CarTooth Poznan PDF
CarTooth Poznan PDF
CarTooth Poznan PDF
1 Abstract
Paying for parking, gasoline or toll highways is always a waste of time and an inconvenient
procedure. To solve this problem we introduce Car Payment System (CPS) which offers:
- car monitoring.
Our solution will change life of every driver. They will not waste their time anymore searching
for a parking meter because the parking meter will find them. They will not have to pay a parking
ticket ever again since the devices of our system will pay parking fees for them automatically, not
absorbing their attention. When they come back to their car it will be still there because our
parking meter will keep thieves away. Moreover, drivers can easily pay, for example, toll road
While designing we intended to create a system which would be practical and fully economically
justified. We put emphasis on ensuring transaction security and keeping the price of end-user
devices low.
Car Payment System ideally fits into the idea of Personal Area Network. Every car has its own
CarTooth with Bluetooth onboard. It exchanges information and makes transactions with
stationary devices of our system using Bluetooth technology. These devices are scattered all over
In this report we describe Car Payment System from many points of view. The most important
part CarTooth is discussed thoroughly with regard to hardware, software and related
algorithms. We present other modules focusing on their functionality and explain how they
cooperate with CarTooth. The report gives the detailed description of solutions to the problems
concerning wireless safe transfer of money and recognition of the state of a car. We also cover
requirements of users and marketing issues connected with putting CPS into practice.
2 System Overview
The goal of our project is to create a system which will make paying car fees easier. Amidst
many possible usages of Car Payment System probably the most expected is facilitation of
paying for parking. Therefore we are almost entirely focusing on this problem in the course of the
project. But we keep in mind other cases to make the system universal and open. Our concept is
presented in Figure 1.
Central Communication
Outside Unit
8051 Server
Processor Cash Box Unit
Outside Unit
Vibration Monitor Mobile Phone
Tollbooth Unit Network
The key part of Car Payment System is CarTooth (CT). It implements an internal electronic
account. Money from it can be spent by making transactions, via Bluetooth, with various
stationary devices called Outside Units (OU). The account can be recharged in special OU Cash
Box Unit. It is not required to integrate CarTooth with a car, so there are no installation costs and
Paying parking fees in city parking zones can be realized in two ways (one automatic, the other
semi-automatic). In the first case CarTooth contacts Parking Meter Unit (PMU) and makes
periodic transactions. Together they are able to monitor a car and fire antitheft alarm when it is
moved or vibrates suspiciously. The other way of paying must be used when there are no PMUs
in a parking zone. In that case CT continuously decreases its internal account while parking. In
order to check which cars pay their dues an inspector must come with his own unit (with
Bluetooth as well). He queries Parking Meter Units or CarTooths to retrieve a list of paying cars
The system allows paying with CarTooth for any kind of product or service. For example, it can
be used to pay for gas at gas stations, for a car wash or in drive-thru restaurants. Also when a car
approaches a tollbooth on the highway its CT pays a fee and then the gate rises. Thus a driver can
pass through without even stopping, not to mention looking for change or a special card.
Outside Units from all over the city are connected to the Administration Center (AC) by some
kind of computer network (cable or wireless, e.g. GPRS). Its role is to supervise and coordinate
the whole system. It authorizes, gathers information from Outside Units and sends managing data
to them. The collected data is analyzed in order to detect frauds and create statistic for marketing
use. AC is also responsible for notifying a driver (by sending SMS) or the police after receiving
antitheft alarm. Thanks to the Administration Center it is possible to pay with the use of Parking
Credit Account. In this case CarTooth works like a credit card a client makes payments
monthly with banking transfers instead of recharging the account using Cash Box Units.
Our system can be implemented in a wide range of hardware, but it has to meet some
performance requirements. As a portable unit CarTooth should be small and light. It runs on
batteries therefore low power consumption is very important. Moreover, its CPU must be able to
Outside Unit is required to have enough computational power to serve CTs in a short time. Since
establishing Bluetooth connection takes a few seconds, other operations, such as time-consuming
authorization or making a transaction, should be done as fast as possible. On the other hand the
of data (detailed calculation in point 3.4). It is also necessary to ensure an appropriate level of
In the process of creating Car Payment System we employed a mix of waterfall software
development model and eXtreme Programming. First of all, we held interviews with potential
users, clients and producers to learn market requirements our system should meet. Since we had
no opportunity to have continuous contact with them we used a variant of Six Hats Technique (a
kind of role playing) whenever difficult issues were to be solved. The information acquired
during the interviews was essential in planning games we played. All that brought us to designing
our system as a set of UML diagrams (with the use of Rational Rose).
