Assam Land Bank

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Editorial Team:
Shri Prafulla Kumar Saikia, Addl. Director(US),
Shri Bipul Das, Addl. Director(DIC)
Shri Dipak Kumar Deka, General Manager, AIDC
Shri Hansadhar Sharma, Deputy General Manager, AIDC
Shri Amitav Saikia, Manager (T)
Shri Tarun Kumar Kataki, Deputy Director(P)
Shri Morgan Meston, Asstt. Director Cottage Industry
Shri Santanu Deuri, Asstt. Director Cottage Industry

Published by:
Department of Industries & Commerce
Govt. of Assam
Email: [email protected]


Exclusive Advertising Pvt. Ltd.
Guwahati -01

Chandra Mohan Patowary Minister, Industries & Commerce,
Government of Assam
Dispur, Guwahati-6
Phone : 0361 2237014


Our Government came into power with the commitment to transform the State
by ensuring sustainable development. Industry & Commerce are the backbone of
development in the economy.
Availability of suitable land is one of the biggest challenges for investors seeking
to set up their ventures in Assam. This document Assams Industrial Infrastructure:
The Land Bank is a remarkable achievement of our Government as it was envisaged
in our Vision Document. It will immensely help the investors to easily get the
necessary information about the land for setting up industries in the State.
I appreciate the efforts of the officers of the Industries & Commerce Department
in bringing out the book and hope that it will be another milestone in Ease of Doing
Business in Assam.

(Chandra Mohan Patowary)

Dr. K. K. Dwivedi, IAS Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
Assam, Guwahati -21
Phone : 0361 2550242/ 2550717


The Govt. of Assam has taken up several initiatives to improve ease of doing
business in the State. Existing rules and regulations are being simplified and
rationalized. Processes are being brought on IT platform for efficiency and
transparency. An investment friendly environment is being created for industrial
growth and development in the State.
In order to overcome the challenges in management of information and allotment
of land in industrial infrastructures a reference book has been brought out by the
Department. Digital Version of the book will be made available on the web site and
information there in will regularly be updated. I hope that the book will immensely
be useful to the investors, planners and policy makers.
I congratulate the editorial team for their appreciable efforts and wish the
publication a grand success.

(Dr. K. K. Dwivedi, IAS)



2.1 Industrial Growth Centre (IGC), Balipara, Sonitpur 10 - 11
2.3 North East Mega Food Park, tihu, nalbari 14 - 15
2.4 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Demow, Sivasagar 16 - 17
2.5 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Titabor, Jorhat 18 - 19
2.6 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Silapathar, Dhemaji 20 - 21
2.7 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Naltali/Bhomoraguri, Nagaon 22 - 23
2.8 Infrastructure Development Project, IDP Pathsala, Barpeta 24 - 25
2.9 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Malinibeel, Cachar 26 - 27
2.10 Plastic Park, gellapukhuri, Tinsukia 28 - 29
2.13 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Banderdewa, lakhimpur 34 - 35
2.14 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Serfunguri 36 - 37
2.15 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Parbatipur, tinsukia 38 - 39
2.16 Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd., Bijulibari, Sipajhar, Darrang 40 - 41

2.17 EXPORT PROMOTION INDUSTRIAL PARK (EPIP), Amingaon, Kamrup (R) 42 - 43
2.18 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CENTRE, CHAYGAON, jambari, chatabari, patgaon,KAMRUP (R) 44 - 45
2.19 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Rangia, kamrup (R) 46 - 47
2.20 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Nathkuchi, Tihu, Nalbari 48 - 49
2.21 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Dalgaon, Darrang 50 - 51
8.1. LAND 155 - 162
8.2. SHED 163 - 169
10. CONTACT DETAILS 175 - 179
11. Industrial infrastructureS under public private partnership (PPP) 181
12. useful web links 183


A ssam is in the North Eastern part of India with an area of 30,285 Sq.
miles(78,440 km2). Geographically, Assam and the other six north Eastern
States are connected to the rest of India via a 22 km (14 miles) strip of land in
West Bengal called the Siliguri Corridor or Chickens Neck. Assam shares an
international border with Bhutan and Bangladesh; and its culture, people and
climate are similar to those of South-East Asia.

Strategically located, Assam
acts as the Gateway to the
North East India and a part
of Corridor to the South East
Asia. The proximity to the
fastest growing economies of
Asia which is to be connected
through proposed Asian
Highways and Trans Asian
Railways will provide Assam
immense potential for trade
The North Eastern States
share 5,437 km of Indias
international boundaries
with China, Myanmar, Bhutan,
Bangladesh and Nepal which
is about 36% of Indias total
international land border of
15,106.70 km.

Access to a vast market: Connectivity:
A ssam itself has a count of around 6.4 million households. Around
20% of Indias population stays in Eastern India. Around 12.6% of
the worlds population lives in the hinterland of Eastern India, Nepal,
T he State is well connected
by roadways, railways,
airways and waterways
Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. An access to this market coupled with the rest of India. It
with a congenial industrial climate has paved the way for many multi- has the highest density
nationals and Indian big companies to set up their manufacturing base of airports in the country.
in Assam. It has six airports covering
the State at Guwahati,
With the Government of Indias effort to accelerate the momentum of Tezpur, Jorhat, Dibrugarh,
integration between ASEAN and India, to bring together the members Silchar and North Lakhimpur.
of the strategic community, the industry, the experts and professionals, The Lokapriya Gopinath
and the youth in these countries to further the common agenda of Bordoloi International
development, progress and prosperity Assam and the entire North Airport is an international
East is poised for resurgence. The importance of Assam and the North airport. Almost all major
East from the prospective of the C of connectivity to the five Ts that towns are connected by
the Government of India is pursuing Tradition, Talent, Tourism, Trade railways. Waterways was
and Technologies is paramount. one of the main modes
of transport between
The Indian Government has completed 160 km of the Tamu-Kalewa- Kolkata and Assam before
Kalemyo (TKK) Friendship Road as part of the Trilateral Highway from independence.
Moreh in India to Mae Sot in Thailand. The remaining 120 km in the
Kalewa-Yargyi sector and the refurbishment of 71 bridges on the TKK The State has a length of
Road will be completed soon. The Government of India has resolved 3,834.68 km of National
to begin negotiations on a Transit Transport Agreement among India, Highways running across it
Myanmar and Thailand for the Trilateral Highway and is undertaking along with 2,530 km of State
the Kaladan Multimodal Project in Myanmar, including the port at Highways.
Sittwe which is nearing completion.
The total route length of the
railways in Assam is 2,471.18
Rebuilding the World War II road - Stilwell Road from Ledo in India to Myitkyina
km of which 2,091.87 are
in Myanmar shall provide a good platform for robust trade ties, beyond
broad gauge. There are 86
Myitkyina up to Kunming in China; the road is already well developed.
numbers of ferry services
The Government of Indias Act East Policy will provide a brilliant running across the rivers in
opportunity for the northeast to be integrated with the ASEAN market. Assam.

Natural Resources:
T he State boosts a vast array of minerals. It has a substantial reserve of
Coal (320 MMT), Limestone (703 MMT), Iron Ore(11 MMT) and Granite
(1 Billon Cu Mtr) along with many more resources like Fireclay, Lithomarge,
Bed Methane (CBM) Extraction, Exploration of Oil & Natural Gas and HDPE
/ LLDPE / Polypropylene based industries. Assam has an abundant reserve
of petroleum. The State has one of the oldest operating refinery in the world,
Fullers Earth, Sillimanite and Glass Sand. The coal found in Assam has a high Digboi Refinery (0.65 MMTPA) and three other refineries are also operating
sulphur content and low ash content. The most important minerals being in Bongaigaon (2.35 MMTPA), Guwahati (1.00 MMTPA) and Numaligarh (3.00
exploited so far in Assam are coal, oil and gas, limestone and sillimanite. MMTPA).
The China clay available in Karbi-Anglong district is a vital input for the
ceramics industry; already a few small plants have been setup. Deposits of The hydroelectric potential available in the State is estimated at 12 million
decorative stone like granite estimated to be more than a billion cubic meters, K.W., which is about 30% of Indias hydro power resources excluding that of
is available in various shades and colours, which have a huge market potential Brahmaputra which is itself 30 million K.W. at 60% load factor on the basis of
locally and abroad. Opportunities based on minerals are Gasification & minimum discharge. This represents one of the largest concentration of hydro
Liquefaction of Coal, De-Sulphurisation of Coal, Coal based Power Plant, Coal power potential in the world.

A Paradise of Greenery:
A ssam is a land of thousands of natural herbs and medicinal plants. The
unique geographical location, abundant fertile soil, friendly climate and
high rain fall has made this gift of herbal resources possible. With its vast hills
Low use of Chemical Fertilizers, once considered as curse, has now become a
boon. Most agricultural and horticulture products are organic now.

and forests, Assam is the home to a variety of medicinal plants such as world Some unique varieties of fruits with high commercial value grown in the State
famous Tea (Camelia sinensis), Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentine Benth. are: Assam Lemon (Citrus Limon L. Burmf) and Bhut jolokia (ghost chilli)
ex.Kur), Pippali (Piper longam Linn), Amlakhi (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), which is rated at more than 1 million Scoville Heat Units (SHUs).
Hilikha (Terinalia chebula Retz.), Bhomora (Terminalia belerica) etc.. More than
300 medicinal plants have been identified in Assam but only about 5-10% of BAMBOO - the best natural engineering material on this planet- is abundantly
the plants and herbs are currently utilized and the rest hold a vast potential. found and grown in the State. Government of Assam has directed its effort to
Lack of knowledge, space and adequate facilities are the main hurdles in promote bamboo as a wood substitute - the timber for 21st century.
converting the unique gift of nature in Assam to medicinal drug. Joha Rice is
one of the 40000 varieties of species of Oryza sativa and popular for its great Assam is world famous for its quality of tea as well as the natural beauty of the
aroma and equally palatable taste. Out of the 600 varieties of Orchids found, tea plantation area. Enormously found in the mountain region, its greenery and
around 200 varieties are unique to this region of which 60% are ornamental in pleasant climate make this location popular not only for its tea, but also for
nature. being a popular spot for enjoying eco-vacations. Assam, the home to the origin
of Indian Tea, some 165 years ago, is also one of the most famous Tea production
Agro-climatic conditions favors cultivation of wide range of horticultural crops spots in the world. The both sides of the famous river, Brahmaputra, constitute
including plantation crops and various fruits and vegetables, flowers, spices, the worlds largest tea growing area. Full bodied and multi flavored Assam Tea
medicinal & aromatic plants, nut crops and tuber crops. offers bright liquor that is enjoyed by all Tea drinkers.

Manpower Potential:
Y ouths from the North Eastern region can be noticed to be engaged in the
service and manufacturing sector all over India. All manufacturing units
in the State were able to adequately fulfil their skilled manpower requirement
from within the State.

T he State is emerging as a preferred tourist destination both at national
and international level. It offers a wide range of attractions like religious
sites, wildlife sanctuaries, eco-tourism & adventure tourism, tea tourism,

The State has five National Parks and eighteen Wildlife Sanctuaries. The
Kaziranga National Park with its one horned rhinoceros is the most visited
Proactive Government Initiatives:
A ssam Ease of Doing Business Bill, 2016 to facilitate ease of doing business
in the State.
Reforms undertaken to ease the process of several clearances.
Single Window Portal with several online filling and approval comes
into operation
Single Window Cell to be operative soon.
A more attractive Incentive Policy for MSME is to be announced soon.

Statistical Information about Assam
Geographical Location: 240 N- 280 N (Latitude) & 900 N- 960 N (Longitude) Buffaloes (000 Nos.): 507
Coordinates: 26.150 N, 91.770 E Goat (000 Nos.) : 4109
Geographical Area: 78438 Sq. km Fowls (000Nos.):12321
Time Zone : ST (UTC + 5:30) Ducks (000Nos.): 4617
Official Language: Assamese, Bengali (in Barak Valley Districts), Bodo (in Hospital and Dispensaries (000Nos.): 359
Bodo Territorial Council area) & English
Legislature Seats: 126 Forest as on 31.03.15
Members in Parliament: 14 Area under Reserved Forest (000 Hectare): 1397
Total Population (As Per Census 2011): 3,12,05,576 Area under proposed Reserved Forest (000 Hectare): 176
Male Population (As Per Census 2011): 1,59,39,443 Total Forest excluding unclassed State Forest (000 Hectare): 1935
Female Population (As Per Census 2011): 1,52,66,133 Numbers of National Parks: 5 Nos.
Percentage of Rural Population (As Per Census 2011):86 No of Wildlife Sanctuaries: 18 Nos.
Percentage of Urban Population (As Per Census 2011):14
Sex Ratio (As Per Census 2011): 958 Fisheries in Assam (2014-15)
Population Density (As Per Census 2011): 398/ Sq. km No. of Registered & unregistered Beel Fisheries: 1197 Nos.
Total Child Population (0 - 6 years) (As Per Census 2011): 46,38,130 Area under Beel Fisheries (Hect.): 100817
Child Sex Ratio (0 - 6 years) (As Per Census 2011): 962 Ponds and Tanks (Nos.): 368250
Literacy Rate (As Per Census 2011) (M+F): 72.19 % Area under Ponds and Tanks (Hect.): 60570
Districts: 35 Total Area under Fisheries (Hect.): 285349
Towns (As Per Census 2011): 214 Production of Fish seed (Million Nos.) : 4586
Villages (As Per Census 2011): 26,395 Production of Fish (000 Tones) : 282
Sub-Divisions (As Per Census 2011): 56
Revenue Circles (As Per Census 2011): 184 Power in Assam (2014-15)
Block Offices: 219(as on March 2012) Total installed Capacity (M.W) : 379.7
Gaon Panchayats: 2,202 (as on March 2012) Total Unit Generation (M.U) : 1894.65
Police Stations (2015): 311 Availability (MU): 7165.7
Police Out Posts (2015): 196 Total unit Billed to ultimate Consumers (M.U): 5482
Energy Requirement (M.U.): 9104.80
Livestock and veterinary (2014-15)
Crossed Breed cattle (000 Nos.): 528 Industry & Minerals in Assam (2014-15)
Indigenous Cattle (000 Nos.): 9410 Production of some selected industries

Petroleum (crude) (000M.T.) : 4447 Passenger transported (000 Nos. ): 16454
Coal (000M.T.) : 797 Goods transported: 13071 MT
Jute(000M.T.): 24
Fertilizer (000M.T.): 488 Postal service (2014-15)
Cement (000M.T.): 1277 Post Office: 4012 nos.
Wheat Flour (000 M.T): 951 Letter Boxes: 10286 nos.
Limestone (000 M.T.): 681
Natural Gas (Utilized): 2726 MCM Telephone service (2014-15)
Registered Factories (2014): 5537 Nos No. of Telephone exchanges: 577 Nos.
Village covered by Public Telephone: 24692 Nos.
Tea, Coffee & Rubber industries (2015) Public call offices: 10350 Nos.
No. of Tea Garden: 83566 Nos. Tele Density per 100 population ( overall): 5.37 %
Area under Tea Cultivation ( 000 Hectare): 316
Production of Tea (Tones) :526185 Tourism service (2014-15)
Area under coffee cultivation (2014-15): 1060 Hectare No. of Tourist using Tourist lodges
Production of Coffee (2014-15): 33 MT (i) Indian Tourist: 21092 Nos.
Area under Rubber cultivation (2014-15): 42097.01 Hectare (ii) Foreign Tourist: 422 Nos.
Production of Rubber (2014-15): 15341.57 MT No. of Tourist using other accommodation like hotel etc.
(i) Indian Tourist: 4842734 Nos.
Transport & Communication (2014-15) (ii) Foreign Tourist: 19583 Nos.
Total vehicle reregistered : 267900 Nos.
Total vehicle on road: 2384576 Nos. No. of different State Govt. Hospitals (2014)
National Highway (N.H.)(as on 2014-15): 3834.68 km Government Hospitals: 25 Nos.
Total PWD Road length including N.H.: 48696.68 km Sub-divisional Civil Hospitals: 13 Nos.
State Highway 2530 km Primary Health Centres: 1014 Nos.
Total Railway route length : 2471.18 km Community Health Centre: 151Nos.
Broad-gauge : 2091.87 km Sub-Centres: 4621 Nos.
Metre gauge: 379 .31 km MBBS Doctor (Govt+NRHM): 2581Nos.
Specialist Doctor (Govt+NRHM): 1133 Nos.
Airport transport (2014-15) Source:Directorate of Economics and Statistic, Assam.
Air traffic movement: 30363 Nos.
Average flight per day: 83 nos. No of National Parks: 5
Total area covered under National Parks: 1977.79 Sq. km
Inland water Transport (2014-15) No of National Parks: 18
Total no. of ferry service: 86 Nos. Total area covered under Wildlife Sanctuaries: 1840.14 Sq. km

Source: Official site of ENVIS Centre on Wildlife & Protected Area, Govt. of Employment in Private sector : 590773 Nos.
India. Educated Applicants in Live Register : 1387465 Nos.
Total Nos. of unemployed youth in Live Register : 1746520 Nos.
No of universities: 5 (Guwahati University, Dibrugarh University, Tezpur
University, Assam University Silchar, Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat.) Small Scale Industries/ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)
Source: www. The Small Scale Industries sector has a major contribution towards creating
employment in the State. Presently the small-scale industries have been sub-
Employment ( Ref. Year 2014) divided into Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises under the Micro, Small and
No of Employment Exchanges : 53 Nos. Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006. There are 41434 Nos. of
Employment Information & Assistance SSI/MSME units in Assam providing employment to 225297 Nos. of persons till
Bureau (EIAB) : 30 Nos. end of 2014-15 compared to 39028 units giving employment to 215574 persons
Employment in Organized sector : 1105995 Nos. in 2013-14.
Employment in Public sector : 515222 Nos.

Kamakhya Temple



Allotable Implementing
Sl. No. Name of the infrastructure with location land area
land area Agency
(Sq. m)
(Sq. m)
2.1 Industrial Growth Centre, Balipara 943248 669628 AIDC
2.2 Industrial Growth Centre, Matia 1850000 924924 AIDC
2.3 North East Mega Food Park, Tihu, Nalbari 111752 108987 AIDC/PPP
2.4 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre(IID), Demow, Sivasagar 84000 59875 AIDC
2.5 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IID), Titabar 80163 66411 AIDC
2.6 Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID), Silapathar, Dhemaji 59200 54200 AIDC
2.7 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IID), Naltali/ Bhomoraguri, Nagaon 104364 49986 AIDC
2.8 Infrastructure Developmental Project, Pathsala, Barpeta 70000 70000 AIDC
2.9 Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID) Centre, Malinibeel, Cachar 40000 7700 AIDC
2.10 Plastic Park Gellapukhuri, Tinsukia 455175 441675 AIDC
2.11 Food Park, Chaygaon, Kamrup (R) 66890 11000 ASIDC
2.12 Bamboo Technology Park , Chaygaon, Kamrup (R) 32107 32107 AIDC/PPP
2.13 Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID) Centre, Banderdewa, Lakhimpur 72252 37387 AIIDC
2.14 Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID), Serfanguri 64000 63700 AIIDC
2.15 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre(IID), Parbotipur, Tinsukia 104345 72163 AIIDC
2.16 Prag Jyoti Textile Park (P) Ltd., Bijulibari, Sipajhar, Darrang 155844 155844 AIDC/PPP
2.17 EPIP Centre, Amingaon, Kamrup (R) 185694 - AIDC
2.18 Industrial Growth Centre, Jambari, Chatabari, Patgaon, Kamrup (R) 683197 - AIIDC
2.19 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IID), Rangia, Kamrup (R) 144535 - AIIDC
2.20 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IID) Nathkuchi, Tihu, Nalbari 238386 - AIDC
2.21 Integrated Infrastructure Development(IID), Dalgaon, Darrang 108457 - AIDC


Balipara Places Name Distance

Airport Salanibari Airport 8 km

University Tezpur University 22 km
College Darrang College 16 km
School Assam Valley School -
Railway Station Dekargaon Railway Station 5 km
National Highway NH15 -
Tourist Place Nameri Eco Camp 23 km
Hotel Hotel KRC Palace, Tezpur 23 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
1604022.20 Sq. m, (1199 Bigha). Dev: 1,39,000 Semi Dev: 1,34,620
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
Dev: 2,80,938 Semi Dev: 6,62,310 Dev: 1,41,938 Semi Dev: 5,27,690

2.1 Industrial Growth Centre (IGC), Balipara, Sonitpur

T he Growth Centre at Chariduar (Balipara)

in the district of Sonitpur has been
developed to provide infrastructural facilities
The district is connected by two National
Highways 15 & 37 and is also connected by
railway from Rangia junction. The Salanibari,
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location
Nearest Railway station Dekargaon -5 km
of high standard in the District. airport is around 8 km from the city center on Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra
way to Balipara. River- 14 km; Brahmaputra, Silghat port
With Tezpur as its headquarter, Sonitpur Nearest Town/ City/ Distrct - Tezpur - 15 km, Balipra
district is spread over an area of 5,324 Sq. km The location of IGC Balipara is approx. 180 km -9 km, Dhekiajuli - 34 km, Nagaon - 53 km approx.
on the north bank of the Brahmaputra river. from Guwahati, 15 km from Tezpur town and Nearest Hotel:
In terms of area Sonitpur is the second largest 2 km from National Highway 15. The Fern Residency,
district of Assam after Karbi Anglong district. Hotel Kalash, KF Hotel,
The population of the district is 19,25,975 Medium and Large Industry in and around: Hotel Royal Regency,
as per 2011 census. The major industries Dabur India Ltd. KRC Palace,, .
in Sonitpur consist of tea processing, cane Nezone Biscuits Ltd. Nearest major educational centre/school/
products and food products etc. Tata Spice Park Universities-
K D Cement Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam
Connectivity: Berger Paints India Ltd. Darrang College, Tezpur
Tezpur, the head quarter of Sonitpur district, Assam Valley School, Balipara
is very well connected by road, rail and air. Infrastructure facilities available Army Public School, Tezpur
Plot size: St. Joseph Convent, Tezpur
200 Sq. m, 1000 Sq. m, 2000 Sq. m, 4000 Sq. m. Nearest Bank is SBI Balipara at a distance of 9 km.
8000 Sq. m and above. Almost all Nationalized Bank branches available at
Facilities available: Nearest Post Office located at Ghoramari & its
AIDC has developed Phase I for 350 Bighas respective PIN code is 784105.
of land with all infrastructure facilities like STD Code: 03712
approach road of approx 2 km from NH-15, Nearest Tourist places:
internal road, storm water drains, water Nameri National Park approx 23 km,
supply network, underground and over head Bhalukpong approx 37km,
water tank, street light, 132/33 KV, 2x 16 Orang National Park approx.41km
MVA substation for dedicated power line, Tawang approx. 324 km
administrative building and other common Agnigarh, - 18 km
facilities etc.


MATIA Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport, Borjhar 95 km

University Gauhati University 103 km
College Mornoi College 16 km
School Mornoi H.S. School -
Railway Station Dudhnoi Railway Station 26.8 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place Sri Surya Pahar 2 km
Hotel Hotel Moon Moon & Hotel Park Royal 2 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
2234126 Sq. m. (1670 Bigha). Dev: 112,276 Semi Dev: 8,12,800
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
Dev: 300,000.00 Semi Dev: 15,50,000 Dev: 1,87,724 Semi Dev: 737,200

2.2 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CENTRE, MATIA, GOALPARA Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location:

T he Growth Centre, Matia at Mornoi in the

District of Goalpara has been developed to
provide high standard infrastructural facilities
excellent road link with the entire North
Eastern States and rest of the country. Railway
connects the district with the rest of the State
Nearest Railway station Goalpara and Dudhnoi.
Railway siding facility available at Jogighopa Railway
to industrial units. and the country. Nearest River including River Port : Brahmaputra
River 3 km; Jogighopa Port on River Brahmaputra.
Goalpara district headquarter is located The project is located at Matia, which is Nearest Town/ Cities/ District: Goalpara - 15 km,
at Goalpara town. The district occupies an approx. 115 km away from Guwahati and Bongaigaon - approx 50 km, Jogighopa -35 km and
area of 1,824 Sq. km and has a population 15 km from National Highway 37. The LGB Siliguri-245 km .
of 10,08,059 as per the census 2011. The International Airport, Guwahati is the nearest Nearest Hotel :- Hotel Moon Moon and Hotel Park
Principal Agriculture produce are paddy, jute, Airport, which is approx 95 km away. Royal.
banana, green and black gram and potato. Nearest major educational centre/school/
However, the district is also known for its Medium and Large Industry in and around: Universities-
production of areca nut and banana. A big Eveready India Ltd. Sainik School, Marnai, Rajapara, Goalpara,
market of banana has come up at Darangiri. VLCC Kendriya Vidyala, Goalpara,
Bongigaon Refinery & Petroleum Ltd. Goalpara College, Goalpara.
Connectivity: TCPL (Packaging Unit) Mornoi, College, Mornoi
National Highway 37 passes through Goalpara C. G. Foods Mornoi Higher Secondary School, Matia
district. Busses ply from Guwahati and other Hamilton Houseware (P) Ltd. Nearest Bank is SBI Matia (Mornai) (IFSC Code
places in Assam into the district. Moreover, Brahmaputra Bio-Chem (P) Ltd. SBIN0009148). Most of the nationalized bank branch
Pancharatna Ghat is the nerve centre of the available at Goalpara town.
waterways facilities in the region. It has Infrastructure facilities available STD Code: Goalpara/Mornoi 03663
Plot size: Nearest Post Office located at Mornoi & Goalpara &
2000 Sq. m, 4000 Sq. m, 8000 Sq. m and respective PIN code 783101
above. Attraction of Goalpara/ Nearest Tourist spot:
Sri Sri Surjya Pahar is about 2 km from site and16
Facilities available: km from Goalpara town.
Developed plots of 1000 Sq. m and above with Hulukunda pahar is another beautiful hill in the
internal road 6 km, water supply distribution district.
network with 2,50,000 litre capacity, overhead Manas wild life sanctuary (Tiger Project) situated
reservoir, power supply system with 5 MVA approximately 70 km from site.
substation, internal drainage system, street Mahamaya Temple approximately 80 km from
lighting, guest house etc. site.


TIHU Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 95 km

University Gauhati University 85 km
College Tihu College/ Bajali College 13.2 km
School Tihu H.S. School 4.5 km
Railway Station Tihu Railway Station 4.5 km
National Highway NH31 1.0 km
Tourist Place Barpeta Kirtan Ghar 50 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
202434 Sq. m 151.25 Bighas 2765 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
111752.58 Sq. m 108987.58 Sq. m

2.3 North East Mega Food Park, tihu, nalbari

T he project is being implemented by a SPV

under the name and style M/s North East
Mega Food Park Ltd. (NEMFPL) under Mega
Road link to Nalbari is through National
Highway 31 and Broad-gauge line of the
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location
Nearest Railway station Tihu 4.5 km
Food Park Scheme of the Ministry of Food NF Railway. The Nalbari town is 2 km away
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra &
Processing Industries (MoFPI), Govt. of India from National Highway 31 whereas Rangia
Pandu Port 80 km
with the objective of providing adequate is a Railway junction and hence very well
Nearest Town/ City/ District: - Tihu 3 km, Pathsala
infrastructure for the food processing industry connected to the rest of India.
7 km, Nalbari - 22 km, Barpeta Road - 32 km
along with the value chain from the farm to distance.
the market. The project location is approx 90 km away
Nearest Hotel : Radisson Blu Hotel Guwahati is located
from Guwahati. Nearest Airport is LGB
3.5 km from the Saraighat Bridge.
NEMFPL is located at Nathkuchi, Nalbari International Airport at Borjhar Guwahati,
Nearest major educational centre/school/
district, whose headquarter is Nalbari town. which is at approx. 90 to 100 km. away.
It occupies an area of 2,257 Sq. km and has Tihu College at Tihu Town,
population 7,68,919 as per census 2011. Medium and Large Industry in and around:
Bajali College, at Pathsala,
Nalbari district is situated between Kamrup Berger Paints India Ltd. (British Paints)
Nalbari College, Nalbari; Assam, post : 781335
and Barpeta district. Although predominantly Floor Mills
Nalbari Commerce College, Nalbar, Assam
agrarian, industrial units are gradually being Patasarkuchi Higher Secondary School,
established in the district. Infrastructure facilities available
Facilities available:
Pathsala Higher Secondary School, Pathsala.
Approach road is approx 1.0 km from NH
Nearest Bank is SBI Tihu at a distance of 2.5 km
31. Standard Design Factory (SDF) for small
Nearest Post Office: Nathkuchi, Assam Syntex. and its
and medium enterprise (MSME), developed
respective PIN code is 781355.
industrial plots, cold storage of 1500 MT,
STD Code:
Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Quality
Nearest Tourist spot :
Control Labs etc., Common administrative
Manas National Park approx. 40 km distance.
building for office and other uses. Five
Hajo temples (Hayagriva Mahadeva Temple,
Primary Processing Centres (PPC) and few
Kameshwar Temple, Powa Mecca etc.) at 60 km
Collection Centre (CC) are also proposed to
be set up across the State. Internal Electrical
Barpeta Kirtan Ghar approx. 50 km
Distribution Network with 33/11 KV Sub-
Dubi Gahainghar, Dubi, Pathsala, -13 km
station etc. is also available.


