Engineering Graphics I PDF
Engineering Graphics I PDF
Engineering Graphics I PDF
2011 - 2012
Course Name : All Branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology and Special
Programmes except DMOP, HMCT and Film & TV
Subject Code : 21006
Semester : I Semester
At the end of the practice, the students will be able,
To state the importance of drawing.
To identify the drawing instruments.
To practice the methods of dimensioning.
To construct conics and special curves.
To trace the projection of points and straight lines.
To draw orthographic views from isometric drawings.
Unit-2 24 Hrs.
2.1 Constructions of conics .
2.1.1 Conics: Different types Definition of locus, focus and directrix - Applications of ellipse,
parabola and hyperbola.
2.1.2 Ellipse: Construction of ellipse by concentric circle method, rectangular method and
Eccentricity method when focus and directrix are given Practical applications.
2.1.3 Parabola: Construction of parabola by rectangular method, parallelogram method and
eccentricity method when focus and directrix are given Practical applications.
2.1.4 Hyperbola: Construction of hyperbola by rectangular method and eccentricity method
when focus and directrix are given Practical applications.
2.2 Constructions of special curves.
2.2.1 Geometric curves: Definition, application and construction of cycloid - epicycloid
hypocycloid exercises.
2.2.2 Involute of a circle - Archimedean spiral helix exercises.
Unit-3 12 Hrs.
3.1 Projection of points.
3.1.1 Projection of points points in different quadrants.
Learning Structure:
Part A (Answer any four questions. Each question carries TEN marks.) 4X10 =40 marks
1. One question from dimensioning.
2. Three questions form construction of conics (Ellipse, Parabola and Hyperbola) and
special curves. At least one question from special curves should be asked.
3. One question from projection of straight lines.
Part B (Draw three views in the first angle projection.) 35 marks
4. One question for orthographic projection.
PART-A (Answer any four questions. Each question carries ten marks.) 4 X 10 = 40
1. Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig.1. Redraw the figure to full size and dimension it
as per Indian Standards.
Fig. 1
2. A cricket ball thrown from the ground level reaches the wicket keepers gloves. Maximum
height reached by the ball is 5m. The ball travels a horizontal distance of 11m from the point
of projection. Trace the path of the ball.
3. The head lamp reflector of a motor car has a maximum rim diameter of 130mm and
maximum depth of 100 mm. Draw the profile of the reflector and name it.
5. A line AB 60 mm long has its end A in both the H.P. and V.P. it is inclined at 45o to H.P. and
30o to V.P. Draw the projections of the line AB.
Fig. 3
PART-A (Answer any four questions. Each question carries ten marks.) 4 X 10 = 40
1. Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig.1. Redraw the figure to full size and dimension it
as per Indian Standards.
Fig. 1
2. A flowerbed in a botanical garden is in elliptical shape with major and minor axis dimensions
10m and 6m respectively. Draw profile of the flowerbed by concentric circles method.
3. Construct a hyperbola when the distance between the focus and directrix is 40mm. The
eccentricity is 4/3.
4. A circle of diameter 50 mm rolls on the outside of another circle of diameter 180 mm without
sliding. Draw the path traced by a point on the smaller circle.
5. A line AB 50 mm long is inclined at an angle of 30o with the H.P. and parallel to the V.P. Draw
the projections when the end A is 15 mm in front of the V.P. and 10 mm above the H.P.
Part B 35 marks
6. The Pictorial view of an object is shown in fig.3. Draw the following views to full size scale.
a) Elevation in the direction of arrow - 15 Marks
b) Left end elevation - 10 Marks
c) Plan - 10 Marks
Fig. 3