Reduction in Cycle Time Implementation of 5s Value Stream Mapping For A Plastic Recycling Plant

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Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456 2165

Reduction in Cycle Time, Implementation of 5s &

Value Stream Mapping for A Plastic Recycling Plant
Gokul Pankaj S Dhruv Sharma Joanne Kripa
Bangalore, India Bangalore,India Bangalore, India
gokulpnkj111@gmail. [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract -Bengaluru generates 5000 tonnes of waste every I. INTRODUCTION TO SOLID WASTE
day, out of which 21.9% is dry waste. Almost 2000 tonnes MANAGEMENT
per day comes from Household Waste and Small
Commercial Establishments, and the rest comes from Solid waste refers to the range of garbage arising from animal
Industries. The Household waste is collected by the BBMP and human activities that are discarded as unwanted and
daily, via contractors. The waste is collected and then useless. Solid waste is generated from industrial, residential
segregated by the Pourakarmikas and the wet waste is and commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled
collected in the compactors. in a variety of ways.As such, landfills are typically classified
as sanitary, municipal, construction & demolition or industrial
The Dry Waste that is collected by the Contractors is then waste sites. Waste can be categorized based on material, such
sent to the DWCCs present in the respective Wards. The as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and organic waste.
aim of establishing these Dry Waste Collection Centers Categorization may also be based on hazard potential,
was to affect the Decentralization of Dry Waste from the including radioactive, flammable, infectious, toxic, or non-
Landfills. toxic. Categories may also pertain to the origin of waste, such
as industrial, domestic, commercial, institutional or
The Landfills at Mandur have been shut down due to their construction & demolition.
adverse environmental effects such as contamination of the
water table. This lead to lack of space to dispose off the Solid Waste Management is defined as the discipline
Dry Waste. The Decentralization of Waste within the ward associated with control of generation, storage, collection,
itself has been suggested for this purpose. transport or transfer, processing and disposal of solid waste
materials in a way that best addresses the range of public
While the High Value Wastes such as Tins, Bottles, health, conservation, economics, aesthetic, engineering and
Newspaper are already taken care of by the informal other environmental considerations.In its scope, solid waste
economy consisting of Rag Pickers and Kabadiwallahs, the management includes planning, administrative, financial,
Low Value Wastes and Reject Wastes consisting of Low engineering and legal functions. Solutions might include
Density Plastics, Thermocol and other such materials have complex inter-disciplinary relations among fields such as
no market. public health, city and regional planning, political science,
geography, sociology, economics, communication and
The DWCCs were established to take care of this Waste conservation, demography, engineering and material sciences
and they are sent to Dry Waste Processing centres. Waste treatment techniques seek to transform the waste into a
Currently there are only two such centres in Bengaluru, form that is more manageable, reduce the volume or reduce
with each having limited capacity to store and process. the toxicity of the waste thus making the waste easier to
Due to the ever-growing population, these processing dispose of. Treatment methods are selected based on the
centres are not able to handle the excess waste that is being composition, quantity, and form of the waste material. Some
generated. The input of Low Value dry waste is much waste treatment methods being used today include subjecting
higher than the output. the waste to extremely high temperatures, dumping on land or
land filling and use of biological processes to treat the waste.
Hence the efforts have been made to try to increase the
production capacity of one such Dry Waste processing II. CURRENT SCENARIO IN BANGALORE
centre, Swachha Eco Solutions.
An uneasy status-quo was disrupted in Bangalore about a year
Keywords Pourakarmikas ; Decentralization ; Kabadiwallahs ago. Till July 2012 like most other Indian cities, the IT town
; Dry Waste ; Low Value Wastes ; High Value Wastes. transported its unsegregated waste to its landfills outside the
city. The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike was left with

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

no options to dump the 3000 to 4000 tons of waste the city B. The Current Process
produces every day when the Karnataka State Pollution
Control Board closed the Mavillipura landfill citing The following steps are involved in processing of plastics
environmental and public health hazards.
The Karnataka High Court, hearing a PIL asking the court to
enforce the Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules 2001
in Bangalore, instructed the BBMP to mandate segregation of
waste at source, decentralise waste processing and increase
citizen involvement through the formation of ward

A number of false starts, frustrations, BBMPs inability to

implement court orders in total apart, the Bangalore story
could hold important lessons for other cities like Chennai.

