Pe Asme
Pe Asme
Pe Asme
ASME N626.3-I993
The 1993 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in re-
sponse to public review comments or committee actions to be published on
a regular yearly basis; revisions published in addenda will become effective
1 year after the Date of Issuance of the addenda. The next edition of this
Standard is scheduled for publication in 1998.
This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
opportunity to participate. The proposed codeor standard was made availablefor public review
and comment which provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,
regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
ASME does not "approve," "rate," or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or
ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in
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ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing
ASME procedures and policies which preclude the issuanceof interpretations by individual vol-
Copyright Q 1994 by
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
At the March 29, 1973, meeting of the Policy Board, Codes and Standards, a Special
Committee of the Policy Board, Codes and Standards, was established to develop a stan-
dard whose scope wouldinclude the duties and qualifications of the Authorized Inspection
Agency, the supervisory personnel of the Authorized Inspection Agency, and the Author-
ized Nuclear Inspectors, as coveredin the ASME Boilerand Pressure Vessel Code, Section
III, Division I.
The Policy Board, Codes and Standards, at its meeting of September 27, 1973, desig-
nated the Special Committee asa Safety Code Committee and approvedprocedures for the
Committee activities.
The scope of the Safety Code Committee was expandedby the Policy Board, Codes and
Standards, to include the development of standards whose scope wouldinclude the duties
and qualifications of the Authorized Inspection Agency, the supervisory personnel of the
Authorized Inspection Agency, and the Authorized Nuclear Inspectors, as covered in the
ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code,Section XI, and Section III, Division 2, and thede-
velopment of a standard for qualifications and duties of Specialized Professional Engi-
To facilitate the development of such standards, Task Groups were appointed by the
Safety Code Committee. The Safety Code Committee was madeup of individuals associ-
ated with:
Nuclear Component Manufacturers
Engineering Organizations
State Regulatory Agencies
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Authorized Inspection Agencies
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Joint ACVASME Committee on Concrete Nuclear Components
The Safety Code Committee, nowdesignated Committee on Authorized Nuclear Inspec-
tion and SpecializedProfessional Engineers, reports to theASME Board on Nuclear Codes
and Standards. The Committee operates under procedures accepted by the American
National Standards Institute as meeting the criteria of consensus proceduresfor American
National Standards.
The first edition of this Standard was approved bythe American National StandardsIn-
stitute on May 2, 1978. Subsequenteditions of the Standardwere issued in 1979 and 1984.
Requests for interpretations,or suggestions for improvement of this American National
Standard, shouldbe addressedto theSecretary, ASME Committeeon Authorized Nuclear
Inspection and Specialized Professional Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
This edition incorporates all previous editions and addenda issued prior to December
1993, with no other changes.
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the timeof approval of this Standard.)
