, I do/does.
odpowledzl (Yes/No) 2. Do/Does your friends have sandwiches for dinner?
stosujqc ozasownik
No, they don't/doesn't.
posfflos do/does. 3. Do/Does you like tomatoes? Yes, I do/does.
Do you 4ke coke?
Yes. I do/Wa I don't 4. Do/Does Mary prepare dinner? No. she don't/doesn't.
('IIE: 't .... fr'n
S. Do/Does he cook? No, he don't/doesn't.

2 a) Look at the photos and complete the quesfions.Then, answer them. Write
in your notebook.


H13( wr
peaches(i3) '-( 'Tapes()

1. Does Tim like peaches? Yes. he does.

W }zyIJ anetskIm sb'n
disny mole oznaczaO
zarowno wIr. Jak I czecegnI.
Da rozr62itila moleny u2y6
stnd cheny(czerenIa) b) What about you? Tell your partner.
I sow deriy(wthiIa).
like cherries. I don't like peachea

88 1 elghly-elght

Grammar 5e
Form questions, then answer them. Write in your notebook.
1. Mario/like/onions? (No)
2. Sandra/have a sandwich for lunch? (Yes)
3. it/like fish? (No)

4 'Si' Complete the questions in your notebook. Then, answer them.

cheese ornetet&
I chop lettuce bake potato in oven /
beat two eggs
slice tomatoes and If cut open potato
cook in frying pan
cucumbers 4ta I add cheese
11 -add yoghurt
1 add oil and_vinegar P

k. ... (Which of These foods/like?)

B: 1 like....
Word A: ...(How/make 112)
Which: ktory/ktaio/ktore
Why: dlaczegc B: First.....Then.....Finally
How: jak
10 (Why/like if?)
B: I like it because ft

a) Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Write in
5 your notebook.

Hi Josh,
How are you? What 1)... (you/eat) during the day? For breakfast, I 2) ... (have) a bowl of cereai
with milk. For lunch, my mum 3)... (prepare) a cheese sandwich for me. For dinner, my dad often
4) ... (cook) my favourite dish - roast chicken with potatoes and carrots. It's deliciousl 15) ...
(not/eat) any burgers or pizza or crisps because I 6) ... (want) to be healthyl
What about you? What 7) ... (you/have) for breakfast? What 8) ... (you/eat) for lunch? What dish
9) ... (you/like)?
Write back,

b) Find the names for food we also use in Polish.

eighty-nIne 189
AcwssCtiltU res-
- J SlY] I .1 pu,i gsa i

Do you ever feel hungry, but don't have the time to eat at a restaurant?
tnpickup some street foodi It's fast, delicious, and a great way to discover great flavours.
Lets find out about some popular street food from different countries.
and Chips - England
A very popular street food in England is fish and chips. Vendors take the fish (usually
cod or haddock) and cover it in batter before they fry It in very hot oil. Then, they
use some special paper to wrap the fish and chips. People usually put salt and
- vinegar on their fish and chips. It's really tasty]
- - !-
Hot Dogs - USA
In cities in the USA, there are hot dog c
on almost every street. A hot dog is a
sausage in a bun. The vendors usually
steam the sausages, and warm the
buns up in a special oven.
Customers then put their favourtte
hungry gtodry/-a toppings on their hot dog. Some
vendor spaedaw popular toppings people add are
cod dorsz mustard, ketchup, onions and relish.
haddock Iupocz Many people also add some red
batter panlerko pepper to make it spicy[
cads wozkl
bun bulka
(hot dog) Reading
customer kflent ) Listen to and read the texts. Match the phrases (1-3) to the
relish dodatek 1 phrases (a-c) to make sentences. Write in your notebook.
Fish and chips is to make Their hot dog spicy.
They wrap The fish and chips very popular in England.
Many people add red pepper in paper.

Decide if the sentences are P (right) or W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

2 Write in your notebook.

1. Vendors fry fish and chips in very hot oil.

2. They use flour and water to make batter.
3. Vendors steam The buns in an oven.
4. Mustard is a popular topping for hot dogs.

Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. What sort of fish is in fish and chips?
2. What do people put on Their fish and chips?
3. What toppings do people put on their hot dogs?

90 1 niSy
Across Cultures* 5
Complete the sentences in your notebook. Use these words: toppings, siecni,
4 spicy and fry
1. People ... potatoes in oil to make chips.
2. My dad puts ... like mustard and onions on his burger.
3. l add peppertomyfoodto make it....
tI J 4. Boil the water and ... the carrots hi 15 minutes before you serve them.
Phrasal verbs
Match the phrasal verbs in bold in the texts to the correct meaning
ozosowniki z1o2one
5 below. Write in your notebook.
(phrasol verbs)
zwykle sklodajq sJ 1. increase The 2. buy=...
z ozosownika I temperature =
przylmka lub 3. discover=
przys$owka. Mogq
mIea wiele Speaking
znaozen w
zoIe2nool ad
6 Thtk Which of the street food in Ex. 1 would you like to try? Why?
Tell your partner.
He can court to
1OCO You can I would like to try ... becaus::
count on me for
help (=rely on)

4: Listen and complete the gaps (1-5).Write in your notebook.

Name of food: 1)...o5
Where its popular: in the south of 2)

How they make it: they 3) ... small pieces of chicken in very
4) ... and spicy oil
What they serve with it: Indian 5)

Znaki interpunkcyjne Punctuate the sentences. Write in your notebook.

Kropk (.) stwiany 8
no koou zdon
twlerdzqoycti 1. What's yotx favourite hod 2. Its delicious 3. I like hot dogs
I like tea. 1
PytoJnlko (7) Writing (a short blog entry about street food)
u2ywctw no kocu
zdan pytojqoydi. Use the answers in Ex. 7 to complete the short blog entry in your
Do you eat fish? 9 notebook.

V'/ytezftnlk (I)
stosujemy dia
podkrSlenlo stanOw
'At zdanloch is a popular street hod in.... Vendors .......in.... They sometimes servc
twlerdzqoydi it with....
t love egjsl

nlnelycne 91
Do you want to eat healthily, but don't know how? Welt, now there's
the 'Eatwell Guide' to help you. Let's take a took at it.

It is very important to eat lots of bread, rice,

potatoes, pasta and cereal because it gives us the
energy we need to get through the day.

Fruit & vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are very healthy because

as Fir
they've got lots of vitamins, but not a lot of calories
or fat. We need about 5 daily portions to help our
bodies stay fit and healthy.

Beans, fish, meat & eggs

These foods give us the protein and vitamins we
need for our bodies to grow big and strong. Beans
are great because they have lots of protein and not
a lot of fat.

( VWa.J Oils & spreads

its & spreads have got lots of fat and calories in
Milk, yoghurt, butter & cheese them, but they are good for you in small amounts.
These foods have got lots of calcium and protein. Olive oil and coconut butter are 'healthy fats', so It's
They help our bodies to grow strong bones and teeth. OK to have some during your day.

IDrinks (water, fruit Juice, tea, milk) Biscuits, crisps, cake, sweets & chocolate
I it is very Important to drink 6 to 8 glasses of liquids I Biscuits, crisps, cake, sweets and chocolate are a
I every day to stay healthy. Water is always a good I part of our lives, but they are very unhealthy. They are
J choice, but milk, tea and juices are OK, too. j......, full of fat and sugar, so don't eat these foods often.

spread tluszczdo
1 1 ) Listen to and read the text. Decide if the sentences are R (right) or
energy enera W (wrong) or (doesr: ).Write in your notebook.
vitamin witamlna
1. Potatoes and rice give us energy
calory kolorlo
fat fuszcz 2. Fruit and vegetables have got lots of fat.
protein blalko
3. It isn't good to eat red meat every day.
calcium wqn '4
4 4. Milk has got calcium and protein.
5. It's not OKto eat a lot of sweet and fatty food.

NNN Writing & Speaking

2 Which foods/drinks do/don't you usually eat/drink from the Eatwell Guide?
Complete the sentences in your notebook.Tell the class. 54
I usually eat.... I don't usually eat....
I usually drink.... I don't usually drink....
3 M Collect information about which foods are healthy.Tell the class.
Flash Time o
1 In groups, create a poster about Healthy Eating. Use your picture
dictionary to help you.

Unhealthy Food/Drinks Healthy Food/Drinks



Pressntation Skills

2 Use your poster in Ex. 1 and the information from p.92 to give a presentation
about healthy/unhealthy eating habits to the class.
Healthy eating habits
Decide which of the sentences are true about you.
How healthy is your diet?
1. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. ReSURS
2. I drink Mo & glasses of juice, milk or water a day.
0.2 Your diet is
3. I eat potatoes, rice or bread with every meal. very
4. I eat beans or fish Three limes a week. unheofthy.
3-5 Your diet is
S. I have cheese, milk or yoghut every day health y
6. I don't drink cola. o-a Yak diet is
7. I don't eat a lot of crisps, biscuits or chocolate. ( very
8. I don't eat a lot of fast food (burgers, hot dogs, etc.) ,.
I healthy.
- -

rdnety-three 93
Si"tgi Reading
ht k
Read the text and answer the questions Label the pictures. Use the words in the
1 in your notebook.
2 list. Write in your notebook.
-r carrots *chicken cheese rice
sftawberries bread


.rC 6x2- 12

Complete the sentences with the

3 correct verb/phrase and the correct
form of the verb in brackets. Write in
your notebook.

love really like quite like

don't like (3 hate
My name's Tony and I'm 15 years old. I live in
1. l ... Q(eat)fish.
London. In my country students usually bring a
packed lunch to school or have a school dinner. 2. John ... (have) eggs for breakfast.
Parents make packed lunches at home. They are 3. We ... (make) bread.
usually a sandwich and some fruit. School dinners
4. My mum... 0
-, (peel) potatoes.
are hot meats the school makes. We call them
dinner' even though lunchtime Is in the middle of the S. I ... 0 (drink) coffee.
5x1 -5
day. They usually cost 2 a day.
School dinners are very healthy in the UK. Children Put the verbs in brackets in the present
get two portions of fruit and vegetables In every
4 simple negative. Write in your notebook.
meal, rice or potatoes or pasta and chicken or fish.
1. Mark ... (not/eat) crisps.
2. San and I ... (not/have) salad for lunch.
mi&ie iodek
3. Julia ... (not/drink) milk.
portion* polojo)
4. The children ... (not/like) lettuce.
1. Where is Tony from? 4x2-B
2. What is a packed lunch?
Fill in: do (x3). does (x3), don't or
3. What is a school dinner? 5 doesn't. Write in your notebook.
3x6- 16
1. ...Eric like cooking? Yes, he....
2. ...you have lunch at home? No, I
3. ...Helen eat apples? No, she....
4. ...your parents drink coffee in the
morning? Yes, they....

94 1 nlnely-four
Progress Check. 5
Everyday English
Pead the recipe. Cheese & Tomato
Complete the Omelette
questions with How Ingredients:
flFICfl 01 How many.
: milk
Then, answer them. i tomato
Write in your notebook. 80g cheese Stownictwo i gromatyka
1. ... eggs do we need? mOwi o jedzeniu i napojach
B: We need ... eggs. mOwia o przygotowywaniu posiJkw
mOwi o przy'borach kuchennych
2. A: ... milk do we need?
3: We need ... of milk. utywoO like, love hole + czasownik z koAcwkq 4ng
uaO czasu Present Simple
3. A. ... tomatoes do we need?
(w przeczeniach)
B: We need ... tomato(es).
uaO czasu Present Simple
4. k ...cheese do we need? (w pytaniach i krOlkich odpowiedzioch)
3: We need ... of cheese.
Writing dobiera wyra2enia, tworzqc pelne zdania
wybiera wyrolenia uzupelniajqce zdanio
7 Complete the email to your English
friend, Helen, about your favourite meal uzupetnia zdania brokujqcymi informacjami
Write in your notebook. okrSiaa, czy dana informocja znajduje sic
w tekcie i czy jest prawdziwa w odniesieniu
do tekstu
odpowiadaO no pytania sprawdzajqce
Hi Helen,
zrozumienie tekstu
My favourite meal is ....It's a
dish of ... It's ... to make. I like Stuchanie
it because znajdowa w spowiedzi okreglone inforrnacje
(uzupehanie luk)
17 Pants wyra2a upodobania
Listening '.wdawa polecenia
' Listen and choose the correct answer przedstawioO zdrowe i niezdrowe nowyki
8 (A, B or C). Write in your notebook. tywieniowe
1. What is Mary's favourite food? pisanie

A1S0 B \ C4 pisaO kiOiki tekst a swojej ulubionej pofrave

pisaO post no bogu a jedzeniu ulicznym.
2. What does Tony want to eat?