Demow Places Name Distance

Airport Mohanbari Airport 75 km

University Dibrugarh University 30 km
College Demow College 2.0 km
School Demow H.S. School 1.0 km
Railway Station Simaluguri Junction 16.0 km
National Highway NH37 1.0 km
Tourist Place Rang Ghar, Talatal Ghar 20 km
Hotel At Sivasagar 23 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
123077.60 Sq. m (91.26 Bighas). 24,125 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
84,000 Sq. m 59,875 Sq. m

2.4 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Transportation, Communication and other facilities
Demow, Sivasagar available near the location:
Nearest Railway station: Simaluguri Junction - 16 km
from Sivasagar Town.
T he IID Centre at Demow in the District
of Sivasagar is a highly sophisticated
and environment friendly centre developed
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra,
Nearest Town/ city/ District: - Sivasagar - 16 km
approx, Dibrugarh - 48 km approx.
to provide infrastructural facilities of high
Hotel located at Sivasagar, which is approx. 16 km
standard to promote and strengthen small,
from the location (three star & above).
medium industries in the district.
Nearest major educational centre/school/
The district Sivasagar is situated in the eastern
Assam Medical College - 32 km
part of Assam, Sivasagar district stands high
Demow College, Demow, Sivasagar.
and tall with its rich aesthetic appeal. The area Medium and Large Industry in and around:
Sivasagar College, Sivasagar
of the district is 2,668 Sq. km and population OIL India Ltd (Navaratna Company)
Gargaon College, Gargaon, Sivasagar.
is 11,50,253 as per 2011 census. ONGC (Navaratna Company)
Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Corporate
Maisang Product (P) Ltd. (Bamboo
Connectivity: Product)
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Sivasagar is well connected by air, rail and Hillman International Ltd.
Nearest Bank is SBI Demow, UBI Demow etc. All most
road. The National Highway 37 runs through Unique Tea Company (P) Ltd.
all major Nationalized Bank Branches available at
the heart of the district. The location of IID
Centre Demow is approx 18 km from Sivasagar Infrastructure facilities available
Nearest Post Office located at Demow and its respective
town and approx 380 km from Guwahati Plot size:
PIN code is 785662.
city. Nearest airport is Mohanbari airport, 500 Sq. m, 1000 Sq. m, 1500 Sq. m, 2000 Sq. m,
STD Code : 03772
Dibrugarh & Rowriah airport, Jorhat, which is 3000 Sq. m 5000 Sq. m & above.
Nearest Tourist places as
approx. 75 to 80 km from the site.
Talatal Ghar, Sivasagar
Facilities available:
Joysagar Tank & temples, Sivasagar
Approach road is approx 1.0 km from NH
Rang Ghar, Sivasagar
37, Boundary wall with gate and gate house,
Gargaon Palace
internal road with drain and culvert, Overhead
Joy Sagar, Sivasagar
water tank with water supply net work, 33/11
Majuli (largest fresh water islands in South East
KV, 2.5 MVA and 11/0.43 KV, 100 KVA sub
Asia and considered one among the biggest river
stations, street lighting system, administrative
water island in the world) is at approx 66 km
and other common facilities etc.


titabor Places Name Distance

Airport Rowriah Airport 16 km

University Kaziranga University/Assam Agricultural University 30/18 km
College J. B. College 20 km
School Carmel School 17.6 km
Railway Station Titabar Railway Station 11 km
National Highway NH37 18 km
Tourist Place Kaziranga National Park 110 km
Medical Facilities Jorhat Medical College 18 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
160536 Sq. m (120 bigha) 13,752 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
80,163 Sq. m 66,411 Sq. m

2.5 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC), Transportation, Communication and other facilities
Titabor, Jorhat available near the location
Nearest Railway station: Titabor -11km
Nearest River/River port -Brahmaputra and River
A IDC Ltd. has established an IID Centre at
Titabor in the district of Jorhat, Assam to
provide infrastructural facilities for small and
The National Highway 37 passes right through
the district.
port located at Nemati ghat -31 km.
Nearest Town/ city/ district: Jorhat -16 km, Moriani -
15 km distance, Golaghat -29 km.
tiny industries with the assistance of Central
The location of IID Titabor is approx. 18 km Nearest Hotel: Newpark Hotel, Titabor, Jorhat
and State Govt.
from NH 37 & approx 318 km from Guwahati Assam
by road and approx 18 km from Jorhat town. Nearest major educational centre/school/
The first fully literate district in Assam,
The nearest airport is Rowriah, Jorhat, which Universities-
Jorhat was curved out of Sivasagar district
is approx 16 km away from site, connects the Assam Agricultural Univercity, Jorhat
in 1983. The area of the district is 2,852 Sq.
to the rest of the country with direct flights to Kajiranga University, Jorhat
km and population is 10,91,295 as per 2011
Kolkata. Jorhat Medical College, Jorhat
census. Jorhat was the headquarter of trade
Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat.
in undivided Sivasagar district. The main Infrastructure facilities available:
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, titabor, jorhat,
imported items to the district are pulses, Facilities available:
mustard oil, tobacco, cement, textile, chemicals Approach road, internal road with drainage,
Nearest Bank is SBI Titabor, All most all Nationalized
drugs and all kind of consume products. The power supply system with street lighting,
Bank Branches are available at Jorhat.
items of export are tea, jute, forest produce, water Supply Network with overhead tank,
Nearest Post Office : Titabor, PIN Code 785630,
oil, cake etc. administrative building etc,
STD Code- 03771
Nearest Tourist spot
Majuli (largest fresh water islands in South East
Asia and considered one among the biggest river
water island in the world) is at approx 43 km
Sivasagar (Talatal Ghar, Joysagar Tank & temples,
Rang Ghar, Gargaon Palace etc) around 67 km
Tocklai Tea Research Centre, one of the largest
and the oldest tea research stations in the world.
The centre was established in the year 1911.
Kaziranga National Park is around 110 km
from the Jorhat town.


SILAPATHAR Places Name Distance

Airport Lilabari Airport 65 km

University Tezpur University 122 km
College Dhemaji College 25 km
Railway Station Silapathar Railway Station 5 km
National Highway NH15 0.5 km
Tourist Place Malinithan 18 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
81500 Sq. m. (61 bigha) 5,000 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
59,200 Sq. m 54,200 Sq. m

2.6 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Silapathar, Dhemaji
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
A IDC Ltd. has established an IID Centre
at Silapathar in the district of Dhemaji,
Assam to provide infrastructural facilities for
Majarbari and Bogibeel- Kareng Ghats. Although
land locked, it is expected that the avenues of
district will be opened with the opening of Bogibeel
available near the location
Nearest Railway station Silapathar-5km
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra,
small and tiny industries with the assistance Bridge.
Bagibeel Ghat. -30 km (approx.)
of the Central and the State Govt.
The project site location is approx 458.7 km Nearest Town/ city - Dibrugarh 24 km, North
Dhemaji district occupies an area of 3,237 Sq. km from Guwahati city by road and Silapathar Lakhimpur 56 km Tinsukia 70 km from silapathar
and has a population of 6,88,077 as per census railway Station is the nearest railway station, Approx.
2011. The district headquarter is Dhemaji town. which is at 5 km distance. Nearest Airport is Nearest Hotel located at Silapathar, approximately 3.0
The economy of Dhemaji is generally agro based. Lilabari (Lakhimpur), which is about 65 km km from the location ( three star )
Sericulture, fishing and driftwood businesses from the location. Nearest major educational centre/school/
are practiced in smaller scale. Universities-
Infrastructure Available: Dhemaji College, established in 1965.
Plot size: Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Hatigahr,
The National Highway 15 passes through
400 Sq. m, 500 Sq. m & above. Dhemaji, Assam
Dhemaji district and it extends up to Jonai.
Direct bus communication available from Facilities available: Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gerukamukh
Pasighat, Along & Itanagar of Arunachal Approach road of approx 500 mtr from Nearest Bank is SBI Silapathar, & other nationalized
Pradesh. Railway communication also National Highway, Internal road with Bank Branch at Dhemaji & Silapathar.
available from Guwahati and Alipur. Ferry drainage, power supply system with street Nearest Post Office : Silapathar Pin code is 787059,
services available from Dibrugarh through Dibru- lighting, Water Supply Network with overhead STD Code 03753
Sonari- Burisuti, Dibru-Sissi-Machkhowa, Dibru- reservoir etc. Nearest Tourist spots :
Malini Than, - 18 km
Maa Manipuri Than 40 km
Bordoi Bum Beelmukh Bird Sanctuary 60 km
Gerukamukh Tourist Spot, - 62 km
Along Town Hill Station 150 km
Mechuka Town Hill Station 250 km
Mouling National Park 275 km


Places Name Distance

Airport Salonibari Airport 20 km
University Tezpur University 10 km
College Tezpur College 14 km
School Army Public School, Tezpur 37.7 km
Railway Station Silghat Railway Station 10 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place Nameri Eco Camp/Kaziranga National Park 50-70 km
Hotel Hotel KRC Palace, Tezpur 23 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
164549 Sq. m (123 Bighas, 54,378 Sq. m
Bhomoraguri plot 71 Bigha & Naltali
plot 52 Bigha)
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
104,364 Sq. m 49,986 Sq. m

2.7 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Naltali/Bhomoraguri, Nagaon
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
available near the location
T he IID Centre at Bhomoraguri/ Naltali in
the district of Nagaon, Assam has been
developed to provide infrastructural facilities

Berger Paints India Ltd.
Dabur India Ltd.
Nezone Biscuits Ltd.
Nearest Railway station- Silghat- 10 km
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra,
of high standard to promote and strengthen K D Cement
Nearest Town/ city - Tezpur, 8 km, Nagaon at 45 km,
small industries in the district.
Guwahati at 145 km
Infrastructure available
Nearest Hotel located at Tezpur, which is approx. 8 to
Nagaon district occupies an area of 3,831 Plot size:
10 km from the location ( above three star & above).
Sq. km and has a population of 28,26,006 as 400 Sq. m, 500 Sq. m, 1000 Sq. m & above.
Nearest educational centre/school/Universities-
per census 2011. The district headquarter
Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam
are located at Nagaon. Agriculture is the Facilities available:
Tezpur College, Tezpur
predominate economic activity of the people Approach road of approx 650 mtrs from NH-
Army Public School, Tezpur
of the district. The main plantation and 37, internal road with drainage, power supply
Nowgong Polytechnic College near Kendriya
horticultural crops are banana, pineapple, system with street lighting, Water Supply
Vidyalaya, Nagaon.
betel-nut and coconut. Next to agriculture, Network with overhead reservoir etc.
Renassaince Junior College, BM Rd, Nagaon,
handloom and weaving are the main cottage
Assam 782001
industrial activity.
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Nagaon (Assam)
Nagaon Girls College Haibargaon, Nagaon, Assam
The National Highway 37 passes through the
Nearest Bank is SBI Kuwaritol Branch. All other
district, providing excellent connectivity with
Nationalized Bank Branches are available at Tezpur &
the rest of the State. The Project location is
apporx. 135 km form Guwahati, 45 km from
STD Code: 03672
Nagaon town and 30 km from Kaziranga
Nearest Tourist spot
National Park. The Kaliabhomora Bridge over
Kaziranga National Park at 50-70 km distance.
Brahmaputra is 3 kms from the site. Nearest
Orang National Park -58 km.
Airport is Salanibari (Tezpur) which is about
Nameri National Park- 50 km.
20 km from the location.
Bhalukpong- 62 km.
Agnigarh, Tezpur, 30 km
Medium and Large Industry in and around:
Tata Spice Park
Powerline Green (Kirlosker)


pathsala Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 101 km

University Gauhati University 90 km
College Bajali College 5 km
School Bajali H.S. School 5 km
Railway Station Pathsala Railway Station 2 km
National Highway NH31 5 km
Tourist Place Dubi Devalaya 4.2 km
Hospital Civil Hospital, Pathsala 4 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
133780 Sq. m (100 bigha) ..
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
70,000 Sq. m 70,000 Sq. m

2.8 Infrastructure Development Project, IDP Pathsala,
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
A IDC has decided to set up an Infrastructure
Development Project, (IDP) at Pathsala,
Barpeta with financial assistance from MSME
and rail transport entering the State from
the mainland India and moving towards the
capital Guwahati. This puts the district at a very
available near the location
Nearest Railway station Pathsala
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra
Govt. of India. advantageous position. The project site
Pandu Port.
is approx 105 km from Guwahati by
Nearest Town/ city - Barpeta town at 37 km distance,
Barpeta is one of oldest districts of Assam road. Nearest Railway station is Pathsala
Nearest Hotel located at Pathsala, which is approx. 4
and district headquarter is located at Barpeta Railway Station, which is at 2 km away. The
km from the location.
Town. The district occupies an area of 3,245 Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International
Nearest educational centre/school/Universities-
Sq. km and has a population of 16,93,190 Airport is approx 101 km from the
Bajali College, Pathsala
as per census 2011. The district economy, site.
Krishna Kanta Handique Junior College,
though predominantly agrarian, has variety
of fields like handicrafts, handloom, fishery, Infrastructure facilities available
Patasarkuchi Higher Secondary School,
sericulture and tea. The district also produces Facilities proposed:
the famed Assamese Silk, Eri and Muga Approach Road of 2.5 km from Pathsala
Pathsala Higher Secondary School, Pathsala
fabric. Town, Internal road with drainage, Power
Gilbert English Medium School, Near Railway
supply system with Street lighting, Water
station,, Pathsala.
Connectivity: Supply Network with overhead reservoir,
Nearest Bank is SBI Pathsala (IFSC Code: SBIN
Barpeta is well connected to rest of the Administrative and other services complex,
0002099). Some other Nationalized Bank Branches
India by a network of roads and railways. Developed/ Semi Developed land with
are also available at Pathsala.
Moreover, it falls en- route to most roads common Boundary wall etc.
STD Code: 03666
Nearest Tourist spot located.
Manas National Park approx. 50 km distance.
Hajo temples (Hayagriva Mahadeva Temple,
Kameshwar Temple, Powa Mecca etc.) at 50 km
Barpeta Namghar approx. 40 km
Dubi Devalaya, Dubi, Pathsala, - 4.2 km


malinibeel Places Name Distance

Airport Kumbhirgram Airport 30 km

University Assam University 22 km
College Gurucharan College 2.5 km
Railway Station Silchar Railway Station 2 km
National Highway NH53 -
Tourist Place Palace of Kachari Kings 10 km
Hospital Silchar Medical College 8 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
120402 Sq. m (90 bigha) 32,300 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
40,000 Sq. m 7,700 Sq. m

2.9 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Malinibeel, Cachar

A IDC Ltd. has established an IID Centre

at Malinibeel, in the district of Cachar,
Assam to provide infrastructural facilities for
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location.
Nearest Railway station with availability of railway
small and tiny industries with the assistance sliding facility, Silchar-2 km
of Central and State Govt. Nearest River, Barak River
Nearest Town/ city - Silchar 1.5 km, Hailakandi-
Cachar district, with its headquarter located 31 km , Karimganj- 47 km
at Silchar, occupies an area of 3,786 Sq. km Nearest Hotel located at Silchar, which is approx. 1.5
and has a population of 17,36,319 as per Manipur. The east-west corridor also connects km from the location (three star & above)
2011 census. Silchar is one of the most active Silchar Town. The railway and air network is Nearest educational centre/school/Universities-
business centres of Assam. The healthy also available within the district. Assam University
economic condition of Cachar comes from Silchar Medical College & Hospital
Tea, Rice, Timber, Bamboo, Cane, Stone, Sand The project site is approx 343 km from NIT Silchar
and Natural Gas. Strategically, the district is Guwahati city by Road and approx 0.1 km Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalaya
important as it is the gateway to Mizoram and from National highway-53. Kumbhirgram Gurucharan College
also to the western part of Manipur and is Airport (Silchar) is the nearest airport, which Womens College, Silchar
surrounded by hills in almost three sides. is 25- 30 km from the location. Silchar Railway Nearest Bank is SBI (IFSC Code: SBIN 0000183). All
station is approx 2 km away from the site. most all nationalized & Private Bank Branches are
Connectivity: available at Silchar Town
Cachar is connected by road with Guwahati Infrastructure facilities available STD Code: 03842
via Jowai-Shillong. The Jowai Badarpur road Plot Size: Nearest Tourist spot
also connects Mizoram, Tripura and part of 500 Sq. m, 1000 Sq. m 2000 Sq. m and above. Sri Kancha Kanti Devi Mandir, an one of old
temple near Silchar -15 km
Facilities available: Palace of Kachari King -10 km
Approach Road of 1 km from NH-53, Internal Maniharan Tannel 40 km
road with drainage, Electrical Distribution Shiva Mandir 35 km
network, Water Supply Network with Kanchankanti Kali Mandir 15 km
Overhead Reservoir, Administrative and other
services complex, Developed/ Semi Developed
land with common Boundary wall etc.


Gellapukhuri Places Name Distance

Airport Mohanbari Airport 40 km

University Dibrugarh University 75 km
School Tinsukia Jatiya Vidyalaya School 5 km
Railway Station Tinsukia Railway Station 5 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place Dibru-Saikhowa National Park 13 km
Hotel Aroma Hotel, Tinsukia 5 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
6,68,900 Sq. m (500 Bighas) 13500 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
4,55,175 Sq. m 441675 Sq. m

2.10 Plastic Park, gellapukhuri, Tinsukia Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location:

A ssam Industrial Development Corporation

Ltd. on behalf of the Govt. of Assam has
taken initiative to promote a Plastic Park at
road from the State capital Dispur. Almost all
major trains coming from the Indian mainland
continue up to Tinsukia. The nearest airport
Nearest Railway station with availability of railway
siding facility, Tinsukia- 5km
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra,
Tinsukia. The Plastic Park is being set up is at Mohanbari, Dibrugarh which is about 40 Chaikhowaghat.
for facilitating the downstream units of Gas km from Tinsukia with daily flights from Delhi Nearest Town/ city: Tinsukia- 4 km, Duliajan Oil
Cracker project. Guwahati & Kolkata. The project location is at Town - 22 km, Digboi 25 - km, Margherita - 34
Gelapukhuri, Tinsukia which is approximately km, Dibrugarh-55 km
Tinsukia is the birthplace of Indias Tea & 50 km from Gas Cracker project site and 5 km Nearest Hotel
Petroleum Industry. Tinsukias headquarter from Tinsukia Railway station. Aroma, Tinsukia
is located at Tinsukia town and the district Hotel Highway, Tinsukia
occupies an area of 3,790 Sqkm with a Medium and Large Industry in and around: Hotel Royal Highness, Tinsukia
population of as per census 2011. In 1876, coal Oil India Ltd., Duliajan Rangghar Residencia, Tinsukia
was found near Ledo and Margherita. In 1882 Digboi Refirenery, Digboi Centre Point, Tinsukia
crude oil was found in Digboi and the first oil Hindustan Unilever Ltd Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
well of India was drilled. In 1901, Asias first Coal India Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh
and the worlds second oil refinery was set up Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh
in Digboi. 1882, the Dibru Sadiya railway line Ltd. Tinsukia Commerce College, Tinsukia
was inaugurated through Tinsukia, which was Tinsukia College, Tinsukia
the turning point in the economical history of Infrastructure facilities available Womenss CollegeTinsukia
Industrial TrainingInstitute, Tinsukia
North East India. Plot size:
Tinsukia Jatiya Vidyalaya, Gela pukhuri, Tinsukia, Assam.
20,230.00 Sq. m, 4,046 Sq. M, 12,138 Sq. m &
Vivekananda KendraVidyalaya
Connectivity: 20,230 Sq. m,
Nearest Bank is SBI, Tinsukia (IFSC Code: SBIN
Tinsukia is well connected by air, national
0000183). All major National & Private Bank Branches
highway and railway. It is only 532 km by Facilities available:
are available at Tinsukia.
Industrial Shed, Warehouse, Central facility
STD Code: 0374
centre with quality control lab, training hall,
Nearest Tourist spots
tool room, Bank & ATM, Conference room,
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park is 13 km from
Guard room, Security Building with police post,
Tinsukia town which is 483 km. from Guwahati.
Service apartment, Truck parking, OHT and
Bherjan Borjan- Padumoni Wild life sanctuary,
Water treatment plant, rain water harvesting
6 km from Tinsukia Town. It is famous for
and fire fighting tank, sewage treatment plant,
endangered Hoolock Gibbon.
ETP, Internal road with foot path, drainage, 20 The Tingra, Zaloni and Naharkatia Golf Coures.
MVA power station etc.


Chaygaon Places Name Distance

Airport LGBI 40 km
University Gauhati University 42 km
School At Guwahati 60 km
Railway Station Bamunigaon Railway Station 3 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place At Guwahati 60 km
Hotel At Guwahati 60 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
133780 Sq. m. (100 Bigha). 55890 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
66890 Sq. m 11000 Sq. m


T he Food Park, Chaygaon is located at

Chatabari in the District of South Kamrup
(part of undivided Kamrup) has been
NH-37 at a point called Lampara.)

Major Industries in the Food Park :

developed in a land area measuring 33 acres 1. Bhogali Food Products
to provide standard infrastructural facilities 2. KDG Food products
for Food Processing Industrial units. 3. Asian Thai Foods India Pvt Ltd Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
4. Uma Polymers Pvt Ltd available near the location:
Connectivity : 5. Sigma Spice Industries Pvt Ltd Nearest Railway station with siding facility at
National Highway 37 passes through South 6. Oja Trade and Industry Bamunigaon Rly station.
Kamrup district. It extends up to Pancharatna 7. Sigma Food Industries Nearest River including River Port: There are no
in Goalpara on the bank of river Brahmaputra. designated river port/s but Brahmaputra River at
Infrastructure facilities available:
It is about 60 km from Guwahati and 40 Goroimari is about 10 km from the location .
Power : 2.5 MVA substation with 33/11 KVA
km from Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi Nearest Town/ Cities/ District: Guwahati - 60 km,
Water Supply: 50000 lt capacity ( Boring done
International Air Port (LGBI). The BG Railway Jogighopa -50 km and Siliguri approximately at a
to be installed shortly)
line from Guwahati connects Bongaigaon via distance of 300 km .
Internal Road and Drainage : Yes
Jogighopa. The nearest Railway station is Nearest Hotel: Hotels are located at Guwahati.
Cold Storage facility : 2500 MT
Bamunigaon which is about 3 km from the Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
Industrial Growth Centre, Chaygaon. (To reach Plot size: All educational Institutes are located at Guwahati.
the Growth Centre: it is about 3.00 km from 300 Sq. m and above However, Donbosco School is located at Boko which is
about 15 km from the location.
Nearest Bank at UCO Bank and PNB at Bamunigaon
and SBI Chaygaon.
ATM of SBI is located at the Industrial Growth Centre,
Nearest Post Office located at Bamunigaon and Boko.
Nearest Airport: LGBI Airport, Guwahati - 40 km


Chaygaon Places Name Distance

Airport LGBI Airport 40 km

University Gauhati University 42 km
School Donbosco School 15.0 km
Railway Station Bamunigaon Railway Station 3.0 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place At Guwahati 60 km
Hotel At Guwahati 60 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
80268 Sq m. (60 Bigha). Nil
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
32107Sq. m (24 Bigha) 32107 Sq. m ( 24 bigha)


T he Bamboo Technology Park (BTP),

Chaygaon is located at Jambari in the
District of South Kamrup (part of undivided
Bamunigaon which is about 3 km from the
Industrial Growth Centre, Chaygaon. To reach
the Growth Centre: it is about 3.00 km from
Kamrup) has been developed in a land area NH-37 at a point called Lampara.
measuring 20 acres to provide standard
infrastructural facilities for Bamboo based Infrastructure facilities available: Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
Industrial units. Power : 1860 KW available near the location:
Water Supply: 1 lakh litre Nearest Railway station with siding facility at
Connectivity : Internal Road and Drainage : Available Bamunigaon Railway station.
National Highway 37 passes through South Common facilities : Nearest River including River Port: There are no
Kamrup district. It extends up to Pancharatna Common facility centre- 4 nos with designated river port/s but Brahmaputra River at
in Goalpara on the bank of river Brahmaputra. Machieries. Goroimari is about 10 km from the location .
It is about 60 km from Guwahati and 40 Marketing Centre with Laboratry and product Nearest Town/ Cities/ District: Guwahati - 60 km,
km from the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi design facility - 1 no Jogighopa -50 km and Siliguri approximately at a
International Air Port (LGBI). The BG Railway distance of 300 km .
line from Guwahati connects Bongaigaon via Plot size: Nearest Hotel :- Hotels are located at Guwahati.
Jogighopa. The nearest Railway station is Not specified and need based. Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
All educational Institutes are located at Guwahati.
However, Donbosco School is located at Boko which is
about 15 km from the location.
Nearest Bank at UCO Bank and PNB at Bamunigaon
and SBI Chaygaon.
ATM of SBI is located at the Industrial Growth Centre,
Nearest Post Office located at Bamunigaon and Boko.


Banderdewa Places Name Distance

Airport Lilabari Airport 50 km

University Gauhati University 340 km
Railway Station Harmoti Railway Station 8 km
National Highway NH15 -
Tourist Place Itanagar 30 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
120420 Sq. m (90 Bigha). 34865 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
72252 Sq. m 37387 Sq. m

2.13 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Banderdewa, lakhimpur

T he IID Centre at Banderdewa in the District

of Lakhimpur is located at Banderdewa
and developed in a plot of land measuring 30
Industrial units located in the IIDc
1. Gopal Concrete Pipe Industries.
acres to provide infrastructure facilities to 2. Purbanchal Inra Pvt Ltd
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
industrial units. 3. Laxmi Enterprise
available near the location:
4. Green Tech Eco Industries
Nearest Railway station and Railway siding at Harmoti:
8 km from the IIDC
The location is well connected with NH-15 Infrastructure facilities available:
Nearest InterState Border Point is about 5 km from
and BG Railway line. It is about 5 km from the Power : 2.5 MVA Substation with dedicated
the site
Arunachal Pradesh Border and 40 km from 33/11 KV power line.
Nearest River: Dikrong
Lakhimpur Town. It is about 355 km from Water: 1 lakh litre
Nearest Town/ city/: Nearest town : Banderdewa and
Guwahati and 8 km from Harmati Railway Internal Road and Drainage: Available
Station . Nearest air port is the Lilabari
Hotels located at Banderdewa: Hotel Dikrong
Airport which is about 50 km from the Plot size:
Nearest Hospitals : Civil Hospital Lakhimpur
location. 300/500 Sq. m
Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities:
Rajiv Gandhi Central University, Doimukh ( Arunachal
Pradesh), NERIST, Nirajuli ( Arunachal Pradesh)
Nearest Bank/s : SBI and UBI at Banderdewa.
Nearest Post Office: Pathali Pam
STD Code : 03752
Nearest Tourist places : Itanagar ( Arunachal Pradesh),
Birth Place of Saint Madhbdev at Bihpuria.
Nearest Airport is Lilabari -50 km


Serfanguri Places Name Distance

Airport LGBI 240 km

University Kokrajhar University 22 km
Railway Station Fakiragram Railway Station 22 km
National Highway NH31-A -
Hotel Bongaigaon 45 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
108140 Sq. m (80.83 Bighas). 300 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
64000 Sq. m 63700 Sq. m

2.14 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),

T he IID Centre at Serfunguri in the District

of Kokrajhar is located at Serfunguri and
developed in a plot of land measuring 33
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
acres to provide infrastructure facilities to
available near the location:
industrial units.
Nearest Railway station & Siding Fakiragram : 22 km
from the IIDC
Nearest InterState Border Point at Sri Rampur is about
The location is well connected with Express
45 km from the site
National Highway -31-A and BG Railway line.
Nearest International Border Point with Bhutan at
It is about 30 km from Kokrajhar and 45 km
Hatisar ( Dadgiri) is 45 km from the site
from Bongaigaon Town. It is about 250 km
Nearest River : Gaurang
from Guwahati and 22 km from Fakiragram
Nearest Town/city/: nearest town Kokrajhar
Railway Station . Nearest air port is the
Nearest Hotels located at Kokrajhar & Bongaigaon
Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi Airport (LGBI)
Nearest Hospitals at : Serfunguri, Kokrajhar and
Guwahati which is about 240 km from the
Nearest Large Industry : Bongaigaon Refinery &
Petrochemicals Ltd.
Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
Janata College, Serfunguri.
Nearest Bank/s : Assam Gramin Vikash Bank and
Industrial units located in the IIDc
UCO Bank at Dotoma
Nearest Post Office: Serfunguri
Operational unit: Nil
STD Code : 03661
Nearest Airport: LGBI Airport-240 km.
Infrastructure facilities available:
Power: 250 KVA substation
Water: 50000 litre
Internal Road and Drainage: Available

Plot size:
300 Sq. m and 500 Sq. m


Parbatipur Places Name Distance

Airport Mohanbari Airport 130 km

University Dibrugarh University 140 km
Railway Station Ledo Railway Station 25 km
National Highway NH-153 -
Hotel At Margherita 32 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
173908Sq. m (130 Bighas). 32182 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
104345 Sq. m 72163 Sq. m

2.15 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Parbatipur, tinsukia

T he IID Centre at Parbatipur in the District

of Tinsukia is located at Parbatipur, Jagun
and developed in a plot of land measuring 43
Mohonbari, Dibrugarh which is about 130 km
from the location.
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
available near the location:
acres to provide infrastructure facilities to Industrial units located in the IIDC
Nearest Railway station and Railway siding Ledo : 25
industrial units. Parbotipur:
km from the IIDC
Prabhat Food Products Industry
Nearest InterState Border Point at Joyrampur is about
7 km from the site
The location is well connected with National Infrastructure facilities available:
Nearest River: Tirap river
Highway 153 (the erstwhile Stillwell Road) Power : 100 KW with 250 KVA transformer
Nearest Town/ city/: Margherita, Digboi and
and BG Railway line upto Ledo. It is about 81 Water : 50000 litre capacity
km from Tinsukia, 32 km from Margherita, Internal Road and Drainage: yes
Nearest large industries : IOC Digboi Refinery which
and 7 km from Joyrampur ( Border point of
is about 49 km and Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Doom
Assam and Arunachal Pradesh). It is about Plot size:
dooma which is about 80 km from the site.
545 km from Guwahati and 25 km from 300 and 500 Sq. m
Hotels located at: Margherita, Digboi and Tinsukia
Ledo Railway Station . Nearest air port is
Nearest Hospitals : Civil Hospital Margherita, IOC
Hospital Digboi.
Nearest major educational centre/schools: DPS,
Digboi, Sanskriti the Gurukul, Doomdooma, St Marrys
School Margherita, etc.
Nearest Bank/s : UCO, UBI And BOI at Jagun.
Nearest Post Office: Jagun
STD Code : 03751
Nearest Tourist places : Namdopha, Miao, Pangschu
Pass ( Indo-Mynmar Border), Rain forest, etc.
Nearest Airport: Mohanbari-130 km.


