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Techniques For Characterization of Nano Materials

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Techniques for Characterization of Nano Materials

G. S. Avadhani
Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (India)
E-mail: [email protected]

Nano-materials are currently gaining a lot of prominence due to their
unique properties and applications in various fields. Much information is
available in the literature on the synthesis and applications of these materials
such as carbon nano tubes, nano capsules for drug delivery, bio-synthesized
gold and silver nano particles etc. However, in each case, characterization
carries a lot of importance, particularly, validation by transmission electron
microscopic techniques.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to elucidate x-ray diffraction
and different electron microscopic techniques such as FEG SEM,
Environmental SEM, TEM along with EDS, AFM and FIB etc. which are
used for the characterization of nano-materials. Also included are sample
preparation techniques for the observation of these materials using electron
microscopy. The facilities available at the Indian Institute of Science in the
Department of Materials Engineering and the Institute Nano-science
Initiative (INI) are described. Finally some pictures taken from authors
recent publications using these facilities are shown to illustrate the use of the
various techniques in nano material characterization.

Nano materials are emerging family of novel materials that could be designed
for specific properties. The various properties mechanical, thermal, chemical and
electrical - could be tailored for specific applications. For example, nano- particle re-
enforced polymers may be used to replace metallic components in automobile
industry for reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emission, increasing the efficiency by
10%. Also, they can be used to make environmental friendly wear resistant tyres.
Nano porous materials/filters can be used for faster chemical synthesis. Lighter,
stronger and thermally stable nano-materials are very useful for fuel efficient lifting of
space vehicle payloads into orbit and reduced dependence on solar power.
These materials are also useful in nanolithography for improved printing
ability. Nano coatings are useful for cutting tools and thermal insulation. Nano YSZ
coating is used for radiation absorption. Structural carbon and ceramic nano materials
are significantly stronger than steel and have better heat resistance. Again, to have
better high temperature stability and strength, Ni base super alloys are made by
dispersing 1 -100 nm oxide particles for aero-space applications [1]. In the field of
medicine, possibilities are immense.
Carbon nano tubes are special nano-materials discovered by Iijima in 1991 [1].
They have better electrical conductivity than copper, exceptional mechanical strength
and high flexibility. These materials are used in chemical sensors, electronic IC
circuits, hydrogen storage devices and temperature sensors. The strength of nano
tubular materials can be increased by assembling them in the form of ropes of 20-30

nm diameter and several micrometers in length. Metal nano-wires and nano-particles
are commonly formed by employing a template.
One has to observe and characterize these nano materials in order to design a
new material with specific properties and applications as per the requirements.
Different techniques are available for the characterization of nano materials [2]. They
are: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Electron Diffraction, Electron Microscopic techniques
like Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (FEG SEM), Environmental
SEM, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) along with Energy Dispersive
System (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Focused Ion Beam (FIB).
These methods aim at determining the crystal structure, defect structure, chemical
analysis, phase identification, crystal or grain size etc. All these techniques are widely
used for the characterization of nano-materials and will be explained briefly in the
following sections.

1. X-Ray Diffraction
X-ray analysis has established the crystal structures of several elements and
compounds. Electromagnetic waves of wavelength comparable to crystal lattice
spacing are strongly diffracted by a crystal. Analysis of the diffraction pattern allows
us to obtain information such as crystal structure, lattice parameter, crystal orientation
and particle size. Diffraction is governed by the Bragg formula:
2d sin = n (1)
Here d is the inter-planar spacing, is the angle of diffraction, is the wavelength
of the incident beam and n is the order of diffraction.
In a typical set up, a collimated beam of x-rays is incident on the sample. The
intensity of the diffracted x-rays is measured as a function of the diffracted angle 2 .
(See Fig.1)

Fig.1: Diffraction of x-rays by crystal planes

The intensities of the diffracted beams provide information about the atomic
arrangement. The sharpness and shape of the reflections are related to the perfection
of the crystal. The two basic procedures involve the use of either a single crystal
sample with monochromatic or white radiation, or a powder sample in conjunction
with monochromatic radiation. With single crystal, a lot of information about the
structure can be obtained. On the other hand, single crystals are difficult to get and
determination of orientation of crystal is cumbersome.
A typical x-Ray powder diffraction pattern (Intensity Vs 2 ) is given in

(a) (b)
Fig.2: (a)X-ray powder diffraction plot. Peak positions occur where the x-ray beam
has been diffracted by the crystal lattice; (b) Line broadening due to nano size [3]

Knowing the x-ray wavelength used and measuring , d can be

For cubic crystals, we have, d where a is the lattice parameter and
h k2 l2

h,k,l are the miller indices of the diffracting planes. The ratios of sin 2 are: for BCC
- 2:4:6; FCC- 3:4:8:11:; DC: 3:8:11:16:. From this analysis, it is possible to
identify the Bravais lattice and determine the lattice parameter. For non-cubic
structures, more complex methods and methods based on reciprocal lattice are
available. Single crystal diffraction patterns are also capable of providing data on the
crystal structure. Besides, they also reveal the state of perfection of the crystal. One
can assess the proportion of phases in a multi-phase solid. X-ray diffraction
techniques are suitable for studying amorphous solids.
As mentioned earlier, x-ray diffraction techniques can yield information on
particle size (actually, size of coherently diffracting domains). Smaller the particle
size, broader is the diffraction peak. Nano particles cause appreciable broadening of
diffraction lines. The breadth B of a diffraction line (measured as the width at half
maximum intensity or as integral breadth) is related to the particle size t via the
Scherrer formula:
t (2)
It should be noted that B however has contributions from instrument, lattice strain and
stacking faults which are to be accounted for to get the breadth due to small particle
size. In a similar fashion, lattice strains, the density of stacking faults, dislocation
density etc can be computed.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is an analytical technique used
for the elemental analysis or chemical characterization of a sample. It relies on the
investigation of a sample through interactions between electromagnetic radiation or
particles and matter. X-rays emitted by the matter as a result of the interaction are
analysed. The underlying fundamental principle is that each element has a unique
atomic structure allowing emission of x-rays that are characteristic of the element's
atomic structure to be identified uniquely from each other. To stimulate the emission
of characteristic x-rays from a specimen, a high energy beam of charged particles such
as electrons or protons, or a beam of x-rays, is focused into the sample being studied.