W. C. LaRochelle, Chairman
G. L. Hollinger, Vice Chairman
M. E. Sheehan. Secretary
J. P. Allen, Kennebunk Beach, Maine
V. Bogosian, The National Boardof Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Columbus, Ohio
R. W. Boyce, Factory Mutual System, Norwood, Massachusetts
E. W. Brach, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington,D.C.
E. B. Branch, Sargent & Lundy Engineers, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
M. N. Bressler, Knoxville, Tennessee
G. L. Hollinger, Babcock & Wilcox, Barberton, Ohio
R. M. Jessee, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
W. G. Knecht, Anchor/Darling Valve Co., Williamsport, Pennsylvania
W. C. LaRochelle, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Hartford, Connecticut
D. R. Palmer, Commercial Union Insurance Co., Radnor, Pennsylvania
J. P. Pasquenza, ABB CE Nuclear Systems, Windsor, Connecticut
T. E. Quaka, Commonwealth Edison Co., Downer Grove, Illinois
T. M. Zw'ck, Illinois Power Co., Clinton, Illinois
1 Scope .............................................................. 1
2 Qualifications ....................................................... 1
3 Duties .............................................................. 2
Nonmandatory Appendices
A Sample Statements
A l Design Specification .............................................. 5
A2 Design Report .................................................... 6
A3 OwnersReview of Design Report .................................. 7
A4 OverpressureProtectionReport ...................................... 8
B Guidelines for Establishing ASME Code Knowledge ...................... 9
C Guidelines for Demonstrating PE Qualifications ......................... 13
B1 Design Specification and Design Report Review .Divisions 1 and 2 ......... 10
B2 Design Report .Division 1 ............................................ 10
B3 Overpressure ProtectionReport .Divisions 1 and 2 ...................... 10
B4 Load Capacity Data Sheet .Division 1 .................................. 10
B5 Construction Specification, Design Drawings, and Design
Report .Division 2 ................................................ 11
2.4 To qualify as certifier of the Load Capacity (b) the design requirements, including identifica-
Data Sheet, the Construction Specification, Design tion of the item Designand Service Loadings and their
Drawings, or Design Report, the PE shall be experi- combinations and associated Limits, areproperly
enced in the applicable field of design
and analysis and specified;
in the application of the requirements of the Code. In (c) the properenvironmental conditions, including
addition, he shall be knowledgeable of the specific corrosion, erosion, and radiation, are specified;
Code requirements pertaining to his specialty field. (d) the Code classification is properly specified;
Guidelines reflecting the degree of knowledge appro- (e) the definition of the specific boundaries and
priate for preparation of the Design Report (Division load conditions on these boundaries for each item is
l), the Load Capacity Data Sheet, and the Construc- specified, and that the boundaries and associated load
tion Specification, Design Drawings, and Design Re- conditions between adjacent components and struc-
port (Division 2) are contained in Appendix B, Tables ture are compatible with the overall system design;
B2, B4, and B5, respectively. u) the specified materials for items covered by the
Code are permitted by the Code for the applicable
2.5 To qualify as reviewer ofthe Design Report on
behalf ofthe Owner, the PE shall fulfill the experience item;
(g) all requirements with regard to impact testing
and knowledge requirements of para. 2.3.
are specified;
2.6 To qualify as certifier of the OverpressurePro- (h) any restrictions on or additional requirements
tection Report on behalf of the Owner, the PE shall be for heat treating are specified;
experienced in nuclear power plant systems design, (i) any restrictions on cladding materials are speci-
and in plant operation andsafety control. In addition, fied;
he shall be knowledgeable of the specific Code re- (j) any reduction to design stress intensity values,
quirements pertaining to his specialty field. Guide- allowable stress, or fatigue curves necessitated by the
lines reflecting the degree of knowledge appropriate given environmental conditions are specified;
for preparationof the Report on Overpressure Protec- (k) the necessary information concerning the load
tion are contained in Appendix B, Table B3. carrying capacity of structures supporting Code items
is given in the Design Specification;
(i) when operability of a component is a require-
3 DUTIES ment, the Design Specification shall make reference to
3.1 The certification and review activities covered
other appropriate documents that specify the operat-
in this Standard may beperformed only if the PEhas ing requirements;
(m) the overpressure protection requirements are
assured himself that he is qualified to doso by virtue
of a self-review establishing that his qualifications
meet those required by this Standard. He shall be fa- (n) the CodeEdition, Addenda, and Code Cases to
miliar withthe Quality Assurance requirements of the be used for construction are specified.