Sipajhar Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 95 km

University Gauhati University 85 km
College Sipajhar College 5.2 km
School Sipajhar H.S. School 3.5 km
Railway Station Baihata Railway Station 28.5 km
National Highway NH15 1.0 km
Tourist Place Madan Kamdev, Baihata 26.2 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
243134.45 Sq. m. (181.74 Bigha). Nil
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
155844.00 Sq. m 155844.00

2.16 Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd., Bijulibari, Sipajhar,

T he Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd., located

at Bijulibari, Sipajhar in the District of
Darrang, has been set up under the Scheme
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location:
for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) under the Nearest: Railway station Baihata, siding facility at
Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India. It has been Changsari Railway Station.
developed in a land area measuring 60.08 Nearest River including River Port: Navigable
acres to provide standard infrastructural river Brahmaputra is around 10 km by road and its
facilities for Textile based industrial units. passing through Darrang district connecting Amingaon port is around 45 km. .
Dhemaji, Assam. The park is around 60 km Nearest Town/ Cities/ District: Guwahati 60 km,
Darrang districts headquarter is at Mongaldoi from Guwahati city and 95 km from the LGB Mangoldoi- 19 km.
town & it occupies an area of 3,481 Sq. km and International Airport. Nearest major educational centre school/
has population 9,08,090 as per census 2011. Universities-
The district has every potential to be one of The textile park is well placed having good Sipajhar H.S. School,
the nerve center of Assams economy. connectivity to North Eastern States and other Sipajhar College,
parts of Eastern India and also to foreign Guwahati University,
Connectivity: countries like- Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Tezpur University.
Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd. is well Burma. All major Nationalized Bank is having its branches at
connected by road, rail & air. The textile park Sipajhar within a radius of 5 km.
is located on the National Highway No. 15 Infrastructure Facilities Proposed: ATM of all banks are available within a radius of 5km.
Approach road from NH 15, Boundary wall Nearest Post Office is Khandajan having Pin Code as
with gate and gate house, internal road with 784145.
drain and culvert, Water distribution network Tourist Spot:
of capacity 0.68 MLD Internal electrical Madan Kamdev, Baihata
distribution with street lighting system, power Nameri National Park
supply by 17.83 MVA sub station with 132 KV Bhalukpong
dedicated line, administrative and security Orang National Park
barrack house, security system and other
common facilities required as per scheme etc.

Plot Size:
Not specified and need based.


Amingaon Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 15 km

University Gauhati University 4.5 km
College Cotton College 12 km
School Faculty H.S. School -
Railway Station Kamakhya Junction 8 km
National Highway NH31 & 37 -
Tourist Place Kamakhya Temple 10 km
Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel 5 km
Hospital Gauhati Medical College and Hospital 15 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
275586 Sq. m (206 Bighas) 185694 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
185694 Sq. m --

2.17 EXPORT PROMOTION INDUSTRIAL PARK (EPIP), Amingaon, Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
available near the location:
Kamrup (R) Nearest Railway station with availability of railway sliding
facility,- Kamakhya Junction 8 km, Guwhati Railway

T he Export Promotion Industrial Park

(EPIP) located at Amingaon, Guwahati
is spread over an area of 206 Bighas (68.10
The project site location is around 8 km
away from the Kamakhya Railway junction &
around 15 km from Guwahati Railway station.
station - 12 km, Changsari Railway station -12 km
Nearest River including River Port: Brahmaputra,
Pandu Port - 7 km
acres) of land. A total area of 1,83,975 Sq. m of Nearest Airport is the LGB International Inland Container Depot, Amingaon
Developed plots and 3(three) nos of industrial Airport Guwahati, which is around 15 km Nearest Town/ city - Guwahati other side of River Brahmaputra.
sheds have been allotted to 58 units. The park away from the site. Nearest Hotel : Radisson Blu Hotel Guwahati is located
has been developed with National Standard 3.5 km from the Saraighat Bridge.
Infrastructural facilities. The park has created Infrastructure facilities available Nearest major educational centre/school/
direct employment to about 4,000 people and Plot size: Universities-
indirect employment to about 12,000 people. Plot size varies based on the project size, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
which ranges from plot measuring 500 sqm to Gauhati University Jalukbari, Guwahati
Since 2005, the Kamrup has been divided 26065 sqm. Assam Engineering College, Jalukbari
between the Kamrup (Metropolitan) and Gauhati Medical College, Guwahati
Kamrup (Rural) districts. This pair of districts Land availability as on date: Govt Ayurvedic College, Jalukbari, Guwahati
occupies a total area of 4345 Sq. km and has a No land is lying vacant. All the allocable land Tata Institute of Social Science, Guwahati
population of 15,17,292 as per census 2011. has already been allotted. Krishna Kanta Handiqui Open university, Guwahati
4 nos of Kendriya Vidyalaya,
Connectivity: Facilities available: Faculty Higher Secondary School, North Guwahati
Kamrup, perhaps, has the best connectivity Approach road of about 1 km from the junction Sarla Birla Public School, Amingaon
scenario in the entire North East. Guwahati point of NH-31 and Hajo Road, Internal road Delhi Public School, Guwahati
being the commercial hub, it is connected with drainage, power supply system with Nearest Bank is SBI, ICD-Amingaon. (IFSC Code:
to every nook and corner of the State by an street lighting, Water Supply Network with SBIN 0009201), all other nationalized bank braches
extensive network of roads. The headquarter of overhead Reservoir, 33 KV Power line, 2/5 available at Guwahati.
NF Railway is located at Maligaon, Guwahati. MVA sub station STD Code: 0361
Nearest Tourist spots:
Kamakhya Temple - 10 km
Assam State Zoo, Guwahati
Assam State Museum, Guwahati
Umananda Mandir, Guwahati
Basistha Ashram, Guwahati
Doul Gobinda Mandir, North Guwahati


Chaygaon Places Name Distance

Airport LGBI 40 km
University Gauhati University 42 km
School At Guwahati 60 km
Railway Station Bamunigaon Railway Station 3 km
National Highway NH37 -
Tourist Place At Guwahati 60 km
Hotel At Guwahati 60 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
900139 Sq m. (672 B. 4 K. 5 L.). 683197 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
683197 Sq. m Nil

chatabari, patgaon, KAMRUP (R)

T he Growth Centre, Chaygaon-Jambari is

located at Chatabari in the District of
South Kamrup (part of undivided Kamrup)
Major Industries in the Growth Centre :
2. Sturdy Industries
has been developed in a land area measuring 3. Hamilton Houseware (P) Ltd ( Milton Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
215 acre to provide standard infrastructural products) available near the location:
facilities to industrial units. 4. C G Foods Nearest Railway station with siding facility at
5. Fabric Plus Bamunigaon Rly station.
Connectivity : 6. Megha Granules, Nearest River including River Port : There are no
National Highway 37 passes through South 7. Brahmaputra Bio-Chem ( P) Ltd, designated river port/s but Brahmaputra River at
Kamrup district. It extends up to Pancharatna 8. Rousena Udyog, etc Goroimari is about 10 km from the location .
in Goalpara on the bank of river Brahmaputra. Nearest Town/ Cities/ District: Guwahati - 60 km,
It is about 60 km from Guwahati and 40 Infrastructure facilities available: Jogighopa -50 km and Siliguri approximately at a
km from the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi Power : 33 MVA Substation with 33 KV line distance of 300 km .
International Air Port (LGBI). The BG Railway Water Supply: 2 lakh litre capacity Nearest Hotel :- Hotels are located at Guwahati.
line from Guwahati connect Bongaigaon via Internal Road and Drainage : Yes Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
Jogighopa. The nearest Railway station is All educational Institutes are located at Guwahati.
Bamunigaon which is about 3 km from the Plot sizes: However, Donbosco School is located at Boko which is
Industrial Growth Centre, Chaygaon. (To reach 500 Sq. m, 1338.30 Sq. m, 4015 Sq. m, 6691.45 about 15 km from the location.
the Growth Centre: it is about 3.00 km from Sq. m, 133830 Sq. m, 26766 Sq. m, etc Nearest Bank at UCO Bank and PNB at Bamunigaon
NH-37 at a point called Lampara.) and SBI Chaygaon.
ATM of SBI is located at the Industrial Growth Centre,
Nearest Post Office located at Bamunigaon and Boko.
Nearest Airport: LGBI Airport, Guwahati - 40 km.


rangia Places Name Distance

Airport LGBI 60 km
University Gauhati University 40 km
School At Guwahati 40
Railway Station Rangia Railway Station 5 km
National Highway NH31 -
Tourist Place At Guwahati 40 km
Hotel At Guwahati 40 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
162803Sq. m (121 Bighas). 144535 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
144535 Sq. m Nil

2.19 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Rangia, kamrup (R)

T he IID Centre at Rangia in the District of

Kamrup located at Rangia and developed
in a plot of land measuring 33 acres to provide
Industrial units located in the IIDc Rangia:
1. Amrit Feed Ltd
2. Donwell Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Transportation, Communication and other facilities
available near the location:
infrastructure facilities to industrial units. 3. K D Iron and Steel Industries Nearest Railway station Rangia Junction - 5 km from
4. Nano Steel (P) Ltd, etc. the IIDC
Connectivity: Nearest Railway siding: Changsari - 20 km from the
The location is well connected with Express Infrastructure facilities available: site
Highway ( NH-31) and BG Railway line. It is Power : 5 MVA sub-station with dedicated 33 Nearest International Border Trade Centre, Darranga-
about 40 km from the Indo-Bhutan Border KV line 40 km
and one Border Trade Centre is located at Water: 75000 litre Nearest River: Brahmaputra - 30 km from the site.
Darranga. It is about 45 km from Guwahati Internal Road and Drainage: yes Nearest River Port : Dry Port Pandu - 35 km from the
and 5 km from Rangia Railway Jn. Nearest site.
air port is the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi Plot size: Nearest Inland Container Depot: ICD Amingaon - 30
Airport (LGBI) which is about 60 km from the 300 Sq. m and above km from the site
location. Nearest Town/ city/: Rangia and nearest City -
Hotels located at Rangia:
Nearest Hospitals : Rangia Civil Hospital
Nearest major educational centre/school/Universities-
Rangia and Guwahati
Nearest Bank/s : SBI Rangia
Nearest Post Office: Kendukona
STD Code : 03621
Nearest Tourist places : Guwahati, Soalkuchi Textile
village, Hajo, etc
Nearest Airport: LGBI Airport, Guwahati - 60 km.


TIHU Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 95 km

University Gauhati University 85 km
College Tihu College/ Bajali College 13.2 km
School Tihu H.S. School 4.5 km
Railway Station Tihu Railway Station 4.5 km
National Highway NH31 1.0 km
Tourist Place Barpeta Kirtan Ghar 50 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
2,44,817.40 Sq. m (183.5 bighas) 2,38,386 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
2,38,386 Sq. m NIL

2.20 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Nathkuchi, Tihu, Nalbari
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities

A IDC Ltd. has established an IID Centre at

Nathkuchi, Tihu in the district of Nalbari,
Assam to provide infrastructural facilities
The project site is well connected by air, rail
and road. The location of IID Centre Nalbari
available near the location:
Nearest Railway station Tihu 4.5 km
Nearest River including River Port, Brahmaputra &
for small and medium industries with the is approximately 90 km from Guwahati city. Pandu Port 80 km
assistance of Central & State Government. The National Highway 31 is nearly 1.0 km Nearest Town/ City/ District: - Tihu 4.5 km,
from IID Centre. Nearest Airport is the LGB Pathsala 7 km, Nalbari - 22 km, Barpeta Road - 35
International Airport at Borjhar Guwahati, km distance.
which is at approx. 95 km distance. Tihu Nearest Hotel : Radisson Blu Hotel Guwahati is located
Railway Station is the nearest railway station 3.5 km from the Saraighat Bridge.
to the project site, which is approximately at a Nearest major educational centre/school/
distance of 4.5 km. Universities-
Tihu College at Tihu Town,
Medium and Large Industries in and Bajali College, at Pathsala,
around: Nalbari College, Nalbari; Assam, post : 781335
Berger Paints India Ltd. Nalbari Commerce College, Nalbar, Assam
Flour Mills Patasarkuchi Higher Secondary School,
Infrastructure facilities available Pathsala Higher Secondary School, Pathsala.
Plot size: Nearest Bank is SBI Tihu at a distance of 3.5 km
1000 Sq. m, 2000 Sq. m, 3000 Sq. m 5000 Sq. Nearest Post Office: Nathkuchi, Assam Syntex. and its
m. & above. respective PIN code is 781355.
STD Code:
Nalbari districts headquarter is at Nalbari Facilities available: Nearest Tourist spot :
town, & it occupies an area of 2,257 Sq. km and Approach road is approx 1.0 km from NH Manas National Park approx. 40 km distance.
has population 7,68,919 as per census 2011. 31. Boundary wall, internal road with drain, Hajo temples (Hayagriva Mahadeva Temple,
Nalbari district is situated between Kamrup Overhead water tank with water supply net Kameshwar Temple, Powa Mecca etc.) at 60 km
and Barpeta district. Although predominantly work, 11 KV HT Electrical distribution and Barpeta Kirtan Ghar approx. 50 km
agrarian, industrial units are gradually 11/0.43 KV, 100 KVA sub stations, street Dubi Gahainghar, Dubi, Pathsala, - 13 km
being established in the district which has lighting system, administrative and security
a very good transport and communication barrack house, security system and other
network. common facilities etc.


Dalgaon Places Name Distance

Airport LGB International Airport 95.8 km

University Gauhati University 85 km
College Dalgaon College 14.1 km
School Dalgaon Higher Secondary School 7.3 km
Railway Station Rowta Railway Station 21 km
National Highway NH15 -
Tourist Place Nameri National Park 114 km

Land Details:
Total Land Area Already Allotted
140469 Sq. m. (105 Bigha). 108,457 Sq. m
Total Allocable Area Balance Allocable Area
108,457 Sq. m NIL

2.21 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC),
Dalgaon, Darrang

A IDC Ltd. has established an Integrated

Infrastructure Development (IID) Centre
at Dalgaon in the District of Darrang, with
Medium and Large Industry in and around:

Sanghavi Food Pvt. Ltd.
Sankar Recipe Pvt. Ltd.
Transportation/ Communication and other facilities
financial assistance from the Central Govt. Assam Paper Mills Pvt. Ltd.
available near the location:
and the State Govt. to provide high standard Shymshree Food Processing (P) Ltd.
Nearest Railway station: Rowta 21 km
infrastructural facilities for Medium, Small Prog Bosimi Synthetics Ltd.
Nearest River Dhansiri, Brahmaputra & Pandu Port
and Tiny industries.
90 km
Infrastructure facilities available
Nearest Town/ City/ District: Dalgaon 1.0 km,
Darrang districts headquarter is at Mongaldoi Plot size:
Mongaldoi 23 km, Guwahati 90 km
town & it occupies an area of 3,481 Sq. km and 500 Sq. m, 1000 Sq. m, 2000 Sq. m, 4000 Sq. m,
Hotel : Madhuban and Shymlee at Mongaldoi Town
has population 9,08,090 as per census 2011. 8000 Sq. m and above.
Nearest major educational centre/school/
The district has every potential to be one of
the nerve center of Assams economy. Facilities available:
Dalgaon College, Dalgaon
Approach road from NH 15, Boundary wall
Mongoldoi College, Mongaldoi
Connectivity: with gate and gate house, internal road with
Tezpur University, Tezpur
There is a wide network of roadways criss- drain and culvert, Overhead water tank with
Gauhati University, Guwahati
crossing the district with NH 15 being water supply net work, 33/11 KV, 2.5 MVA
Dalgaon Higher Secondary School, Dalgaon
passes through the district. The location is and 11/0.43 KV, 100 KVA sub stations, street
Nearest Bank is SBI at a distance of 1.0 km
well connected by air, road and railways. lighting system, administrative and security
Nearest Post Office: Dalgaon Pin: 784116
River transport facilities also exist between barrack house, security system and other
STD Code: 03713
Kharupetia and Guwahati and Kurua and common facilities etc.
Nearest Tourist spot :
Nameri National Park
Orang National Park

Aerial view of a tea garden

at a glance


Vacant Total Vacant

Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2880 2304 - 2304 576 576 -
1 Baksa 8784
7200 6480 - 6480 720 720 -
Infrastructure 133780 70000 - 70000 - - -
Project, Pathsala
(Under AIDC)
Industrial Estate,
Bichankuchi, 3306 2406 - 2406 900 - 900
2 Barpeta Nityananda 131164
Industrial Estate
66890 40134 - 40134 - - -
Titkkaguria, Pathsala
Growth Centre,
33457 19972 2017 17955 102 102 -
Market Complex at
669 669 - 669 - - -
Commercial Estate,
3 Bongaigaon 4013 3679 1858 1821 167 - 167 1821
Rowmari, Abhayapuri.

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 Cachar Development(IID) 120402 40000 32300 7700 - - - 7700
Centre, Malinibeel,
Silchar(Under AIDC)
Industrial Estate,
93680 70000 27759 42241 - - -
Bentol Gate, Chapaguri
Industrial Estate,
121450 80000 - 80000 - - -
5 Chirang Amguri 124792
Growth Centre,
Kharija Dolaigaon, 8000 7086 4535 2551 - - -
Industrial area,
29324 27986 1338 26648 - - -
6 Darrang Prag Jyoti Textile Park 182492
(P) Ltd., Bijulibari, 243134 15584 - 155844 - - -
Development(IID), 81500 59200 5000 54200 - - -
7 Dhemaji Silapathar(Under 54866
Commercial Estate,
45219 1338 672 666 1524 1524 -

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
13592 8948 652 8296 1764 116 1648
8 Dhubri 10563
Common Service
7559 4306 2039 2267 488 488 -
133780 133780 - 133780 - - -
Project, Moran
(Under AIDC)
9 Dibrugarh 135645
33444 26855 26328 527 - - -
Mini Industrial
5334 4775 3437 1338 - - -
Industrial Area,29-km
10 Dima Hasao 1070240 1070240 - 1070240 - - - 1070240
Industrial Growth
Centre,Matia(Under 2334126 1850000 925079 924924 - - -
11 Goalpara AIDC) 943767
Industrial Growth
33444 25535 6689 18846 610 - 610
Cenre, Baladmari
Industrial Area,
Numaligarh (Under 14185 13380 - 13380 - - -
12 Golaghat ASIDC) 46470
Industrial Area,
72820 54820 21730 33090 2000 - 2000

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Development 160536 80163 13752 66411 - - - 73456
Centre(IID), Titabar
(Under AIDC)
Commercial Estate
2676 2193 393 1800 45 45 -
13 Jorhat Nagajanka
Commercial Estate
2676 2542 - 2542 67 - 67
Bojalkata, Titabor
Commercial Estate
268 134 - 134 67 - 67
Commercial Estate
2676 2569 - 2569 54 - 54
Phulani, Majuli
Commercial Estate,
14 Karimganj 20642 20575 - 20575 67 67 - 20575
R.K. Nagar
15 Kokrajhar Development(IID), 108140 64000 300 63700 - - - 63700
Serfanguri (Under
Industrial Estate,
80266 79617 - 79617 649 649 - 97283
Karbi Bokajan, Sukhanjan
Anglong Industrial Estate,
20066 17666 - 17666 2400 2400 -
Commercial Estate
17 Kamrup (M) 5063 4632 - 4632 429 429 4632

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pharma Hub (Under
401340 401340 - 401340 - - -
2nd phase of EPIP
446825 446825 - 446825 - - -
(Under AIDC)
Food Park, Chaygaon
133780 66890 55890 11000 - -
(Under ASIDC)
Area,Mandakata 204758 204758 - 204758 - - -
(Under ASIDC)
Commercial Estate,
3967 3526 - 3526 441 441 -
18 Kamrup (R ) Boko 1103578
Commercial Estate,
1332 1200 - 1200 132 132 -
Dihina Commercial
529 176 - 176 353 242 110
Commercial Estate,
949 641 309 332 309 309 -
North Guwahati
Commercial Estate,
2645 2424 110 2314 110 22 88
Gogmalasa, Rangia
Bamboo Technology
80268 32107 - 32107 - - -

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Development(IID) 120420 72252 34865 37387 60 - 60
Centre, Banderdewa
(Under AIIDC)
Industrial Estate,
19 Lakhimpur 46822 46822 23411 23411 - - - 76795
Rajbari, Bihpuria
Industrial Area,
Bochagaon, Telahi Dev. 12040 12040 - 12040 - - -
Commercial Estate,
4013 3957 - 3957 56 56 -
Development Centre
20 Nagaon 164549 104364 54378 49986 - - - 49986
(IID), Naltali/
Bhomoraguri (Under
North East Mega Food
202434 111752 2765 108987 3800 - 93
Park, Tihu(Under PPP)
21 Nalbari 2675 2675 - 2675 - - - 112127
Commercial Centre,
465 465 - 465 - - -

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Development 123077.60 84000 24125 59875 449 - 449
Centre(IID), Demow,
22 Sivasagar (Under AIDC) 193655
Developmental P
133780 133780 - 133780 - - -
(Under AIDC)
Industrial Area,
Dolabari (Under 64238 35330 28910 6420 1004 669 335
Industrial Growth
Centre, Balipara, 1604022 943248 273620 669628 - - -
(Under AIDC)
Mini Industrial Estate,
Biswanath Chariali 18469 15519 - 15519 465 - 465
23 Sonitpur (Under ASIDC) 761792
Industrial Area,
31728 31728 - 31728 - - -
Industrial Area,
Kundarabari, 46749 46262 21642 24620 243 243 -
Industrial Area,
Sadharu, Biswanath 16052 15635 1758 13877 417 162 255

Vacant Total Vacant
Name of the Total Land Allotable land Land area Shed area Total
Sl. allotable Shed allotable
District infrastructure with area area allotted allotted Vacant
No. land area area shed area
location (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) Land
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
173908 104345 32182 72163 139 - 139
Parbotipur, Jagun
(Under AIIDC)
Food Park Ulup
Pather Margherita 169963 169963 - 169963 - - -
24 Tinsukia (Under AIIDC) 954886
Industrial Estate,
Borguri (Under 20074 20074 18295 1779 - - -
Plastic Park
Gellapukhuri, Tinsukia 668900 455175 13500 441675 1574 - 1574
(Under AIDC)
Growth Centre. Sadiya 2667 2639 - 2639 28 - -
Industrial Area. Sadiya 266667 266667 - 266667 - - -
Grand Total 6230769

Summery of Vacant Land (Sq. m.)

Vacant Land Under AIDC 3623279 (2708.39 Bighas)
Vacant Land Under AIIDC 349633 (261.35 Bighas)
Vacant Land Under ASIDC 246436 (184.21 Bighas)
Vacant Land Under DICC 2011421 (1503.53 Bighas)
Total 6230769 (4657.47 Bighas)



Land Vacant Vacant

Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industrial Estate,Bennebari, Howly 115200 102240 102240 - 1440 1440 -
Commercial Estate,Baganpara 2880 2304 - 2304 576 576 -
1 Baksa
Commercial Estate,Tamulpur 7200 6480 - 6480 720 720 -
Commercial Estate, Goreswar 1338 - - - 67 45 22
Infrastructure Developmental Project, Pathsala
133780 70000 - 70000 - - -
(Under AIDC)
Industrial Estate, Bichankuchi, Nityananda 3306 2406 - 2406 900 - 900
2 Barpeta
Industrial Estate Titkkaguria, Pathsala 66890 40134 - 40134 - - -
Growth Centre, Barpeta 33457 19972 2017 17955 102 102 -
Market Complex at Erartari 669 669 - 669 - - -
Industrial Estate, New Bongaigaon (Under
38810 20449 20449 - 5888 5888 -
3 Bongaigaon
Commercial Estate, Salbari, North Bongaigaon 468 281 281 - 67 67 -
Commercial Estate, Rowmari, Abhayapuri. 4013 3679 1858 1821 167 - 167
Integrated Infrastructure Development(IID)
120402 40000 32300 7700 - - -
Centre, Malinibeel, Silchar(Under AIDC)
Industrial Area Maliniibeel, Silchar 92304 69405 69405 - 989 989 -
4 Cachar
Commercial Estate Irongmara 13382 - - - 245 223 22
Commercial Estate Horinagar 669 - - - 89 45 45
Commercial Estate Kumacherra 669 - - - 45 45 -

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industrial Estate, Bentol Gate, Chapaguri 93680 70000 27759 42241 - - -
Industrial Estate, Amguri 121450 80000 - 80000 - - -
5 Chirang Growth Centre, Kharija Dolaigaon, Kishanbazar 8000 7086 4535 2551 - - -
Commercial Estate,Kashikotra 669 - - - - - -
Commercial Estate,Bhetagaon 38810 - - - - - -
Integrated Infrastructure
140469 108457 108457 - - - -
Development(IID),Dalgaon(Under AIDC)
Industrial area, Mangaldoi 63343 61329 61329 - 2014 1970 45
Industrial area, Dalgaon 29324 27986 1338 26648 - - -
6 Darrang Commercial Estate, Maroi 856 - - - 131 - 131
Commercial Estate Niz-Dahigaon 1338 - - - 137 - 137
Commercial shed Bhebarghat, Mangaldoi 227 - - - 236 120 116
Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd. Bijulibari,
243134 155844 - 155844 - - -
Sipajhar, Darrang
Integrated Infrastructure Development(IID),Sil
81500 59200 5000 54200 - - -
7 Dhemaji apathar(Under AIDC)
Commercial Estate, Silapathar 45219 1338 672 666 1524 1524 -
Industrial Estate,Gauripur 13592 8948 652 8296 1764 116 1648
Common work shop,Gauripur 1305 - - - 1305 1305 -
8 Dhubri Common Service Workshop,Bilasipara 7559 4306 2039 2267 488 488 -
Common Workshop,Bilasipara Bazar 167 - - - 167 167 -
Commercial Estate, Halakura 5333 - - - 5333 - 5333

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Infrastructure Developmental Project, Moran
133780 133780 - 133780 - - -
(Under AIDC)
Commercial Estate, Moran (Under ASIDC) 94 - - 94 94 -
Industrial Estate,Lahowal 21939 13097 13097 - 1784 1784 -

9 Dibrugarh Industrial Area, Beheating 33444 17560 17560 - 1728 1728 -

Growth Centre,Duliajan 33444 26855 26328 527 - - -
Mini Industrial Estate,Moran 5334 4775 3437 1338 - - -
Commercial Estate, Tengakhat 194 54 54 - - - -
Commercial Estate, Morichagaon, Chabua 1873 - - - 178 - 178
Industrial Area,29-km Umrangsu 1070240 1070240 - 1070240 - - -
Industrial Estate,12-km, Umrangsu 2676 - - - 669 434 235
Dima Hasao, Growth Centre, Maibang 6689 - - - 223 - 223
Haflong Commercial Estate,Diyungbra 505 - - - 107 - 107
Commercial Estate,TCPC Campus, Maibang 107 - - - 107 - 107
Mini Industrial Estate,Sarkari Bagan, Haflong 5619 - - - 402 - 402
Industrial Growth Centre, Matia(Under AIDC) 2334126 1850000 925079 924924 - - -
Industrial Growth Cenre, Baladmari 33444 25535 6689 18846 610 - 610
Commercial Estate Lakhipur 1338 10991 10959 - 32 - 32
11 Goalpara
Commercial Estate,Dudhnoi 4348 - - - 275 275 -
T.C.P.C Complex,Goalpara 32495 13515 13515 - 136 136 -
Kotha Kuthi Industrial Area 7224 - - - 7224 - 7224

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industrial Area, Numaligarh (Under ASIDC) 14185 13380 - 13380 - - -
12 Golaghat Industrial Area, Junakinagar 72820 54820 21730 33090 2000 - 2000
Commercial Estate, Bokakhat (Under ASIDC) 802 - - - 802 802 -
Integrated Infrastructure Development
160536 80163 13752 66411 - - -
13 Jorhat Centre(IID), Titabar (Under AIDC)
Industrial Estate, Cinnamora (Under AIIDC) 34070 16042 16042 - 4621 4621 -
Commercial Estate Nagajanka 2676 2193 393 1800 45 45 -
Commercial Estate Bojalkata, Titabor 2676 2542 - 2542 67 - 67
Commercial Estate Namdeori 268 134 - 134 67 - 67
Commercial Estate Phulani, Majuli 2676 2569 - 2569 54 - 54
Commercial Estate Titabor - - - - 12 12 -
Commercial Estate Titabor - - - - 43 43 -
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam(Under
76121 18061 18061 - 12316 -
Industrial Area, Kalapahar (Under AIIDC) 14052 7084 7084 - 2324 2324 -
Industrial Area Bonda (Under ASIDC) 32385 8250 8250 - 3722 3722 -
Industrial Area Bamunimaidam (Under ASIDC) 147212 22559 22559 - 5165 5165 -
14 Kamrup(M) Mini Industrial Estate, Kalapahar (Under
12310 2013 2013 - 7384 7384 -
Assam Ayurvedic Products, Bamunimaidam
2541 - - - - - -
(Under ASIDC)
CITI Complex, Kalapahar 4200 1873 1873 - 2236 2236 -
Commercial Estate Sonapur 5063 4632 - 4632 429 - 429