Al'4 C
3. What do They order?

Bt c4
4. What is Anna's favourite food?
A B C'...

4 x 4 16
Total: 100p&ds
nInety-fIve 195
WhoVsn this
o a

- - - module?
- Free-time outdoor
- The weather
- Cloities/Accessories/
- Geographical
- Present continuous
- Present continuous
(interrogative &
shod answers)
- Prepositions of

Etp '
movement - a. I -
possessive pronouns V
L- --
- Connectors
(because & so) I

Everyday English
- Agreeing/Disagreeing
- Making suggestions
- Pronunciation:
Intonation in

Kolokac$ to wyraz
ktore zvqkle
wystQxJJq rozern,
tworzqo wta2enJa.

go shopping,
tourisi oltrocticn

Free-time outdoor activities

'$ 1 Listen and repeat.


go to the beach

have a barbecue


2 2 Which of the activities in Ex. I do/don't you like doing?

Agreeing Discuss, as in the example.
Me bc
Scrne here. A: 1::ke playing sports. A: i Ae gong camping.
Disagreeing B: Me too. B: Really? I don't.
Really?! donY
Peaflyfldc A: I don't like going shopping A: I don't like vishng museums.
-- - a Some here. a ReollVldo.

Are you planning a trip to London? Here's a short list of fun places to visit while you're there.

Bounce London is a great place to get together and have fun. There are 17 ping
pony tables to play with your friends and then have something to eat in the ,
restaurant. It is open from 4 p until midnight and it is the cool place to be!

The London Eye is the perfect place to see London from above on a beautiful, sunny
day. This is a huge wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames. It is 135 metres
high and has got 32 capsules. The wheel moves slowly. A complete turn takes about
30 minutes. You can see famous landmarks from there such as Buckingham Palace
and the Houses of Parliament.

This is six different markets in one. It is a great place for teens to

find clothes and accessories on a beautiful sunny day. There are also
over 50 food stalls selling food from all over the world. With so many
shops, cafs and restaurants, there is always something to see and
do at Camden Market. It is open seven days a week.

When it's hot outside, try the London Dungeon on the South Bank of the River
Thames. It's a spooky building with three floors of different rooms. In these rooms,
actors tell stories from London's history. There are a lot of special effects to make
the dungeon very scary such as dark rooms, and strange smells and noises.

capsule kcpsula, kobina

stall stoisko
spooky straszny/-a. 4)5 Listen to and read the texts and match the phrases 1-4
uplorny/-a to the phrases a-d to make correct sentences. Write in your
special effect efekt speojolny notebook.
strange dwny/-cL
obey/-a Bounce is a spooky building.
The London Eye is six markets in one place.
Camden Market is open until 12 o'clock at night
The London Dungeon is huge wheel

Decide if the sentences I? (right) or (wrong) or (doesn't soy).

2 Write in your notebook.
1. Bounce has got 17 tennis courta
2. The London Eye makes a full turn in half an hour.
3. Camden Market isn't open on Sundays.
4. The London Dungeon is near the London Eye.
Reading 6i
Answer the questions. Write in your notebook.
1. What time does Bounce open?
2. Where is The London Eye?
3. Row many food stalls are there at Camden Market?

Vocabulary & Speaking

The weather

a)4) Listen and repeat.


Ys- hot. Ifs raining. Its snowing. s douby. sunnD Ws cob.

WJzfti aneIsk!m do b)& What's the weather like in the spring, summer, autumn and winter?
opIsianIa pogody
noJczQcIeJ u2icrnyIt In tho spffq.. IS sunny:
I ozasownlko b.
It's Pol- Jest gorqco
It's oinbg -Padc, cieszcz C) a What's the weather like today? Tell the class.
i4lE: pr raAA Ifs ... 7000Y.

Match the words in bold in the texts to their opposites below.Write in your
5 notebook.

1. b'ktt ... 3. r'Inst':i

2. (X)d . 4. ccb.v

Tell the class one thing a person can do in each of the places in the text.
You can play pinj Qfl v Londi -

Writing (an email about a visit to Camden Market)

Imagine you are in Camden Market. Complete the email below to your
7 English friend about your visit there. Write in your notebook.

I'm in.... It's a great place Here you can find..., if is open.... It's an amazing
place for teensl
Write back,

nlrtetynIne 99

Present continuous (affirmative) See GR p. 15S-134

full form shod form

W ezosle PTennt
COnIWIOUS czsto am playing. 'm playing.
sIosu$soleegIenIa: are playing. 're playing.
today now of Me
moment T
is playing. 's playing.

are playing. 're playing.


1 Write the -ing form in your notebook.Then read them aloud.

1. drink 5. study -
2. go 6. put -
3. take 7. swim -
4_ fin 8. write -

ok at the pictures and match. Write in your notebc

The boys is taking a bike ride

Martha are having a barbecue
They is going skiing.
Ben are playing football.

Complete the sentences in your notebook as in the example.

1. Jade is/'s vishng (visit) a museum now.
2. Sophia ... (run).
3. The children ... (make) a snowman.
4. Bob and Al .. (study) now.

Form complete sentences. Use the present continuous. Write in your notebook.
1. Ben/drinlc'tea/now Bcn is d6n4ng TOO now.
2. I/play basketball/now
3. We/have a picnic/now
4. They/swim/now

100 I onehundred
Present continuous (negative) S GQ ni $4

full form short form

am not playing. 'm not playing.
You are not playing. aren't playing.
a, He
She is not playing, isn't playing.
- We
You are not playing. aren't playing.
' They

Choose the correct answer. Write in your notebook.

1. Jack ... going camping. 3. Carl ... playing ping pong.
a am not b is not c are not a am not b is not c are not
2. Rita and I ... ho'ing a picnic. 4. I ... going to the beach.
a am not b is not c are not a am not b is not c are not

Look at the photos. Correct the sentences. Write in your notebook.


1. Pat is swimming (walk the dog)

No4 .IkHg he dog.
2. The boys are reading. (play football)
3. They are skiing. (make a snowman)
4. Paul is visiting a museum. (fish)

one hurdred ond one 1101

a) -cl
Match the words to the pictures (1-18). Write in your notebook. Listen
1 and repeat.

hat ... . leggings. cap, ... shorts ... jacket

scarf ... -trainers ... T-shirt ... skirt ... belt
gloves boots ... shirt ... dress
socks ... -shoes ... jumper ... 'jeans

b) Find the names for clothes we also use in Polish.

Nlektre stowa brzmlq Speaking
podobnle w Jzfti
or4eskIm I poisklm, ale What is each person wearing? Tell your partner.
majq zupetnie Inne
znaozenle. Nazamy Je Alexis is woaring a skirt.
fcAse friends. ozyll fatszmI
przyJool64m1. Na przdad:
dress (ong) = suklerjca (pot) What are you wearing today? Tell the class.
ores (p01.) = lroc*SUY(ang.)
Today,I'm wearing a T-shirt jeans arvi trainers

1021 one hundred and two

Everyday English
MdcIng suggestions

) Complete the dialogue in your notebook. Use the sentences (A-E).Then,

1 listen and check.

Wow! I love it here in London! The sights are amazing

Yes, they are, but my hands are freezing.
w'mrii 1)...
l don't have them with me. I
wrn 2)...
I've always got an extra pair in my bog.
Wi 32B No problem! 3)
Umm... Alexis?
My head is cold, too. Do you have o hot in your bog?
wmrn No, ldorit ... know S)...
He always has one in his bag. A What's wrong now?
- Good idea! Thanks! B Here, fake mine.
'# \&IIr1r.r.'#,,u.
fYI I)' L1'.JI
Possessive pronouns If, C. GP P. 134 on your gloves?
D Why don't you ask
possessive possessive Not for his?
adjectives pronouns
E Let's keep walking!
MY mine
your yours
his his
her hers
I our
W jzyku angeIskIm CL
their theirs
nie IstnleJe zolmek
dziertawczy do it.
Choose the correct item. Write in your notebook.
1. My/Mine coot is blue. Her/Hers is red.
2. Their/Theirs shoes are black. Our/Ours are brown.
3. His shirt is yellow. Your/Yours is white.
4. Your/Yours socks are green. Their/Theirs are orange
5. Her/Hers jeans are black. My/Mine are blue

Intonation in exclamations

ounds great! [kr

one hundred and three 1103

Present continuous (interrogative & short answers) S&

Are you playing

interrogative short answers oplincoarre N.1
Am I Yes. I am./No. 'm not. - Ncc Mr Drake. 'm'
Are you Yes, you are./No, you're not. ( sending a
rn vbria
Yes, he/she/ft is.
Is she
. sleeping? No, he/she/ft isn't.

Yes, we/you/they are.
g Are you
No, we/you/they aren't.

Match the questions to the answers. Write in your notebook.
Are you going shopping? Ej Li Yes, it is.
Is Jim going camping? (4 I) No, They arent
Are The children going to the beach? 0 (3No, I'm not
Is The dog playing with The children? C! C' Yes, he is.

Complete the questions and answers. Write in your notebook.

1. 'ccJn (Dan/go) sigheeing?
No, he
2. ... (your friends/play) football?
Yes, they....
3. ... (you/have) a picnic?
Yes, I ... .
4. ... (Angelina/take) a bike ride?
No, she....

Form questions. Answer them. Write in your notebook.

1. you/go to the beach now? (/)
Are you going to the beach noW? Yes. I am.
2. Ms SmNhfisff The market now? (X)
3. they/have a barbecue now? (/)
4. Steve and Larry/make a snowman now? (K)

1041 one hundred and roir

Grammar 6e
4 Look at the picture. Write questions, then answer them. Write in your

1. Mr Smith/eat? (I) / have a barbecue (/)

Is Mr Smith eating? No, he isn't. He's having
a barbecue.
2. Mark and Bill take a bike ride? (X) / eat (/)
3. Anna and Mary/drink coffee? (x) / talk (/)
4. Ms Smith talk on her mobile? (x) / take
photos (I)
5. the dog/play? (X) / sleep (I)

Prepositions of movement GR

Look at the pictures and choose the correct item. Write in your
5 notebook.

Prepositions of

to 4

'I. Barry is getting to/onto the bus.
2. Barry is going into/to the museum.
3. Barry is going onto/into the museum.

Complete the sentences with: onto (x2), to or into. Write in your notebook.
1. Dad is putting sausages ... the barbecue
2. Wearegoing ... the beach now.
3. The children are going ... The shop
4. She is puffing a scarf ... the snowman.

one hundred and five 1105

''AcrssICiJ Itora-
I-li Peter.
Greetings from Puerto Rico! It's a beautiful island in the Caribbean.
We're staying in a nice hotel next to the beach. it's really hot and
sunny here! We're having a lot of fun every day! In the morning, we
usually go swimming and sightseeing. In the evenings, we have
dinner and then we go shopping. Right now, I'm sitting in a caf
with my family. I'm so excited because we're planning our visit to
the El Vunque National Rainforest. It's huge and lots of
plants. trees and animals live there. It's also got waterfalls, lakes and
rivets. Let's meet when I get back!
See you soon,

From: Sam
To: Mario
Subject: Holidays
Hi Mario!
My parents and I are having a great time here in Cairns, Australia. We're
near the sea. The weather is cold, but it's sunny. There are lots of things to see and do here. Today,
we're planning to go on a boat tour to see the Great Barrier Reef. The boat's got a glass bottom, so
we can see under water and look at all the fish. My dad wants to take us on a trek in the rainforest
while we're here. I can't wait. Anyway, I've got to go now. We're leaving for the tour.
Write back,

plant rollna
resort c4rodek Reading
Listen to and read the texts. Match the phrases 1-3 to the
tour WdeCzkO. 1 phrases a-c. Write in your notebook.
bottom dno
Puerto Rico is on a boot tour.
trek pesza
There are waterfalls in the Caribbean.
ban see the Great Baffler Reef in the El Yunque National Rainforest.

Decide if the sentences are H: (right) or W (wrong) or (doesrt coy).

2 Write in your notebook.
1. Mario is on an island.
2. Mario's family is in the El Vunque National Rainforest now.
3. Sam goes swimming every day
4. Sam is eating now.

Answer the questions in your notebook.

1. Where is Mario right now?
2. What is There in the El Vunque National Rainforest'?
3. Where is Sam staying?

one hundred and six

Across Cultures* 6f
Geographical features

4 Fill in the gaps with: rainforest, lake, river, waterfall.

Write in your notebook.

1. Sete Cidades is a ... in Azores, Portugal.

Ptzedlmka ffi He
u2ywamy z nazwaml 2. The Amazon ... is in South America.
jezIoc 'aodospadOw,
kontynentow 3. The Nile is ... in Africa.
I wlkszooI kraJow a
4. Paradise ... is in Thailand.