Fig.3: Origin of

At rest, an atom within the sample contains ground state (or unexcited)
electrons in discrete energy levels or electron shells bound to the nucleus. The
incident beam may excite an electron in an inner shell, ejecting it from the shell. An
electron from an outer, higher-energy shell then fills the hole, and the difference in
energy between the higher-energy shell and the lower energy shell may be released in
the form of an x-ray characteristic radiation (Fig.3). The number and energy of the x-
rays emitted from the specimen can be measured by an energy dispersive
spectrometer. As the energy of the x-rays is characteristic of the difference in energy
between the two shells, and of the atomic structure of the element from which they
were emitted, this allows the elemental composition of the specimen to be measured
as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig.4: A typical EDS profile of an Iron oxide sample [4]

EDS systems can be attached to both TEM and SEM for carrying out
elemental analysis. A number of free-standing EDS systems also exist. However, EDS
systems are most commonly found on scanning electron microscopes (SEM-EDS) and
electron microprobes.

The excess energy of the electron that migrates to an inner shell to fill the
newly-created hole can do more than emit an x-rays. Often, instead of x-ray emission,
the excess energy is transferred to a third electron from a further outer shell,
prompting its ejection as shown in Fig.3. This ejected species is called an Auger
electron, and the method for its analysis is known as Auger Electron Spectroscopy
(AES). X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is also similat to EDS. It utilizes the
ejected electrons in a manner similar to that of AES. Information on the quantity and
kinetic energy of ejected electrons is used to determine the binding energy of these
now-liberated electrons, which is element-specific and allows chemical
characterization of a sample.
EDS is often contrasted with its spectroscopic counterpart, WDS (Wavelength-
Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy). WDS differs from EDS in that it uses the diffraction
patterns created by radiation-matter interaction as its raw data. WDS has a much finer
spectral resolution than EDS. In WDS only one element can be analyzed at a time,
while EDS gathers a spectrum of all elements, within limits, of a sample.
XRD, with or without EDS/WDS is a simple and useful technique to derive a
lot of information, particularly with regards to estimation of the size of nano-particles.
A disadvantage of XRD is the low intensity of diffracted beams for low atomic
number materials.
2. Electron Diffraction

Electron and neutron diffraction methods operate on the same principle as x-

ray diffraction but the three techniques differ from each other in some aspects,
particularly in the mechanism of scattering leading to the formation of diffracted
beams. This behaviour makes them uniquely applicable in different applications. For
example, neutron diffraction is suitable for studying magnetic properties of solids
which cannot be investigated by electron and x-ray diffraction techniques. However,
neutron sources are uncommon and expensive and discussion here is limited to
electron diffraction. The wavelength of a beam of electrons is a function of the
accelerating voltage in an electron gun and is given by:
= (3)
where, is in and V is in volts. For V = 10,000 volts, = 0.12 and for V =
40,000volts, = 0.06 . Thus the electron diffraction wavelengths are much smaller
compared to x-ray diffraction wavelengths which are in the range 0.7 2.2 . An
electron diffraction pattern is therefore confined to very small values.
The atomic scattering factors (f) for electrons and x-rays are related by the
f ele ( Z f x rays ) (4)
sin 2
where Z is the atomic number. It can be seen that fele 103 fx-ray and the corresponding
line/spot intensities in diffraction patterns of x-rays and electrons are in the proportion
of 1:106. Therefore, in order to obtain the same measurable intensity of diffraction,
the size of the specimen must be varied according to the radiation used. If the linear
dimension of the specimen for x-ray examination is 1mm, it can be about 10 -5 mm for
electron diffraction. Electron diffraction is therefore ideally suited for study of thin
films, oxidation products, etc, which is not possible or difficult by x-ray diffraction

The electron diffraction pattern consists of spots or rings similar to x-ray
diffraction pattern and can be indexed in a similar way by using the equation: L =
rd; where L is a camera constant, r is the distance between centre of the diffraction
pattern and the diffraction spot or ring radius. The geometry is identical for x-ray and
electron diffraction which is depicted in Fig. 5 from which the Bragg law can be
easily derived.

Fig.5: Geometry of X-ray and Electron Diffraction

3. Scanning Electron Microscopy

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that
images the sample surface by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in a
raster scan pattern. The electrons interact with the atoms that make up the sample
producing signals that contain information about the sample's surface topography,
composition and other properties such as electrical conductivity as shown in Fig. 6.
The electron beam hits the sample, producing secondary electrons from the
sample. These electrons are collected by a secondary detector or a backscatter
detector, converted to a voltage, and amplified. The amplified voltage is applied to the
grid of the CRT and causes the intensity of the spot of light to change. The image
consists of thousands of spots of varying intensity on the screen of a CRT that
correspond to the topography of the sample. The types of signals produced by an SEM
include secondary electrons, back-scattered electrons (BSE), characteristic x-rays,
light (cathodoluminescence), specimen current and transmitted electrons. Secondary
electron detectors are common in all SEMs, but it is rare that a single machine would
have detectors for all possible signals. The signals result from interactions of the
electron beam with atoms at or near the surface of the sample. In the most common or
standard detection mode, secondary electron imaging or SEI, the SEM can produce
very high-resolution images of a sample surface, revealing details about less than 1 to
5 nm in size.

Fig.6 (a): SEM set up (above) (b) Equipment (below)

Due to the very narrow electron beam, SEM micrographs have a large depth of
field yielding a characteristic three-dimensional appearance useful for understanding
the surface structure of a sample. This is exemplified by the micrograph of pollen
shown in the Fig.7. A wide range of magnifications is possible, from about 10 times to
more than 500,000 times, about 250 times the magnification limit of the best light

Fig.7: SEM picture of pollen grains show the characteristic depth of field of SEM

Back-scattered electrons (BSE) are beam electrons that are reflected from the
sample by elastic scattering. BSE are often used in analytical SEM along with the
spectra made from the characteristic x-rays. Because the intensity of the BSE signal is
strongly related to the atomic number (Z) of the specimen, BSE images can provide
information about the distribution of different elements in the sample. For the same
reason, BSE imaging can image, for example, colloidal gold immuno-labels of 5 or
10 nm diameter which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to detect in
secondary electron images in biological specimens. Characteristic x-rays are emitted
when the electron beam removes an inner shell electron from the sample, causing a
higher energy electron to fill the shell and release energy. These characteristic x-rays
are used to identify the composition and measure the abundance of elements in the
sample, as already described under EDS in Section 1. X-ray Diffraction.