The development process was divided into small iterations, which gave us an opportunity to
control work progress and the process of achieving the design objectives as well. We made many
spike solutions (small, informal experiments with ideas how to solve problems). It was very
important since we planned to develop newly designed solutions and had to work with new
The testing process started simultaneously with development, but according to XP methodology
test cases were created before any code was written. All parts were continuously tested. This all
helped to detect errors early enough, when they were easy to locate and correct.
The main innovation is the full automation of car-related payments. Drivers no longer have to
bother about troublesome paying for parking. They do not need to press any button since our
system is able to detect when they park. Another ingenious feature, which makes paying for
parking more justifiable for a customer (and thus makes the system more attractive) is
monitoring. With no additional costs the system can guard clients cars.
Our solution is open and flexible compared to other existing parking systems. CPSs
multifunction ability allows coping with complex payment problems. Because of its good
Usefulness of Car Payment System is our prime objective thus we focus on a consumer. We have
two kinds of users. The first group includes people who will run this system employees of City
Service like administrators, system operators or inspectors. We carried out several interviews.
The director of Pozna Parking Zone helped us to recognize real needs of a potential customer.
The representative of a potential system producer assured us that our ideas were good and worth
implementing. The second type of users are drivers. We know their expectations well because all
of us are drivers. We also questioned taxi drivers, deliverers and businessmen about their attitude
to this project. All collected information highlighted the aims we should consider in designing.
Paying at highway and other places. This functionality is common for many applications. When
When the driver accepts to pay, a single transaction is carried out and the service can be used.
Locking CarTooth. A driver can choose from menu an option of locking a car, i.e. protecting it
against stealing. Using a car would cause alarm, unless unlocked first.
All these 3 cases can be used either automatically or manually depending on users preference.
Recharging. A driver uses this functionality when internal electronic account needs recharging in
a Cash Box Unit. If the user has Parking Credit Account in AC this function is disabled.
Changing PIN. A driver can change PIN number which protects CarTooth.
Changing phone no. A driver can change the number the information about the theft is sent to.
Browsing history. A driver is able to see time, amount and a place of ten previous transactions.
Communication with AC. An inspector synchronizes data on Inspector Unit with AC.
CPS. In big systems, this position can be split according to Figure 5 into several posts, e.g. an
accountant (Drivers Account Service), an operator of parking zones (Parking Zone Service), an
the map and browse System Statistic. These users can be also notified about frauds and antitheft
Option Description
LOCK ON/OFF Forcing locking/unlocking of CarTooth
PARKING ON/OFF Forcing starting/stopping paying for parking
LOCKING Choosing a locking mode; AUTO automatically locks a car if parked,
MANUAL prompts confirmation, OFF does not ask about it
AUTOCHARGING ON automatically accepts transactions; OFF asks for confirmation
HISTORY Viewing time, place and cost of the last 10 transactions
REG. NUMBER Viewing a car registration number
CHANGE PIN Changing 4-digit PIN; user enters the old number and then a new one
PHONE NUMBER Viewing/changing contact phone number (for sending alarming SMS)
Table 1. CarTooths menu
Fully automation of CarTooth can be achieved when AUTOCHARGING option is set to ON and
LOCKING to AUTO. In such configuration CarTooth behaves as presented on the state diagram
in Figure 7. Without these options the behavior is very similar, but CT asks some extra questions.
CarTooth is on
'NO' or timeout
Queries if Trying to connect to
engine stop s
should park any listening OU
engine starts
'YES' Recharges
connection set up
'PARKING OFF' fai lu re OU type = CBU account
Parking at PMU-less Au thori zes and
parking place d etects OU type
fai lu re( PMU trigg ers al arm ) OU type = PMU Pays for toll
OU type = TU road
ou t of range
Tries to
Waiting for
being parked
parking not paid success
connection lost
engine stops
In PMU-less (i.e. without Parking Meter Units) parking places there is no Outside Unit to make
transaction with. In that case every specified amount of time CarTooth makes a self-transaction
decreases its account and remembers total amount of money spent in such transactions. This
value is later sent (and cleared) to the first Outside Unit that CarTooth contacts to.
A core chip of CarTooth is the popular inexpensive microcontroller AT89S8252 compatible with
Intels 8051 which is an industry standard. This IC has built-in 2kB EEPROM, a watchdog timer
and capability of in-system programming. To interact with the user we use a standard LCD (4
lines 16, characters each) and a simple numeric keyboard (12 keys). Those devices allow us to
build user-friendly, intuitive interface based on multilevel menus. Additionally, to notify the user
of more important events which require his attention, we have equipped CT with a buzzer.