5 Match the words in bold in the texts to the correct words below. Write in your
1. over - ... 2. for - ... 3. there - 4. similar -


6 ) Listen and decide if the sentences are I? (right) or W (wrong).Write in

your notebook.
1. New Zealand is near Australia. 3. Angela's hotel is in The rainforest
2. In New Zealand, it rains all day 4. They go on treks in the afternoon.

Connecton (Unkers) & Speaking GR 34

rskills Rewrite the sentences in your notebook using because or so. Then, tell
bscaust panIewa2.
your partner.
diotego 2e
so: w4qc dlatego Mario's excited. They are planning their visit to a rainforest.
Marios excifed because they are planning Their visit to a roinforest
2. Sam wants to see the Great Barrier Reef. He's going on a boat tour.
3. People can see under water. The boat has got a glass bottom.
Locations: cify
Island. the sea, the
Writing (a postcard)
Places to stay:
hotel, resort Imagine you are on holiday. Complete
Weather raining, /8 notebook. Use phrases from the box. the postcard in your
v rj.-._-J.. --i_,
Things tosee/0. /
go sightseeing Fm having a great time in ... (name of place)! It's a
go shopping, staying in ci ......s ...
/ QoSWfrnmiflg.take / beaIfl ... i ... (country). I'm me
a boot tour,have
at (weather) here! In the mornings. i usually .... In In
to be her
eveninGS. .... Right now. Pm .....m so ...
go on j you soonl
j/ Feelings: exced r
hpy ' .

one hundred and seven 10

We all receive messages from our friends by text, on social media or

by email. Sometimes our friends send us pictures in an email
and we want to print them. It's easy to create a poster with
these pictures and print it. Just follow this guide!

0 Open the email and use your mouse to right-click on a picture.

Choose 'Copy' from the menu that oppears on the screen.
Open a new word document. Right-click with the mouse aga1-
and choose Paste'. The picture appears in your word document.
0 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have got all the pictures you want in your word document.
0 Now, you can move the pictures around the page and make Them big or small. Just click on
each picture and use the mouse to make the changes.
0 When you're happy with your design, save your word document to you computer. Click on
'File' and 'Save As .,.'. Decide where you want to store the file and what you want to call ft.
To print your photos, click on 'File' again and choose Print'. Watch as your pictures come out
of the printer

send. wys4a6
print diukowaO
follow podqlaO za
Listen to and read the text and put the pictures in the correct order.
right-click kUknqO
prawn RI! -
cc pylpaste kopluvwkiej
save. zochoywaa.
zcpisaa ;
printer dnJkarko



Use the pictures in Ex. 'I to explain how to print many photos from an email
2 at once.

S 3 Ask your partner to send you photos of his/her last holiday by email. Follow
the steps 1-6 and print them all at once.

108 one hundred and eight

Project Time
Flash Time 6
1 tS& MI Make a poster of four holiday destinations in your country.
Stick a picture of each one and write the name under each box.

Holiday Destinations in Poland

11 14

2 LSS& Copy the table in your notebook. Collect information about

your holiday destinations in Lx. ito complete the table.

L1ti. t'l,::h:Iil!
-.re,w--- .J

Presentation Skills

3 Use your poster in Ex. 1 and your notes in Ex. 2 to present the holiday
destinations in your country.

'yp VALU
Why is it good to travel? Discuss the ideas below with your partner.
i. It's a good way to relax and have fun.
2. It's a great way to make new friends.
3. You learn about the culture of other places.
4. You try new foods.

one hundred and nine 1109


Reading 3 Unscramble the words to find the clothes.

Write in your notebook.
Decide if the sentences are 1? (right) or
W(wrong) or H (c:.cesitr say).Write in 1. trisk s...
your notebook.

2. gelngisg
Hi, Paul! I ...
My paren re in
/ 3. sfrac s...
town on th7 eastern-
of the
Vistula river. It's called the art 4. rcitnires L.
centre of Poland. We're staying in a nice hotel close to the
city centre. The weather's great. There are a lot of things Grammar
to do here. In the mornings, we go sightseeing. Today,
we're visiting some local galleries. In the evenings, we try 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the present
continuous. Write in your notebook.
local dishes.They are delicious. Can't wait to show you the
photos. 1. We ... (go) to the beach.
See you, 2. Marlin ... (come) with us.
Krzysztof 3. I ... (study) now.
4. They... (run) in the park.

Hi, Angela! Choose the correct item. Write in your

How are you? I'm on holiday in
5 notebook.

Thailand with my family! We're staying
at a beautiful hotel by the sea. Every 1. Today/Still, we are visiting a tourist
morning, we swim at the beach, and attraction.
then we visit famous sights. In the 2. My mum is now/still playing tennis
evenings, we have dinner at local restaurants.The with her friend.
food here is delicious. Right now, we are visiting a floating 3. Look! We are making a snowman
market. It isn't raining now, so there are a lot of people today/now.
here. Dad's buying some clothes and Mum's taking W-4
photos. We're having a nice time.
Rewrite the sentences in the negative in
Hope you are OK. See you soon[ 6 your notebook.
1. Joe is playing tennis.
2. The boys are doing their homework.
2. Special bread is a delicious local dish 3. lam sleeping.
3 1-3
in Kazimierz Dolny.
3. Susan's hotel is near the sea. Complete the questions in the present
4. Susan is enjoying her holiday continuous with the words in brackets
4x5-20 and answer them. Write in your notebook.
1 ....(Julie/swim)?
Fill in the gaps with: take, have, go, make.
2 visit, ploy. Write in your notebook.
2. ... (Bob and you/tidy) your room?
1. ...sports 4....a museum
2.... a snowman 5....a picnic
3. ... (the girls/take) pictures?
3. swimming 6.... a bike ride
6x -o No.....
110 1 one hundred and ten
Everyday English
Progress Check. 6
Complete the exchanges with:
Why don't you put on your hat?
Why don't you ask Barry?
What's wrong now?
No problem! Ju umiem
Write in your notebook.
Stowniciwo i gromatyko
1. 4:Umrri ... Nat?
mOwia o spdzaniu wolnego czasu no
8: wieym powietizu
2. A:...
mOwia o pogcdzie
B: Because I don't have it with me.
mOwia o ubroniach
3. A: Thanks!
8: mOwia o cechach geogoficznych
4. A:... u'iaO czasu Present Continuous
B: Good ideal (wtwierdzeniach i przeczeniach)
4x3- 12
uz'iaO zaimkOw dzierawczych
Listening (possessive pronouns)
4) Listen and choose the correct uywaO czasu Present Continuous
9 answer (A. B or C). Write in your (w pytaniach i krOlkich odpowiedziach)
notebook. uvaO przyimkow ruchu
L Nancy's staying (prepositions of movemenT)
A on an island.
B in a resort.
dobiera wyra2enia, tworzqc pelne zdania
C in a rainforest.
2. The weather's okrela, czy dana informacja znajduje si
A cold. w tek~cie i czy jest prawdziwa w odniesieniu
do tekstu
B sunny and hot
odpowiadaO no pyfonia sprawdzajqce
C cloudy
zrozumienie tekstu
3. Nancy is wearing now.

A shorts and T-shirt Stuchanie

B jeans and a T-shirt znajdowoa w wpowiedzi okrSlone informacje
C a dress (rozpoznawanie prowdziwych i falsz'wych
4. Right now. she's %nerdzen)
A eating at caf. Mowienie
B shopping with her mum. wyraa zgod i brok zgody
C going onotrek. 4x4-10
rozmawiaO o pogodzie
Writing opisywaO swOj ubior

10 Complete the email to your English

friend. Simon, about today in your
vvyroot sugeslie
prezentowa miejscowoci wypoczynkowe
notebook. Write about the weather, what
you're wearing and what you're doing. Pisanie
pisaO e-mail o wizycie w Camden Market
pisaO pocztOwk z wakaoji.
Hi Simon,
Today it's ... . I'm wearing ...

Right now, I
Write back!
17 points
Total: 100 points
one hundred and eleven I ill
1 4)) Listen to and read the text. What costumes are popular at Halloween?

IHow do I
Write the words in bold in the text next to the correct headings in your
I celebrate I 2
I All Saints I notebook: decorations treats activities costumes
Day in
I Poland? Tell I
the class. Game

AA 3 Find the words next to the pictures in Ex. 1 in the word search.
Write in your notebook.


P V 81 MU WE K 0 J E WOW P
API C A 0 D N 81 LA TO C H
PET H V K DI A C F 0 P L 0
the UKn the UK, Christmas is on
25th December. It's a great
time for families and friends to
be together. Decorations like
Christmas trees, bright lights
and poinsettias are in all the
houses. It's an exciting time
for children. Father Christmas
has got presents for them I
On Christmas Day, Christmas
dinner is at midday. It's a
special meal of roast turkey,
potatoes and vegetables.
Afterwards, there is a special
cake - the Christmas pudding.

1 4)) Listen to and read the text.Then, match the phrases 1-3 to the phrases ac
Find to make correct sentences. Write in your notebook.
Christmas is on presents for children.
between Father Christmas has got 25th December.
in the UK Christmas dinner is at midday
and in
Poland. Game
Use the code to find out what Father Christmas' message is.
2 Write in your notebook.
40 S
'I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 14 1516 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26
G C Q X L Z D N J I W A I? H E B V S 0 V K M I FU11J

2215 13 13 17 214 13 23 18 10 22 12 18 10 19 17 1925 125 5!

Complete the postcard to your friend. Use the phrases in the box.
3 Write in your notebook.

words/phrases Dear
Best wishes for ...to you and your family! Christmas is a time for ... ,but it
The.., is about love, family and friends, too.
presents, games ... New Year
and fun from me to you, and Merry Christmas!
Happy holidays! Love,

one hundred and fifteen 1115

'tiMte'b. ID6;u
9c34r.1 inAust
alei iine Day is on 141h February. 1tc a celebration
I/about love and/Hen d.c/up. in .choftc, homes and schools,
Mere are Valentinec Day cymbals like Cupid and hearts all
around. There are lots of love songs on the radio, too. Sonic
popular gifts are chocolate, sweets, cards and/lowers. The ;wi
iose is the flower of Valentine :c Day.

1 ____
Listen to and read the text.Then, label the pictures with the words in
bold in the text. Write in your notebook.

vr U 4 KIM
What are
the most

Valentine's Ut
gifts in
Make a list.

Tell your


2 Create a'

1161 one hundred and sixteen


E aster is a spring festival. In the USA, people celebrate it with an Easter egg hunt
or a parade. Popular symbols of Easter are the Easter bunny and, of course,
Easter eggs! People eat a lot of chocolate at Easter. They also eat hot cross buns, a
special type of sweet bread. They're really tasty!

1 Listen to and read the text.Then, label the pictures with the words in
bold in the text. Write in your notebook.
How do
Easter in


Find the words in Ex. 1 in the word search. Write in your notebook.




U A S E P I CV K 0 1 B W P


L E U E A S 1 E P B U N N V


one hundred and seventeen 1117

*: - 3



irthdays are fun[ In Canada, people celebrate them with

BLi parties. They decorate their houses with balloons and
invite all their friends. Their friends bring presents and cards,
and everyone plays games. There is a birthday cake with ' \
candles on top. The guests sing the Happy Birthday song and
the birthday boy or girl blows out the candles. There is also a
coin inside the cake. The person that finds the coin goes first
in all the gamesl AM
1 4) Listen to and read the text and the invitation and answer the questions.
Write in your notebook.
- text
1Do Polish I 1. How do Canadians celebrate birthdays?
celebrate I
I 2. What do people bring to birthdays?
birthdays I invitation
as the I

I Canadians
I 3. Whose birthday is it?
4. When is The party? (date and time)

2 It's your birthday. Write an invitation like the one in Ex. 1.

0 w , .0

3 Swap your invitation with your partner and create a birthday card for him/her.

-.. . ibthUay Party

P/Gte,. Happy birthday!
Have a great day!
I wish you all the
best/lots of presents

one hundred and eighteen

My Picture


Countries - Capital cities & other offies p. 120

Family members p.121

Rooms - Ports of a house p. 122

Furniture & Appliances p. 123

Doily routines p. 124

Free-time (outdoor) activities p. 125

Food & Drinks p. 126

Clothes/Accessories/Footwear p. 127
Picture Jcfim'ary'
Countries and nationalities

Write the names of the countries in your 3 Answer the question about yourself.
notebook.The first letter for every Write in your notebook.
country is given.
Which is your favourite country?
China the UK Turkey France
the USA Italy - Russia * Mexico
Greece Spain Poland Romania 4 Write the nationalities for each country
in your notebook. Then colour the flags
2 Match the countries to their nationalities. in your notebook using the code below.
Write in your notebook.
1 = white 2 = green
China Russian 3=red 4=blue 5=yellow
Italy Romanian
Russia Mexican
the UK Spanish 1 Poland Poksh
Mexico French
Turkey American
2 2 I 3
Spain Italian
France British
Poland Chinese 3 Russia
Romania Turkish
Greece Polish
4 4 a Romania
the USA Greek

120 one hundred and twenty

Picture Dictionary
Family members

1 Now complete the sentences about 2 Write the missing words in your notebook.
Katie's family. Write in your notebook.

1. Marlin is Helen's husband. brother

2. Katie is Ben's.... wife
3. Peter is Ben's.... daughter
4. Katie is Annie's grandfather
5. Bill is Helen's.... aunt
6. Annie is Louise's.... dad
7. Helen is Martin's.... cousin
8. Peter is Annie's
9. Bill is Susan's.... 3 Answer the questions about yourself.
Write in your notebook.
10. Louise is Bill's....
1. Have you got a big family?
11. Ben is Susan's and Bill's....
2. How many members are there in your
12. Helen is Katie, Ben and Annie's.... family?

one hundred and twenfy-one 1121

Rooms - Parts of a house

A child's bedroom
KB bathroom Now look at the picture and complete
C kitchen the sentences with upstairs, windows,
balcony, downstairs, garage. Write in
ED living room your notebook.