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre
162803 144535 144535 - - - -
(IID), Rangia, Kamrup (Under AIIDC)
EPIP Centre, Amingaon (Under AIDC) 275586 185694 185694 - 1716 1716 -
Pharma Hub (Under AIDC) 401340 401340 - 401340 - - -
2nd phase of EPIP (Under AIDC) 446825 446825 - 446825 - - -
Food Park, Chaygaon (Under ASIDC) 133780 66890 55890 11000 - -
Industrial Area,Mandakata (Under ASIDC) 204758 204758 - 204758 - - -
Industrial Growth Centre, Jambari, Chatabari,
900139 683197 683197 - - - -
15 Kamrup (R) Patgaon (Under AIIDC)
Industrial Area, Rani (Under AIIDC) 82974 20583 20583 - 10929 10929 -
Commercial Estate, Amingaon 13223 4827 4827 - 9908 9908 -
Commercial Estate, Boko 3967 3526 - 3526 441 441 -
Commercial Estate, Malibari 1332 1200 - 1200 132 132 -
Dihina Commercial Estate 529 176 - 176 353 242 110
Commercial Estate, North Guwahati 949 641 309 332 309 309 -
Commercial Estate, Gogmalasa, Rangia 2645 2424 110 2314 110 22 88
Bamboo Technology Park 80268 32107 - 32107 - - -
Industrial Estate, Badarpurghat 29432 822 822 - 4251 4251 -
16 Karimganj
Commercial Estate, R.K. Nagar 20642 20575 - 20575 67 67 -
Integrated Infrastructure Development(IID),
17 Kokrajhar 1,08,140 64000 300 63700 - - -
Serfanguri (Under AIIDC)
Industrial Estate, Bokajan, Sukhanjan 80266 79617 - 79617 649 649 -
18 Karbi
Industrial Estate, Hamren 20066 17666 - 17666 2400 - 2400
Commercial Estate, Lorulangso, Diphu 803 - - - 340 340 -

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Commercial Estate, Dokmoka 535 - - - 340 340 -
Commercial Estate, Amtreng 535 - - - 268 - 268
Commercial Estate, Baithalangso 803 - - - 268 - 268
Commercial Estate, Kheroni, Jengkha 3478 - - - 268 - 268
Commercial Estate, Bagori, Kohora 803 - - - 268 - 268
Commercial Estate Donkamukam 803 - - - 268 - 268
Commercial Estate, Dokmoka 535 - - - 100 100 -
Commercial Estate, Centre Bazar 535 - - - 100 100 -
Commercial Estate, Kheroni 535 - - - 100 100 -
Growth Centre, Voksong 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Satgaon 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Bhelapara 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Donkamukh 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Hongkram 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Deithor 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Gorgaon 535 - - - 100 100 -
Growth Centre, Manja 803 580 - 580 223 - 223
Growth Centre Langhin 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Cntre, Parokhuwa 535 - - - 100 - 100
Growth Centre, Bokulia 803 - - - 223 223 -
Growth Centre, Sarihajan 6689 6355 - 6355 334 - 334
Commercial Estate, Kheroni, Jengkha 3478 - - - 268 - 268
Industrial Growth Centre, Diphu 535 - - - 100 100 -

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Industrial Growth Centre, Sarihajan 535 - - - 100 100 -
Industrial Growth Centre, Hamren 535 - - - 100 100 -
Growth Centre, Borthol 535 - - - 100 100 -
Integrated Infrastructure Development(IID)
120420 72252 34868 37387 - - -
Centre, Banderdewa (Under AIIDC)
Industrial Estate, Rajbari, Bihpuria 46822 46822 23411 23411 - - -
19 Lakhimpur
Industrial Area, Bochagaon, Telahi Dev. Block 12040 12040 - 12040 - - -
Commercial Estate, Bongalmora 4013 3957 - 3957 56 - 56
Industrial Growth Centre, Lilabari 18823 17485 17485 - 669 669 -
Industrial Estate, Dolbari, Morigaon 11596 11596 11596 - - - -
20 Morigaon Commercial Estate, Civil Road,Morigaon 93 - - - 93 37 56
Morigaon Commercial Estate (Under ASIDC) 361 - - 361 361 -
Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre
164549 104364 54378 49986 - - -
(IID), Naltali/ Bhomoraguri (Under AIDC)
21 Nagaon Industrial Estate, Senchowa, Nagaon 28053.73. 7763 7763 - 3362 3362 -
Commercial Estate Raha 535 - - - 535 535 -
Dhing Commercial Estate, (Under ASIDC) 161 - - 161 161 -
Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre
244817 238386 238386 - - - -
(IID), Nathkuchi, Nalbari (Under AIDC)
North East Mega Food Park, Tihu(Under PPP) 202434 111752 2765 108987 3800 93 3707

22 Nalbari Industrial Estate. Gopalbazar, Nalbari 487763 23975 23975 - 4051 4051 -
Commercial Estate, Barnibari, Mukalmua 6689 - - - - - -
Commercial Estate,Tihu 2675 2675 - 2675 - - -
Commercial Centre, Nalbari 465 465 - 465 - - -

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Integrated Infrastructure Development
123077.60 84000 24125 59875 449 - 449
Centre(IID), Demow, (Under AIDC)
Infrastructure Developmental Project,Sonari
133780 133780 - 133780 - - -
(Under AIDC)
23 Sivasagar Mini Industrial Estate, Sivasagar, (Under
1606 1606 1606 - - - -
Industrial Estate, Sivasagar (Under AIIDC) 40149 9588 9588 - 4292 4292 -
Commercial Estate, Bamrajabari, Demow. 407 300 - 300 107 107 -
Commercial Estate, Moran 279 19 - 19 260 260 -.
Industrial Area, Dolabari (Under AIIDC) 64238 37539 27890 9649 1004 502 502
Industrial Growth Centre, Balipara, (Under
1604022 943248 273620 669628 - - -
Mini Industrial Estate, Biswanath Chariali
18469 15519 - 15519 465 - 465
(Under ASIDC)
Industrial Estate, Dhekiajuli 383382 34536 34536 - 1901 1577 324
24 Sonitpur Industrial Area, Dhekiajuli 31728 31728 - 31728 - - -
Industrial Area, Kundarabari, Dekargaon 46749 46262 21642 24620 243 243 -
Industrial Area, Gotlong 9090 9090 8713 377 - - -
Commercial Estate, Sootea 429 - - - 162 130 32
Commercial Estate, BiswanathChariali 1299 - - - 216 216 -
Industrial Area, Sadharu, Biswanath Chariali 16052 15635 1758 13877 417 162 255

Land Vacant Vacant
Total Land Allotable Total Shed area
Sl. area allotable allotable
District Name of the infrastructure with location area land area Shed area allotted
No. allotted land area shed area
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
(Sq. m) (Sq. m) (Sq. m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Integrated Infrastructure Development
173908 104345 32182 72163 - - -
Centre(IID), Parbotipur, Jagun (Under AIIDC)
Food Park Ulup Pather Margherita (Under
169963 169963 - 169963 - - -
Industrial Estate, Borguri (Under AIIDC) 149566 49128 49128 - 7205 7205 -
Industrial Estate, Borguri (Under ASIDC) 20074 20074 18295 1779 - - -
Plastic Park Gellapukhuri, Tinsukia (Under
668900 455175 13500 441675 1574 - 1574
Commercial Estate, Borguri,Tinsukia 535 - - - 267 267 -
Commercial Estate Borguri (Under AIIDC) 780 - - - 347 347 -
25 Tinsukia
Industrial Area, Doom Dooma 75160 75160 75160 - - - -
Growth Centre, Talap 156 - - - 156 156 -
Growth Centre, Bordumsa 220 - - - 127 114 13
Commercial Estate,Margherita 347 - - - 347 - 347
Commercial Estate,Doom Dooma (Under
134 - - - 134 134 -
Commercial Estate Sadiya 2667 - - - 195 195 -
Growth Centre. Sadiya 2667 2639 - 2639 28 - -
Industrial Area. Sadiya 266667 266667 - 266667 - - -
Commercial Estate, Udalguri 60 - - - 48 48 -
Commercial Estate, Bhergaon 40 - - - 25 25 -
26 Udalguri
Training Institute, Orang 26 - - - 14 14 -
Bara Bazar Market Shed 45.00 - - - 30.00 30.00 -



(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Pushpak Industry -
M/s Kailash Pati Cement Cement
M/s Anjani Cement Corporation Cement
M/s Bimala Cement Company Cement
M/s Abhishek Industry Plastic
M/s H.M. Industry Electricity Post
M/s Manas Enterpris -
1 Industrial Estate Bennebari Howly M/s North East Gypsum Industry Plaster of Paris
M/s Shree Karnimata Modern Atta & Flour
M/s Community Food Processing & Marketing General Manager DICC-
Food Product
Center Baksa
M/s Raj Cashew Nut Industry Cashew nut.
M/s Ma Kamakhya Atta Chaki Atta
M/s Shiv Shakti Industry Cashew Nut
M/s North East Pellet Feed Industry Poulty Feed
M/s Bardai Printers Weaving
2 Commercial Estate Baganpara M/s Madhya Baksa Anchalik Mahila Sammitee Weaving
M/s Sarajani Weaving Weaving
M/s Tamulpur Anchalik Gramdan Sangha Weaving
3 Commercial Estate Tamulpur
M/s Rukmini Silpalay Weaving

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
Infrastructure Development
1 - - Under AIDC
Programme Pathsala Barpeta
Industrial Estate Bichankuchi
2 - -
3 Industries Estate Titkagaria - -
M/s Steel Industries Steel Furniture
General Manager DICC-
M/s Premier Agro Bio Tech Bio- Product
4 Growth Centre Barpeta M/s Barpeta Fruit House Fruit Processing
M/s Pragati Iron Works Steel Fabrication
M/s Kamakhya Industries Rice Mill
5 Market Complex at Eratari - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Tulsi Industry Steel Fabrication
M/s Bharat Plastic Mfg.Co. Plastic Rope
M/s Sapphire Oil Ind. Plastic Utensils
M/s Oswal Udyog Plastic Rope Bag
M/s Tirupati Soya Udyog Soya Nuggets
M/s Assam Air Products. Industrial Gas
M/s S.P.Fabricator Bamboo Products
M/s Tilak Industry HDPE pipe
M/s Sivsakti Ice Factory Ice cream/Block
M/s Madhab Dev Mini Flour Mill Atta Chaki
M/s Janaki Enterprise Wheat Flour
1 Industrial Estate New Bongaigaon
M/s Devi Durga House Holds Aluminum Utensils Under AIIDC

M/s Trilok Metal Craft Industry Steel Furniture

M/s Anjil Plastic Industries Pet Bottle,Perform
M/s J.V plastic Industry Plastic Industry
M/s Ma-Durga Udyog Aluminium utensil
M/s Baid Industry Plastic cane
M/s Arihant woolen Industry Dyeing products
M/s Oswal Industry Plastic Items
M/s Assam Plastic Works Plastic items
M/s Viswakarma Plastic Industry AGP pipe
M/s Jaya Plastic Industry AGP pipe
M/s Premier Metal Products Aluminum ingots

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s AURUM Chemicals Chemical products
M/s Arham Trade & Industry Fabrication
M/s Biva Enterprise Alluminum Utensils
M/s Janasadharan Printing works
M/s Mahesh Industries PVC pipe
M/s G.K.Agro Industries Plastic bottles
M/s D.P.Enterprise Black wire
M/s Brahmaputra Carbon Ltd CPC
M/s Maikon Enterprise Muri Mfg
M/s Krishna Engineering Bag making
M/s P.R,Tex Yarn dyeing
M/s Asomiya Pratidin News paper
M/s Tilak Food Products Food processing
Industrial Estate New Bongaigaon Under AIIDC
M/s Siddharth Industry Yarn dyeing
M/s Lakhimi Industry Bag Mfg.
M/s Jyoti Dyeing Yarn dyeing
M/s Tulsi Dyeing Yarn dyeing
M/s Das Tyre Retreading Tyre Retreading
M/s Bharat Food products Food Processing
M/s Deepa Enterprise Phenol Mfg
M/s B.K.Industry Steel Furniture
M/s Adhunik Furniture Furniture Mfg
M/s Algoni Enterprise Aluminum Utensil
M/s Abhishek Aluminium Aluminum Utensil
M/s SAI Transformer Transformer Assembling
M/s Monjushree Bakery Bakery Products

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s B.R. Industry Packed Food Item
M/s Fashion & Designing Garments Making
M/s Biva Enterprise Alluminum Utensils
Industrial Estate New Bongaigaon Under AIIDC
M/s B.R. Industry Packed food item
M/s Fashion & Designing Garments making
M/s Sureka Industry Emulsion Paint
Commercial Estate Salbari North
2 M/s Shree Gajanand Enterprise Poly printing works
M/s Assam Industry Steel Fabrication General Manager DICC-
Commercial Estate Rowmari (SC) M/s Kalpana Rice Mill Rice Milling Bongaigaon
Abhayapuri M/s Arup Steel Furniture Steel Furniture
M/s Annapurna Rice Mill Rice Milling

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Assam Air Products Pvt. Ltd., Oxygen Gas Bottling Plant
M/s Nanesh Commercial Co. Pvt. Ltd., Plastic Products
M/s Biva Food Products Pvt. Ltd., Soya Nugget & Energy Foods
Plastic Moulded items like chair,
M/s Classic Industries,
M/s Pusti Dairy & Food Products Dairy & Food products
M/s S.J Polycrop Plastic products
M/s G.B Food Products Confectionery & Bakery products
M/s Kaushik Udyog Soya Bean Product
M/s Prabhat Industries Aluminium Products
M/s Jayant Udyog Paper products
Integrated Industrial Development
1 M/s Tinkus Lime & Dolomite Industries Hydrated lime Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Malinibeel
M/s Venkatesh Digital World Digital printing
M/s Borail Industries Snack food
M/s Bani Industries Mechanized laundry
M/s King Food Industries Biscuit manufacturing
M/s Boris Bakers Bakery products
M/s Fujoma Industries Automobile garage equipment
M/s Aroma India Agricultural Spices
M/s Taraknath Unibake Bakery products
M/s Shomraj Packaging Printing & packaging
M/s Padma Industries RPVC pipe
M/s Tirthomoyee Products Aluminium utensils

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Super Plastic. Polythene bag
M/s Jee Pee Industries. Tiles
M/s Anupam food Industries. Bread & Biscuits
M/s Ajanta Tiles Industries Tiles & Block
M/s Dutta Sewai Industry Sewai & Noodles
M/s Laxmi Motors. Vehicle Body Building
M/s Hemolata Industries. Plastic Products
M/s Capital Auto & Body Building works. Automobile Repairing/Building
M/s Shantinath Industries. LD oil, Carbon, Steel Scrap
M/s Shreyans Electricals. Panel Board/rep. of Transformer
M/s United Impex Ltd. Plastic water storage tank
M/s Suparsh Food Industry. Tiles
M/s Shree Udyog. Plastic Product
2 Industrial Area Malini Beel Silchar General Manager DICC-Cachar
M/s Trident Plastics. Plastic Product
M/s Adinath Industry. Mineral Water
M/s Bhattacharjee Agarbati Industry. Agarbati
M/s Vardhaman Products. Pan Masala
M/s Premier Industries Paver Block
M/s Trithamoyee Metal Industries. Aluminium circle & utensils
M/s Shantinath Air Products. Oxygen Gas, Nitrogen Gas
Fuel Oil from waste tyre
M/s Shri Vinayak Oil Industries.
M/s Srishti Industries. Vehicle repairing, servicing etc.
M/s A.R. Industries. PVC pipe
M/s Neramac (India). Pinapple juice
M/s Lotus Industries. Essential Oil

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Chakrabarty Metal Aluminium utensils etc.
Industrial Area Malini Beel Silchar M/s Shyamananda Food Products Food products
M/s Atisay Pure Products Pan Masala
M/s Baskar Art Corner Image Making
M/s Aruna Rani Das Scooter repairing
M/s Narayan Furnitures Wooden Furniture
M/s Anjana Ladies Tailors Tailoring
3 Commercial Estate Irongmara General Manager DICC-Cachar
M/s Madhu Decorators Pendal Decoration
M/s Biswakarma Automobile workshop Automobile Repairing
M/s Manjushree Tailors Tailoring
M/s Jamuna Cane & Bamboo Industry Cane & Bamboo
4 Commercial Estate Harinagar (TSP) - -
Commercial Estate Kumarcherra
5 - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. Satya Megha Industries MS Billed
Calcinated Petroleum Coke,
M/s. Kamakhya Petro Carbon
1 Industrial Estate Bentol Gate Chapaguri Carbon Paste
M/s. Chirang Aroma Industry Patchouli Oil
M/s. High Tech Alloys Industry Fly-ash Brick & others
2 Industrial Estate Amguri - -
M/s. Sri Bageswari Industries Aluminum utensils
General Manager DICC-
Packaged Drinking Water, Chirang
M/s. Maa Bageswari Beverages
3 Growth Centre Kharija Dolaigaon Kishanbazar Cement Concrete Tiels &
M/s. Shifung Construction
Packaged Drinking Water
M/s. K.B. Industries
4 Commercial Estate (ST) Kashikotra - -
5 Commercial Estate (ST) Bhetagaon - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Assam Industries Company Soyabean
M/s Sanghavi Food (P) Ltd Food Products
M/s Sankar Recipes (P) Ltd. Food Products
M/s East land Concrete Industries Ltd PSC Pole
Integrated Industrial Development M/s Huma Power & Tower (P) Ltd. Tower Fabrication
1 Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Dalgaon M/s Maa Kamakhya Pole Industries PSC pole
M/s RLJ Concrete Udyog PSC pole
M/s Shyamsree Food Processing Ltd. Finger snacks
M/s Jindal Saw Ltd. New Product
M/s Assam Paper Mill (P)Ltd. Corrugated Paper.
M/s Rhino Paints & Minerals -
M/s Hazarika Engg.Works Steel Furniture
M/s Brahmaputra Hand made paper Ind. Paper Bags, File Cover
M/s Rhino Polytech Plastic Moulded Items
M/s Shiva Steel Ind Steel Furniture
M/s Rhino Industry Acrylic products General Manager DICC-
2 Industrial Area Mangaldoi
M/s Sarma Hosiary Woolen Garments Darrang
M/s NOVA Enterprise Exercise Book Binding
M/s Rajmahal Fabrication Steel furniture
M/s Sahabadi Udyog Hume Pipe
M/s Sunadaram Foods (P) Ltd Cakes
M/s SRD Nutrients(P) ltd Malted Food

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s ESS DEE proteins Noddles
M/s Brahmaputra Packers Corrugated Box
M/s Swarnaprabha Paper product File Cover & Board
M/s Basanti Canteen Tea stall
M/s Trinity Fructa Ltd ORS
M/s Nirmal Soap Factory Laundry soap
Industrial Area Mangaldoi
M/s Aqua Fresh Packaged Drinking Water
M/Puja Packers, Paper Corrugated Box
Paper Corrugated Box &
M/s Modern Packaging Ind.
M/s Clean Zone Uniform Mfg & Dry Cleaning
M/s Basanti Feed -
M/s Khalifa Rice Mill Rice Milling General Manager DICC-
3 Industrial Area Dalgaon
M/s Vinayak Minerals Processed Minerals Darrang
4 Commercial Estate Maroi M/s Asom Udyog Moulded Blocks
5 Commercial Estate Niz- Dahigaon - -
M/s Akash Hotel Restaurant
M/s Borluit Hotel Restaurant
M/s Maa Store Cosmetic Store
M/s Ma-Durga Store Tea Stall
M/s Bhairabi Store Stationery
6 Commercial Shed Bhebarghat
M/s Priyanka Stationery. Stationery
M/s Sagar Fruit & Juice. Fruit Juice Stall
M/s Maya Store Saloon
M/s Om Santi Tailoring Ind. Tailoring
M/s Jinu Fashion Desigining. Ready Made Garments

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Shivam Enterprise. Backery Products Retail
M/s Anjali Communication. Photostat & Stationery General Manager DICC-
Commercial Shed Bhebarghat
M/s Mrinmoy Pan Bhandar. Pan Shop Darrang
M/s Doli Das Stationery. Pan Shop

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Integrated Industrial Development
1 - - Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Silagaon Silapathar
M/s Dibyajyoti Industry Weaving
M/s Dibyajyoti Industry Weaving
M/s Bosumatary Ind. D.T.P.
M/s Sonowal Ind. Weaving
M/s Ranjan Industry Weaving
General Manager DICC-
2 Commercial Estate Silapathar M/s Regon Radio Mart Radio/TV/Computer
M/s Sebika Industry Weaving
M/s Dipti Industry Weaving
M/s Pranjal Enterprise DTP
M/s Nirada Industry Weaving
M/s Mompi Beauty Parlour Beauty Parlour

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s International Tyre Retreds Tyre Repairing
1 Industrial Estate Gauripur
M/s. Koolmint Inds. Menthol
Bhola Nath Sutradhar Silversmith
Sukumar Paul Tailoring
Gopal Ch. Sen Tailoring
Probin Saha Tailoring
Subal Saha Bidi
Noor Jahan Bibi Quilt
Niprendra Nath Bhowmik Tailoring
2 Common Work Shop Gauripur
Sudhir Saha Bidi
Alok Karmakar Electrical Rep
General Manager DICC-Dhubri
Animesh Karmakar Electrical Rep
Gaur Gobinda Saha Tailoring
Phani Bhusan Dutta Ayurvedic Prod
Swapan Kr.Saha Tailoring
Rabi Lochan Saha Tailoring
Judhistir Das Musical Instrument
Maniklal Das Book Binding
Suresh Sutradhar Wooden Furniture
3 Common Service Workshop Bilasipara
Amal Mandal Steel Furniture
Amal Mandal Steel Furniture
Shyamal Roy Decorator

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Ratan Sutradhar Furniture
Common Service Workshop Bilasipara
Babul Sarker Tailoring
Haradhan Das Jewellery
Sunil Krishna Das -
Gauranga Ch. Das -
4 Common Workshop Bilasipara Bazar
Haripada Karmakar -
Tarapada Das - General Manager DICC-Dhubri
Bishwa Nath Rabi Das Cobbler
5 Common Work Shed Bilasipara Under (CMSY) - -
6 Commercial Estate (SC) Halakura - -
7 Common Service Workshop Bilasipara - -
8 Training Centre Arreyerjhar Chapar - -
9 Common Work Shed Lakhiganj Bazar - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Choice Tea Industry Black Tea
M/s Golden Tea Company Black Tea
M/s Magnum Beverage & (P) Ltd. Packaged Drinking Beverages
M/s North East Exim Cashew Nut Processing
1 Industrial Estate Lahowal
M/s Quality Pharma Products(P) Ltd. Pharmaceutical Item
M/s Himalayan Air Products Oxygen & Nitrogen (Liquid)
M/s Himalayan Gas Industries Oxygen Argon
M/s Kejriwal Pol ypack (P)Ltd. -
M/s Millennium Metalloys (P)Ltd. TMT Bar
M/s Super Infratech (P) Ltd. Bituminous Concrete
M/s Purnananda Press Printing Press
General Manager DICC-
M/s Joy Durga Industry Plastic Moulded Household Items
M/s Twiss Engineers. Rep of Transformer
M/s Steel Age Industries, Steel Fabrication
M/s Purbanchal Industry Steel Fabrication
Industrial Area Beheating M/s Paramount Tea Mach.Rep.

M/s J.L. Bread Makers Bakery Items

M/s Demoja Associate (P) Ltd. Black Tea
M/s SrilaxmiTea&Ind (P)Ltd. Black Tea
M/s R.D.Polyplast (P) Ltd. Plastic Containers
M/s Progyan Concrete Mouldere Concrete Block and Hallow Brick
M/s Pushkara Industry Pavers Block /Concrete Block
M/s Eastern Geo Energy Steel, Alu. Fab. & Solar Mfg/Rep.

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s N.E.Thermion (P) Ltd Steel Ingot
M/s Net Metallics Steel Ingot
M/s Gasgen Ferro Alloys (P) Ltd Ferro Silicon
M/s Duliajan Stone Crusher Stone Crusher
3 Growth Centre Duliajan
M/s Jyoti Stone Crusher Stone Crusher
M/s Borah Enterprise Gauze & Surgical Bandage
M/s Upper Dihing Plastic Plastic sheets
General Manager DICC-
M/s Borah Concrete Concrete Block Bricks
M/s Hira Industry Stone Crusher
4 Mini Industrial Estate Moran M/s Aqua Cold, Package drinking water
M/s J.J.Enterprise Ice Block
M/s Offset Printing Press Offset Printing
5 Commercial Estate Tengakhat M/s Hazarika Enterprise Xerox
M/s Borsaikia Fabrication Steel Fabrication
6 Commercial Estate Morichagaon - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Kohinoor Pulp & Paper Pvt. Ltd. -
1 Industrial Growth Centre Matia Eveready Industries India Ltd. Dry cell battery Under AIDC
VLCC Personal Care Ltd. Noida Cosmetics
2 Industrial Growth Centre Baladmari M/s Asian Flour Mill Atta, Maidam Sooji, Bran
M/s Sarada Candle Factory Candle
3 Commercial Estate Lakhipur M/s Ganga Soap Factory Chaw Chaw Industry
M/s Maa Rice Mill Rice
M/s B.R. Industry Waving
M/s Charu Karu Kala Kendra Art
M/s Becon Enterprise Tailoring
M/s Assam Press House Printing press
M/s Marami Enterpise Tailoring
Commercial Estate Dudhnoi (S.T
4 M/s Mukti Printing Press Printing press
Component Plan) General Manager DICC-
M/s Lucky Industry Tailoring
M/s B.R. Weaving Industry Weaving
M/s Mushroom Cultivation Industry Mushromm
M/s Patgiri Decorative Textile Decorative textile
M/s Amar Press Printing press
M/s Meher Food Industry Rice, Atta,Spices
M/s North East Cold Storage Cold Storage
T.C.P.C. Complex, Goalpara (Under M/s Kurban Tyre Service Tyre retreading
non-notified area) M/s Chayanika Udyog Steel fabrication
M/s Mahamaya Udyog Atta
MDSD Centre -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Radha Tea Black Tea
M/s Chandra Prova Tea Factory Black tea
M/s Golaghat Bio Tea Black Tea
M/s Atlas battery Battery assemble
M/s Modina tyre Tyre Trading
M/s Assam Food Products Bakery
M/s DRISTI Steel Fabrication
M/s Kamakhya Chemical Sodium Silicate
M/s Kamdhenu Industry Wooden Furniture General Manager DICC-
1 Industrial Area Jonaki Nagar
M/s G. Tech Transformer Assemble Golaghat
M/s Ajanta Biscuits Bread & Biscuits
M/s Durga Soap Factory ball soap
M/s Aroti Soap factory ball soap
M/s Devee food products bakery
M/s Dhanshiri Mouldings P.P Container
M/s Hiyashree Steel fabrication
M/s Bikanery food products Food processing
M/s Golaghat Polytech Polypipe polytech

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5

1 Proposed IID Centre At Algapur Circle - - -

Proposed Industrial Estate/

2 - - -
Industrial Area at Serispur

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/

Sl. No Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Integrated Industrial Development Cornetion Flora Floriculture
1 Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Titabor Titabor Cement Industries Cement plant
M/s Shree Fabrication Steel Furniture
M/s Bordoloi Gas Agency Godown
M/s Raw-materials Depot of ASIDC ASIDC depot
M/s Luit Valley Food Processing Pvt. Ltd. Bamboo Products
M/s Swastik Engg. Works Steel Fabrication
M/s Swastik Food & Beverges Litchi
M/s Gasco Agency Godown
M/s NECCON Power & Infra Pvt. Ltd. Conductors/Cable
M/s North Eastern Cables Pvt. Ltd. Conductors/Cable
M/s Krishmir Food Products Bakery
2 Industrial Estate Jorhat M/s Govt. Press (Branch) Printing Under AIIDC
M/s S K Industries Lead Acid battery
M/s G S Chemicals Phenyle Making
M/s Raj Industries Battery Plate
M/s Meco Field Trans Repairing
M/s K B Flour Mill Atta
M/s Kulty's Ice Cream Ice Slab
M/s G S Oil & Food Oil Packaging
M/s Hussain Canteen Canteen
M/s Boson Techno Crsft Radiography Equ Service
M/s Kothari Product Pvt. Ltd. Pan Masala

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/
Sl. No Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Swastik Tools Co. Electrical Meter
M/s Gattani Wire Products Wire Netting/ Carton Box
M/s M D Packaging Cartoon
M/s Shyam Associate Safety Match
Industrial Estate Jorhat Under AIIDC
M/s N R Lead Battery
M/s Keyzed Industries Transformer repairing
Demonstraion & Training Centre on Handmade
Handmade paper

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Pheros & Company Wiring & Fencing
M/s L.P. Automotives Agri & Steel Fabrication
M/s Sree Ganesh Floor Mill Atta, Maida etc
M/s Ityadi India Atta, Maida etc
M/s Dharampal Satyapal Pan Masala Corrugated boxes
M/s Herbo Foundation (P) Ltd. -
M/s Assam Bayan Silpanusthan Weaving & Motor Assembling
M/s Dainik Janasadharan News paper
M/s Raunaq Communication Electronic Item
M/s ICCO(P) Ltd Nuts & Bolts
M/s NC Industries Ancillary unit of Godrej Saralee
1 Industrial Estate Bamunimaidam M/s Aurora Fine Arts Offset Printing Under AIIDC
M/s Vijay Steel& wire Products. Offset Printing
M/s As Carbon Ancillary Carbon Products
M/s Aay Cee Carbon Brush Ind. Carbon Products
M/s Thakuria Industries Plastic Bags
M/s Mech Technik Fabrication
M/s Gonesh Industries Steel fabrication
M/s Barua Publishing Offset Printing
M/s Prag Electricals Transformer mfg
M/s Saraighat Phototype Offset Printing
M/s Nabanita Printers Offset Printing
M/s Paragon Offset Printing Press