Battery Power Level Bluetooth Module Because the received Bluetooth device
LCD Module
Unit AD232 (compatible with MAX232)
parked and is not standing in a traffic jam we have to detect whether the engine is working. The
basic guidelines are simple interface and low price of CarTooth, so we cannot use signals from
cars electrical systems. The state of the engine is detected by analyzing vibration which is
that measures acceleration in two axes within the Figure 9. Accelerometer output
range of 2g. Information about acceleration is available in the form of a digital signal separate
for each axis. It has constant, configurable cycle time and variable duty depending on the
measured acceleration (0g corresponds to 50% duty). These signals are connected to blocking
inputs of microcontrollers internal timers, which count tX and tY (see Figure 9). So the CPU does
not take part in measuring. It only has to read the result of measurements and reset the counters.
The aim of the algorithm is to detect vibration coming from a working engine and distinguish it
from another type of vibration. This problem can be reduced to checking if frequency of a signal
taken from the accelerometer is high. But there is one basic difficulty. We cannot rely on any
level of reference (0 level) of the signal, as gravity is always affecting it differently (depending
on the angle of inclination). We introduce the algorithm which solves this problem.
2. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for 256 readings of the signal (about 0.25 seconds) and then go to step 7.
3. Keep the maximum value of the signal. When it grows update the maximum.
4. When the signal falls check if it drops below the maximum more than the specified threshold.
5. Keep the minimum value of the signal. When it falls update the minimum.
6. When the signal grows check if it rises above the minimum more than the specified threshold.
7. If F is high (higher than the specified frequency threshold) then probably the engine is on.
8. To make sure repeat 20 times steps 1 to 7 (about 5s altogether) and if the positive answer is
given in at least 16 of the cases then with very high probability the engine is working.
While creating the algorithm we carried out several experiments to establish the best possible
values for the mentioned thresholds and optimal number of readings of the signals.
This algorithm is to detect movement (either displacement or turn). The only thing that needs to
be done is to integrate acceleration to get velocity. The problem of the lack of 0 level is still
present. Without knowing it we cannot calculate the integral correctly. Fortunately, if CarTooth is
not moved then this level is constant; thus integrals taken from the same number of accelerometer
readings should have (more or less) the same value. So we propose the algorithm as follows:
1. Sum 256 consecutive readings of the signal from the accelerometer (about 0.25 seconds).
2. If the calculated sum differs from the previous one (unless it is the first one) more than the
3. To make sure repeat 5 times steps 1 and 2 (about 1s altogether) and if the positive answer is
given in at least 4 of the cases then with very high probability the device has been moved.
This algorithm is applied to signals from both axes. It is sufficient when at least in one case the
movement is detected. The same applies to the algorithm from the previous point.
In order to enable rapid development of minimum resources consuming software for AT89S8252
we have developed a quasi-object mechanism. The characteristic of 8051 CPU does not allow
implementing objects in a classic form. The power of this mechanism allows us to select a new
active quasi-object by modifying the contents of one register, which changes the device responses
to events. This permits us to alter the existing menus and add new levels of menus in a very
simple and quick way without writing the whole new code for it. Also it simplifies the main loop
CarTooth has to work for a long period of time on battery power supply. Therefore one of the
main problems is power consumption. Although Bluetooth needs 5V supply we have decided to
use ICs which can work either at 3.3V or 5V. This would allow us to lower the voltage when
using another Bluetooth module which will result in lowering power consumption. Because of
these constraints we have chosen a microcontroller with idle and power down modes and
equipped CT with software control of the most power-consuming element LCD back-light.
We also wanted CarTooth to be handy and small. That is why we used the microcontroller with
built-in EEPROM and why our program uses only built-in 256 bytes of RAM. This allowed us to
use one chip instead of four big ICs. Surface mounting allowed us to make even a smaller device.
From many accelerometers we have chosen one with digital output because it can be connected
The microcontrollers internal-timer blocking inputs are also interrupt inputs so there are no
problems with synchronization. But the signals cycle starts with high level and the moment
edge so if the edges were not synchronized we would
need two interrupts (see Figure 10). That would
Figure 10. Interrupts 74LS05 inverter) now the falling edge on both lines
occurs in the same moment so one interrupt is enough to read both values.