1. The bedrooms are

2. There are three ... in the parents'
1 Which rooms/parts are:
3. The car isin the ....
1. downstairs 4. The living room is
2. upstairs 5. There is a ... outside the kitchen.

122 one hundred and twenty-two

Picture Dictionary
Furniture & Appliances

Which of the pieces of furniture or

appliances below can you find in each
room? Write the words under the correct
heading in your notebook. living room
bath bed sink cushions
wardrobe sofa washbasin bathroom
fridge - table - mirror cooker
coffee fable pillows toilet What have you got in your bedroom?
cupboards armchair Tell your partner.

one hundred and twenty-three 1123

Daily routines

take a shower

WUll( 10 5UF100I iIIYLClLUiIt]i llIIMtt1IILii


do my homework have dinner

tidy my room brush my teeth go to bed

1 What do you usually do on Monday? 2 Answer the questions in pairs.

Write two things you do and one thing
you don't do for each part of the day in 1. What time do you usually getup?
your notebook. 2. Do you eat breakfast?
3. Do you go to bed late on Sundays?

1241 one hundred and twenty-four

Picture Dictionary
Free-time (outdoor) activities

Y() eouiping go to the beach go to me gym take a bike rid!)

chat online/
go shopping I U_i Vt Fflc_d "Li play online games

nave guitar iessons

watch TV

IL? IIJIJIIJLAII spena time help charities

practice with friendsj

1 Choose the correct answer. Write in

your notebook. 4. I ... a magazine every day after school.
A watch C read
1. My brother ... skiing every weekend. Btake Dgo
A goes C plays
B has D takes 5. I ... online games after I finish my
2. I ... sports every Saturday. Basketball is Ado Ctake
my favourite. Bgo Dplay
Atake Cgo
B play D have
3. I don't like hotels. I always ... camping 2 In pairs, answer the following questions.
in the summer.
Ago Cplay 1. What's your favourite activity?
B take D have 2. Which activity don't you like?

one hundred and twenty-five 1125

Food & Ddnks



kA I
the riles

ice cream


beans a
Will v

Choose the odd one out. Write in your

1. meal - salt -fish -chicken 4. lettuce - cucumber - carrots - yoghurt
2. coffee - fruit juice - tea - sugar S. cheese - milk - eggs - butter
3. oranges - butter - strawberries - pears

1261 one hundred and twenty-six

Picture Dictionary


I shoes

shorts -




I shirt


;Q trouse

trainers F !
\ fts,
ttt boots

2 Answer the questions about yourself.

1 Put the words under the correct
heading. Write in your notebook.
1. What are you wearing today?
2. What do you usually wear in the winter?
3. What do you usually wear in the summer?

one hundred and twenty-seven 1127

l , -a reter
ra m m
The verb to be (affirmative)
- Ozasownik byt (zdanla lwlerdzqce)
Imperative - Tryb rozkazujqcy a i ampm Jestem
Tt rocczJJqcy shi2ydo wyclawaria rozkazOw I polecei\ 8. you Wallis Jesteg
-' he/she/It lips jest
qa2onIa protb I 2qdo oraz do udelanla Inst rukcJl.
Put the sjgar w:l.i the butter fl a xwI. we/you/they wept. jestSmy/Jestefele/sq
Be quiet -I
Stop, please.
W p4mIe ZM'kle ufrearny petreJ foimy ozosownlka.
Tiyb rozkcnJqcy lworzy 20 pornocq pothtawowej I can 10yeorsad.
toimy cwsownta, bez to. Stand up1
W przeczenlach stowlamy do not! don? Forrm' sieaoonej u2w.'omy w mowle IWgd p&erny do
Iaewn'ptt'i lub 1aJcm,. Tin 10 years dd
wnlklem. Doni eat I"ee

Proszqo o cot nole2y dodaa stowo please no poczqwu A/An -Pizedimek niectreSlony
lub kaicu zdanla. Sit aown. please./ Please, sli down.
Przedlmka a/an u2iamy, gi pa 102 piecwszy mowtmy
0 asoble lub aeczy albo nie mamy no myll konkretnej
Subject personal pronouns osoby lub rzeczy.
- Zaimki osobowe w funkcji podmiotu
Przedlmek an wystqpuje pried rzeczownlldem w Ilazble
Jo poJedyncze,L JelI ten rzeczownlk w wymom4e rozpaczyna
you ty sIqad somogtoskl (a. e. Lou) an orange, an apple
he/she/It on/ono/ono Przedlmek a wpstpuje pized izeozownlkiem w Ilczble
we my poJedynoze,L JeII ten rzeczownlk w wmow1e rozpoczyna
sIq ad spotgtoskl OD. a, d. f. g. h. J. k, I. m. n, p, q. r, 5. t. V.
E YOU %VY x. y. z). a per.. a book, a desk
they anyone
The -Przedlmek okreilony
W Jzyku angletsklm nie mo2na apuclo zatmka
osobowego w funkt podmiolu (z v1'Jqfldem zdaiS Przedlmka the u2amy
w tryble rozk(jzuJqc,cn). - mOwlqc a okreloneJ lub wspomnlanej wozeanleJ osobte
Jester,' PoIatem/PoIkq ALE I. am Polish, albo rzeczy.
Ths Is a schoolbag. The schoolbag Is pink.
ZalmkOw osobo'ch w iurikcJl podmlotu utyworny
przed ozasownlkomi zamlost rzeozownlkow. - 2 izeozownlkaml w Ilczble poJecfynczeJ tub mnogleJ.
3ohn a teacher. He Is from Inc UK. the book, the books
Th so dog. It Is btod<.
- z nazwaml kraJow. w ktatycti wysfQpuje .qaz repubJiQ
Pamletat state Iub )ingdom. the UnI'ed Kingdom
I -. zct.vsze wlelkq Ilterq - z nczzwaml rzelc ocea now. m6rz ltd.
Me Tna'e& the PacIfic, the Red Sea
you -taka soma forma wip4.Iwimn.
- okrSlaJqc strony Wota (north = potnoc. souTh = potud-
he - a mq2czytile lub chtopcu nle. east = wschod, west= zachO.
Szczecir is fl the noithwest of Pdand
she a kobleole lub cewozynce
- mowlqc a reglonach.
It - o zwletiQclu lub rzeczy. ALE Jean mamy plea The Mazo'Meckie Voit'deshIp is the bIggest regtan in
zlerzda, mo2emy utyo he lub she Poland.
we-ogruplekidziwtqoznlezlobq Pnzedlmka the Me utywamy z Imlanaml Iu1 oroz
nazwaml rnlast ulIa. wysp. Jezlor I wlkszoacl krajOw.
they -. a Iudzlach. zwlerzQtach I rzeozaah. Sam Is frc Canada.
(NIE: The Sam t from the Canado)
Jill a :jes on jar'es Street In Vaic.
(NIE: P;9.406 R1x en The Jamoc 949e9i The York)

1281 one hundred and twenty.eight

Grammar Reference it

The verb to be (interrogative & short

i rr m ri i answers) CzasowSc byd (pyttha i krtkie

Possessive adjectives
Przymiotniki dzlettawcn Am I' CzyJestem? I
P mIolnkw o dzlerlowezych uttamy przed & Art You? CZ9 Jeste.?
rzeozawn&ami. IntormuJqc a paynaIebioci azego~ do -1 Is he/she/it? Czy}est? I
osaby. zwterzoia lub rzeczy. -

Are we/you/they? Czy Jestemy/JesteoIe/sq? I

MY m4moJa.mge -Z I
.a your wtwa,twoJe
Pytria z czaso'wnikiem to be tworzny, umieszozaJqc
& his Jego am. It at pried podrrdotecn (C you Bob. the boys. the
.1 her JeJ ct lid.).
Its Jego. JeJ ____________

- Ace you Amerbor? 'JiE: You arc M'erioan)

our nasz. nasza, nosze is Kate from Porfliga? q\IiE: Werfia kfrw Ptnalir
your wag wasza, wasze
their lah
IatcJestem/ Me. nieJestem. I
Yet, I am/ No, run not.
PrzpmiotnIdzIet2cwczewJ?ftu angistn niecdmienlojq Vu, yo are No you ee4?t 10k JesWJ Nie, nie JestS.
Aq przez rodzaJe I c2by. m6j etornik my hornste, mc3e

ctcmk myawecs. mc4a ksq8<a myLxck moje tciq<i

- -
J Va he/the/It S bk Jest. I
Nehe/the/Ibn1 Nie,nleJest.
W 3 o& I. poJ. pizyrniotntki dzestowcze wSpuJq w hiech Vu, .m/ycuflhej at. Tak JesfeftYAeste9de/sq I
foimath: a
No, we'aqtthey at&t Nie. rile Jestsrny/Jestekle/sq. I
- hIt odnosi si do ,nczymy tub chiopca.
He's Oikec bhs is his pen. KrIkIs odpowledzl tworzyrny w nastpuJqoy sposob:
Ye,,/No, + podmbt (L you, he she. /t we you. They)
- he adriost $ do kobIsiy ILdD ddewazyM. + ozasownik to Sw tormie twiedzqce iub paeozqoeJ.
Shes Flcna. lit Is her book.
Are you Ameiloon? Yes, I ant/No, Pm not
- 1* odnosi si do zwlenqcla iub izeezy. Is Kate from Parugar? Yes, she is./No, she tin'?.
Ths Is a schoolbag. Its cobjr Is bke
Uwaga: Czasownik to be 'i Iotlkioh odpowtedzlooh
The verb to be (negative) lv4erdzqoyth zawsze zopisujemy w pelneJ formie.
Are voj 1 C? Yes. I am (NiE: Yoc rm)
Czasownik byo (zdania przeczqce)
How taiL..? / How high...?! How big...?
am not/ rn not niejestem
a Now JIM Oak soki/visakqh'ysokie) u2omy. pytajqo
& you are not/ aren't iJeste
0 az& wzrost lub a rnsokoa paethatow, idOre sq deride
he/she/It Is not/ Isn't nte Jest w stosunlnJ do sJeJ wysokotd (rip. drzewa. wle2owoe).
How taN s the Elizabeth tower? 96 metres.
we/tu/they as notl at&t Now high Oak wysoki/wysaka/wysokie. Jak v'soka)
u2naamy. pytaJqo a wysoko (rip. hh mountains) lub
0 rzeozy. ktOre znojduJq sl@ \wsoko.
Pehq forrrq przeczqcq ozasownika to be Iworzymy. Now high s the ccck? 54.9 metres.
sbi4aJqo not pa am we. ft