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Anjaybee Infotech Data Processing
M/s Mahalakshmi Industries, PVC Pipes
M/s Altron Electronics (P) Ltd. Control Panel
M/s Prachyalipi Printing works
M/s Luit Atta Chakki Atta Chakki
M/s Thakuria Polymech Industry Poly pack materials
M/s Jay Real Products (P) Ltd. Corrugated boxes
M/s Kaziranga Offset Ancillary of Godrej Saralee
M/s NECT Printing and Computer works
M/s Trinayan Graphic Offset. Offset Printing
M/s Dragon Consumer (P) Ltd. Cosmetics
M/s Hemkosh Printers Computer Printing
M/s Moromee Enterprise Offset Printing
Industrial Estate Bamunimaidam M/s Artfed Handloom & Textile Under AIIDC
M/s Metal Moulders Brass & Copper Casting
M/s A.K Engineering Control Panel
M/s Kamakhya Steel Works Fabrication
M/s Techno Trade Engineering, Fabrication
M/s Modern Book Binding Screen Printing
M/s Kaushik Printers Offset/Screen Printing
M/s Jana Kiran Engg Works Fabrication
M/s Pentagon Associate Ent Bakery
M/s Bahniman Ice-Cream(P) Ltd Ice Cream
M/s Talukder Automobiles Automobile Workshop
M/s Siva Offset Printing Works
M/s Shardha Plastic Pan masala etc
M/s Brahmaputra Offset Offset Printing

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Vijoya Screen Adver. Pvt. Ltd. Screen Printing
M/s D S Extrution Steel Fabrication
M/s Imprint Printing Works
M/s A B Chemicals Solid phenyl
M/s Mohamaya Press Offset Printing
M/s Kanika Textile Weaving
M/s Techno Fab Engg Fabrication
M/s Steel Giant Group Tiles adhesive
M/s Bhogali Jalpan Fast Food
M/s Speed Image Screen Printing
M/s R S Engineering works Lathe works
M/s Rounoque Electrovision Exide Battery
M/s Milijuli Plastic Plastic Cover for Bread & Biscuits
Industrial Estate Bamunimaidam M/s Genuine Trading Company, Offset Printing Under AIIDC
M/s Brahmaputra Corrugator Disposable Packaging
M/s Quality Laminator Lamination Works
M/s JCB Industries Tent, Terpoline
M/s Bhuyan Food Products Fast Food
M/s Gogoi Udyog Plate Grinding of Offset press
M/s NSIC NSIC Office
Post Office Post Office
M/s D.H Book Binding Book Binding & Printing.
M/s Rajesh Fabricator Fabrication works
M/s Deka Weaving Garments Mfg.
M/s N.R. Communication Xerox
M/s P Das & Company Mfg. Single Barrel Gun
M/s Repose Foods Printing press

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Gopal Deka Enterprise Fabrication
M/s Computer House Computer Repairing
M/s. INNOVA Paper bag Mfg. and Printing
M/s Fairlogic Devices Offset Printing etc
M/s Pheros Structural Fabrication
M/s Assam Carbon Products (P) Limited. Carbon Products
M/s Rika Engineering Products Wire netting
M/s B.H Enterprise Mosquito Repellent
Industrial Estate Bamunimaidam
M/s Dadhia Enterprise Fabrication Panel Board
M/s Ayush India Dry ginger packaging
M/s Universal Fragnance Ind. -
M/s Pathak Chemicals Candle & Ink
M/s. Print word Offset Printing
M/s Gurbaksish Industries U bolt, Cyl pipe Under AIIDC
M/s Sagar Printers Printing Press
M/s. R. M Food production Spice grinding
M/s United Industries Assembling of Gen & Pump Set
M/s Lloyds Pharmaceuticals Medicine
M/s Doson Chemicals Medicine
M/s Bee Dee Pharmaceuticals Medicine
M/s Ceekey Printers Printing Works
Industrial Area Kalapahar M/s Das Steel Fabrication Steel Fabrication

M/s Sumitra Paper Products Paper Plate Mfg.
M/s Joganiar Steel Almirah
M/s Sree Prakash Steel Ind. Tube Well fitter
M/s Quality Food Products Bakery
M/s P.K Choudhary & Sons (I) HDPE Product

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Synergy Film Industry Poly Product
M/s Art Printers & Stationers Printing Works
M/s Chilarai Industries Steel Almirah
M/s Prince Paper Product Book Binding
M/s Sree Guru Furniture Furniture
M/s Adventech Industries Aluminum Door
M/s Astro Apperal Garments
M/s Computer Arts Offset Printing
Industrial Area Kalapahar M/s Excellent Gravure Packaging Materials Under AIIDC
M/s B.N Fabrication PET Bottle
M/s Kalita Enterprise Book Binding
M/s Kamrup Udyog Plastic Cup
M/s Data Care Printing & Packaging Paper Board Box
M/s B.R. Industries. Canvas Tarpaulin
M/s Fabcon Engineers Power Transformer
M/s Nabbos Readymade Garments
M/s Jayguru Enterprise Steel Furniture
M/s. Shan Ventures Food Prod.
M/s. C.B. Industries, Steel Fur.
M/s. Arihant Fine Industries HDP
M/s. Guwahati Packaging Ind. Food Prod.
M/s. R&G Steel Weld Fab. Fabrication
3 Industrial Area Bonda Under ASIDC
M/s. Kamakhya Laboratory Allop.Med.
M/s. Nezone Chemicals Paint
M/s. Polymat Industries Water Tank
M/s. Ruhika Industries Steel Fur.
M/s. Purbanchal Pipe Cartoon Box

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. P.P. Plastic PVC Door
M/s. Green Tech System Solar Equp
M/s. Nutri-Aid Juice
M/s. Square Food Prod.
M/s. Purbanchal Cane & Bamboo Press
M/s. Borkotaki Metal Ind. Elc. Penal Board
M/s. Suravi Associate Tiles
M/s. G.B. Industries Pat Bottle
M/s. Hindustan Pharmatech Allop.Med.
M/s. Das Metal Industries Nails
M/s. Kangla Food Food
M/s. S.S. Enterprise Utensil
Industrial Area Bonda M/s. Magnolia Industries Saw Dust
M/s. A.C. Products Saw Dust Under ASIDC
M/s. Guwahati Food Processing & Packaging Ind. Bakery
M/s. Sristi Pratilipi Art Works Press
M/s. J.P. Weaving Weaving
M/s. Chandrakanan Press
M/s. Akan Jute Industry Weaving
M/s. S.C. Johnsons All Out
M/s. Gohain Enterprise Cane/Bambo
M/s. Monjit Enterprise Ice Slab
M/s. B.G. Food Products Floor Mill
M/s. Elegant Polymer Pat Bottle
M/s. S.G. Food & Beverage M. Water
M/s. Sunny Steel Steel Products
4 Industrial Area Bamunimaidam
M/s. Adworld, -

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. S & S Industries Plastic Item
M/s. Excel Global Press
M/s. Screen Image, Press
M/s. Allied Industries, Press
M/s. Alcon Eastern, Utensil
M/s. D & H Fabrication Fabrication Works
M/s. Saraighat Industries Press
M/s. Assam Engineering, Steel Items
M/s. D.H. Book Binding Press
M/s. Sadin Printers Press
M/s. Shyama Gas, Godown
M/s. Balaji Industries, Press
M/s. Saraighat Polyfilm, Film Ind.
Industrial Area Bamunimaidam M/s. Thakuria Polymake Ind. Plastic Item Under ASIDC
M/s. Bipul Engineering, Steel
M/s. A.K. Electrical -
M/s. Techno, (I.B) Godown
M/s. Mech Fab Engineering, Steel
M/s. Saikia Bakery, Food
M/s. N.E.H.H.D.C. Ltd., Godwon
M/s. Hindustan Offset, Press
M/s. Coir Board, Godown
M/s. A-1 Industries, -
M/s. Eastern Power Engg. Battery
M/s. Brahmaputra Packaging, Cartoon
M/s. Aurora Fine Arts Press
M/s. Star Power, Battery

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. S.S. Graphics Press
M/s. Lohit Fabricators Fabric
M/s. Asomia Pratidin Press
M/s. S.M. Steel, Steel Item
M/s. Bhatta Brothers -
M/s. Bijoya Steel & Wire Products. Steel Item
M/s. Brahmaputra Automobiles. Automobiles Repairing
M/s. Chandika Food Products, Food Item
M/s. Diptron, Press
M/s. Atlanta LPG Stove
M/s. Luit Commercial Elec.Item
M/s. Nabanita Printers Press
M/s. Moheswari Steel Steel Item
Industrial Area Bamunimaidam M/s. Data Plus Info Channel Battery Under ASIDC
M/s. Balaji Industries Press
M/s. Plasto Pipe PVC Pipe
M/s. Printing Udyog Press
M/s. Ambrem Press Press
M/s. Universal Pipes PVC Pipe
M/s. Das Brothers Press
M/s. Ma Padma Godown
M/s. JMM Industries Press
M/s. Brahmaputra Automobiles -II Steel Item
M/s. Balaji Industries -III Press
M/s. Jagriti Enterprise Press
M/s. Pragati Industries Press
M/s. Shree Shyam Food Products Sweat Supari

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. Oracle Copy Book Industries Press
Industrial Area Bamunimaidam Under ASIDC
M/s. Trident Trends Infra Lead & Solar Plate
M/s Delux Micro Plates Offset printing plates
M/s Bhuyan Associates Polythene bag etc
M/s Neo Plast Industries (P) Ltd UPVC Windows
M/s Assorted Plastic (P) Ltd. Plastic Pre plug assembling unit
M/s Trishna Constructions Steel furniture
M/s Shivam Industries Fabrication, steel furniture
M/s Gitanjali Safe Steel furniture
M/s Aluminium Craft Anodiing of metal products
M/s Shree Narayani Udyog Ready to eat
Protein Grannules, Soya nuggets,
M/s Sweta Protein Products
Puffed snacks
M/s Pee Gee(India) Ltd. News paper
5 Mini Industrial Estate Kalapahar M/s Frontier Publications Printing News Paper Under AIIDC
M/s Balaji Poly Films Polythene sheets
M/s Sachine Engg. Works Steel furniture
M/s Denizen Consumer Products Noodles etc
M/s Janambhumi Press (P) Ltd. News paper
M/s A.V. Industries Car perfume etc.
M/s Thulunga Printers Printing
Fabrication, Assembling of Diesel
M/s Pegusus Industries
Engine Pump
M/s Babloo Steel Steel Fabrication
M/s Eastern Pioneer James clip, paper pins
M/s Vingaraj Bamboo Bambo products
M/s S.S Industries Readymade garments

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Denizen Multi Products Assembling of Car
M/s ACN Products Readymade Garments
M/s Mens Clothing Ready made garments
M/s Neo Hygiene Chemicals (P) Ltd Nuts & bolts, Steel fabrication etc.
M/s Windsor Fashion (P) Ltd Plastic moulded furniture
M/s Fujoma Industries Hydraulic crane, paint booth, wheel aligner
Mini Industrial Estate Kalapahar M/s PMB Industries Steel Fabrication, Steel Furniture
M/s Asom Bakery Bread, Bun, cookies etc.
M/s Pooja Glass Works Glass cutting, tainted & lamination
M/s Sunrise Paper Products Paper, Napkins, Toilet Rolls
M/s Sankha Press Pvt. Ltd. News Paper, Books, Dairy Calander etc.
M/s North East Plastic Products Plastic & Household Goods
M/s B.M. Press Printing & Allied activities
M/s Harsh Trading Company Exercise book, writing pad etc.
M/s AssociatedControl Panel Control Panel
M/s National Printers Offset Printing
M/s As Web Process Offset Printing
M/s Kiran Read Industries furniture
M/s Monsoon Polymers Plastic Rope &
6 CITI Complex Kalapahar The Poly Products Part Carban paper
General Manager DICC-
M/s P.RTradeand Industries Steel Fabrication
Kamrup (M)
M/s Subhash Industries Industrial Oil
M/s B.N. Packaging Pet Bottles
M/s BrahmaputraPoly Plastic Plastic Product
M/s Sankar Udyog Mustard Oil
12 (twelve) nos of Commercial Sheds. at present sheds are in deplorable
7 Commercial Estate Sonapur
conditions, needs repairing.

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Nano Steel P Lts. Bamboo Ply Board
M/s Om North East Agency (P) Ltd. Pre Fabricated Structure & Bitumen Emulsion
M/s Narayani Hitechpack (P) Ltd. Corrugated Box & Cartoon
M/s Amir feed Ltd Animal feed
M/s Ferro Buiulders Pre Fabricated Steel structure
M/s KC & Sons HDPE, Tarpaulin
M/s AVM Notebook P Ltd Exercise Books
M/s Balaji Industries II Detergent
M/s Gautam Indusries Aluminum Utentsils
M/s Indo Spanish Industries PVC Tank & Pipe
M/s Jai Baba Aluminium Inds. Aluminum Utentsils
1 IID Rangia Under AIIDC
M/s Donewell Pharmaceuticals P Ltd. Medicine
M/s Amas Enterprise P Ltd Paper Product
M/s-BR Metallics Ingots, Billets
M/s Tragopan Cosmetics Herbal Soap & Shampoo
M/s Deepak Manufacturing Inds. Plastics Ropes
M/s KD Iron & steel Company TMT Bars,Pipes
M/s Swagvish Distilleries (P) Ltd. IMFL & Mineral water
M/s NE Bamboo Bamboo Products
M/s Swaraj Industries PVC Casting Pipes & Hoses
M/s Shree Umananda Industries MS Wires,Nails
M/s Kakati Plastic Industry PVC pipes

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Lachit Enterprise Wire Netting
M/s-BR Metallics AAC Block
IID Rangia Under AIIDC
M/s Anupama Offset Offset & Screen Printing
M/s Manak Plastics (P) Ltd HDPE Pipe
M/s Veejay Laboratories Medicine
M/s Seven Sisters Trade & Distilleries
(P) Ltd.
M/s Jericho Detergent (P) Ltd.. Detergent Powder
M/s Unicem Paints (India) Pvt.Ltd. Cement Paint etc
M/s Purbanchal Enterprise (P) Ltd. Wax emulsion / Rosinex
M/s Raghav Industries. Cement paint
M/s Manaksia Ltd. Aluminium products & Mosquito coil.
M/s Luit Hatcheries. Day old chicks
M/s Rausheena Udyog Ltd. RTE food.
2 Export Promotion Industrial Park M/s Ozone Ayurvedics (Unit-II) Spice Oils and Oleoresin extracts
Under AIDC
Amingaon M/s Jajodia Engineering (P) Ltd. Steel/Plastic Furniture
M/s Pluton Plastic Water Tanks.
M/s Keshari Polymer Plastic Polymer Granuals
M/s Jyothy Laboratories Ltd. Moscuito Coil
M/s Torsa Machines Ltd. Crusher Machine
M/s Ghosal Techno Fab Product Ltd Panel Bord
M/s Central Warehousing Corpn. Warehouse
M/s Ozone Ayurvedics (Unit-I) Ayurvedic Drugs
M/s Ozone Pharmaceutical . Allopathic Drugs.
M/s Tirupati Dairytech Ice cream
M/s Power Maker (Unit-I) Transformers

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Rhino Bamboo Industry Bamboo Tile
M/s Kosons Forest Products(P)Ltd. Bamboo Flooring
M/s Emami Ltd. Medicine
M/s North-East Packaging Packaging
M/s B.P. Poly Udyog PVC water tank
M/s I-Tech Electronics CTV and Plastic Components
M/s Varsa Tubes Pvt. Ltd. Asbestos Cement Pressure Pipes.
M/s The Supreme Industries Ltd. Moulded Furniture & Crates
M/s Natures Aroma Oil extraction & Oleoresin etc.
M/s Indian Jute Industries Research
i)IJIRA- NERC ii)Power Loom Service Centre
M/s Melet Schloesing Laboratories India Blood Cell Counter Reagent
Export Promotion Industrial Park M/s Dochania Industries PVC Pipe
Under AIDC
Amingaon M/s Jajodia Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Steel Furniture
M/s Ahura Mazda Metal Forming &
Steel & Wood Furniture Etc
M/s M. M. Carbon Products Pvt. Ltd. Electrode Paste and Tamping Paste
Packhouse under AEZ- Ginger Central Pack House
M/s Brahmaputra Power & Controls Nuts, Bolts etc.
M/s Safety Point Fire Appliance, Fire Fighting Equipments
M/s Mariana Enterprise Panel Board
M/s Sunshine Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Packaging unit
M/s National Plastomouldings, Plastic Items Mfg.
M/s Raizel Industries IMFL Bottling Plant
M/s Nezone Engineering Company HT, LT Line materials
M/s Sarma Dipscon & Chemicals, Water Proofing Compound

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Alpet Containers Pet Bottles
M/s L.B. Enterprise Pvt. Ltd. Electrical Cables
M/s Hillman Bakers Pvt. Ltd. Diary Project
M/s P. P. Industries PVC products
M/s Polycon Industries PVC products
M/s Power Maker (Unit-II), Transformer etc
Export Promotion Industrial Park M/s Magnum Industries PET Bottles
Under AIDC
Amingaon Blow Moulding Drum,Injection Moulding
M/s P.P. Plastic (Unit-I)
M/s Keshari Udyog Jewellery and Plastic items & allied products
M/a McLeod Russel India Ltd. Tea Blending
M/s P.P. Plastic (Unit-II) Water Tank
M/s GD Tech India Pvt. Ltd. Plastic Films & Bags
M/s Pluton Plastic Pvt. Ltd. Plastic Items
M/s Rausheena Udyog Ltd Rly Track Comp.
M/s Starflex Plastic Industries Plastic Pipes
M/s Kaziranga Galvanizers (P) Ltd. Fabrication & Galvanizing Plant
M/s Fabric Plus Pvt Ltd Silk Fabrics
M/s KBH Infra service (P) ltd Fiber Mattress etc
Industrial Growth Centre Chaygaon M/s Shyam Ispat M.s Ingot
3 Under AIIDC
Chatabari M/s Snehit & Aich Spices Industries Grinding & Packaging Spices
M/s RB Trading Co. Stabilizer
M/s Prag Electricals P Ltd Transformer
M/s C G Foods & Bhujia, Noodles
M/s. J T Packs (P) Ltd. Paper Packing
M/s Sona Vets Pv. Ltd. Poultry Items

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s JD Ispat & JDB Steels Mfgs Ingot etc
M/s Goodwin Plastic Industries PP Flim, Dispo. Glass & Plates
M/s Maruti Quality Food Products(P) L Bhujia, Noodles
M/s ElRhino Hand Made Paper Articles
M/s Fabric plus LLP Silk Fabrics
M/s Quickgrow Packaging Industries Pvt Ltd Corrugated Box
M/s Genisis Printers & publishers Pvt Ltd Printing & Publishing
M/s Shoden Enterprises Black & Barbed Wire
M/s. J & K Group Water Purifier
M/s Asomi Industries P Ltd Water Filter, Pestuarised Milk
M/s JNB Industries Plastic Film/Sheet
M/s Megha Granuals P Ltd Woven PP Block Bottom
Industrial Growth Centre Chaygaon M/s SM Packers Corrugated Box
Chatabari M/s Assam Polymers PVC Pipe
M/s GT Food Products P Ltd Ginger Paste & Powder
M/s Quality food Products p Ltd Micro Nutrient Fortified Energy
M/s Sturdy Industries Ltd Aluminum Conductor,rod etc
M/s Chemical & Petro Chemical
M/s Anubhab Industries Plates & lead Of batteries
M/s Raj Rubber Industries Bicycle tyres & tubes
M/s Nirmal Industries Assembling & mfg of Bicycle
M/s TCPL Packaging ltd Mfg of Packaging Material
M/s Hamilton Houseware p ltd House ware & thermo flux etc
M/s United Engineers India Laminated Tube, Capes Etc
M/s APY Pharma Medicine

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Bamboo technology Park Bamboo Park
M/s Shree Balaji Enterprise Nail & Hingers
M/s Keshar Safety Glass Toughened Glass
M/s Brahmaputra Bio- Chemical (P) ltd Distillery of 60 KLPD Capacity
M/s Lalit Poly weave LLP Woven Sacks
M/s Sharma Paints Manufacturing P Ltd Plaster of Paris
M/s Techno Industries Turmeric & Ginger Processing
M/s AAP Industries P Ltd PVC Pipes
M/s. S M Consumers (P) Ltd. Unit-II Fruit Beverages, Soft Drinks
M/s. Radha Damodar Projects Ltd. Corrugated Box
M/s AARPEE Hygiene P Ltd Napkin Diaper
M/s Sri Balaji udyog Pre Laminated Board/Furniture
4 Industrial Growth Centre Chaygaon M/s GSR Hygiene P Ltd Napkin Diaper
Jambari M/s. Meghalaya Polymer Plastic Granules, Portable Cabinet..
M/s. Shivsakti Agro (India) Ltd. Animal Feed Plant
M/s Mehek Industries Candel Factory
M/s Shiv Priya Industries Black Wire & Nails
M/s Assorted Plastics P Ltd Corrugated Box
M/s Vakharia Industries Mosquito Coil Stand
M/s Assorted Industries Mosquito Repellent
M/s Krishna Food Products Noodles, Bhujia
M/s Meinam Industries PVC Pipes & Tanks
M/s Brahmaputra Cotton & Surgicals Surgical Items
M/s. United Engineers India Laminated Tube Cap Etc
M/s North East Green power Soluion P Ltd. Solar Energy Conservation Power
M/s Gyanesh Polymers Flexible Packaging Flim etc

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. TSI Engineering Industries (P) Ltd Water Pump Etc.
Industrial Growth Centre Chaygaon M/s Creative Propack Ltd Plastic Bottols, Jars etc
Jambari M/s Amrit Breeder Farms (P) Ltd Hatchery
M/s Alpet Containers, Unit III Pet Bottles & Caps
M/s Nirmal Seeds (P) Ltd. Organic Manure
M.S. Green Harvest (India) Bio-Tech (P)
Agro Chemicals
Industrial Growth Centre Patgaon
5 M/s Eastern Enterprises Poly Carry Bag
M/s S. M. Packing Corrugated box
M/s Aqua Green Minerals (P) Ltd Packaged Drinking Water
M/s Lahkar Udyog (P) Ltd. Bakery Unit
M/s Bellstone Hi- tech Int. Mfg. of Ind. Equipments etc
M/s Plastic moulders Int. Plastic Chairs
M/s Sai cares Labortory p Ltd Medicine
M/s Sunflag Households P ltd Mosquito Repellent
M/s Sree Kirti Polymac Industries Plastic Rope
M/s Sree Kirti Rope & Twine Ind. Plastic Rope
M/s North eastern Surgical Ind. Surgical Items
6 Industrial Area Rani M/s Shander Paint Industries Paints
M/s Ghaneshyam Pharm. Medicine
M/s GRD Pharmaceuticals Medicine
M/s Kamrup pavers & pipe Ind. Pavers Tiles
M/s Exel Engineers Electrical,GSM, Tubular, sutler
M/s Sunshine Industries Corrugated Box
M/s Balaji Udyog Detergent Soap
M/s Shah Industries Coil Stand, Revert washer

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s NE Concrete Pipe Industries Hume pipe
M/s Kamrup pavers & pipe Ind. Pavers Tiles
M/s ECOPACK EPS Foam products
M/s G.M Polymers Plastic mate
M/s Anup Agro Products Pvt. Ltd. Pesticides
M/s J.U Pesticides & Chemical (P) ltd. Pesticides
M/s Durga Udyog Thinner
M/s Mansha Cement Pipe Industries RCC pipe
M/s Progressive Industries Re-refining of lubricating oil & greases
M/s Das Cafe Tea cafe
M/s Dhanalakshmi Packaging Industries Corrugated box
Industrial Area Rani Under AIIDC
M/s Ashoka Mercantile Plastic Chairs
M/s Ecopaper Industries Napkins & paper roll
M/s Eco Gold Pipe Industry Ridged PVC & CPVC pipes
M/s Prin plastic (P) Ltd PP granules
M/s M.D Enterprise Steel fabrication
M/s Kuber Polymers EPS blocks & PVC items
M/s GRD Care Cosmetics
M/s Aqua Green Minerals (P) Ltd. Packaged Drinking water
M/s Vishnu Overseas Manufacturing & packaging flavoured tea
M/s Rani Food & Bevrages Fruits & vegetable processing
M/s Mahabir Chemicals Wall putty, tiles adhesive, paints
M/s DSS Power Tech System Stabilizer & Panel Board
M/s Nirman Industries Recycle Battery General Manager
7 Commercial Estate Amingaon
M/s Onoma India (P) Ltd. Steel Furniture DICC-Kamrup (R)
M/s S M Products Snacks

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Lahit Industries Under Wear
M/s Nezone Packaging(P) Ltd. RMG
M/s Borluit Mfg. Co. Plastic Product
M/s Vibgyor Enterprise Dyed Yarn
M/s Assam Silk Craft Devp. Centre Silk Prod.
M/s Labanya Prakashan Printing press
M/s Karmakar Manas Bolt Factory Nut & Bolt
Commercial Estate Amingaon
M/s NEDFi Muga Silk
M/s Poonam Udyog Plastic Product
M/s Fabric Plus Muga & eri Prod.
M/s Sahani Trade Industries Fabricated M/C
M/s J D Associates Absorbent Cotton General Manager
M/s Om Packaging Corrugated Boxes DICC-Kamrup (R)
M/s Hillman Bakers Milk Prod.
M/s Krishna Furniture Furniture
M/s R C C Ring Industries Concrete
Sri Parmeswar Boro Printing press
Sri Pahuram Boro Weaving
M/s Jonali Bayan Boro Weaving
8 Commercial Estate Boko (TSP)
M/s S K Tatsal Udyog Weaving
M/s Kabita Bayan Kendra Weaving
M/s R. Supari Making Unit Supari
Sri Niran Ch. Rabha Tailoring
Sri Biren Ch. Rabha Yarn Dyeing

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Sri Khagen ch. Rabha Cane & Bamboo
Sri Nageswar Rabha Supari
Sri Hahiram Basumotary Furniture
Mukunda Rabha Furniture
Commercial Estate Boko (TSP) Sri Meghu Ram Rabha Welding
Sri Thaneswar Rabha Weaving
M/s Rubina Mashroom Mashroom
M/s Aruna Weaving Centre Weaving
M/s Rabha Industries Weaving
M/s Ratan Store -
9 Commercial Estate, Malibari (SCCP) M/s Das Store
M/s Das Furniture House
General Manager
Sri Ranjit Das -
DICC-Kamrup (R)
Sri Dharanidhar Das
Sri Jyotish Das
Sri krishna Kanta Hazarika
Sri Haren Ch Pathak
Sri lohit Das
10 Dihina Commercial Estate (SCCP) Sri Bhabesh Medhi
Sri jogendra Nath Kakati
Sri Apurba Mazumdar
Sri Umesh Das
Sri Mrigen Mazumdar
Sri Guru Prasad Das
Bazar Committee

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/ Controlling
Name of the Unit Product of the Unit
No M.I.E. Authority
1 2 3 4 5
11 Commercial Estate North Guwahati - -
Sri Khanin Das -
Sri Bulu Das Baishya General Manager
12 Commercial Estate Rangia (SCCP)
Sri Nitul Banik DICC-Kamrup (R)
Sri Bindu Das
13 Commercial Estate Goreswar (TSP) - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/

Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
No M.I.E.
1 2 3 4 5
1 IID Centre Serfanguri M/s Rajlakshi Rice Mill Rice Milling, Rice Bran Under AIIDC

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s S.S. Oil & Flour Mill Oil Expeller
M/s Steel Age Steel Fabrication
1 Industrial Estate Bokajan
M/s .B. Utensil Industry Aluminum Utensils
M/s B.S.T. Enterprise Electric Transformer Repairing
2 Industrial Estate Hamren - -
3 Commercial Estate Lorulangso Diphu M/s SomidarKarbiAmei Co-op Food Processing
M/s Biswakarma Spice Mill Spice Grinding
4 Commercial Estate Dokmoka
M/s S.D. Cable Network Cable TV
5 Commercial Estate Amtreng - -
6 Commercial Estate Baithalangso - -
7 Commercial Estate Kheroni Jenkha - -
General Manager DICC-
8 Commercial Estate Bagori - -
Karbi Anglong
9 Commercial Estate Donkamokam - -
M/s Timung Electronics Electronic Parts & Repairing
10 Commercial Estate Dokmoka M/s Malin Store Radio & TV Repairing
M/s R.S. Parts Store Electronic Parts
SmtiLaxmi Devi Tea Stall
11 Industrial Growth Centre Diphu Sri Anuj Sing Tea Stall
Sri Danny Sing Grocery Shop
Sri Have Rongpi -
Sri RupsingRongpi -
12 Industrial Growth Centre Sarihajan
Sri Nirendra Hanse -
Sri Hemari Tokbi -

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Sri Rajen Boro Tailoring
Sri Pomieam Boro Grocery Shop
13 Growth Centre Borthol
Sri Glinso Teron Stationary & Pan Shop
Sri Bhaieov Basumatary TV & Computer Repairing
Sri Dipeswar Ch. Nath Grocery Shop
14 Commercial Estate Centre Bazar Sri Anthony Teron Stationary Shop
SmtiMinali Beypi Computer Assembling
Sri Niwash Sarmah -
Sri Monuj Sarmah -
15 Commercial Estate Kheroni
Sri Sushil Pandy -
Sri Shankar Das -
16 Growth Centre Manja - -
M/s Kramsa Oil Expeller & Atta Spice Oil Expeller
General Manager DICC-
17 Growth Centre Bakulia Industry
Karbi Anglong
M/s Phudang Rice Mill Rice Milling
18 Growth Centre, Sarihajan - -
Smti Kareng Tissopi -
Sri Raju Teron -
18 Industrial Growth Centre Hamren
Sri Mitralal Chetry -
Sri Jemson Tokbi -
19 Growth Centre Langhin - -
20 Growth Centre Parakhowa - -
Sri Borsing Tokbi -
Sri Bishnu Teron -
21 Growth Centre Gorgaon
Sri Bongtok Engleng -
Smti Basapi Englengpi -
22 Growth Centre Rajapathar - -

Sl. No Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
23 Growth Centre Voksong - -
24 Growth Centre Satgaon - -
25 Growth Centre Bhelapara - - General Manager DICC-
26 Growth Centre Donkamukh - - Karbi Anglong
27 Growth Centre Hongkram - -
28 Growth Centre Deighor - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
1 Industrial Estate Badarpur Ghat - -
MIS Sudharshan Furniture Wooden Furniture General Manager
2 Commercial Estate R K Nagar MIS Radharaman Sweets Sweets Mfg. DICC-Karimganj
MIS Pooja Printing Works Computer Printing

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Gopal Concrete Pipe Industries RCC Hume pipe & Septic tank
M/s Purvanchal Infra and Industries Pvt. Ltd. Clinker Cement
M/s Khandelwal Diesels Car/Bus Servicing
M/s B.M Industries Paint & Vernish
Integrated Industrial Development M/s Laxmi Enterprise Steel Fabrication
1 Under AIIDC
Centre(IID) Bandardewa M/s Ganga Yamuna Tyre Industries Tire retarding Plant
M/s Green Tech Eco Industries Leaf Plate
M/s Biswakarma Body Construction Autombile Body Construction
Marline Super Product Veg. Noodles
M/s Laxmi Enterprise Wastage Plastic Process
M/s Bhuyan Tek Mek Steel Fabrication
2 Industrial Estate Rajbari
Mini Rural Market by AIIDC
3 Industrial Area Telahi Dev. Block - -
4 Commercial Estate Bongalmora - -
M/s Assam Air Product Oxygen Gas
M/s Allied Construction Electrical
General Manager DICC-
M/s North East Fabrication Steel Fabrication
M/s Pick- Up Steel Fabrication
5 Growth Centre Lilabari Lakhimpur M/s M P S Enterprise Steel Fabrication
M/s U K B -
M/s Derby Commodities Bamboo Stick
M/s Jyoti Food Bevare Packaged Water
M/s North East Fabrication Fabrication

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Common Facility Service Centre for Water Training centre for Water
hyacinth hyacinth
M/s Kunkuni Rice Mill Rice
1 Industrial Area, Dolbari Morigaon
M/s R. K. Plastic Plastic product General Manager
M/s Mayuri Paper Handmade paper

2 Commercial Estate Morigaon M/s Morigaon Engineering worked Welding

3 Black smith Training Centre Dharamtul - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
1 Industrial Estate 29-km Umrangso - -
2 Industrial Estate 12-km Umrangso - -
3 Growth Centre Maibang - -
General Manager
4 Commercial Estate Diyungbra - - DICC-Dima Hasao
5 Commercial Estate TCPC Maibang - -
Mini Industrial Estate Sarkari Bagan
6 - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Powerline Industries (P) Ltd. Aquastic D.G Set
M/s Anupama Cylinders (P) Ltd. Repairing etc of HDPE/LDPE bags
M/s Raj Concrete Products (P) Ltd Hume Pipes
M/s Shree Shyam Industries Ltd. PSC Poles
Integrated Industrial Development M/s S3G Industries Drinking Water
1 Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Naltoli/Bhomoraguri M/s Kundan Industries Storage Tank
Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd. Spice Processing
M/s Powerline Green Steel Furniture
M/s Berger Paints India Ltd. Paints, Putty Etc
Ginger Collection Centre Ginger
M/s Dipti Textile Textile Industry
M/s. Wing Industries Detergent Cake
M/s. ASIDC Office Govt. office
M/s. North East Polymer Water Tank
M/s. Prasanna Enterprise Rice Mill
M/s Maheswari Ispat Udyog, Steel Fabrication
General Manager DICC-
2 Industrial Estate Senchowa Nagaon M/s. Asoka Polymer Water Tank
M/s. Yashwi Beverage Packaged Drinking water
M/s. V.K.Food & Beverage Packaged Drinking water
M/s. Kaziranga Industries Jute Bag
M/s. J.M. Industries Auto Leaf spring
M/s.Chakraborty Products Sewai Making
M/s. Eastern Transformer Transformer rep.