Next objective that caused troubles was a statement about low price of CarTooth. We were
thinking about LCD touch-screen but it is much more expensive than a typical set of LCD and
keyboard. Also when choosing a method of unlocking a car we had to make compromises to fit in
our aims. We wanted to construct a user-friendly device so we did not want to burden users
memory with PIN. We have even started to construct a system allowing authorization of a user
based on comparing fingerprints. But even using a relatively cheap scanning device we would
double the cost of CarTooth and we would have to use more powerful CPU to process data from
the scanner. That would cause the increase in power consumption and necessity of increasing
batterys capacity which causes enlargement of CT device. To sum up big troubles with only
little increase in functionality. That is why we decided to use a typical way of protection applied
in cash machines and cellular phones PIN. Potential clients are accustomed to this kind of
protection so they should not have any trouble with unlocking. In order to make entering PIN
easier we equipped CarTooth with numeric keyboard. This is also helpful in navigating the
multilevel menu and in entering other alphanumerical data such as a telephone number.
3.2.6 Testing
First of all we tested how Bluetooth module communicates from within a car. It turned out that its
range narrowed to about of nominal (it is still good enough). The next tests were experiments
that checked out our vibration detection theory. In order to do that we have built a simple device
that transmitted data from the accelerometer using RS232 port. We have recorded data from a car
in motion, parked car, parked car with a working engine (in cars of different classes) and
vibration caused by a tram or a truck passing by or even caused by hooligans trembling a car. For
further testing we have implemented our algorithms on AT89S8252 and wrote a program
displaying the results of analysis on LCD. The effectiveness of the algorithms was satisfying.
All devices that are outside the Administration Center and are mainly designed for selling
different services and goods are called Outside Units. OU communicates with CarTooths using
Bluetooth technology. It also communicates with Central Communication Server (CCS) using
commutated links. Communication and security algorithms are described in points 3.7 and 3.8.
Outside Unit buffers transactions made with CarTooths. It also fetches data from CTs about
payments made in PMU-less parking places and creates artificial transactions from this
information (and put them into the buffer as well). Every specified time or when the buffer is
going to overflow Outside Unit tries to connect with CCS to send the data and flush the buffer.
Connection can be also established on demand, e.g. when Parking Meter Unit wants to fire
antitheft alarm. Occasionally, Outside Unit exchanges additional information with CCS. It sends
Since connection with Central Communication Server is implemented using a standard protocol,
the physical connection can be set in various ways; for example, Outside Units can create small
networks or scatternets where only one of OUs has a direct connection with CCS (cable or
wireless). It can be done using Bluetooth technology or any other. There is another interesting
possibility. When OU does not have any medium to connect to CCS, the connection can be
established via any portable device equipped with Bluetooth and, for example, GSM interface.
Extended Inspector Units can play this role. This solution does not decrease the level of security.
Because Outside Units are placed in public places lots of Bluetooth modules not belonging to our
system may appear in their range. Thus pre-selection and ignoring of devices, both implemented
Parking Meter Unit is mainly responsible for charging fees in city parking zones. When CarTooth
enters the range of one of PMUs, the connection is established. Since then, information can be
exchanged and transactions made. Parking Meter Unit has additional ability of monitoring cars.
Antitheft alarm is sent to the Administration Center when CarTooth is locked and one of two
conditions is met. The first is when CT informs about the theft. The other is when CT goes
beyond PMU range. If the second condition is met alarm is fired instantly but it is postponed by
AC, giving the suspected CarTooth some time to cancel it (to avoid accidental alarms).
We have considered another solution for the mentioned problem, as a tradeoff. There is an option
that, instead of the Administration Center, Parking Meter Unit postpones broadcasting the alarm.
CarTooth has to reconnect to the same PMU to cancel it. This solution is easier to implement and
decreases a required number of connections to AC. But there is a problem when CT accidentally
connects to the farthest Parking Meter Unit, on the border of its range. Such a connection can be
easily lost when external conditions change (e.g. a truck parks between CT and PMU). Therefore
there should be a possibility of connecting to another PMU. That is why we have decided on the
Inspector Unit is a special kind of Outside Unit. It is mobile and can cooperate besides CarTooths
with Parking Meter Units. It should be small and handy, e.g. a palmtop. It is carried by an
inspector. Inspector Unit collects information about devices that are paying for parking.
Registration numbers from such devices are retrieved and listed on its screen. Cars not listed are
In PMU-less parking places Inspector Unit works like every Outside Unit. It accepts connections
from all CarTooths within its range and then queries them in order to learn if they pay. In parking
places with PMUs Inspector Unit connects to them (details are described in points 3.7.3 and
Cash Box Unit is used for recharging CarTooths accounts. To do that CT must be connected
with CBU. Drivers choose their device from the list of attached CTs presented on CBUs screen.