HowbQicctityfdSc'die) 4.nny. tcqoo'4ekcf

W prz,padIaj zalmko Iskroconq fosm przeozqcq How big Is the obok? 7 rnelres tall ard 7 metres wide,
ozasownika to S tworzymy, stawlajqo not pa in.
I'm not
Skr000nq forrn paeozqoq did pozostatycti osb
twoczymy. stawlaJqc &t pa we lub It
ore no- aren't. is not srt

one hundred and twenty-nine I 129

Possessive case ('s/s' - of The)
- Forma dzieriawcza rzeczownikow
Have got (affirmative) pelnlaoza u2ywamy, mowlqc o ozyje$ wtosnool.
TNs Is lava's book. (It's liii book)
- Czasownlk mM (Santa twlerdzqce)
Dopstoza V ulywarrry te do thslanla re(ac) mlday
I/you have got/ 'ye got mam/masz Iud2mL ) Is Ann's mum.
he/sheet has gotf 's got ma JSII act nalely doedM asoby. foim d2ier2awozq
twocymy w nastpujqcy sposob: ImI + I + dopeinlenle
we/you/they have got/ e got mamy/maole/ bez przedlmka 0/an lub The. Ken's Me
cdajecrry ivere2 do Imlon zakoozonyoh no 4.
Le'',Vs cc.myjteq
Czasowrilka have got uywamy:
JeIi cot nale2y do wlceJ 02 JecineJ osoby, utiamy
- InfoirnuJqo. 2e cot 00 Kogcd nolely. nastpujqoyoti form:
Koren has got a blue umbreta.
- gdy posbdajqo.,th opsqe izeczonk wI. mn. zoko6ucryy
- podaJqo cechy charakteiystyozne kidzl I zwlerzqt. no no koAcu rzeczoiIka stuwlamy tko apasiraf (.
Poji has got big blodvn eyes boys' football, the gith' sung!asses
- okrelaJqo relooje mlcJzy Iud2mI.
I have got two 5151er3.
- gdy po bdaJqc*i osuJe izeozo'wnk wI. nvi.
riiezakoozony no 4 dodq,Iemy I
Me children's dogs, the women's bikes
Czasowrilk have got ma takq samq tormQ we wszyst-
kich osobach z vvylgfidern 3 as. I. poj. (he. she 0, gdzle - gdy posladajqcy sq vmienIenI koleJno. 'sdodaJerny
itywamy has got t1ko do ostotniego Imlenla.
I,You/ We/They have got pets Holy and Marcus's parerts,
He/St*ilt has got a long toll.
MSkc 0 przedmbtaoh, form dztei2owozq twerzymy za
Halagot2mlenbmyna %vgctl Igotwtcmiaoh pomooq qshe.
sWocanyoh. If* co'cur of the car (NIE The cat's cc'eu)
I have got a robb rye got a iobbE
He has got a rabbit a He's got a rooh Have got (interrogative)
Pamy skr6conej mo2erny u2y w zdanlaoh z jednyo - Czasownik mie (Santa pytaJqce)
podmlotem. W zdanlaoh z dwoma podmlotaml muslmy
u2y6 pebej foimy. Have 1/you got? Czy mam/masz?
Tom's got ccl. Cnoie and o have gota cat
A Has he/she/It got? Czyma?
Nle itywamy have got, mowlqo a ozm wteku. Wtedy
poshigujemy sI ozasawnikiem lobe. Have we/you/they got? Ozy mamy/maole/majq?
I'm 13 years ok1. (NI E: rugct 13yeart) A

Have got (negative) Pytarila z ozasownhldem have gottwcaiy.

ixnleszozo,iqo have/ha przed podmlotem.
Czasownik mie (zdania przeczqce) She has got a cousin,
Hthite got a ecusn?
I/you have not got/ haven't got i' e nam/masz
j he/she/It has not got/ hasn't got
Have got (short answers)
Me ma
Czasownik mle (krtkie odpowledzl)
S v'encu4/mej have not got! haven't got
Yes. have. Talc mant
No.1 haven't Me, He mom.
Yet you have. Talc mom
Pizeozenla z ozasowniklem have got tworzym No,yaihavent Me. riemasz
stAaJqo not mledzy have/has i got Yes, he/she/il has Talc ma.
I have not got a skateboard No, ne/she/t hasn't. Me, rtie ma.
Toro has not gal a brother. Yes, we have. ItS mamy.
Fam skraaonq 'a przeozenlaoh twcamy. dodajqo nice Howe havent NnIemarry.
Yes you have ItS moth
I hoven't go a pa 'rot ND'1cuhaveni. Me. nlemade.
Tara hasn't got a eat. Vet frey have. Talc majq.
No. heyhavesfi We. nlemc*c

130 1 one hundred and thirty

Grammar Reference
W Io'olkloh odpowielooh nie iomy got Konstrukcft there k tvony. gdy mowlmy a izeczach
Have you got a big hoe se2 wi. poj.
Yes, I have. (NIE: Yet. (hag get) There Is sea In he lMng rrn
There's a bookse In the bedroom
Kroltde odpwt hAeftIzqce twain' w nastp.4qcy
sposb: Yes, + zSnekw ksq po4iJ.A. + ban lub ha Kanstiukq fiwe wecny. gdy moMny 0 aeozath
Have you got a aptap? Yes, I have. wI. mn.
Has Sophe got a moble phone? Yes, she has. There we two prc7ures an the wall.
W zdaniath h.4erdzqcych nle malemy uZya formy
Kr64tde adpowte przeozqae tworzymy taR: skroconej w I. mn.
No, + zSnek w furkcjl podmiotu + bonnY/hasn't (NIE: ThoroTh ttt'o plskffes on the ufl)
Have you got a rlrg No, I haven't.
Has Iota got a brother? No, the hasn't Po Mitre Is vistqpuJe przedlmek nleokrelony clan.
There s a DVD an the chair.
There is on exercise ocok on the table.
Phials (regular) - Liczbo mnoga
rzeczownlkow regularnych Po Mitre we 'AystpuJq rzeczawn lid 'i I. mn.:

WIkszoO rzeczownlkow wi. inn. przyblero koco'wk 4 - popizedzone \'razem some (ldlka. parq).
There ore some DVDs on the oricir
Per"! -, pietl. pag -, flags. gid
Do izeozownlkow zakonozonych no cIt an dt -z o - popize&one Ucabnldsin.
w I. mn. dodajemy a There are three DVDs on the chair,
motth ' moieties, gas gases doss ctasej Gdy w zdanlu vqstpuJe Wqoel nt2jedno dopSilenle.
brush -. crushes, fox -. foxes hero -' heroes forma ozosownlka jest zgadna z toning pleiwszego
Do rzeczownlkOw zakonozonych samoglaskq +
w I. mn. dodajemy 4 - There Scny. gdyplerw&edopflrbJestwlp4
Icy i 10)4 There Is a sofa and four amp&
(NIE: Thei ore a tc'a and four iarnpit)
W izeczcmnlkathfloczanych 6lgIo*q+qwI. mn.
opuszczamy -y I dodajemy 4es. - There on ul',warriy, gdy pleswsze dopelrilenle Jest w tnt
d'y- 0 cities There are Nx, arrrchalrs and a sofa in the ving tom.
W r2eczowntkach zakoczonyoh no hub 4. wI. inn. W paeczenlaoh wstawlamy not po there Is tub there
opuszozomy -flub 4.1 dadajemy -vet as W krOttdoh odpoIedzlath przeczqcych dadajemy
knife -. kn'ves nldo there Stub there we.
There sn a microwave on the tobe.
There oren any mirrors in the iMng room
Plurals (Irregular) - Licibo mnoga
rzeczownikw nleregularnych Prepositions of place - Przylmkl mieJsca
L. Pal. Lmn. L. Pal. Lmn. In -'w. on- no. under -. pod. In front of -. paed.
woman women kobleta koblety behbid - z above nod, new- oboic blisko.
man men m2ozia mozy2nl opposite - naprzeclwtca. below -. pod
child children cIecko dzled
person people asoba lucizle
tooth teeth zQby PmW mlsca okretgq gdzte znojduje 9@ dana osoba
Nb Iubrzecz
ox oxen 'got woty
foot feet stopa stopy
goose geese go gsl A/An -Some - Any
mouse mice mysz myszy A/on u2eamy z rzeozawnlkaml w I. p.
sheep sheep owoa owce There's a (rdge In the krchen.
fish fish ryba rty
deer deer jelen jelenle There's an apple in the fudge
Soma anyu2vamyz nzeczownlkaml wI. mn. do oplsu
nIeokreioneJ Ilatd.
There are some books on the desk
T here arert any pents on the desk
Some uZwamy z rzeczownlkaml wI. inn. w zdaniach
There is - mete are (affirmative & negative) hvierdzqcyoh.
- Konstrukcjcr jesi/znajduje si, saJ There are some chairs I,.)' he livng room.
znajdujq sic (zdanici twierdzqce Any i.ywo my z nzeczoilkaml w I. mn. w pytanlaoh
I pneczaee) I pzeozenlaoh.
A'e there any backs or; the desk?
Konstrukci there Iii there we u24'amy. mawimy. kledy,
ze cot Isinleje lub znajduje siq w konkretnym mlejscu.

one hundred and thirty-one 1131

There is -There are (interrogative & short 0kre4lenla cii:asi every day/mommg/afternoon ltd.
answers) - Konsln*cja: jest/ znajduje $4 on Mor,day/ Tuesday(s) ltd ofways. usual< often
sometimes, never Rd.
sqJznajdujq sic (pytania I krlkie
odpowied) PisoWnia (3 Ce. I. p4)
Is there CziJest...? C2asownIlcl Przyktady
Are there..? Czysq..2 - w3os.LpoJ.
Yes, there Is. Talc Jest
czasownlkow 4 -
I eat ne eat
No, there Isn't. Nle nle ma.
0 Yes, there are. Tak.sq. imiss - hemsses
No, there aren't. Me, nle ma.
zakonczone no -
I wash he wastes
W p,1anIach S/a'e wstav.larny pized Thn.
a. * 48 -
I watch he wcrohes
There Is a cmocr in the room.
cfi. -x. .0 -
I fix he So
he does
sigre a choir In Ihe room? -
W Io'olkhh odpowie1och twlerdzqcyoh nie u2iamy y+4es l cry -hecrIes
M*q +1
toitiiy skroonej.
Is there a clfl In the kicher.? Yet there Is.
(NIE: Thero't)
srogloskq -y + .5 l play -he play's
Are there lamps n the room? Yes thee are.
(NIE: Thom'ra)
Object personal pronouns
Foimy skrOcaneJ u2ramy w k'ratt&h odpowledzloch
a-. p - ZalmkI osobowe w funkcji dopotnienla
Is there a txxk on the desk? No. there Isn't
Are there posters on the wait7 No. there aren't me mnle, ml, mnq
you oleble. toble. tobq
rr init i '06 him/her/fl
Jego. ]emu, nlm / Jq, Je,L nIeJ I
Jego. Jemu. nlm
Connectors (linkers) - WyTaZy Iqczqce us nos, nom, noml

Then (nastQpnle. potern) I after, o) to \ccczy tqczqoe you was, warn, wami
okrSlajqoe oza TcQy te pornagaJq oplsywaO -I
them lab, Im. nimi
koleJne ozyonocI I sprcwiaJq. Ze tekst Jest spoJny.
I come back home at 4 pm Then. I do my homework.
Alter 'ty Nrewoil& I hcve 'Jirrer Zalmki asobowe w \inkoJI dope1nlenlc vqstpuJq pa
ozosownci (rip. like) lub ouzyttu (np. a.
Present simple (affirmative) - Czas is
Ths is Anno I Ike her He Tony. Look of him,
teraniejszy prosty (zdania twierdzqce) ZaIMthvmnkI dopelnlenlazastpqq rzeozavrnlkt
I see Tim/Iti on Mondays
I/iou like lubI. Iublsz
lmywamy lob pa ozasownkaah Tub pzylmkach.
he/she/It likes lubl 3osh and Mte oe my friends,
I see them at the weekend.
we/you/they We lubirny, lubbe. lublq I usually play tennis with Mat.
-a I usually play tennIs wtth him
Czas Present Simple ma takq sarnq foi'rn we
wszyslldch osobach z
qtklem 3 o& I. p.4 (he. she. 1, Adverbs of frequency
gdzle zwykle dadaJemy koficowkq -@ do ozasownlka. - Przyslowki czstotliwotci
Czasu Present Simple u2womy mowlqo o: Pizystwtl czstoltIwocI akcelajq. Jak ozsto cot sIc
- ozyodath ac&enth zdarza, Sq to: Sways- zcrwsze (1CO%).
usually- r&ie (75%). often- ozsta (50%).
He we the dog In he morning
sometimes- ozosarnl(25%), never- nlgdy%).
- rath zwyozaJenbth
I eat lunch at 130 every day Zazwyczaj wystQpuJq paed ozasownhldem gi ale
pa ozasawnlku to be.
- oircobdipavtatzcpth4 She sometimes goes to bed after 11:00.
He i.suaily plays foolbdl on Frtbjs. She Is usually tired after oasketbai praooe.
- stanach ttwaty'oh.
She lives In London