Sample preparation for SEM: All samples must also be of an appropriate size
to fit in the specimen chamber and are generally mounted rigidly on a specimen
holder called a specimen stub. Several models of SEM can examine any part of 15 cm
sample, and some can tilt an object of that size to 45. For conventional imaging in
the SEM, specimens must be electrically conductive, at least at the surface, and
electrically grounded to prevent the accumulation of electrostatic charge at the
surface. Metal objects require little special preparation for SEM except for cleaning
and mounting on a specimen stub. Nonconductive specimens tend to charge when
scanned by the electron beam, and especially in secondary electron imaging mode,
this causes scanning faults and other image artifacts. They are therefore usually coated
with an ultrathin coating of electrically-conducting material, commonly gold,
deposited on the sample either by low vacuum sputter coating or by high vacuum
evaporation. Conductive materials in current use for specimen coating include gold,
gold/palladium alloy, platinum, osmium, iridium, tungsten, chromium and graphite
[5]. Coating prevents the accumulation of static electric charge on the specimen
during electron irradiation. An alternative to coating for some biological samples is to
increase the bulk conductivity of the material by impregnation with osmium using
variants of the OTO staining method (O-osmium, T-thiocarbohydrazide, O-osmium)
[6,7]. Non conducting specimens may be imaged uncoated using specialized SEM
instrumentation such as the "Environmental SEM" (ESEM) or field emission gun
(FEG) SEMs operated at low voltage. Environmental SEM instruments place the
specimen in a relatively high pressure chamber where the working distance is short
and the electron optical column is differentially pumped to keep the vacuum
adequately low at the electron gun. The high pressure region around the sample in the
ESEM neutralizes charge and provides an amplification of the secondary electron
signal. Low voltage SEM of non-conducting specimens can be operationally difficult
to accomplish in a conventional SEM and is typically a research application for
specimens that are sensitive to the process of applying conductive coatings. Low-
voltage SEM is typically conducted in an FEG-SEM because the FEG is capable of
producing high primary electron brightness even at low accelerating potentials.
Operating conditions must be adjusted such that the local space charge is at or near
neutral with adequate low voltage secondary electrons being available to neutralize
any positively charged surface sites. Embedding the sample in a resin with further
polishing to a mirror-like finish can be used for both biological and materials
specimens when imaging in backscattered electrons or when doing quantitative X-ray
microanalysis. Fig.8 is an example of a typical SEM picture of a biological sample
with conductive gold coating.

Fig.8: An insect coated in gold, having been prepared for viewing with a scanning
electron microscope

Fractography is the study of fractured surfaces that can be done in a light

microscope or more commonly on an SEM. SEM is being widely employed to
investigate fracture modes and fracture mechanisms. The fractured surface is cut to a
suitable size, cleaned of any organic residues, and mounted on a specimen holder for
viewing in the SEM. Representative fractgraphs are shown in Fig.9.

Fig. 9: a) Transgranular cleavage fracture, b) intercrystalline cleavage fracture c)

dimple fracture (transgranular), d) fatigue fracture

Detection of backscattered electrons: Backscattered electrons (BSE) consist
of high-energy electrons originating in the electron beam, that are reflected or back-
scattered out of the specimen interaction volume by elastic scattering interactions
with specimen atoms. Since heavy elements (high atomic number) backscatter
electrons more strongly than light elements (low atomic number), and thus appear
brighter in the image, BSE are used to detect contrast between areas with different
chemical compositions [8]. Dedicated backscattered electron detectors are positioned
above the sample in a "doughnut" type arrangement, concentric with the electron
beam, maximising the solid angle of collection. BSE detectors are usually either of
scintillator or semiconductor types. When all parts of the detector are used to collect
electrons symmetrically about the beam, atomic number contrast is produced.
However, strong topographic contrast is produced by collecting back-scattered
electrons from one side above the specimen using an asymmetrical, directional BSE
detector; the resulting contrast appears as illumination of the topography from that
side. Semiconductor detectors can be made in radial segments that can be switched in
or out to control the type of contrast produced and its directionality. An example is
given in the Fig.10.

Fig. 10: Comparison of SEM techniques: Top: backscattered electron analysis

composition; Bottom: secondary electron analysis topography

Backscattered electrons can also be used to form an Electron Back Scatter Diffraction
(EBSD) image that can be used to determine the crystallographic structure of the
specimen. Fig.11 shows a typical EBSD picture of a polished sample.

Fig.11: Example of Orientation Image Microscopy (OIM) using EBSD detector
(Grain orientations in Fe-Sn clad system)

4. Transmission Electron Microscopy

The basic operation in a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is that
electrons generated from an electron gun are scattered by the sample. The scattered
electrons are focused using electron optic lenses to finally form images. The imaging
modes can be controlled by the use of an aperture. If most of the scattered electrons
are allowed through, we get Bright Field image. If specific scattered beams are
selected, the image is known as a Dark Field image. In addition, a TEM can also be
used for chemical analysis. Electrons scattered from the sample are collected on a
CRT to form the image. The resolution is a few nm and magnification ~ 10X to
5,00,000X. Selected Area Diffraction (SAD) or Convergent Beam Electron
Diffraction (CBED) is used to characterize the crystalline nature of samples from
areas as small as microns (SAD) or tens of nanometers (CBED) via electron
diffraction patterns. Analytical TEM can provide elemental analysis, maps and line
scans using auxiliary detectors. The techniques include Energy Dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy (EDS) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) which is a better
technique than EDS for the identification of phases containing light elements like
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen etc at high spatial resolution of ~1nm.

Fig. 12: Eelectron imaging system schematics of a TEM
For imaging applications, SEM can provide high quality images very quickly
with significantly less sample preparation. However, TEM has substantially superior
image resolution and contrast. Also, TEM does not need reference standards to
provide accurate results. Therefore, TEM is widely used for process development and
failure analysis of nanometer scale structures and devices, for crystallographic
characterization in nanometer to micron regime and observation of defects in
crystalline materials. It is also used for the characterization of nano particles in
analyzing agglomeration, effects of annealing, dispersion in a matrix etc.
A schematic diagram of a typical TEM is shown in Fig. 12. From the top
down, the TEM consists of an electron emission source, which may be a tungsten
filament, or a lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) source [9]. Connecting this gun to a high
voltage source (typically 100-300 kV) will give sufficient electron current either by
thermionic or field emmision into the vacuum. The upper lenses of the TEM allow
for the formation of the electron probe to the desired size and location for later
interaction with the sample [10].
Typically a TEM consists of three stages of lensing. The stages are the
condenser lenses, the objective lenses, and the projector lenses. The condenser lenses
are responsible for primary beam formation, whilst the objective lenses focus the
beam down onto the sample itself. The projector lenses are used to expand the beam
onto the phosphor screen or other imaging device such as photographic film. The
magnification of the TEM is due to the ratio of the distances between the specimen
and the objective lens' image plane [11].
Bright Field and Dark Field Images: As mentioned earlier, both bright field
and dark field images can be viewed in a TEM. The most common mode of operation
is the bright field imaging mode. In this mode the contrast formation, when
considered classically, is formed directly by occlusion and absorption of electrons in
the sample. Thicker regions of the sample, or regions with a higher atomic number
will appear dark, whilst regions with no sample in the beam path will appear bright