Then they must pay (using credit card or cash depending on implementation) the amount they
want. For better protection against frauds CBU must be connected with AC to make a transaction.
Tollbooth Unit is created mainly to charge for toll roads. There are two major problems we had to
consider while designing this unit. The first is that if more than one CarTooth is in TUs range it
has to decide which CT should be billed. We have thought up that simple video camera can solve
it. By taking a picture and using OCR, TU is able to recognize a registration number of the first
car in a queue. This information is enough to associate the car with CarTooth, because every CT
remembers registration number of a car it is in. The other problem arises when every Tollbooth
Unit controls only one gate, then CT might connect with an inappropriate one. It shall be solved
by connecting TUs into a network. These solutions give a simple scenario of paying at tollbooths:
a car slows down, CarTooth connects with TU, it is recognized and billed, a gate opens and a car
gets through. Usually establishing Bluetooth connection, authorization and OCR take about 6
seconds so a car may drive up to 6mph to get through a gate without stopping.
There can be lots of types of Outside Units. For example modification of Tollbooth Unit can be
used in parking lots. Additionally we should only assure that a car is associated with CarTooth
when entering (mainly for a purpose of securing cars) and billed when leaving. The solutions
proposed in TU can be also used for a wide range of payments, e.g. at gas stations or drive-thrus.
3.3.6 Testing
We implemented and tested a universal Outside Unit that communicated with CarTooths and sent
data to Central Communication Server. After that we started implementing specific types of OUs
(described above) basing on the universal one. This process significantly reduced a possibility of
The Administration Center is a set of modules that gives ability to manage and coordinate the
whole system. The core of AC is SQL database server. It stores information about users, devices
and all events that occur in the system. Central Communication Server (CCS) is a database
servers interface for the devices of our system. It authorizes, gathers information from Outside
Units and sends managing data to them. It can automatically detect frauds and broadcast antitheft
alarms. System Operators Module (SOM) is the program which allows operators to browse, add
The Administration Center has to process lots of data. On the basis of information acquired from
the interviews we can estimate that in a big city of about 10 million inhabitants there are up to
150 thousand paid parking places. Dividing it by 5 (average number of parking places per
Parking Meter Unit) gives 30 000 Outside Units. Assuming the expansion of our system into
parking lots, gas stations or drive-thrus we must add about 15 000 OUs. That makes about 45 000
of OUs. Assuming that an average OU makes a transaction every 6 minutes 10 hours a day
(periodic transactions made between PMU and CarTooth are cumulated) it gives 100 transactions
per day. The record for one transaction is 48 bytes long. That all gives 45 000 * 100 * 48 =
216 000 000 bytes (about 206MB) a day. This shows that SQL database server is very important
and should be chosen with deliberation. We will use this calculation in the following points.
3.4.1 Tradeoffs
Server and System Operators Module. There was an alternative of direct TCP/IP connection or
connection through database. In the first option CCS would have to buffer orders, but SOM users
would have ability of more interactive communication with OUs. In the second one there is no
need to establish additional connections, because both SOM and CCS are connected with the
database server. Additionally SQL server buffers orders which exempt other modules of AC from
doing it. We have chosen the solution with connection via database, because it gives enough
functionality, is easier to implement and protects buffered orders using SQL server mechanisms.
Another considered problem was ACs reaction to antitheft alarm received from OU. There was
an alternative of automatic broadcasting by CCS or manual one made by operators using SOM.
The first solution was chosen, although it does not provide an option of filtering alarms, which
could limit a number of false ones. The advantages are that there is no need of continuous work
of additional operators and there is no possibility of identifying real alarm as false. We think that
this solution is good since our theft detection algorithms and procedures have high credibility.
Central Communication Server is an interface between Outside Units and SQL database server. It
has also modules for detecting frauds and for broadcasting antitheft alarm. Excluding these two
modules CCS is a typical communication server. It translates data from our format into SQL
queries and sends those to the database server. Broadcasting antitheft alarm is not yet
have made C++ objects that emulate broadcasting therefore it will be easy to include real
This algorithm is used to detect deceptions made by CarTooths, e.g. when they did not decrease
their accounts or pretend they did not make the transactions they did. The algorithm bases on
CT_account_after, CAR_registration_number.
Whenever new data comes do for each CT_id from new entries the following:
1. Take the last certain transaction and a new one with the lowest CT_transaction_number. Let
the certain transaction have CT_transaction_number equal to X and the new transaction to Y.