1321 one hundred and thirty-Iwo

Grammar Reference
Prepositions of time - PrzyimkI czasu Present simple (interrogative) - Czas
terainiejszy prosty (idania pytojqce)
+ dni tygodnia on Monday(s)
+daty or 121h June Do Vyou to? Czy iubl/iubiszff?
on + pory dnia on Tuesday morning CL
+ nozwy dni wiqteoznyth on Christmas Day .j Does he/she/it like? Czyiubi?
+ mieslqoe in January
Do we/you/they like? Czy iubrnyflubicle/lub4q?
+ pory roi&i in winter
in + oci doby in the morning/
afternoon/evening Pytania w 3 as. tpoJ. lworzyrnyw rcstpuJqoysposOb:
+iato In 2016 Door podmiot + czowS 4.any(bsz kocwkt 9
- +godzlny at hail post four Does she eat meat?
+ nozM, fl at Christmas
+ wyralenlee The weekend at the weekend We wszysltdch pazostotjob osobaoh pytania twoaymy
+ raz night at nIght tat Do + podmiot + ezasowit gtowny.
Do you eat meat?
Przylmkow ozasu n!e u2vamy z wyrazami today,
tomowow. Mnlghti yedeSay Present simple (short answers) - Czas
teraEnleJszy prosty (krtkie odpowiedzi)
i LI' L'l ILl Yes, 1/you do bk. lubi/iubtsz.
No, yyou don't. Nie. nie Iubi/iubIsz.
Present simple (negative) - Czas Yes, he/she/It does Talc iubi.
terahiiejszy prosty (zdania paeczqce) No, doesn't. Nie, nie iubi,

i/you do not/ don't nice re ubiq/kiblsz g Yes, we/you/the,..- do Talc lubimy/iubicie/iubiq,

No we/you/they don't Nie, nie lubimy/iublde/iubiq
j he/she/I does not/ doesn't like nie iubi
ne lubimy/ Kmotlde odpowIec twierdzqoe twoizmy w nostpuJqoy
we/you/they do not! don't ille
sposob: Yes, + ira w fsmkcj podmiolu + do/doss.
Do you Uke Molis? Yes, I do.
W 3 o& i. poj. przeozenia w ozasie Present Simple Does M' Wscri ieoci vc'.P Yes, he does.
twoaymyw nastpujqcy sposob: podmlot(zar
asobowy lub rzeozo'm'iik np. iml) + does r.oI/ doesn't KmOttde odWv6ctd pizeazqoe twacymy talc
+ czasownlc 916wny. No, + zalmeic w Iwikc$ po*nlotu + don't/doesn?
S it,doesn't eat meat. Do you ddnk coffee? No, I don't
We wszystkkth pozostatycti osobach przeozenla twoizytny Does she eat fl'? No, she doesn't.
tat podmiot + do noV don't + ciosownik glowny. W krattdoh odpo'wledziach przeczqcyoh nie powtaiza-
idon't eat reaI. my ozosownika gtownego.
Skrocona forma przeozqca est u24vana ozciej ni2 Do you ilke tea? Yes, do
forma pelna. (NiE: Yark (etflL'n)
I don't like ao'boii. Jacob doesn't play kri Does he cock wet? No. he ooesril
(NiE: KIfl h th,n't r.nat')
Dolworzenla zda ptzeozqcych ukeamy don't/doesn't
ze WszVstkmI ozasownikorrJ w ozosie Present Simple
z qtldem ozosown&w he I have got
She doesn't like -Fstort He isn't ir the klcier.
They haven't got any breac,
W przeczeniach W3 Os. I. poj. nie dadajemy koilcowki -S
Present continuous (affirmative) - Czas
do ozosownlka terainiejszy clqgly (zdanla twlerdzqce)
He doesn't like 'iItqJiE jU4.
am/'m playing. 8ol sit.
a. You we/re playing. Bov4szsi.
He/She/I lips playing. Bawl sic.

We/You/They aefl plat .

Bawiq sic.

one hundred and thirty-three 1133

Czasu Present Contbiuous uyaamy. moqo Present continuous (interrogative & short
0 czy'inooIaoh, ktore odby';ajq si w momende. answers) - Czas terainiejszy ciqgly
gdy o nioti mo'wlmy. (pytania i krotkie odpowiedzi)
Typowe cte4tenla czasu 'o m. IN todopy now, slZ of The
Am I Seping' Czypi?
Are you sleeping? Czy pist?
MoowSa: -j is he/she/It sleeplag? Czy pP
ciasowniki Koricthwka -ing Pnyklady
Are we/you/they
WiQkSZOO sleeping Czy pImy/pio3e/piq?
+ 4ng eat - eating
write - wining
zakonozone Yes I am/ No. I'm not bk plJ Me. rae
e +4ng All
spalgtoskq + Yes yaj are./ No. you won't. bk. piszJ Me. rae plsz.
be - being
podwojona Yet he/she/if is. 10k 90.
zjednq akcentowanq stop - stopping No. he/she/if isn't NIe. rae pi.
samogtoskq pomlQdzy At!
spoigloska g Yet we/you/they are, bk plmy/pbie/piq.
dwoma spotgbskami open-opening
+4ng No. we'ou/they won't Me. nie pimy/pideftptq
zakoozone podwoJon
travel - traveang
sarnogtoskq + 4 literal + 4ng W iqotkb'i odpo'w1ecaoh uywamy vMqoznie
Uwaga: Czasowilld stotyozrie stave verbs (to Ion. ozasownika posHkowego, bez ozasownika gtOwnego.
Is he sleeping? Yes, he Is. (NIE: haM ef1n)
want, bion) z4de nie sIpuJq w ozasie Present
No. he isnt (NE: M ha Jen't o4aaping)
Con tinuous. ponlewol \'Pfla2aJq stony, a nie ozynnocl.
I like skiing. (NIE: Am Hklrg tllrg.)
Prepositions of movement
Present continuous (negative) - Czas - Przylmkl ruchu
teraznlejszy ciqg$y (zdania przeczqce) Przyirnki niohu opLsuJq kieruneic wjokim ktod lub cot si
am no/ tnot - to - do
I NlebawlsI
Playing. I cm waiking to soriooi,
are not/ aren't - into do. do rodka. do wewnqliz
. You Nle blsz sI.
Playing- rn putting my dothes Mb my bog.
Is not! Isn't - onto 'na
He/she/It Nie bawl s!. I cm pulling these books onto the shelf.
We/You/ we not! aen't Nie bawlfl'/ Uwaga: WJQzWu angleiskim. mowlqo 0 wsiadaniu do
They playing. bawbie/bawlq s autobiJsu mo2emy u2y6 przmka hn'o (getInto The bus)
lub onto (get onto The bus).
Przeozenla w ozasle Present Continuous tworzy'my Connectors - SpojnIki
popizez dodanie no. do ozosoilka posl&owego be
Because (ponSwat g4Y4 opisuje. diaozego cot sic
Possessive pronouns - Zalmki dzleJe. Wyta2a payozyn. powod.
dzlerkawcze dal so co use fl 'o'nmn ouWcie
skidS pzay'powOd
mine moj. moja moje.
yours twoJ. twojo. Iwoje So (i*o) opisuje rezuitct ozegoi Wyvaa skutek.
his )ego flho? ouS!de.1so I'm weo'nq sN2t or.O a T-s'1L41
.1 hers je) przapna/pcw.d Swtek

ours nas7, naszo, nasze

yours wag wasza, wosze
theirs Ich

Zaimkow d2ler2awozyoh ulywamy do opisu pasladania

Nie wystpujq p0 nioti rzeozownlki.
This is my h01 Its mine. (NIE: fl mire hot)
W Jzyku angtelsldm nie ma zaimka dzier2awozego dia It

1341 one hundred and thirty-four

Grammar Reference
Words How
Stwa pytajqcego how ulywamy. pytojqc. Jak cog roblo tub
jok ktot siq ezuje.
How 'Jo you cook spaghetip 'j bc. lie water.
How are you? I'm fire. tharks
Stwa what u2ywamy. p1ajqc a rzeczy, godziny tmIora ltd.
What time Is V It's 3 o'clock.
What your rome' My lane's Ken
Whali your favoute odour? M' favoun.e colour is purple.
Punctuation Rules
Apostrophe - Apostrot ()
Apostrofu u2ywamy.
wiormadi oiqgr4tycn. m (= lam) hungry.
When mowlqo a stanle posladanla tub prziaI&nocl.
Stowa when u2warny. p'ylajqc 0 czas/dafQ ftp. 3z>hn's wile. rry Msier's son (rzeczowrilk w I. poJ +s)
When 3 your bir.hda'/? s on 1st 3anucrV. my grcndpthenis pflcne number (rzeozawnlk w mn. +
men's shoes (rzeozownlk nieregutarny wi. mn. +
How old
Zvaotu how oIdu2eomy. pyloJqcowlek
Capital letter - Wielca literal
How aid ce you? I'm Ii years olo Wielldch liter u*vamy.
w skrotowoach. This is a new DVD.
Where w nazwach diii mleslcy. wlqt/uroozystocI ltd.
Sowa whom u2iamyy, pytajqc a mlejsce. Tuesday. March. Christmas lip
Where are you from? rm from Po&ga. w Imionodi Iudzl I nwach wtosnwh (miast panstw).
This is Mode Dupon and she's from Paris. France.
wtytuta&i gizecznadowth.
M and Mrs Potter; Dr Green: Professor Thompsor: ftp.
w nazwcich narodowocI oraz Jzykow.
Whose They are Itolan. He's fluent in Spanish and Ength.
Sowa whom u2ywamy, pytojqc 0 czjq wtasnoO. Uwaga: zalmek csobovq !zciwsze plszemywlelkq llterq.
Whose boll s this? Fs Marlcis boil Yrn and I are leaving ate tonht.
Who Comma - Przeclnek (,)
&owa who u2ywamy, pytaJqo a ludzl. Przednka u2omy.
Who is that gir, over Were? She's my best friend. Pta. aby oddziella pazycJe na lide
reed tomatoes. cranget .....:xers and onions.
w zdanlach, ktore poiqezore sa ia oomocq sMnlkow
(np. but and ltd
I like ernls. bt,! r .
How much
Zwratu how much uamy. pytajqo a lkO (w paypadu Full stop - Kropka ()
rzeozotilkOw nlepallazalnych). How much sugar do we Kropki uyviamy no kocu zoanla Mlerdzqcega.
We need 203 grammes of sugar Were having a wonde' 'j. nere in stanbjl
Now Many Question ma* - ThSc zapytania ('1)
Zotu how many uywamy. ptaJqa 0 IbO (w przpadku Znaku zopytanla u2ywamy no koicu zdanla pyta,lqcego.
rzeczowrdkOw pallozahnych). How many aopies do we Wno is that man?
have? We hoie 10 apples.
Exclamation malt - Wykrzyknik (!)
Which Wytazyknlka u2wamy no kocu zdanla. aby wyrc06
Stowa which ulywarny, pytajqc a kankretne pcedmloty tub podzlw, zoskoozenle ltd.
as What a beaufu day! How awful
Look at these Three dresses Which one do you NO I like the
first one Which g1ri is your sister? The tall ore o' the shari one?
The shott one.

