Oil Contains Fuel: Shutdown SIS

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Configuration: C18 Industrial Engine ZPS00001-UP

C18 Locomotive Engines
Media Number -UENR3444-00 Publication Date -01/04/2013 Date Updated -12/04/2013


Oil Contains Fuel

SMCS - 1250-035; 1348-035

Always verify fuel dilution. Ask the Caterpillar dealer to submit an oil sample to a Caterpillar
regional SOS laboratory for analysis.

Note: For additional information, refer to , REHS3007, "Determining the Cause of Fuel Dilution
of Engine Oil".

Probable Causes
Leaking seals

Fuel injector tip

Fuel transfer pump seal

Cracked cylinder head

Recommended Actions
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in order.

Table 1
Troubleshooting Test Steps Results

1. Leaking Seals O-ring Result: The injector

seal O-ring seal is
A. Remove the injector from the affected cylinder and damaged.
visually inspect the injector O-ring seals for damage.
Replace the damaged
If leakage is found and the O-rings are in good repair, there seals. Install the
may be a problem with the injector. Replace the injector. injector onto the
Ensure that the new trim files are installed. Refer to engine and confirm
Troubleshooting, "Injector Trim File - Install" for details. that the repair has
Use Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET) to perform a resolved the problem.
"Fuel System Verification Test". Refer to Troubleshooting,
"Injector Solenoid - Test" for details. Result: The injector
O-ring seal is not
If the leakage is not located, add the appropriate dye to the damaged.
fuel tanks. Run the engine at high idle for several minutes.
Shut down the engine and remove the valve covers. Use a Proceed to Test Step
black light to check for traces of dye around each injector. 2.

Result: The fuel

injector tip is
2. Fuel Injector Tip
A. Use Cat ET to perform the "Cylinder Cutout Test" in
Replace the suspect
order to identify any cylinders that may be overfueled.
B. A fuel injector tip that is broken or fractured is a possible tip
Result: The fuel
cause of a cylinder that is being overfueled. If a cylinder is
injector tip is not
identified by the test, Remove the injector and check the
injector tip for damage. Check the fuel injector tip for cracks
or breakage.
Proceed to Test Step

Result: There is fuel

leakage around the
shaft seal.

Replace the fuel

3. Fuel Transfer Pump Seal
transfer pump.
A. Check for fuel leakage around the shaft seal for the fuel seal
Result There is not
transfer pump. Ensure that the weep hole is not plugged.
fuel leakage around
the shaft seal.

Proceed to Test Step


Result The internal

4. Cracked Cylinder Head passages for the fuel
supply to the injectors
A. Look for signs of damage to the internal passages for the are damaged.
fuel supply to the injectors in the cylinder head. Check for
pin hole leaks. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly. Repair or replace the
cylinder head.
Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.

If the procedure did not correct the issue, contact your Cat dealer Technical Communicator (TC).
For further assistance, your TC can confer with the Dealer Solutions Network (DSN).

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