hence the term "bright field". The image is in effect assumed to be a simple two
dimensional projection of the sample down the optic axis.
Samples can exhibit diffraction contrast, whereby the electron beam undergoes
Bragg scattering, which in the case of a crystalline sample disperses electrons into
discrete locations in the back focal plane. By the placement of apertures in the back
focal plane, i.e. the objective aperture, the desired Bragg reflections can be selected
(or excluded), thus only parts of the sample that are causing the electrons to scatter to
the selected reflections will end up projected onto the imaging apparatus.
If the reflections that are selected do not include the un-scattered beam (which
will appear up at the focal point of the lens), then the image will appear dark wherever
no sample scattering to the selected peak is present, as such a region without a
specimen will appear dark. This is known as a dark-field image.
Modern TEMs are often equipped with specimen holders that allow the user to
tilt the specimen to a range of angles in order to obtain specific diffraction conditions,
and apertures placed above the specimen allow the user to select electrons that would
otherwise be diffracted in a particular direction from entering the specimen.
Besides observing the microstructure on a fine scale, TEM applications
include the identification of lattice defects in crystals. By carefully selecting the
orientation of the sample, it is possible not just to determine the position of defects but
also to determine the type of defect present.

5. Sample Preparation Techniques for TEM

Sample preparation is an important step of any microscopic analysis and in particular,
for the TEM analysis. To produce high quality TEM images, the sample needs to be
thinned to 40-150 nm thick, while keeping the damage to a minimum. These
techniques include:
Chemical chemical polishing, electropolishing, full bath chemical thinning,
full bath electrolytic thinning, twin jet chemical thinning, twin jet electrolytic
thinning; Mechanical Mechanical polishing, dimpling, ultrasonic
grinding, wheel or wire sawing, ultra microtomy including cryo-
ultramicrotomy, wedge cleavage, tripod polishing; Ion thinning including
focused ion beam thinning. Specific techniques for dispersed or ultra fine
materials include fine particle dispersion and frozen hydrated film of single
Materials that have dimensions small enough to be electron transparent, such as
powders or nano-tubes, can be quickly prepared by the deposition of a dilute sample
containing the specimen onto support grids or films. In the biological sciences in
order to withstand the instrument vacuum and facilitate handling, biological
specimens can be fixated using either a negative staining material such as uranil
acetate or by plastic embedding. Alternately samples may be held at liquid nitrogen
temperatures after embedding in vitreous ice [12]. In materials science and metallurgy
the specimens tend to be naturally resistant to vacuum, but still must be prepared as a
thin foil, or etched so that some portion of the specimen is thin enough for the beam to
penetrate. Constraints on the thickness of the material may be limited by the scattering
cross section of the atoms from which the material is comprised.
Microtome (Tissue sectioning): By passing samples over a glass or diamond
edge, small, thin sections can be readily obtained using a semi-automated method
[13]. This method is used to obtain thin, minimally deformed samples that allow for
the observation of tissue samples. Additionally inorganic samples have been studied,
such as aluminium, although this usage is limited owing to the heavy damage induced

in the less soft samples [14]. To prevent charge build-up at the sample surface, tissue
samples need to be coated with a thin layer of conducting material, such as carbon,
where the coating thickness is several nanometers. This may be achieved via an
electric arc deposition process using a sputter coating device.
Sample staining: Details in light microscope samples can be enhanced by
stains that absorb light. Similarly TEM samples of biological tissues can utilize high
atomic number stains to enhance contrast. The stain absorbs electrons or scatters part
of the electron beam which otherwise is projected onto the imaging system.
Compounds of heavy metals such as osmium, lead or uranium may be used prior to
TEM observation to selectively deposit electron dense atoms in or on the sample in
desired cellular or protein regions. This requires an understanding of how heavy
metals bind to biological tissues.
Mechanical milling: Mechanical polishing may be used to prepare samples.
Polishing needs to be done to a high quality, to ensure constant sample thickness
across the region of interest. A diamond, or cubic boron nitride polishing compound
may be used in the final stages of polishing to remove any scratches that may cause
contrast fluctuations due to varying sample thickness. Even after careful mechanical
milling, additional fine methods such as ion etching may be required to perform final
stage thinning.
Chemical etching: Certain samples, particularly metallic specimens, may be
prepared by chemical etching. These samples are thinned using a chemical etchant
such as an acid. For controlling the thinning process, either the voltage or current
passing through the specimen is varied. Systems to detect when the sample has been
thinned to the required level of optical transparency are in vogue.
Ion etching: Ion etching is a sputtering process that can remove very fine
quantities of material. This method is used to perform a finishing polish of specimens
polished by other means. Ion etching uses an inert gas like argon passed through an
electric field of a few kilovolts to generate a plasma stream that is directed to the
sample surface. The sample is often rotated to promote even polishing of the surface.
The sputtering rate of such methods is on the order of tens of micrometers per hour,
limiting the method to only extremely fine polishing.
More recently, focused ion beam (FIB) methods have been used to prepare
samples. Because FIB can be used to micro-machine samples very precisely, it is
possible to mill very thin membranes from a specific area of interest in a sample, such
as a semiconductor or metal. Unlike inert gas ion sputtering, FIB makes use of
significantly more energetic gallium ions and may alter the composition or structure
of the material through gallium implantation [12]. Fig. 13 shows the SEM image of
TEM sample prepared by FIB.

Fig.13: SEM image of a thin TEM sample milled by FIB. The thin membrane shown
here is suitable for TEM examination; however, at ~300 nm thick, it would not be
suitable for high-resolution TEM without further milling.