5. Mark Y as the last certain transaction. If there is still any uncertain one go to 1, else stop.
6. CT cheats and must be banned. This information is stored in the database and broadcasted via
3.5.2 Testing
Besides making other tests (see point 3.9), we tested this part by establishing communication
between OUs and SQL server through CCS. For fraud detection algorithm, besides testing it, we
have proven its correctness. We tested Central Communication Servers performance. Assuming
it would have 10Mbps connection with the network (PVN or internet) and all OUs would try to
send lists of transactions at the same time, it would have about 4 minutes to cope with 206MB of
data (see point 3.4). Our tests showed that CCS has no problem to do that even on a standard PC.
3.5.3 Tradeoffs
The most important tradeoff considered during designing CCS was whether to buffer data from
OUs or not. The first solution optimizes time of connection because CCS can store data in RAM,
send confirmation to OU and transfer it later when SQL server is idle. The other solution is
slower, since OU has to wait till CCS successfully sends data to database. We have chosen the
latter option because it is much more secure. Good SQL servers implement data recovery
procedures in case of a crash. It would not be reasonable to implement them in CCS, but OU has
to be sure that the data sent is permanently stored, because it deletes its copy after CCS confirms.
available for system authority. Each Account Security Map Servi ce Statistic
Manager Manager Manager
module implements some use case
case diagrams (see 3.1.3). SOM makes Figure 11. System Operators Module structure
managing Car Payment System easier and it adds a possibility of creating strategy for possible
expansion of the system. OU Manager can add new Outside Units and maintain already existing
ones. Users of the system are able to see parameters of these devices such as level of power,
operation history and others. Similarly, CT Manager can add a new CarTooth and has an access
to its parameters. Some CTs are associated with Parking Credit Account. It can be browsed,
changed and created in Account Manager. This part of SOM writes out invoices to companies. It
also controls financial transactions in our system. Security Manager is responsible for safety
issues such as managing public keys and informing System Operator about frauds or antitheft
alarms. In this way we guard CPS against hacking and lower a possibility of forging our devices.
Operators and Administrators can easily localize OUs and CTs by using Map Service (for CTs
the last known position is shown). Additionally this part assists Parking Zone Manager in
maintaining localization, prices and other parameters of parking zones. Users can apply Statistic
Manager to monitor information about level of the traffic or load of CPS. Moreover, it is possible
to create profitability statistic. Basing on this data some marketing decisions can be made.
In this part of our project we have to solve the problem of access of many independent managers
to the database. The easiest way is to provide each submodule with separate connection to the
SQL server. This idea guarantees fast access to data and quick flow of information. Unit
Manager is a different solution. It forces all managers to store and load data from a local buffer.
Then these records are exchanged with the database server. Unit Manager thus controls data
consistency at System Operators Module level. It accepts changes and mediates between SOM
makes refreshing of
consistency of data. It is
propagation of changes.
Figure 12. SOM screenshot
3.7 Communication Protocols
To contact with a Bluetooth module we use Host Controller Interface (HCI). Unfortunately HCI
requires much work from a programmer and we could not afford such work for every kind of
units. So we have developed a communication library, which is common for every device which
uses Bluetooth, except CarTooth where we could implement only a small part of it. Its strength is
that many HCI events and commands are processed in background, which allows a host to
cooperate with Host Controller without affecting the flow of application. Additionally, the
interface of our library is very similar to BSD sockets. It is a great advantage as this interface is
much more user friendly than HCI and is well known for every network programmer. Now
In our library most functions have the same meaning as in original sockets, some may have
decreased abilities. It is worth mentioning that we have implemented both a packet and stream
type of communication. Moreover, I/O can be used either in a blocking or non-blocking manner
(thanks to select function). We have added additional functionality to support some Bluetooth
features. For example: a client does not have to specify a servers address (it may connect to any
in the range); a server may reject Bluetooths with another class of device; units with specified
hardware address can be ignored. All this makes our library universal, so it can be used in any
kind of application that uses basic Bluetooth functionality and it can be easily expanded to
In contact between OU and CT we use sockets with communication of a packet type. The packets
can have up to 117 bytes to fit in ACL DM3 packet (for our application we need only 64B).
Just after establishing the connection both units do some initial, security related procedures (see
packets presented in Figure 13. Every Figure 13. CT-OU packet structure
packet is either a command, a request for some data or a reply. Type field determines what it is
exactly (for the list of types see Table 2), whereas Data is a variable length field for parameters
preceded by Data size. Then the packet is padded with zeros so that its length is a multiple of 16
encapsulated in HCI ACL Data Packet and then preceded by HCI RS232 Packet Header (as
shown in Figure 14). This is all done in background by the socket library.