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Brahmaputra Enterprise Bamboo Stick
M/s Nagaon Industry Steel Fabrication
M/s Wing Industries Detergent powder
M/s A.S. Food Products. Food items
M/s Mayur Engineering Works Nut,Bolt mfg.
M/s Indan Go-down.
Industrial Estate Senchowa Nagaon M/s Eco Gas Chamber Go-down
M/s G.D.Polymac Industry Plastic rope
M/s H.B. Enterprise Steel Fabrication
M/sBrahmaputra Industries Roof & Floor Tiles
M/s Yashwi Beverage Unit- II Lichi Drinks
M/s Mousumi Enterprise Packaged Drinking water General Manager DICC-
M/s Oyter Aluminum Aluminium Door Frame Nagaon
M/s Mudoi Oil Industries 1
M/s Minakshi Enterprise 1
3 Commercial Estate Roha
M/s Sabitri Industry 1
M/s Art Gellary 1
M/s. Binoy Industry. Steel Fabrication
M/s. Chamaria Complex. -
4 Commercial Estate Missa M/s. Sanjoy Enterprise. -
M/s. Jyoti Industry. -
M/s. Ganesh Tailoring. -
M/s. Cycle repairing Unit. Cycle Repairing
4 Commercial Estate Kaliabor Tiniali
M/s. Renu Enterprise. Electrical Goods Sales & Rep.

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. Bordoloi Hardware. Hardware shop.
M/s. Moon Steel Industry. -
M/s. Dutta Enterprise. PCO
M/s. Madhab Udyog Bhastralaya Tailoring
M/s. Pathak Store Weaving
M.s. Shayam Cloth Store -
M/s. Bordoloi Industry - General Manager DICC-
Commercial Estate Kaliabor Tiniali
M/s. Bhuyan Cycle Repairing - Nagaon
M/s. Bora Book Binding. Book Binding
M/s. Kaliabor Electricals. Electrical goods rep.
M/s. Pubaran Industry -
M/s. Bora Tailoring. -
M/s. Niku Moni Furniture. -
M/s. Hazarika Enterprise. -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Eastern Hatcheries Hatchery unit
M/s Shristi K Mercantile Steel furniture
Integrated Industrial Development
1 M/s British Paints Paint Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Tihu
Regional Food Testing Laboratory Food Testing Laboratory
M/s Crio Forma Disposable syringe & cap

2 North East Mega Food Park - -

M/s Kamrup Aluminum Works Aluminum Utensils

M/s K.P.P.Associates Flyash Bricks/Blocks
M/s RidhiSidhi Food Products Noodles
M/s Triffeb Lilas Creation Textiles Products
M/s Manjurii dige Bamboo Stick
M/s Bharat Steel Enterprise Steel Furniture
M/s Nalbari Food Processing Atta,Maida, Suji
M/s New Doulat Traders Dalmug,Bhujia General Manager DICC-Nalbari
3 Industrial Estate Gopalbazar Nalbari
M/s A.R.Enterprise M.Oil
M/s Arihant Food Product M.Oil
M/s Perfect Food Products Drinking Water
M/s Kissan Food Industry Ata
M/s Balaji Udyog Steel Furniture
M/s Dadi Agro Mill M.Oil
M/s Aditya Food Products Noodles
M/s Pancharatna Handloom Handloom Product

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Industrial Estate Gopalbazar Nalbari M/s Nalbari Plastic Industry Plastic Item
4 Commercial Estate Tihu - -
5 Commercial Estate Mukalmua - - General Manager DICC-Nalbari
Commercial Estate under CMS Gopal
6 - -

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Sree Shyam Plastic Plastic Chair etc
M/s Maisang Products Pvt. Ltd. Bamboo Flooring/ Board
M/s Brahmaputra Valley Construction PSC Pole
Industrial Industrial Development
1 M/s Korsa Energy &Infraservices Pvt. Under AIDC
Centre(IID) Demow HDPE/PP woven sacks
M/s Amrit Beverage Mineral water
M/s Ekorani Tea Factory TEA
M/s. Steel India Steel furniture
M/s. Pioneer Steels Steel furniture
M/s. Amba Soap Factory Laundry soap
M/s. Goel Industry Dalmug /Channa
M/s. Gogoi Steel Fab Works Steel fabrication
M/s. Assam Nail Industry Nail
M/s. New N.E.Paints Udyog Paints
Industrial Estate Sivasagar (Under M/s. Tirupati Water Industry Packaged Drinking water
2 Under AIIDC
AIIDC) M/s. Technoweld Steel furniture
M/s. New Build Assam Indy. Tiles.
M/s. Kedia Chakki Mill Atta
M/s. N.E.Paints Udyog Paints
M/s. New Ambikay Food Products Bread & biscuits
M/s. Shiv Rice Mill Rice milling
M/s. Dabjit Gogoi Drinking water
M/s. Purbanchal Industries Candle sticks

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. Jindal Industries Candle sticks
M/s. Maa Bhagwati Glass Glass cutting
M/s. M.L.Fabricators Steel Fabrication
M/s. Eastern Paper Converter Spice grinding
M/s. Vinayak Industry Rice mill
M/s. Shyam Industries Panel board
M/s. Shiv Canvas & Candle Industry Candle sticks
M/s. H.M.Steel Fabrication Works Steel fabrication
M/s. Cement Brick Industries Cement Bricks
M/s. Sanjay Steel Industry Steel Furniture
M/s. Maa Lakshmi Industry Candle Sticks
Industrial Estate Sivasagar M/s. Dreamz Plastic Bags Under AIIDC
M/s. Rangpur Chemical Industry Sodium Silicate
M/s. M. J. Industries Glass cutting
M/s. Ravi Industries Mustard oil packaging
M/s. A. G. Enterprise Steel Fabrication
M/s. New Ambikay Food Product Bread, Biscuits
M/s. Gogoi Steel Fabrication Steel Fabrication
M/s. Chandni Sweets Cream, Paneer
M/s. Ganapati Chemicals Toilet Soap
M/s. J & S Group Industry Steel Furniture
M/s. Aman Steel Steel Fabrication
M/s Sree Ganesh Industries Paint & Primer
M/s. Nilima Pratisthan Tailoring
General Manager DICC-
3 Commercial Estate Bamrajabari Demow M/s. Pragyan Computer Centre Computer Repairing & Selling
M/s. Sonowal Tailoring Tailoring

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s. Arun Pratisthan Xerox & Book Stall
Commercial Estate Bamrajabari Demow
M/s. Keshab Bhandar Grocery shop
M/s. Panging Electronics Mobile Repairing & Selling
M/s. Colour World Painting
General Manager DICC-
M/s. Nath Steel Fabrication Steel fabrication
4 Commercial Estate Moran M/s. Raj Steel Furniture Steel Furniture
M/s. J.P.Steel Fabrication Steel Fabrication
M/s. Modern Steel Craft Steel Fabrication
M/s. Arunodoi Printers Offset printers

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Parashavnath Bio-Tech Fuel briquette
M/s Meghna Construction Stone crushing
M/s T & I Enggrs. (P) Ltd Tea machineries
M/s North Industry Spice
M/s Madhuban Foods Bread Biscuit
M/s N M Enterprise Candle
M/s New Biswakarma Soap Works Ball soap
M/s Maa Sadhana Food Products Atta, M Oil
M/s Shiv Shambhoo Packaging Ind Corrugated box .Cartoon
M/s Priyanka Concrete Udyog Pavers Block
M/s Regalia Scientific Modular furniture
1 Industrial Area Dolabari M/s S R Textiles Recycled cotton Under AIIDC
M/s M D Foods Dalmoot, Bhujia
M/s North Bank Beverage Drinking Water
M/s North East Enterprise Non woven Carrybag
M/s Maa Kamakhya Foods Puffed Rice
M/s Durga Bakery Bakery Products
M/s Durga Food Products Atta
M/s S P G Foods Soya Nugget
M/s Karni Industries Paper Bag
M/s Assam Precast & Pavers Paver Block
M/s. Morison & Floyed Enterprise HDPE Bag
M/s. Isvantage Craft (P) Ltd. Bamboo Craft

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Satluj Enterprise Modern Kitchen
Industrial Area Dolabari M/s DSR Food Spice Grinding Under AIIDC
M/s Ambrosia Agro Project Drinking Water
M/s Daeshan Biotech (P) Ltd. Nutritional diet drinks etc
M/s Pine Biotech (P) Ltd Juice,Health Drink
2 Industrial Grwoth Centre Balipara M/s Bee An Gee Ind. And Infr. Paint & Putty Under AIDC
M/s Suryataap Engg & Infra. (P) Ltd. -
M/s Dabur India Ltd. Hair Oil Etc
M/s. S.D. Servicing Centre Car Servicing
M/s. Patkai Tea Packaging Packaging unit
M/s. Patkai Self Help Got. Bought leave Fact.
3 Mini Industrial Estate(MIE) Biswanath M/s. Dhanraj Industry Readymade Garments
Chariali (Under ASIDC) M/s. Biswanath Hatchary -
M/s. Bajrangbali Hume pipes
M/s. Suryans Hume pipes
M/s. Gurudev motors Car Servicing
M/s Rita Industry Steel Fabrication
M/s Amit Steel Steel Fabrication
M/s Verma Food Products Chira
M/s Verma Furniture Wooden furniture General Manager DICC-
4 Industrial Estate Dhekiajuli
M/s Khusbu Food Products Rice Sonitpur
M/s Ganesh Engineering Works Aluminum Utensil
M/s Doly Food Products Bakery
M/s Deka Handloom Weaving

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Om Perboiling Rice Mill Boil rice
Industrial Estate Dhekiajuli
M/s Shivam RCC Cement Bricks Ind Paver Blocks,Tiles
5 Industrial Area Dhekiajuli - -
M/s Tezpur Gas Agency LPG Godown
M/s T & D Coke Products Coke
M/s T & D Hi Tech & Fly-ash Ind Flyash Bricks
6 Industrial Area Kundarabari Dekargaon M/s Premier Enterprise Concrete Pole
M/s Raktim Crushing Allied Ind Stone crusher
M/s Maa Kali Industry Paper cup plate
M/s Maa Coir Fiber Industry Coir products
M/s Assam RCC Septic Tank Ind. RCC Hume pipe
M/s Anil Engineering Wire nets spun pipe General Manager DICC-
7 Industrial Area Gotlong
M/s Spun Assam RCC Hume Pipe Sonitpur
M/s Poultry Breeding Firm Poultry feed
M/s A.M. Traders Hardware
M/s Modern Furniture Wooden furniture
8 Commercial Estate Sootea
M/s Pranami Ladies Corner Ladies corner
M/s Mudoi Tent House Tent House
M/s Sukanya Traders Screen printing
M/s Puberun Tea Tea packaging
9 Commercial Estate Biswnath Chariali
M/s Sulekha Industry Tailoring, Embroidery
M/s J.K. Tent House Tent house
Industrial Area Sadharu Biswnath M/s M.O. Chitranella Oil Industry Citronella Oil
Chariali M/s North Bank Tea Company Black Tea

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Jewrajka Roller Flour Mill Atta, Maida, Suji
M/s Kamakhya Investment Co. Cement Brick
M/s Delicious Soya Nuggets
M/s Crystal Clear Drinking water
M/s Lakhi Cold Storage Cold storage
M/s Gajanan Steel Steel Furniture
Integrated Industrial Development
1 M/s Bina Industries Alluminium Utensil Under AIIDC
Centre(IID) Parbotipur Margherita
M/s Vishal Industries Plastic Water Tank
M/s Maa Kamakhya Industries Plastic Utensil
M/s J.B Industry Fly ash Bricks
M/s BDRA Enterpris Fly ash Bricks
M/s Prabhat Food Product Industry Atta, Maida, Suji
M/s Aditya Associates Fly Ash Bricks
2 Food Park Ulup Pather Margherita Vacant land - -
M/s Phukan Steel Furniture Steel Furniture
M/s Lakhi Industries Fishing Net Ball
M/s Hrittika Engg. Works Water Purification
M/s Sambodhi Tyres Tyre Rethreading
3 Industrial Estate Tinsukia M/s Krishangee Steel Furniture Steel Furniture Under AIIDC
M/s L.P. Enterprise Steel Furniture
M/s J.P. Roofing Skeldic Steel
M/s Himgiri Motor Works & Body
Bus Body Building

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s M.R. Engineering Works Rep. of Tea Machine
M/s N.C. Enterprise Wooden Furniture
M/s Purbanchal Tyre Rethreaders Tyre Rethreading
M/s Orporad Glass Glasses Mirror
M/s Shahi Furniture Wooden Furniture
M/s Mahabir Udyog Plastic products
M/s Assam Computer Printing Press
M/s Loknath Industries Plactic products
M/s Narayani Food Products Food Products
M/s Arpana Industries Steel Furniture
M/s Shree Balaji Metal Alluminium Utensils
M/s Maya Steel Furniture Steel Furniture
M/s Manash Dairy Dairy Products
Industrial Estate Tinsukia Under AIIDC
M/s Diyonaa Steel Febn Steel Febrication
M/s Loknath Industries Plastic products
M/s Pine Associate Rice & Atta Chakki
M/s Kamakhya Steel Industries Steel Furniture
M/s Shree Shyam Furniture Steel Furniture
M/s Swastik Industries Spice Grinding
M/s Krishna Joinery Wooden and Steel Furniture
M/s Swapna Alluminium Products Alluminium Products
M/s North East Electrical Industry Transformer Rep. etc.
M/s North East Electrical Industry Transformer Rep.
M/s Horiom Food Products Food Products
M/s Loknath Plastic Plactic products
M/s Tinsukia Curving Industry Wooden Furniture

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Tinsukia Curving In Wooden
M/s Baruah Furniture Wooden Furniture
M/s Gohain Steel Works Steel Fabrication
M/Maa Food Products Food Products
M/s Vision Ispat Pvt. Ltd. Steel Products
M/s Tirupati Udyog Alluminium Utensils
M/s Purbanchal Udyog Alluminium Utensils
M/s Balaji Udyog Aluminium Utensils
M/s Vision Ispat Pvt. SteelProduct
M/s Chitrakut Gas LPG Godown
M/s Herbs Aid Pharmachuticals Madicine
M/s Inside Graphics Garments
M/s Maa Enterprise Steel Furniture
Industrial Estate, Tinsukia Under AIIDC
M/s Ganesh Udyog Bamboo Plywood
M/s Assam Poly Products Poly Product
M/s Swaranga Agro. Tech (P) Ltd. Bamboo Sticks
M/s Patkai Enterprise Steel Febrication
M/s Sard Products & Service Steel Trunk
Doordarshan Kendra T.V.Relay Centre,
M/s Prativa Aromatics Womens Co-op.
Patchuli Tea
Sociaty Ltd.
M/s R.R.R. Hotel Hotel
M/s Ganapati Udyog Bamboo mats
M/s Digboi Carbon (P) Ltd Petolium Coke
M/s Vision Ispat Pvt.Ltd. Steel Products
M/s Aristo Industries Elastic Fiber

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Jagarnath Packaging & Ind Jute Bag Mfg.
M/s Season Embroidery
M/s Janambhumi Pvt. Ltd. Paper Printing
Industrial Estate, Tinsukia M/s J.P. Steel Steel Furniture Under AIIDC
M/s G.V.Safetech Fire Extinguishers
M/s Pallavi Industries Oil Field Service
M/s Gopala Sweets Sweets & Snacks
M/s HM Enterprise Xerox
M/s Bordoloi Store Xerox
M/s Duwarah Hotel Hotel
M/s Gogoi Store Stationery
4 Commercial Estate. Tinsukia M/s Rohan Hotel Hotel
M/s Hotel Navajyoti Hotel
M/s Duwarah Store Grocery
M/s Saikia PCO Xerox
M/s Buragohain Hotel Hotel
General Manager DICC-
M/s Jayanta Enterprise Handicraft products
M/s Badal Enterprises Handicraft items
M/s Akangsha Tailoring Dress making
M/s Gogoi Tailoring Tailoring
Commercial Estate Tinsukia Under M/s Ladies Beauty Parlour Ladies Parlour
CMSY M/s Priyanchi Dress making
Smti. Rumi Dutta Stationery
M/s R.L. Enterprises Stationery
M/s Manju Tailoring Tailoring
M/s Gens Beauty Parlour Parlour

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
M/s Satphul Enterprise DTP
M/s Rajkonwar Enterprises Mobile Rep.
M/s Chetia Enterprises Xerox & Computer
M/s Duarah Enterprise DTP
M/s Sonowal Enterprise Electrical Penal Board Mfg.
M/s L.N.Enterprise DTP
M/s Roy Tailoring Dress Making
M/s Bela Parlour Ladies Parlour
Commercial Estate Tinsukia Under M/s Swapnali Tailoring Dress making

CMSY M/s Deha Store Mobile Rep.

M/s Saikia Enterprieses Tailoring
M/s Badal Enterprises Handicrafts General Manager DICC-
M/s Duarah Tailoring Dress Making Tinsukia
M/s Gohain Enterprises Computer & Xerox
M/s Duarah Tailoring Dress making
M/s B.A. Enterprieses Beauty Parlour
M/s Mridula Enterprises Bag & Toy making
M/s Buragohain Enterprises -
6 Industrial Area. Domdoma M/s Hindustan Lever Ltd, Doom Dooma Pernonal products
Sri Jyoti Verma Shah Jewellary
Sri Naresh Shah Jewellary
7 Growth Centre. Talap Sri Rituraj Sonowal Motor cycle Repairing.
Smti Bishmita Sonowal Dress making
Sri Sankar Dutta, Thana Road Dress making

Name of the I.E/I.A/I.G.C/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
Sri Sajal Deb Roy Jewellary
Growth Centre. Talap Sri Hiramber Baruah Bamboo Stick
Sri Hiramber Baruah Bamboo Stick
M/s Rupa Furniture Wooden Furniture
M/s J.P. Furniture Wooden Furniture
M/s Gohain Store Stationery
M/s Deori Garments Dress mfg.
M/s Computer centre DTP & computer
8 Growth Centre. Bordumsa
M/s Pradip Stationery shop Stationery Goods
M/s Tukhaswar Tailoring Centre Dress making
M/s Khageswar Hotel Hotel
M/s Bandana Tailoring Centre Dress making
General Manager DICC-
Vacant shed -
9 Commercial Estate. Margherita Total 15 nos shed are lying vacant. -
M/s L.K. Steel Fabrication Steel Furniture
10 Commercial Estate Sadiya
M/s Mohat Ram Press Painting press
M/s B.K. Steel Fabrication Steel Tank
11 Growth Centre. Sadiya M/s Anamika Tailoring Dress making
M/s Limarika Food Processing Steel Furniture
12 Industrial Area. Sadiya Vacant land -
M/s. B.L. Packaging -
Mrs. Ranjana Gogoi -
13 Mini Industrial Estate Tinsukia M/s. Patkai Plastic (P) Ltd. Plastic Ind.
M/s. Om Sai Wire products Black Wire
M/s. Shivam Industry D G Set Repairing

(Status as on 01.06.2016)

Name of the I.E/I.A/G.c/ C.E/M.I.E. Name of the Unit Product of the Unit Controlling Authority
1 2 3 4 5
1 Commercial Estate Udalguri - -
2 Commercial Estate Bhergaon - - General Manager DICC-
3 Training Institute Orang - - Udalguri
4 Barabazar Market Shed - -

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Samadhi Khetra



1. Salient features for approved guidelines for allotment:

Land/Sheds available in the undivided Kamrup district shall be allotted through bidding process. The industrial infrastructures falls within this category
in the undivided Kamrup District are as follows:
Sl. Name of the Infrastructures Implementing Agencies
1 Export Promotion Industrial Park (EPIP), Amingaon AIDC Ltd
2 Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam AIIDC
3 Mini Industrial Estate, Kalapahar AIIDC
4 Industrial Area, Kalapahar AIIDC
5 Industrial Are Rani AIIDC
6 Industrial Growth Centre, Chaygaon-Jambari-Patgaon AIIDC
7 IIDC, Rangia AIIDC
8 Food Processing Park, Chaygaon ASIDC
9 Industrial Area, Bamunimaidam ASIDC Ltd
10 Industrial Area Bonda ASIDC Ltd

Allotment of land at IIDC, Malinibeel in Cachar District under AIDC Ltd is also under Bid process.
In case of other places, the allotment shall be made on First Cum First serve basis.
There are two committees for allotment of land in the industrial Infrastructure . These are (1) State Level Committee under the Chairmanship of Senior
most Secretary of Industries & Commerce Department, where the allocable area is more than 2 acres and (2) Corporation Level Committee under the
Chairmanship of Managing Director, where the allocable land area less than 2 acre.

2. Over all process flow for service:

A. Land area below 2 acres
1 Application in prescribed format ( except properties in Bid process) shall be submitted to the Managing Director, AIDC/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd directly with
prescribed fee, etc.
2 On receipt of the application, subject to availability of land/shed, application shall be examined by a technical committee and the same shall be placed
before the Corporation Level Committee for approval.

3 On receipt of the approval of the committee, allotment letter shall be issued to the applicant for execution of Leased deed agreement.
4 On signing of Agreement, Land shall be handed over to the applicant.
B. Land area above 2 acres
1 On receipt of the application, same shall be examined by a technical committee AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd.
2 On approval of the Technical Committee, same shall be placed before the SLC for approval.
3 On receipt of the approval of the SLC, allotment letter shall be issued to the applicant for execution of Leased deed agreement.
4 On signing of Agreement, Land shall be handed over to the applicant.

3. Processing fees:
Sl Organization Fees, etc
1 AIDC (1) Non-refundable processing fee of Rs.50000 ( Rs fifty thousand) in case of Small and Medium enterprises and Rs.200000 ( Rs. two
lakh) in case of Large industries.
(2) Security deposit of Rs. 5000 per 1000 Sq. m
(3) Development charge 10% of the total estimated development charges.
The above amount shall be submitted by way of Demand Draft in favour of "Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd".
2 ASIDC 1) Processing fee @Rs.50 per Sq. m, maximum of Rs.2000.00
2)Security Deposit @ Rs.5.00 per Sq. m.
The above amount shall be submitted by way of Demand Draft in favour of "Assam Small Industrial Development Corporation Ltd".
3 AIIDC There is no processing fee.

4. Accompanying documents required including :

(1) Copy of EM-1/EM-II/IEM, as applicable
(2) Project Report, if the venture is new.
(3) Plant layout indicating the area for installation of machinery, space for raw material/finished products, generator set, utility services, etc.
(4) Company profile
(5) Balance sheets in case of existing unit.

5. Contact Key Officials:

Sl Organization/ Infrastructure Key Officials
1 Export Processing Industrial Park Sri P. Bora, DGM (T),
(EPIP) Contact No: 9435049104

2 IGC - Matia Sri P. Bora, DGM (T),
Contact No: 9435049104
3 IGC - Balipara Sri B. C. Deori, DGM(T)
Contact No: 9401282411
4 IID Demow Mr. H.D. Sarma, Deputy General Manager (T), Contact No- 9435014292
5 IID Dalgaon Sri B. C. Deori, DGM(T)
Contact No: 9864082411
6 IID Bhomoraguri/ Naltali Sri S. A. Musrikin, DGM(T)
Contact No: 9435100230
7 IID Malinibeel Mrs. G. Baishya, General Manager
Contact No: 9954066980
8 IID Titabor Sri S. A. Musrikin, DGM(T)
Contact No: 9435100230
9 IID Silapathar Sri S. A. Musrikin, DGM(T)
Contact No: 9435100230
10 IID Nalbari Mrs. G. Baishya, General Manager,
Contact No: 9954066980
1 North Assam Zone Mr. R Pachani, DGM, Contact No: 9435358932
2 Lower Assam Zone Mr. U Kumar, DGM, Contact No: 9864076890
3 Upper Assam Zone Mr. D Phukon, DGM, Contact No: 9435195927
1 Industrial Area, Bamunimaidam Sri. A.N. Baruah, Contact No:- 94350-11147
2 Industrial Area, Bonda Sri. Purnima Hazarika, Contact No:- 99543-97157
3 Food Processing Park, Chaygaon Sri. R.K. Mahanta, Contact No:-94351-01609
4 Mini Industrial Estate, Biswanath Sri. Purnima Hazarika, Contact No:-99543-97157
5 Industrial Estate, Tinsukia Sri. Purnima Hazarika, Contact No:-99543-97157

Umananda Island, Guwahati



Application form for allotment of Land/Shed/Open Space

A. Application Form of Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (AIDC Ltd)

Application for allotment of Land at AIDC

The Managing Director
Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd
RGB Road, Guwahati- 781 024

1. I/We have read the Rules & Conditions of allotment in Industrial Areas of AIDC together with the forms thereof .
2. I/We, the undersigned, hereby offer to take on (in words....) years Lease the above Plot of land measuring, approximately ..................Sq. mtrs.
at ., Assam on the terms and conditions set out in the AIDC Land Management Rules, 2010 and offer to enter into Lease
Agreement(approved by Govt. of Assam) with you in respect of the said Plot.
3. The Lease will commence from the date from which the allotment of the Plot is made to me/us and the obligations and liabilities under the Lease
Agreement will be deemed to have commenced from that date.
4. I/We enclose the accompaniment to the Form of Application giving necessary information in respect of my/our industry.
5. I/We hereby agree to pay the Ground Rent and Service Charges fixed by the Corporation within 90 (Ninety) days from the date of order of allotment and the
Ground Rent and Service Charges as revised by the Corporation from time to time every year in advance, before the 30th April and 31st July respectively of
that year.
6. I/We enclose a Bank Draft/bankers Cheque for Rs. (in words .............................) towards amount of Security Money and 10% amount of
Development Charges (Security Money calculated @ of Rs.5000/- for every 1000 Sq. mtrs. or part thereof and Development Charges calculated @ Rs. /-
per Sq. mtrs. and processing fee amount of Rs. (.in words.) in favour of Assam Industrial Development Corporation Limited, Guwahati for
the performance of the terms and conditions herein.
7. I/We understand that no interest will be payable on the amount of Security Money and 10% Development Charges referred to in para 6 of this Application.