The most important is the recognition that the landfilling of

waste is not an environmentally sustainable or socially just
method of waste disposal. The High Court, the BBMP and a
number of community groups acknowledge that people living
next to landfills have a right to clean air and water and should
not have to bear the environmental ill-effects produced by the
citys garbage.
Fig. 1
The current policy discourse in Bangalore seeks to move the Grinding
city away from using landfills as the main option for waste
disposal. Source reduction, decentralized waste management
are the new watch words.



A. About Swacha Eco Solutions

Founded in 2008 initially as Indus Waste Management, a

privately-owned Recycling Consulting firm, an urgent need to
set up an organization capable of working hand-in-hand with
the Government and the community, albeit at a larger scale, in
Bangalore was identified. The current governmental setup`s
inadequacies and the enormity of the waste management
situation in Bangalore left a glaring void that needed to be Fig. 2
filled by private organizations capable of showcasing Extrusion
sustainable and environmentally-friendly waste disposal
practices. With constant innovation, advanced management
systems, and the highest standards of customer service, an
Integrated Solid Waste Management System Approach
capable of managing Bangalore`s current situation was formed
called Swachha a Non-Government Organization in the year
2012.We are duly registered Organization adhering to all
Law/Rules in force from time to time and maintain all
statutory records, as per the various, Govt. organizations and

Swachha Eco Solutions is an Integrated Waste Management

Company, partnered with Government working towards
"Swacha Bharath Mission".
Fig. 3

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

New Industry with absence of Standard Operating
Process is not streamlined due to presence of bottlenecks
(segregation process)
Unscientific techniques used for sorting
Excess Inventory
Irregular production schedules
Unaccounted Worker Productivity

B. Areas of Study

How much waste to buy and how often should it be

bought from each company such that the optimum value
Fig. 4 is achieved between sales revenue earned and cost of
Cutting buying the waste?
Sorting mechanism. Is manual sorting preferable or
should any equipment be used? What are the best
practices involved in sorting?
Do any changes must be made in the layout of the
Processing Plant?
Are safety standards and quality standards met in the
Do all the processes add value to the product? Can there
be changes or improvements made?


To reduce the Cycle time of the process.

To develop a better, more ergonomic and efficient method
Fig. 5 for manual segregation of waste
Collection of Pellets To determine worker productivity
To implement 5s in the workplace
To determine areas of continuous improvement.

Fig. 6


A. Observations

Some of the observations made at Swachha Eco Solutions that

are were found to be critical in establishing the project Fig. 7 Balance Between Input and Output
objectives are given below.

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165


The method used is directly absorbed from the Six Sigma
process called DMAIC which is:
Define: the problem, improvement activity, opportunity
for improvement, the project goals, and customer (internal
and external) requirements.
Measure: process performance.
Analyze: the process to determine root causes of
variation, poor performance (defects).
Improve: process performance by addressing and
eliminating the root causes.
Control: the improved process and future process

Fig. 9 Fish Bone Diagram

B. SEGREGATION -Analysis of the data collected for
segregation of Wipro waste (Present Method)

Workers sit in a circle and the waste is dumped in the middle.

They then start segregating the waste. They remove the
impurities such as stickers and keep it in a small basket near
them and throw the segregated material behind them.
Number of Trials: 5 Weight of waste to be segregated per trial:
100 Kg

Fig.8 DMAIC Methodology

The tools and techniques used are:
Ishikava Diagram/ Fish Bone Analysis
Column and Line Graphs
Process Charts
Value Stream Map


A. Fish Bone Analysis (Ishikava Diagram)
A Fish Bone Diagram was developed and causes for increased
cycle time were found out. Segregation was found to be one of
the most important factors in delaying the process. Fig. 10 Present method of segregation

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

Note: Workers do not segregate equal amount of material; the

WEIGHT (in Kg) amount of waste they segregate is based on their speed of
C. Time taken for Segregation of Waste from WIPRO
(Proposed Method)
1 2 3 4 5
7 workers sit along a straight line and segregate the waste in a
16.1 16.23 15.87 17.22 17.09 16.502 scientific way. The waste is placed before them, impurities are
15.55 14.49 16.87 15.89 14.68 15.496 removed and segregated plastic is placed on the right. All the
workers equal amount of waste to be segregated. 5 trails were
13.19 14.82 12.32 12.75 14.11 13.438 made for calculating the time taken for segregation in the
proposed method, each trial done for 100 kgs of Waste from
16.24 15.61 16.45 14.33 15.86 15.698 WIPRO.