Sawa why u2ywarny. pytajqc a payczyn. did ktOrej ocd sl
Why are you cryhng7 Because I can't find my bog.

one hundred and thirty-five 1135

gtW/grei/ (n) - nary Seasons
orange/Drmd3/ (n) - pomaraaowy winter twnito/ (n) = zima
pink flrn)k/(n) - rtowy spring /sprnj/ (n) = wlosna
break Ibccikl (n) = przerwa
purple /pcpoV (n) - ptrpurowc summer /sAmo/(n) = lato
lunch break thntf breikj (n) - przerwa
fiotetowy autumn /artam/(n)-jeslen
Nice to most you. (phr) = Milo C4 ted /red/ (n) - aerwony
while twait/ (n) = blaly Months
yellow /jelou/ (n) = tolty January /d3njuorif (n) - styczeA
spefl /spei/ (v) = Ilterowad
February/febnnri/ (n) - luty
surname /nrncim/ (n) = nazwtsko
March natf/ (n) - marzec
telephone number ltebkon ,rLmhol (n)
April /erprol/ (n) - kwteden
= rwj met telefonu
May ftnei/ (n) - ma
timetable /inimleibaV (n) = plan lekcjl actually /rktJoli/ (adv) = wiatciwle.
June /d3urnj(n) - aerwlec
July /d3dIarf (n) - Iplec
School subjects ancient /einjociV (adj) - staroiytry/-a
bell /14' (n) - dzworelc August /otgostt (n) -slerplefi
Art/OW (n) = plastyka
blkeft,wk/ (n) - rower September /sep'temln/ (n) =
English111)911)7(n) = Jzyk anglelsld
bIrthday /bo:Odcr/ (n) - urodzlny wrzesle
Geography /d3iDgrafi/ (n) = geografla
October/rjk'taubo/ (n) - padzlernik
History / hrstori/ (n) = hlstorla blog entry /bioyenrrV(n)=wplsna
NovemberMou'vembo/ (n) = Hstopad
Maths /m8s/ (n) = matematyka blogu
Deceniber/dtcembo((n) = grudzien
Music /mjurik/ (n) = muzyka cap/kacp/ (n) = aapka
Physical Education (PE) /ftzikal capital city !ktpid sill! (n) = stolka
edjdkeifan/ (n) - wythowanle castle lkaial/ (n) = zamek
flzyczne city /si/ (n) = mlasto
cousin /ksnn/ (n) = kuzyn/kuzynka amphibian /ru(lbianj (n) - pier
Science/satins/ (n) - przedmloty
przyrodnlae. przyroda famous/feimas/ (adj) = slawny/-a body/bodV (n) = dab
flag /I1ag/ (n) - flaga chair /LJeo/ (n) = knesto
Classroom objects height ThwV (n) = wysokot come on (phr) = thodt
home Maum/ (n) = dom desk /dcsk/ (n) = blurko
blackboard /bltkbo4f (n) - Slice
house fliaos/ (n) = dom (budynek) eveiythlngfcviieuj! (pron) = wszystko
book ibuic/(n) ksljt Inside tcnau4' (adv) = wewntrz feather ttce/ (n) = ploro
chalk ftjorlq (ii) - kreda landmark /IiembnwV (n) = fish/fill (n) = uyba
desk /desk/ (ii) - blurko charakterystyany oblekt fly/flai/ (v) latat
glueIgIwl (n) - ldej language /Iw,4/ (n) = Jzyk front /fr.nt/ (n) = przod
large /l'nhJ (ad)) - duy/-k wlelkI/-a homework /haumws (n) - piece
notebook /noutbuk/ (n) = zeszyt.
location /btike4aa/ (n) = pototenle dom owe
map /mtp/ (n) - mapa horse ;ba:Q (n) = Icon
pen /pen/ (n) = plro. diugopls
pencil /pensal/ (n) = ot6wek nation /neijoa/ (n) = narod Important /mIn:ronh/ (adj) = wary/-a
pencil case /pensol keis/ (n) = naflonS/ntfcsV (adj) = narodowy/-a insect/mskV (n) owed
pl6rnlk official lofifall (ad)) = oflcjalny/-% leg P4 (n) noga
lubber /rAbo/ (n) - gumka trzdowy/-a mammal /mnl/ (n) = ssak
ruler /ni:lo/ (n) = Ilnljka over /ouv/ (prep) - pond milk /milk] (n) - mlelco
school bag /skud ba2M/ (n) = plecak palace /pclos/ (n) = patac over there (phr)=tam
sharpener tjwpona/ (n) = part of (phr) = att (cregol) planet /pint/ (n) = planeta
temperowka pride mai4/ (n) - duma post /pousU (n) = post (wiladomok na
whtteboard /wa,thoxV (n) = tablka spa Jspr/ (n) - uzdrowlsko. ksort gruple dyskusyjnej)
(blala) sport /spo:I/ (n) = sport postfrousil (v) = umleszczat.
symbol hmtl'aI/ (n) = symbol, zamleszaat (np. wladomou w
Colours oznaaenle Internecle)
black iblk/ (n) = aarny top/we' (ad)) = n4wyszy/-a real /roi/ (ad)) - rzeaywlsty/-a.
blue Thluil (n) - nithleskl wide /wui4f (ad)) = szerokl/-a prawdzlwy/-a
brown ibraun/ (n) = bqrowy test lint] (n) - tem sprawdzlan. proba
green /grin/ (n) = zlelony unusual AnjuuaI/ (adj) = nlezwykly/-a
wing /w4 (n) - skrzydbo
woman/wonn/ (n) = kobleta
1361 one hundred and thirty-six
Word List'
Family members kind /karnd/ (adj) = yallwy/-a. chair /tfea/ (n) = krzesto
aunt /cnt/ (n) = docla mfly/-a coffee table fkDfi teihol/ (n) = stoilk
brother fhr.00f (n) = brat polite /pslait/ (adj) = gnecniy/-a. dokawxlaws
children ftfrldron/ (n) = dzied uprzejmy/-a cooker fkuko/ (n) = kudrnnka
cousin fkAzanI (n) = kuzyn/kuzynka popular ?pDpjobf (ad;) = lublany/-a. cupboard tkAbod/ (n) = szafka
dad (father) /cktd/ (tfaro/) (n) = popularny/-a kudienna
tata (ojdec) curtain fkaaon/ (n) = zastona
daughter fdxto/ (n) = corka desk /desk/ (n) = blurko
grandchildren iqrccnijcidnoi (n) = fridge /frld3/ (n) = lodowka
wnukl back ibak/(n)=tyt lamp /lrnp/(n) = lampa
granddad (grandfather) iqrtmizd/ pillow ipilou/ (n) = poduszka
bottom /boiz,.n/ (n) = dot
(/yr.cnIatO (n) = dzladzlo sink /snjk/ (n) = zlew
buy ibw/ (v) = kupowait
(dzladek) sofa tsoufo/ (n) = kanapa
cheap /LJi:p/ (ado = tan[/-a
grandma (grandmother) /yrxnmir/ table fteibol/ (n) = stat
count Aaoni/ (v) = llczyt
(/yntnniib)) (n) = babunia (babda) toilet ttoTlor/(n) = sedes. muszla
description /dakripJzW (n) = opts
grandparents /yr.rnpcaxanh/ (n) = klozetowa
each other (phr) = sable wiajemnie
dziadkowle wardrobe fwxdnobf (n) = szafa
expensive /ik\pcniv/ (adj) = drogl/-a
husband fhAzbondI(n) = nfl washbasin fwDLbeIsonf (n) =
graph paper /gmJ' peipa/ (n) = papier
mum (mother) irnAmI(trnAooO (n) = umywaika
mama (matka)
heel /hi:l/ (n) = plta
parents fpeorontsl (n) = rodzlce Parts of a house
lovely tlAVll/ (ad)) = lIczny/-a
sister fsisto/ (n) = slostra balcony fbzlkoni/ (n) = balkan
abject IobdikV (n) = przedmlot
son /s.n/ (n) = downstairs /,datmsteaz/ (adv) = na
on one's own (phr) = samodzlelnle.
uncle f&*ol/ (n) = wujek dole
wife /warf/ (n) = Iona door Id,):/ (n) = driwl
open /za,pan/ (adj) = otwarty/-a
open /zopan/ (v) = orwterae driveway fdrarvwer/ (n) = podjazd
Pets floor ff14 (n) = podloga
outside /aoLajd/ (adv) = na zewnqtrz
cat /ketI (n) = kot garage tgrithJ (n) = gara
pretty ipnii/ (ad)) = tadny/-a
dog /dog/ (n) = pies garden tgcEdon/ (n) = aped
sniokeism,u.J (v) = pallit
goldfish fgauldftf/ (n) = ziota rybka upstairs /,Apteoz/ (adv) = na gOne
shaight isucii/ (ad;) = prosty/-a
parrot ipznt/ (n) = papuga wan /wo:l/ (n) = *dana
toe /1,0/ (n) = palec u nogl
rabbit frzhTt/(n) = krollk window fwrndouf (n) = okno
together A,gcflc/ (adv) = razem
top /wp/ (n) = srczyt. wIt rzcholek. yard /jard/ (n) = aped. podworze.
Physical appearance dzledzln Icc
age /eId3/ (n) = wick
ugly t.gli/ (ad;) = brzydki/-a
build /biid/ (n) = budowa data Public places near my house
tat ifti (adJ) = puby/-a. otyly/-a cinema fsinornol (n) = kino
Rooms in a house
good-looking /,gud luknj/ (cdi) = gym id3rmI (n) = sliownia
bathroom fbaRrumf (n) = tazlenka
przystojny/atrakcyjna hospital thDsprtoif (n) = szpltal
child's bedroom ftfarldz ,bedmni/ (n)
height/hait/ (n) = wzrost library tiarbrari/ (n) = blblloteka
= pokoJ dzledcy
old /hold/ (ad)) = stary/-a park /pwk/ (n) = park
kitchen fkuJ'on/(n) = kuthnla
short /Jo.t/ (ad)) = nlskl/-a. krotkl/-a supermarket fsu:p3mo4citj (n) =
living room tlivn) nnm/ (n) = salon
tall fto:iI (ad;) = wysokl/-a supermarket
parents' room tpcniL rom/ (n) =
thin Mm/ (adj) = diudy/-a
syplalnla rodzlcow
young /j*t (ad)) = rnlody/-a
Furniture & Appliances
armchair fo:mtfeo/ (n) = fotel carry tk&cri/ (v) = nosle
clever tklevol (odj) = zdolny/-a. bath ftw$/ (n) = wanrra cold ;kauiiil (ad;) = zim ny/-a
bed fl,ecV (n) = totko continue ikanunju:/ (v) = kontynuowa
frIendly /frendli/(adj) = przyjazny/-a.
bookcase tbukkers/ (n) = regal na different /dul,rrni/ (ad;) = lnny/-a
kslflkl early ta:li/ (adv) = wczSnle
funny tfAnh/ (ad)) = wesc4/-a.
carpet tkopit/ (n) = dywan follow flubo/ (v) = stosowa st (do)

