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Before I begin enlightening our readers, you that is, I express a sincere vote of thanks to our E.V.S teacher,
whose insight into the matter helped me a lot while I was working on this project. It was her timely help
and wise suggestions, without which this document would not have been possible. Her teachings
and overall knowledge about the environment and related issues are the foundation pillars for this


Nature has blessed us with almost an infinite variety of plant species, all with some or the other
aesthetic value. Rarely does one get time these days to think and study about the plant life that
surrounds us. It is now high time that we realize how intense it is to cut a tree and how devastating it
can be, if trees cease to exist.

Plants have been classified into three main categories: the TREES, the SHRUBS and the HERBS. Together
these account for the plant kingdom. In the project report to follow, it has been attempted to describe certain
important members of this vast family, which would certainly be an encouragement for the readers
to continue with their endeavor.


Trees in India known for their grandeur and majesty are like the green pearl in the Indian crown.
Trees occupy the important place in the history of India. Trees have always been associated with
wisdom and immorality in India. Hindu literature describes a celestial tree as having its roots in the
heaven and its branches in the underworld that unites and connects beings of every kind. Banyan is
the National Tree of India. Peepal, banyan (Bodhi tree), banana, and Tulsi are some of the plants
that holds special cultural and religious significance in India. Indian Rosewood , Aleo
Vera, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Sal are some of the popular trees grown in India.
Since ancient age, India is known for its efficient ayurvedic treatments, and the abundance of the
plant life that it boasts of. India is known to be the land of various medicinal herbs, and the juices
secreted from the certain herbs obtained in forests are known to cure even dreaded diseases like
cancer and even AIDS.

The five trees are as following:



The seeds are small, and because most banyans grow in woodlands, a seedling that germinates on
the ground is unlikely to survive. However, many seeds fall on the branches and stems of other and
when they germinate they grow roots down toward the ground and consequently may envelop part
of the host tree or edifice.

Specific characteristics
The leaves of the banyan tree are large, leathery, glossy, green, and elliptical. Like most figs,
the leaf bud is covered by two large scales. As the leaf develops the scales abscise. Young
leaves have an attractive reddish tinges.

Older banyan trees are characterized by aerial prop roots that mature into thick, woody
trunks, which can become indistinguishable from the primary trunk with age. Old trees can
spread laterally by using these prop roots to grow over a wide area. In some species, the prop
roots develop over a considerable area that resembles a grove of trees, with every trunk
connected directly or indirectly to the primary trunk.

Role in eco-system

1) It takes CO2 from the air and releases vital O2

2 ) Removes Carbon ( In the form of CO2 ) from the atmosphere and accumulates it in its
body .

3 ) The root system holds soil and prevents soil erosion .

4 ) Provides shelter for animals like bats and squirrels an hordes of other insects and birds .

5 ) Provides shelter to the travelers .

In this manner it helps the ecosystem.

Multiple uses the Banyan trees are:-

The Banyan tree is still used as a source of shade in many villages.
Each and every part of this tree has its own unique medical uses.
The bark and seeds can be used as a tonic to maintain body temperature and treat
Skin disease treatment is also possible with some properties of Banyan tree.
Using the bark of the tree, paper can be created.
Fiber can also be made from the bark of the tree in order to create ropes.

Mango Tree

Mango trees have evergreen foliage While the foliage of the species doesn't change in
autumn, young, new foliage is bright purple-red.

Among mango's problems is its tendency to have weak branch crotches, which can cause
breakage during wind or storms. When the mango tree is young, prune out any branches that
form a "V" crotch with the trunk and leave those with a softer "U" shape.

Specific Characteristics.

Green leaves are reach between 8 and 18 inches long depending on variety. The dense,
evergreen foliage makes mango an ideal hedge or screen.
During late winter and spring, the mango tree displays a profusion of white, showy blooms
that cover even the long, thick leaves. The bark is gray and isn't particularly showy or

Role in eco-system

1) It takes CO2 from the air and releases vital O2

2 ) Removes Carbon ( In the form of CO2 ) from the atmosphere and accumulates it in its body .

3 ) The root system holds soil and prevents soil erosion .

4 ) Provides shelter for animals like bats and squirrels an hordes of other insects and birds .

5 ) Provides shelter to the travelers .

Multiple uses of mango trees

Mango leaves are very useful for managing diabetes.

The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanins that may help in
treating early diabetes.
The mango fruit is excellent source of vitamin A and Potassium. Potassium controlling heart
rate and blood pressure.
Several trial studies suggest that polyphenolic anti- oxidant compounds in mango which
offers protection breast and colon cancer.
Mango leaves helps to normalize insulin level in the blood.

Basil Plant


Sweet basil grows as frost-tender annual shrubs up to 20 inches high. The shiny, oval leaves can be 4
inches long, and the stems are tough and square in profile. Basil plants produce spikes of white
flowers followed by small, black seeds.

