Mackenzie Werner: Skills

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Mackenzie Werner

11360 River Road Ridgely, MD 21660

443-786-5573 [email protected]

Works well with children Good listener
Manage time efficiently Strong Leader

Little League, Ridgely, MD - Pitching Instructor
May 2014 - PRESENT
Gave 45 minute lessons to young pitchers.
Taught basic and intermediate skills to young girls.
Provided tips and at-home drills to help improve the pitching skills.
Morgan Strong, Ridgely, MD - Childcare Provider
July 2016 - August 2016
Provided child care for a two year old boy during the workday.
Heather Beaven, Denton, MD - In-home tutor
July 2017 - August 2017
Tutored 7 year old girl two times per week in math and reading.
Helped child develop reading and studying strategies.

North Caroline High School, Ridgely MD
High School Diploma anticipated in June 2018
GPA 3.95
Member of school organizations;
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Co-Officer (2014-Present)
Educators Rising, Vice President (2015-2017)
Educators Rising President (2017-2018)
Student Government Association (2015-Present)
National Honor Society (2016-Present)
National Technical Honor Society (2017-Present)

Awarded Minds in Motion Scholar Athlete Award, seven athletic seasons.
Merit Roll and Honor Roll all semesters

Available upon request.

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