In contact between IU and PMU we use sockets with stream type communication. This type is
very comfortable, because from the point of view of a higher level protocol data of any length can
be sent in one piece. Of course the data is not moved to Host Controller in such a form. It is first
fragmented into smaller packets (not longer than 117 bytes to fit into DM3 packets). Each of
After connecting the units do some security procedures (see 3.8.2 for details). Then PMU sends a
list of registration numbers of all cars that pay a parking fee. These numbers are sent in ASCII
standard. They are separated by 0Ah (\n) character and the whole message ends with 00h.
3.7.4 Testing
To test the Bluetooth socket library we employed a white-box technique. We wrote several
simple socket applications and created test cases that guaranteed covering all lines of code. These
tests (and tests described in point 3.9) made us sure that the code is reliable.
One of our main objectives was to create a secure system. Therefore we have decided to give up
using Bluetooth security techniques and to introduce stronger ones. For ciphering we use the
newest standard AES (Advanced Encryption Standard, a.k.a. Rijndael) with 128-bit key, for
128-bit data blocks. In case of authorization we base on RSA with 512-bit long keys.
MAC of CT established
ACT. This is the hardware address
"OU/type v1.0"
(MAC) of CTs Bluetooth encrypted "CT v1.0"
draws RS draws R
with RSA algorithm using a private key RS S:=R xor K0
R':=S xor K0 S
D known only to the producer. The
K1 :=R' xor RS KS :=R xor RS
C:=AESK1 ("Hi") C
decryption key E (complementary to D)
checks if
KS :=K1 AES-1K_S(C)="Hi"
is public, thus known to every Outside
checks if
Unit. Additionally, every CT and OU RSAE(ACT)=MAC
AESK_S(data) xor - bitwise
has got 128-bit key K0 (also in their
eXclusive OR
internal memory). Figure 15. OU-CT handshaking
Inspector Unit does not have to authorize as it gets only a list of paying cars. But a stronger
authorization of Parking Meter Unit is required. For this reason every PMU has its own private
introduction authoriz.
OU has such a key and uses it to established by MAC to
derive its EOU
authorize to the Administration "OU/PMU v1.0"
"OU/IU v1.0"
Center as well). Each Inspector draws R
Unit keeps the list of public keys R':=RSAD_ OU(S) R'
checks if R=R'
EOU. The authorization of PMU is data
Authorization of AC and OU is based on RSA and MD5 standards. The Administration Center
OU&AC authorization
unit. Every Outside Unit has
its own private key DOU and a
K1 :=MD5(RAC '||ROU ) K2 :=MD5(RAC ||ROU ')
public key EOU. AC keeps the C1 :=AESK1 ("Hi AC") C1 C2 :=AESK2 ("Hi OU")
checks if C2 checks if
list of all EOUs. Authorization AES-1 AES-1
K1 (C2 )="Hi OU" K2 (C1 )="Hi AC"
K:=K1 K:=K2
and key negotiation protocol is
AESK(data) || - concatenation
3.8.4 Tradeoffs
contrast with the assumption of simplicity and low cost of our system. Therefore we were forced
to implement weaker security algorithms, but still we have managed to protect our system well.
The most important thing for us was to prevent CarTooths from being forged, because it could
cause great financial losses to an owner of CPS. It would be the best if CT could authorize to the
Administration Center in the way presented in point 3.8.3. But it would require Outside Units to
connect to AC for every transaction and CT to have a better processor to cope with RSA in a
short time. Such a solution would be too expensive to create and to use according to our
assumptions. Nevertheless our proposal is a good compromise as it has a few levels of protection
against frauds. Even if ACT number is somehow intercepted (which is very difficult) it can be used
to create a fake CarTooth which must have Bluetooth with the same hardware address. It is not
easy, if possible at all in home conditions. But even if it can be forged the frauds will be easily
detected by AC in a short time and such a device will be banned, thus unusable. To conclude,
forging only one CarTooth would take a lot of time and money, while profits would be low.
Authorization of Outside Units presented in point 3.8.1 is not ideal. It is based on a common key
K0. It would be much better if every OU had its own key. But in that case every CarTooth would
have to keep a list of all OUs keys. This is unacceptable in our system. The solution we have
proposed is good enough since retrieving keys from internal memory of devices is extremely
difficult and expensive. Moreover, there is no point in forging OUs, because it will not give any
profit at all. But even if someone made such units they can be detected easily by inspectors.
3.8.5 Testing
Testing security algorithms we have implemented was relatively easy. RSA, AES are MD5
common standards, thus there are lots of materials about them available. Among them we have
found exemplary inputs and outputs for all these standards, so we have tested our software on it.
encrypted random data, then decrypted it and checked if we got data before encryption.