one hundred and thirty-seven 1137


hand in /hcnd nil (phr v) = oddat (np. DJ (disk jockey) /,di: 43crf (tdrsk liquid /iikwuil(n) = ptyn
prac domowa) doki, (n) = didie). dyskdokej ordinary /axbiori/ (odj) = zwyaajny
hot/boi/ (ad)) = gorjcy/-a doctor /dnkto/ (n) = Iekarz/kkarka ovent.ao/ (n) = plec, plekarnlk
I can't make it. (phr) = Me dam rady. nurse /na:s/(n) = plelgnlarz pick up /pik .'p/ (phr v) = wzft. ztapat
I'd love to. (phr) = Bardzo thtnle. /plelgn larks pie 4iau/ (n) = placek. zapiekanka
(think so. (phr) = MyM, it tak. police officer/psI k ,D&co/ (n) w def cit
We flcnl (cdv) = pno = poiicjant/-ka portion /po:Jon/ (n) = porcja
magic /mrd,k/ (odD = magiany/-a shop assistant /fop osistantl (n) pour 4a:/ (v) = nalewad, wlewad
miss Mis! (v) = tsknld (za czyin) = sprzedawca/sprzedawczyni sausage tm'uc& (n) = kietbasa
nickname /niknenn/ (n) = przydomek, teacher /ti:tjo/ (n) = nauczydel/-ka Special Ispcjc4/ (adj) = specjainy/-a,
przezwisko waitress fwenmsf (n) = kelnerka wyJatkowy/-a
on time (phr) = na aas stew /tjud (n) = gulasz, potrawka
practise /pr.cktus/ (v) = dwlayd Work places sheet food /siria (u:d/ (n) = jedzenle
same /scinil (odj) = taki sam/taka dance club iduns klAtil (n) = kiub sprzedawane na ulicach
urns taneany taste /ieusd (v) = prObowat, smakowat
school dinner hku:l Iin,/ (n) = oblad hospital /hDspil3lf (n) = szpital tasty /wIsli/ (adj) = srnaczny/-a
wszkok house /hausl (n) = dom temperature /LenipnLJo/ (n)
score Ak,:! (v) = stnellt gob. zdobyd police station /pSli:s ,steifonl (n) = temperatura
bramk = posterunek pollcjl unhealthy /.urhclOi/ (ado
tiring /Lmarn/ (adD = mczcy/-a restaurant /rescomnt/ (n) = nlezdrowy/-a
twice /LWUN/ (cdv) = dwa razy = restauracja vinegar /vnuga/ (n) = ocet
wash /wtj/ (v) = myd school /sku:l/ (n) = szkota warm up /wa:m ,'p/ (phr v)
weekend iwi:kenij/ (n) = weekend. shop &p/ (n) = sklep = podgrzewat
koniec tygodnia wrap krpJ (v) = zawijad. owljad
Free-time activities
Daily routine/free-time activities go to the gym (phr) = thodzid na Food
brush my teeth (phr) = myt zby sllownl appletzepoll (n) = jab&o
chat online (phr) = prowadalt have (piano) lessons (phr) = brad biscuit thrskit/(n) = dastko. herbamik
rozmowy przez Internet lekqe (gry na planinle) bread /bred/ (n) = chleb
come back home (phi) = wracad do play golf (phr) = gratw golfa butter /hAta/ (n) = masto
domu spend time with (somebody) (phr) carrot /kznt/ (n) = marchewka
do my homework (phr) = odrablad = spdzat Cu Z (kis) cereal tsioriol/ (n) = ptatkl zboowe
prac domow4 cheese /41:71(n) = ser
finish school (phr) = koczyt zajcla chicken ftfrkm/ (n) = kuraak
w szkoie crisp /krrsp/(n)= alps
get up (phr) = wstawad amount /,muonV (n) = llot egg /eg/ (n) =jajko
go to bed (phr) = ktMtsl spat bone /bawl (n) = ko*d fish/fij/ (n) = ryba
go to football practice (phr) = choice /LJni4 (n) = wybor flour /flatx,/ (n) = mka
thodzlt ma trening pliki noneJ cover1k.vW (v) = pokrywat lettuce / let;s/ (n) = satata
have breakfast (phr) = jest thladanle create ;krteit/ (v) = tworzyd meat /nli:t/ (n) = mlso
have lunch (phr) = Jett oblad daily /dculi/ (adj) = dzlenny/-a onion /tnjon/ (n) = cebula
have dinner (phr) =Je*t kolacj delicious /drlifas/ (ado = pyszny/-a orange/onncl3/ (n) = pomarSaa
play video games (phr) = grad w gry difficult /d'IikolV (adD = wudny/-a pepper tpepo/ (n) = pleprz
wldeo discover /dmt&va/ (v) = odkrywad potato /psteitou/ (n) = zlemnlak
take a shower (phr) = brad prysznlc dish /dif/ (n) = dank. potrawa rice /rais/ (n) = 17
walk to school (phr) = Id do szkoty easy /i:xi/ (odj) = tatwy/-a salt /so:lrl (n) = sot
watch TV (phr) = og4dad telewl4 find out /famd iiot/ (phr v) spaghetti /spsgetil (n) = spaghetti.
= dowiadywad sIc dtugl makaron
Jobs full Hot! (adD = petny/-a strawberry fstro:bori/ (n) = truskawka
babysitter tbeibisito/ (n) = oplekun/- get through /qct Onr/ (phr v) = przejtd sugar !Jugo/ (n) = cukler
kadodzled przez coL przeuwat cot tomato /tomaxou/ (n) = pomldor
chef /Jeff (n) = kudiarz. szer/-owa healthy /hclOV (ado = zdrowy/-a yoghurt /jogotf (n) =jogwt
kuchnl Increase /ink,i:s! (v) = zwlkszad,
1381 one hundred and thirty-eight
Drinks island Iuubndl (n) = wyspa Weather
coffee /krifi/ (n) = kawa local /boksi/ (adj) = mlejscowy/-a. It's cold (phr) = jest zlmno
fruit juice /,frwt dws/ (n) = sok lokalny/-a It's cloudy (phr) = jest pochmurno
owocowy midnight /midnu;il (n) = potnoc It's hot (phr) = jest gorco
milk /nulk/(n) = mieko pair /pca/ (n) = pan It's raining (phr) = pada data
tea fti./ (n) = herbata perfect 4n:ikII (ad;) = doskonaly/-a It's snowing (phr) = padathleg
receive fri'si:v/ (v) = dostawat, It's sunny (phi) = jest stoneanie
Food preparation otrzymywat
add heW (v) = dodawad repeat frepi:iI (v) = powtarzat Clothes/Accessories/
beat /bftt/(v)=ubljae scary /skeori/ (ad;) = straszny/-a, Footwear
chop /tjnpl (v) = SIeICae. cl$. przeraajq/-a belt /belt/ (n) = pasek
szatkowat screen /skthn/ (n) = ekran boot /bu:t/ (n) = but. botek
grate /gretr/ (v) = trzee na tarce sight /suut/ (n) = wldok cap /kepI (n) = aapka
mix /nuks/ (v) = miestat pot4czy4 sightseeing tsaul,i:itj (n) = zwledzanie dress /dresl(n) = sukienka
peel /pi:i/ (v) = oblerat similar /unalW (odj) = podobny/-a glove /gl.&v/ (n) = rkawlaka
slice /slazs/ (v) = ci4e na piasterkl slowly Isbuh/ (adv) = powoil hat /ht.at/ (n) = kapelusz
smell /smcl/ (n) = zapach jacket /d3kTt/ (n) = kurtka. taklet
Cooking tools special effect /spejsl rickrl (n) = efekt jeans /d3hnz/ (n) = dtinsy
bowl /boui/ (n) = miska specjalny jumper /d3.%nwo/(n) =sweter
cake tin /kc,k uW (n) = forma do spooky /pu:ki/ (ad)) = straszny/-a. leggings /legnyi (n) = legtnsy
pleaenia uplorny/-a scarf /skaf/ (n) = szaiik
frying pan tfraTn) pznh (n) = patelnia store Istx/ (v) = przecbowywat. shoe /Ju/ (n) = but. polbut
grater fgreib/(n)=tarka gromadzld shirt /fn/ (n) = koszula
knife /narf/ (n) = not sttangeMremd3/ (adj) = dztwny/-a sock /sDk/ (n) = skarpetka
saucepan /sa:spon/ (n) = rondel turn /rarn/(n)=obrot shorts /J'nc/ (n) = krOtkle spodenki.
spoon /spu:n/ (n) = Iytka variety /sniTrnoti/ (n) = rOtnorodnott szorty
whisk /wiskl (n) = trzepaaka do Jajek skirt /skct/ (n) = sp&dnlca
Free-time outdoor activities T-shirt/ti: J3:t/ (n) = koszulka
go camping (phr) = wybrat Sc na z krotklm rkawem
kemping trainers /trernozf (n) = buty sportowe
accessory /okscoti/ (n) = dodatek go shopping (phr) = wybrat sic na
actor hckt,/ (n) = aktor zakupy Geographical features
appear b'oi (v) = pojawlat sic. go sightseeing (phr) = wybrat sIc na lake /ieik/ (n) =jezloro
ukazywat sic rwledzanle rainforest ?remfDristj (n) = las
badminton /&cdjnpnton/ (n) go skiing (phr) = wybrat Sc na natty troplkalny
= badminton go to the beach (phr) = wybrat sic na river /rrvof (n) = rzeka
bright jlrnut/ (adj) = Jasny/-a pla waterfall /wotofcnl/ (n) = wodospad
call iki:V (v) = nazywad cot have a barbecue (phr) = robld grills
come out /k.m Iot/ (phr v) = wyjtt, (prtyjcie przy grIllu)
ukazatsi have a picnic (phr) = zroblt plknlk
dark Idol (ad;) = clem ny/-a make a snowman (phr) = zroblt
design idr,wnl (v) = projektowat baiwana
dripping /dnprq/ (ad)) = odekaj4c$ play sports (phr) = uprawlat sporty
kaplcy take a bike ride (phr) =jechad na
excited /ik<gctid/ (ad)) = wycleczk rowerow
podekscytowany/-a visit a market (phr) = IM na targ
for flu:/ (ads,) = d&eko visit museums (phr) = rwtedzae
find /(am4f (v) = znajdowat. wysaukat muzea
freeze /f:z/ (v) = zamarzat. marzn$ visit tourist attractions (phi)
frightening /fraitnuq/ (cdi) = suaszny/-& = zwledzat auakcje turystye
guide IgaudI (n) = przewodnlk.
one hundred and thirty-nine 1139
gWo r
Valentine's Day in Australia Birthdays in Canada
celebration xclabztifan/ (ii) - wlto. balloon /bslurn/ (n) - balon
Halloween in Ireland uroczysto* blow out Thbo iut/ (phr v)
bobbing for apples (phr) = zabawa. Cupid ?kjirpicV (n) = arnorek. kupldyn = zdmuchnqe. zgaslC
friendship IfTtfldflp/ (n) = p12)'Jafl bring /brinj (v) = przynosit
pokgaJ3ca na wylawlanlu Jabtek
heart ,ha: (n) = serce candle fkzndl/ (n) = twleca
z naaynla z wod4 bez uycia r* love song Mv -(n) = plosenka coin ;k,iiF (n) = moneta
costume lkosljomf (n) = kostlum.
przebranle o mltoci decorate deiorciiJ (v) = dekorowat.
symbol /umtnl/ (n) symbol ozdablat
decoration /dckattijan/ (n) = deicoraqa
find /faindf ('i) - znajdowae
toffee apple ttoli apoW (n) jabtko
w pokwle
Easter in the USA go first (phr) - bye plerwszym
guest /9es1/ (n) - gotd
treat/di/ (n) = smako'1c. bunny /b.ni/ (n) - krbilk
celebrate fsebbreW (v) - fwttowa& Invite /ulvaiV (v) - zapraszad
party /pwIi/ (n) - przyjde
trick-or-freatlng (phr) = zwyaaj obthodzk (np. Jak& iroaystoU)
zbieranlasto4czy pod ha.stem Easter egg hunt (phr) -nukanleIs]
..cuklerdc albo pslkuC wlelkanocnydi
festival lksuwll (n) = festiwai. Iwtto
Christmas in the UK parade /ponid/ (n) = panda.
widowlsko pochod
afterwards ,wtwad4 (ocfr)
= nastpnle. potern
be together (phr) = byd razem
best wishes (phr) = najlepsze iyczenla
blight /bmjI/ (adj) = Jasny/-a
exciting /iksaiuig (adj) = tcytuJ%cy/-a
Happy Holidays[ (phr) = WesOlych
light fina/ (n) = Iwlatfo. lampka
midday 1,middeO (n) = trodek dnla.

1401 one hundred and forty

Instructions Polecenia

Act out ... Odegraj... Listen (to) I Posluchaj

Answer Odpowiedz Listen and spot Postuchaj i wychwyt..
Ask Popro/Zapytaj Look (at) ... I Popatrz (na)
Check ... Isprawdt... Make ... Utworz/ZrOb
Choose I Wybierz/Znajd2 Match ... Dopasuj/Dobierz
Classify ... Pogrupuj Point ... IWska...
Collect I Zbierz Present ... Zaprezentuj
Complete (with) ... Uzupetnij Punctuate ... Wstaw znaki interpunkcyjne -.
Copy I Skopiuj/Przerysuj Put Wstaw/Ul&
Correct ... Popraw Read Przeczytaj
Create Stwrz/Utworz Repeat ... Powtorz
Decide (if) ... Zdecyduj (czy) Replace I Zastp
Describe I Opisz Research ... Wyszukaj/Sprawdt
Display (the poster) Powie (plakat) Rewrite... Przeplsz
Draw ... Narysuj Say... I Powiedz ...
Fill in... Wypetnij/Uzupetnij Take roles ... Przyjmijcie role
Find ... IZnajd... Tell ... IPowiedz...
Form ... Utwrz Unscramble ... Uporz4dkuj
Imagine ... I Wyobrai sobie Use ... IUyj...
Label ... IPodplsz... Write ... I Napisz

... aloud ... ...nagtos...

as In the example ... ...jak w przyktadzie
below ... ... (podany) niej
... correct answer /formJ item /meaning/oprx

decide if the sentences are R (right) or W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say). I
zdecyduj, czy zdania 54 R (prawdzlwe) ay W (fatszywe), czy DS (nie podano takiej informacji).
in bold ... ... tiustym drukiem
in brackets I ... w nawiasach
... in pairs ... ... wparach...
in the box ... i... w ramce
in the list ... i... na licie
in the right order ... I ... we wtaciwej kolejnoci
in your notebook ... w zeszycie
in your own words ... ... wtasnymi stowami
... notes ... I ... notatki ...
(similar) dialogue/exchange ... i... (podobny) dialog/fragment
... the gaps... ... luki
the missing (word) I ... brakuj4cy (wyraz)
the odd word out ... i... niepasuj4cy wyraz
the table ... i... tabela
the underlined words . podkrelone wyrazy
then ... i... nastpnie
under the headings ... I ... pod nagtwkami
where needed ... i... tam, gdzie potrzeba
with the words/phrases I ... wyrazami/wyraeniami

Flash to picioacicnva seria podrcznikow do jzyka angielskiego

dia Has 4-8 szko1y podstawowej. Nadrzdnym celern kursu jest
rozwjanie umiejtnotci komunikacyjnych oraz wspieranie uczniw

w osiganiu coraz wyistego stopnia poprawnoci jzykowej. Seria
umiejtnie tczy nauk jzyka z rozwijaniem oglnej wfedzy
o tWecie, zachca do poznawariia tradycji innych narodw I pozwaia
spcjrze na polsk4 kultir w szerokim, gobaInym konteldcie.

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