8. Should I/We fail to execute and complete the Lease Agreement within 90 (Ninety) days from the date of allotment or within such extended period as
you may permit, the Corporation will be at liberty to forfeit the Security Money, cancel the allotment of Plot without prejudice to all other rights of the
9. I/We assure that no pollution/effluent in any form (solid, liquid, gas) shall be emitted from my/our allotted Plot and if I-we do not observe this prohibition
then Corporation shall be at liberty to take over the demised premises with all assets therein and cancel the allotment of the Plot without prejudice to all
other rights of the Corporation.
10. I/We also agree to the effect that the Corporation shall be at liberty to dispose of the taken over assets by way the Corporation understands suitable and I/
We shall accept the sale proceeds after reducing all type of expenditure incurred and penalties imposed by the Corporation if any, from the amount realized on
disposal of assets.
11. I/We hereby agree to pay the Special Maintenance Charges fixed or revised by the Corporation from time to time, in addition to Ground Rent and Service Charges.
12. I/We shall pay all costs, charges and expenses of the Corporation and incidental to the preparation, execution and completion to the Land Lease Agreement
and of the lease, including costs of all correspondence with you or otherwise, Stamp Duty, Registration Charges and other outgoing and costs of supplying one
additional Copy to the Corporation.
13. The Managing Director, Assam Industrial Development Corporation Limited or any other Officer authorized by the Corporation will be acting on its behalf for
the purpose of this Application and its acceptance and for all purpose(s) connected with the preparation and execution of the Land Lease Agreement.
14. Any Notice, Letter or Communication or Intimation addressed to me/us at the following address will be deemed as valid for all purposes.
15. I am/We are willing to accept any Plot which is allotted to us by the Corporation. However, if the Area applied for by me/us is changed, I/We have the option
to reject the offer within a months time from the date of issue of Allotment Letter.

Signature of two witness: Signature of applicant

( Name in capital letters)
1. Signature of witness ( Name in Capital letter) Father's name:
Address Full & Permanent address

2. Signature of witness ( Name in Capital letter)


Application Form shall be submitted to :

The Managing Director
Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd
R G B Road, Guwahati- 781 024

B. Application Form for Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (AIIDC)

Application for allotment of Land at AIIDC

The Managing Director,
Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21

I/We do hereby apply for a Factory Shed/Plot of Land for establishing /shifting of our proposed / existing Industrial unit in / to the IE/IA etc. at your disposal.
Necessary particulars in support of my offer are given in prescribed Proforma herein below.

Yours Faithfully
(Signature of applicant)
1. Name of the Unit:
2. Address of registered office:
3. Registration number with different authorities and date:
4. Whether Proprietorship / Partnership / Co-operative of Limited Company:
5. Name of Proprietor/Partner/Promoters:
Director of unit with full Address
6. Background of Promoter/ Promoters:
a) On academic lines:
b) On professional lines:
7. Name of Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/etc. where shed/Land is required:

(Preferences) (a)
(c )
8. Requirement of space for: Factory:
(i) Open
(ii) Covered
(i) Open
(ii) Covered
9. Name of Products to be manufactured:
10. Process of manufacture:
(A separate sheet is to be enclosed)
11. Nature of effluent /emission/refuses (in detail):


1. (a) Present Location of Factory:
(to indicate whether own/rented premises)
(b) Year of Establishment:
2. Investment: (a) Plant & Machinery:
(b) Working Capital:
(c) Total Assets:
(d) Total Liabilities:
(e) Turnover:

(c, d & e to be supported by immediate last years balance sheet)
3. Turnover (in Rupees) During the Last Financial Year:
Working Capital Term Loan
4. Name of the Financial Institution/Bank from which
The loan has been obtained:
5. Number of present employees: 1. PERMANENT
(a) Managerial:
(b) Skilled:
(c) Unskilled
(d) Others:
6. Consumption of major Raw Materials during the last Financial year:
7. List of existing Machinery & equipment:
SL. No ITEM & SPECIFICATION HP/KE Rating of price motors
8. Requirement of water per day:
(a) Drinking water:
(b) Process water:
1. Proposed investment in (a) Plant & Machinery:
(b)Working Capital:
2. Name of the Financial Institution/ Bank from which the loan has been obtained:
Institution Term Loan Working Capital

3. Total proposed employee (direct):
4. Effective steps taken to start the unit:
5. Requirement of Power (KW/HP):
6. Proposed annual consumption of Major Raw Materials:

Sl. No Item & Specification Quantity Approximate Value

7. Proposed requirement of Water/day:

8. Proposed list of Machinery & equipment:

Sl. No Item & Specification HP/KE Rating of Motors Price (Approximate)

Certified that the above information submitted are true to best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Applicant
Address for Communication:
Date of submission of application:
Telephone/Mobile No:

Application shall be submitted to :

The Managing Director
Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (AIIDC)
Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam
Guwahati- 781 021

C. Application for Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd (ASIDC Ltd)

Application for allotment of Land at ASIDC

The Managing Director
Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd
Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021
I/We hereby apply for my/our requirement of land, water, electricity etc for Industrial purpose in
Industrial Area.
I/We submit the necessary information so far as it is applicable in the case of my/our Industry as under:-
1. Name and address of applicant in Block letter Surname
(State whether Sri/Smt)
Other Name :
Postal Address :
Telephone No :
Educational Qualifications :
Experience :
2. Nature of constitution of the firm, whether Pvt.Ltd, Public Ltd or Co-operative.
3. Whether it is registered under the Co-operative Societies
Act of Companies Act. Give details of the Registration No & Date
4. SSL Registration No :
5. Capital Assets :
a) Authorised share Capital :
b) Subscribed share capital :

c) Paid up share Capital :
6. a)Location and address of the existing factory, if it is proposed to be removed to a new location.
b)History of the concern :
7. (i) Area of land required for :
(ii) Justification for requirement of land:
8. Nature of proposed Industry (Whether engineering/Chemical/Textile/Leather/Glass/Plastic etc) (A project Report should be annexed).
Products to be manufactured :
Production Capacity planned ( per day) :
Number of workers to be engaged :
Number of Shifts :
by which
(a) You propose to start construction of factory building
(b) You expect to start production : .
Power requirement
(a) For what purpose to electric power is required
(b) List of machinery with the h.p./K.W. required.
(c) Development of land Power/ Lighting
Particulars Immediate Ultimate Stage
(i) Connected load in KVA
(ii) Expected minimum demand in KVA
(iii) Consumption electrical units per month.
(d) What will be connected load?

(e) What will be the maximum power demand in KVA?
(a) Requirement of water for Industrial use per day in cubic meters per day.
(b) Is there any trade affluent problem? Give details.
Give details regarding quantity of trade affluent discharged per day.
(c) Give details of trade refuse, if any .....
Financial position
(a) Source of capital
(b) Total Investment envisaged after completion of the project.
(fixed and working capital may be given separately)
Assistance from ASIDC Ltd.
(a) Machine (value)
(b) Seed Money :
Assistant from other Financial Institution.
(a) Loan
(b) Machinery
1. Construction of Building etc.
(a) Please furnish the details of the construction proposed to be carried out
(i) Area of factory buildings
(ii) Additional building
(iii) Requirement of open land
(b) If possible, please furnish layout plan of the proposed build-up area.
(c) Period within which construction work will be commenced from the date of taking over possession of plot.
(d) Period within which construction work will be completed from the date of taking over possession of plot.
2. If the Industry is a new one, what further steps beyond this application i.e. order of machinery, formation of company, raising of capital, technical collaboration
etc. have been taken.

3. Whether the unit comes under the Factories Act. 1948, I so, give license No. Registration No. and date.
4. List of machineries to be installed on the land: Cost of Machines:
I/We further State, that the particulars given above are true and correct to by/ our knowledge belief and that no material facts have been concealed.
Place :
Date : . Signature of Applicant

Application shall be submitted to :

The Managing Director
Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd
Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021




THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made on the of .. at Guwahati, Assam .

(AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/.................) A Govt. of Assam Undertaking, established Under ............ Act 19...., having its Registered/ Head Office at ................,
represented herein by its authorized representative, ..............., hereinafter referred to as LESSOR / FIRST PARTY (which expression shall unless the context does not
so admit includes its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART.
M/s . represented by authorized representative. Son of Sri/ Smti having its head office at
(hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY which expression shall, unless the context does not so admit, include his
heirs, its executors, administrators, legal representatives and permitted assigns successors and permitted assigns) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS, the Govt. of Assam handed over the land at ............. measuring -- Bighas- Katha- Lecha to the Lessor / First party (AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/..........)
for the purpose of setting up IIDC/ IGC/ .. project at ............... and the said Lessor / First party sub-divided the above land into plots for setting up Industrial
Units for leasing out such sub-divided plots to Industrialists/Entrepreneurs for erecting on each Plot the Factory according to the Factory Bye-Laws and Building
plans approved by the proper Competent Authorities.
WHEREAS, the LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY has applied to the (AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/............) for grant on lease a factory shed or building or part of
building or plot of land for starting an industry under the name and style of M/s . for manufacturing / processing / servicing / repairing of
WHEREAS, the (AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/............) on the application made by the LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY, agreed to grant him on lease for occupation of a
plot land in the IIDC/ IGC/ ..... described in the schedule hereunder and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.


(i) In pursuant to the Law/Rules and Regulation applicable for entering into the Lease agreement / allotment of land etc. for the Lessor / First party, this
instant Lease agreement has been entered into and as such, the above mentioned Law / Rules and Regulation will strictly adhere to the both parties

of this Lease agreement in all terms. Further, this Lease agreement would be treated as the substitute agreement for the lease agreement, if so entered
into earlier between the both parties of this Deed. After execution of this instant agreement, the all earlier agreement, if so executed between the parties,
would be considered as invalid and non operational in law for all purposes.
(ii) In consideration of the covenant and agreements herein contained and on payment by the Lessee/ Second party amount of Rs(Rupees
) only towards the Annual ground rent calculated @ Rs1000.00 per 1000 Sq. m. per annum, the receipt whereof the Lessor / First
party hereby acknowledges, the Lessor / First party doth hereby demise to the Lessee/ Second party the plot of land described in the schedule below.

And which said plot of land is more clearly delineated and shown in the attached Plan and therein marked red TO HOLD the said Plot of land (herein after
referred to as the demised premises) with their appurtenances unto the Lessee/ Second party for the specific term of 20 (twenty) years from the date of execution
of this Lease agreement except and always reserving to the Lessor / First party and his successors or assignees-
(a) A right to lay water mains, drains, sewers or electric wires under or over the demised premises, if deemed necessary by the Lessor / First for developing
the area.
(b) Full right and title to all mines and minerals in and under the demised premises or any part thereof.
(c) Yielding and paying thereof unto the Lessor / First party by 30th day of April in each year in advance the yearly rent. The Lessor/ First Party reserves the
right to revise the rate of Ground Rent in every 3 (three) years. The quantum of rent determined by the Lessor/ First Party shall be final, conclusive and
binding on the Lessee/ Second Party and it shall not be questioned in any Court of law or otherwise.
(d) The period of lease is renewable on expiry of 20 (twenty) years on Satisfaction / payment of Annual Ground Rent, Lease Premium and any other charges
as applicable at the time of renewal.
(e) When the Lessee/ Second party for the purpose of establishing or developing the industry on the demised property, seeks to obtain loan from a bank or
other Financial Institution by mortgaging his lease hold interest on the demised property in favour of such Bank or institution, prior permission for the
same is necessary and will be given by the Lessor /First Party to this effect provided such mortgage does not effect the rights and powers of the Lessor /
First Party under this deed, in any manner .
(f) In case of mortgage of such land to the Bank/ Financial Institutions by the Lessee/ Second party with prior permission of the lessor/First Party for purpose
of taking loan/ financial assistances etc., the Bank/ Financial Institutions will have a limited right to utilize the land till expiry of lease period on failure of
the Lessee/ Second party to settle the loan/ Financial Assistance only.
(g) Under no circumstances, the right of ownership of the land will be transferred to any party without prior approval of the Government in Revenue & Disaster
(h) The leased out land should be used only for industrial purpose. In case of transfer of ownership of the Industrial Unit or taking over of the Industrial Unit by
Bank or other Financial Institutions also for remaining period of lease, the land can be used only for Industrial purposes.
(i) The Letter of Allotment issued to the Lessee/ Second party for allotment of land shall be treated as a part of this agreement.

2. (a) That the Lessee/ Second party will bear, pay and discharge all rates, taxes, charges and assessment of every description which may during the said term
be assessed, charged or imposed in respect of demised premises or the Building to be erected thereupon which would be decided by the Lessor/ First Party
from time to time .
(b) The Lessee/ Second party shall pay the Development Charges of the Plot calculated at the rate of prescribed by the Corporation for IIDC/ IGC/ .......
from time to time. The Lessor / First party shall reserves the right to enhance the rate of Development charges, if the compensation payable under an
award is enhanced by any Competent Court subsequently or there is escalation in the cost of development of the area otherwise.
(c) That the Lessee/ Second party will bear, pay and discharge all Service Charges, Special Maintenance Charges, Road Maintenance Charges, Street Lighting
Charges, Arboricultural Charges and other Ancillary Services, required for the upkeep of the IIDC/ IGC/ .. which may during the said term be assessed,
charged, levied or imposed by the Lessor / First party within stipulated time as indicated by the Lessor / First party in due course .
The Lessor / First party reserves the right to revise the rate of Service charges and Special Maintenance Charges from time to time and the decision of the
Lessor / First party shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Lessee/ Second party and it shall not be questioned in any Court of law or otherwise.
(d) That the Lessee/ Second party will obey and submit to the Rules of Municipal or other competent authority now existing or hereafter to exist so far as the
same relate to the immovable property in the area or so far as they affect the health, safety, convenience of the other inhabitants of the place.
(e) That the Lessee/ Second party will erect on the demised premises in accordance with the layout plan, elevation and design to be approved both by the
Lessor / First party and the competent local authority in writing and in a substantial and workmen-like manner the Industrial Units as aforesaid with all
necessary out houses, sewers, drains and other appurtenances according to the local authoritys rules and bye laws in respect of buildings drains, latrines
and connection with sewers and will commence such construction of main production shed within the period of one year and will completely finish the
same fit for use and start commercial production within the period of two years from the date of these presents or from the date of possession, whichever
is earlier, or within such extended period of time as may be allowed by the Lessor/First party in writing at its discretion on payment of retention charges
as determined by the Lessor / First party.
(f) That the Lessee/ Second party will keep the demised premises and the building thereon at all times in a State of good and substantial repairs and in sanitary condition.
(g) That the Lessee/ Second party will not make or permit to be made any alteration in or additions to the said buildings or other erections for the time being
on the demised premises or erect or permit to erect any new building on the demised premises without the previous permission in writing of the Lessor /
First party and the Local Competent Authority and except in accordance with the terms of such permission and plan approved by the Lessor / First party
and the Local Competent Authority. Further, in case of any deviation from such terms or plan, will immediately, upon receipt of notice from the Lessor / First
party or the Local Competent Authority requiring him so to do, correct such deviation as aforesaid, and if the Lessee/ Second party shall neglect or not
correct such deviation for the space in one calendar month after the receipt of such notice, then it shall be lawful for the Lessor / First party, or the Local
Competent Authority to cause such deviation to be corrected at the expenses of the Lessee/ Second party, which expenses the Lessee/ Second party hereby
agree to reimburse by paying to the Lessor / First party Local Competent authority the amount which the Lessor / First party Local Competent Authority
as the case may be shall fix in that behalf and the decision of the Lessor / First party Local Competent Authority as the case may be, shall be final.

(h) That the Lessee/ Second party will provide and maintain in good repairs a properly constructed approach road or path along with the event across drain to
the satisfaction of the Lessor / First party/Local Competent Authority leading from the public road/ Corporation road to the building to be erected on the
demised premises.
(i) That the Lessee/ Second party will not carry on or permit to be carried on the demises any obnoxious trade or business whatsoever or use the same or permit
the same to be used for any religious purpose or any purpose other than for the Industrial purposes aforesaid without the previous consent in writing of the
Lessor / First party and the Local Competent Authority and subject to such terms and conditions and the Lessor / First party, Local Competent Authority
may impose and will not do or suffer to be done, on the demised premises or any part thereof any act or thing which may be grow to be a nuisance, damage
annoyance, or inconvenience to the Lessor / First party or Local Competent Authority or the Owner or Occupiers of other premises in the neighbourhood.
(j) The Lessee/ Second party shall have no right to transfer/ sublet whole or part of the lease hold interest. However, in the vent of specific exceptional cases,
the Lessor/ First party with the prior approval of the State Government in Industries & Commerce Department, may allow the Lessee / Second party to
sublet a portion of a lease hold interest (not exceeding 40%) under certain terms and conditions as framed by the Lessor / First party.
(k) That Lessee/ Second party will permit the members, officers and subordinates of the Lessor / First party and workmen and other persons employed by
them from time to time and at all reasonable times of the day during the said term to enter into and upon the demised premises and the building to be
erected thereupon in order to inspect the same.
(l) That the Lessee/ Second party will not make any excavation upon any part of the demised premises (except for foundation of building and for leveling and
dressing the area) nor remove any stone, sand, gravel, clay, earth or any other materials therefrom .
(m) That the Lessee/ Second party will not erect or permit to be erected on any part of the demised premise any stable, sheds or other structures of any descriptions
whatsoever for keeping horse, cattles, dogs, poultry or other animals except and in so far as may be allowed by the Lessor / First party in writing.
(n) That the Lessee/ Second party will neither exercise his option of determining the lease nor hold the Lessor / First party responsible to make good the
damage if by fire, tempest, flood or violence of any army or a mob or other irresistible force, any material part of the demised premises if wholly or partly
destroyed or rendered substantially or permanently unfit for building purpose.
(o) That Lessee/ Second party shall construct and complete the said building and put the demised premises with the buildings constructed thereon to use
herein before mentioned within two years from the date of this Agreement or from the date of possession of the said land is handed over to it, whichever is
earlier provided that the Lessor / First party may at its discretion extend the time herein before provided if in his opinion the delay is caused for reasons
beyond the control of the Lessee/ Second party .
Provided that unutilized land of the allotted plot or plots shall revert to the Corporation on the expiry of the prescribed/extended period for starting
production/expansion of the unit.
(p) If during the terms of the lease agreement, the Lessee/ Second party or his workmen or servants shall,
(i) Injure or destroy any part of building or other structure contiguous or adjacent to the plot of land hereby demised.
(ii) keep foundation tunnels or other pits on the demised land open or exposed to weather thereby causing any injury or damage to contiguous or adjacent
buildings, or

(iii) dig any pits near the foundation of any building thereby causing any injury or damage to such building, the Lessee/ Second party shall pay such damages
thereof as may be assessed by the Lessor / First party (whose decision as to the extent of injury or damage, or the amount of damages payable thereof shall
be final and binding on the Lessee/ Second party .
(q) The Lessee/ Second party shall also abide by other terms and conditions as may be laid down from time to time for IIDC/ IGC/ ..
(r) If the Lessee/ Second party, being a registered or unregistered Partnership Firm or a Cooperative Society, is dissolved and no successor in interest is
appointed with 60 (Sixty) days of its dissolution the Lessor / First party shall be entitled to terminate this Land Lease Agreement without approaching
any Court of law.
(s) The Lessee/ Second party shall not emit untreated effluent in any form (solid, liquid and gas) from the allotted plot.

3.(a) Notwithstanding anything, herein before contained if there shall have been in the opinion of the Lessor / First party any breach by the Lessee/ Second
party or by the person claiming through or under him of any of the Covenants or conditions here in before contained and on his part to be observed and
performed in particular without prejudice to the generality of the sub-clause, if the Lessee/ Second party transfers, relinquishes, mortgages or assigns
any part of the demised premises less than the whole or transfers, relinquishes, mortgages or assigns the whole of the demised premises without the
previous consent in writing of the Lessor / First party as herein before provided subject to the exception in Clause 2(j) or if the Lessee/ Second party fails
to commence and complete the building in the time and manner herein before provided or if the amounts due to the Lessor / First party as rent hereby
reserved or any part of the premium as stipulated in clause I or service charge and special maintenance charge as stipulated in Clause 2(c ), shall be in
arrear and any other unpaid for a period of 90 days after the same shall have been demanded by the Lessor / First party or if the Lessee/ Second party or
the persons in whom the terms hereby created shall be vested, shall be adjudged insolvent or if this Land Lease Agreement is determined as herein before
specified, it shall be lawful for the Lessor / First party subject to the provisions of this lease deed (without prejudice to any other right of action of the
Lessor / First party in respect of any breach of this Land Lease Agreement) to re-enter without taking recourse to a court of law upon the premises or any
part thereof in name of whole and thereupon this demise shall absolutely CEASE and determine and the money paid by the Lessee/ Second party by virtue
of these presents shall stand forfeited to the Lessor / First party without prejudice to right of the Lessor / First party to recover from the Lessee/ Second
party all money that may be payable by the Lessee/ Second party here under with interest thereon at 18% per annum and the Lessee/ Second party shall
not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever. Provided always that the Lessee/ Second party shall be at liberty to remove and appropriate to himself
all building erections and structures, if any made by him and all materials thereof from the demised premises after paying up all dues, the premium and
the lease rent up to date and all municipal and other taxes, rates and assessments then due including service charge e.g. conservancy charges and special
maintenance charges and all damages and other dues accruing to the Lessor / First party and to remove the materials from the demised premises within
three months to the determination of the Lessor / First party and in case of failure on the part of Lessee/ Second party to do so, the building and erection
standing on the demised premises and all materials there of shall vest in the Lessor / First party and Lessee/ Second party shall then have no right to claim
for the refund of any money paid by him to the Lessor / First party unto that time or to claim any compensation for the structure and material put up by him
on the demised premises. Provided further and always the right of re-entry and determination of the lease as herein before provided shall not be exercised

if the industry at the demised premises which has been financed by the State Government or Bank/ Financial Institution as defined in the Public Financial
Institutions Act or Schedule Banks and the said financing body or bodies remedy the breach within a period of 90 days from the date of notice issued or
served by the Lessor / First party on the said financing institutions or institutions regarding said breach or breaches.
(b) All legal proceedings for breach of the conditions, aforesaid shall be lodged only before the Court of law situated at Guwahati and not elsewhere.
(c) Any loss suffered by the Lessor / First party on a fresh grant of the demised premises for breach of conditions aforesaid on the part of the Lessee/ Second
party or any person claiming through or under him shall be recoverable by the Lessor / First party as per law applicable thereto .
(d) Any, Notice required to be served hereunder shall be deemed to have been sufficiently served on the Lessee/ Second party if served by Registered
Acknowledgement Due Post and signed by an officer of the Lessor / First party and the services shall be deemed to have been made at the time of which
the registered letter would in the ordinary course be delivered even though returned un-served on account of the refusal by the Lessee/ Second party or
otherwise howsoever. A Notification of any decision by the Lessor / First party shall also be served in the same manner as prescribed above.
(e) The security deposit made with the application for allotment of land shall be refunded to the Lessee/ Second party after the unit goes into commercial
production on an application made by him.
(f) The security deposit shall stand forfeited, whenever there is a breach of any condition contained in the Lease Agreement. Those units for which Corporation
is not insisting Security deposit as fixed at the time of filling of application for land/shed, in that case the amount of security deposit as fixed by Corporation as
mentioned in clause 3 (e) will be deducted from the Development Charges whenever there is a breach of any condition contained in the lease agreement.
(g) The unutilized land of the allotted plots shall revert back to the Corporation on expiry of the prescribed/ extended period. The Development charges
originally paid by the Lessee/ Second Party for such unutilized land shall be refunded.
(h) The Corporation shall have the right to cancel the allotment after issuing a 15 day Show cause Notice to the a Lessee/ Second party for breach of any of these
rules, conditions of allotment letter and terms of this Lease Agreement.
(i) The Lessee/ Second party shall continue his activities in the premises for which the property is leased. Stoppage of said activities in leased premises
temporarily or permanently the Lessee/ Second party shall be bound to intimate the reason of stoppage to the Lessor/First party in writing within seven
days from stoppage or close down.
The Lessor / First party shall have the right to re-entry over the property and take over its possession, if restarting of activities do not take place within
three months period from the date of initial stoppage / close down of activity or/ committing any violation of the terms set forth in this lease agreement .
The arrear dues, if any, will be realized within three months from the date of such taking over in due course.
(j) The lessor / First party shall have the unfettered right to inspect the documents justifying the utilization of assets during the leased period and the Corporation
shall have the right to get authenticated copies of such documents as and when necessary.
(k) The Lessor / First party shall have the right to re-entry over the property and take over its possession, if the Lessee/ Second party has made any additional
construction without prior permission of the authority, the Lessor / First party will not responsible to pay any compensation to the Lessee/ Second party
for this type of additional construction.

(l) Notwithstanding anything contained in these present Lease Agreement, the Lessor / First party may, on termination of this agreement,
transfer or lease out the property including the additional construction and the renovation if any, to any person by private negotiation or
public auction or otherwise at the option of the Lessor / First party and on such terms and conditions as the Lessor / First party deems fit
and proper.
(m) The Lessor / First party reserves the right to impose any further conditions, stipulations or alteration in the convent herein at any time which in the opinion
of the Lessor/First Party/Government feel it necessary for the public interest.
(n) In the case of breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in this lease, the Lessee/ Second party shall cease to be entitled to the use of or occupation
of the property and the Lessee/ Second party would be liable for summary eviction by the Estate Officer authorized under Assam Public Premises (Eviction
of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971 .
(o) In pursuance to the aforesaid Act and rules made there under, the Lessee/ Second party will bound to hand over the possession of the lease land to the
Lessor / First party without any disputes.
(P) Any arrear amount, is so required to be recovered for the lease agreement or its consequential effects arising therefrom, the same would be realized in
terms of law applicable thereto .
(q) All Power exercised by the Lessor / First party under this lease agreement may be exercised by the Managing Director, AIIDC/ AIDC Ltd/ASIDC Ltd. or
such other person(s) authorized in this behalf.
Provided that the expression Managing Director shall include the person who is entrusted by Lessor / First party with the functions similar to those of
Managing Director.
(r) Every dispute, difference or questions touching or arising out or in respect of this Lease Agreement or the subject matter thereof, shall be at the first
instance, invariably required to referred to the head of the Lessor / First party and failure to get a dissatisfactory order from the Lessor / First party, the
Lessee only deserves the right to refer the said dispute / differences to the Competent court of Law as applicable thereto .
(s) The Stamp and Registration Charges on this Lease Agreement shall be borne by the Lessee/ Second party.
(t) The Lessee/ Second party agrees that if the need arise and as per Government direction, a separate Agreement may be required to be entered in to and
signed with another Authority instead of AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/............, the current Lessor / First party in this agreement on the same terms and
conditions as contain in this agreement.
(u) If any provision of this Agreement is rendered void, illegal or unenforceable under any Law, the validity, legality and enforceability of that provision under
any other Law and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions, shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Should any
provision of this Agreement be or become ineffective for reasons beyond the control of the Parties, the Parties shall use reasonable endeavors to agree upon
a new provision which shall as nearly as possible have the same commercial effect as the ineffective provision.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their respective hands this day and year first hereinabove written.

Schedule of Property
All that the Plot of land numbered as situated within the IIDC/IGC .under Mouza Dag No., Patta no...... Patta No...... .
Revenue Circle, P.S. . Dist. Assam containing by measurement Sq. m ( Bighas) be the same a little more or less, bounded -
On the North by -
On the South by -
On the East by -
On the West by -
IN WITNESS HEREOF THE parties hereto have set their hands this day of the month of .. of in the year.

Signature for and on behalf of Lessor / First Party:

(For and on behalf of the Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation)
(Name of the signatory)

Signature for and on behalf of Lessee/ Second party

For M/s

Signature of witness No.(1):

(In capital letters)

Signature of witness No. (2) :

(In capital letters)
[Vide No. CI. 179/2011/397 Dated 27-01-2014]


THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made on the of .. at Guwahati, Assam .

