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Wideband Star-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1, 61-68, 2008

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol.

1, 61–68, 2008



M. Abbaspour and H. R. Hassani

Electrical Engineering Department
Shahed University
Tehran, Iran

Abstract—A new wideband and small size star shaped patch antenna
fed capacitively by a small diamond shape patch is proposed. To
enhance the impedance bandwidth, posts are incorporated under the
patch antenna. HFSS high frequency simulator is employed to analyze
the proposed antenna and simulated results on the return loss, the E-
and H-plane radiation patterns and Gain of the proposed antenna are
presented at various frequencies. The antenna is able to achieve in the
range of 4–8.8 GHz an impedance bandwidth of 81% for return loss of
less than −10 dB.


Conventional microstrip antennas in general have a conducting

patch printed on a grounded microwave substrate, and have the
attractive features of low profile, light weight, easy fabrication, and
conformability to mounting hosts. However, microstrip antennas
inherently have a narrow bandwidth and bandwidth enhancement is
usually demanded for practical applications. In addition, applications
in present-day mobile communication systems usually require smaller
antenna size in order to meet the miniaturization requirements of
mobile units. Thus, bandwidth enhancement and size reduction
are becoming major design considerations for practical applications
of microstrip antennas [1]. Many techniques such as meandered
ground plane [2], slot-loading [3, 4], stacked shorted patch [5], feed
modification [6], chip loading [7] and teardrop dipole in an open sleeve
structure [8] have been reported to achieve wideband and to reduce
the size of microstrip antennas. In addition, the bandwidth of the
patch antenna can be increased by using air substrates, [9]. Another
method of increasing the impedance bandwidth of a patch antenna
62 Abbaspour and Hassani

is to use shorting posts between the patch and the ground plane.
The performance of such structures depend on parameters such as the
number of the posts used, the radius of each post and the height of
the posts (the thickness of the substrate) [10]. In [11], a star shaped
microstrip patch with corners shaped and fed by a rectangular patch
showed a bandwidth of around 63%.
In this paper, a wideband microstrip antenna in the shape of a
novel star shaped patch loaded with shorting posts and capacitive fed
by a small diamond shaped patch is presented. The dimension of the
patch and the parameters of the shorting posts are optimized to obtain
an efficient design leading to the highest possible impedance bandwidth
in the range of 4 to 8.8 GHz, i.e., 81% of the centre frequency.


Figure 1 shows the process of building the new star shaped patch
antenna. The proposed antenna shape is based on a hexagonal patch
in which 6 smaller hexagonal are cut from the edges. To increase the
bandwidth of the antenna four shorting posts are added under the
patch. The antenna is capacitive fed by a diamond shape patch that is
connected to a coaxial feed. Fig. 2 shows the geometry of the complete
The star-shaped patch is separated from the ground plane with
an air-filled substrate. The specification of the proposed antenna is
present in Table 1.

Figure 1. Process of building the star shaped patch antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1, 2008 63

Figure 2. Geometry of proposed antenna with the diamond shaped

feed patch.

Table 1. Specification of the proposed antenna in mm.

W1 W2 P H X X1 X2 Y1 Y2 R
23.5 11.5 5 8 5.7 4.5 2 4 8 1.5


The antenna performance has been investigated through simulation via

a Finite Element program, HFSS. The simulated result for the return
loss is shown in Fig. 3. Based on a −10 dB return loss, 81% impedance
bandwidth (in the frequency range of 4 to 8.8 GHz) is obtained.
It has to be mentioned that various shapes of the feed patch
were used (circular, rectangular . . . ) but through simulation it was
found that the present diamond shape patch gives the best impedance
bandwidth result.
Through simulation it has been noticed that two of the most
important parameters that affects the bandwidth performance of the
antenna are W 1, the star shaped patch diameter, and R, the diameter
of the posts. Small variations on the rest of the parameters of the
antenna do not significantly affect the antenna performance. Variation
of return loss against slight changes on W 1 from 22 to 23 mm is shown
in Fig. 4. It is noticed that the highest bandwidth is achievable when
W 1 is equal to 22 mm leading to 81% impedance bandwidth.
Figure 5 shows the return loss with and without the posts.
64 Abbaspour and Hassani

From this figure it is obvious that without posts, we have 23% of

bandwidth. When the posts are added to the structure, the percentage
of bandwidth increases. For diameter of the posts, R, equal to 1.5 mm

Figure 3. Return loss of the proposed antenna. W 1 = 22 mm,

W 2 = 11.5 mm, P = 5 mm, H = 8 mm, X = 5.7 mm, X1 = 4.5 mm,
X2 = 2 mm, Y 1 = 4 mm, Y 2 = 8 mm and R = 1.5 mm.

Figure 4. The Return loss of the antenna for various values of patch
diameter, W 1. W 2 = 11.5 mm, P = 5 mm, H = 8 mm, X = 5.7 mm,
X1 = 4.5 mm, X2 = 2 mm, Y 1 = 4 mm, Y 2 = 8 mm and R = 1.5 mm.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1, 2008 65

the bandwidth is 81%, while for diameter of 1 mm the bandwidth

reduces to 73%.
To confirm the simulation results of Fig. 3 which where obtained
through HFSS method, a second powerful computer package of CST

Figure 5. Return Loss of the antenna for various diameters of the

posts. W 1 = 22 mm, W 2 = 11.5 mm, P = 5 mm, H = 8 mm,
X = 5.7 mm, X1 = 4.5 mm, X2 = 2 mm, Y 1 = 4 mm, Y 2 = 8 mm.

Figure 6. Comparison of the S11 obtained through HFSS and CST.

W 1 = 22 mm, W 2 = 11.5 mm, P = 5 mm, H = 8 mm, X = 5.7 mm,
X1 = 4.5 mm, X2 = 2 mm, Y 1 = 4 mm, Y 2 = 8 mm and R = 1.5 mm.
66 Abbaspour and Hassani




Figure 7. E & H-plane radiation pattern (a) at 4 GHz, (b) at 6 GHz,

(c) at 8 GHz.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 1, 2008 67

has also been used. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of S11 of this antenna
with HFSS and CST.
For the structure shown in Fig. 2, the simulation of the radiation
pattern over the frequency range of 4 to 8.8 GHz has also been done.
Fig. 7 Shows the simulated E- and H-plane patterns at 4, 6 and 8 GHz
including both Co- and Cross-polarizations.

Figure 8. Gain of the proposed antenna at various frequencies.

Figure 8 shows the antenna gain over the entire frequency range
from 4 GHz to 10 GHz.


A novel wideband and small size star-shaped microstrip antenna

including simple feed structure is presented. The proposed antenna
has a 81% bandwidth over the frequencies 4–8.8 GHz. It has good
cross polarization level and uniform H-plane pattern over the wireless
communication band. It has more bandwidth and has a smaller surface
area than similar designs reported in the literature.


1. Wong, K. L., Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas, John

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2. Kuo, J. S. and K. L. Wong, “A compact microstrip antenna with
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Letter, Vol. 29, 95–97, April 20, 2001.
68 Abbaspour and Hassani

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6. Ge, Y., K. P. Esselle, and T. S. Bird, “A broadband E-shaped
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Opt. Tech. Letter, Vol. 42, No. 2, July 20, 2004.
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Microwave Opt. Techno. Lett., Vol. 17, 53–55, Jan. 1998.
8. Chen, K., X. Chen, and K. Huang, “A novel microstrip dipole
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9. Ayoub, A. F. A., “Analysis of rectangular microstrip antennas
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11. Mirzapour, B. and H. R. Hassani, “Wideband and small size star-
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