6. Some Typical Examples of EM Applications
The following examples are by no means exhaustive and are meant to
illustrate the usefulness of the various electron microscopic and electron diffraction
Grain boundary images in iridium (SEM, FIM, TEM) : Fig.14 provides an
example relating to grain boundary structure in fcc iridium, which melts at 2455C.
Fig.14 (a) shows an SEM image of inter-granular, brittle fracture and a fracture
surface region in iridium. Oxygen segregation to grain boundaries in iridium often
renders them weakly bonded, encouraging brittle fracture [15]. The arrow in Fig.14
(a) (left) illustrates a region which could be characterized at the atomic level as
illustrated in the FIM image in Fig.14 (b). The magnification difference between
Fig.14 (a) and (b) is roughly 4 orders of magnitude. Fig.14 (c) shows a projected view
of iridium grain boundary in a thin film viewed in the TEM. It illustrates grain
boundary dislocation and ledge features composing the microstructure which
characterizes the grain boundary as an interfacial region separating two different
crystals or crystal orientations. Taken together the SEM, FIM, and TEM image
components of Fig.14 provide an overview of the micro and nano-structure of iridium
grain boundaries in a very general sense.
Nanostructures for Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (SEM, TEM, HRTEM):
Although multi wall carbon nano-tubes have only been recognized over the past 2
decades [16, 17] and their concentric graphene (carbon) tube structure observed by
HRTEM [18] they have been a component of combustion regimes such as methane
(CH4) or natural as combustion in the environment in antiquity [19] and have more
recently been identified as environmental nano-pollutants in both the indoor [20, 21]
and outdoor [22, 23] air. Fig.15(a) illustrates a variety of multi wall carbon nano-tubes
in aggregated, multi concentric fullerenes collected by thermal precipitation [24]
above a natural gas (~96% CH4) burner in a kitchen and observed in the TEM. An
HRTEM insert Fig.15 (a) shows a 13-layer multi wall carbon nano-tube with
concentric tube spacing of ~0.34 nm, which corresponds to the graphite (002) plane
spacing represented in the SAED pattern insert in Fig.15 (a) The image fringe
intensity contrast which decreases from the outside to the tube inside is simulated in
the sketch of Fig.15(b) which also illustrates the tube chirality (0<<30)
characterized by zig zag tubes (=0) and armchair tubes (=30). Correspondingly,
Fig.15(c) and (d) show chicken-wire simulations for zig zag and armchair tubes,
respectively, while Fig.15(d) also represents a chiral (15) tube growing over an
armchair (=30) tube. Lair, et al. [25,26] have recently demonstrated in computer
simulations and ab initio calculations based on quantum mechanics that carbon nano
tubes grow homogeneously (in carbon vapor) from a hemispherical cap (nucleus) with
various configurations containing 6, 5-member (pentagonal) rings, and the growing
tube end is then capped for energetic reasons. Furthermore, unlike the example shown
in Fig.15 (d) the outer tube(s) grow slightly more rapidly than the inner tube(s); and
the growing tubes are energetically favored to be armchair [27]. In looking at Fig.15
(a) the variance in tube diameters and tube length, as well as the end cap facets of
very large diameter tubes, represents an extraordinary process of growth even in the
context of gas flame combustion. The fact that carbon nano tube growth in
heterogeneous nucleation processes has been achieved [28, 29] is correspondingly a
remarkable phenomenon which poses unique prospects for advanced materials and
materials system production and development.

Fig. 14: Examples of grain
boundary microstructures and
nanostructures in fcc iridium.
(a) SEM image of inter-
granular fracture features.
(b) FIM image approximating
a grain boundary regime
indicated at arrow (left) in (a).
Liquid nitrogen (~78 K)
(c) Projected TEM image for
an inclined grain boundary
showing dislocation-ledge
microstructure [15].

Fig. 15: Nanostructure images and image feature schematics for multi wall
carbon nano-tubes (MWCNTs). (a) TEM images of MWCNTs and other multi-
concentric fullerene aggregates collected from a natural gas kitchen burner by
thermal precipitation [20]. Inserts show the corresponding SAED (graphite) pattern
(upper etch) and a lattice-type image for the aperture over the (002) diffraction ring
which corresponds to half the c-axis graphite dimension (or lattice parameter:
C=0.68 nm). This image insert shows beam absorption at the inner tube decreasing
outward. The explanation for this is implicit in the upper schematic in (b). The lower
schematic in (b) illustrates carbon nano-tube types: zig-zag when the axis z(o) is the

tube axis and armchair, when A(30) is the tube axis. Tubes with axes between 0
and 30 are referred to as chiral. (c) and (d) show chicken wire models for a zig-zag
tube (c) and an armchair tube over which a chiral (15) tube is growing (arrows).
The outer, concentric tubes actually grow faster than the inner tubes.

Fig.16 gives a TEM picture of polio virus which are in the nano-scale. Fig.17
shows typical dislocations on a particle.

Fig.16 TEM image of the polio virus. The polio virus is 30 nm in size.

Fig.17 Transmission Electron Micrograph of dislocations which are faults in the

structure of the crystal lattice at the atomic scale

Selected Area Diffraction (SAD): As previously stated, by adjusting the

magnetic lenses such that the back focal plane of the lens rather than the imaging
plane is placed on the imaging apparatus, a diffraction pattern can be generated. For
thin crystalline samples, this produces an image that consists of a pattern of dots in the
case of a single crystal, or a series of rings in the case of a polycrystalline or
amorphous solid. For the single crystal case the diffraction pattern is dependent upon
the orientation of the specimen and the structure of the sample illuminated by the
electron beam. This image provides information about the space group symmetries in
the crystal and the crystal's orientation to the beam path. Fig. 18 shows a diffraction
pattern from an fcc crystal.

Fig.18 Crystalline diffraction pattern from a twinned grain of FCC Austenitic steel

Fig.19 Convergent Beam Kikuchi lines from Silicon, near the [100] zone axis
More complex behavior in the diffraction plane is also possible, with
phenomena such as Kikuchi lines arising from multiple diffraction within the
crystalline lattice (Fig.19). In convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) where a
non-parallel, i.e. converging, electron wave front is produced by concentrating the
electron beam into a fine probe at the sample surface, the interaction of the convergent
beam can provide information beyond structural data such as sample thickness.
Examples of CBED patterns (Cu and Si(111) are given below(Fig.20)

(a) (b)
Fig.20: Examples of CBED pattern for (a) Cu and (b) Si

In the following section, some of the TEM applications from authors work are
Synthesis of Cu2O nanoparticles by chemical reduction of aqueous
colloidal dispersion of p-aminobenzoate intercalated copper hydroxysalt:

Fig.21: TEM images of
Cu2O nanoparticles
obtained on reduction of
the colloidal dispersion of
PABA intercalated copper
hydroxysalt using 0.1 M
alkaline solutions of
ascorbic acid - chains of
Cu2O particles (a ) a
single particle (b)
HRTEM of a single
particle (c) and SAED
pattern of a single
particle (d)