(AIDC Ltd/AIID/ASIDC Ltd)....................) A Govt. of Assam Undertaking, established Under ..............Act 19..., having its Registered/ Head Office at
.......................... represented herein by its authorized representative, .................... hereinafter referred to as LESSOR / FIRST PARTY (which expression
shall unless the context does not so admit includes its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART.
M/s . represented by authorized representative. Son of Sri/ Smti having its
head office at (hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY which expression shall, unless the context
does not so admit, include his heirs, its executors, administrators, legal representatives and permitted assigns successors and permitted assigns) of
WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY/LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY has applied to the AIDC Ltd/ AIIDC/ASIDC Ltd/.......... for grant on lease a factory shed
or building or part of building or plot of land for starting an industry under the name and style of M/s . for manufacturing /
processing / servicing / repairing of etc.
WHEREAS, the (AIDC Ltd/AIIDC/ ASIDC Ltd/ ........ ) on the application made by the LESSEE/ SECOND PARTY, and in the light of the Laws/
Rules/egulation applicable herein this case,agreed to grant him on lease for occupation of a Shed in Industrial Esate/Industrial Area/Growth Centre/
Commercial Estate ............. etc. as described in the schedule hereunder and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.
WHERAS, In pursuant to the Law / Rules and Regulation applicable for entering into the Lease agreement / allotment of land etc. for the
Lessor / First party or any other statue applicable herein, this instant Lease agreement has been enter into and as such, the above mentioned Law
/ Rules and Regulation will strictly adhere to the both parties of this Lease agreement in all terms. Further, this Lease agreement would be treated
as the substitute agreement for the lease agreement, if so entered into earlier between the both parties of this Deed. After execution of this instant
agreement, the all earlier agreements/ Deeds, if so executed between the parties, would be considered as invalid and non operational in law for all
purposes .
1. In consideration of the rent here-in-after reserved and of the Lessee/ Second Party s covenants and the conditions to be performed and
observed by him as here-in-after contained, the Lessor/ First Party do hereby demise the property described in the schedule by way of lease
unto the Lessee/ Second Party for the purpose of manufacturing /processing/servicing/repairing/.. in his venture under the name and
style of M/s and having SSI Registration /IEM No..dated .for a period of 10 (ten) years from the date of

execution of this Lease Deed. The gestation period will be 6 (six) months from the date of execution of this lease deed for shed and 18 months
for open space ; the gestation period will be extendable by another 6 months in both the cases subject to the satisfaction to the Lessor/ First
party, within which time the unit should go into commercial production failing which the allotment will automatically stand cancelled.
2. a) The Lessee/ Second Party undertakes to pay rent to the Lessor/ First Party in respect of the demised property regularly at a monthly rate
of Rs. ..(Rupees .) only per sq.ft per month for shed and Rs. (Rupees.) only
per square feet per month for open space. The rent for each month shall be paid on or before the seventh day of the subsequent English month.
The Lessee/ Second Party also undertakes to pay rent at revised rates to be fixed by the Lessor/ First Party from time to time.
(b) The Lessee/ Second Party shall pay the monthly lease rent and Service Charges including Service tax and any other payment to the Lessor/
First Party within 7(seven) days of the subsequent English month. For any default in payment of dues on account of lease rent, Service tax,
Service Charge and any other payment, the recovery of dues shall be charged @ 18% interest per annum for the default period.
3. a) When the Lessee/ Second Party for the purpose of establishing or developing the industry on the demised property seeks to obtain loan
from a Bank or other Financial Institution by mortgaging his lease-hold interest on the demised property in favour of such Bank or Institution,
permission will be given by the Lessor/ First Party to this effect provided such mortgage doesnt affect the rights and powers of the Lessor/
First Party under this Deed.
b) In case of mortgage of such land to the Bank/Financial Institutions by the Entrepreneurs/Industrial houses (i.e. Lessee/ Second party )
with prior permission of the concerned authority under Industries & Commerce Department (i.e. Lessor / First Party) for purpose of taking
loan/Financial Assistance etc, the bank/Financial Institutions will have a limited right to utilize the land till expiry of the lease period on
failure of the Entrepreneurs/Industrial houses to settle the loan/Financial Assistance.
c) The land so leased should be used only for industrial purposes. In case of transfer of ownership of the Industrial Unit or taking over the
Industrial unit by Bank/Financial Institutions also for remaining period of lease, the land can be used only for Industrial purposes.
d) Under no circumstances ownership of the land will be transferred to any party without approval of the Government in Revenue & DM.
e) The period of lease is renewable on expiry of 10 (ten) years on Satisfaction / payment of lease rent, lease premium and any other charges
as applicable at the time of renewal.
f) Letter of Allotment issued to the industrial unit/ Lessee/ Second Party for allotment of the land/shed be a part of the agreement.
g) NOC issued to the Lessee/ Second Party in regard to obtaining Electric Power connection will be withdrawn if Lessee/ Second party fails
to pay lease rent and other dues regularly.
h)The Lessee/ Second party has to deposit a security deposit amounting to 12 months lease rent prior to handing over the allotted land/shed.
i) The Security Deposit will be refunded subject to payment of all dues. The Security deposit shall be adjusted against the shed/Open space
if the unit fails to pay his/her dues in time. In the event of full adjustment of the security deposit the lessor/allottee shall redeposit the said
Security Deposit amount within 15 days from the receipt of the notice issued by the LESSOR.
j) Lessee/ Second party is not permissible to sublet their allotted industrial shed to any other party.

k) All legal proceeding for breach of the conditions aforesaid shall be lodged in courts, situated at Guwahati and not elsewhere.
4) In case of violation of terms and conditions, rules regulation of the Lessor/ First Party and Orders that may be passed by the Lessor/ First
Party or State Government from time to time with regard to the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area /Growth Center/Commercial eStateetc.
generally and to the property hereby leased in particular, this lease agreement stand terminated automatically at once and Lessor/ First party
shall have undisputed right to take over the possession of the property without the intervention of the Court of Law and without being any
way liable for any loss that may be caused to the Lessee/ Second Party thereby.
5) In the event of death, insolvency or incapacity etc. of the lessee/ Second party, the person on whom the title is to be developed shall within one
month of the death, insolvency or capacity as the case may give notice of such devolution to the Lessor/ First party.
6) The Lessee/ Second Party will take possession of the property as is no further demand for any development such as earth filling, raising the
levels, electricity and water supply etc. shall be entertained. Any other improvement or development shall be done by the Lessee/ Second
Party at his own cost and initiative after obtaining prior written permission from the Lessor/ First Party .
7) In the event of cancellation of the amount of the lease hold property, the Lessee/ Second Party shall be bound and liable to vacate the lease
hold property and deliver the lease hold property to the Lessor/ First Party free from all encumbrances failing which the Lessee/ Second
Party shall be liable to pay the Lessor/ First Party damages at the rate of Rs. 500 (Rs. Five Hundred) only per day for unauthorized use and
occupation of the property besides other liabilities provided for in this agreement and other laws for the time being in force.
8) The Lessor/ First Party shall not be responsible for any damage if caused to the lease-hold property by explosion, fire, riot and natural
calamities like flood, earthquake, cyclone, etc. which are not within the power and control of the Corporation.
9) The Lessee/ Second Party shall not at any time during the tenure of the Lease acquire an absolute or exclusive ownership right over the
property or claim any such right whatsoever, excepting the right to use the property in the manner prescribed herein.
10) The Lessee/ Second Party shall duly comply with the provisions of all the relevant Acts and rules made there under or any other laws of the
land in force. The Lessee/ Second Party also undertakes to comply with the obligations whatsoever, imposed by such laws in regard to the
activities carried on in the premises leased.
11) Should the demised property or any part thereof be at any time required by the Corporation/State Government for any purpose, declared by
it to be a public purpose, the Corporation/State Government shall be entitled to acquire the demised property or any part thereof giving 3
(three) months Notice in writing or on expiry of the said period which ever is earlier, the Lessor/ First Party or the State Government as the
case may be, may through officer or person authorized by or in its behalf, re-enter and shall take possession of the said demised property to
part thereof and all buildings and structures thereon, and compensation as may be determined by the Lessor/ First Party / State Government
will be paid to the Lessee/ Second Party .
12. a) On the expiry of the leased period or on termination of lease due to the breach of any of the conditions of the Deed by the Lessee/ Second
party, the Lessor/ First Party shall have the right of re-entry over the property and to take over the possession, if the Lessee/ Second Party
has made any additional construction with prior written permission of the Lessor/ First Party may also pay the Lessee/ Second Party the cost
actually incurred by him for any such additional construction or their depreciated value as determined by such authority as may be decided

by the Lessor/ First Party or the market value thereof on the date of the re-entry as may be estimated by such authority whichever is less.
Otherwise, if Lessor/ First Party doesnt wish to take over the additional construction, the same shall lapse to the Lessor/ First Party and no
compensation whatsoever on this account will be payable to the Lessee/ Second Party by the Corporation. The Lessee/ Second Party shall also
be liable to pay compensation for the damage done, if any to the leased property or any part of the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/Growth/
Centre/Commercial Estate.. etc. or any sewerage, drain, road, path etc. as may be fixed by the Corporation.
12. b) The Lessee/ Second Party shall continue his activities in the premises for which the property is leased. Stoppage of said activities in the
leased premises temporarily or permanently the allottee shall be bound to intimate the reason of stoppage to the Lessaor/First Party, within
seven days from stoppage or close down.
The Lessor/ First Party shall have the right to re-entry over the property and take over its possession, if restarting of activities do not take
place within three months period from the date of initial stoppage or close down of activity. The arrear dues, if any, will be realized within
three months from the date of such taking over.
12. c) The Lessor/ First Party shall have the unfettered right to inspect the documents justifying the utilization of assets during the leased period
and the Lessor/ First Party shall have the right to get authenticated copies of such documents as and when necessary.
12. d) The Lessor/ First Party shall have the right to re-entry over the property and take over its possession, if the Lessee/ second Party has
made any additional construction without prior permission of the authority; the Lessor/ First Party will not pay any compensation to the
Lessee/ Second Party for this type of additional construction.
13) Notwithstanding anything contained in these presents the Lessor/ First Party may, or termination of this agreement, transfer or lease out the
property including the additional construction and the renovation if any, to any person by private negotiation or public auction or otherwise
at the option of the Lessor/ First Party and on such terms and conditions as the Lessor/ First Party deems fit and proper.
14) The Lessor/ First Party reserves the right to impose any further conditions, stipulations or alteration in the convent herein at any time which
in the opinion of the Corporation/Government is necessary in the public interest.
15) The Lessee/ Second Party shall recruit the requisite manpower for his venture as per the Industrial policy of the Government of Assam.
16) All cost and expenses for preparation, execution and the registration of this Lease deed will be borne and paid by the Lessee/ Second party.
17) Without the consent of the Lessor/ First Party in writing, the Lessee/ Second Party shall not assign or part with his lease-hold property or
interest in the said premises created under these presents, nor shall he/she sublet the same or any part thereof to any person or persons
18) In the case of breach of any of the terms and conditions mentioned in this lease, the Lessee/ Second Party shall cease to be entitled to the use
of or occupation of the property and the Lessee/ Second Party would be liable for summary eviction by the Estate Officer authorized under
Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971.
19) The Lessee/ Second Party shall pay the charges for consumption of electricity and water supplied to him/her directly to the concerned
authorities regularly without default within the due date in additions to the aforesaid rent.

20) Every dispute, difference or questions touching or arising out or in respect of this Lease Agreement or the subject matter thereof, shall be at
the first instance, invariably required to referred to the head of the Lessor / First party /First Party and failure to get a dissatisfactory order
from the Lessor / First party /First Party, the Lesee only deserves the right to refer the said dispute / differences to the Competent Court of
Law as applicable thereto . Any dispute arising out of this agreement shall be subject to jurisdiction of Guwahati only.
21) The demised property shall be used by the Lessee/ Second Party only for whom it has been leased. In particular and without prejudice to the
said generally, the Lessee/ Second Party shall not:
i) Carry on any business or trade except the particular activity/activities for which the property has been leased.
ii) Use the leased property or part thereof for the purpose of a club, dwelling house, place of amusement, theatre or carrying on of motor
transport business or any retail business or for any offensive trade or business or for any purpose which may in the opinion of the Lessor/
First Party cause nuisance or inconvenience to the Corporation, the public, or any other Lessee/ Second Party or to any occupier or
premises in the neighborhood.
iii) Do anything which shall cause excessive wear and tear to the roads and accesses to the other land, building and factory sheds belonging
to the Lessor/ First Party or leased out to other tenants.
iv) Dump any garbage, sewage etc. within the lease-hold premises and on any place of the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/Growth center/
Commercial Estate.etc.
v) Permit any sale by auction to be held upon the leased land.
vi) Permit oil, grease or other deleterious matters to enter the drains, gutters, roads of the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/Growth Centre/
Commercial Estate.etc.
22) The Lessor/ First Party or any person authorized by the Government shall have the right to lay down, place, maintain, alter, remove or
repair any pipes, pipelines, conduits supply or service lines, post or other appliances or apparatus in, under over, along or across any land
within Industrial Area, Growth Centre taken up for development for the purpose of carrying gas, water or electricity from a source of supply
or constructing any sewerage or drains necessary for carrying off the working and the waste liquids of an industrial process through any
interviewing area .
23) Any officer of the State Government, any member of the Lessor/ First Party and any person either generally or specially authorized by the
Lessor/ First Party on its behalf may enter into or upon the leased property with or without assistance of workmen for the purpose of: -
(a) Making any inspection, survey, measurement, valuation, or enquiry or taking levels of the lease-hold property.
(b) Examining works under construction and ascertaining the course of sewerage and drains.
(c) Digging or boring into the sub-soil.
(d) Setting out boundaries and intended line of work.
(e) Making such levels, boundaries and lines by placing marks and cutting trenches.

24) In case of commission of an offence under the Act by the Lessee/ Second Party, every person who at the time of commission of such offence
was in charge of, or was responsible to the Lessee/ Second Party, shall be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and
punished accordingly as per provisions of and other relevant laws of the land.
25) Any person who obstruct the entry of a person authorized to enter into or upon any leased land or building or molests, such authorized person
after such entry or obstructs the lawful exercise by him or any power conferred by or under the Act in addition to other relevant laws of the
26) Any money payable to the Lessor/ First Party by the Lessee/ Second Party shall be recovered as per law applicable thereto .
27) The Lessee/ Second Party shall not claim any facility etc. over and above the existing ones under the Assam Town & Country Planning Act,
1959 and Assam Municipal Act, 1956, in respect of the premises leased.
28) If during the tenure of this lease, any rules & regulation if so newly framed, modified or altered by or for the Lessor / First party, the terms
and conditions of the same would also applicable for this instant lease Deed in toto.
29) The Lessor/ First Party shall serve a Notice, upon the Lessee/ Second Party requiring him/her to carry out any development in relation to
the schedule property which, in opinion of the Lessor/ First Party ought to be carried out within a reasonable time.
30) For erection of any structure or building in the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/Growth Centre/Commercial Estate, Industrial Area, Rani
and carrying out alteration to any existing building by the Lessee/ Second Party prior written permission must be obtained from the Lessor /
First party . Any contravention to this condition, shall attract the panel provision as laid down under the Act/ Rules and Regulations applicable
thereto .
31) In case the allottee wants to terminate the lease on his/her own accord before its expiry he/she shall give three (3) months Notice to the
Lessor/ First Party in prior. The Lessee/ Second Party shall also be liable to pay Lessor/ First Party such amount by way of damages as may
be determined by the Lessor/ First Party.
32) The allotment shall be liable for cancellation in case of breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Lease Deed or any other agreement,
rules, regulations and orders as applicable in that case and also that may be passed by the Lessor/ First Party or State Govt. from time to
time, by the Lessee/ Second Party with regard to the Industrial Estate/Industrial Area/Growth Centre/Commercial Estate generally and to
the property allotted, in particular.
Factory shed or building or part of building or land measuring: Shed No/ open space..............
Length : Ft.
Breath : Ft.
Total : Sq.Ft.
Open space : Sq.ft.
At Industrial Area/Industrial Estate/............... at ........ Covered by land bearing Dag No. ................... Patta No. ............... Grant No. at ..................

Mouza : ............... P.S. ............... in the ..................... District of Assam.
The property is bounded by
i) In the North :
ii) In the South :
iii) In the East :
iv) In the West :

IN WITNESS HEREOF THE parties hereto have set their hands this day of the month of .. of in the year.

Signature for and on behalf of Lessor / First Party:

(For and on behalf of the Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation)

Signature for and on behalf of Lessee/ Second party

For M/s

Signature of witness No.(1):

(In capital letters)

Signature of witness No. (2) :

(In capital letters)

[Vide No. CI. 179/2011/397 Dated 27-01-2014]

View of Brahmaputra


Rates for Allotment of Land/Sheds

1. Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (AIDC Ltd)

A. Development Charge
Sl. No. Infrastructures Allotment to be made Development Charges Leased period
1 Industrial Growth Centre (IGC)
Developed land : Rs.800 per Sq. m.
1. Matia, Goalpara Land Leased for 20 years
Semi-developed land : Rs.400 per Sq. m
Developed land : Rs.600 per Sq. m.
2. Balipara, Sonitpur Land Leased for 20 years
Semi-developed land : Rs.300 per Sq. m
2 Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre (IIDC)
1. IIDC Dimow Land Rs.600 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
2. IIDC Dalgaon Land Rs.1200 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
3.IIDC Bhomoraguri/ Naltali Land Rs.800 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
In bidding process:
4. IIDC Malinibeel Land Minimum base rate: Developed land:Rs.2000 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
Semi Developed Land : Rs.1000
5. IIDC Titabor Land Rs.300 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
6. IIDC Silapathar Land Rs.300 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
7. IIDC Nalbari Land Rs.1000 per Sq. m Leased for 20 years
Developed land: Rs.600 per Sq. m
8. ID Pathsala Land Leased for 20 years
Semi Developed Land : Rs.300 per Sq. m
In Bid process:
9. EPIP Amingaon Land Leased for 20 years
Developed land: Rs.3000 per Sq. m

B. Ground Rent Rs.2000 per 1000 Sq. m per annum.

C. Monthly maintenance Charges :
1 EPIP Amingaon Rs.15.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
2 IIDC Malinibil Rs.15.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher

3 IIDC Dalgaon Rs.15.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
4 IIDC Nalbari Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
5 IIDC Nalbari Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
6 IIDC Naltoli-Bhumuraguri Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
7 IIDC Demow Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
8 IIDC Titabor Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
9 IIDC Silapathar Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
10 IGC Matia Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
11 IGC Balipara Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher
12 ID Pathsala Rs.12.00 per Sq. m or 3% of Dev Charge whichever is higher

2. Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation

A. Rental Charges of shed at Industrial Estate /Area, etc
Allotment to be Rent/
Sl. No. Infrastructures Rent/leased rent
made Leased period
1 Industrial Estates
In Bid process:
1. Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam,
Shed / open space Rs.3.60/per sq ft for shed and Rs.1.21 per Sq ft for Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
In Bid process:
2. Mini Industrial Estate, Kalaphar,
Shed / open space Rs.2.75/per sq ft for shed and Rs.1.00 per Sq ft for Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
In Bid process:
3. Industrial Area, Kalaphar Shed / open space Rs.2.50/per sq ft for shed and Rs.1.00 per Sq ft for Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
In Bid process:
4. Industrial Estate, Rani Shed / open space Rs.1.70/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.35 per Sq ft for Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
Rs.0.50/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.10 per Sq ft for
5. Industrial Estate, Jorhat Shed / open space Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.

Rs.0.50/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.10 per Sq ft for
6. Industrial Estate, Tinsukia Shed / open space Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
Rs.1.00/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.15 per Sq ft for
7. Industrial Estate, New Bongaigaon Shed / open space Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
Rs.0.50/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.10 per Sq ft for
8. Industrial Estate, Sivasagar Shed / open space Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.
Rs.0.50/per sq ft for shed and Rs.0.10 per Sq ft for
9. Industrial area, Dolabari, Tezpur Shed / open space Rent agreement for 10 years
open space, per month + service tax as applicable.

B. Development Charges at Industrial Growth Centre and IIDC

1 Industrial Growth

1.Industrial Growth Land In Bid process: Leased agreement for 20 years

Centre, Chaygaon- (1) Development Charge Rs.600 per Sq. m. for Chaygaon & Jambari
Patgaon - Jambari (2) Development Charge Rs.1000 per Sq. m. for Patgaon (Rani)
(3) Maintenance charge Rs.1.75 per Sq. m/month
(4) Annual ground rent Rs.1.00 per Sq. m/per annum
2 Integrated Industrial Infrastructure Centre (IID centre)

1. IIDC Rangia Kamrup Land In Bid process: Lease agreement for 20 years
(1)Development Charge Rs.600 per Sq. m
(2) Maintenance charge Rs.1.75 per Sq. m/month
(3) Annual ground rent Rs.1.00 per Sq. m/per annum

2. IID Banderdewa, Land (1)Development Charge Rs.300 per Sq. m Lease agreement for 20 years
Lakhimpur (2) Maintenance charge Rs.1.75 per Sq. m/month
(3) Annual ground rent Rs.1.00 per Sq. m/per annum

3. IID Serfunguri, Land (1)Development Charge Rs.200 per Sq. m Lease agreement for 20 years
Kokrajhar (2) Maintenance charge Rs.1.75 per Sq. m/month
(3) Annual ground rent Rs.1.00 per Sq. m/per annum

4. IID Parbatipur, Land (1)Development Charge Rs.300 per Sq. m Lease agreement for 20 years
Tinsukia (2) Maintenance charge Rs.1.75 per Sq. m/month
(3) Annual ground rent Rs.1.00 per Sq. m/per annum

3. Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd (ASIDC Ltd)

Shed rent/ Development

Sl. No. Infrastructures Allotment to be made Leased period
Charge for land
In Bid process:
1 Industrial Area, Bamunimaidam Shed and open space Shed:Rs.6.30 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 10 years
Open Space: Rs.2.12 per sq ft/ per month
In Bid process:
2 Industrial Area, Bonda Shed and open space Shed:Rs.4.40 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 10 years
Open Space: Rs.1.40 per sq ft/ per month
3 Commercial Shed, Bonda Shed Shed:Rs.4.40 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 5 years
Mini Industrial Estate, Bishwanath Shed:Rs.1.00 per sq ft/ per month
4 Shed and open space Leased for 10 years
Chariali. Open Space: Rs.0.45 per sq ft/ per month
5 Industrial Estate, Tinsukia Land Open Space: Rs.0.50 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 10 years
6 Industrial Area Numaligarh Land Rs.0.50 per sq ft/ per month Lease year 30 years
7 Mini Industrial Estate Bokakhat Rs.2.50 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 10 years
8 Mini Industrial Estate Moranhat Rs.2.50 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 10 years
9 Commercial Estate, Sivasagar Rs.2.50 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 5 years
10 Commercial Estate, Doomdoom Rs.4.40 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 5 years
11 Commercial Estate, Dhing Rs.2.50 per sq ft/ per month Leased for 5 years
Shed:Rs.2.50 per sq ft/ per month
12 Commercial Estate, Morigaon Leased for 5 years
Open space: Rs.0.45 per sq ft/per month
In Bid process:
13 Food Processing Park, Chaygaon Land Dev. Charge minimum: Rs. 600 per sq. mtr Leased for 20 years
Annual Ground rent : Rs.2 per Sq. m /month



Shri. Chandra Mohan Patowary Mr. R P Das, Phone: 9435077122, 0361-2237256

Honble Minister of Industries & Commerce, Assam Consultant, e-mail: [email protected]
C-Block, 2nd Floor, Industries & Commerce Department web:
Assam Secretariat, Block-C, 2nd Floor, Assam Secretariat
GS Road, Guwahati- 781 006 Dispur, Guwahati- 781 006 Mr. H K Sharma, IAS (Retd)
Ph: 0361-2237014 Ph: 9435149821 Managing Director
Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd
Dr. K K Dwivedi, IAS Mr. B N Doley, ACS (AIDC Ltd)
Commissioner and Secretary to the Government Joint Secretary, Industries & Commerce RGB Road, Guwahati- 781 024
of Assam Department Ph: 0361-2200399
Industries & Commerce Department, Assam Block-C, 2nd Floor, Assam Secretariat e-mail:[email protected]
D-Block, 3rd Floor Dispur, Guwahati- 781 006 URL:
Assam Secretariat, GS Road, Guwahati- 781 006 Ph: 9435084809
Ph: 0361-2237361 Mrs. Shehla Rehman, ACS
URL: Mr. M K Mahanta, ACS Managing Director
Joint Secretary to the Government of Assam Assam Small Industries Development Corporation
Dr. K K Dwivedi, IAS
Industries & Commerce Department Ltd.
Commissioner of Industries & Commerce,
Block-C, 2nd Floor, Assam Secretariat Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-781021
Dispur, Guwahati- 781 006 Phone:0361-2550264
Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam
Ms. Rani Katharpi, ACS Mr. P K Saikia
Joint Secretary to the Government of Assam Managing Director
Industries & Commerce Department Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development
e-mail: [email protected]
Assam Secretariat Corporation (AIIDC)
Mrs. Shehla Rehman, ACS Dispur, Guwahati- 781 006 Industrial Estate, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781
Secretary to the Government of Assam 021
Industries & Commerce Department Ms. Neera Daulagupu, ACS Phone & Fax: 0361-2556864/9435015207
C-Block, 2nd Floor Jt. Secretary, e-mail: [email protected]
Assam Secretariat, GS Road, Industries & Commerce Department, Investment Cell,
Guwahati- 781 006 Block-C, 3rd Floor
Ph: 9435049590 Assam Secretariat, Dispur, Guwahati- 781 006

Additional /Joint/ Deputy Directors of Industries & Commerce, Assam

1 Mrs. Manjula Saikia Bhuyan, Additional Director of Industries & Commerce (FP), Assam, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9436701605
2 Mr. V K Das, Additional Director of Industries & Commerce, Assam, BTAD, Kokrajahr. 9435196270
Mr. P K Saikia, Additional Director of Industries & Commerce, Assam, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021
3 9435015207
e-mail:[email protected]
4 Mr. H K Sharma (I), Additional Director of Industries & Commerce, Assam, (UAZ), Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435118596
5 Mr. M Saynal, Additional Director of Industries & Commerce, Assam, (NAZ), Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435375717
6 Mr. H K Sharma (II), Additional Director of Industries & Commerce, Assam, Karbi-Anglong, Diphu 9435064294
Mr. Bipul Das, Addl Director of Industries & Commerce ( DICC)
7 9864067496
Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021
Mr. N K Talukdar, Addl Director of Industries & Commerce ( H & BV)
8 9435731642
Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021
9 Mr. K M Das, Joint Director of Industries & Commerce Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435217532
10 Mr. H D Das, Joint Director of Industries & Commerce Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 435014772
11 Dr. M Devi, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435105563
12 Mr. T K Kataki, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435046394
13 Mr. B B Bhuyan, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435285499
14 Mr. K Baishya, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435019616
15 Mr. K Bhagty, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435275103
16 Mr. T Deka, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9864050855
17 Mr. R Bora, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435380775
18 Mr . A Saikia, Deputy Director of Industries & Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati- 781 021 9435097697

[ District Level Officers ]
Addresses of District Industries & Commerce Centres (DICC), Assam

Name of General Contact no of

Sl. No. Name of DICC Address of DICC with e-mail Phone no
Manager General Manager
The General Manager
D Das
1 Baska DICC, Baska, Mussalpur 9864115695
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
2 Barpeta DICC, Barpeta D K Baruah 9435140042
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
3 Bongaigaon DICC, Bongaigaon, Industrial Estate, Bongaigaon 03664-222314 Lila Bora 9435314814
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
4 Cachar DICC, Cachar, Sonai Road, Silchar 03842-225569 Gautom Das 9435192612
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
5 Chirang DICC, Chirang, Kajalgaon - Kishore Das 9435020604
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
6 Darrang DICC, Darrang, Mangoldoi P K Goswami 9954252341
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
7 Dhemaji DICC, Dhemaji 03532-225819 B K Hazarika 9435032193
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
8 Dhubri DICC, Dhubri, Gauripur 03662-281447 P K Sharma 9435049445
e-mail: [email protected]

Name of General Contact no of
Sl. No. Name of DICC Address of DICC with e-mail Phone no
Manager General Manager
The General Manager
9 Dibrugarh DICC, Dibrugarh, CR Building R Lagashu 9435035207
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
10 Dima Hasao DICC, Dima Hasao, Haflong 03673-236826 S R Pegu 9864078533
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
11 Goalpara DICC, Goalpara 03663-240070 Biswajit Das 9435100143
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
12 Golaghat DICC, Golaghat 03774-280445 R J Sabhapandit 9435359731
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
13 Hailakandi DICC, Hailakandi 03844-223133
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
DICC, Jorhat, I/E Cinammora
14 Jorhat 0376-2360353 H R Deori 9864042694
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
15 Kamrup (Metro) DICC, Kamrup, Guwahati-21 0361-2551952 P K Bora 9435335847
e-mail: [email protected]
Additional Director of Industries & Commerce
16 Karbi Anglong DICC, Karbi-Anglong, Diphu 03671-273356 H K Sharma (II) 9435064294
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
17 Karimganj DICC, Karimganj 03843-273130/274210
e-mail: [email protected]

Name of General Contact no of
Sl. No. Name of DICC Address of DICC with e-mail Phone no
Manager General Manager
The General Manager
18 Kokrajhar DICC, Kokrajhar 03661-270262/ 270966 P Hazarika 9864050149
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
19 Lakhimpur DICC, Lakhimpur 03752-222405 I B Konowar
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
20 Morigaon DICC, Morigaon 03678-240324 H K Borkotoki 9435061712
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
21 Nagaon DICC, Nagaon 03672-233173 A K Nath 9435164668
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
22 Nalbari DICC, Nalbari, 03624-220310/221271 T Ahmed 9435385253
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
23 Sivasagar DICC, Sivasagar 03772-223653 Hitesh Deori 9435350938
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
24 Sonitpur DICC, Sonitpur, Tezpur 03712-220290 M C Deka 9954030201
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
25 Tinsukia DICC, Tinsukia, Borguri 0374-2331960 A K Baruah 9864255814
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
26 Udalguri DICC, Udalguri 03711-225520 J Rangpi 9435067048
e-mail: [email protected]
The General Manager
DICC, Kamrup (Rural)
27 Kamrup (Rural) Hemangadip Das i/c 9435014772
Mirza, Dakshin Kamrup College Road, Mirza
e-mail : [email protected]

Aerial view of Guwahati

Industrial infrastructureS under
public private partnership (PPP)

1. North East Mega Food Park Ltd.
Hotel Brahmaputra Ashoka, MG Road
Guwahati -781001, Assam, India
Ph.: +91 361 2736293
Fax: +91 361 2736294
Email: [email protected]

2. Bamboo Technology Park

265, Rajgarh Road, Chandmari
Guwahati - 781003
Email: [email protected]

3. Prag Jyoti Textile Park Pvt. Ltd.

House No. 6, Nilgiri Path
R.G. Baruah Road, Guwahati -781024
Ph.: +91 361 2200473
Fax: +91 361 2200473

One horn Rhino, Kaziranga National Park

useful web links

Useful Web Links

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Govt. of India :

Department of Commerce, Govt. of India :
National Small Industries Corporation :
Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship :
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME Guwahati) :
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise, Govt. of India :
Official website of Government of Assam :
Startup India :
Stand Up India :
Make In India :
Ease of Doing Business :
District Industries & Commerce Centre :
Ministry of Food Processing Industries of India :
Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Limited :
Assam Industrial Development Corporation Limited :
Assam Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation :
Department of Industries & Commerce, Govt. of Assam :


T he editorial board would like to place on record its sincere thanks and gratitude for the guidance provided by Sri Chandra Mohan Patowary, Honble
Minister, Industries & Commerce etc. Assam in bringing out the Land Bank book as part of 100 days action plan of the present Government.
The editorial board is grateful to Dr. K.K. Dwivedi, IAS, Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Assam for his constant support and direction.
We also express our thanks to Sri Hemanga Kishore Sharma, IAS (Retd.), Managing Director, Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. (AIDC) for
providing useful data within a short time.
Compilation of the Land Bank would not have been possible without the active support and cooperation of the officials of AIDC Ltd., AIIDC, ASIDC Ltd. and
General Managers of DI&CCs, who provided necessary information on the Industrial Infrastructures.
Last but not the least the Board would like to thank Sri B. Bora, Steno, Grade-III, Sri Saznul Haque and Sri Chandan Talukdar, Jr. Assistant for typing and
preparing the draft copies.

Editorial Team


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