The testing process started simultaneously with the development. We made many spike solutions.
Developed parts were continuously examined in isolated tests. That helped to detect errors early
enough when they were still easy to locate and correct. Tests were mainly made using black-box
development. All modules were integrated as frequently as possible, which decreased the risk of
incompatibility of modules. The specific tests for all parts are described in appropriate points.
Our tests have proven that the part of the system we have implemented works correctly.
Consecutive samples of the signal can be read either from a file or the standard input. It can be
viewed at different speeds, step by step or paused. Zooming and scrolling a chart is available too.
Signal Viewer was essential while developing the vibration and movement algorithms. First we
used it to observe an accelerometer signal in order to understand it better. After implementing the
algorithms this application helped us set up parameters experimentally for them and debug them.
To avoid many program uploads to the CPU (durability of its flash is limited) we mounted
We have considered the cost of putting Car Payment System into practice for drivers and for
authorities. Drivers will buy or rent CarTooth device willingly. It offers an extra protection and it
cost very low. Especially for companies we have created an option of Parking Credit Accounts.
They would use it to pay monthly with transfers and to simplify inclusion of parking fees to the
operation costs. For city authorities CPS is more profitable than other solutions. Usually cities
have a parking system installed or cannot afford single big expenses. Therefore we have made
our system modular so that putting it into practice can be divided into some stages. From the very
beginning Car Payment System starts bringing profits whereas the biggest costs appear at the end.
I. Initial stage. Drivers get CarTooths, inspectors are equipped with Inspector Units. There is no
need to buy Parking Meter Units. Cash Box Units are necessary but only a few are required.
Therefore the cost for authorities is very low. Drives are charged for actual time of parking, but
II. Transitional stage. Authorities begin to install Parking Meter Units in the most loaded zones,
which makes automation and car monitoring. It can coexist with the previous parking system and
PMU-less parking places. Moreover, other payment units make using CarTooth more attractive.
III. Ultimate stage. At this stage there are Outside Units installed in the whole city. Finally CPS
has full functionality. Authorities have high profits because CarTooth is a device of everyday use.
We have compared the cost of Parking Meter Units to the devices that are operating in Pozna. In
our home city there are Siemens units. One device costs about $10,000 and serves 24 cars, so one
parking place costs $416. Our PMU will cost about $350 but it serves averagely 5 cars, so for one
car it would be $70. This calculation shows that the cost of our system is very low.
All other units are simulated on laptops or PDA so their cost is not included in the projects cost.
4 Summary
Our goal was to create a system for wireless payments for parking. To achieve this we have
designed CarTooth, Parking Meter Unit and later the Administration Center. These parts make
the core of our system and we have focused on developing them. They were thoroughly tested
and are working now. Because of the flexibility of the designed core there is an opportunity to
widen the range of possible usages. We have designed only a few from a variety of possible
extensions. They are currently being developed. We have proposed efficient solutions to the
problems occurring in wireless payments. For example we have coped with the problem: which
Making our system practically useful was very important for us. Since the very beginning we
facilities (like monitoring a car) to attract drivers. We have also created a plan which allows city
authorities to put our system into practice smoothly. Our solutions permit not only the owner of
the whole system to use Outside Units. Other companies can buy OUs and provide their services
too. This will make our system grow faster and become even more popular.
It is worth mentioning, that we have changed disadvantages of Bluetooth into advantages. Its
short range makes protection of cars better, because a car goes out of range almost immediately
after being stolen, so alarm is fired shortly after the theft. Moreover, when a city has many
Outside Units which connect often to AC, CarTooths can be localized with precision of 15
All protocols and units are made in such a way that in the future there is a possibility of smooth
migration to a more advanced system. We have considered future development. Some kind of
CarTooth could be integrated into a car. It would additionally use technologies like GPS and
GSM (which are going to be built-in into modern cars). In that case constant connection with AC
would be possible and online authorization of electronically signed transactions could be made
5 References
[1] Ch. Petztold, Programming Windows, 5th edition, Microsoft Press, 1998.
[3] K. Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Addison Wesley, 2000.
[4] W. Stalling, Cryptography & Network Security: Principles & Practice, 2nd edition, Prentice
Hall, 1998.
[6] P. Metzger, PCs Anatomy, 6th edition, HELION, 2001 (in Polish).
[7] A. Rydzewski, MCS-51 one chip microcomputer's family, WNT, 1997 (in Polish).
[9] Bluetooth specification, version 1.0B / 1.1, Bluetooth SIG, 1999 / 2001.