The bright field images of Cu2O particles obtained on reduction of colloidal

dispersion using ascorbic acid (Fig.21a) shows chains of particles ranging in
diameters from 50 nm to 120 nm. An individual particle shown in Fig.21b indicates
that each particle is an agglomerate of much smaller particles of diameter less than 10
nm. The high resolution image (Fig. 21c) confirms that each large particle is
polycrystalline. The electron diffraction pattern (Fig. 21d) of the particle can be
indexed to the cubic Cu2O phase [JCPDS-PDF-5-0667]. The formation of
polycrystalline agglomerates can be explained as follows. Reduction of individual
layers of the hydroxysalt generates a number of Cu2O nuclei in close proximity. These
nuclei grow in proximity resulting in the collection of ~ 7nm particles into ~ 100nm
agglomerates. [30]

Fig.22: TEM images of Cu2O nanoparticles obtained on reduction of the colloidal

dispersion of PABA intercalated copper hydroxysalt using 0.1 M alkaline solutions of
hydrazine irregular Cu2O particles (a) a single particle after collapse (b) SAED

pattern of single particle before (c) and after (d) collapse. HRTEM of a single particle
before collapse (e)

The bright field image of Cu2O obtained by the reduction of colloidal dispersion with
hydrazine shown in Fig.22a shows much larger particles (~ 300 nm). Each particle is
surrounded by flake-like structures possibly due to unreacted hydroxysalt layers. The
irregularly shaped particles decompose under the electron beam leading to the
formation of spherical particles (Fig.22b). The electron diffraction patterns (Fig.22c
and d) before and after electron beam induced decomposition are identical and these
can be indexed to Cu2O.The HRTEM image (Fig.22e) shows that these particles are
also polycrystalline [30].
A few more examples are given below in support of the TEM applications for
powder nano-materials from authors work (Fig.23 to 26). Fig.23 gives silver nano-
particles in aqueous solution. Fig.24 gives pictures of silver nano particles prepared
from different synthesis procedures [31]. Fig.25 is a typical example of nano materials
for drug delivery applications and Fig.26 gives TEM pictures of CdS nano particles

(a) (b)

Fig.23: TEM picture of aqueous silver nano particles (a) bunch, (b) separated

(a) (b)

Fig.24: Transmission electron micrograph of silver nano-particles prepared in
(a) 0.5 molar and (b) 1 molar solutions of TGA in DMF.

Fig.25: TEM picture of Zn doped ciprofloxacin drug with hydroxyapalite

and diffraction pattern

Fig.26: TEM images of precipitated CdS nanoparticles with

different progress times (a) after 5 h and (b) after 1000 h.

7. Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry (EELS)

Fig.27: An example of EELS plot of Ni and Pt

EELS is the study of the vibrational motion of atoms and molecules on and
near the surface by the analysis of the energy spectrum of low-energy electrons
backscattered from it. An electron passing through material can interact with electron
clouds of the atoms present and transfer some of its kinetic energy to them. EELS -
uses electrons from 0.1 to 10 keV and passes them through a thin foil of the material
of interest. At high energies, the transmitted beam contains in-elastically scattered
electrons whose energy has been decreased by amounts corresponding to
characteristic absorption frequencies in the solid. At lower energies, the reflected
beam is monitored for the same transitions. Bulk and surface plasmons are the
principal features of these spectra. An example is shown in Fig.27.
8. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a powerful instrument for imaging

surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig
and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zrich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986 [33,34]. The
STM is based on the concept of quantum tunneling. When a conducting tip is brought
very near to the surface to be examined, a bias (voltage difference) applied between
the two can allow electrons to tunnel through the vacuum between them. The resulting
tunneling current is a function of tip position, applied voltage, and the local density of
states (LDOS) of the sample [35]. Information is acquired by monitoring the current
as the tip's position scans across the surface, and is usually displayed in image form.
STM requires extremely clean and stable surfaces, sharp tips, excellent vibration
control, and sophisticated electronics.

Fig.28: Schematic view of an STM

A schematic view of an STM is given in Fig. 28. The components of an STM

include scanning tip, piezoelectric controlled height and x,y scanner, coarse sample-
to-tip control, vibration isolation system, and computer [36]. The tip is often made of
tungsten or platinum-iridium, though gold is also used. Tungsten tips are usually made
by electrochemical etching, and platinum-iridium tips by mechanical shearing.
In actul operation of an STM, change in current with respect to the position of
the tip can be measured itself, or the height, z, of the tip corresponding to a constant
current can be measured. These two modes are called constant height mode and
constant current mode, respectively. In constant current mode, feedback electronics
adjust the height by a voltage to the piezoelectric height control mechanism [36]. This
leads to a height variation and thus the image comes from the tip topography across
the sample and gives a constant charge density surface; this means contrast on the
image is due to variations in charge density [37]. In constant height mode, the voltage
and height are both held constant while the current changes to keep the voltage from
changing; this leads to an image made of current changes over the surface, which can
be related to charge density [37]. The benefit of using a constant height mode is that it
is faster, as the piezoelectric movements require more time to register the change in
constant current mode than the voltage response in constant height mode [37]. All
images produced by STM are grayscale, with color optionally added in post-
processing in order to visually emphasize important features. The STM can be used
not only in ultra high vacuum but also in air, water, and various other liquid or gas
ambients, and at temperatures ranging from near zero kelvin to a few hundred degrees
Celsius [35].
A good resolution for an STM is considered to be 0.1 nm lateral resolution and
0.01 nm depth resolution [38]. With this resolution, individual atoms within a sample
can easily be imaged and manipulated. The resolution of an image is limited by the
radius of curvature of the scanning tip. Additionally, image artifacts can occur if the
tip has two tips at the end rather than a single atom; this leads to double-tip
imaging, a situation in which both tips contribute to the tunneling. Therefore it has

been essential to develop processes for consistently obtaining sharp, usable tips.
Recently, carbon nanotubes have been used in this instance [39].
Due to the extreme sensitivity of tunnel current to height, proper vibration
isolation or an extremely rigid STM body is imperative for obtaining usable results. In
the first STM by Binnig and Rohrer, magnetic levitation was used to keep the STM
free from vibrations; now mechanical spring or gas spring systems are often used.

Two STM images are shown in Figs.29, 30.