Specific Characteristics

It is an annual herb with aromatic leaves that is closely related to the mints. Basil's aromatic
leaves, with hints of cloves and pepper, are widely used as a fresh salad ingredient and in
soups and stews.

Role in eco-system
1) It takes CO2 from the air and releases vital O2
2) Removes Carbon ( In the form of CO2 ) from the atmosphere and accumulates it in its body .

Multiple uses of Basil

Fresh basil leaves are used in tomato salads
Basil is best added to cooked dishes at the last moment, as its flavor dissipates with heat.
Its also effective in threatening skin disorders, itching and issues like ringworms.
It has antibiotic, anti-viral, anti bacterial and anti- carcinogenic properties.
Its great for healthy gums and dental health.

Neem is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 1520 metres (4966 ft.), and rarely 3540
metres (115131 ft.). It is evergreen, but in severe drought it may shed most of its leaves or nearly
all leaves. The branches are wide and spreading. The fairly dense crown is roundish and may reach a
diameter of 1520 metres (4966 ft.) in old, free-standing specimens. The neem tree is very similar
in appearance to its relative, the Chinaberry (Melia azedarach).

Specific Characteristics
The fruit is a smooth (glabrous), olive-like drupe which varies in shape from elongate oval to nearly
roundish, and when ripe is 1.42.8 centimetres (0.551.10 in) by 1.01.5 centimetres (0.390.59 in).
The fruit skin (exocarp) is thin and the bitter-sweet pulp (mesocarp) is yellowish-white and very
fibrous. The mesocarp is 0.30.5 centimetres (0.120.20 in) thick. The white, hard inner shell
(endocarp) of the fruit encloses one, rarely two, or three, elongated seeds (kernels) having a brown
seed coat.

Role in eco-system

1) It takes CO2 from the air and releases vital O2

2 ) Removes Carbon ( In the form of CO2 ) from the atmosphere and accumulates it in its body .
3 ) The root system holds soil and prevents soil erosion .
4 ) Provides shelter for animals like monkey and squirrels.
5 ) Provides shelter to the travelers .

Multiple uses of Neem

It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4,000 years due to its medicinal
The flower oil is also used in aromatherapy and has a calming and restorative effect.
Bees love neem flower, use it to make honey.
Neem oil can be used as mosquito repellant.
A neem seed after oil extraction is enriches the soil with organic matter. It also works as a


Instead of the broad, flat leaves of most tree species, pines have acicular-shaped leaves, usually
referred to as needles. The needles are generally bunched in groups of two to eight and joined at
the base by a sheath. Different species will have different numbers of needles in each cluster. White
pines, for example, usually have five needles per cluster, whereas ponderosa pines only have two.

Special Characteristics

Pine trees sprout new leaves in spirals around their branches. These spirals are called candles.
Leaves will generally live for about two years, after which they turn brown and are discarded.
Because pines are evergreen, they will constantly replace the dead candles with new ones. Pine
leaves are also covered in a waxy layer called a cuticle. This wax prevents water loss and is the
reason why they appear glossy.

Role in eco-system

1) It takes CO2 from the air and releases vital O2

2) Removes Carbon (In the form of CO2) from the atmosphere and accumulates it in its body.
3) The root system holds soil and prevents soil erosion.
4) Provides shelter for animals.
5) Provides shelter to the travelers.

Multiple uses of Pine

Brown or green pine needles provide an excellent bed for a survival shelter.
Make a tea from green pine needles by boiling the needles.
Green pine needles are also high in vitamin C.
The seeds of all pine species are edible, and theyre especially good to eat when theyre
toasted over an open fire.
The bark of young pine twigs is edible.

Objectives of study of common plant

The study of adaptation is fundamental to forestry and forest genetic conservation.
Forest geneticists have long used common-garden experiments and, to a lesser extent,
molecular markers to study patterns of adaptation in forest trees. Phenotypic
assessments are time consuming and expensive, and provide no information about
variation in the genes controlling adaptive variations. There is a need for developing
rapid and informative diagnostic techniques for evaluating large numbers of adaptive
genes. Forest geneticists can use automated, highly efficient, fast and productive
technologies to determine DNA sequences and to genotype large numbers of
individuals. They can ultimately identify genes responsible for forest tree adaptation
via EST sequencing, QTL and candidate gene mapping. Then, using modern
genotyping technologies and association studies they can determine allelic diversity
for these candidate genes in forest tree populations and directly measure adaptive
allelic diversity for thousands of genes simultaneously. Thats why study of common
plants is very much essential.

Trees are precious gift to our life from the nature. They are the green gold on the earth and
very important for everyones life. Save trees, save life is not only a slogan, it is a
responsibility which should be followed by each and every person living on the earth. It is a
big opportunity to all of us to save our healthy environment and green earth by saving trees.
Trees are symbol of life on the earth and natural home for many people and wild animals.

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