This document contains 15 questions about digital systems and binary numbers. The questions cover topics such as:
- Converting between decimal, binary, ternary, and other base systems
- Obtaining 1's, 2's, 9's and 10's complements of binary and decimal numbers
- Representing decimal numbers using binary coded decimal, excess-3, weighted binary codes, and determining parity bits
- Interpreting the contents of a register based on different coding systems
- Determining weighted binary codes that satisfy requirements for obtaining complements
This document contains 15 questions about digital systems and binary numbers. The questions cover topics such as:
- Converting between decimal, binary, ternary, and other base systems
- Obtaining 1's, 2's, 9's and 10's complements of binary and decimal numbers
- Representing decimal numbers using binary coded decimal, excess-3, weighted binary codes, and determining parity bits
- Interpreting the contents of a register based on different coding systems
- Determining weighted binary codes that satisfy requirements for obtaining complements
This document contains 15 questions about digital systems and binary numbers. The questions cover topics such as:
- Converting between decimal, binary, ternary, and other base systems
- Obtaining 1's, 2's, 9's and 10's complements of binary and decimal numbers
- Representing decimal numbers using binary coded decimal, excess-3, weighted binary codes, and determining parity bits
- Interpreting the contents of a register based on different coding systems
- Determining weighted binary codes that satisfy requirements for obtaining complements
This document contains 15 questions about digital systems and binary numbers. The questions cover topics such as:
- Converting between decimal, binary, ternary, and other base systems
- Obtaining 1's, 2's, 9's and 10's complements of binary and decimal numbers
- Representing decimal numbers using binary coded decimal, excess-3, weighted binary codes, and determining parity bits
- Interpreting the contents of a register based on different coding systems
- Determining weighted binary codes that satisfy requirements for obtaining complements
Ques2: Convert the decimal number 250.5 to base 3, base 4, base 7, base 8, and base 16. Ques3: Convert the following decimal numbers to binary: 12.0625, 104, 673.23, 1999. Ques4: Convert the following numbers to decimal: (a) (1001001.011)2 (b) (12121)3 (c) (1032.2)4 (d) (4310)5 (e) (0.342)6 (f) (50)7 (g) (8.3)9 (h) (198)12 Ques5: Obtain 1s and 2s Complement of the following binary numbers: 1010101, 0111000, 0000001, 10000, 00000. Ques6: Obtain 9s and 10s Complement of the following decimal numbers: 13579, 099000, 90090, 10000, 00000. Ques7: Find the 10s complement of (935)11. Ques8: Perform the subtraction with the following decimal numbers using (1) 10s Complement and (2) 9s Complement. Check the answers by straight subtraction. (a) 5250-321 (b) 753-864 (c) 3570-2100 (d) 20-1000 Ques9: Perform the subtraction with the following binary numbers using (1) 2s Complement and (2) 1s Complement. Check the answer by straight subtraction. (a) 11010-1101 (b) 11010-10000 (c) 10010-10011 (d) 100-110000 Ques10: Represent the decimal number 8620 (a) in BCD, (b) in excess-3, (c) in 2 4 2 1 , and (d) as a binary number. Ques11: Determine the odd parity bit generated when the message consists of the ten decimal digits in the 8 4 -2 -1 code. Ques12: Obtain the weighted binary code for the base-12 digits using weights of 5421. Ques13: Obtain the binary code to represent all base-6 digits so that the 5s complement is obtained by replacing 1s by 0s and 0s by 1s in the bits of the code. Ques14: The state of a 12-cell register is 010110010111. What is its content if it represents (a) 295 in BCD, (b) 295 in excess-3, (c) 295 in 2 4 2 1 code, and (d) in 8 4 -2 -1 code. Ques15: For the weighted codes (a) 3 3 2 1 and (b) 4 4 3 -2 for the decimal digits, determine all possible tables so that the 9s complement of each decimal digit is obtained by changing 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s.