Fig.29: STM image of reconstruction on a clean gold (100) surface

Fig.30: STM image of self-assembled supra-molecular chains of the organic

semiconductor quinacridone on graphite

In addition to scanning across the sample, information on the electronic

structure at a given location in the sample can be obtained by sweeping voltage and
measuring current at a specific location. This type of measurement is called scanning
tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and typically results in a plot of the local density of
states as a function of energy within the sample. The advantage of STM over other
measurements of the density of states lies in its ability to make extremely local
measurements: for example, the density of states at an impurity site can be compared
to the density of states far from impurities [40]. Framerates of at least 1 Hz enable so
called Video-STM (up to 50 Hz is possible) [41,42]. This can be used to scan surface
diffusion [43].
Many other microscopy techniques have been developed based upon STM.
These include photon scanning microscopy (PSTM), which uses an optical tip to
tunnel photons; scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP), which measures electric
potential across a surface; spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SPSTM),
which uses a ferromagnetic tip to tunnel spin-polarized electrons into a magnetic

sample [44], and atomic force microscopy (AFM), in which the force caused by
interaction between the tip and sample is measured.

9. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) differs from the STM in that what is
being measured is the force between the sample and the tip. Since no electric current
is involved, the tip/sample does not have to be metallic. There are two modes of
operation: (1) Contact Mode where the sample-tip distance is so small that the
important force is the core-core repulsive one. (2) Non-contact mode where the force
is the van der Walls one. It can achieve a resolution of ~1nm. The AFM can scan both
hard and soft samples in ambient air or in a fluid environment. A block diagram to
illustrate the principle of operation of AFM given in Fig.31.

Fig.31: Block diagram of atomic force microscope

The atomic force microscope (AFM), or scanning force microscope (SFM) as

it is called sometimes, is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy,
with a resolution of fraction of a nanometer. The information is gathered by "feeling"
the surface with a mechanical probe. Piezoelectric elements that facilitate tiny but
accurate and precise movements in response to an electric command enable a very
precise scanning. The atom at the apex of the tip "senses" individual atoms on the
underlying surface when it forms incipient chemical bonds with each atom. Because
these chemical interactions subtly alter the tip's vibration frequency, they can be
detected and mapped. This principle was used to distinguish between atoms of silicon,
tin and lead on an alloy surface [45]. It is one of the foremost tools for imaging,
measuring, and manipulating matter at the nanoscale. One such example is given in

Fig.32: The atoms of a sodium chloride crystal viewed with an atomic force

There are two types of operation in AFM. They are illustrated in Fig. 33 and
briefly described below.

Fig.33: AFM Modes of operation

Contact Mode: The first and foremost mode of operation, contact mode is
widely used. As the tip is raster-scanned across the surface, it is deflected as it moves
over the surface corrugation. In constant force mode, the tip is constantly adjusted to
maintain a constant deflection, and therefore constant height above the surface. It is
this adjustment that is displayed as data. However, the ability to track the surface in
this manner is limited by the feedback circuit. Sometimes the tip is allowed to scan
without this adjustment, and one measures only the deflection. This is useful for
small, high-speed atomic resolution scans, and is known as variable-deflection mode.
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) measures frictional forces on a surface. By
measuring the twist of the cantilever, rather than merely its deflection, one can
qualitatively determine areas of higher and lower friction.

Non-contact mode: Non-contact mode belongs to a family of AC modes,

which refers to the use of an oscillating cantilever. A stiff cantilever is oscillated in the
attractive regime, meaning that the tip is quite close to the sample, but not touching it

(hence, non-contact). The forces between the tip and sample are quite low, on the
order of pN (10 -12 N). The detection scheme is based on measuring changes to the
resonant frequency or amplitude of the cantilever.

10. Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Technique

Focused ion beam is a system consisting of a SEM and a scanning gallium ion
beam. This system can be used for a number of micro/nanometer scale machining
tasks, from sample preparation for TEM analysis, to micromachining and repairing
MEMS. It is useful in analyzing layered structures. An FIB setup is shown in Fig.34.
It resembles a SEM. However, while the SEM uses a focused beam of electrons to
image the sample in the chamber, an FIB setup instead uses a focused beam of ions.
FIB can also be incorporated in a system with both electron and ion beam columns,
allowing the same feature to be investigated using either of the beams.

Fig.34: Photograph of a FIB workstation

Most FIB instruments use liquid-metal ion sources (LMIS), especially gallium
ion sources. Ion sources based on elemental gold and iridium are also available. In a
gallium LMIS, gallium metal is placed in contact with a tungsten needle and heated.
Gallium wets the tungsten, and a huge electric field (greater than 10 8 volts per cm)
causes ionization and field emission of the gallium atoms. Source ions are then
accelerated to an energy of 5-50 keV and focused onto the sample by electrostatic
lenses. LMIS produce high current density ion beams with very small energy spread.
A modern FIB can deliver tens of nanoampers of current to a sample, or can image the
sample with a spot size on the order of a few nanometers. The principle of FIB is
shown in Fig.35.

Fig.35: The
principle of FIB

As the diagram shows, the gallium (Ga+) primary ion beam hits the sample
surface and sputters a small amount of material, which leaves the surface as either
secondary ions (i+ or i-) or neutral atoms (n 0). The primary beam also produces
secondary electrons (e-). As the primary beam rasters on the sample surface, the signal
from the sputtered ions or secondary electrons is collected to form an image.
At low primary beam currents, very little material is sputtered; modern FIB
systems can easily achieve 5 nm imaging resolution (world record: 2.5 nm with Cobra
FIB from Orsay Physics). At higher primary currents, a great deal of material can be
removed by sputtering, allowing precision milling of the specimen down to a sub
micron scale.
If the sample is non-conductive, a low energy electron flood gun can be used
to provide charge neutralization. In this manner, by imaging with positive secondary
ions using the positive primary ion beam, even highly insulating samples may be
imaged and milled without a conducting surface coating, unlike in a SEM.
Until recently, the overwhelming usage of FIB has been in the semiconductor
industry. Such applications as defect analysis, circuit modification, mask repair and
transmission electron microscope sample preparation of site specific locations on
integrated circuits have become commonplace procedures. The latest FIB systems
have high resolution imaging capability; this capability coupled with in situ sectioning
has eliminated the need, in many cases, to examine FIB sectioned specimens in the
SEM [46].
The most fundamental difference between FIB and focused electron beam
techniques such as SEM, STEM or EBID is the use of ions instead of electrons, and
this has major consequences for the interactions that occur at the sample surface.
Because ions are much larger than electrons, they cannot penetrate within individual
atoms of the sample. Interaction mainly involves outer shell interaction rsulting in
atomic ionization and breaking of chemical bonds of the substrate atoms. Figs. 36-38
give some examples of FIB applications.