organization responsible for providing the document
as these requirements relate to his work. For certifica- 3.3 It is the responsibility of the PE certifying the
tion activities, the document being certified must have Division 1 Design Report to assure that the design of
been reviewed in detail by the certifying PE, or pre- the item complies withthe requirements of the appli-
pared by himor prepared under his responsible direc- cable Edition and Addenda of the Code for the De-
tion. He shall prepare a statement4to be affixed to the sign, Service, and TestLoadings that have been
document attesting to compliance with the applicable specified in the Design Specification. As a minimum,
requirements of the Code. the certifier of the Design Report shall assure that:
(u) the Design Report reflects the design as shown
3.2 it is the responsibility of the PE certifying the by the drawings used for construction and that all
Owners Design Specification to assure that the De- modifications to thedrawings and construction devia-
sign Specification is correct, complete, and in compli- tions have been reconciled with the Design Report;
ance with the requirements of the applicable Edition (b) the design as shown by the drawings is in ac-
and Addenda of the Code. As a minimum, the certi- cordance with the requirements of the Code;
fier of the Design Specification shall assure that: (c) the Design Report is in accordance with the re-
(a) the function of the item is properly specified; quirements of the Code;
(d) materials specified for Code items are permit-
4111ustrativesamples of statements are shown in Appendix A. ted by the Code, and that any reduction of material
impact properties from heat treatments, welding, and 3.7 It is the responsibility of the PE certifying the
forming have been taken into account; Construction Specification, Design Drawings, or De-
(e) the Design Report is based on the Design, Ser- sign Report on behalf of theDesigner for Division 2 to
vice, and Test Loadings stated in the Design Specifica- assure that each of the above principal Code docu-
tion; ments is correct, complete, and in accordance with the
(f) thespecifiedrequirementsforprotection Design Specification and Section III, Division 2. As a
against nonductile fracture are specified; minimum, the certifier of each of the principal Code
(g) all special nondestructiveexaminations re- documents shall assure:
quired to validate unique features have been specified (a) that the Design Drawings contain:
in appropriate documents/drawings; (1) concrete and steel liner thicknesses;
(h) the specified test pressure and temperature are (2) size and location of reinforcing steel, pre-
in compliance with Code requirements; stressing tendons, and penetrations;
(i) adequate analytical techniques havebeen em- (3) the latest revisions to reflect any change in
@ ployed to assess the structural adequacy of the item of design.
concern for the Design, Service, and Test Loadings (b) that the Design Report includes the require-
specified. ments of para. 3.3(a) through para. 3.3(i), as applica-
3.4 It is the responsibility of the PE reviewing the (c) thatthe Construction Specification has pro-
Design Report on behalf of the Owner to review such vided the following in accordance with the Code:
report to the extent necessary to determine that it is (1) material specifications;
based onthe Design, Service, and Test Loadings (2) material shipping, handling, and storage re-
stated in the Design Specification. The reviewing engi- quirements;
neer shall be other than the onepreparing the Design (3) requirements for personnel or equipment
Report. qualification;
(4) material or part examination and testing re-
3.5 It is the responsibility of the PE certifying the quirements;
Overpressure Protection Report to assure that the re- (5) acceptance and leakage testing requirements;
port has been reconciled with the system requirements (6) requirements for shop drawings;
and with the requirements of the applicable Subsec- (7) requirements for batching, mixing, placing,
tion of the Code. and curing of concrete;
(8) requirements for thefabrication and installa-
3.6 It is the responsibility of the PE certifying the tion of the prestressing system, reinforcing steel, and
Load Capacity Data Sheet on behalf of the N Certifi- embedments;
cate Holder to determine that theload capacity of the (9) identification of parts requiringaCode
component or piping support is rated in accordance stamp;
with Subsection NF of the Code. He shall assure that (ZO) design life for parts and materials where
the design of the component or piping support com- necessary to establish compliance with the Design
plies with the requirements of the applicable Edition Specification;
and Addenda of the Code for theDesign, Service,and (11) construction surveillance to be performed
Test Loadings specified in the Design Specification. In by the Designer as required by the Design Specifica-
addition, his duties shall include the requirements of tion;
para. 3.3(a) through para. 3.3(i) for the datasubstan- (12) the latest revisions to reflect any change in
tiating the Load Capacity Data Sheet. design.
by Certified P.E.
Registration No. State
Certified by P.E.
Registration No. State*
This Design Report has been reviewed by the undersigned in accordance with NCA-3260(a)
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 111, Division "
with Addenda upto and including ,and tothe best ofthereviewer'sknowledge
and belief isbased upon theDesign, Service, and Test Loadings stated in the Design Specifica-
by Certified P.E.