12.89 11.32 12.7 12.62 12.61 12.428

10.9 9.45 10.31 11.71 8.72 10.218

12.7 13.62 11.21 12.47 12.38 12.476

97.57 95.54 95.73 96.99 95.45 96.256

55 min 51 min 49 min 57 min 53 min

53 min
28sec 36sec 13sec 53sec 46sec

Table 1: for Segregation Data for Wipro Waste (Existing



AL 1 AL 2 AL 3 AL 4 AL 5

1 14.13 15.17 15.16 15.18 15.19 15.166

2 13.83 14.95 14.97 14.89 14.78 15.094

3 14.12 15 15.16 15.05 15.08 15.082
4 14 15.17 15.05 15.13 15.1 15.09
5 14.23 15.12 15.07 15.18 15.09 15.138

6 13.62 14.54 14.61 14.51 14.52 14.56

Fig. 11
7 14.81 15.8 15.91 15.87 16.08 15.894
Note: It is observed that the amount of waste segregated per
105.5 105.8 105.6 105.8
SUM 98.74 105.72 person is almost equal as the bags of waste are weighed before
4 1 7 4
it is distributed to each person.
35 34 36 35mi 34
min min min n min D. Calculations for Profit And Reduction In Cycle Time
23se 12se 43se 52se 31se 36 min
c c c c c a). Current Method of Segregation:
41 sec Segregation Time for 100 kgs= 55 min
Working Hours in a day = 7 hour = 420 min
Table 2: For Data Collected for Segregation of Wipro Waste Amount of material segregated daily = 763.63 kgs
(Proposed Method)

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

b). Proposed Method Of Segregation: Thus, the activities become easily separated into the value
Segregation time for 100 kgs = 35 min + allowances = 40 min stream, which is the focus of one type of attention, and the
Working Hours in a day = 7 hour = 420 min 'waste' steps, another type. He calls the value stream the
Estimate of Amount of material segregated daily = 1050 kgs process and the non-value streams the operations. The
thinking here is that the non-value-adding steps are often
c). Segregation Time: preparatory or tidying up to the value-adding step and are
Existing Method Segregation Time = 55 min closely associated with the person or machine/workstation that
Future Method Segregation Time = 40 min executes that value-adding step. Therefore, each vertical line
Percentage Reduction in Segregation Time = ((55-40)/55) is the 'story' of a person or workstation whilst the horizontal
*100 = 27.27% line represents the 'story' of the product being created.
d). Savings Made:
Extra waste segregated per day = 237 kgs per day
= 1422 kgs per week
Selling price per kg = 44 rupees

Profits made = 62,568 rupees per week = 2.50 lakhs per


e). Cycle Time:

Cycle time for Existing Method = 3048.40 min
Cycle time for Proposed Method =2733.40 min
Percentage Reduction in Cycle Time = ((3048.40-
2733.40)/3048.40) *100
= 10.33%


Value stream mapping is a lean-management method for

analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the
series of events that take a product or service from its
beginning through to the customer. At Toyota, it is known as
"material and information flow mapping. It can be applied to
nearly any value chain.

1. Planning and preparation. Identify the target product

family or service. Create a charter, define the problem, set
the goals and objectives, and select the mapping team.
Socialize the charter with the leadership team.
2. Draw while on the shop floor a current state value stream
map, which shows the current steps, delays, and
information flows required to deliver the target product or
service. This may be a production flow (raw materials to
consumer) or a design flow (concept to launch). There are
'standard symbols for representing supply chain entities.
3. Assess the current state value stream map in terms of
creating flow by eliminating waste.
4. Draw a future state value stream map.
5. Work toward the future state condition.
Value stream mapping has supporting methods that are often
used in Lean environments to analyze and design flows at the
system level (across multiple processes).
Although value stream mapping is often associated with
manufacturing, it is also used in logistics, supply chain, Fig. 12 The Value Stream Map that was Developed
service related industries, healthcare, softwareproduct
development, and administrative and office processes.

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

A 5S (Five S) program is typically a piece of, and the key

segment of setting up a Visual Workplace and are both a piece
of Kaizen - an arrangement of constant change which is a
segment of lean assembling.