Fig.36: Example of a 3D nanostructure that can be obtained

Fig.37: SEM image of a thin TEM sample milled by FIB

Fig.38: FIB chip repair. The image shows an added Pt stripe through FIB gas
assisted deposition, which serves as electrical connector

FIB is often used in the semiconductor industry to patch or modify an existing

semiconductor device. For example, in an integrated circuit, the gallium beam could
be used to cut unwanted electrical connections, and/or to deposit conductive material
in order to make a connection. The high level of surface interaction is exploited in
patterned doping of semiconductors. FIB is also used for mask-less implantation. An
important application lies in its use to prepare samples for the transmission electron
microscope. TEM requires very thin samples, typically ~100 nanometers. Other
techniques, such as ion milling or electro-polishing can be used to prepare such thin
samples. However, the nanometer-scale resolution of the FIB allows the exact thin
region to be chosen. This is vital, for example, in integrated circuit failure analysis.
FIB preparation can be used with cryogenically frozen samples in a suitably equipped
instrument, allowing cross sectional analysis of samples containing liquids or fats,
such as biological samples, pharmaceuticals, foams, inks, and food products [47].

The drawbacks to FIB sample preparation are the surface damage and
implantation, which produce noticeable effects when using techniques such as high-
resolution "lattice imaging" TEM or electron energy loss spectroscopy. This damaged
layer can be minimized by FIB milling with lower voltages or by further milling with
a low-voltage argon ion beam after completion of the FIB process [48].

11. Facilities Available at the Indian Institute of Science

The Department of Materials Engineering and the Institute Nano Science
Initiative (Nano Centre) at the Indian Institute of Science have the following in-house
facilities established for nanomaterials characterization.
This department has the following Electron Microscopic facilities since 1987,
which are still operational and catering to the user community at IISc and also to
outside researchers for their electron microscopic work for materials characterization:
JEM 2000 Fx-II High Resolution Analytical Transmission Electron
Microscope with EDS and digital storage facility.
JEM 840A Scanning Electron Microscope with EDS.
New addition: Environmental SEM from FEI.
JEM 2000 Fx-II TEM: It is a 200kV Transmission Electron Microscope,
installed in 1993. It has EDS facility, hot stage facility and also it is recently
augmented with a digital storage facility with a CCD camera reducing the
cumbersome dark room job! This facility is maintained by the author and operational
help for outside users is provided by him on prescribed charges by the Institute. It is a
big responsibility to maintain a sophisticated electronic equipment facility as it
involves a lot of work regarding the maintenance of the main equipment, spare parts,
maintenance of accessories like UPS, chiller system, liquid nitrogen for EDS system,
operation schedule and bookings and so on.
JEM 840A SEM: This facility is available since 1987 with EDS and is widely
used by the students for the applications in fractography and failure analysis. Also,
biological and non conducting samples like ceramics are coated with gold sputter
coating unit which is available in the department. This was also under the author for
several years and many of the pictures taken have appeared on the cover pages of
international journals and won prizes in metallography contests. Now, this has also a
digital storage facility.
Environmental SEM from FEI: The department has purchased a new FEI
Quanta environmental SEM and is operation now, catering to the need of a large
number of users.
All the above systems are run on web based booking.


Institute's centre for electron microscopy emerged out of a growing need at
IISc for centralized state-of-the-art facilities for micro-structural characterization.
Since 2004, thanks to generous support from the Institute, Department of Science and
Technology, Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, Department of Atomic
Energy and Defence Research & Development Organization, the centre has installed
the following equipment with a current total value of about Rs 15 crores (US$3.5
million ).
300 kV field emission TEM-STEM with capability for EELS, EDS
200 kV field emission TEM-T20
Cryo-microscopy and HAADF (High angle annular dark field detector)

Field emission SEM with EDS, EBSD and in-situ straining
Single beam FIB
Conventional SEM with lithographic capability
Specimen preparation accessories for sputter deposition, plasma cleaning, ion
milling and dimpling
All machines are networked with the rest of the campus. Users of the Nano
Centre (INI) are drawn from all disciplines at IISc, including engineering, physical,
chemical and biological sciences. The centre maintains UPS and service contracts to
ensure minimum down time. It provides trained operators for each instrument and
conducts periodic training for students to become independent users of the facility
which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For usage of machines, the entire
booking of slots is done online.
Technai F-30 Analytical TEM: The Tecnai F-30 is a 300 kV TEM / STEM
equipped with a schottky field emission source and a point - point resolution of 2.2 A o
with capacity for both analytical materials science as well as cryo-biological
microscopy. It is equipped with following accessories:
Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) for energy loss spectroscopy
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy using ultra thin window detector
Cryo-holder and cryo-finger for tomography/ low temperature microscopy
Heating holder
High angle annular dark field detector
True image and other software for high resolution image processing
Technai G-20 High Resolution TEM: The Tecnai G-20 is a 200 kV TEM
with a W-source and an ultra high resolution pole piece with a point-point resolution
of 1.9 Ao. It is augmented by an EDS System.
Quanta 200 Environmental SEM with EDS: The Quanta LV / ESEM is an
SEM with the capacity for operation at high pressures as well as under environments
such as water vapour. In addition, it is equipped with a standard secondary (Evehat -
Thorley) and splid state scatter detector.
SIRION FEG SEM with EDS and EBSD: The Sirion high resolution SEM
equipped with a schottky field emission source with high voltage variable between
200 V and 300 KV. Detectors include Everhat-Thorley and solid state back scatted
detectors and an in-lens detector for high resolution imaging. Accessories include:
Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis with an ultra thin window detector
Electron back scattering diffraction
In-situ straining stage (Gatan)
e-Beam Lithography and Nano patterning: The Quanta 200 is a standard
SEM equipped with software (NABITY) for e-beam lithography and a secondary
electron detector.
Focused Ion Beam (FIB): The focused ion beam machining system is a
Strada 201 from FEI which has the capability to carry out ion-assisted platinum
deposition and iodine-enhanced etching in addition to the usual gallium ion micro-
machining and secondary electron imaging.

In this paper, characterization techniques with special reference to electron
microscopic techniques for nano material characterization have been elucidated with
typical examples and applications. Also, sample preparation techniques for
observation of materials in SEM and TEM have been discussed. The electron
microscope equipment and related facilities available at Indian Institute of Science

have been mentioned. Besides bringing out the applications of these techniques with
supporting pictures from the literature, the authors own studies with some typical
examples of pictures taken using the SEM and TEM are presented. It is hoped that
the examples presented in this paper represent useful application of modern imaging
techniques in solving materials science and engineering problems in nanotechnology.

The author would like to thank Prof. D.H. Sastry, formerly with the
Department of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, for fruitful discussions and
help during the preparation of this paper.

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