Registration No. State+
This Appendix provides guidelines for establishing In this sense, working knowledge impliesa more
the degree of Code knowledge required by the certify- thorough understanding of the Code requirements
(W = Working Knowledge; G = General
Knowledge) (W = Working Knowledge; G = General
NCA-1O00 G NX-3521 G
2000 W 3621 G NCAAll G NF-3500 W *
3100 G 6200 G NCA-1250 W 3600 W*
3200 G 6300 G 2140 W
3500 G 7000 W 3550 W Appendix
3600 G I G
4000 G CB-1000 G NFAll G II G*
3100 G NF-3100 W Il-1220 W*
NX-1000 G 3200 W 3200 W 11-1430 W*
3110 W 6100 G 3300 W" F G*
3220 G 6211 G 3400 W F-1321 W*
3230 G 7000 W F-1370 W*
3414 G
= as applicable
NX = NB/NC/ND/NE, as applicable
This Appendix provides suggested methodsfor (d)The PEs participation in these activities should
demonstrating that the requirements for the qualifi- be documented in appropriate records that, asa mini-
cation of personnel engaged in the certification and mum, include:
Design Report review activities of the ASME Code, (I) PEs identification
Section III, as required by Section 2 of this Standard (2) description of Code activities performed
have been met. The Owner, Designer, or N Certificate (3) course or training program description, dura-
Holder, as applicable, responsible forthe activity tion, and date completed
being certified or reviewed should establish proce- (4) seminar description, duration, and date at-
dures or instructions for evaluating, verifying, and tended
documenting the qualifications of the PE engaged in (5) ASME or ASME/ACI Code meeting(s) and
certifying or review activities as required by this date(s) attended
Standard. (6) technical society meeting@) and date(s) at-
Cl The PEsqualifications for the requirements of (7) the PEs function (i.e., attendee, member,
para. 2.2 may be demonstrated as follows. speaker, chairman, etc.) indicating the nature of his
e (u) PE registration in one or more states of the
United States or provincesof Canada should be docu-
mented on records that, as a minimum, include:
C2 Appendix B providesguidanceregarding
( I ) PEs identification knowledge of the Code that the PE should have in
(2) state or province of registration each specialtyfield. The PEs qualifications regarding
(3) registration number knowledge of the Code as required by this Standard
(4) expiration date may be demonstrated by any one of the following
(b) The 4 years ofvaried application experience, in- methods.
cluding 2 years in his specialty field(s), should be doc- (u) The Owner, Designer, or N-Certificate Holder,
umentedin a resume describing the PEs Code as applicable, upon review of the experience record of
experience and places and dates of employment. the PE, declares in writing that (1) the PEs knowledge
(c) In order for the PE to keep current his knowl- of the Code in his specialty field meets the require-
edge of the Code requirements and to continue his ments of the Standard, and (2) the PEs experience
professional development in his specialty field(s), as record reflects successful performance of the appli-
required by this Standard, he should, in the 36-month cable Code activities in connection with the construc-
period preceding the date of qualification, have per- tion of ASME Code items.
formed Code activities requiring certification in his (b) Another PE previously qualified to ASME
specialty field(s), or have been engagedin the applica- N626.3, designated by the Owner, Designer, or N-
tion of Code requirements to an equivalent extent, but Certificate Holder, as applicable, and familiar with
not necessarily including Certification. Alternatively, the requirements of thisStandardand the Code,
he should have done two ormore of the following: after reviewing the qualifications of the PE to be
( I ) taught or attended an appropriate course or qualified, attests in writing that the PEs knowledge
training program; of the Code inhis specialty field(s) meets the re-
(2) taught or attended an appropriate seminar; quirements of this Standard.
(3) attended an ASME or ASME/ACICode (c) Attendance of the PE at appropriatecourses or
meeting; seminars that provide instruction in the Code for his
(4) attended a technical society meeting related specialty field@)to impart knowledge of the Codere-
to his specialty field. quired by this Standard. Training should be scheduled