5S is the name of a working environment association strategy

that uses a rundown of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton,
seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Transliterated or converted into
English, they all begin with the letter "S". The rundown
portrays how to arrange a function space for productivity and
viability by distinguishing and putting away the things
utilized, keeping up the territory and things, and supporting
the new request. The basic leadership process as a rule
originates from an exchange about institutionalization, which
constructs understanding among representatives of how they
ought to take the necessary steps.There are five primary 5S
They can be translated from the Japanese as "sort",
"straighten", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain". Other
translations are possible.

In order to implement 5S at the plant, observations were made

in the model room. Some of the results of these observations
were the development of a 5S Diagnostic Check sheet.
Fig. 13



Fig. 14 Problem Areas Observed Before Visual Management

and 5S

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

Table 3: 5s Diagnostic Checklist for Swaccha Dry Waste Processing Center

Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165


This project was a great experience in learning how a waste We express our sincere gratitude to my guide, Mr. B M
management plant actually works. It helped in understanding Nagesh, Assoc. Professor in Department of Mechanical
the importance of applying Industrial Engineering Principles Engineering, Sir MVIT, Bangalore, for his encouragement and
in an industry. support rendered during the course of this project. We are
thankful to Dr. K S Shanmukharadhya, Professor, Head of the
Principles of Motion Economy were used to develop a better
Department, Mechanical Engineering, Sir M.VIT, Bangalore
segregation technique through which employee fatigue was
for his guidance, and allowing the project group to carry out
reduced.A new segregation technique was developed and the
the project at Swachha Eco Solutions, Bangalore. It is our
cycle time was reduced by 11%. Improvements were made for
pleasure to express profound thanks to Prof K R Kini,
carrying the waste from segregation area to the processing
Principal, Sir MVIT, Bengaluru.
area using a wheel barrow which can carry the unit load from
the segregation area to processing area.
Mere words fail to express our sincere thanks to our external
By preparing a Current and Future State Value Stream Map, guides andN Mr. Rajesh Babu, Co- Founder and Managing
the waste activities were removed and the segregation time Partner, Swacha Eco Solutions, for his continuous help and
was reduced by 27%. By implementing the proposed method, support which helped in solving various problems concerned
the facility will be able to achieve profits of upto 2.5 lakhs per with project work and sparing their precious time within their
month. Time taken for segregation of 100 kgs was reduced busy schedule without whose support, this project would not
from 55 min to 40 min with the proposed method of have been successful. Also we thank all the technicians and
segregation. workers for their kind cooperation and assistance during our
learning experience.
The Project helped to see the implementation of 5S and also
the importance of Visual Management in a Waste Processing
We are deeply indebted and grateful to our parents, friends
facility.5S has helped in decreasing potential time wasted
and family members for their encouragement, moral support
looking for items, getting rid of unnecessary items from
and motivation during the course of our project.
production facility and freeing up space which can otherwise
be used effectively. It also helped in developing better safety
standards for the workers. This practice helps to implement
proper procedures and discipline on a routine basis.
[1]. Vijay Kumar, Problems in Solid Waste Management
Hence the project helped the facility to reduce the waste faced in Indian Cities,Vol I, Page Number 242-321.
activities, decrease the total cycle time and also help in [2]. ILO ,Work Study and Ergonomics, Vol I,8 th Edition,
implementation of better practices in the facility. Page Number 35-48.
[3]. George Tchobanoglous,FrankKreith, Handbook of Solid
Waste Management, Vol II, Page Number 125-220.
XI. SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK [4]. DewiHardingtyas , Pre Determined Motion and Time
Study, Vol III, Page Number 232-313.
[5]. RameshaChandrappa ,DigantaBhusan Das, Solid Waste
Implementation of automated methods of segregation was not Management-Principles and Practice ,Vol III,Pages 81-
possible due to the restriction on capital investment. Educating 115.
workers about the importance of safety norms and equipment [6]. Carlo Scodanibbio , Value Stream Management : The
was a challenge and by doing so it will help in making the road to Lean manufacturing through the Value Stream
facility more efficient. Technique, Vol I, Page Number 22-59.
[7]. Production Automation Corporation , 5S/Visual
Use of machines to segregate the incoming waste was difficult Workplace Book ,Vol I, Page Number 2-54.
and hence by designing a new machine with appropriate [8]. Joel John Koshy, Judith K.A, Dream Bake Pvt. Ltd,
specifications the segregation process may be simplified. Howrah, Building World Class Manufacturing Systems,
Belt drives may have been used to carry the segregated waste Page Number 31- 89.
from segregation area to the processing area which will in turn
help in reducing cycle time.


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