Tips (DokuWiki)
Tips (DokuWiki)
Tips (DokuWiki)
It's better when it's simple
Usage Tips
Link Short Description
TailorWikiRules Best-practices to follow after installing DokuWiki
Syncing with Unison [ Sync two wikis using unison
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tips [DokuWiki]
Joomla Bridge [ Bridge (authorization module) for using Joomla users in
mit-joomla-g-1013-verwenden] DokuWiki (Also available for Joomla 1.5 [
(german) /en/hints/104-dokuwiki-bridge-fafr-joomla-15])
Joomla Integration [ Full User Integration of DokuWiki and Joomla with no
/bridges/authentication-bridges/3723] iframes! new
Drupal [] Authentication backend will enable your DokuWiki to
authenticate using the Drupal database.
BLOG:CMS [] BLOG:CMS integrates DokuWiki with Weblog, Forum and
Gallery in one package
TextMate Bundle [ Edit pages inside Textmate []
Absolut Engine [] DokuWiki bridging module has been created to allow seamless
integration of DokuWiki into Absolut Engine CMS.
Bug Trackers
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tips [DokuWiki]
Edit DokuWiki with text editors using FUSE and Python Untested and potentially buggy.
Researchr [] Framework for integrating DokuWiki with BibDesk and
Skim for academic note taking and citation management
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tips [DokuWiki]
Link Description
uploadcodedir Uploading a directory of code to DokuWiki
table_editing How to import your data into tables
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tips [DokuWiki]
Link Description
Wikemail [] a script to import email into DokuWiki
OpenOffice Macro converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format
OpenOffice v2 Macro [ converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format, adapted for
/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:openofficemacro] OOo v2
OpenOfficeMacro both of the above macros do not convert embedded pictures - this one
Writer2Dokuwiki [ converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format (doesnt fully
/Writer2DokuWiki] support lists)
Writer2Dokuwiki (IT-Bayer's version) converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format
Calc2Dokuwiki [ Exports selected ranges of cells from Calc into tables
/index.php?page=downloads#calc2dokuwiki] formatted in DokuWiki code. Tool available as an extension (OOo 2.1.x)
and a macro (OOo 1.x-2.x)
HTMLtoWiki How to convert HTML to DokuWiki syntax
Excel to DokuWiki converter This makro based tool contains parameters on first worksheet to allow
[ the user some customization. Paste your table into another worksheet,
/fcon/doku.php?id=xls2dw:start] select the cells as usual and run the makro to Export it as DW Syntax
including styling. Information also available here within DokuWiki at:
Excel Macro
csv2dwt A script that converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) to DokuWiki's
Table format (DWT)
csv2dokuwiki Converts CSV input (tab separated) into DokuWiki's table syntax (in
xls2wiki A script that converts XLS copied data to DokuWiki's Table format
(DWT) and vice versa
doc_to_wiki_syntax Convert folders with Ms Word Doc files to DokuWiki Syntax
Word to Dokuwiki converter Here you can download the latest Version of this Doc containing the
[ makro to Export it as DW Syntax. Some Information provided here
/fcon/doku.php?id=doc2dw:start] within the DokuWiki at word_makro.
Former versions provided by Tania Hew Word to DokuWiki
Converter [] improves upon
the two macros above as it is a Word template that allows one to click a
button in MS Word to convert a Word document, including images, to
DokuWiki format (see Portfolio section on website)
Word Macro adaptation [ converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format - improved
/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:msofficemacro] conversion (for English Word) plus adaptation for German Word
word2wiki Convert Microsoft Word document content to Wiki markup
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tips [DokuWiki]
Link Description
blacklist_test This little script helps to check a text against the blacklist
blogging This page describes the steps necessary to get you started with blogging in DokuWiki
bookmarklets JavaScript based wiki page editing helpers
default text search Add default text for the search box
disabled_functions Patch if your webhost doesn't support glob or readfile
DwExport [ DokuWiki export to static HTML pages including images and CSS formatting.
/projects/dwexport/] []
Only v0.2
farm How to make DokuWiki a wiki farm
htdigestauth Setting up htdigest user identification
simplegooglesearch Replace DokuWiki internal search form with Google search
spell_checker_713 Aspell Personal Wordlists and Release 2005-07-13 (seems old)
svg.php This is a plugin to DokuWiki to allow collaborative generation of SVG images. (Make it
a plugin if possible/useful)
utf8update DokuWiki UTF8 conversion
export2twiki Convert DokuWiki syntax into twiki format for exporting
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